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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 389 KB, 950x930, aq2vga30kmjc1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16035048 No.16035048 [Reply] [Original]

The science has been settled.

>> No.16035049

>another Daily Mail thread
>oh but I linked to a bloomberg article this time, even though the OP pic is from the Daily Mail
not like Bloomberg is any better but at least you tried

>> No.16035076 [DELETED] 

>only 691% greater chance of heart attack
That sounds like a lot though.

>> No.16035120
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>> No.16035147

>The Daily Mail says the Earth is round therefore it must be flat, all other sources are now irrelevant.
Try using more than one brain cell at a time.

>> No.16035183
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That is why a true Christian never trusts the words of a demon, instead they shoot at the demon until the abomination stops making noises.

>> No.16036111

Nobody cares vaxxtard go back to twitter

>> No.16037335 [DELETED] 
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>> No.16037875
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Total Vaxxie Death

>> No.16037975

k I'll add two more weeks to the mass deaths calendar

>> No.16039354


>> No.16040183

how and why does the covid vaccine cause increased risk of all those different medical conditions?

>> No.16041151 [DELETED] 


>> No.16041790

even the far left globohomo media is reporting this, but the people who voluntarily submitted themselves to the vax are still massively in denial over what they did to themselves

>> No.16043107

vaxxxies don't want to discuss that

>> No.16043632
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OP is mainly about heart conditions, but thats not the only health problem the vax causes

>> No.16043708

When science 3 years ago said that vaccines are GOOD
>That's right chuddy, take your vax and take your boosters, science said so, and it's SETTELD!
When science now said that OOPS, the vax was actually POISON and it KILLS you
>Ehmm... actually, it's heckin' wrong, you got a source for that? And no, that peer reviewed scientific journal with 100 million vaxxies studied is fake news buddy, because I SAID SO!

Why is it ALWAYS like this?

>> No.16043712

It takes a while for the new current thing to be programmed into the npc.

>> No.16044796

It doesn't take all that long, their phone program them very rapidly. You can get them to spout any new lie in under 24hr

>> No.16045501

>NOOOOOOO!!! I'm too smart to ever get tricked or make a mistake
>I'm perfect!!!

>> No.16045717


its interesting the way the media outlets downplay it by describing it as a 'small' increase in health complications. If the vaxx were something globohomo disapproved of the headline would be "STUDY FINDS SIXFOLD INCREASE IN POTENTIALLY FATAL HEART PROBLEMS !!!!!"
This is a good example of media bias and spin.

>> No.16046514


>> No.16046682

>covid is 4 times more likely
>completely different profile by age
Never forget these jews injected children for profit.

>> No.16046974

You forgot the Physicccs Gurl Diana

>> No.16047445

Cytotoxic spikes in ace2 organs

>> No.16048191

This 38 minute video shows 763 different people dying from the vaccine.

>> No.16048250
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>> No.16048523

What a wonderful system we have that protects our rights long after they've been violated.

>> No.16048532

If you dont fight it, they will trample on down

>> No.16048536 [DELETED] 

This is why you shoot politicians and bureaucrats as soon as they step out of line. It's simple, you just shoot them and don't let them get away with it. Oh wait, but you let them take away all your guns...

>> No.16048545

How many politicians and bureaucrats were shot in Ameristan?

>> No.16048547

What's the baseline?

>> No.16048559 [DELETED] 

None, unfortunately, and that's a problem. But at least they have the tools to do so if they would just wake the fuck up.

>> No.16049640

good video

>> No.16050002

post the fucking links
COVID-19 vaccines and adverse events of special interest: A multinational Global Vaccine Data Network (GVDN) cohort study of 99 million vaccinated individuals

>study on 99 million patients
>confirmed pre-established safety signals for myocarditis, pericarditis, Guillain-Barré syndrome, and cerebral venous sinus thrombosis

>> No.16051137

politicians don't go outside in public unless they have a wall of security personnel

>> No.16051396 [DELETED] 

So they should do that whole January 6th thing, but this time bring their guns.

>> No.16051422

I was murdered in the great winter of mass death prophesied by head of science and reality, Joe Biden

>> No.16051529
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>> No.16051544 [DELETED] 

Did you get your latest covid booster? Oh, why not? I'd like a scientific explanation for your reasoning, anon.

>> No.16051550

No I beat the covid throught the miracle of modern medicine that is orange juice and chicken soup. Never masked, never tested, never jabbed, never bothered, never backed down.
You may have misunderstood the gif I posted.

>> No.16051572 [DELETED] 

I did misunderstand. My bad. Good for you, anon.

>> No.16052583
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oy vay dats so antisemitic!!

>> No.16052594
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>Chicken soup, Sprite and dextromethorpan
This is the way anon.

>> No.16053674


>> No.16055104
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>> No.16055158
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Doubt every school board member who voted to mask your children until they voted to shut down the schools and then voted to keep them masked when they finally reopened them again, has a security detail.

>> No.16055161 [DELETED] 

I like where you're going with this

>> No.16055955

good pic, thanks for posting it

>> No.16055966

Don't get too excited, I'm not calling for violence, just pointing out that lots of what happened was done by local officials and they're much easier to defeat than those at the state and national level. People who claim politicians are invincible are wrong at the local level. You can get them out of office and shame them in the process for having gone along with the insanity. Hopefully it will make future office holders aware that they're not mini-presidents, they're members of the local community and must listen to locals, not the ideologues spewing garbage from DC.

>> No.16057331

Why is Tennessee so based?

>> No.16057336

Literally me after the 2nd Murderna dose

>> No.16057403 [DELETED] 

I'm calling for violence

>> No.16058368
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>> No.16059355

Stop with the fucking vaxx threads

>> No.16060747
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what are you going to do about it?

>> No.16061815

>brain swelling
theres a lot of people with that on /sci/

>> No.16062474


>> No.16063731

Racism, sexism and antisemitism

>> No.16063748

>Waah wah wahhhh, I don't want to be constantly reminded of my shitty and irrational decisions

No refunds.

>> No.16064644

Soup is good, I eat it when I'm healthy too

>> No.16065703

People that were vax'd have to pay a higher rate for life insurance

>> No.16066942
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>> No.16067702

its a hot topic in contemporary science, why are you even on the science board?

>> No.16068269

He doesn't want to be reminded of the utterly useless and irrational decision he made to get an experimental mRNA gene therapy for the coof because the TV man told him to. He lives in deep regret and wishes everybody would just move on so he doesn't have to think about it, but some of us are not ready to just move on.

>> No.16068792

That seems like the most reasonable explanation

>> No.16070017


>> No.16070328

Every time you address a vaxxie, you're conceding that they're still alive. You lost.

>> No.16070335

Everyone knows you went and voted for a vaxxed and boosted guy, retard. Suddenly your anti-vax takes on safety and muh sudden death went out the window, didn't they?

>> No.16070343

they're too low-iq to realize this

>> No.16070346

the vaccines weren't dangerous, it was just a marketing scheme. they made billions

>> No.16070352

good point - it's amazing how many anti-vaxxers on twitter are full maga2024. hey, I thought trump wouldn't be healthy enough to serve another term because he got da 5g juice. what happened, anti-vaxxies?

>> No.16070355
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It's over, I took 2 doses.

>> No.16070360

>still extremely rare
dumb rednecks btfo

>> No.16070361
File: 57 KB, 652x826, 1710118017514572.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not American, you absolutely pathetic, politically-weaponized morons. Rent free. No refunds. Now, did you get your 9th booster? Oh, why not? You're not some kind of antivaxxer are you? How are all-cause excess mortality rates looking in your country? I'll tell you: not good.

>> No.16070364

Same fag. Just look at the activity of this thread, and how close together these responses are.

Cope and seethe. No refunds.

>> No.16070374

I didn't get it because I don't get flu shots either

my mom cried her eyes out and begged me to get it because she didn't want me to die. my siblings called me retarded. my uncle offered me $1000 to get it. still didn't do it.

I still don't think it's dangerous though. I think it's just for money and social control

>> No.16070382

So explain the epidemic of excess mortalities in highly vaccinated countries compared to countries with low vaccine uptake.

>I still don't think it's dangerous though
Right, so turning your cells into Wuhan strain spike protein factories for an indefinite period of time, circulating pathogenic spike proteins throughout your organ systems causing untold inflammatory damage, to provoke a weak and rapidly waning immune response against a rapidly mutating, low-mortality upper-respiratory system virus is safe, let alone rational?

>> No.16070411

>people flock to bumped threads
>must be samefagging
you're one dumb person lmao

>> No.16070413

Nobody's flocking to any thread today, dumb fuck. You're a samefag. Now fuck off and don't forget to get boosted, antivaxxer.

>> No.16070417

Why would "they" want to depopulate the most obedient herd animals?

>> No.16070418

put a bullet in your schizo head.
I know what I've posted and what I haven't, and you're completely powerless to change the fact that I know you're wrong and am laughing at your garbage mind. cope and seethe that you can't change what I know.

>> No.16070420

Where did I ever mention "them," or depopulation?

>> No.16070421

nah its a combination of targeted bumping because some posters really want to keep talking about covid. Even though no one really cares anymore.
But if I see a covid thread on top I'll check it out because I really want to see total vaxxie death. Fuck the government for working together with media and gaslighting the public that you 'needed' a vaxx against a fucking cold.

>> No.16070425

Look at this mentally ill faggot.

By the way, did you get your latest covid booster? Oh, why not? You're not some kind of antivaxxer, are you?

>> No.16070427

No, in this case it's definitely a triggered samefag who posted four comments in less than five minutes. No refunds.

>> No.16070429

>mad that nothing he says can change the fact that I KNOW he's a schizo retard

>> No.16070434

>No refunds.
Thank you for again conceding that I'm still alive.

>> No.16070440

>Multiple regression analysis, after adjusting for life expectancy at birth, confirmed a significant association between higher vaccination coverage and lower all-cause mortality rates
What's your response to that?

>> No.16070445

they don't care. they'll trot out the same tired 60iq flawed reasoning tomorrow. they aren't intelligent people. their entire strategy is trying to fatigue people into not bothering to counter their 60iq bullshit for the 10,000th time. they declare victory when people avoid engaging with them like a bad smell. they are, at the end of the day, stupid and will always be stupid, desperately clamoring for the attention of their intellectual superiors but receiving nothing but scorn.

>> No.16070449

Stop samefagging and contain your responses to one post.

>What's your response to that?
See >>16070361

Explain why certain countries are seeing enormous, unprecedented (based on a 2015-2019) excess mortality rates in 2023 (and post-2020 generally) compared to countries with much lower covid vaccine uptake.

No refunds.

>> No.16070452

Samefag. He's now triggered that he's been called for being a samefag.

Yet still, you haven't answered my very simple question, have you or have you not stayed up-to-date on your covid boosters? Why not? What's the harm?

>> No.16070453

see >>16070429

>> No.16070455

>Explain why certain countries are seeing enormous, unprecedented (based on a 2015-2019) excess mortality rates in 2023 (and post-2020 generally) compared to countries with much lower covid vaccine uptake.
That's not what the studies like the one I posted are finding. Quite the opposite, in fact. You seem to be imagining things.

>> No.16070456

I don't have to say anything, I can just refer you to the data, which you have yet to address.

Explain why Canada saw a 16.81% excess mortality rate, population adjusted, based on the 2015-2019 baseline, in our post-pandemic year of 2023, the highest of all OECD countries.

>> No.16070458

>This study aimed to investigate the relationship between COVID-19 vaccination coverage and all-cause excess mortality in 178 nations during the first two years of the pandemic.

It's 2024, anon, and the data I provided covers the years 2020-2023. Just fucking kill yourself. You don't even read the studies you source. No refunds.

Now refute why the all-cause excess mortality rates look the way they do in 2023 based on the OECD data I sourced.

>> No.16070464

Why is this guy responding to other people about the study I posted instead of to me? Is he trying to feed his "samefagging" paranoia?

>> No.16070465

Sorry, meant to reply to this moron >>16070455

>> No.16070466

See >>16070465

Now answer my questions. And address why you're referencing a study limited the Years 2020-2021 to refute excess mortality rates in 2023, you disingenuous, retarded faggot.

>> No.16070475

Nobody is disputing the raw excess-death data. You've decided that the cause must be the vax. That's a non sequitur. You also seem very emotional. I'll let you keep doing your thing.

>> No.16070481

I've never stated that the cause of the excess mortality rates are the mRNA gene therapy, I've simply pointed out the correlation between countries with high covid vaccine uptake and high excess mortality, and countries with lower covid vaccine uptake and lower excess mortality, and mocked you for ever consenting to it take said "vaccine."

I also asked you if you've stayed up-to-date on your covid boosters, which you refuse to answer (I wonder why).

Now just fuck off. No refunds.

>> No.16070490

>You also seem very emotional
Nice projection, faggot. See:

That's you, faggot.

>> No.16070533

Is there ever going to be a way you can reverse the effects of the vaccine or is everybody just fucked

>> No.16070541

Depends on the type of injury. Inflammatory damage caused by the spike protein? To the liver? Yes. To the heart and brain? No. Immune system priming? You are fucked. Enjoy your constant and worsening covid reinfection.

>> No.16070543

I never got it, I was just wondering how many people are not going to make it

>> No.16070557

Millions have died as a direct result so far (reflected in all-cause excess mortality rates, particularly cardiovascular-related deaths, post-2021), though obviously their deaths weren't record as vaccine-related, and millions more will succumb in the coming years and decades. Inflammatory damage severely hinders organ function in the long term even if it doesn't kill you right away (think myocarditis in young people). Also the immune priming (Original Antigenic Sin) will cause years of continuous covid infection in those who recieved the vaccine, as well as opportunistic infection from other viruses on their weakened immune systems. It's going to be a fun ride, so stock up on popcorn

>> No.16070578

Let’s say pharma wouldn’t kill someone if they tried to develop a cure to these symptoms, how would they do it? A better way to phrase it being how would you stop or even cure these symptoms?

>> No.16070609

There will be no cure, but just like with HIV/AIDS, they will develop drugs that slowly poison you while convincing you you're being treated for your illness. Think AZT. They've already begun this process with Remdesivir and Paxlovid (Paxlovid utilizes ritonavir, a protease inhibitor used to treat HIV).