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File: 74 KB, 800x425, 800px-Schrodingers_cat_svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1603484 No.1603484 [Reply] [Original]

Someone explain Schrodinger's Cat to me in words I can understand. Im not a physicist, but it intrigues me.

>> No.1603496

a quantum event makes the cat die or not die.

you can only know by looking at it

the event doesnt take place until you do look at it

you looking at it effects whether it takes place or not

until you look at it, we can think of the cat as being both alive and dead as the same time.

quantum particles can be in many places at once, but we affect where they are by looking at them forcing them to be in one of the places they can be in based on probability, it's designed to make people understand this

>> No.1603495

I don`t mean to be rude but the cat analogy already IS the dumbed down version for non-physicists

>> No.1603505

An object, unobserved, has both the state A and B. It is only until the object is observed that we determine if it is in state A or state B. Thus, observation itself changes the outcome of an experiment.

>> No.1603504

It is a thought experiment that shows how crazy quantum mechanics are. Long story short a cat is put into a box and has a 50/50 chance of dying after a certain period of time. Quantum mechanics tells us that the cat is half dead, and half alive until someone checks.
again thats the basics of it, the chance of the cat living or dying is based on a half life of an atom.

>> No.1603510

Great podcast explaining the Cat thought exercise:
Stuff You Should Know. Listen to episode "How Quantum Suicide Works" 8/3/2010

>> No.1603526

>in words I can understand.


>> No.1603569



>> No.1603570


Schoedingers cat is actually one of the early instances of scientists flipping the intellectual bird to statistically "normal" people. Simply put, too many people asked Erwin all those retarded questions about "When da teleportation gittin' here? Ya dun promised us dem teleportationers!" that he instead deflected everything into the pointless side example of the quasi-dead cat. Unfortunately, human intellectual standards have since declined, as clearly illustrated by the fact that Schroedinger's Cat persists as an effective intellectual bird even into present times, whereas more recent attempts have failed.

>> No.1603577

It is basically Schrondinger bring the idea of quantum mechanics to the macro world. Nothing important is actually deduced from it.

>> No.1603593

That's a pretty good podcast for any /sci/entist to listen to.

>> No.1603601

Schrodinger came up with the idea of a superpositioned cat as a way of saying, "This interpretation of quantum mechanics is crazy! Cats can't be both alive and dead at the same time."

Stupid people today read it and think, "Damn, quantum mechanics says my cat can be alive and dead at the same time! Neat!"

>> No.1603602


>>human intellectual standards have since declined

>>[citation needed]

>> No.1603612

ok imagine u got this cat right? and u put it in the box with the poison etc. u know so the kitty can either die or not die right? those are the two possibilities...so u put the cat in the box and wait 60 minutes. and u woul only know if shes dead or alive when u open the box after those mins are ovra . so at the 38th lets say minute someone comes in and asks u 'is the cat dead or alive' Basically those are the two possibilities but u wouldnt know the result untill after u open the box so u say something like
'duuude both'
the same goes with the quantum particles...they can be at many places at one time but u can only judge where they are by the result/ effect of them hence opening the box.

the very act of observation changes the behaviour of the system and stuff

>> No.1603625
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>> No.1603633
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>> No.1603654

in other words physicists really don't know anything

>> No.1603685
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>> No.1603693

they know more than you ever will herp derp

>> No.1603713

What exactly does "observing" a sub-atomic particle entail? You bombard it with radiation and observe the radiation that bounces back. Now, bombarding a sub-atomic particle with radiation affects that particle - the particle is so small that whatever you throw at it, it affects the particle. So, when you "observe" a sub-atomic particle, what you see is always the particle as it is being affected by the "observation method", by the radiation you're throwing at it.

Imagine a spherical balloon. Imagine your method of observation was punching the balloon. You would always "observe" the balloon as a sphere with an indentation on it from where you punched it. That's not exactly what a balloon is, but observing it would "change the state"...

This is basically true of everything, but on the macroscopic level it doesn't bother us all that much because there is a certain consistency to the universe, things act roughly the same whether we're observing them or not, we can accurately predict their behavior between observations. On the smaller scales, we can't be so sure.

>> No.1603820

good and simple explanation, thx!

>> No.1603857

So basically nothing has changed? Was Schrodinger stupid?

>> No.1603860

can someone move on to quantum suicide?

>> No.1603868

until you look at it, the cat can be in any state. as einstien postulated, observation changes the observed.

as long as the cat is in the box and you can't see it, the cat can be in any state.

>> No.1603879

Same thing as the cat. Put yourself inside a completely isolated box. Slit your throat or not. Since slitting your throat or not are both part of the probability wave dictated by your brain, you have simultaneously done both, and so you are both dead and alive until someone opens the box forcing the wave to collapse to one outcome.

tldr; copenhagen interpretation is bs.

>> No.1603884


>> No.1603891

Schrodinger came up with the theory to mock the physicists who would take it seriously.

Short version is you put the cat in the box with a poison (or acid or something) that has a certain chance of getting released based on the decay of an isotope. The question is whether the cat dies, and whether he was alive or dead before you checked.

The answer, of course, is to ask the cat what he thinks.

>> No.1603887



biology is green and slimy,
chemistry is yellow and smells bad,
physics is bright and doesn't work.

>> No.1603899


It is a metaphor, and analogy, to describe quantum immortality, 'many worlds theory' to idiots.

everything exists. Everything. You can't touch it. When you die, YOU FUCKING DIE. But SOMEWHERE, there is a 'you' who SOMEHOW didn't die.

This is not comforting. This is not religious 'eternal life'.

>> No.1603911


>> No.1603930

or quantum superposition, whatever, same difference, quantum theory is all bullshit anyway.

>> No.1603941


>>quantum theory is all bullshit anyway.

Besides the hundreds of experimentally verified experiments it produces right?

>> No.1603946
File: 54 KB, 300x321, 1267906702074.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>quantum theory is all bullshit

So thats why it predictes things more accuratly then classical physics? You know Quantum Field theory is the most accurate theory ever invented.

Please take your bullshit to /b/

>> No.1603953

How can it "predict" anything?

>> No.1603957

THIS IS NOT AN ACTUAL EXPERIMENT, and is not designed to be such.
Rather, it is an analogy for quantum superposition and the effect of an observer in quantum mechanics

>> No.1603961
File: 32 KB, 800x800, TAU-POWERED BOX FULL OF KITON.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


nope, he just had another approach on what things are made of.

"to be or not to be" is not valid on a quantum universe. things are not 1 or 0.
things can be, instead, like an analogue signal, not definitive.

>> No.1606219

My head is full of limes I can't hold.

>> No.1606227

It can predict the g-factor for the electron and you can calculate it via perturbation theory up to the 15th decimal digit. Then you measure it, and it agrees up to the 15th digit.

>> No.1606228

From what i've read quantum mechanics is just far-fetched interpretations of a single mind boggling experiment

>> No.1606245

Schrodinger's Cat is NOT A REAL EXPERIMENT. It is an attempt to explain the strangeness of quantum superposition (and to be quite honest, a rather poor one, given how frequently misunderstood it is). It anthropomorphizes the physics term "observer" by describing a person not knowing whether the cat is alive or dead inside the box. However, this is not how real quantum superposition works.. an "observer" is not a living person that must open the box or even a camera, but rather any other matter or energy that could come into contact with the superpositioned particle in question and thus collapse its waveform.

In other words, quantum superpositioning is something that only affects particles on the level of the very tiny (usually!*) An actual cat would never enter a superposition of both alive and dead; both the cat, the toxic substance, and the vessels that contain them themselves all act as "observers".

tldr it's just an analogy.

>> No.1606252

High school. Go back to it.

>> No.1606256
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>> No.1606258
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>> No.1606261
File: 15 KB, 450x304, wut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related. It's the "mind boggling experiment".

Also, if quantum mechanics is bullshit then I'd like to see you try and explain how transistors work using Classical Electromagnetic theory.

>> No.1606266


My problem with quantum suicide:

Ok, you have this gun that either fires or doesn't fire based on a quantum measurement with a 50/50 probability. If it fires, you're dead. If it doesn't, you live. Therefore, the experiment comes up with the result "did not fire" every time, from your point of view, because you die in the universe where the result was "did fire."

So, what if, instead, you point the gun at your leg. Now you run the experiment and it fires in one universe but not in the other. Now you exist in two separate universes, crippled in one but unharmed in the other. Your reality is very different in these two universes, but you can't just rule one of them out because you're dead in that one. So how can you be simultaneously aware of two completely different realities?

>> No.1606267


Or how atoms work for that matter.

>> No.1606272

Considering how popular the analogy is it's pretty bad. It's easier to understand what's actually happening by just saying radiation effects the particle you're observing.

>> No.1606274

In the multiverse interpretation of quantum mechanics, basically everytime on atom touches another atom in your body, another version of you is spawned. You are only ever just one of the versions. In ever millisecond, there are billions of other versions of you and the universe that split off.

A little too kooky for me to believe, personally.

>> No.1606361

that doesn't make any fucking sense
But the analogy sounds familiar to another if not the very same concept in quantum mechanics that i know, and much more elegantly put.

Quantum mechanics works because as you get down to that level you can start counting everything quantitatively, the problem is this makes it very had to measure and observe objects because the main way we do that (light) cant get any smaller than a photon, you cant have half a photon, so when you locate the atom its like driving a truck into a tunnel to find another truck, the only way you can locate it is by hearing the crash, but once you hear it, you've changed the object in some way. this is why you have to use predictive methods for quantumn levels.

>> No.1606995

quantum mechanics doesn't real