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/sci/ - Science & Math

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16028947 No.16028947 [Reply] [Original]

Can /sci/ shed some light on the meaning of this?

>> No.16028949

Why does goyslop makes your dick fall off?

>> No.16028964

can you be more specific?

>> No.16028972

>doesn't say the chemical
thanks retard good job retard

>> No.16028982


>> No.16028987

That's the study referenced. It's from March of 2023 so I'm not sure why it has popped up again in the last few days, maybe someone determined it's in Cheerios and Quaker Oats more recently than that?

>> No.16028989
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Basically it's tranny fuel.

>> No.16028992

Why the fuck is this in your food, Americans?
>If we deregulate then the free market will correct itself!

>> No.16029198

What are you talking about glyphosphate is perfectly fine according to EU safety standards?

>> No.16029676 [DELETED] 


>> No.16029684

Ah yes roundup, one of the pesticides raping the nation
but of course it proves the FDA are just more evil jews. But who cares about health right goyim?! drink goy syrup now.

>> No.16029687

You gonna tell >>16029684 the same?

>> No.16029694

>capitalism bad
when will we learn that aggressive competition in a free market is not only NOT freer but extremely dangerous.
I guess we already have learned but the world is just just very stupid and evil

>> No.16029698

Are you stupid you dumbass european!?
literally have more than 1000 brain cells and do 5 minutes of research
regulation will never matter because science does not fucking matter to these people, they want science to be disheveled so it becomes a more effective lying tool. What happens is that it creates a low trust society.
Every regulatory body (FDA) is in on it!
>inb4 muh conspiracy theory
it's a conspiracy fact and the only thing schizophrenic and delusion is believing otherwise.
Regulation is a tool to protect these people, idiot.
God how fucking stupid you are pisses me off. Us Americans are fucking victims, you think we want this shit? We're either too stupid to know better or too demoralized to care anymore.
We're hostages here.

>> No.16029844
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>> No.16030613


>> No.16030616

I would have been more surprised if they released a study showing that there we were eating somthing that didn't increase our chances of infertility.

>> No.16030675

>Us Americans are fucking victims, you think we want this shit?
Not him but fuck off, you're the same damn country that hand waves off obesity rates increasing in your children every year. You're the same damn country that created your own drug/ opioid epidemic just so you can give your parody you call police something to do and jails to fill. You have one of the most expensive health care systems in the world but your life expectancy is no better than fucking Algeria.

How do you expect food companies and health industry to view this and not think you want this?

>> No.16031100
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>> No.16031886

What's the science behind Chlormequat, what does it do? Whats its purpose?
Apparently its a PGR with a fairly low LD50
>Exposure to high levels of chlormequat has been linked to developmental toxicity in animal models.

>> No.16031923

>Regulation is a tool to protect these people, idiot.
As children we rely on our parents, teachers, media, government, doctors and scientists to have our best interest at heart. We were betrayed. Poisoned. Robbed of our potential before we learned that the world is hostile. That's a tramatizing realization. How are you going to protect the majority of children with dumb and poor parents? Never mind: you deregulators are eugenic nazis.

>> No.16031962

Its the vax.

>> No.16032053

>Us Americans are fucking victims
Tell that to the farmers drying wheat with glyphosate so they can bring it to market a week earlier.

>> No.16032058

Nuh uh

>> No.16032176

John Harvey Kellogg is smiling down us. At last, cereal has conquered lust.

>> No.16032241


>> No.16032687

I don’t believe your studies and I don’t believe that business owners would willingly poison purchasers to make a quick short-term buck, when a long-term profit is more financially sound.

>> No.16032720

thanks for proving me right

>> No.16032723

personally I just gave up

>> No.16032726

You're still not telling the right people.

>> No.16032800


>> No.16032957

If you are ever wondering why the tranny garbage is a nonissue in Europe while it’s exploding in America, this is it.
Basically, to a low but significant degree de-sexed confused teenagers being exposed to pozz ideology leads to this.

>> No.16032965

Those aren't Cheerios.

>> No.16032972

isn't glyphosate used as a dessicant spray on cereal crops just before harvest to improve drying and allow better timing of the harvest?
probably quite a lot of residue

>> No.16033017

lol apparently chlormequat is also mixed into herbicides to make the plant (and uhh mammals) unable to break them down and expel them.

>> No.16033211

You're confusing it with atrazine

>> No.16034351
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>> No.16034968

Thats a nice infographic, by Tyrone politely shut himself up and stopped saying anything as soon as he got his payoff in the form of a well paid tenured academic appointment. The problem all just went away once Tyrone got his financial security

>> No.16035426

Whether or not it's a nonissue in a given country is highly correlated with whether Ruport Murdoch owns a large media company there

>> No.16036074

Ruport Murdoch & George Soros are business partners, they're co-owners of Vice.com

>> No.16036505

Wow, lol, goyslop really does make your dick fall off. Thanks science, nice job, way to go, well done. You're such a benefit to society

>> No.16036537

great that bayer bought monsanto, another german industry giant that will be raped to death

>> No.16037624
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>> No.16038657

Wow its almost like microplastics arent a meme

>> No.16039046

I eat 2 bowls of Cheerios a day. They're pretty good. Probably worth it.

>> No.16039123

Okay, and?

>> No.16039166

Quaker Oats is already under a salmonella recall. Maybe they'll use that time to fix this too.

>> No.16039183

I wonder who are the people always pushing for environmental and corporate deregulation for the companies that are polluting everything.

>> No.16039214

Was the prompt for this just "American" or what

>> No.16039900 [DELETED] 
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>reeeee that picture triggers me

>> No.16040302
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>> No.16040430

Only one person is clearly triggered here

>> No.16040463

Its a the most common fertilizer, glyphosate. The "research" is done to frame the idea that farming should be stopped and that we shouldn't use chemicals to enhance farming.

The reason is ofcourse, "GMO bad" ideology. But its not just that "GMO bad" ideology at work, the bigger ideology behind is that farming is bad. Farming is bad because its not equitable. So the goal is to reduce farming, make the countries that are currently thriving make less food, become more vulnerable to global famine, and thus bring about the new age of depopulation. These are ideological fuunded propaganda papers designed to elicit the idea that developed countries should abandon food abundancy.

>> No.16040480

Jews eat goyslop too

>> No.16041285

>oy vey its like the holocaust all over again

>> No.16041910

That pic seems to have triggered a reaction from you

>> No.16042395

Funny because regulations imposed on the market is exactly what's caused this. You statist scum are only ever evil or stupid.

>> No.16042425

Chlormequat was banned until 2018. Then the Trump administration allowed it.

>> No.16042426

>regulations imposed on the market is exactly what's caused this
You're a fucking retard.

>> No.16042900

>Environmental Protection Agency regulations allow the chemical to be used on ornamental plants only – not food crops – grown in the U.S. But its use is permitted on imported oats and other foods sold here. Many oats and oat products consumed in the U.S. come from Canada.
>Chlormequat was not allowed on oats sold in the U.S. before 2018, when the Trump EPA gave first-time approval for some amount of the chemical on imported oats. The same administration in 2020 increased the allowable level. These regulatory changes might help explain why we’re seeing more frequent, higher detections of the chemical in Americans tested.
>In April 2023, in response to a 2019 application submitted by chlormequat manufacturer Taminco, the Biden EPA proposed allowing the first-ever use of chlormequat on barley, oat, triticale and wheat grown in the U.S.
fuck the epa

>> No.16043070

>Thanks Monsanto

>> No.16043121
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>> No.16043633


>> No.16043831

Yes, the GOyP under Donald (((Trump)))

>> No.16044791

go to >>>/pol/ if you're obsessed with politics, this is the science board

>> No.16044822

>Trump EPA
>Biden EPA
>same thing
scientifically speaking it's almost like politics is all fake and gay

>> No.16045643

Chlormequat is still banned in the USA, but its not banned on imports from Europe, where chlormequat is legal

>> No.16045675

Funny that you scrolled past
all of these posts to complain that mine, specifically, belongs on /pol/
So now that we've established that it's not about politics at all, what did trigger you?

>> No.16046360


>> No.16047769
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