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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 1.25 MB, 2560x1920, Mandel_zoom_00_mandelbrot_set-644444380.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16028253 No.16028253[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What could this possibly mean? Why do I have a feeling this could explain god and our universe?

>> No.16028255


>> No.16028273
File: 129 KB, 635x349, samurai2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the jews fears the mandlebro

>> No.16028298

Probably because you're very low IQ.
A retarded gorilla mimicking higher life.
But, I don't try t deny your interests but please try to be less retarded and at least attempt to understand these things before cumming your pants and going all normie schizo.
Pop science does not belong in mathematics, if you like these things then get to reading.
These things are part of complex dynamics and fractal geometry
Yeah I think it's cool too, but I actually studied math in school so I'm not gonna say god is in there or something retarded like that. Maybe it does, but you can't know by just fapping to how cool it looks. This stuff is hard though I quit to just work a job like a normal person, ML bullshit.
Honestly I like you though. You remind me of when I wasn't so jaded and wanted to solve NS. Oh man was I tragically naive.
You have two paths: learn more and fail tragically like me or truly reveal a hidden genius through your passion, but please for the love of God do not be a cringy popsci redditor

>> No.16028311

this means exactly the same as a donut in topology or a natural sum of negative 1/12. it's bait so you think math is cool

>> No.16028312

you got owned, the universe is infinite and boundless, yes it expands but never ends bozo. We are trapped in a endless cycle of uncertainty and randomness.

>> No.16028319

there is nothing random about the mandlebrot set, it is the exact opposite. It shows it is infinite following a very specific path of self replication

>> No.16028332

Ok after some dialog with chatGPT we've come up with a plan for you assuming you have a high school level of mathematics (if not then read basic math by lang to brush up).
To start:
-Calculus by Stewart or Apostle
-LADR by Axler
-Differential Equations and Their Applications by Braun
-Baby Rudin if this is too hard for you try bartle and sherbert it's easier
-Ahlfor's or Stein and Shakarchi's books
Now some specific readings:
-Fractals: A Very Short Introduction by Falconer (a lighter reading)
-The Fractal Geometry of Nature by Mandelbrot
-Chaos and Fractals: New Frontiers of Science by Peitgen et al.
-Differential Equations, Dynamical Systems, and an Introduction to Chaos by Hirsch et al.
-The Science of Fractal Images by Peitgen and Saupe
-Numerical Analysis by Burden and Faires
ChatGPT also said you should learn to program
Supplement wherever you need, try to make some fun programs along the way.

>> No.16028370

Abbott is the best introduction to analysis

>> No.16028374


>> No.16028549

Then where tf is god and why does the universe exist? If fucking math of all can’t prove the existence of god, what can? Like how do we know what a god is or what it can do? This material world is so confusing and my monkey brain can’t break through

>> No.16028562
File: 2.50 MB, 1280x4123, WhySomething.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/ thread

>> No.16028563

the full version



>> No.16028753

thanks for link, im going to indulge in this sweet knowledge.