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16028101 No.16028101 [Reply] [Original]

Is covid-19 natural or manmade?
Which is more harmful in the long run, covid infection or vaccines?
Are all vaccinated people screwed in the long run? Does it really mess with the DNA?

>> No.16028165

the condition known as covid-19 isn't caused by a virus, that much is obvious

>> No.16028179

Coronachan aka Kung Flu QRD:
>lab leak in Wuhan institute
>total accident
>but the research was dangerous and pointless
>western academics (like Daszak) have some of the direct responsibility
>it’s a logical result of the publish-or-perish system of promotion and the “sounds important” system of funding
>academia and its funding bodies need to be overhauled and purged, or this will keep happening again and again
>it really was just a flu though lol

Trumpvax and Lockdowns QRD:
>pure worldwide tyranny
>cowardice and cruelty taken to their extremes
>now we wait to see the actual side effects

That’s pretty much it. did you know the Johnson&Johnson vaccine was quietly pulled last year, because it had provably killed too many people? Ooops.

>> No.16028217

>>lab leak in Wuhan institute
fell for the psyop

>> No.16028220

Vaccines work and lockdowns were necessary.

>> No.16028602 [DELETED] 

I concur with all of this.
t. brainlet

>> No.16028604

I concur with all of this.
t. brainlet chud

>> No.16028606

Vaccinated people are mostly fine, just like covid-infected people. It was never clear that vaccination would be safer for young people than getting covid would be -- it still isn't -- and coercing the majority of the population into taking a brand new medical treatment was horrific. Ultimately the vaccine just barely worked, and pretty much nobody is getting boosters, putting them at the same level of immunity as those of us who never got a single dose.
Lockdowns make scientific sense in the abstract but were impractical to enforce to the degree that would make them effective, and enforcing them to that degree would be completely out of line for governments to do.
Masks barely do anything.

>> No.16028612

I also concur with all of this.

This too

t. 143iq chud

>> No.16028632
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Mandatory viewing


Covid was designed on a computer and printed in pieces. They intentionally infected mice that had been genetically engineered to have human ACE2 receptors to study what would happen to a humanized mouse if we made the worst imaginable corona virus. It the live work was done in China because if they did it in the US it would have deeded a bios safety 3 lab which they did not want to spend the money on.

They hit up the DOD for funding for this who realized it was disaster in the making and denied funding. We have the FOIA documents from the DOD application. They then went to the NIH who funded it and they refuse to hand over the FOIA information from that point on.

This did not come from nature, it was merely patterned off natural corona viruses specifically to be deadly to humans. I do not think the Chinese released it intestinally, I think it was a combination of incompetence, obliviousness to the risk and an improper facility for pathogens of this kind of risk.

The US people wo made it are more concerned with avoiding responsibility than ensuring something of this nature never happens again.

Next up, antibiotic resistant pneumatic plague, because the scientists want to see the fatality rate and how hard it is to treat infected monkeys.

Seriously we need to shoot Fauci out of a cannon.

>> No.16028639
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Early early on quarantining people at airports, and 100% screening along with strict contact tracing and quarantining could have stopped it from getting a foothold.

This did not happen hard enough fast enough and it could have worked.

Ebola could have been 10x worse than covid but the few cases that left Africa were effectively isolated and quarantined.

The FDA did the most retarded bone head thing ever when it refused to let people buy tests early on. They refused to test anyone that did not have direct contact with a known infected person. It's almost like they wanted it to spread.

We know that the early west coast cases were suffocated in the crib. It was the New York strain that went around the nation, that strain came from a person on a flight path that Trump tried to shut down but a New York district judge ordered open.

Then you had people do sick shit like the governor of New York ordered hospitals to send covid patients to nursing homes, killing tens of thousands of elderly. He did this because he did not want to use the military hospital ship Trump sent. He would rather kill all those people and try to keep Trump from winning some imaginary points for trying to help things out.

Shit's fucked and your government hates you.

>> No.16028644

Yeah the covid patients in nursing homes thing was insane, I have never heard a good excuse for that.

>> No.16028777
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The reason was fuck trump.

NYC was saying they were out of hospital space and Trump was fucking them.
Trump sent USS Mercy, a floating hospital ship to help.
NY said fuck you trump and emptied the hospitals into the nursing homes so Trump could not get the PR for using the ship.

It was spite. 20k lives are nothing if you get to spite trump.

Just surprised someone dint assassinate the bastard for doing that.

>> No.16028894

>Are all vaccinated people screwed in the long run?
Can't really understand the need for boosters if a single vaccine was supposed to mutate my DNA forever. And if it was all a big psy-op then it seems to be failing. Occam's razor really does suggest the vaccines were vaccines.

>> No.16029027

did you get the boosters?

>> No.16029032
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>> No.16029033
File: 1.92 MB, 1x1, On_Certain_Aspects_of_American_Economics_Relevant_to_2021__v3-20210521.pdf [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On Certain Aspects of American Economics Relevant to 2021
We discuss contemporary socioeconomic issues in a frame of rhetoric beyond the Overton window. We analyze certain policies such as the minimum wage and federal tax structures. We describe a new set of wage and tax policies called normal policies and argue for their superiority over the comparable policy agenda framed by the Overton window. Coronavirus (COVID), racism, fascism, and nationalism are considered. While war followed by total reformation is certainly the best (only) solution to the present overarching societal malaise, for the purposes of scholarship we approach much of the material herein from a good faith vantage point assuming that the entrenched powers might ever permit any changes for the better to occur.

>> No.16029364

>>total accident
yeah total accident thats why national governments and news stations responded with the same script in lock step almost as if it was all planned ahead of time


>> No.16029370

Ex VP of Pfizer, Dr. Mike Yeadon, spoke out against the vaxx. Because it's cancer-inducing.


The vaxx was designed to subtly kill. Most medical figures are too afraid to speak out, but here's another whistleblower willing to stake his life and reputation for the truth, reporting that radical new cancers have been shown emerging in vaxxies.


>> No.16029949
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>> No.16030717

>SARS-COV-2 has chimaeric structure, as described in DEFUSE
>SARS-COV-2 has FCS, as described in DEFUSE
>SARS-COV-2 has DC-SIGN transmission, as described in DEFUSE
>SARS-COV-2 has interferon dysregulation, as described in DEFUSE
Project DEFUSE: Defusing the Threat of Bat-borne Coronaviruses


>> No.16030729

1 Furin Cleavage Site/DEFUSE proposal
2 location in Wuhan/WIV lab
3 CGG CGG codons & C+G content
4 Restriction Site Map
5 Virus database, still waiting for EcoHealth to release their virus database

>1. The DEFUSE Grant
> March of 2018, EcoHealth Alliance, the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV), and other collaborators submitted the DEFUSE proposal to DARPA’s PREEMPT program.
> here they proposed to sample bat coronaviruses, assemble viruses in the lab with infectious clone technology, develop recombinant chimeric spike proteins including some with a Furin cleavage site, and test the infectivity of these chimeric viruses in bats at the Wuhan Institute of Virology.
> The DEFUSE proposal was not accepted as DARPA saw major risks
> Their alternative sources of funding include an NIAID biodefense grant proposing extremely similar S-gene chimeras made with infectious clones (see https://reporter.nih.gov/search/sizVvtAps0O7_3-grB_8Bw/project-details/9819304 Understanding the Risk of Bat Coronavirus Emergence Project Number 2R01AI110964-06)
>2. SARS-CoV-2 arose in Wuhan
> The distance from Wuhan to the hotspot of bat-human overlap in Yunnan is about 1,000 miles, or about the distance from NYC to Miami.
> the zoonotic origin hypothesis relies entirely on the Huanan wet market and the broader animal trade as the source of animals from which zoonosis occurred
> A cluster of COVID-19 cases from late December 2019 was centered around the Huanan wet market, but there were credible reports of earlier cases tracing back to mid-November 2019 with no connection to the wet market and, unlike every natural SARS or MERS spillover event, the reservoir has not been found.

>> No.16030734

>3. SARS-CoV-2 has a Furin cleavage site in its Spike protein
> despite extensive wildlife sampling, SARS coronaviruses were not known to have Furin cleavage sites. The exact FCS of SARS-CoV-2 is not found in any other coronavirus and in fact it contains specific RNA sequences - CGG CGG - that are almost nonexistent in bats but are optimized for humans. Not only are FCS’s nonexistent in other SARS coronaviruses, but this specific FCS is particularly anomalous in its optimization for humans.
> The SARS-CoV-2 FCS has not one but two CGG codons appropriate for humans and it mimics a particular protein (ENaC) found in humans. (see https://elifesciences.org/articles/58603))
> Not a single SARS coronavirus had an FCS. The entire evolutionary tree of SARS coronaviruses spans hundreds to thousands of years of viral evolution

>> No.16030738

>4. SARS-CoV-2 has the restriction map of an infectious clone
>The BsaI/BsmBI Restriction Map
>The DEFUSE grant proposed to make chimeric coronaviruses with furin cleavage sites in their Spike protein. The easiest way to insert a Furin cleavage site and make chimeric coronaviruses would involve assembling a DNA clone. There is one extremely common way to assemble a DNA clone for a coronavirus, a method that was specifically cited in DEFUSE and other grants from this group of collaborators proposing to make chimeric coronaviruses in Wuhan.
>The specific method of assembly was published by none other than one of the collaborators on the DEFUSE grant in his seminal paper: “Efficient Reverse Genetic Systems for Rapid Genetic Manipulation of Emergent and Preemergent Infectious Coronaviruses”.
>Valentin Bruttel, Tony VanDongen and Alex Wasahburn examined all infectious clones of coronaviruses made from 2000-2019 by type II directional assembly.
>uncovered a fingerprint of this particular method of in vitro viral assembly: due to bioengineering constraints, the cutting/pasting sites researchers choose end up being unusually regularly spaced compared to the random spacing of cutting/pasting sites in non-engineered viruses.
>SARS-CoV-2 has that exact fingerprint

>> No.16031088
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Imagine killing 7+ million people in your ill advised science experiment and only caring that you don't take the blame.

>> No.16031111

>Early early on quarantining people at airports, and 100% screening along with strict contact tracing and quarantining could have stopped it from getting a foothold.
None of that had any possibility of working with hundreds of thousands of Chinese nationals flooding in freely through the southern border.

>> No.16031116

All available evidence suggests that the clotshots were not vaccines, since they did nothing to vaccinate people against the thing they were supposed to vaccinate against, since they all kept getting covid, repeatedly.

>> No.16031129
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Illegal immigration was a fraction then of what it is now, and they boarder too could have been shut down it there was the political will to do so. Quad-tard.

>> No.16031132

The hypothetical of "we could always have finally taken illegal immigration seriously" is about as realistic as "we could have just nuked Shanghai"

>> No.16032408

Ive seen this thread 183728 times by now. Please stop making them