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File: 190 KB, 1082x1673, memetruck consoooom'd .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16026076 No.16026076 [Reply] [Original]

If science is so smart, how come it still hasn't even figured out a way to prevent rust yet?

>> No.16026077

Just remove the atmosphere.

>> No.16026132

Living in the upper Midwest, rust is a big problem here with vehicles so I was wondering how well the Cybertruck would hold up but that article is pretty meh. It's a few blurry photos, some social media posts, and a lot of conjecture and maybes. It wouldn't surprise me if it does turn out the have a rust issue but this article feels a bit thunderfooty.

>> No.16026137

'ate cars
'ate musk
love trains
simple as

>> No.16026141
File: 440 KB, 1536x2048, 20240214_074656.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you want to see what rust does to tesla/spacex stainless, look at booster 4 at Starbase
Most of any rust is going to be in welds

They have been sitting near the sea for a few years now

>> No.16026224

Titanium and to a lessor degree aluminum.

>> No.16026253

Because the materials that don't rust are more expensive? I would have thought that was obvious

>> No.16026266
File: 1.81 MB, 1772x1012, wrapped.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suspect many of them will end up getting wrapped. Given the shape of the vehicle, it will be a relatively easy job compared to the average bubble shaped vehicle.

>> No.16026273

It did, but the solution is banned.

>> No.16026328
File: 141 KB, 1280x720, 1707776732278797.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meanwhile China has invented the Cybervan and Cybercopter.

>> No.16026338

use paint

>> No.16026523

Reading the headline I expected this to be about the programming language Rust.

>> No.16026542

>Use the wrong "stainless" grade
>Drive on salted roads
It would be several thousand dollars more for the requisite steel grade. They should have gone full luxury pricing and done a full titanium body

>> No.16026548

What's the point of using more expensive stainless steel just to wrap or paint it anyway? I mean cheap metal car frames are currently painted with high tech layers of paint specifically designed to protect the metal underneath for as long as possible. Elon, like always, tries to fix something that isn't broken and makes it worse. Everything Elon makes is just shit version of something people already invented.

I'm looking at 20-30 year old pick ups online and most have a little rust in the wheel wells but that's it. The body and frames of these old trucks hold up quite well. So explain why a new Cyber Truck is going to have more rust on it than a 1999 Ford F-150 that has faded paint but no rust on the body? Make that make sense for me please.

He get's it, yet somehow the "world's richest man" and giga genius Elon Musk never thought of that....nor did his huge team of highly paid engineers/scientists. KEK

>> No.16026613

Show me a rusted cybertruck

>> No.16026617
File: 134 KB, 960x540, fabd36.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16026669

Elon musk sells the idea of genius. So he needs to portray to be a giga brain eccentric and sell the idea that investing in him makes you a giga brain too.
So elon doesn't ever need to be intelligent or offer a good product he just needs to offer a different product and blame all his failings on some bullshit like the failures actually reveals his innovation.
Most people will sell you a product that will eventually break because making it better it outside of their financial interests in fact it's actually illegal for them to care about the consumers because they are obligated to make shareholders as much money as reasonably possible.
Elon on the other hand will sell you something that is already broken.

>> No.16026671
File: 144 KB, 614x1175, tesla.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These blurry photos of something, possibly a Cybertruck panel, were included with OP's article.

>> No.16027078

he was too cheap to pay for a coat of paint on them, but now they're useless junk.

>> No.16027549
File: 75 KB, 585x539, SpaceX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SpaceX is surely distraught over your negative assessment of their rocket building abilities.

>> No.16027595

Insane thing is 3 launches took place in 8 hours. Its FUCKING REAL.

>> No.16027845

SpaceX single-handedly humiliating every other launch organization in the world, including every single national space program. It's incredible.

Chinks and redditors are furious about this of course.

>> No.16027851

Chinks actually love this guy. Tesla is the most popular western car brand in China.

>> No.16027860

No, chinks are very upset about America, through SpaceX, overtaking them in launch capability once again. They thought they finally had the edge on America but then SpaceX ruined it for them. They're in for another "Century of Humiliation" and they know it.

>but muh tesla
They're soulless insect materialists, of course they consume branded product. Doesn't change the fact that they're totally ass blasted about SpaceX humiliating them.

>> No.16027906

I Don't Understand...
How Exactly Do You "Own" A Cybertruck? I Thought It Was Supposed To Own Itself? Or Am I Misunderstanding Something?

>> No.16027928

Sounds like you two are using different definitions of Chinks, with one referring mostly to the Chinese government/CCP and the other to bug consumers/escalator fodder.
I don't understand either, but in this case, I don't understand your post.

>> No.16027931
File: 46 KB, 1024x576, Bluzos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hey guys, we're getting really REALLY close now. Once we hit our cadence, you'll forget that a company named SpaceX ever existed.

>> No.16027939

>Blue [Balls] Origin

>> No.16027955

So is their plan to replace the cheap steel exterior every 5 years or something?

>> No.16027993
File: 549 KB, 900x601, tech.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whose plan? Tesla? They don't seem to have acknowledged that there is a problem, so for them there is no plan. For owners? If the rust problem is actually true, sue or deal with it like other vehicle owners do with proactive or reactive aftermarket solutions.
While I wouldn't be entirely surprised if this is a real problem, I also wouldn't be surprised if it's just more thunderfootery that follows Musk everywhere he goes. Someone on /tv/ was defending calling Musk, the father of something like a dozen kids, an "incel" because "without his fame and money, no woman would ever have sex with him". Some people simply are so deranged by Elon Musk that they will find anything they can that's remotely possibly negative and wrap it in insane amounts of hyperbole.

>> No.16027998

Just like their electric cars with batteries that need to be replaced every second because it explodes a billion times a day

>> No.16028656

why? the battery will be useless after 5 years, might as well just scrap it at that point. the exterior of a disposable car only needs to last as long as a the battery does

>> No.16028924
File: 142 KB, 679x750, tesla.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get ready to move those goalposts.

>> No.16028941

"memetruck consoooooom'd .jpg"
there are plenty of ways to prevent rust, but you don't give a fuck about how the world works, you just want to spread your disease
if you made such a blatantly disingenuous thread 10 years ago, it would have immediately been taken down for being off-topic brand war slop, i don't understand how people's standards have fallen this much

>> No.16029060

>I also wouldn't be surprised if it's just more thunderfootery that follows Musk everywhere he goes.
Given the images, it's more likely that.
Stainless does get a patina of shorts but it's far from rust.

You don't get stainless anything if you want it to stay beautiful. It won't rust but it will get ugly

>> No.16029071

Is that even rust? That just looks like random dirt spots to me.

>> No.16029074

All the particles on the road are way worse tha the air near the sea.
You have metal dust from brakes, salt, gravel (small dent or scratch will be a magnet for dust that is collested there), different chemicals from burning fuel, etc.
Even something out of pure titan would rust if used on the road.

>> No.16029122

>more liberal propaganda
I see it's election year already

>> No.16029124

top 10 malicious threads

>> No.16029131

the gov has no need to invest in space, so they won't. I wonder how musk got funding considering this is akin to people back in BC times starting construction on things that won't be finished until generations later, I thought we as humanity stopped doing longterm projects.

>> No.16029146

>I wonder how musk got funding
He offered the market price for shipments to the ISS

>> No.16029152

He build his rocket and flew them 4 times to success. Then NASA gave him the contract that was 1/3 the price of the market price.

>> No.16029177

What are you saying would rust titanium on a common road? or you just dont know what you are talking about?

>> No.16029647 [DELETED] 

Is weakness from rust damage why those things keep on inexplicably exploding?

>> No.16029755

They are too strong as they are.
Part of the reason they had such a long FAA investigation after the first flight is because the flight termination system failed to immediately end the flight once it was determined the rocket wasn't making it to orbit.
The FTS blew a giant hole in the rocket immediately on command, but it still remained in one piece as it tumbled end to end for almost a minute. eventually enough fuel mixed and ignited to end it.

>> No.16030970
File: 73 KB, 640x427, chris elliot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16031675


>> No.16031908

What caused Starship to tumble on the 2nd failure?

>> No.16031956

It's not clear what the photos are of but since they're claimed to be a rusting Cybertruck, that's enough for someone to write a clickbait article and for it to get posted here and half a dozen other boards.

>> No.16032122

I have never seen a photo of a Cybertruck with rust on it. I think this is completely fake.

>> No.16032139

I can't look at it without cringing, laziest fucking design ever

>> No.16032145

Not to mention rare Earth metal particles from catalytic converters and particulates from tires decaying. Any exposed metal is gonna get practically sanded down, and the pits are where rust collects.

Though as long as you wax your vehicle often enough it shouldnt be a problem. I wouldn't be surprised if tesla recommends you wax it far more often than other vehicles.

>> No.16032163

>What's the point of using more expensive stainless steel just to wrap or paint it anyway?
So you have the option to do what you want with it instead of being restricted just to whatever the manufacturer offers. Most manufacturers don't offer this ability to choose for yourself and some people still get a wrap on their vehicle or paint it a different color than what came on it. Perhaps even more would if they had the option to do so. This presumes, perhaps incorrectly since I have checked, that doing so doesn't invalidate the body warranty but at least in the US, the law strongly favors the buyer when it comes to aftermarket modifications to automobiles.

>> No.16032167
File: 159 KB, 960x1599, wrap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It doesn't violate the warranty.

>> No.16032781

more proof that anime is for low iq faggots

>> No.16032820
File: 73 KB, 1280x720, Cyberfuckyouuthatswhy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just get the 'murica edition.

>> No.16033521

imagine being cringe enough to buy that thing

>> No.16033539

They're going to look so aesthetic when they're all rusted.

>> No.16033543

Imagine being leftist enough to have an addiction to external validation.

>> No.16033557

>If science is so smart, how come it still hasn't even figured out a way to prevent rust yet?
WDYM, there are plenty of options to mitigate and slow down oxidation reactions, it's a question of how much are you willing to spend. Easiest is material change, although I doubt there will be that much rusting issues so long as he actually used 304 stainless in lieu of some cheaper SS alternative like 410/420. I think 316 is slightly more resilient to corrosion too, from there, metallic materials become radically more expensive with nickel, copper based, and titanium alloys being three "affordable" options, could also look at anodized aluminum but IMO that material is hot garbage for mechanical properties. Could also offer a few options like nickel electroplating on the stainless steel which would make it very unlikely to ever corrode. If you want a cheaper cost alternative, could look at phosphate (or oil impregnated Black oxide which is even cheaper and lower quality) too if you don't mind black coatings.

>> No.16034445

The car is designed to fall apart from rust before the battery dies AKA planned obsolescence

>> No.16034927

seems like something must would do

>> No.16036021

Musk is a clever businessman

>> No.16036458

Why can't science learn how to prevent rust? Is science too stupid to accomplish that simple task?
Why does science presume and brag about accomplishing much larger and more formidable tasks if it can't even figure out how to prevent rust?
>learn to walk before you try to run

>> No.16036777

it didn't tumble on the 2nd flight, redditard-kun.

>> No.16037734

yes it did

>> No.16037735

Science is so smart they figured out that iron always rusts.

>> No.16037739

Kek, I hate that bastard. Like he makes some good points, but then is totally disingenuous about other shit. Like I know he knows he's not being honest, but he is so self righteous about his dishonesty it urks me in this particular way that makes me want to strangle him slowly and watch him thrash about for a good half hour.

>> No.16037870

What steel did they use?

>> No.16037872

Just go to Mars, duh

>> No.16037974


>> No.16037993

Protip, someone being richer than you doesn't mean that you won't be mocked and looked down upon if you make a dumb argument, attack, slander, etc, about them.
Your seething envy and feeling of grievance at not being born rich or being handed a CEO position from the comfort of your room is not anyone else's fucking problem, take your 13yo sulking back to Twitter.

>> No.16038000

I'm sure that's perfectly safe

>> No.16039377

>science can't even figure out how to prevent rust, but it expects everyone to believe that it knows how the entire universe works and understands particle physics
if soience knows so much about particle physics then why can't it prevent oxidation?

>> No.16039411

>watch him thrash about for a good half hour.
Is that a coincidence as half an hour is how long he pads out his videos that should be about five minutes tops.

>> No.16039423
File: 140 KB, 1200x747, empresa-china-copia-tesla-cybertruck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Safe for making epic LiveLeak videos for us to laugh at.

>> No.16039442
File: 246 KB, 2000x1125, CrustyTruck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rust? What rust?

>> No.16039538

>metal dust from brakes
Especially rust, which will deposit itself into the stainless on a microscopic level and seed the rusting process. These vehicles exteriors will be filled with embedded iron within a matter of months.
More like passivate your stainless steel vehicle on at least a bi-annual basis.

No joke, get your hands on a nitric/phosphoric acid blend, dilute it down to 2%, then “passivate” cyber truck owners fucked up exteriors. Anyone with any knowledge of how passivation works knows that it makes stainless steel IMMEDIATELY shiny and protects it by restoring the chromium layer. You can make a stainless steel tank go from opaque trash to like new almost instantly. Charge these retards 1000 dollars and watch them marvel at how “YOU MADE IT LOOK BETTER THAN IT WAS BEFORE!”

Of course care would need to be taken not to corrode non-compatible areas of the vehicle, but thats nothing a little plastic sheeting cant fix. Charge 1000 a pop and youll be good to go.

You heard it here first but expect to see this shit become a thing. I almost dont want to post this because I already have access to everything I need to do this process. Im going to make bank off this shit as a side hustle.
>go to Whole Foods parking lot
>wait for Cybretruck to show up
>inspect for rust
>wait for owner

>> No.16039805

>10 launches in January
>Aiming for another 4 launches in February to bring it up to another 10
Before this year they'd only managed 10 launches in 1 month in September 2023 and 9 of those 10 were Starlink missions
3 of the january launches and 4 of the February launches are for non-Starlink customers.

>> No.16040295

meanwhile the shartships have never had a successful launch and they're just sitting out in the warm salty gulf coast climate rusting away uselessly

>> No.16040311

did Elon design this dogshit himself? It looks like an ugly, unrendered background car from a 2000s video game

>> No.16040672

Science knows, but Elon obviously didn't buy that technology, because it'll cost more money to fix rust than it costs to makes it immune to rust.

>> No.16041340

how do you prevent rust?
or are you lying?

>> No.16041924

thats on purpose, soiygoys in the grips of nostalgia for their childhoods will buy that garbage exactly because it looks like something out of a 1980s video game

>> No.16042104

I would go by zinc galvanization and plastic foil over all of that.

>> No.16042108

Also there is this thing called stainless steel.

>> No.16043213

that rusts

>> No.16043759 [DELETED] 

I posted all of them explicitly for the purpose of making you angry, nice to see it worked

>> No.16043764

>What's the point of using more expensive stainless steel
in the rockets case to rapidly rebuild and scale for mass production. go see how long it took to build one of the experimental carbon fiber fuel tanks for starship vs how fast they shit out the test prototypes. Most dont even fly since they are bottle necked by clumsy bureaucracy but instead end up being scrapped

>> No.16043889
File: 515 KB, 3000x2250, 4-00015303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My 2002 Nissan Micra is 22 years old, always left outside, had mud stuck in places for years from country roads, and has basically 0 rust problems (very minor stuff that didn't go deep and caused actual damage).
Other non jap cars of the same age have parts of the frame that literally vanished in thin air.
The white man is too greedy and voluntary plants planned obsolescence in his products.

>> No.16043941

Underrated game. Really.

>> No.16043965

>WDYM, there are plenty of options to mitigate
except he specifically said "prevent" not mitigate, retard
science fags lose again

>> No.16044070

Japan's economics are different. They use increasingly large taxes on older vehicles to strongly motivate Japanese to buy new vehicles frequently. The used cars are rarely sold domestically but instead are shipped out of the country to be sold in developing countries where they command a good price due to used Japanese vehicles being in good shape. Japanese automobile makers don't need to use planned obsolescence because government tax policy does that for them. Instead the value of the used cars being sold outside the economy helps support domestic purchases of new vehicles continuously.
In a country like the US, the tax policy is the opposite, with heavy taxes on new vehicles that decline to nearly nothing on old vehicles. This makes it easier for low income people to afford them but also undermines the market for new vehicles. Adding in planned obsolescence helps bring some of that market back to new vehicles.

>> No.16044084

yeah my whole point was that is not a matter of technology because steel that is sufficiently resistant to rust for the average car scenario exists since several decades. It's a matter of jewing the consumer

>> No.16044947

soience fags all presume they're all powerful, god like super geniuses, but then a minor problem like rust comes along and the self proclaimed super geniuses of soience are powerless to prevent it

>> No.16045728

shartship is a failure, 2 launches, 2 failures. they were claiming the 3rd launch was going to happen this month, but it looks like thats going to be another shartship miss.

>> No.16045771

Hi Phil, gotten over your crush on Anita yet?

>> No.16046519

It has

>> No.16046645
File: 30 KB, 556x552, images (13).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Muskniggers shitting up the thread as usual.
Elon is the personification of sheer techbro Reddit autism. Anyone who says otherwise is just coping from idol worship. Picrel, shitty Reddit meme.

>> No.16046655

I find it hard to empathize with millionaires let alone billionaires but all things considered he's like the most harmless billionaire as far as whatever the fuck he's up to.
the way I see it I think it's pretty objective that anyone seething about him is a literal tranny faggot frustrated retard. people who overly empathize with him are just retarded to midwits in the most fortunate of situations. he's pretty benign from my point of view

>> No.16046668

They should be more distraught that their rockets keep exploding

>> No.16046790

The guy is all talk, no work.

>> No.16048129

Reddit loved him before he took over Twitter and cut back on the level of government censorship there
Now Reddit hates him.

>> No.16048195

I couldn't give less of a fuck about his cringe humor because SpaceX is great for humanity and that's a fact.

Stop obsessing about him and just apreciate some of his products, don't be such a fag, damn.

>> No.16048233

stainless steel is solved. what is still unsolved is the problem that you will get cheated when buying chinese, especially steel. 5000 years culture of fraud is hard to beat.

>> No.16048248

They did - PLASTICS.

>> No.16048589
File: 120 KB, 1059x1038, 1691516127005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I assumed people here were smart enough to realize 95% of metals have oxides that are more stable than the metal form and that it's 100% impossible for abundant engineering metals so I substituted "prevent" with mitigate, that's my fault. If you want to "prevent" all rust you have to replace all standard metals used with gold, platinum, palladium, rhodium, ruthenium, osmium, or iridium. Easy right?!

>> No.16048683

Stainless steel means it stains less than other steels. A really easy way to make a cybertruck rust is to just spray it with bleach (in minecraft).

>> No.16048762

It would make more sense to tax long working hours, the more you work, the heavier you get taxed, so that people don't work that much and it's easier to sell all that they make.

>> No.16049687

shartship will never orbit.

>> No.16051065

Some people actually enjoy being productive and accomplishing things

>> No.16051152

Even better then. There will be more to do for them, when there will be less incentive to work for money.

>> No.16051155

so no photos eh? even the UFO crowd has some shitty pixelated pictures

>> No.16052270

Just saw one of these baddies today at the supermarket, it was slightly gold tint like an iphone and it was huge. Seen it once before at the same location

>> No.16052287

they actually have, its called a zinc electrode, they are giant lumps of zinc that get attached to metal ships which oxidize in preferance to the iron due to differences in galvanic potential.
Given that the cyber truck is an electric car, I dont see why elon didnt engineer the hull to be connected to a mild reducing current so that hull oxidization wouldnt occur.

>> No.16053606

>I dont see why elon didnt engineer the hull to be connected to a mild reducing current so that hull oxidization wouldnt occur.
planned obsolescence

>> No.16053802

I guess you could try coating the body in wd40 like they did with spaceships. Or wax it maybe. Or even just polishing the hell out of it will make it more resistant

>> No.16053979

it's a electric car right?

Just use it's massive battery to supply cathodic protection.

>> No.16054403

cause materials science(!=)magic//make believe, the shit you make need to do the shit you claim it does, it is not nor it will ever be viable to just declare that it does something, its a real quack filter

>> No.16054573

You can do a clear coat, so it still has the look of bare metal, but is protected as if it was painted. Maybe the light rust is intentional.

>> No.16054591

I'm saying that even titan plate would degrade and be covered in rust.

>> No.16055333

>Maybe the light rust is intentional.
If the SS is the same as starships, they will take on this hue >>16026141

>> No.16055984

Its probably not the same steel, why would it be?

>> No.16056281

Most car owners are incapable of basic maintenance. Stainless steel rust if you don't clean bird shit and dead Bugs. T. motorcycle owner

>> No.16056300
File: 185 KB, 750x855, D-H5d4dUYAAjZwN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really like old Japanese cars. They rust like nothing else though. The solution is to:
-wash your car frequently, even in the cold. The brine used today can destroy your clear coat.
-wax your car. The wax or ceramic coat will serve as a sacrificial layer.
-spray fluid film on every non-painted surface and inside every cavity(framerail, quarter panels, rocker panels, fenders, wheel wells, control arms)
-use stainless or aluminum components when something has to be replaced, such as exhaust, brake lines, tension rods, control arms, etc.
-keep drain holes clean
-spray boeshield T9 on bolts and fasteners, use galvanized fasteners when possible.

You can keep cars 99.99% rust free just following these easy steps, and keep driving your 30 year old car in the winter with no issue.
Aluminum frames will still get fucked up by salt, as seen on audis, and even if they didn't, their capability to stand up to frame stress is not on par with steel, ad the frame will be worn out before a steel one rusts to an ineffective level.

These will not work on cars in the same manner, as there is no sea water to serve as the electrolyte, just air.

Its 100% possible to keep a car daily driven on salt roads and in great rust free condition, bit it takes work. Most people treat their cars like a toaster or a tv, not tue complex machine it is.

>> No.16056333


>> No.16056424

These are basic things so I guess I should also tell you that you should inspect the brake and fuel lines for rust damage. If they look good, spray them in fluid film every fall. If they are rubber, replace them with braided stainless steel at your soonest convenience. A set of braided hoses should only run you 100 bucks, are an easy DIY, and will keep your brakes in proper working order. Rubber hoses will be destroyed in a few years by calcium chlorate exposure.
Unless you go off road, modern all seasons are perfectly fine. I live in Central Michigan and have never used snow tires.

>> No.16057233

>why would it be?
Because a major marketing point of the cyber truck is the fact it's using the same materials as starship

Not that the material is super special either way (both are 301)

>> No.16057782

you should get snow tires, they're good

>> No.16057840

I don’t like the cybertruck but I do believe the mild rust will give them an amazing weathered look that collectors will be gushing over for decades to come. I think this is actually a feature. It’s not really gonna effect experience

>> No.16059072

TSMT, snow tire are da shit

>> No.16059120

>What's the point of using more expensive stainless steel just to wrap or paint it anyway?

>Market car has having expensive stainless steel
>Sell it for a mark-up
>Sell fixes for it once it is obviously fucked as add-on packages
This is like asking why companies don't sell working games. Cause then they wouldn't be able to lock patches behind DLC.
Don't want braindead AI? Want finished quests? Want functional balance? Better fork out $40.

>> No.16060420

>muh video gaymessssttttthhhhhhh!!!
video games are for children

>> No.16061073

>Most car owners are incapable of basic maintenance.
nope, not by a long shot. most cant even change a tire

>> No.16061133

a rusty patina is part of the cyberpunk feel, what's the point of owning the dystopia car if it doesn't look the role

>> No.16062078

>t. paranoid shizo

>> No.16063682

science: no, I don't know how to prevent rust
also science: oh hay guys I know everything about the entire universe btw, I know how it all started, I know how life started on earth an sheiiiit too

>> No.16064485

its funny because its true, these goofs can't even solve minuscule simple problems but they also absurdly presume they can figure out much, much larger things

>> No.16064661

They're using low quality steel.

>> No.16064670

Muskrats still seething

>> No.16064682

He's talking about musk's promised autonomous robo taxis. One of his many lies as a professional fraudster

>> No.16064690

If professional con men are your definition of benign then I guess that works out

>> No.16064720

>reverse image search

The college actually used this photo for their public website.

>> No.16064836

Assuming they don't blow up.

>> No.16064869

It's hilarious, isn't it? Especially since it's a far left school full of crazies screaming about the white patriarchy keeping them down but then they do things like that pic and can't understand why their cargo cult actions don't magically make new inventions appear (along with lots of money, which is capitalism, which they hate, but still want).

>> No.16064873

One constant I've found in every loser I've met over my life is the fear of failure. The one constant I've found in ever successful person I've met is the willingness to try something, fail at it, learn from it, and try again and again until either successful or learning that the task isn't currently possible for reasons other than fear of failure.

>> No.16064875
File: 244 KB, 1573x1245, pw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reading up on the rust issue, pretty much every other board and media source has concluded that it's surface rust that easily wipes off and not something that's going to degrade the body during our lifetimes. Like any new product, the Cybertruck is going to have issues. Tesla's other vehicles certainly have had plenty of them but so has the first generation of about any automobile by any company. Always wait until the second or even better, third generation of a vehicle before buying one. That goes for most tech too. Let someone else work out the bugs.

>> No.16064896

Starship failed because of Elon's arrogance and ego.

>> No.16065728
File: 60 KB, 700x462, piggly wiggly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16065771

Yeah every loser I've met just had low IQ idk about these personality judgements

>> No.16066988

>t. loser

>> No.16067768

only need to remove the oxygen

>> No.16067790

Dish soap contains salt. People really wash their cars with salt? Fucking retards

>> No.16068743

encase the steel in glass and purge the atmosphere under the glass with nitrogen

>> No.16068744

Thunderf00t has a new video and exposes another Musk lie. The Cybertruck is not able to stop all types of bullets despite what the liar has claimed before.

>> No.16069582


>> No.16069904

The cyber truck was always a meme car.

>> No.16071087

its not a car, its a truck