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File: 12 KB, 279x181, HIV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16020471 No.16020471 [Reply] [Original]

Can someone explain why HIV/AIDS is not curable as extensively and detailed as possible?

>> No.16020477

Theres no cure for being a faggot. Faggots wish death upon themselves.

>> No.16020538

It's a retro virus. We have no cures for viruses, just treatments and hope the body's immune system takes care of it.
The difference with HIV is that it attacks the immune system itself, hampering the body's capability to even tackle other illnesses.

>> No.16020633


>> No.16020686

It’s curable.

>> No.16020690

This, and the body's only way to destroy a retro virus is to destroy every infected cell

>> No.16020702

because like covid its poorly defined, almost as if officially made so intentionally. its effects probably come from a complex of infections and not just a single virus.

>> No.16020731


>> No.16020809
File: 302 KB, 701x1024, 1681331788592883~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because God hates fags.

>> No.16020818 [DELETED] 

I'll push more than that on kids...

>> No.16020850

don't worry i've already cured the dao of its curse and now it is healthy and i am going to do it for all of you too ...

> oregnananananananananao

>> No.16020894

Yesterday I talked with ShitGPT and he told me that HIV changes it surface protein so it avades immune system attack. Also it integrates it's dna directly into host DNA of infected cells. Pretty nasty combination if you ask me(ofc take anything what that faggy android says with a grain of salt). And oh, don't you fags forget that HIV came from the contaminated polio vaccination.

>> No.16020905

The problem are the jews, once all of them are exterminated we will have a cure.

>> No.16021015

uh but HIV is based and infects mostly homos, whores, and drug addicts

>> No.16021034

basically they make more money in threatment than curing

i think 2 people was cured from hiv

First they destroyed Brown’s immune system with full-dose chemotherapy and full-body radiation. Then they effectively gave him the donor’s immune system through the stem cell transplant.

>> No.16021558

I fucked a black girl(with a condom) but my autism made me research HIV for 3 months straight before I got tested negative.

1. There are people immune to HIV, they have a special mutation of blood vessels which basically prevents the virus from attaching itself to them.
2.HIV gets destroyed by your immune system in it's initial stage but not completely.
A very small amount of it hides within your cells and goes dormant.
After that over the years it slowly activates and depletes your immune system untill your CD4 cell count is below 200 - which results in a condition called AIDS.
3.Hiv can be cured by chemo(yes like for cancer) and a bone marrow transplant for a donot with the blood mutation that makes you immune to hiv. After that there is no trace of the virus in your blood. I don't know what happens with the reservior dormant in your cells though. I assume it wakes up, tries to infect and then dies off after failing.

Also lastly your immune system might fight of the hiv virus in your blood before it becomes an active infection and creates a reservior.
You can prevent HIV by taking pep(basically hiv medicine) up to 3 days after the initial infection.

>> No.16021562

>for a donot
from a donor* sorry it's late.

>> No.16021564


>> No.16022843

>can be cured

Ther berlin patient and like 2 or 3 others are the only ones where the chemo/immune reboot approach has actually worked, that's about as close to an actual cure as we're getting right now

(This exact same approach has functionally cured people of autoimmune disorders in the past as well, by the way)

I'm quite thrilled for next-gen CRISPR therapeutics hitting the shelves in the coming decade tbf

>> No.16023251

Because it injects its genetic code in the very cells that normally identify viruses and mark them to be destroyed. These cells then either produce + shed the virus and die by apoptosis or "sleep" intermittently hiding the viral genetic code from the immune system.

This is molecular level stuff, our science is not advanced enough to control things at this level at enough detail to be able to identify and destroy every single one of these "sleeping" cells. The only thing we can do is fuck up its replication cycle via medications that bind to molecules required in this cycle, rendering them unusable for replication.

>> No.16023344

HIV integrates it's genetic material into the nucleus of CD4+ cells, where it remains 'silent' until triggered to undergo transcription to create more virions. Cells with latently integrated viral genomes don't present as malignant and therefore don't release interferons until viral proteins start to be created again, and at that point it's too late.

>> No.16023404

Not only do helper T lymphocytes express CD4, but so do monocytes, macrophages, and certain dendritic cells, so the main cytokine secretion forces of both the innate and adaptive immune responses are crippled. Rest in Piss, homo.

>> No.16023811

HIV is a relatively harmless passenger virus that takes advantage of weakened immune systems to hang around and thrive in the body, while the body slowly dies of other causes.

It has been blamed for political and financial reasons as the cause of AIDS, though AIDS is likely actually caused by a combination of far more destructive viruses like HPV-6 and Mono, drug use, lifestyle choices, and the very drugs prescribed to "treat" the virus (most notoriously, the DNA-destroying AZT and protease inhibitors). HIV is a convenient and profitable scapegoat.

The discoverer of HIV, Luc Montagnier, who won the Nobel Prize in 2008 for his discovery, eventually came around and decided that HIV was likely not the cause of AIDS. Kary Mullis, Nobel Prize winning inventor of PCR for the testing and detection of HIV, also did not believe HIV was the cause of AIDS, and stated PCR is an unreliable testing method outside of a lab setting. Peter Duesberg, Godfather of retrovirology and pioneer of early HIV research,
also does not believe that HIV is the cause of AIDS.

This formula will be repeated once again to treat "Long Covid."

>> No.16024445

same as with covid, can't cure a disease that doesn't exist

also this

>> No.16024458

biggest loud of bullshit I've ever read. just spout the most ridiculous un sourced shut and expect people to accept it as fact when not a single legitimate doctor or researcher thinks this

>> No.16024502

Where am I wrong? Point to something specific.

>> No.16024504

>Not a single legitimate doctor or researcher

Except the guy who discovered HIV (Nobel Prize winner)

Except the guy who invented the PCR test to detect HIV (Nobel Prize winner)

Except probably the most renowned retrovirologist of all time

And many more.

>> No.16024584

Simply the fact that HIV-1 will always be detected from a person with abnormally low CD4 counts proves your bullshit post wrong.

>> No.16024626

With which test?

>> No.16024628

If a healthy person voluntarily took a massive dose of chemotherapy medication for six weeks straight, and when tested their CD4 count was below 200, does that mean they're HIV positive?

>> No.16024664

>not a single legitimate doctor or researcher thinks this
let me guess, these are not "legitimate". I mean wikipedia says so, right?

>> No.16024785

It doesn't if HIV-1 RNA cannot be detected in their blood by a PCR test.

>> No.16025361

So you can have a CD4 count below 200 without testing positive for HIV. Thanks.

>> No.16025362

AIDS isn't a disease, it's a condition

>> No.16025367

It's a syndrome, a collection of symptoms. There's a reason they don't call it HIV Disease. If HIV was the indisputable cause, it would be called HIV Disease.

Acquired Immine Deficiency Syndrome is a blanket term that can refer to any set of symptoms caused by anything that weakens the human immune system, whether pathogenically or environmentally.

>> No.16025384

No, AIDS specifically refers to immuno deficiency caused by the HIV.

>> No.16025432

Except HIV does not cause AIDS, it is a passenger virus that hijacks the weakened immune system. AIDS is caused by other factors, usually multiple factors.

>> No.16026102

abbreviated to AIDS, refers to HIV in no part of it's name. What you stated was either pure ignorance or an outright lie

>> No.16026123

The abbreviation is just that, an abbreviation. Medically its definition is exactly what I said. You are only doing blind assumptions here based on the words it consists of. In this case, you are the ignorant one, because you clearly are not aware of its official definition.

>> No.16026475

Again, I reiterate, HIV does not cause AIDS. That is a lie that you have been sold.

>> No.16027106

HIV will turn up on any PCR test given enough cycles

>> No.16027302

look up what a retrovirus is you goddamned faggot

>> No.16027369

Even after turning into a senile old crank who believed almost every virus-related bullshit you could name from DNA water memory to "COVID-19 was made from HIV", he never actually denied that it caused AIDS.

>> No.16027402

he didn't deny HIV exists and causes AIDS but he did say that he has no evidence for it

>> No.16027505


I think he's better equipped to understand the pathology of the virus he discovered than you are, and he basically implied on multiple occasions that it was not the primary cause of AIDS, and possibly was not a causal factor at all.

>> No.16027506

Sorry, was responding to >>16027106

>> No.16027517
File: 160 KB, 750x993, Ryan-White-the-poster-child-for-AIDS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As every 80s kid knows, AIDS is not a gay disease. Anyone can catch AIDS, even teens.

>> No.16027523

Did they put him on AZT or protease inhibitors?

>> No.16027526

Did Elton rape him, and that's how he got aids?

>> No.16028503 [DELETED] 
File: 132 KB, 577x300, molech-sacrifice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He was just another child sacrificed to moloch

>> No.16029593 [DELETED] 
File: 44 KB, 640x640, what-is-HIV.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how come the fake cartoon picture they use to represent HIV is the same exact picture they use to represent covid?
is it because they're both fake? is that why they don't have any real pictures of either?

>> No.16030750


>> No.16030797

Thats one of the monsters from Doom2

>> No.16031822 [DELETED] 
File: 55 KB, 618x412, Fred_Phelps.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Indeed and for good reason too. God holocausted Sodom and Gommorah and nobody has ever criticized him for it

>> No.16032694


>> No.16033468

Just a reminder that Paxlovid, the new Pfizer drug to treat covid, is a combination protease inhibitor that uses ritonavir, which was designed and is used to "treat" HIV.

They're doing it all over again.

>> No.16033501

those pictures are all fake, none of those viruses actually exist. they'd have real pictures to use if those viruses existed

>> No.16034406

vax AIDS is real

>> No.16034947

This 38 minute video shows 763 different people dying from the vaccine.

>> No.16036042

Good video, watching the vaxxies die over and over again is quite amusing. Its like a science highlight reel

>> No.16036452

absolutely epic

>> No.16037489

no it isn't