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16020293 No.16020293 [Reply] [Original]

When will modern science accept the fact that dietary carbohydrates are simply toxins? The only time it makes sense to consume them is if your only other option is death.

>> No.16020399

just as soon as you submit strong enough research on the topic to merit publication in a reputable journal which can be cited to defend that hypothesis

>> No.16020404

Even if that were true, we can't feed the vast majority of the population with anything else, so your only other option is indeed death. Enjoy your carbs, anon.

>> No.16020443

How fat are you op? Be honest.

>> No.16020448

Your body is being disintegrated by acetone fucking ketard

>> No.16020480

My gut flora says you are right. Food that only contain that shit is fucking useless.

>> No.16020484
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He must be muscular like I am, not a lard bag like you.

>> No.16020707

Hopefully never, because it isn't true. But you can never know. I don't have enough faith in science to tell you that definitely never. It could happen.

>> No.16020757

>Hopefully never, because it isn't true
do you mind if I ask what makes you believe this?
(I'm asking for your personal experience, not studies done by other people)

>> No.16020772

You are just getting poisoned by the iron added to American flour.

>> No.16020794

>Even if that were true, we can't feed the vast majority of the population with anything else
Marvellous statement. In glorious ignorance you're basically admitting that the ruling class has been growing their human cattle with a quantity over quality strategy to maximize productivity and minimize maintenance costs.

>> No.16020810

>No carbs
Lol. Confirmed for DYEL. You retards have not researched the topic at all either.

>> No.16020954

>When will modern science accept the fact that our main sources of energy are simply toxins?
Considering the disastrous state of modern """science""", I'd say very soon. Water will probably be next in line.
We'll only eat insect protein burgers and drink vegetal oil, and be happy.