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16013981 No.16013981 [Reply] [Original]

Putin says global warming is fake news, your reaction?

>> No.16013994 [DELETED] 
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>Humanity is not even a Type 1 civilization on the Kardashev scale. If we cannot harness the energy potential of the planet, how can we control the climate?

>> No.16014027
File: 222 KB, 720x720, 1698193482114558.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck, I thought Putin was a highly intelligent mastermind... the dude has the mental ability of a redditor, communicating purely in buzzwords.

>> No.16014031

>gopnik dictator of shithole whose entire economy is based on fossil fuels doesn't want people to worry about climate change
No way?

>> No.16014036
File: 218 KB, 946x1520, climate hysteria.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are a homosexual.

>> No.16014039

yet he banks heavily on it being real

>> No.16014048

Always has been.
Don't let the Russophiles fool you, Putin is just as much of a libtard as any other world leader in the west.

>> No.16014049


>> No.16014051
File: 1.38 MB, 340x270, putin-vladimir-putin.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Putler benefits from people believing in climate hysteria, because all it means is that they are forced to import even more oil and gas after shutting down the refineries in their own countries in the name of LE CLIMATE CHANGE.

>> No.16014054

Because if you read what he actually said, he didn't say what OP said.
He just said he is not worried about it.

>> No.16014059
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But if he doesn't eat bugs, cow farts will cause the earth to flood.

>> No.16014092

It's not the farts. Wrong end of the cow, dipshit.

>> No.16014094

Ghana Ghana Ghana Ghana Ghana Ghana Ghana Ghana Ghana Ghana Ghana - he comes from Ghana

>> No.16014099

It's not the cows fart. It's your mum's fart that's the problem . It nasty

>> No.16014115

Putin was radicalized into invading Ukraine by watching old Lyndon LaRouche podcasts
The type that says the british royal family controls everything

>> No.16014143

These people don't get into positions of power by being competent, just well connected.

>> No.16014167

russia is not a western country, those in power are only in power through cunning

>> No.16014297

If humans can poison the ocean and our own foods, I don’t see why we can’t poison the atmosphere.

But I’m also of the opinion that global warming is 100x overblown at this point, and climate activists are insane propagandists and liars (and literal fire starters). You can believe in climate change but debate over the actual influence humans have on it. Why is this an all or nothing situation? Are humans 100% responsible or not?

Yes, the earth cools and warms over periods of time, and shifts. Will this have devastating consequences for certain peoples in certain regions? Probably. Florida is fucked. Greece is fine. Even had the ice caps melted, we wouldn’t be anywhere near a Waterworld type scenario.

I’m also of the opinion that, even if shit hits the fan, humans will acclimate. Domes or whatever.

>> No.16014300

Not the least bit surprised. The fascist right in America has been collaborating with Russia for a long time now.

>> No.16014301

>insane climate activists
Climate change could be an actual issue at a much later point, but noooo, we need to set literal forests on fire to prove a point!

>> No.16014317

>Putin, who has been after arctic oil forever, says global warming is fake news, because he can't sell arctic oil if nobody wants it, your reaction?
Duh. What is a snake oil salesman with no oil?

>> No.16014324

nobody cares

>> No.16014335


>> No.16014346


>> No.16014394

russia is one of the few countries that will directly and indirecly profit from climate change.

>> No.16014444

>ton of gas/oil to last thousands of years
>global warming happens
>russian cold area becomes warmer

>> No.16014446

Nobody is going to profit from the whole planet turning into Venus.

>> No.16014450
File: 233 KB, 700x432, 1674562077183772.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Putin says global warming is fake news, your reaction?
Says the dictator of a banana republic where 90% of exports are fossil fuels.

>> No.16014458
File: 20 KB, 296x280, 1686530818602135.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Half of those are hysteric, clickbait headlines from no-name newspapers (and says nothing about the scientific consensus of its time), and the other half is literally made up shit. Just look at this shit https://www.aap.com.au/factcheck/no-the-abc-didnt-predict-new-york-would-be-underwater-by-2015/
You are such a good little goy for your oilkike overlords. Keep it up buddy

>> No.16014462

>"Nobody ACTUALLY believed in acid rain"
>"Nobody ACTUALLY believed in the hole in the ozone"
>"Nobody ACTUALLY believed in Amazon deforestation"
You are here
>"Nobody ACTUALLY believed in Climate Change"

>> No.16014469
File: 5 KB, 250x187, 1691310518839014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Nobody ACTUALLY believed in the hole in the ozone"
What the fuck are you talking about, retard? The world made a concerted effort and banned the main ozone-depleting chemicals and we saw a regeneration over the next decades, with full recovery expected by 2045. Fixing a problem = it never existed in the first place? Hahahahha

>> No.16014487

Same thing with acid rain and deforesting the Amazon

>> No.16014545


>> No.16014672

Putin is unironically right. Global warming melting Russia's permafrost would unveil new, and easier to access energy deposits. It's the same with Canada. Global warming is a good thing, unironically. Just need people with guns to defend your borders.

>> No.16014800

>vatnigger janny deletes the most making fun of putin for being a reddit tier pseud that speaks in popsci buzzwords

>> No.16014803

The janitors on /sci/ are all /pol/tards.

>> No.16015361

>The world made a concerted effort and banned the main ozone-depleting chemicals
No it didn't, Europe and North America made an effort to insure the DuPont had a market for their new patented less efficient refrigerant because that was the only way it could compete with freon, so freon was banned so that wall street could make a lot of money selling r-134. The rest of the world still uses whatever refrigerants they want and the ozone layer continues to wax and wane in relation to solar activity because the refrigerant market never had any effect on the ozone layer and it never will. that was just a story that was invented to justify cornering the refrigerants market in the wealthiest countries

>> No.16015369

Take your meds.

>> No.16015502

Every time those fuckers want to sell some new shit their hired prostitutes find that the old stuff was somehow "harmful", and their other prostitutes make the old stuff illegal.

>> No.16015884

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