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16011823 No.16011823 [Reply] [Original]

In order to deal with the onslaught of NPCs who are preprogrammed automata pretending to be human being, we need to be certain in identifying them. While their flesh and blood may be real, their minds fall short because an NPC can be identified very simply:

If a personoid tells you there's no such thing as qualia and that there is no "mental plane," you can be 100% certain that you are interacting with a nonhuman entity. These NPCs are less than human and should not be afforded the same rights and luxuries that human beings invented and enjoy daily.

The facts are simple: mind and body are not the same, people have experiences (qualia), and if you cannot imagine this it is safe to say that you are a deterministic automata; a machine that has been preprogrammed with a set agenda to serve human beings in some way. NPCs cannot feel, as they are less than human.

Moving on from this, what can we possibly use NPCs for? We know that there are a great many of them out there (called physicalists/materialists or some other hokey-poke name) who get very angry and defensive when it is brought to their attention that they are not alive and therefore of much lower quality than humans.

What do we do with NPCs?

>> No.16011832

souls are real

>> No.16011835

qualia has nothing to do with being an npc. All visible behavior of a human being is controlled by the physical brain. subjective experience/qualia has nothing to do with actions, the brain is responsible for all thoughts and actions, all we can do is experience what our brain does, but have no control.

>> No.16011838

If you do not have free will then you are not alive. You are not human. You are less than human. I have free will; I can act as rationally or irrationally as I please.

>> No.16011851

Free will is logically impossible. All behavior of a system is either deterministic or random. Even if souls were proven to exist, there would still be no free will.

>> No.16011854
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>Free will is logically impossible. All behavior of a system is either deterministic or random.
>Logic designed by people with free will

>> No.16011863

I never understood this nonsense. It's never shown up on brain scans or dissections of neurons. Why bring claims about the supernatural onto /sci/?

>> No.16011877

they keep making these annoying threads about themselves, it's the worst

>> No.16011880

>unable to comprehend how a conscious person could disagree with you

You have fail'd a mental turing test

>> No.16011881

Wrong. It was design'd by people without free will.

>> No.16011903
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Some possible scientific tests that could theoretically be done in order to determine if someone is an NPC:


>> No.16011905


>People who don't uncritically embrace my delusion are literally subhuman and should be killed because their superior arguments frustrate me

Maybe just argue better and get some evidence instead of throwing a tism fit? You're acting like a Muslim rn

>> No.16011908

It's self-evident. You either have experiences and free will or you are not alive.

>> No.16011913

If you truly believe there's no freewill, then everyone you ever met and never will including yourself is npc.

>> No.16012160

>Free will is logically impossible.
Provide formal logical proof then.

>All behavior of a system is either deterministic or random.
False dichotomy arising from the circular assumption that there is no free will.

>> No.16012163

>first person experience is supernatural
>the most natural thing is supernatural
Hahaha, found the p-zombie

>> No.16012165

This isn't a video game.

>> No.16012166

>You're acting like a Muslim rn
How is this supposed to be an insult? You're just being racist.

>> No.16012168

According to "deterministic computational universe" ideologues like you, life is exactly like a video game.

>> No.16012169

The Muslim race has a qualia or two about this guy, right!

>> No.16012173

No, 'life' doesn't exist. It's all just chemical processes no different than anything else.

>> No.16012175

Which chemicals do I have to mix to make the flask in my lab experience guilt?

>> No.16012177

I might be misunderstanding, but qualia can’t be nonsense, it’s the most immediately perceptible part of existing. It’s the experience itself, is it not? Maybe we have different ideas about what it is

>> No.16012178

Anything that smells bad enough bro

>> No.16012183

That doesn't sound right. Vaginas for example smell bad but don't feel guilty for it.

>> No.16012518
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prove that you could have done otherwise.

>> No.16012531

spoken like a true npc

>> No.16012629

I think I am an NPC. My inner monologue has vanished since I was a teenager. Also, my ability to visualize is pretty much gone, a 4-5 on the chart (u know which).
I do think there are qualia though. Just not as magical things outside of reality as you suggest.

>> No.16012788

>I think therefore I am.
>"Take your meds you delusional schizophrenic."
If a personoid tells you there's no such thing as qualia and that there is no "mental plane," you can be 100% certain that you are interacting with a nonhuman entity.

>> No.16012807

>We know that there are a great many of them out there (called physicalists/materialists or some other hokey-poke name) who get very angry and defensive when it is brought to their attention that they are not alive and therefore of much lower quality than humans.
if they get angry about that, it sounds like they don't really believe what they're saying deep down.
it sounds like they'd rather believe that when it's convenient in order to shield themselves psychologically, and that telling them they're NPCs is basically calling their bluff.
if this is the case, your NPC test will have tons of false positives and you will end up sending fucked up humans into slave camps instead of true NPCs
a real NPC might be something more like a psychopath.
but moreover, hearing these weaponized terms like "NPC" so many times that you start taking them literally means that the weapon has worked successfully against you, so be careful.

>> No.16013383
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>go back in time
>heh, checkmate!

>> No.16013431

Does AI have an inner voice? Do NPCs have an inner voice? AI is already smarter than and more sentient that 50% of the humanoid population.

>> No.16013452

i see autistic retards have highjacked this term and now it is completely unusable

what else is new