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/sci/ - Science & Math

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16009206 No.16009206 [Reply] [Original]

MOGGED edition
previous >>16006604

>> No.16009209
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>> No.16009210
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>> No.16009212

SpaceX is finished. this is a graveyard of steel TRASH CANS.

>> No.16009214

Ayo someone mentioned a dep*t, where is it?

>> No.16009217


>> No.16009219
File: 168 KB, 941x998, 009430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Small Rockets
>Virgin Galactic flies four passengers to the edge of space
>Iran launches second rocket in eight days.
>Rocket Lab's first launch of 2024
>PLD Space wins government backing.
>Japanese launch startup sets a date

Medium Rockets
>Falcon 9, meet Cygnus.
>ESA gives “go” to dismantle Ariane 6

Heavy Rockets
>Starlab to launch on Starship.
>Owning Starship
>Endeavour goes vertical.

>> No.16009221
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>> No.16009225
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>> No.16009228
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>> No.16009232

starship RTLS fixes this

>> No.16009233
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Dry mass on the giant steel trash can is terrible it cant even get to TLI without multiple refuels

>> No.16009238
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World's largest game of 10 pin bowling

>> No.16009244
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We are still stuck in last century until we build a Mass driver

>> No.16009247

>psst, hey kid. Wanna buy couple tons of rocket fuel???

what is that bullshit? I was told a launch loop is the thing we ought to build first and it would have to be many orders of magnitude larger than w/e that is

>> No.16009248

>launching two at once, reducing the acceleration
>if the front one encounters a problem and has to stop, tough shit the other is going to come slamming into your engines
i hate artists' concepts i hate artists' concepts

>> No.16009252

These were not even going to space

>> No.16009254

I want to sniff her stinky sock so bad bros

>> No.16009256


>> No.16009258


>> No.16009259

Because that mass driver got taken over, and your mission was to stop them from reaching their destination

>> No.16009260


>> No.16009263
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Good morning /SFG/, can't wait for Papa Elon to explode 33 more expensive rocket engines and then take his scam company public so you seals can cash him out of his failure....again.

What planet should we invade and install Taylor Swift as the God Emperor of all mankind? Saturn?

>> No.16009270
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we're all very excited

>> No.16009274


>> No.16009275
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>> No.16009277

Did we ever find out what happened to 2nd stage?

>> No.16009279

Bros I am looking at high altitude clouds right now and they seem to be moving pretty fast. How come we can't get a wind turbine up there, lots of energy potential

>> No.16009280

> Big news this morning!! B13 is now STACKED in MB1!

>> No.16009281
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>> No.16009282

Vicki cock reveal soon?

>> No.16009283

Vented oxygen which exploded and then the automatic FTS activated

>> No.16009284

how can it explode

>> No.16009287

The liquid oxygen purge got oxygen entrained inside the engine skirt, which ignited with the methane that leaks out of the engines. The fire caused the engines to fail short of orbital velocity and the automatic flight termination system activated.

>> No.16009288

hard to believe there can be a lot of gas entrained under there when they're at such a high altitude.

>> No.16009289

Methane rich exhaust? Idk
They vented a lot of it due to using oxygen as a payload simulant

>> No.16009290

You get a low pressure zone that's locked in place by the high pressure exhaust flow from the engines.

>> No.16009296
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Do you think we could rebuild Tenochtitlan in geosynchronous orbit

>> No.16009312

I love Starship because even if reuse is dropped entirely, an expendable Starship still gets more payload to trans-lunar injection than SLS Block 2, at a cost 1/10th as much, and is capable of supporting over 10x the flight rate :)

>> No.16009318
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You're wrong.Vulcan is extremely high energy

>> No.16009322
File: 1.40 MB, 1024x1024, ESO_383-76_Legacy_DR10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>unfathomable size
It's like a little baby. Watch this. Could easily not fit between us and Andromeda and more too

>> No.16009326

Given that SLS flies once every two years, that'd only be 5/year. That's not SpaceX's flight rate, that's the FAA's flight rate.

>> No.16009328

>That yellow smear in the middle is extremely big
I wonder what people living 2000 years ago would think about this?

>> No.16009329

I said "over 10x", to capture that fact :)

>> No.16009330

>the FAA is slowing down SpaceX conspiracist is back

>> No.16009337

>California African []
Oh god whatever this exhibit is, we're going to lose a third shuttle

>> No.16009342

Go back to /pol/ racist fuck

>> No.16009343

It's an Africa tier vehicle anyway

>> No.16009350
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I presume. Disgusting show of intersectionality.

>> No.16009352
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QI bros... A month ago a was measuring the TLE data for the bary-1 satellite using a python package called SGP4 I got an apogee of 530~ km, TLE data is accurate within 1km. Today I watched it rise on the link in the post and it maxed out a 536.05km which is 5km higher than I measured earlier this month and it's above the error margin too.

It's real bros.

>> No.16009356

if QI is real why does it only interest schizoposters

>> No.16009358

The guy behind quantized inertia theory is a chud so he got excommunicated from society. We reasonable people know that someone else's beliefs don't affect their ability to do physics.

>> No.16009371

>that pic
Someone who wins government contacts for aerospace is wealthier than singers, songwriters and TV personalities. You don't say?

>> No.16009372

If it pans out I'll give you credit for believing first. But if the orbital demonstration is up there and functioning as expected, why can't I read about it anywhere but /sfg/ and schizo blogs?

>> No.16009374

>why can't I read about it anywhere but /sfg/ and schizo blogs?
this question always stumps conspiracy theorists

>> No.16009376

He got rich before the contracts, shillkike.
>and inb4 emerald mines
now gb2/biz/

>> No.16009378

IVO is really quiet about it and there is hardly any coverage on it. This is the most recent mention I could find and the last articles were around when it was launched. https://www.nextbigfuture.com/2024/01/what-we-still-would-not-know-if-ivo-quantized-inertia-drive-works-in-orbit.html

>> No.16009379

All those people are billionaires.
The way you wrote it makes them sound middle class.

>> No.16009382

well those are the richest Africans. It's not some arbitrary selection

>> No.16009385

jews or something idk

>> No.16009387

Well maybe africans should get into some field that's not entertainment

>> No.16009389

minstrel shows are a cornerstone of american culture

>> No.16009390

With the recent anti affirmative action laws this will never happen.

>> No.16009391
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It is clear some people are doing all they can to keep humanity from reaching the stars.

>> No.16009396
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nextbigfuture.com reeks of schizo blog

>> No.16009399


>> No.16009406

It's a sub payload on a tiny cubesat on a SpaceX Transporter mission testing a theory that most have never heard of because the men behind it are turbochuds (McCulloch) and goofy evangelical pastors (Mansell, CEO of IVO). The only government agencies paying attention to it glow in the dark. Even industry types like Hullo barely know it exists. /sfg/ is unironically leading edge here.

>> No.16009408

how can you tell if someone is schizophrenic by reading their blog?

>> No.16009412

very easily

>> No.16009428

>he doesn't have the government supplied schizodetector and tracker

>> No.16009448
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It's in Los Angeles

>> No.16009450

>built from concrete and bricks to avoid arson

>> No.16009451

you can tell by reading someones 4chan post most of the time. neurodivergence leads to particular patterns in speech. Schizos ramble to an uncanny length, and autists write in stunted sentences using words which are too big. Guess which one I am?

>> No.16009453
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I always recognize a fellow autist but I am less familiar with schizos though.

>> No.16009460

Found the redditor

>> No.16009469

You’re worse than the tumblr girls who think their self autism diagnosis gives them the skills to diagnose others.

>> No.16009470

The extra chromosome'd

>> No.16009482

t. butthurt schizos
I'm watching you by the way.

>> No.16009483

they write lots without saying much, and they get mad quickly if you don't follow their ramblings. There is a lot of overlap between schizo and shitposter, both write utter nonsense and accuse others of being a fed, but the schizo will effortpost more than the shiposter due to genuine mental illness

>> No.16009496

describing yourself, stfu please

>> No.16009506
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>> No.16009518

Do you know maid anon?

>> No.16009528

Post less faggy, please

>> No.16009538
File: 95 KB, 785x589, S2FZ7CGTLH5KR6NFIUE3POLIFQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could you live in here with a few other people for a week?

>> No.16009539
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Huh, I saw it reach max apogee at 530km yesterday

>> No.16009541
File: 196 KB, 821x452, firefox_2024-02-03_12-42-52.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I checked today and you're right it reached 535km over Antarctica this time, weird, should the point of apogee change that fast and over that much of a distance without throost? Possible explanations could be atmosphere expansion from solar wind flux but I don't think those would raise the apogee, other anon mentioned precession in the last thread but again shouldn't raise apogee. Orbital period remains same at 95 minutes though.

Is something actually going on here? Either its the sat acting funny or n2yo

>> No.16009542

Only if a qt3.14 sat above me

>> No.16009547

I bet that once the seats and IVA suits are stowed and put away there's a greater perception of space in there than in the Dragon capsules because Orion is wider, looks really comfy and spacious, especially so in microgravity where you can just hang out anywhere at the sides

>> No.16009550

>Could you live in here
>with a few other people
No, my hab get out

>> No.16009553
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For those interested /sci/ plays against /d/ shortly >>16009501

>> No.16009555

imagine you're stuck in here and the screaming child in the row behind you keeps kicking your seat

>> No.16009557


>> No.16009560

Notably the perigee hasn't changed on n2yo, it's still 509.6km

>> No.16009589

if you give me money

>> No.16009595

>why can't I read about it anywhere but /sfg/ and schizo blogs?

>> No.16009597
File: 2.32 MB, 750x404, 540.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

new hullo
>The Strange History of Advertising In Space

>> No.16009604

Why are they seething over commercialization activities in space? Just a nonsense commie shit?

>> No.16009605

you get a few days worth of your regular space force salary

>> No.16009622

will it come with daily human sacrifices?

>> No.16009669

no (earthers aren't people)

>> No.16009708

>I'm watching you by the way.
based schizo agitator

>> No.16009719

>Super Heavy boosters for the next three flights, with a fourth ready to stack, in the Starbase megabay

Yeah, SpaceX is definitely the bottleneck here.

>> No.16009722

Neither of those is ready to fly
I think this year rocket readiness will match up pretty well with the 5 per year limit, if they don't manage to raise they'll probably exceed it in readiness next year.

>> No.16009740


>> No.16009744

This is from 5, yeah?

>> No.16009772
File: 646 KB, 1080x1708, Screenshot_20240203_122708_Firefox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In space propulsion belongs to the chuds. First McCulloch, now Mueller.


>> No.16009779

>take all the negatives of HL from an aircraft and dial them to 11

>> No.16009780

Mueller has been a clear case for some time. I wouldn't predict that the rasta VP of raptors is a chud. But who knows.

>> No.16009781
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HAHAHAHA This is gonna get the most annoying part of spitter (leftists, progressives, all the ones on the left of this image) seething and crying

>> No.16009784
File: 406 KB, 634x681, lmao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao what was I saying, dude even has he/him in bio

>> No.16009787

Talking about Mueller is fine. This is cringe however.

>> No.16009791
File: 191 KB, 1080x696, Screenshot_20240203-212721.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope. Still falling like a brick according to NORAD. Trying to look at single insteantaous measurements is just stupid.
You were literally saying the same thing 2 weeks ago, nothing was happening then and nothing is happening now.


>> No.16009799

>black line still going down
it's over

>> No.16009822

Chud is right again:
>Nothing ever happens.

>> No.16009846

Applying to varda right now

>> No.16009852


>> No.16009854

When is it looking like IFT-3 will be? 4cuck is making me do 6 Captchas in a row and also making me wait a full minute to make my first post of the day...

>> No.16009855

Reported to the department of labor.Recommend all of you do so as well

>> No.16009857

its not elon musk so they will not care

>> No.16009859

Sorry I'm just going to apply to Varda instead.

>> No.16009860

Eh long husk

>> No.16009861

If Varda goes under, SpaceX loses a customer. It hurts Musk too, who knew Nazis of a fascist feather flock together

>> No.16009865

I'd love to pin you on the ground and then teabag you resulting in a nice warm cuppa - fagt

>> No.16009868
File: 971 KB, 400x300, my DICK.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the inner 3 sea level raptors gimbaling in after separation

>> No.16009871

Mid to end of february, so two weeks
When the ship and booater get tansported to the pad you know its close (probably)

>> No.16009875

you wish.
nobody now can currently accomplish what 20th century chads did

>> No.16009878

ChatGPT is back, fuckin hate B*rkun so much

>> No.16009880

niggertier AI

>> No.16009882

how badly is it going to fail this time?

>> No.16009885

What is going on with the perigree line?

>> No.16009886

its just precession

>> No.16009919

Voyager 1 is only10 AU away from being one light-day away from Earth

>> No.16009922

Thought that puppy was dead?

>> No.16009928

Who is the girl from planetary society with the sexy gaptooth?

>> No.16009939

I need to listen to Marcus House at 0.75 because I think he speaks too quickly. He constantly jumps to a new topic right when I'm still contemplating what he just said.
Thank you for reading.

>> No.16009941
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This one?

>> No.16009943

It's not perigee, it's argument of perigee, also known as "where is your perigee"
Same effect that's bending the orbit like that is moving the RAAN which is "where do you cross the equator"

>> No.16009944

Yes what is her name and instagram

>> No.16009945

they have probably solved the after flip engine light up issue if it was due to damage to the tanks with the booster, so I wouldn't be surprised if the booster is actually able to do a boostback and water landing, or at least a boost back
starship will reach orbit because they won't do the same oxygen venting -> explosion mistake again
hard to say about the de-orbit burn test, will probably work
doors might work
tank-to-tank cryo test within starship will be impossible to tell until the talk about it, not much is known about it so hard to say what counts as a failure or success if they are just looking at what some system does and then iterate from there
tiles fell off during the previous launch and I'm not sure if the ship for IFT-3 is going to use a new method for tile attachment, there was something like that coming up with some ships
so not really sure about if it will burn up in the atmosphere or not

>> No.16009992

Yeah but i’d prefer an all-guy crew like the Apollo era

>> No.16010000

>doesn't want to see zero-g booba


>> No.16010003

Seeing is one thing. Being trapped in a small space with one or more women and a broken dick (apparently erections do not work in zero-g) is hell.

>> No.16010004

Idk, it’s one thing to be on the space shuttle / ISS for a few days/weeks. I don’t think I’d want to hang around an Orion / Gayway Station with females.

>> No.16010006

Lotta coping gays here in this gen huh

>> No.16010010

have you heard women speak? its infuriating to listen to

>> No.16010017

Not if they're cute or attractive

>> No.16010022

It's almost sad to watch the young ones acknowledge there is an illegal immigration crisis but are conditioned to think discussing it in any way makes you a right wing nazi.

>> No.16010029

no, those can be fucking shrill and annoying too

>> No.16010050

So can men

>> No.16010054
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>> No.16010056

Yeah but at least men have big hard throbbing cocks hard as rocks

>> No.16010057

of course but I would say there is a substantial difference in frequency

>> No.16010060
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>> No.16010063
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>> No.16010067

>a new method for tile attachment, there was something like that coming up with some ships
Can you elaborate? I don't remember seeing anything about this

>> No.16010083

So is plasma magnet a just? Last I heard the fall off rate of the magnetic scam swirl is so steep that it's basically useless

>> No.16010087
File: 70 KB, 540x386, tenga-rocket-spaceflight-adult-brand-japan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not watching the video, but did he include that dildo advertisement on a Japanese rocket?

Also pretty funny that searching "dildo advertisement on a Japanese rocket" on Bing gave me pic related, but looking it up on Google gave me New Sheppherd lmao.

>> No.16010102

Bill nye should replace zubrin as our mascot

>> No.16010104

If the fall off rate is 2 instead of 1 its still better than ion engines, electric sails, solar sails, etc
>wow we reached Jupiter in 3 months instead of 30 days what a big deal

So yeah its still not given the proper attention it needs, first to figure out whether it even will work in space as expected

>> No.16010116
File: 2.37 MB, 4096x2469, GArKh-XWMAAiMT_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i tried to google it a bit but couldn't find it in a few seconds and don't really know much about the new system
only that its new

after some more googling I found this, that is a few months ago though

> New in the Ring Yard: A test barrel with what appears to be pins arranged for much smaller TPS tiles. Current theory is that these might be placed over the ship section seams instead of using glued-on tiles.

if you zoom in on the left side you see those metal hexagons as well so maybe that is some new thing too

>> No.16010157

No one is going to be 2 years in space just to go to Mars and die at landing,
The only way to Mars is nuclear propulsion

>> No.16010160

You might be confusing the launch window frequency (~26 months) with actual time it takes to get to Mars with chemical rockets
its not 2 years, nuclear propulsion won't be much faster

>> No.16010166

That's bad...

>> No.16010168

why? I'm sure this isn't the second iteration of tile attachment at this point could be something like the fourth

>> No.16010169

So they finally gave up, huh?

>> No.16010170

like iteration is how they become so good

>> No.16010171

Theyve had years to fix the tiles, it's gotten worse...

>> No.16010172

more tiles = more work

>> No.16010174
File: 52 KB, 210x171, Screenshot 2024-02-03 at 19-15-22 YouTube.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16010175

this is not how you get the job done....look at china if you want a future

>> No.16010180
File: 143 KB, 1280x720, dfgdfgdf656.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Ship 28's Raptor Engines Removed | SpaceX Boca Chica

>> No.16010181

no they haven't retard

if it working requires more tiles, who cares
that can be iterated upon in the future more and seems something a robot would be able to do in the future after they decide upon an actual reliable method

>> No.16010189

Interesting, thanks for looking it up

>> No.16010191

>check elons twitter after a few months
holy fucking shit, he has gone insane

>> No.16010192

tenga are a fake vagina not a dildo

>> No.16010196

>it's gotten worse

How so?

>> No.16010205

Full on Nazi. Just retweets alt right fasvist fake news constantly. he spends every waking hour boosting fox news propaganda, he's basically turning into zubrin and howard hughes combined

>> No.16010211

I went to an all-guys private high school. It was weird for like one month, but you get used to it pretty quickly. That type of environment just seems way better for cramped spaces and long-duration missions. Nothing against women but I’d either want to fuck them all (a la Antarctica bases, everyone apparently fucks eachother like rabbits) or I’d be grossed out smelling unwashed female astronaut cooch for 40 days

>> No.16010232

There are rumors the aroma is...irresistible

>> No.16010254


>> No.16010261
File: 162 KB, 1402x883, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why have there never been long term psychological and sexual studies with cramming astronauts in a tin can for years? We need to fund this.

>> No.16010265

Fuck off leftcels

>> No.16010267

Elmo's brain has rotted completely

>> No.16010272

There have

>> No.16010277

he is winning over the right side, which will most likely win the next presidential election with Trump
as a centrist he can always start supporting democrats again after they become a bit more reasonable

>> No.16010288
File: 661 KB, 663x890, 1705611023566528.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


SpaceX opponents get a win in key fight against beach launches

Environmental groups who have opposed SpaceX’s activities in South Texas have notched a win in a key fight.

On Thursday, Texas’ 13th District Court of Appeals ruled in favor of SaveRGV, the Sierra Club and the Carrizo/Comecrudo Nation of Texas in a challenge to a 2013 state law authorizing beach closures for space flight activities. The groups argued the law goes against the Open Beaches Amendment to the Texas Constitution, noting that county and state officials have allowed Boca Chica Beach to close for hundreds of hours a year.

Under the Texas Open Beaches Act, the public has the free and unrestricted right to access state beaches.

>> No.16010293

Biden's home state just fucked him out of a $55Bn pay package, after it had fully vested, and made it so that the last 5 years of his efforts at Tesla where he slept on the factory floor, basically was all for free. Coupled with all the other regulatory harassment borne of Biden's famous "maybe Elon Musk should be looked into" statement during a press conference, and its obvious that Elon's out to fuck over Biden. He's never taken kindly to bullying, and after all the repeated snubbing by the Biden admin to Tesla, stolen credit by promoting GM as the EV leader, the Mary Cummings NTSB appointment to try and fuck over Tesla's autonomy lead through an obvious conflict of interest; the HLS nonsense.

Musk's success with Tesla and SpaceX is a direct counterpoint to Biden's ethos of why the US needs unions and incremental/steady-state progress instead of exponential and meritocratic driven jumps instead.

So this conclusion was all but inevitable.

>> No.16010294


>> No.16010297

>which will most likely win the next presidential election with Trump

>> No.16010299

The state of Texas could take over the beach area behind Starbase as government land, and then lease it out to SpaceX on a 10y lease or so in return for increased tax revenue from the corporation or something to solve the problem.

>> No.16010300
File: 198 KB, 1024x1024, howard huge on mars_aa5c8365-4c0b-4c91-a2fd-60a51856b426.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he's basically turning into zubrin and howard hughes combined
Fucking awesome

>> No.16010304

so what are your odds?

>> No.16010307


>> No.16010308

Problem is that Trump doesn't have to win, he can readily lose; but if enough states refuse to certify Biden's win within and instead shift the electoral college to Trump instead; then the inevitable constitutional crisis will force the presidency to the speaker of the House. Which currently is Mike Johnson.

As I understand it, even if Biden wins the presidency by vote count, if the EC votes aren't locked in AND the final tally isn't certified, then he has to leave office at the end of his term. Which is what the GOP appears to be banking on. Create a crisis that removes Biden from the office, and allows the SoH to dictate who the next president is

>> No.16010309

Tesla might incorporate in Texas which would bring a bunch of tax revenue, 0.75% of gross revenue is taxed and Tesla had like 95bil revenue in 2023, which is only going to increase

>> No.16010310
File: 17 KB, 400x400, GE89q7IaIAA7Bai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have one year.

>> No.16010311

Is there a way to read NIAC final reports? There's one from 2022 that I want to read but I can't find anywhere were reports are made available, not even old ones.
It's about using temperature swing adsorption to recover the minute amounts of free oxygen in Martian atmosphere. The author specializes in adsorption surfaces for various gases.

>> No.16010312

You chuds tried this one before and got soundly beaten

>> No.16010314

But that's Tesla, not SpaceX. The issue with the beach is with SpaceX and Starbase. So even with the increase in tax revenue from Tesla, legally, that cannot have a material benefit towards SpaceX. Also, I doubt Abbott would grease the wheels that much.

>> No.16010319

The difference between 2020 and 2024 is that you have the Texas border situation where some 23 states have all signed letters in support of. Which means come election season, statistically, its more than likely that half these will refuse to certify Biden's EC wins.

In any case, I don't want Trump to win; but I'm not a fan of Biden either. It'd be nice if voting for a president wasn't a choice between two geriatrics a decade or so from death's door.

>> No.16010324

You can vote for RFK Jr, who is also a geriatric

>> No.16010325

legally, please
it will increase the good will of Texas towards Musk and Musk will get political influence due to that
don't be naive
Musk being seen as a great asset to Texas in general will make decisions toward him more favorable, people might listen to him more and so on
like actually believe that it is important for them to be able to launch, it will benefit the texas economy etc

>> No.16010326


>> No.16010329

I'm aware. I just mean that Abbott has to weigh supporting Elon and Tesla more than he can support Trump, who's gone on record that if he wins the second term, he'll pass legislation to try and destroy the budding EV sector in the US. Abbott will outlast Trump, but he has to survive the next 4 years--as Trump's entire ethos for his 2nd term is revenge and not actual anything substantial policy wise.

A vindictive man with ultimate power makes for a difficult person to reason with.

>> No.16010332

>he'll pass legislation to try and destroy the budding EV sector in the US
really? I thought it was just about cancelling IRA
Tesla doesn't it, it helps yes but they don't need it

>> No.16010334
File: 29 KB, 600x733, deus ex facts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Trump's entire ethos for his 2nd term is revenge

>> No.16010335
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>> No.16010336

>A vindictive man with ultimate power makes for a difficult person to reason with.
Maybe next time don't offend him by falsifying the election, then alienating the public so they vote him back in no matter what you try

>> No.16010339

Spaceflight is political

>> No.16010342

Cancelling the IRA won't really make a difference for stopping the electrification conversion. Biden's play with it was ineffectual because he wanted a charging network that doesn't use Tesla's standard to take over and push Tesla into a corner. Instead, the industry threw their weight behind Tesla's NACS offering and made announcements one after the other to integrate with the supercharger network--making him and his transport secretary look like tonedeaf stooges who keep betting on the wrong technology and wrong team.

So even if the IRA goes away, Tesla's countrywide supercharger network exists; and any new EVs that come out in 2025 onwards will be NACS only. But Trump's comments on all this are hostile to EVs in general--and while Tesla has the capital and the stacked deck intelligence to navigate this easily. Abbott doesn't. He's just a politician. He can be voted out easily. So he's got to juggle what he wants for Texas vs keeping in Trump's good graces, because otherwise he'll be ex communicado and that's basically the end of your career in the party.

>> No.16010343

Trump in 2024 is a little whiny bitch. I liked him better in 2016.

>> No.16010346

Unless you sit to the left of the président, your opinion does not matter to me

>> No.16010347

Go back to Mexico.

>haha yeah he's being persecuted like a Soviet dissident but it's lame that he says anything about it

>> No.16010349

And like him, you're a whiny little bitch too.

>> No.16010350

I know and I agree
Tesla doesn' need IRA, so Trump or republicans voting it down does not really matter too much
but what do you mean hostile in general? do you have anything specific? because the first comments you made made it sound like Trump would basically ban EVs, but that is not my impression at all
he would just perhaps delete IRA, maybe walk back some EPA stuff
it might slow down EV adoption somewhat but even that might not be true
Teslas are bought because they are great cars, not because they are EVs specifically

>> No.16010353

>but what do you mean hostile in general?
Its hard to qualify this because he's stated, as you mentioned, that he'll roll back Biden's IRA. Beyond that, very briefly, he and Elon did have a spat on Twitter or Twitter/Truth Social. So its not clear to me if Trump is over that or continues to hold that grudge and would use his power as president to fuck with Elon and Tesla/SpaceX as a result. He was fully in support of the two during his first term, but a lot has changed since.

>> No.16010357
File: 176 KB, 1917x1079, 009433.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder what the minimum time between launches would be? assuming it goes perfectly and they don't need to fix anything or do a lengthy mishap investigation
they could start spamming these

>> No.16010356

What does Mexico have to do with the French Revolution? Nothing.

>> No.16010359

who cares.

>> No.16010360

Plasma sails will be relegated to secondary propulsion like spinnakers once the QI drive is proven.

He's said repeatedly at rallies he's against mandates, not the existence of the technology. If EVs can be destroyed by removing mandates and subsidies they deserve to be destroyed.

>> No.16010362 [DELETED] 
File: 175 KB, 800x897, 800px-Kenneth_Copeland_2011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The republicans are not going to solve the border. We're facing issues because the republicans never did anything to address the problems that existed for decades before Reagan became governor.

The last republican president to balance the budget was President Eisenhower, meaning not a single baby boomer republican president has ever balanced the budget.

Trump did this.


In a statement, the White House said the decision, which is not a presidential pardon, had bipartisan support from leaders across the political spectrum, such as House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-California) and Orrin Hatch (R-Utah). Trump's action does not vacate Rubashkin’s conviction and leaves his term of supervised release and a restitution obligation, the White House said.

Rubashkin, a 57-year-old father of 10 children, oversaw operations at Agriprocessors, a large kosher meatpacking plant owned by his father in the northern Iowa town of Postville. The plant was raided by agents with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement in May 2008, leading to the arrests of nearly 400 Mexican and Guatemalan immigrants who were living and working in the country without authorization.

>> No.16010365

It's a long way from
>he'll pass legislation to try and destroy the budding EV sector in the US
>very briefly, he and Elon did have a spat on Twitter
>its not clear to me if Trump is over that or continues to hold that grudge and would use his power as president to fuck with Elon and Tesla/SpaceX as a result
So why don't you admit that your crippling TDS is ruining your life

>> No.16010366

Given how poorly all non-Tesla EVs seem to be doing, you probably could kill all of them by doing that

>> No.16010367


>> No.16010370

>once the QI drive is proven.
Tick tock, schizos. The perigee keeps dropping.

>> No.16010371 [DELETED] 

I don't have to, Trump is deranged enough.

>> No.16010372

no less than the minimum time that constitutes "it's so over"

>> No.16010373

Trump talked shit about Vivek as well, but that was just a way to get people voting for him instead of Vivek
and when Vivek conceded in favor of Trump, they are best friends again
its just politicking, I wouldn't read too much into it
Musk unbanned Trump on twitter and hasn't really talked much shit about him other than saying Musk thinks climate change is a real threat (which I guess could be seen as shit talking)

>> No.16010377
File: 131 KB, 1024x1024, 1704150382940468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trump announce that he has a jewish grand baby at the AIPAC convention


-- GOP Front Runner Donald Trump told the annual AIPAC convention that he will stand with Israel if elected President and even told them that his daughter is "about to have a beautiful Jewish baby."

>> No.16010379


>> No.16010386

Some good posts from the Best Korean space agency's Twitter
I'm phoneposting, somebody grab them for me

>> No.16010390

>use a single French word
>ameritards reveal themselves

>> No.16010392

Just putting a made-up funny hat on the letter "e" doesn't make a word French.

>> No.16010393

Chevy is at least attempting to bring back PHEVs, which got killed for the usual GM reasons (fucking retarded management, mistiming the market) with the Volt last time. "EV with a small onboard generator to recharge it" kills the range anxiety meme, and battery tech has improved in the meantime.

>> No.16010403 [DELETED] 

>goes with Ben Shapiro to the holocaust museum

>> No.16010408

That's a little something you retards know well, it's called "virtue signaling"
>pulls out necklace
>something something to remember the 6 gorillion hostages
Give me a motherfucking break lmao

>> No.16010411 [DELETED] 

are you mad that Elon isn't nazi enough for you? lol

>> No.16010413

He's mad that his argument about Musk being nazi doesn't land. His accusation that anyone who is little to the right of Mao Zedong, Karl Marx and Stalin is considered to be a Nazi

>> No.16010422 [DELETED] 

can /pol/ shitters please leave?
trump lost
russia lost
palestine lost

>> No.16010425 [DELETED] 

saying Palestine won isn't politically incorrect though

>> No.16010426

>Plasma sails will be relegated to secondary propulsion like spinnakers once the QI drive is proven.
I've hyped both up and I still think plasma mag sails are more likely to be real, just much harder to test cause it has to be outside of the magnetosphere, cubesats don't tend to fair well that far out

>> No.16010435

Elon is obviously a Nazi and I want him to quit wasting everyone's time and stop pretending that he's not.

>> No.16010438 [DELETED] 
File: 67 KB, 630x1024, GFdoUOlXsAAUaPV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this isn't about 2020 retard, its about 2024
I don't follow this much at all, but it seems Trump is favored to win over Biden right now

> What’s funny is that Biden folks act like any poll he’s up in is important but then minimize the 71+ polls that have him losing to Trump. If the polls matter, Biden is the wrong candidate.

>> No.16010441

>what 4 days of no falcon launches does to a general

>> No.16010442 [DELETED] 

Elon will NEVER be a national socialist, no matter how badly you want him to be

>> No.16010448


>> No.16010452
File: 1.34 MB, 350x314, landru79 - 1753882293469348193.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Falcon launches don't really seem to be doing much for anyone these days. We're living in a golden age of rocket launches and sometimes it feels like we're back in early 2000s.

Juno came within 1500km of Io on Perijove 58. That's something.

>> No.16010453

That's how it'll feel once interplanetary passenger flights are routine.

>> No.16010454

>We're living in a golden age of rocket launches and sometimes it feels like we're back in early 2000s.
That's cause that's where we should've been at that point, instead it took so long to get there, lost decade for real.

>> No.16010457
File: 1.91 MB, 1125x1712, IMG_8321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if we kissed on the alcubierre warp drive?

>> No.16010458

Trump won

>> No.16010459
File: 77 KB, 931x495, keller.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based Jim Keller

>> No.16010461

>russia lost
nice headcanon

>> No.16010463 [DELETED] 

where are the right-wingers that support space exploration? every right winger i follow seems to espouse the same schizo nonsense about flat earth or moon landing denial

>> No.16010464

They are all controlled oppo, whether they know it or not.

>> No.16010470

Its gonna be hilarious when the evidence of Artemis III happening will be so undeniable and livestreamed constantly/not contested by China etc, and since Artemis III will more than likely include a black man or woman moonwalker they will either have to accept that the first person to really land on the moon was a black person or drop their conspiracy BS and finally accept that 12 mostly Christian white men walked on the moon in the 1960's just to not feel suddenly inferior, and all their flat earth and Apollo hoax bullshit will be dropped just like that

That's what I predict will happen, will be funny as hell to see the shift once they snap to reality.

>> No.16010475

what do you mean where? like vocally supporting the right?
doing that during the last few years or even going more far back would get you cancelled
with X becoming a free speech platform and the Overton window opening up you will start to see more overtly right wing points because people will be more comfortable to talk about their actual beliefs
you should look up preference falsification if this is a surprise to you

>> No.16010476

They're building rockets.

>> No.16010477

moon landing denying is mostly a false flag and well poisoning to make actual conspiracies seem insane too by proximity

>> No.16010483

Flerfers are not itnerested in discussion or proof. They have a list of well poisoning to go through. When they're not flerfing they're posting about breakaway nazis at the south pole, or that the sun is going to go Micronova, or that Arrests are Coming.

>> No.16010484

I don't think it is, or if it is then it has suckered in the easily conspiracy minded/susceptible people, those who believe in
>Tartaria/mud flood
>ice wall
>hollow earth
>FEMA camps
>Agenda 21
Those are the conspiracies I see promoted aside from flat earth & moon landing denial, basically totally distrust and suspicion of the federal government which includes NASA

>> No.16010485 [DELETED] 

they love to ask rhetorical questions and respond with laughing emojis or some generic laughing gif from some boomer movie

>> No.16010488

>totally normal clips of ISS/Apollo astronauts doing stuff overlaid with laughtracks and clown music

I fucking despise boomer humor so much

>> No.16010491 [DELETED] 
File: 415 KB, 220x217, ray-liotta-laughing.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its this gif in particular that they love to use lol

>> No.16010492

>>ice wall
>>hollow earth
These two are incompatible though. Don't you see? It's a miasma of bullshit that no one could actually arrive at on their own. It's there to ruin the discourse.

>> No.16010493

I don't mean those, they are similar well poisoning
I mean stuff like covid lockdown criticism and it being made in a lab (turned out to be true btw), hunter biden laptop, government collusion to censor conservatives on twitter and so on
these get presented next to your list and then people dismiss them because they think they are similar conspiracies without even entertaining the possibility
i.e poisoning the well by banning discussion of this stuff anywhere but a place which is full with actually insane conspiracy theories

>> No.16010494

>It's there to ruin the discourse.
Yet they seriously believe it, they hold contradicting worldviews like its nothing

>> No.16010496 [DELETED] 

don't forget that they think planes run on free-energy machines or something lol

>> No.16010497

>Yet they seriously believe it,
How do you know that though
How do you know that they are real people?
Is it because you just find it implausible that agencies would devote resources to spreading pysops?

>> No.16010498

you ever been on /x/? there is no such thing as incompatibility to these people.

>> No.16010500

also one I'm seeing more often is that all satellites are actually balloons, ISS is a giant balloon or whatever, lmao

>> No.16010502 [DELETED] 

we need to start spamming flerf accounts with gore and cunny and doxx them or something yeah

>> No.16010503

>doxx them
Not possible. Try it and see. They'll just evaporate into smoke.

>> No.16010505
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>> No.16010507 [DELETED] 

this is very kek my fellow 4channer!
-sent from my Samsung

>> No.16010510
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>> No.16010511
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it just goes on and on

>> No.16010512 [DELETED] 
File: 33 KB, 220x221, 1690944116910.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you have L skibidi rizz my guy

>> No.16010513 [DELETED] 

>Dad, husband, aviation photographer, IT pro & destroyer of flat-Earth delusions. Science-denial, your time is up. Critical thinking is here to stay.

>> No.16010514

Notice though that you never see these boomers actually coming up with these "memes".
It's not like there was ever a discussion you could see where they went
>hey how did Nixon call them anyway
These things come out of nowhere, with no attribution, always new ones to keep up the psyop.

>> No.16010516

oops this one wasn't a flerfer

>> No.16010517

I can believe it's created inorganically, but it definitely spreads organically after the fact

>> No.16010518

I'm sure you could find the source if you dig hard enough
>ATS or Godlike productions forum
>conspiracy youtube channel
>flat earther tiktok


>> No.16010519 [DELETED] 

doesn't this beg the question of what a moon lander SHOULD look like?
how come they never respond to this?

>> No.16010522

>it definitely spreads organically after the fact
That's certainly true. Not on 4chan so much though. Flerf threads on /pol/ are usually just an OP spamming and everyone else telling him to KYS or getting tied up on knots trying to argue with him.

>> No.16010523
File: 283 KB, 1920x1080, 1684551112642045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it should look like this

>> No.16010524

>every right winger i follow seems to espouse the same schizo nonsense about flat earth or moon landing denial
Those are federal agents, anon.

>> No.16010525

That's a conspiracy theory.

>> No.16010526

Dunno but Starship is probably much more what their idea (which is mostly Hollywood) of what a lunar lander should look like, and with Elon claiming that Apollo is real and the moon landings happened, and Starship going to land on the moon multiple times soon I'm sure we'll see this scenario happen eventually >>16010470

It'll end up becoming too fringe to gain traction even among the very fringe, like those who deny nuclear weapons are a thing and were ever used, that one seems too wacky even for most conspiratards and it hasn't gained traction

>> No.16010529

Right wing pro space accounts do exist, but it's a small demographic. Nerds with graduate degrees tend to naively stick with whatever was popular on campus at the time which has meant shitlibs for anyone who graduated after about 1990.

>> No.16010530
File: 78 KB, 934x1163, GFQtWi_W0AA7K4n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I swear sometimes I think they're joking

>> No.16010531 [DELETED] 

they love to shill the P1000 camera for taking "real" pics of planets but will never ever consider using a telescope
they have to be grifting

>> No.16010536

Polaris Dawn spacewalk is gonna break flerfer brains

>> No.16010538 [DELETED] 

not really
they will just claim its cgi

>> No.16010539

lol true, the answer to everything they don't understand

>> No.16010541

Landspace plans on doing a 10km hop of their methalox grasshopper in June.

Really wonder if we could see a Chinese company do a "true" stratospheric or even near-space Recovery trajectory simulation before New Glenn flies and successfully lands

>> No.16010542

>near-space Recovery trajectory simulation
This is what I wish Starship hops ended on man

>> No.16010543
File: 94 KB, 715x931, GDNm1rsXwAAv4is.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man this is the real shit

>> No.16010544

Its happening?!

>> No.16010547

hah, good luck landing on >>16010530

>> No.16010548
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>> No.16010549
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>> No.16010551

really a shame mars is too blurry to land on

>> No.16010552

>ok we can't propose Starship for political reasons
>but what if... RDRE methalox mini Starship with Shuttle paintjob! :DDDDDDD

>> No.16010553
File: 91 KB, 1405x791, 009435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck is this?
can't use Starship, so they use some legally distinct looking thing that has all the features? lmao

>> No.16010555
File: 130 KB, 1407x788, 009438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16010557

Yeah you can't acknowledge Starship openly at NASA, so they make up paper rockets that look exactly like Starship, but which were developed legitimately.

>> No.16010558
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>> No.16010559

That's obviously not Starship because it has landing legs.

>> No.16010561

Don't you see the colors?
>white and black
Totally not Starship, anyways that will be $12 Billion pls Congress

>> No.16010562
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>> No.16010563
File: 24 KB, 270x272, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they even stick refueling in the mission architecture. it's only an untested risk when spacex does it

>> No.16010564

Total Democrat Death

>> No.16010566

In a couple months we’ll have the 10th anniversary of the first F9 ocean soft touchdown, and nobody beside SX would have demonstrated anything similar (new Shepard lacks the horizontal component) in the time

>> No.16010567

This is one of the most controversial topics in science.

>> No.16010568
File: 799 KB, 1290x732, IMG_2303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at our totally not a starship guise

>> No.16010569

NTR > Chem > NEP

Not really, its easy.

>> No.16010572

>Full on Nazi.
>meets with Netanyahu
The light nazi stuff he posts is just to get /pol/like people on his side. He discusses this with Netanyahu and other powerful figures before and that's why he isn't getting much shit for it.

>> No.16010574

NEP with Chem earth departure is cool for interplanetary travel

>> No.16010579
File: 631 KB, 789x618, space complex.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate the SLS so much it unfucking real.

>> No.16010580

Pretty sure the Twitter ramblings are because he lost $55 Billion.

>> No.16010583
File: 194 KB, 1405x790, 009439.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16010585

unless that planet is Mars

>> No.16010587

Illegal border crossings were at a record low during the Trump admin my propagandist friend.

>> No.16010588
File: 1.68 MB, 2288x1712, Boeing_737-400_Engine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I write "This is one of the most controversial topics in science." while forgetting to quote post
> I actually meant to quote a political post way up this thread
Let's talk about the engines then I guess

>> No.16010589

Pretty sure he's been bringing attention to the border issue way before the judge ruling.

>> No.16010591

the vetting test (both psychological and physical) for Mars colonists will be a solo climb of El Capitan. If you can’t do it, you’re not going to Mars

>> No.16010595
File: 31 KB, 484x344, 1692239177531832.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wright brother were the first to fly a plane
>meanwhile this German dude 40 years ago:

>> No.16010596

The engine is normally shaped.
The cowling is different.

>> No.16010598

I hate it. I think it looks ugly. the whole thing should be a nice smooth circle, or at least an oval

>> No.16010599

Gonna make a post dissing British inventors in a few hours if I remember

>> No.16010601

with a safety line isn't that just a matter of endurance and sufficient physical fitness

>> No.16010602
File: 2.04 MB, 5110x2994, 26925645864_19df514756_5k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did they make it like that anyway? Some bizarre aerodynamic optimization?

>> No.16010603

There's no room.
The engines are too big for the low-to-the-ground 737.

>> No.16010604 [DELETED] 

Predictable retaliation to a hated president, bozo. Part of your game theory should have been what happens after he leaves office.

>> No.16010605
File: 219 KB, 1080x720, 6.-unclimbed-mountains.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would just climb it from the back side where it's not steep

>> No.16010606

You pass

>> No.16010607

that is retarded

>> No.16010608
File: 56 KB, 656x804, 009440.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16010609

The retarded is real

>> No.16010614

Apollo emblem clothing is top tier

>> No.16010621
File: 268 KB, 851x609, Screenshot from 2024-02-03 22-18-47.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16010627 [DELETED] 

ksp2 looking ahhh fuel tanks with the blue paint

>> No.16010633

How are they launching that totally not starship?

>> No.16010638

SLS Block 2 (lol)

>> No.16010639
File: 60 KB, 750x1024, GFeRd3ObMAACwpC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you think you can break this man? he doesn't give a shit

>> No.16010642

Imagine the cost especially with refuels

>> No.16010644
File: 153 KB, 1122x955, 009441.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> He suggested the Falcon 9, which has had one in-flight failure in nearly 300 launches, might qualify. “Is that routine? It’s getting close in my mind,” he said. “But the community is going to have to decide what that number is.”

>> No.16010682

If you launched a Falcon 9 inland you could just ship it back to the pad by road instead of needing to bother with a droneship. Might be a useful idea

>> No.16010685

There has been talk of easterly launches from Vandenberg as well.

>> No.16010690

>Hey Elon, why did you give the FAA a free Starlink terminal for their headquarters?
>no reason

>> No.16010692

We need easterly launches from kennedy

>> No.16010699
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>> No.16010712

>Guess which one I am?
neither as you are a faggot

>> No.16010727

>even MORE engineers here at WSTF will be sucked over to SpacePortAmerica

can't say I blame them

>> No.16010745

Anyone who obsesses over flatcels needs to go back to teddit
This is what you sound like. Go back.

>> No.16010780
File: 185 KB, 960x720, Slim_jaxa_960.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16010783
File: 64 KB, 602x340, SpaceXrobots-qimg-459e0a0c0f9858c5a67e88a57041da58-lq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2.5 year /sfg/ browser here. Starting my first job tomorrow as a welding robot programmer. Give me your best advice. got the job without prior experience guess they liked me?

>> No.16010798

kinematics are annoying

>> No.16010802

As long as you didnt lie or embellish on your resume/interview you will probably get the training you need. If you dont, go ask for it I guess.

>> No.16010820

Why are there no weather tracking satellites around Venus? Sure, it's very much possible to do, but you need funding for that.

>> No.16010840


Interview isaacman that talks about spacex among other things

>> No.16010842

Looking at the topics list it seems like about half is space related

>> No.16010867

Make friends at work, show that you're eager to learn.
I bet that you can read about those robots online.

>> No.16010884

There were at points satellites that were taking pic of Venus. Davinci and Envision might have small cameras too who knows.

>> No.16010886

>I bet that you can read about those robots online.
Yeah I already started watching instructional videos

>> No.16010896

learn to use a search engine you lazy zoomoid

>> No.16010908

proof or kys faggot, it hasn't moved in months

>> No.16010920

Are New Mexicans retarded? Duped into building an inland spaceport by a bankrupt company and think 2 million prize will get SpaceX to move there? Uhh first make it legal to fly overland maybe, I'm sure FAA will be receptive. Then add massive incentives, tax breaks.

>> No.16010922

Scientists have found Earth's pussy

>> No.16010927

Boomer replies to this article prove space future is cancelled, let alone inland launch

>> No.16010932
File: 151 KB, 991x607, smallsat hater.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16010959

Buy your own small kit to program to play/learn. Understand the programming logic and 3d space the arm moves in intuitively.

>> No.16010960
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>> No.16010966
File: 96 KB, 643x494, Ares V.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder Ares V uses 2 59m (194 ft) solid motors.

>> No.16010969
File: 3 KB, 240x256, 660523-q-bert-arcade-screenshot-avoid-the-baddy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which orbit is q*bert in

>> No.16010974

watch this without shedding a tear:

>> No.16010976

It's the downrange debris zones, stupid.
The old "oceanfront property in Ariz...er New Mexico" grift.

>> No.16010980

They played at the same music I would have played for someone making a wood carving of a fat venus in 30,000 BC

>> No.16010984


>> No.16011003

the point of LEO mega constellation is low latency
GEO is a lot further than people think, far enough to make light speed a limiting factor
smallsats are a dead fad anyway

>fat workshop

>> No.16011004

>>Iran launches second rocket in eight days.
Fair fucking play

>> No.16011007

Anon, have you ever lived with a woma?

>> No.16011009

Does my mom count?

>> No.16011010
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pic related

that's what murder is for


>> No.16011013
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>> No.16011018

I fucking hate journalist.
It was an over pressure test designed to pop, and it wasn't even made by NASA

>> No.16011020
File: 106 KB, 583x738, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>using non aerospace grade material to transport hundreds of people to mars

>> No.16011022

>lego starship

>> No.16011024

>It's my understanding ABL is working towards a launch at the end of this month or early March. Nothing official yet.

>> No.16011026

Yes, but not all politics is spaceflightical

>> No.16011030

No, everyone has lived with her

>> No.16011034

those non-aerospace grade parts are used in the most reliable rocket in history

>> No.16011036

>smallsats are a dead fad anyway
cubesats are the dying fad. everybody has moved to smallsats (dishwasher sized)

>> No.16011039

Mirroring the trend of spacecraft development that started in the 1950s. New entrants are going to stay small, but with anyone who stays in the industry, they're going to get bigger.

>> No.16011043
File: 3.54 MB, 4640x2610, IMG_20231121_012332436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys, they are too cure, i don't have the balls to tell them that as soon as i can i will replace them with their silicon based life analog

>> No.16011046

It's a consequence of having correct intuitions about epistemology but failing to apply them consistently (a hard pill to swallow: almost all "knowledge" almost everyone has about almost everything is much less justified) and failing to reflect on those intuitions and their implications.

>> No.16011047

Very very cute.

>> No.16011050
File: 28 KB, 1155x167, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

military has the OTV/STP programs
they also can carry a few classified cubesats on the upper stage
civilians have these small rocket lab type launchers for their experiments

>> No.16011054

>developed legitimately
you could argue for them being developed independently (clearly they're not) but legitimacy is right out

>> No.16011055

looking forward to the meteoric rise and eventual supremacy of your Martian colony
btw, what's the largest number of people you've successfully lead in a organization?

>> No.16011056

you eat shit out of a man's ass

>> No.16011057

Cats are the 22nd century solution to extracolonial rodent problems, they will be worth their weight in gold when mitigating vermin outbreaks

>> No.16011059

>Starlink terminal
>terminal guidance

>> No.16011062

>best advice
program welding robots

>> No.16011063

>instructional videos
don't ngmi yourself
write code and read

>> No.16011067


>> No.16011068

No, my experience living with women doesn't involve eating shit out of mens asses

>> No.16011069

"based on what?"

>> No.16011072

Mueller is racist???
what the heck

>> No.16011075

Birds of a fascist feather flock together. Why do you think Führer Elon hired him?

>> No.16011078

Everyone hates niggers these days, it's a simple dice roll

>> No.16011080

It's funny watching all those faggots on twitter get offended. Who would have thought that engineers don't have left-wing views?

>> No.16011083

Did he post more than that one response to the Vardafraud tweet?

>> No.16011084

yeah he sold them engines. retard

>> No.16011085

kek if you think that makes him a rayciss

>> No.16011089

I want to blow that NSF egghead's brains out. He is awful interviewing Tom Mueller

>> No.16011090

If you look there's basically nothing but desert and mountains east of Vandenberg

>> No.16011094


This week on Mars Guy, he lays out a convincing argument for TND.

>> No.16011095

annoying retard

>> No.16011101

Wrong, they won't survive zero-g due to their adaptations to survive falling being triggered in it, the correct (and much better) solution is ratting terriers

>> No.16011107

Good luck getting a dog to piss and shit in a zero g toilet, not to mention the stray hairs.

The answer is hairless cats

>> No.16011110

even china is giving up on inland flights

>> No.16011111
File: 1.37 MB, 264x264, shiggy_diggy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16011112

Don't put your pets in the washing machine

>> No.16011123

calling it micro gravity is the midwits way of claiming he knows more about space than you.
wasted quints

>> No.16011129
File: 272 KB, 1003x633, 1679171546394334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of zero-g, has anyone ever paid for one of those zero-g flights?
Seems cool, but too expensive.

>> No.16011133

They're talking about colonies and no human colony will exist at 0g.

>> No.16011140

I'm talking about the transfer actually

>> No.16011142

Vomit comet? Nah, but I've gone on a few roller coasters where the weightless time is huge

>> No.16011144

Well duh, you have to get to the Colony first, and rotating spacecraft have really bad engineering problems

>> No.16011147

I looked into it... these people want $10k.
How is it so expensive? It does not cost that much to fly.
You can fly first class to Australia for that.

>> No.16011149

hire a sketchy guy with a cessna to do it for less

>> No.16011150
File: 210 KB, 1920x1616, 1920px-Boeing_737-200_planform_view.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

737 was originally designed with based and kino low-bypass turbofans because it's a 60 year old design

>> No.16011152
File: 39 KB, 506x548, zubrin check.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16011154

I'm working on becoming a sketchy guy with a cessna... maybe a piper.

>> No.16011156
File: 2.93 MB, 480x854, elon car apple pro.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the average elon fanboy who thinks starship is a good design

>> No.16011159

Look up fuel and maintenance prices for an airliner.

>> No.16011160

You can get as low as £3,500 here in bongland it you book as a party

>> No.16011161

I hate the future

>> No.16011163

I bet he's grabbing booba

>> No.16011164

I have. I think the issue is that they're using a fucking 727.
Upgrade to a more fuel efficient airliner, cunts.

Reeeally? What aircraft do they use?

>> No.16011165

I doubt it, apple won't let anything like that close to their shitty headset

>> No.16011166

727, same as the other one

>> No.16011172

This comic angers the progressives not because it is racist (it isn't) but because it calls out their behavior.

>> No.16011181

What behavior?

>> No.16011182


>> No.16011184

About what?

>> No.16011187

It's always some asiatic doing this dumb shit.

>> No.16011194
File: 506 KB, 4096x1772, 20240204_170323.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Space plane competition
>The only one to actually go to orbit comes last


>> No.16011200




>> No.16011202

China's inland flight rate is increasing.

>> No.16011205

I hate to admit it but I actually agree with this guy. All commercial and military space satellites should be banned. The only satellites allowed should be open sourced weather satelites.

>> No.16011209

lmao Chris fucking Combs here to social shame him some more

Fuck that guy, fucking asshole, I noticed that people like him are the hardest supporters and enforcers of leftist/progressive ideological thought, they are attracted to it because they can use it to bully and condemn people harshly without punishment from society

>> No.16011213

Ken Kirtland (apogee YouTube) is DMing Tom Mueller right now

It's all a big misunderstanding, you see, glad to have that cleared up

As atonement for his sins, Tom Mueller will be required to write a 10,000 page essay on how racism is bad and evil on twitter and change his pronouns to he/him (or he/they who knows?) and put the Ukraine flag on his bio

We can only hope spitter will forgive his transgression

>> No.16011212

I heard Mueller was solely responsible for F9 success and Elon didn't do anything, who is it going to be now?

>> No.16011214

high IQ chads

>> No.16011223
File: 113 KB, 423x298, 5d8639e96e5eedb40f75ee48afa6d734.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought Mueller was gay? Now he's a racist?

I can't keep up these days.

>> No.16011227

It's okay, he apologised.

>> No.16011228

quarter final match vs /f/ now >>16011207

>> No.16011229

>caring about this shit board

>> No.16011230

I hope /sci/ loses.

>> No.16011236

Leftist scum need to be driven off the major platforms and into their own ghetto pro-paedo platforms. We need a space for adults to talk without temper tantrums or struggle sessions derailing people's careers over nothing.

This Ken guy is a turbo faggot.

>> No.16011239

Thankfully China is going to overtake USA in the nearest future.

>> No.16011241

Fuck the inept pathetic impotent and laughably unserious chinese communist party, and every single person working for it, AND their weak fathers/whore mothers.

>> No.16011245
File: 378 KB, 1940x1071, GFfqw-Ua8AAcz8_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It may not look like much, but @ablspacesystems's RS1 rocket appears to be at the launch pad in Kodiak, Alaska ahead of the company's second flight. (please take with a grain of salt as we're looking at 3-meter imagery here)

>> No.16011268

Was interesting to see how many twitter progressives not know what 'playing with fire' means.

>> No.16011280

They think it means lit, lmao

>> No.16011284

whats going on with mueller?

>> No.16011286

Progressives showing their true colors

>> No.16011300

casual gay racism

>> No.16011303

I don't know, I don't use the twitters or pay attention to internet personalities.

>> No.16011310

Can I get an update on the Tom Muller situation

>> No.16011316

look up the difference between glide and powered flight and then report back

>> No.16011318

He was caught in a public bathroom calling a nigger a nigger

>> No.16011322

Why's his ass so low, you don't want to use that as your landing gear

>> No.16011326
File: 563 KB, 879x692, Early German Aircraft.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't care. Gliders are planes. Otto Lilienthal was the first person to construct and fly a plane.

>> No.16011328

Someone posted a Stonetoss comic, Mueller told that person he was playing with fire, retarded zoomers think he was somehow praising/agreeing with the comic.

>> No.16011329

wonder why people don't remember the guy who strapped himself to a kite but do remember the guys who invented a light weight high power engine and used it to lift themselves off the ground

>> No.16011330

Inquisitor Chris Combs of the UTA grilled him but the pious and understanding Ken Kirtland IV of YouTube presided before his confession and he successfully avoided excommunication from the Church of Twitter for his sins, penance paid and dealt.

>> No.16011336
File: 1.18 MB, 3334x2160, ApolloPostflight1694271750681732.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because Germans lost ww2. At least they remember who was the first to launch rockets.

>> No.16011339

I don't get it what did Tom do

>> No.16011340


>> No.16011345

looking like the pod racer engines from star wars.

>> No.16011361


>> No.16011370 [DELETED] 

The political comic artist known as "Stonetoss" is a subscriber to the 20th-century political ideology known as National Socialism

>> No.16011386

>instant cope

>> No.16011392

If you ask one of the twitter lefties why Stonetoss is a nazi they won't be able to tell you.

>> No.16011408

>the average EDS sufferer seething and spamming videos of cybertruck getting stuck in places where other trucks also get stuck

>> No.16011428

Why are there so much undrageb& on space Twitter ("spitter"). Not even the meme kind, but like actual 14 year olds.

>> No.16011434

>>16010191 >>16010205 >>16010265 >>16010403
>>16010572 >>16010408 >>16010411 >>16010413
>>16010435 >>16010442 >>16010267 >>16010277
>>16010297 >>16010304 >>16010310 >>16010308
>>16010312 >>16010319 >>16010324 >>16010326
>>16010362 >>16010587 >>16010604 >>16010607
>>16010609 >>16010334 >>16010336 >>16010343
>>16010347 >>16010377
mods please wake up, I don't even mind if you give me a 3 day for this post so long as all this other shit gets cleaned up

>> No.16011446
File: 260 KB, 1253x1867, IMG_2315.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mueller deleted it, but the varda space guy said some redpilled things in public

>> No.16011447


>> No.16011454

Elon won
Trump won
Israel and palestine both lost

>> No.16011481

getting a little sweaty there bud. afraid of a little free speech?

>> No.16011482
File: 491 KB, 1365x2048, GEJQVVtWYAE9wid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm excited for this to come out so I can upload a fake version here that's filled with Krystal porn.
I promise it will be all new pics.

>> No.16011485

As long as there is krystal anal or double penetration (anal + vaginal)

>> No.16011494

It will be a "re-entry", all right ;3

>> No.16011508

He is being based but then backtracking ehich just makes it way worse compared to if he had ignored the whining completely
Its pointless to argue with these wokies

>> No.16011515

I'll be sure to include that

>> No.16011516

why's it so dead? there has to be something going on.

>> No.16011518

How do we kill Chris Combs?

>> No.16011535

Thank you for your hard work.

>> No.16011544
File: 174 KB, 1300x1530, elektron.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she cute

>> No.16011547
File: 2.91 MB, 1280x720, SLS SRB full-scale test.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

acrylonitrile (PBAN) or hydroxy-terminator polybutadiene (HTPB)?

>> No.16011550


>> No.16011554

solids are cringe

>> No.16011556

māori :3

>> No.16011562

>long straight hair
>nose and lips so small the artist didn't even bother to draw them
you rely too much on skin color. need to up your phrenology game

>> No.16011574

Nobody actually wants the racial features they just want tie-dye anime girls.

>> No.16011575

she my ex

>> No.16011579

y did she dump u ?

>> No.16011583

why is ok for NASA to burn 500 tons of rubber but I get yelled at for disposing a couple of tires?

>> No.16011586
File: 91 KB, 879x586, Artemis-1-rollout_we-are-going_2022-08-17_NASA-Joel-Kowsky-e1661183847993.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because We Are Going, baby

>> No.16011589

i think the moon is a teensy more important than a couple tires

>> No.16011592

We should just put all the used tires on the moon

>> No.16011593

>ship all used tires to the moon
>light them on fire
Congrats you just doubled the amount of daylight hours for free.

>> No.16011612

all animals are equal, but some are more equal than others

>> No.16011625

Mate that's not a fucking murry girl

>> No.16011641

it's a cute girl for sure

>> No.16011651

Have you tried powderizing the tires first and then mixing them with perchlorates?

>> No.16011676
File: 47 KB, 900x1200, starship depot launch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16011688

this general is infested with space twitter fucking shits isnt it
not just lurkers who share news that gets posted there but actual active participants

>> No.16011691
File: 149 KB, 1600x900, 53507700325_d12fb484ec_h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CAS Space revised roadmap
They're developing a liquid expendable rocket (first launch 2025), and intend to then develop a fully reusable rocket

>> No.16011693
File: 404 KB, 2048x1152, GalacticEnergy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16011695


>> No.16011721
File: 32 KB, 402x414, 1492900760638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dumped her.

>> No.16011740

this will never happen. spacex stans need to wake up and smell the music.

>> No.16011756
File: 122 KB, 689x438, sniff-starbase.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i smell something for sure

>> No.16011757

NASP with mode shifting TBCC engines could totally work, and now we have real hardware for at least the jet-to-ramjet mode.

>> No.16011782

>Cygnus CRS-2, launched Tuesday, Jan 30
>next launch, 6 days later
>Starlink 7-13, to launch Monday, Feb 5

rate bros, why are we slowing down?
we're not gonna make it to 100 by dec 31, even with the extra day this month!

>> No.16011791

>thinking of applying to neuralink
>looking at their glassdoor reviews
>recruiters ghosting people half of the time
wtf is elon doing

>> No.16011793

I'm certain that none of Elon's companies attract malcontent liars and shit stirrers. Everything you read online is truthful accounts.

>> No.16011803

What's your degree in? I've been checking out Neuralink too, but I'd be doing an internship, I haven't graduated yet.

>> No.16011804

bachelors in neuroscience

>> No.16011805
File: 30 KB, 526x482, 1687145209071286.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's space X you fucking goober.

>> No.16011809

Oh neat, I've just started doing analog IC amplifier design, I want to work on one of their custom hardware teams, but I don't actually have the skills yet so I'm not sure if I'll apply.

>> No.16011844

almost like falcon has plateaued. it will never reach what elon promised

>> No.16011853

Not really, cause then they can't get clout and attention and shit for posting on here anonymously

>> No.16011857

Kill Chris Combs and the rest will sort itself out

>> No.16011868


>> No.16011896

Chris is a grade A shitposter though, he'd fit right in here if he'd be fine with posting nigger

>> No.16012244
