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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 68 KB, 420x357, cell-biology.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1600878 No.1600878 [Reply] [Original]

Fuck you /Sci/, this board is a massive piece of shit.

The only shit on here is fucking threads were you retards fall for obvious religion trolls and stupid physics shit no one gives a fuck about.

Where is all the biology, chemistry and geology, ie the interesting sciences.

There is a reason why all of you are fucking anti-social fucktards, no one gives a fuck about physics!

TLDR: Post more bio and earth science, they are the better sciences.

>> No.1600895

>biology, chemistry and geology

>> No.1600909

I support you, OP.
All the physics- and mathfags here are neckbeard losers. Biology is where it's at.

>> No.1600926

can you make a girl grow a penis yet?

>> No.1600937

Oh yea dickhead, like learning about how life and our planet formed is way less interesting then how fast a projectile travels at a specific angle you cunt.

Fuck yea, you are a true /Sci/entist

Yes, I hear your mum was the first

>> No.1600945
File: 68 KB, 309x284, 1279376528752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Where is all the biology, chemistry and geology, ie the interesting sciences.

>> No.1600963

>implying biology is even a science

>> No.1600964

A biology thread appears!
OP, I wish I had the physiology of a tardigrade and the longevity of turritopsis nutricula.

>> No.1600972

Gee, I wonder what most of modern medicine is based on...

>> No.1600979

OP is tuhrollin'.

All science is interesting, except maybe Sports Science.

Biologist here, I love you all. Except the trolls. /sci/ is love.

>> No.1600985

P.s. OP thinks he can change /SCI/ by insulting the browsers of this board. lol.jpg

>> No.1600993

What's the study of OP being such a gigantic faggot called?

Oh right, biology.

>> No.1600994


what I saw:

Fuck fuck /Fuck/, fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck shit.

Fuck fuck shit fuck fuck fuck fucking fuck fuck fuck retards fuck fuck fuck fuck trolls fuck stupid fuck shit fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck.

Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck, fuck fuck fuck, fuck fuck fuck fuck.

Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fucking fuck-fuck fucktards, fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck!

FUCK: Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck, fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck.

>> No.1601007

Engineerfag here.

As much as the physicfags here insult us, at least they're doing real science. Suck a dick, biofags.

>> No.1601014

Guess what actively makes /sci/ shittier? That's right, field of science wars. It's /sci/'s version of console war threads and 3.5e vs 4e.

This is now a biology thread. Excuse me while I biology in your thread.


>> No.1601019

Next wednesday, the Evangelical Students club at my uni is holding a talk titled "Why does God give people cancer?"
I'm cramming oncogene stuff, naturally.

>> No.1601020

Stop giving bio and chem a bad name by insulting physics and math, you fucktard.

>> No.1601024


Oh fuck no, not another non-science cancer on /sci/. The religionfags are bad enough already.

>> No.1601025

>>1601019Evangelical Students club at my uni is holding a talk titled "Why does God give people cancer?"

Epic trolling potential.

>> No.1601038

Lol at all the engineers and physics trying to say biology isn't a real science.

Without any knowledge of physics, the average person could still function normally, but if they knew nothing about any of the other sciences they would be fucked.

Face it, physics is boring as fuck and you picked the wrong major.

>> No.1601046

I wonder if a pure chemist could accurately identify pathogens or have extensive knowledge about anatomical features essential in surgical practice without biological or medical training.

>> No.1601049
File: 32 KB, 500x500, 129167157391801999.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Without any knowledge of physics, the average person could still function normally

Enjoying the dark ages, biofag? Also, pic related.

>> No.1601050

4chan isn't really the best place to learn about facts, Op.

>> No.1601057

sage goes in all fields

>> No.1601068

Now, the real question is how society values each discipline. Imagine this scenario: you are lost in the wild and you may choose between a biologist, a chemist, or a physicist.

My choice would be the biologist because he may have knowledge of animal behavior and patters, herbal medicine or botanic identification, and/or some training in basic first aid and pathology.

>> No.1601083

But a meteorologist would be more useful than a geneticist...

>> No.1601094

May only choose of the three pure disciplines. Those are just specific subjects within their respective branch.

>> No.1601096

Now let's consider a different scenario. You're on a spaceship traveling to Alpha centauri. Who do you choose?

Because society values professions based on the narrow range of scenarios where they might be immediately useful, right?

>> No.1601104


My choice would be phsyicist since he's more likely to actually be smart and know how to solve basic problems of survival. No one's going to give a fuck about the bimbo that monitored kestrels for one summer.

>> No.1601110

...and even still, geneticists generally receive training in the medical and other biological subjects. Also, meteorologists get it wrong most of the time.

>> No.1601114

Because there are so many ships traveling to distant stars, right? Good luck not having a food supply and dying of starvation 1/10000000 of the way there.
Your choice, your life.

>> No.1601126




>> No.1601129

>monitored kestrels for one summer
So you'd chose a physicist who's spent his whole life in a city over a biologist who spent a summer in the wilderness? And really, any Problems Of Survival a physicist would be able to help you with in their professional capacity would come down to high school dynamics problems which a layman would ne able to figure out anyway.