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16008512 No.16008512 [Reply] [Original]

>want to get into interesting research
>you need a bachelors, masters, and doctorate degree in that particular area
>by the time you get to doctorate degree to do that research people already did it and moved on
>you are now down a bachelors degree and a masters degree
next time I hear the news reports about people doing research I'm not even going to bother trying to get the background knowledge and read papers and such. Why does it have to be this way?

>> No.16008530

I have contributed a lot to cancer research. They steal my research which is low key funny. anyways, yes they are lying and they only want you to become a gigachad that will solve all the problems in the universe

>i'm joking...kind of

>> No.16008532

It has to be this way because the people that came before us had to do it that way. Even if the content could be taught to you in 1/10 of the time it doesn't matter. We don't reduce the duration of university by 9/10, instead we fill up that 9/10 with rambling and useless shit. This is the way it must be. It is not possible to change it because changing it would make it different and we can't have that.

>> No.16008537

In short, some people who have to profit wouldn't profit. And that's... uh... le bad!

>> No.16008540

Eat my shorts, faggit LAL

>> No.16008541

That is pretty based if true anon. Could you tell us a little bit aboit your research and what credentials you have?

>> No.16008543

My research falls in the category of shut the fuck up faggot this is MINE LAL

>> No.16008582

yes, I was sent here from the future to solve your guy's issues. my biggest things were the identification of enzymes functionally related to cancer and viruses, the metabolism of redox relations and its role in cancer development, metabolics of the cancer cell and persistent state derangement, and a few others.

>> No.16008612

What is currently holding up cancer research and will need a future breakthrough?

>> No.16008632

Not too much actually. The final step will be measuring the mutation rate of cancers compared to normal cells and identifying which changes can reverse the damage or prevent it from happening in the first place. Even now tho, most of the metabolic dependencies have been realized to some extent which may provide the shortcut necessary to force the cancer cell to accept cell death through artifical engineering.

>> No.16008775

>larp larp larp larp larp larp larp larp larp larp larp larp larp larp larp larp larp larp larp larp larp

>> No.16008778

>interesting research
define "interesting," what are you trying to do or are you just trying to justify not trying

>> No.16008820

If you want to do research for any company or university, they demand all of these things.

>> No.16009639

Or if I want to change careers after a couple years then I am fucked.