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16007682 No.16007682 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any other papers that concluded this aside from the one authored by Andrew Wakefield?

>> No.16007687

Wrong question.
Vaccines cause brain inflamation.
Literally a adverse event written in each and every product insert of the vaccines.

Brain inflamation can lead to mental disabilities.
The end.
Autism is a meme diagnosis.

>> No.16007690


>> No.16007692

The vaccine-autism link has been proven for at least a decade now.

Autism is brain damage.

>> No.16007699

>OP asks for papers concluding this
>”The vaccine-autism link has been proven for at least a decade now.”
>no paper cited

>> No.16007701

There is none. Numerous people have tried to replicate the findings, including Andrew, but to no success.

>> No.16007702
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>Autism is brain damage.
You apparently believe that the term
describes something "specific", even though it does not at all.

the memification of "autism" by shit like "Big bang theory", lead brainlets to believe its a "beneficial quirk" or just beeing "socially wierd".

Most cases on the spectrum lead to:
>neurotic behaviour
>often coinciding with epilepsie and seizures
>being 100% nonverbal
>random high pitch screaming sessions which drive parents nuts
>tendencies to self inflicted injury
>high coincidence with chronic inflamatory bowel syndromes, which lead to "autistic kids" to punch themselves in the stomach until the have organ hematoma
>autism has high correlation with incontinence

It's simply a rebranding for:

>mental disability

All these terms get thrown into one new term: le Autism.
It is a PR campaign to exactly do what you assume:
>pfff... its a made up word
>just because you are a nerd you are not "muh autistic"
To conceal
>we have more and more children with mental disabilities
>more and more children with learning disabilities
>more and more children who are 50% vegetable

You have no Idea how frequently children who are damaged beyond repair, are labeled as "autism" or "autistic spectrum disorder", when they are literally crippled, screaming incontinent, drooling , eye crossing spastics who would literally die if left two hours alone.

The term and whitewahsing of autism to mean "slightly socially uncalibrated" brainwashed you to not see the amount of social burden.



They literally do "PR" to rename every neurological issue that impact cognitive and socializing ability as "autism".

>> No.16007704

>Numerous people have tried to replicate the findings, including Andrew, but to no success.

Literally nobody did the following:
>have 1000 completly unvaccinated children
>compare against 1000 completely vaccinated and partially vaccinated children

Observe all over health and cognitive development for 10 years.
Report on findings without meme exclusion criteria

>> No.16007707


You’re grasping for straws because Andrew’s paper does not meet your criterias either

>> No.16007716
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>Andrew’s paper does not meet your criterias either

Andrew wakefield is a retarded piece of shit, who misdirected the whole critique of the vaccination schedule and refusal to investigate why we have a huge increase of:
>autoimmunity aka chronic inflamatory diseases
>diabetis type 1 (autoimmune diabetis)
>rise in anemia
>rise in developmental problems
>rise in epileptic children
>rise in allergies

And Androw Gayfield did the most retarded thing and pretended that:
A: Autism is a real clinically distinctive disease
B: Focuses on the mere correlation between Autism and Vaccines

Autism is meme term as described here:

Which in almost all cases comes with wierd autoimunities and chronic inflamatory issues such as crohns disease or irritable bowels disease.
It's a meme and one retarded symptom of a complex of clinical presentations of a general fuck up of the whole body.
Which may or may not be related to vaccinations.
And the only way is, as I proposed:
>have 1000 completly unvaccinated children
>compare against 1000 completely vaccinated and partially vaccinated children

Observe all over health and cognitive development for 10 years.
Report on findings without meme exclusion criteria

>> No.16007720

What corrective treatment do you recommend?

>> No.16007726

>it’s only vaccines that are the possible culprits in these cases
>not modern westoid sedentary stressful lifestyle full of goyslop and overprescription of antibiotics for small children

>> No.16007779

>>it’s only vaccines that are the possible culprits in these cases

Not my claim.
Vaccines are a contributing factor.

It's about injecting a product in children extremly young children which are healthy.
A product which may cause chronic inflamatory syndroms via:
>adjuvant tissue retention
>messing up the immune response by agitation

The requirement to medicate, healthy individuals, as prevention opens the door to turn healthy individuals in fragile morbid and chronically ill meat bags.

And since you start vaccinating at 2 months, while not even being able to asses the generL health, docs and big Pharma has all the plausible deniability on their side:
>oh its genetic
>its congential
>your child was defective since the beginning, but it only broke out now
>its normal that children get sick all the time, have odd allergies in unprecedented amounts since the 90s, etc.
>your child was defective, we didn't notice it first

All these plausible deniability.
>oh your child cries 2 days straight since the vaccine and has high fever
>that means its working
>its not that we agitate the immune system with literal neurotoxic substances that is used to induce epilepsy in Animal model
>noo its just fever, not a brain inflamation, that can lead to developmental impairment

The reasoning behind agitating the immune system at a state of infancy, when the child can neither:
>move limbs coordinated
>verbalise beyond crying
>reacts distinctivly to visual and auditorial stimuli

Is the perfect foundation to offload every subsequent misfortunate developmental delay and disease to the "defective" genetics or any "mysterious" circumstance such as unnoticed "birth" complications. Or "your breastmilk is shit" or "your infant may have slept on the wrong side"

>> No.16007789

True and real.

>> No.16007813

>your child was defective since the beginning, but it only broke out now
That’s true though. Before vaccines, infant mortality was much higher and people only lead to the strongest children to survive.
Nowadays, vaccines saves the lives of childs with weak immune systems, so they end up as outliers in the statistics.

>> No.16007830

>mental disabilities.
So, how did you get yours?

>> No.16007853
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>Before vaccines, infant mortality was much higher

>only vaccines that are the possible reasons which decreased infantmortality
>not: reductung of forceps birthings, medication with mercury, arsenic and antimony, better sanitation, NO FUCKING WORLD WARS, great depression, stopping of usage of DDT, Lead arsenade and Paris green pesticides, giving infants propper formular instead of flour mixed with water and cow milk, the decrease of Orphanages which literally starved children and had no means to feed infants, the reduction of usage of strong opiates, chlorophorm and dimethyl ether during birthing

You know history is complex and putting blame or glory on vaccines alone is beyond retarded.
In the last 300 years, the medical system changed and only recently did they drop shit like:
>emetics and laxatives for everything
They literally gave people for every problem they had poisonous "medicines" and also breastfeeding mothers.
Infant mortality mostly decreased, because of the change of "birthing methods", medication, sanitation and proper nutrition.

During the wars and "industrialisation" a lot of men died, and if a woman was pregnant without a man, they were both doomed to starve.
So they gave infants into "infant asylums" or "orphanages".
How do you imagine they fed the infants?
Formular was not available.
They starved them, and buried them.
And if the fed them they gave them dirty water with flour and milk, which gave them diarrhea.
The infants shit themselves to death.

>> No.16007863
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Oh and I simply forgot one thing:
>medical tranquilizers for infants
this was pretty common.
Like for example
Godfrey's Cordial.

Godfrey's Cordial was a patent medicine, containing laudanum (tincture of opium) in a sweet syrup, which was commonly used as a sedative to quiet infants and children.

Many infants died from opium poisoning in the early 1800's, usually as a result of its surreptitious use by nurses to keep infants under their care in a deep state of sleep and thus of no bother to the nurse responsible for them.

>> No.16007865

I remember getting it in three separate vaccines with a month in between (iirc Wakefield recommended a year). Wakefield is begrudgingly acknowledged.

>> No.16009057
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