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16006633 No.16006633[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Please convince me that some sort of life after death exists, somehow.
I desperately need this copium right now.

>> No.16006638

unless you're a normalfag or do hard drugs the existential dread doesn't go away no matter what anon
this is your life now, get used to it lol

>> No.16006673

bruh you're literally on the why does nothing make sense, who are the ones lying to us board open your eyes there's more at play than any one of us realize

>> No.16006681
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>> No.16006683

noone understands life or the existence
humanity's goal should be understanding but we just eat, shit and fuck and get dumber every day

>> No.16006688

when you watch this stuff unless you're low iq and can ignore things you end up researching for more and read soientifical debunks and explanations for it. it just only works for retards
op should just go talk to a priest or something, catholic maybe just because they're the most serious in their faith and not retarded and leftist like most other denominations

>> No.16006693

Here's the Library genesis link of the book "Life before Life"
You haven't even watched any of the videos I posted yet you unfairly dismissed them. OP can both talk to a priest and pastor(whether they're Catholic or Protestant or Easter Orthodox) and also watch and read the evidence I've posted. In fact the evidence I've posted is also evidence for the truth of Christianity.

>> No.16006694

And I forgot to mention that the evidence I posted is scientific evidence and has not been debunked, on the contrary, many successful scientists are convinced of the evidence I have posted.

>> No.16006696

not dismissing them anon, just saying for everything you post there's going to be some smug faggot claiming to debunk it. if you're panicked like op then it isn't good enough, you're going to revert to thinking it's false because someone gave a supposed scientific explanation. you're very lucky that's enough for you, for others who waste time dwelling on this it isn't.

>> No.16006697

who are these successful scientists? if they're public figures for the new age hippie variation of popsci don't even bother

>> No.16006699

-poops on your head-

>> No.16006702

im looking for scientific evidence, for spiritual answers i would ask /x/ or /hu/

>> No.16006709

No, best I can do is to recommend Derek Parfit to you

>> No.16006712

We have this thread every day on every board because no argument can calm our anxiety. We have to see for ourselves whether or not the end of the body is the end of being. Let's be honest: even as an atheist, a pessimist, an antinatalist we long for a miracle to dissolve our disbelief and ensure us that our lives will have a happy ever after.

>> No.16006713

Take a heroic dose of shrooms
I'm 100% serious

>> No.16006718

it can't be most atheists, most of them take great delight doing whatever they can to take away the ounces of hope that others have to drag them to their own nihilistic level

>> No.16006735
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>who are these successful scientists?
One of them is Doris Kuhlmann-Wilsdorf, here are some of her honors and awards just in case you claim she isn't successful:

-Medal for Excellence in Research of the American Society of Engineering Education (1965 and 1966)
-Heyn Medal of the German Society of Materials Science (1988)[6]
-Society of Women Engineers Achievement Award (1989)
-Ragnar Holm Scientific Achievement Award of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (1991)
-Christopher J. Henderson Inventor of the Year (2001)
-Fellow of TMS-AIME (2006)[2]

And here is what Kuhlmann-Wilsdorf said about the reincarnation research of Dr Ian Stevenson:
> "Towards the end of her own storied life, the physicist Doris Kuhlmann-Wilsdorf—whose groundbreaking theories on surface physics earned her the prestigious Heyn Medal from the German Society for Material Sciences, surmised that Stevenson’s work had established that 'the statistical probability that reincarnation does in fact occur is so overwhelming … that cumulatively the evidence is not inferior to that for most if not all branches of science.' "

>> No.16006737
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Don't worry,
10 you will be deep fried in hell
20 goto 10

>> No.16006749

I've seen the kind of posts I think you're referring to. From a compassionate point of view I think they want to be proven wrong and I think atheists are concerned that believing in an afterlife will take away the urgency to make where we are now a better place to live.

>> No.16006753

Christians put much more effort into making the current world we live in a better place than Atheists do.

>> No.16006754

thanks but do you have more information, like a pdf or something?

>> No.16006763
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I've posted a link to the pdf of the picture of the book I've posted here: >>16006693. If you want more books then go to Library Genesis ( https://libgen.li/)) and search up the books of the scientists Dr. Ian Stevenson, Dr. Bruce Greyson, Dr. Jim B. Tucker, and Jens Amberts.

>> No.16006768

oh thanks
do you have any response to the claim made that near death experiences and other related things are just caused by low blood pressure the same that happens when pilots go really fast in a plane and the blood doesn't pump right?

>> No.16006788

Dr. Bruce Greyson goes into details about the possible alternative explanations for Near Death Experiences and why those alternative explanations are flawed and cannot explain Near Death Experiences.


>by low blood pressure the same that happens when pilots go really fast in a plane and the blood doesn't pump right?
People do not have the vivid expereinces which NDE patients have had when they suffer low blood pressure, pilots completely black out when they go through high g-forces and do not report seeing or hearing or feeling any of the things that NDE patients have reported.

Furthermore multiple patients of Near Death Experiences have accurately reported information of events which happened around them while they were unconscious and events that were far away from them(in other rooms or in other buildings or in other parts of towns and cities) that was seemingly impossible for them to observe either in their unconscious state or even if they were conscious because they were too far away to see and hear those events if they were conscious.

>> No.16006798

It is impossible to experience nothing, just as you can’t experience being unconscious. This means that after death you won’t experience anything until you are able to be conscious again. That means that from your own point of view you will never lose consciousness, you’ll simply jump to the next time you are conscious. There is no good reason to believe you won’t be conscious again, given that we don’t even know what or why reality or consciousness even is. In fact, you’ve never been unconscious before, because you weren’t conscious when it happened, so you might have good reason to believe there’s no such thing as not being conscious—it’s never happened!

>> No.16006804

>bunk motherfuker from 6,000 years ago

Random awards in “engineering” from fake institutions mean nothing. You can always find a single crackpot who will say anything you like.

>> No.16006851
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NDEs are unironically irrefutable proof that heaven really is awaiting us because (1) people see things during their NDEs when they are out of their bodies that they should not be able to under the assumption that the brain creates consciousness, and (2) anyone can have an NDE and everyone is convinced by it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U00ibBGZp7o

So any atheist would be too, so pic related is literally irrefutable proof of life after death. As one NDEr pointed out:

>"I'm still trying to fit it in with this dream that I'm walking around in, in this world. The reality of the experience is undeniable. This world that we live in, this game that we play called life is almost a phantom in comparison to the reality of that."

And pic related has yet to be refuted, i.e. literal proof. It crushes every skeptic.

>> No.16006855

thanks, is this all in your pdf?

>> No.16006857

Nothing exists. We are chunks of meat. Accept the meaningless reality -and act accordingly-

>> No.16006889

I wish I could return to a state of mind of bliss and cope. The consequences of a skeptic mindset are hard to bear for some.

>> No.16006955

>atheists are concerned that believing in an afterlife will take away the urgency to make where we are now a better place to live.
it's literally the opposite religion is what makes people behave. most people have no morals.

>> No.16006970

>s what makes people behave.
If they behave badly you just kill them. As shrimple as that. Current religion are useless social clubs
>atheism as movement is just another pseudo-humanistic social club

>> No.16006975

Read the Bible

>> No.16006999

Morality is choosing actions based on values so everyone is moral by definition. Christians are butthurt that they can't convince atheists to consistently act according to christian values. Christians are also butthurt that many atheists consider values to be relative rather than objective. If a murderer values and enjoys murder then that's good for the murderer. If most people value a darwinistic and hedonistic society then that's good for them.

>> No.16007019


>> No.16007027

You were dead a lot longer than you've been alive, if it was so bad why aren't you traumatized

>> No.16007046

The standard "atheist" idea that you came from nothing once and will go into nothing forever unless we discover immortality or mind uploading or whatever is modified from judaism/early christianity of god creating souls from nothing at birth and the dead falling into a deep sleep until the bodies of the righteous are resurrected.

>> No.16007076

The best you'll get is proof of God or a higher power. Even if you outright show substance dualism on top of that you still aren't able to show the existence of an afterlife.

That doesn't really matter though since you still don't have meaning value or purpose regardless of the extent of temporal significance you achieve.

>> No.16007082
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If I stick half the brain of someone high iq in my head will that make me smart?

>> No.16007119

Go to church and read the Bible. Christ is waiting for you.

>> No.16007146

If nothing could exist that'd be the default state. Something exists therefore something must exist. Either that or you've got your one and done ride of a lifetime and you're wasting it worrying about something you can't control or change.

>> No.16007173
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perhaps, its gonna be a while before science manages to make it possible tho

>> No.16007261

Peter Watts is nihilistic slop. Muh scifi vampires muh consciousness bad

>> No.16007274

>A faggot living in his sister's body pregnant with the child of his rapist/sister's ex/his crush

>> No.16007302
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Some mechanisms for how an afterlife might be possible:


A mechanism for how quantum immortality could work:


>> No.16007333
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There's simply no reason to assume consciousness can only exist for a few decades throughout the infinite span of time.

>> No.16007341

It goes away when you get older. Did for me anyway. I'm 40 now and I don't care anymore. Existence still feels weird and I wonder why existence even exists and why I'm me, but the fear of death turns more into just a fear of being old and dealing with old people shit.

>> No.16007344
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first world problems: the thread

>> No.16007348

Is pretty easy to imagine though. If you've ever bumped your head and become unconscious then you'd know what it feels like, it feels like nothing. If humans can become unconscious that easily, where the brain just totally switches off, then there's a good chance death is the same thing

>> No.16007363

>If you've ever bumped your head and become unconscious then you'd know what it feels like, it feels like nothing
This nigga has no soul. Confirmed flesh automaton.

>> No.16007371
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It feels like your life just started out of nothing. But that has nothing to do with I said. Why can't consciousness just restart sometime in the future, in some form, maybe not as human?

>> No.16007376

Why does going back to nothingness scare people? I'm Christian but going to back to nothingness sounds a whole lot better than hell. It's peaceful to fantasize about, really. Pure nonexistence.

>> No.16007385

lol faggot

>> No.16007826

If you don't have existential dread about the time before you were born, think about why for a while

>> No.16007856
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Research near death experiences, there's a strong suggestion that our body is not the limitation of our consciousness.

Also what happens to brainwaves after people flatline. People are more alive than ever right before they are gone from our perception.

>> No.16007875

The final redpill on death is to stop caring. You can die today, tomorrow or in 2 more weeks and due to literally the dumbest shit, like falling on the stairs and breaking your neck. Our survival in this gay world was never guaranteed; death is simply inevitable and you can do literally nothing about it, so why bother?
On the other hand, if you believe in (philosophical) stuff like eternal recurrence, then yeah - you've probably lived and died more than once already, so it's probably not so bad.

>> No.16007901

This is a good route, but I would also advise becoming Catholic not only for the potential afterlife (see: Pascal's Wager), but even for the worldly benefits virtue brings to you.
Socrates said he wasn't afraid of death: it was either deep sleep or interesting conversation. So why are you? I just hope it doesn't come too soon, I still have some things I'd like to do.

>> No.16007933

First, we must accept that any metaphysical conclusion about the nature of consciousness will necessarily sound crazy (see Schwitzgabel) and that craziness does not preclude incorrectness.

Next, we assume the correctness of a radical materialist interpretation of consciousness. We do this not because it is provably correct, but because it does not invoke ghosts or spirits or anything else that has not been found to exist by scientific principles. Thus, it cannot be argued that our conclusion today is merely the result of traditional religious pleading.

According to radical materialism, the essence of you - the reason you have a continuous will - is a set of memories and brain patterns that encode your mind and personality. Therefore, your consciousness is not interrupted by things like sleeping and waking up, or even temporarily cessation of brain activity before medical resuscitation. As long as you are brought back to life, you are still you.

We then have a convenient picture of when you will be exist and when you will cease to exist. You begin to exist when you gain consciousness, at some early point in your life, and cease to exist the last time you regain it - inevitably, when your brain is irreparably damaged, generally by asphyxia or hemorrhage resulting from some cascade of organ failure.


>> No.16007937

Some cosmic theories believe that the universe is in some way cyclic - that once it ends, it will somehow be remade. If this is the case, then eventually, infinite time will pass. If infinite time passes, every event with a finite probability will eventually occur (assuming certain variability of conditions that I believe would be met by the entirety of the universe). Eventually, a mind that believes itself to be you, possessing all of your memories and your personality, would be assembled from thin air, an eternity from your death. Perhaps it is a Boltzmann Brain, or an alien who is struck by a bizarre delusion, or the random initialization of neural network weights in the training of a far-off civilization's version of ChatGPT. Point is, you will eventually be resurrected, likely in some horrific and unknowable state, far from home and friends. Everything even remotely familiar to you will have gone away long, long ago, and you will likely die a quick, agonizing death.

Then you will do it again. Forever.

One would assume that such an existence would likely be agonizing, though it is entirely possible that some may be pleasant. The best situation I can think of is a distant alien civilization building a sort of hypercomputer to serve as a "consciousness trap" simulating all reasonably possible minds and placing them into a "heaven" simulation. Though, if this were the case, it would only be up to chance whether you experience this or one of the myriad other possible futures you will eventually exist within. Consciousness carries no information, and can travel superluminally, or into the past.

>> No.16007950

I am sorry that this will not help you cope at all. In fact, you will probably come out of this more fearful of death than you were previously. But nobody said the truth would be kind to you.

>> No.16007973

This raises some interesting questions:
If we are only some particular arrangements of atoms, then, given infinite time, these atoms may as well arrange into you with my memories added on top. Or into me with your memories added on top. Or into some random person with some random memories and brain connections that also has some of mine memories and brain connections. If that's the case, then whole concept of "me" falls appart and it would seem that, in the long run, we could all converge into something else entirely.

>> No.16007985

Also, what could eventually happen is that two (or more) identical consciousnesses would emerge in the same point of spacetime.

>> No.16007989

That is entirely possible, I think.

SOMA rules. "You" are the currently existing runtime of your memory. If two or more exist, then from the perspective of the observer, there is a 50/50 chance you will be mind A or mind B. You will wake up in *one* of those minds; in other words, SOMA rules. The show Invincible also demonstrates this with the character of the Mauler Twins. If one mind is destroyed, the possibilities collapse and you will be in the one remaining mind. This is also my solution to the teleporter problem.

>> No.16008001

IMHO: this only works if you assume "me" exists, as stated in my first post. However, if it does not, the to the observer "you" and "your" clone are practically identical.
Side note: crazy shit can happen at infinity once you think about it.

>> No.16008013

These scary reddit theories always rely on the word "consciousness", which they conveniently don't bother defining or explaining the properties of. And also then on nonsense physics.

>> No.16008019

NTA, but I agree - from the scientific point of view these theories are insanely dumb. However, the beauty of philosophy is that it's a neat hobby that anyone can do for free. Only math tops it.

>> No.16008024

Assume you never existed.
Now assume you are asking for proof that getting the chance to be alive is a real thing that could happen.

Suddenly, for no reason, after 13.8 billion years, you start to become alive, and get the chance to exist. (Holy shit!)

There is no evidence that those events did not occur.

Why are you here, right now?

There is no good reason for it.

But you are.

There is no good reason for you to assume an after life exists, however, are you really willing to doubt it, based on what randomly happened after 13.8 billion years, giving you this first life, for also no good reason?

Your data points so far, indicate that you didn't have a reason to get one life. Yet you got it.

What can you expect your next data point to be?

You will exist again, eventually.

>> No.16008032

He seems to be saying consciousness as a code for the religious idea of a soul, a common thing done, but carefully avoided by atheist philosophers. He says it with the idea that this consciousness can detach itself from a brain, but only latch back onto a brain with a similar enough design. What the threshold for similarity is isn't explained, nor is it explained why similarity is necessary in the first place. You don't have the same brain as you did when you were an infant, nor yesterday, nor an hour ago. So why would another similar brain be what you detached "consciousness" go to, when the brain can clearly change throughout a lifetime, or the brain can change after someone suffered brain damage and passed out, or even temporally died? And why must it be attached to a brain? Or he also says it can go to a "consciousness trap", the workings of which he doesn't explain. Only writing all this for OP's sake, there was no need to writing something that could upset him. The fact that consciousness/souls just seem to be attached to brains even when they're manipulated and damaged seems like a good idea for a spiritual defence.

>> No.16008133

Death isn't good or bad, it's neutral. Exact same as deep sleep or passing out. You know how when you pass out you lapse in consciousness and it feels the 20 minutes or so of you passing out were a mere split second? Death is similar but you never return to consciousness.
In this dead retard idiot reality of floating rocks through space and nature evolved by might makes right through radiation damage and random chance human culture is all that matters. There is no god etc. But that doesn't mean you should turn into a STEM Dawkins faggot. It actually means that you should do away with empirical science because it interrogates dead retard reality. Focus on human culture instead, the Classics, Mathematics, Religion, Art, Philosophy. All you get is a limited window in which you get to have qualia get to be qualia. And since thousands of years we've invented writing and farming and recently industrialized farming and fertilizers it's literally not life or death it's all a sort of meh. Homeless people are just retards that got hung up in living in overpriced neighborhoods. But all you need is wood, bread, and shelter. Cheap as fuck.
Economically as in in terms of scarcity you have a limited amount of qualia. No jackshit you can do about that. Question is will you be a pussy that wastes their qualia time dreading that or will you take life for a century long ride and annihilate from having to experience qualia before you face the consequences. Doesn't matter if it's a century long delusion. Delusions are only relevant to the extent of their consequence. If your delusion's consequence appear after you cease qualia you can ignore the fact it's a delusion. Not because you're a weak pussy faggot but rather because you have the balls to accept that one day you're gonna die, for real.
Godspeed anon and have fun!

>> No.16008175

When there is no meaning, you must create it.
*Pulls pants down and sharts on your carpet*

>> No.16008241
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Existence as we know it, is practically boundless in a literal sense. We can't even begin to comprehend the sheer size of the universe we find ourselves in. Personally, I think there's some reason that it goes on forever. Does it have something to do with us, or higher powers beyond our understanding?

>> No.16008252

Consciousness is used partially synonymously with the mind (not in this schizopost but in modern theory of mind). Words such as 'soul' and 'spirit' are also used in religious contexts. Even in strong substance dualism, rather than phenomenalism, these terms overlap.

But even amongst those who believe in dualism or phenomenalism (that is, essentially everyone) it's unclear how or why that alone would mean minds meaningfully (that is, with things like perception of time and space and physical events) persist following death.

>> No.16008268

>Dr. Bacteria, Ph.D. theorizes that their world, Gutandria, is just a part of a much larger whole and that the whole uses their production to fuel itself
>Colleagues laugh him out of Asstorium

>> No.16008272

If you somewhat extrapolate Einstein's block universe, you may argue that you will eventually reincarnate as yourself and live the exact same life. Better make it a good one, you are trapped in it forever... Unless some vaccuum decay or smth doesn't nullify this universe

Idk if this is motivating or crippling tho

>> No.16008274

What is the mind?

>> No.16008488

Your final reckoning draws closer...

>> No.16008902

Rumor has it that as famed atheist Christopher Hitchens' death approached, he broke down and sobbed like a little bitch, terrified of the nothingness he espoused as being what naturally and rightly comes after life.
"Rules for thee, but not for me."

>> No.16008904

happened to von neumann as well
Why are these people such pussies?

>> No.16008911

>academic is sheltered from the horrors of life and breaks down when he has to deal with them in a non abstract fashion

>> No.16008920

This is a great book. Awful title though.

>> No.16008928
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Sorry sad anime girl, it's been ruled out by effective field theory, isn't science wonderful? Huzzah!

>> No.16008931
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Deboonked, when you're gone you're gone forever

>> No.16008951

Your going out the opposite way you came in. Its no more complex than a door to a building

That desire that brought you through the door in the first place, perhaps that is what one should wrestle with. Itll still be there when you leave, perhaps find it wanting

>> No.16009068

Yeah life obvious persists after your death, but the ego is sort of a fragile thing, if we were to assign some kinds of eigen values to your ego, maybe those values will reform in a large distribution.
That's an if.

>> No.16009310
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>Please convince me that some sort of life after death exists, somehow.
>I desperately need this copium right now.

May I ask why? If it is oblivion you fear, then you are yet to be enlightened.
The permanent dissolution of consciousness (nature's biggest mistake) is the greatest mercy you can receive.
Life is hell. No matter what optimist midwits say about this.
If it's not hell today it'll be tomorrow.
Now imagine the endless possibilities of any kind of afterlife, how many scenarios do you think are NOT a hellish nightmare?
Reincarnation? Great, now you have to do this bullshit over and over. Suffering the same horrors of a human life except you can get up to a 100 consecutive horrible lives before you get a decent one.
Only Buddhism is kinda based because at the end of the day the Nirvana is just a blissful moment of omniscience before the total dissolution of the soul.
Abrahamic afterlife? 99,9999% of all humans end up in the eternal fires of hell for being non-believing heretics or not following God's (a tyrant) will.
Soimulation, Hindu's religions, other crap I can hardly take seriously? What is it you wanna hear?

If you're looking for proofs of an afterlife you'll find them everywhere, because you're deluding yourself into seeing only proofs that suit your (fear-driven) cope.

>> No.16009324

Lucid dream until you wake up on another planet. Pretty clear cut that there are other places that souls live.

>> No.16009339

Peak pessimism.

>> No.16009380


anons, be a bit more empathetic. death and eternal nothingness is a horrifying thought noone is really prepared for. all cope will eventually fall apart.

>> No.16009384

Pessimists are just realists that connected the dots.

>> No.16009395

Maybe, but I prefer a different approach: a combination of optimistic nihilism and curiosity. The life is short and the world is vast and quite interesting, so I'd rather get something from it.

>> No.16009403
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Read about idealism and determinism, we are emanations of the universe's consciousness (or the simulation).
Embrace your inability to understand complex universal mechanisms. Reject abrahamism. There is still hope.

>> No.16009786

>Life is hell.
Yet most people rather suffer than die. You may find that ignorant or irrational but ig you're an antinatalist then you're doing exactly what you say that you oppose: imposing your values on others.

>> No.16009794

If you want proof of an afterlife, which I can show you, take a shit into your left hand, push a timestamp into the shit, and post the picture of it here.

>> No.16010363

i'll second this - trips can be of any type of thing you are talking about. i think mostly they play on your current ideologies, though. like dreams will reveal fears and desires that you have.
what can i say about the afterlife?

what do you experience in deep sleep?

every day we go there

we go there without fear, without ideas

death is the same - we are the abyss.

>> No.16010378

also psychedelics i would mostly say give unforgettable, surreal, afterlife sometimes, life sometimes, trip experiences
on DMT i saw a perfect picture of myself - and behind me, was a diagonal road of light that came out of light, that extended to the horizon, forever -
i listened to a trip report where someone macrodosed mushrooms and said, "I am ready for wherever you want to take me"- surrender letting go
he awoke on a medical bed, with people around him who were giving him the most unconditional love, they said to him, this is the first stage of awakening from what is a dream, what is a way of life that isnt correct - they said, we are like or more like the universe - and he felt amazing love from them

>> No.16010380

i havent had many endgame experiences on shrooms about afterlife - i have had extreme euphoria, extreme beauty, extreme sexual feelings and euphoria, incredible hallucinations and alien hallucinations, just a couple days ago a hallucination of an alien technology in my room, unforgetable

>> No.16010674

>NDEs are unironically irrefutable proof that heaven really is awaiting us
Retard /pol/ faggot, do you have any idea how many chemicals are released in the brain near death? it’s a way to help calm us before dying.
Look up DMT, you’ll experience a very similar experience.

>> No.16010678
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It's all a repeating cycle, there is no escape, the ride never ends

>> No.16010808

You get to find out what the deal is when you die. I kind of look forward to it, but living is pretty sweet so I am happy waiting for the proper time.

>> No.16010856

You need to talk about the horrors in order to help optimists understand it instead of being ambigious about it. Talk about being slowly eaten alive by a predator, being eaten alive even slower by a parasite, being deliberately tortured, burning alive, having your eyes gouged out, getting the condition that turns your muscle into bones, bone cancer, having your dick chopped off, dying from radiation poisoning rotting your flesh and so much more. Skies the limit when it comes to this hellscape, use your imagination

>> No.16010861

Reincarnation is truly horrific, but the alternative is boring. I live out of spite so I won't be born to the gen alpha retards. And this brings me substantial happiness.