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16005495 No.16005495 [Reply] [Original]

How does one cope (scientifically of course) with being a brainlet?
>Unable to learn things quickly, take forever to understand and learn things
>Make the same mistakes constantly and don't understand why
>Cannot delay gratification and impulsive towards things like food and porn
>If a problem is too hard, quit and let it fester like a wound
>Can't build bit by bit every day, have to do something in one go to fully understand something
Obviously this isn't a problem for the average joe, but right now I'm finishing my 3rd year of engineering and I have scraped by the skin of my teeth in all of my classes. It took me hours of contemplation and thinking to finally build up the mental faculties that made me understand classical physics (the stuff that I was supposed to learn in year one.) I tried reading the books and doing the problems but I wasn't learning anything because I failed to solve like 99% of my problems and reading the books didn't help unless I sat around like 6 hours trying to get a concept. I probably should've been filtered during year one but at this point that's water under the bridge now. I see people finishing their homework within like three hours at most, and that's probably when I should've realized I'm a brainlet. I'm committed to finishing but at this point I can see I'll probably work as a technician at most or something along those lines. What I need is the best of /sci/ to tell me how I improve my mental processing so that I don't suck as much in whatever job I get when I graduate.

>> No.16005499

Those are all the hallmarks of ADHD

>> No.16005520

Study almost every day for 6-12 hours

>> No.16005756

Don't think about how smart you are. Don't think about how smart other people are. Understand that everyone needs to learn before they can do something and that learning phase can often be very confusing, that's just part of it. Try to think about what you're studying outside of your study time, like a few times a day for a few minutes, so it sticks in your head

>> No.16005795

Quit engineering and become a biologist. Specialize in ecology then get rewarded with lots of environmentalist pussy. You'll go far.

>> No.16005828

Do the victory lap and lower your course load.
Remember that average joe only has $500 in their bank account and destined to a live of service industry slavery without ever having a chance to pursue higher education.

>> No.16005835

Are you black? If so It may seem like you are retarded, but you are actually the top 1%. And that should bring you happiness.

>> No.16005844

I know I'm done, that doesn't help me.
Like I said, I try to but I can't. I don't have that much time in succession. I pretty much flail around for the first week or two I learn a new concept and then sit down for like 4 hours in a row to finally have some semblance of it.
I do, I really do, except I understand these concepts like months or years after I fully learn them. In the real world, that's not gonna fly.
I'm in too deep, there's no point in quitting.
I should've went for a technical two year degree or something along those lines. Instead I did this to myself because i convinced myself I was smart enough to do it, when high school showed me I wasn't. I wish I acted on the signs earlier.
No, I'm not black, but my IQ is probably like 90, or one STD below the mean.

>> No.16005856

Compensate your low IQ with effort.
That's what I do and it has been working so far.

>> No.16005894

How much effort do you actually use? Do you read the textbooks from cover to cover and do all of the problems?

>> No.16005922

The amount of effort needed will vary by IQ.
If I'm studying for fun, I can read a book from cover to cover if all the content is of my interest.
If I'm studying for a course at uni, I only read what's necessary and do the harder problems.
I should note that most of the problems I do usually aren't from the textbook I'm using, either my professor will give us worksheets and make past exams available, or I'll get problems from the internet (always honors or graduate level problems).
If you are stuck on a concept, definition, theorem, whatever it may be, search for it in different sources (different textbooks, PDFs online, forums such as Stack Exchange).
If you are stuck on a problem, bang your head against the textbook (not literally) until you manage to do some progress. As a last resource, ask for help either online or irl. But never, ever, look at the solution. For help online you can use either /sqt/ here on /sci/ or Stack Exchange. Never ask for the full solution for the problem.
And btw, it's important to spare one or two days of the week to rest, otherwise you might get burn-out.

>> No.16005961

That's ADHD. Not low IQ. I had the same issues as you, but I started drinking and they went away lmao.

>> No.16005981

>How does one cope (scientifically of course) with being a brainlet?
Run for politics, you'll be relatable to the masses

>> No.16006181

Stop reading textbooks if you don't understand them. It's like being in tutorial hell, you are just wasting time going over a text, not retaining any information.
If you cannot abstract easily then use the internet, use other peoples examples, study with a friend or two.
Find the smartest motherfucker in the room and study with him.
>inb4 I don't have freinds

>> No.16006290

I do understand them, though.
It's only natural to get stuck in a definition/theorem/proof one time or another.
In this case I
>use the internet, use other peoples examples
or consult another textbook.
I have never come across something in a textbook that I didn't manage to understand.
>>inb4 I don't have freinds
I have 5 friends, silly