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File: 2.44 MB, 2700x2700, Aldrin_Apollo_11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1600263 No.1600263 [Reply] [Original]

I'm sorry if this looks like trolling, but I seriously want to know.
Did we really land on the moon?
I want to believe we did, but there are many arguments against it.

>> No.1600266

There are many arguments against you being a faggot, too, but when we use common sense, we realise that OP is always a faggot.

>> No.1600273

Tell me 5 good arguments against it.

>> No.1600281

Give me an argument.

>> No.1600468

looooooooolll i trool u

>> No.1600485

And now that the OP has announced his trolling victory, the thread ends.

>> No.1600487 [DELETED] 

There is no good evidence against the moon landing a a ton of evidence that it DID happen. All that "proof" you've seen that it never happened? Bullshit. All of it is bullshit. There has never been a single shred of real evidence.

We can't be sure he's a troll, he might just be ignorant.

>> No.1600499
File: 61 KB, 273x155, Canadians.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...You mean Americans...right...like assuming everyone here is American?
Yes, I'm Canadian.

>My face

>> No.1600515


Why you mad tho??

>We Landed on the moon
We = Human Race

>> No.1600519

>Assuming I'm human

>> No.1600524

I used to think this too for a couple years back when moon hoaxers were all the rage, but then I became more educated about the issue. It really is as simple as that.

Wondering why something doesn't make sense? Look into it, learn about it. That's it.

>> No.1600539

My favorite argument against the hoax conspiracy is the sheer number of people and resources involved. Thousands of engineers, physicists, meteorologists, astronomers, computer scientists... all the people who manufactured and maintained the equipment... The list goes on and on. If it was all faked, surely a large number of them would have come forward and blown the whistle by now. As far as I know absolutely none of them have, even according to the loonies website I've looked at. It would've been harder to fake it than to actually do it.

>> No.1600543

>assuming I'm not crazy

>> No.1600549


I don't buy the documentaries, but here is one so you can form your opinion.
It possible that some of the footage with regards to the apollo program are fake, but not all.

>> No.1600595
File: 6 KB, 1024x92, Speed_of_light_from_Earth_to_Moon.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, there are some oddities with photographs and their supposed locations on the moon, but keep in mind Hanlon's Razor:

"Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."

pic is in realtime

>> No.1600601
File: 51 KB, 368x294, 1230545092349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my face when you can go into your backyard and bounce a laser off the mirrors the astronauts put there.

>> No.1600641

Its time we stop with the hoax guys.

We're the worst trolls in history.

Our greatest enemy the soviets said fuck they did it.
Every other space programn says they want to go to the moon like the U.S.

But we keep saying teh radiations and lightings.

Noones buying it it's time to end the worst trolling attempt in history.

>> No.1600670


HOAX! Most physicists agree that the buildings falling the way they did was impossible without carefully placed explosives.

The moon landing?

HOAX! Propaganda piece devised by the US government to discourage Soviet rivals from suing their superior technology to actually go to the Moon.

The stimulus package?

HOAX! Designed by the Federal Reserve with government expansion in mind. Did absolutely nothing to help common Americans, but saved the asses of fatcat Jew bankers.

>> No.1600677

hey man, the stimulus packeg kept it from being much wors!

>> No.1600684 [DELETED] 

Did you not read his email?

>> No.1600694

NOPE! Big Gubment libtard went back in time and passed TARP to set the stage for the Big Gubment StimuLIES (oh, that's a good one! I'll put it on my blog!") package.

>> No.1600695

Did you not read his email?

>> No.1600705
File: 30 KB, 452x339, 1276368562051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes I was playing off the joke.

>> No.1600728

people still don't see 9/11 as a false-flag operation still? Really? Wow.

Nobody questioned any facts? No NORAD support for a full day, the president didn't do shit, the alledged terros we're still alive, OBL isn't wanted by the FBI, the government denied going under any oaths and any recordings and denied the public any answers.

Doesn't that ring as suspicious?

Jesus, america is as uneducated and as retarded as it ever was, mouth wide ajar ready to swallow any shit poured down your throat...

>> No.1600738


>> No.1600740

I think we did. However, the most compelling argument to me is that the first landing was faked, but subsequent missions were real. In the most basic sense, the soviets had the first man in space, so there was a lot of emphasis on rushing someone to the moon.
If you look at the arguments that suggest it was fake, they're rather weak. Most of it is people that don't know much about the situation saying that things don't look like they ought to. For example, people say that the video of people walking on the moon looks unreal, but it's not like they have any sources to compare it to.
Even if it is fake, I could care less. I have no doubts that we have put people into outer space since then. I don't think it really matters either way though.

>> No.1600744


>> No.1600751

this is rather compelling. i'm sure that the soviets would have been all over our asses if there was any credible evidence that it was faked, especially since they had the first man in space and we leap-frogged them.

>> No.1600753

the soviets tracked all American spacecraft radio transmissions, faking the moon landing would have required the explicit collaboration of the soviet union.

>> No.1600761
File: 114 KB, 440x533, uupset.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yup, thats pretty much the long and the short of it.

>> No.1600767


Unless some of them were paid 50 jillions barrels of cheese to play along.

>> No.1600773
File: 28 KB, 409x350, 1277488694603.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah, not mad, it's called parroting...

>> No.1600786
File: 74 KB, 294x368, jabar2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>>my face when you can go into your backyard and bounce a laser off the mirrors the soviets put there before the US.

>> No.1600799

I realize I’m dealing with someone who has willfully avoided learning anything about the actual background minutia of the strategic shifting of the cold war, but do you realized the scale of the pay off to get the soviet leadership to go with it? Not to mention the vulnerability that would open up in the future? Massive, unconcealable concessions would have been required to cover the loss of face.

>> No.1600803

We landed on the moon, I have seen all the arguments, they are ALL either

1. Half truths (usually taken out of context at that)
2. Outright lies
3. Based on a poor understanding on science.

>> No.1600823


All that fancy talk just boils down to saying "it would have cost a lot of cheese". While the fact that the sovs didn't out the moon program is probably the greatest convincer to the casual grunt that the moon landings had to be real it's really not "proof" by any stretch of the imagination. "Yeah it would have been impossible to get those red bastards to lie on our behalf". There's plenty of backroom dealing that occurs between diplomats and intelligence czars behind the curtains that the general public never sees and is never meant to see for all eternity. Getting the sovs to play along could have been part of the package of a much larger understanding on global dominance and supremacy. Forget about how much cheese it would cost to bribe them for a minute and think about the actual COST to them to play along in the current time? Nothing. No cost. Just swallow some pride, hope the other party who would lose MORE face would play along and finally, profit.

>> No.1600831


And while I haven't seriously researched the science or actually the arguments. Time and time again I come across borderline retards on the internet who claim stuff like "oh look, the astronauts put those laser reflecters on the moon ha ha ha conspiracy theorists never talk about that ever do they"?

I mean seriously, after hearing stuff like that ANYONE would begin to wonder what on earth is going on when such retarded "debunkings" are being presented as proof of going to the moon.

>> No.1600832

m'kay, good night crackbaby :3

>> No.1600838

>>1600832 and that: >>1600831

>> No.1600914

>moonhoax debunkers get on sci and start ranting
>spew insults and challenges in threads
>insist they've researched everything and concluded the landing is real
>succeed in provoking people to argue with them
>Present circumstantial evidence as solid proof
>Get owned. Respond with silence or ad hominems
>Sign off and live to fight another day

Do I have solid proof the landings were faked? Nope. The only evidence, not proof, but evidence I have that makes me suspect they are fake is the army of retards defending them. I mean it's like these people are actually trying to trick you into arguing that it's fake for some reason knowing full well they are not fake or they are trying to prove they are real but are so incompetent at it that they actually end up convincing people the landings were faked LOL.