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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15999854 No.15999854 [Reply] [Original]

Last day of the group stage lads, we either need to win against /y/ and hope for a /t/ win or draw, or a draw against /y/ and /t/ to win.
We would need a 5 goal win over /y/ in order to go the knokcouts in the event of a /k/ win in the following game.

>what is this?
A virtual soccer (football) tournament involving the boards of 4chan, /sci/'s team is playing this winter

>we have a team?
Yes, its been around for over a decade, we just won this past autumn's tournament.

>Where can I watch the cup?

>where can I watch previous games?

>where can I find out more about this?

>> No.15999865

Send /y/ to the -6 hell zone

>> No.15999866

As funny as that would be, we should send them even deeper than -6

>> No.15999878

I actually thought that /lit/ throwing for a moment there

>> No.15999929
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It's time, also we should have 2 new models for our game today.

>> No.15999932
File: 1.25 MB, 3400x3044, TIMESAND___QDRH762aFF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All hell zones are getting repurposed as the worst zone.

>> No.15999955

hey tooker, can we expect a good game today?

>> No.15999956


>> No.15999958

If you kill yourself, you can expect not to get tortured to death.

>> No.15999965

I swear to if /y/ gets 10 Man abuse

>> No.15999968
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>> No.15999969
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whoops, wrong one

>> No.15999979

The /sci/ roster is uncreative. It's mostly just the names of scientists. That's not interesting.

>> No.15999982

its the players people vote for

>> No.15999987

what do you suggest, anon

>> No.15999989

Which team has been in the most consecutive summer/winter cups without being relegated to the babbys?

>> No.16000018
File: 1.91 MB, 498x278, makise-kirusu-steins-gate.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kurisu came through again, lets hope /t/ doesn't choke.

>> No.16000025
File: 82 KB, 1080x1066, 1704825452358769.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ballistics is science, congratulations from /k/

>> No.16000071

Thank you /t/

>> No.16000102
File: 3.89 MB, 960x540, 1706480663249207.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(one of) the goal(s) that saved /sci/

>> No.16000104

This is going the wiki page, like the one Wildberger goal against /mlp/.