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15998653 No.15998653 [Reply] [Original]

Science journals refuse to investigate evidence of fraud in published articles


>Whistleblowers flagged 300 scientific papers for retraction. Journals ghosted them
>Saga highlights how slow, opaque action by publishers threatens the integrity of the research literature

>> No.15998664

This is big news. Not really for science. It is AI combing through shit and soon it will get to the media and law and things are going to get wild.

>> No.15999076
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That won't happen because AI is trained to only ever support "the current thing"
Thats why the media is being replaced by AI

>> No.16000220 [DELETED] 

Why do the journals refuse to investigate valid evidence of fraud by their authors?

>> No.16001488 [DELETED] 

the government pays them to publish lies via the grant system

>> No.16001498

Where is the incentive?

>> No.16001520

not surprised, science is now an industry.

>> No.16002284

Do they have to return the publishing fee if they retract an article?

>> No.16002747

Would make sense that they would have to.

>> No.16003723

then thats why they don't investigate fraud.
nature gets like $100,000,000 a year in publishing fees indirectly from the government, they don't want to give the money back

>> No.16004229

>nature gets like $100,000,000 a year in publishing fees
they get a quarter billion annually

>> No.16005587

If they were Christians then they would always be incentivized to behave honestly because dishonestly is considered a mortal sin for Christians

>> No.16005607

Known forever. In my field there big papers and even known PIs you don't collaborate with because they make shit up, all word of mouth. Academia is weirdly about "polite society", very much a hush-don't-make-waves kinda political atmosphere, mostly because people are too busy slaving away to give a shit about someone else's work
Journals have absolutely 0 incentive to self-investigate. First, they don't like retractions because it makes their journal look bad (don't want to publish in a shoddy journal with lots of retractions!). Second, as mentioned they get 0 money out of doing it, it's a waste of time/money to go after random papers they accepted. Finally, It also would embarrass the reviewers who they asked to review the paper for free, and that might cause those researchers to not publish in the journal/accept reviewing for them in case they get embarrassed again.

>> No.16005613
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Nothing new there, just parasites being parasites.

>> No.16005657

Bobby Brocoli made a youtube carreer out of that.
>But how could le scientists let that happen???

>> No.16005663 [DELETED] 

the joos are intelligent, have an ethnostate, look after their communities, have power and inflence, are wealthy, and huge tits; they are everything chuds aspire to be

>> No.16006871
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>> No.16006937
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>> No.16007616

>they like to fancy themselves independent thinkers
he should have gone deeper into the reason why they find that delusion attractive

>> No.16007626

I was some of these pro vaxx big brains would come on 4chan and debate the artists here:

>> No.16008529

Its amazing that with a budget like that they're still incapable of detecting fraudulent submissions. Its almost as if their intentionally publishing fraudulent articles because they're being paid to be a propaganda outlet disguised as a science journal

>> No.16008694

>Science journals refuse to investigate evidence of fraud in published articles
What do these stupid journals exist for anymore? They clearly have no standards so why not just use arxiv?

>> No.16008744

Why would they want to tell on themselves?
Btw don't trust the science... it was done by humans

>> No.16009777

>What do these stupid journals exist for anymore?
They're propaganda outlets, the government pays the journals, via the research grant system, to publish government propaganda and in return the government gets it's propaganda published in a way that make it look like the propaganda is coming from an independent source, when in reality the journals are entirely dependent on indirect government funding for their survival

>> No.16010481

Atheists on the other hand take pride in their manipulative toxic lying habits

>> No.16011727

Decades of stagnation in science because journal editors choose to profit by publishing fraud instead of doing their jobs right

>> No.16013060

They have the choice between publishing lies or going out of business