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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 484 KB, 710x785, childhood obesity.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15996061 No.15996061 [Reply] [Original]

How do we scientifically combat obesity, particularly childhood obesity? In the US, 40% of people are obese, and 80% are overweight.

Is this scientific solution to this to prescribe weight loss medication to children and to give them weight loss surgery as early as 13? Or should it be even younger?

>> No.15996074

People just need to workout and do more cardio. I drink 24 ounces of Coca Cola a day but I run 20 miles a week to offset it. Fatasses will cope.

>> No.15996075

yes but the weight loss medication should be phentermine

>> No.15996079

Legalize healthy food.

>> No.15996091

kill your self. doesnt matter how you turn it, healthy food is better

>> No.15996094

People underestimate how long it may take to deplete nutrients from the body. A month on shit food proves absolutely nothing. You didn't prove that it's a matter of will, you proved you are fed well enough to last a month without proper food.

>> No.15996144

>I run 20 miles a week to offset it.
>Fatasses will cope.
who's knees will give out faster? Flip a coin.
>running strictly to offset the caloric density of plebdrank
how embarrassing

>> No.15996150

I bought specific shoes that have 1 inch of padding. My knees are fine lol.

>> No.15996159

lower carb consumption

>> No.15996162

Kill every jew, and the world will fix itself within a decade.

>> No.15996163

fat people and drug addicts should be forced to pay a flat amount and then an additional excess % to all healthcare provided to them. there should also be no free healthcare to such people. troons I think should also qualify

>> No.15996174


>> No.15996200

Just don't eat lmao as simple as that.

>> No.15996203

The government NEEDS its military recruits, goy!

>> No.15996235

Then the jew haters will just move onto the next group. Then then next group. And so on until there's only one person left alive

>> No.15996236

If everyone is obese then it will be normal to be obese and people won't care about being obese anymore and the problem will be solved

>> No.15996248

Stop forcefeeding them processed slop. Start with sugar water companies targeting children. Juice? Drink water, dipshit.

>> No.15996256

You can't have jew haters without jews my friend

>> No.15996310

Under or overfeeding a child is child abuse. Enforcing that would reduce obesity very rapidly although you'd need to build a few million new prison cells.

>> No.15996335
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Bring back fat shaming for everyone.

Not being fat is literally just eating less.

Being healthy is more than just weight, but being fat/obese is never healthy and fatties can just: eat less.

>> No.15996428

No it fucking isn't. Counting calories would make you diagnosed as mentally ill only several decades ago. It isn't normal to need to watch yourself what you eat to stay normal looking. People formed very reasonable diets just by eating what they craved. They make you assume that people somehow lack this ability, which necessarily must be the basic survival ability for any living thing.

>> No.15996433
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>> No.15997542

figure out why people are so hungry.

>> No.15997601

You're making some retarded assumptions. Before the agricultural revolution, people eating what they craved didn't matter because they had to put efforts in hunting, so it wasn't as easy as it is now.

After, the most abundant food was bread and other cereals. Which for most people taste like cardboard compared to meat, and the first fat people that we know in history appeared in that time.

We only have delicious foods that are sugary, salty and meat abundantly in the last 100 years pretty much, and a lot of people have genes that try to eat as much as possible for survival like in ancient times you felt compelled to.

However if people make a habit of eating less, or replacing it with other types of foods, they will lose weight.

>> No.15997837

>putting kids on weight loss drugs
WTF? Educate the parents about nutrition. If they're too retarded to understand, at least stop them from buying garbage with government food assistance programs. Punish the parents for feeding so much garbage to their child.

>> No.15997844

How would you want to educate the parents, when the reason isn't known, or not widely available?

>> No.15997851

with processed foods you cant gauge calories, back in the days processed foods where rarer so it was easier to estimate calories just by looking

>> No.15997859

>back in the days processed foods where rarer so it was easier to estimate calories just by looking
you think these people were at all concerned with how many calories they were eating? mein gott, the brainwashing is complete

>> No.15997861

>it's unknown why people get fat
>we need to sell drugs to these kids it's the only way
you can't be serious

>> No.15997866
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these are modern problems that humans in nature never had to deal with
stop gaslighting people into thinking they dont know what the reason is just because shekelstein hasn't funded a peer reviewed study for you to ejaculate all over

>> No.15997877

>thinks exercising is good
>thinks calories = calories
based early death enjoyer

>> No.15997891

>you can't be serious
What makes you think that I'm not serious? It fucking isn't known, or not published, or whatever. If anybody has such information it hasn't been made widely known.

>> No.15998975

>How do we scientifically combat obesity
Stop poisoning your food

>> No.15998979

What exactly is the conspiracy here? Fat people exist and they all eat a lot

>> No.15999062

People with lung cancer exist, and they cough a lot. We need to educate people to cough less.

>> No.15999190

eating too much makes you fat
it's not a fucking mystery

>> No.15999196

>It isn't normal to need to watch yourself what you eat to stay normal looking
Having a surplus of cheap food isn't normal either. It also isn't normal to be posting online so everyone fifty thousand miles away from you can see your posts within seconds. God knows this didn't exist decades ago. Yet you seem unbothered by adjusting to modern technology. All the while you're seething about adjusting to the modern luxury of a surplus of food.

Count your fuckin calories you lazy sack of adipose tissue. You obese gluttonous faggot devoid of any impulse control.

>> No.15999213

>Having a surplus of cheap food isn't normal either.
It is.

>> No.15999227
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Obesity is a solved problem and will cease to exist by the mid-2030s thanks to incretin mimetics.

>> No.15999235

Ask your oldest living relative if it was normal to have a surplus of food.

>> No.15999236

There's always someone defending the most stupid arguments in every thread, but this one... now I'm sure it's just anons who want to fuck around, having fun debating and playing the devil's advocate
Are you suggesting fatties eat a lot BECAUSE they're fat?

>> No.15999264

This thread depresses me, I thought this was /sci/ but not one of the 20 posts or 28ips has mentioned the role of insulin.
most of you seem to still believe it's just an issue of calories.

>> No.15999265

1) Don't eat restaurant meals
2) Don't eat heavily processed food
3) Prepare your own meals from meat, eggs, and intact unprocessed vegetables. 1 piece of fruit for dessert.
4) No soft drinks. No beer. If you must drink alcohol, limit yourself to a glass of red wine or a couple of gin and tonics.
5) Do something physical at least half an hour every day, even if it's only to walk around your neighborhood.

>> No.15999273

What's your BMI homie

>> No.15999281

*40 posts

It would probably disappoint your expectations but has no bearing on the thread.
Why don't you explain what role insulin has in making you fat?

>> No.15999306

Match calorie intake with activity.

If you're largely indoors/sitting and not doing anything, you dont need more than 1000 calorie per day. "Average" of ~2000 you hear in daily nutrients is for people who go outside and do moderate activities like going to park/playing weekly sports/etc. Atheletics that exercise daily do ~3000 calorie for large energy usage.

Depending on lifestyle, you should adjust the calorie properly

>> No.15999311 [DELETED] 

Hunger is far outside of living memory.
They are fat because of some disease. They may not eat as much as widely assumed and portrayed. The food is just nad, I don't have to ask anybody about it, I rememver it myself. It's much, much worse than it used to be.

>> No.15999314

Hunger is far outside of living memory.
They are fat because of some disease. They may not eat as much as widely assumed and portrayed. The food is just bad, I don't have to ask anybody about it, I rememver it myself. It's much, much worse than it used to be. If there is a problem woth food, it isn't the amount, but its ridiculously bad quality.

>> No.15999329

>be more active
That's just CICO, it's oversimplistic and wrong it's also heavily promoted by carb pushers like coca cola.

the body adjusts energy demands with respect to activity to maintain homeostasis.

change what you types of food you eat because the body will dictate how much it needs to not feel hungry

>> No.15999352

Unfriendly reminder that obesity and low IQ have a well known correlation. It used to be argued that obesity caused low IQ, but modern studies are showing the opposite is true. This is no surprise to anyone who encounters fat logic as propagated by you imbeciles. It takes a special breed of idiot to have no control over his impulse of hunger. Just like it takes an idiot to act on his impulse to rape.

>> No.15999361

You are mentaly ill.

>> No.15999363

Obesity is caused by low IQ and mental illness.
I am not obese.
You are obese.
You're the one with mental illness boyo

>> No.15999364

What role does insulin play in people getting fat?
A simple question, you should be able to at least give its basic role.

>> No.15999366

Makes you hungry. If you lack the necessary willpower to not act on the impulse of hunger, then you're definitionally a low IQ drone. No different from a literal animal devoid of higher level cogitation. Animals, like gluttonous humans, will eat until they puke. Yet I don't hear you blaming insulin for why dogs that are overfed are fat.

>> No.15999373

IQs used to be lower.
Yes, it's very well possible that the disease also causes brain damage, just like it damages other organs.
Think of what changed in the recent past, it wasn't the availability of food, there was enough food even during the great depression.

>> No.15999375

It didn't used to happen to animals either. They ate what they needed, and stopped. Horses evolved with food at their feet. Now they often need to be muzzled to not eat themselves to death.

>> No.15999378

>Makes you hungry. If you lack the necessary willpower to not act on the impulse of hunger, then you're definitionally a low IQ drone. No different from a literal animal devoid of higher level cogitation. Animals, like gluttonous humans, will eat until they puke. Yet I don't hear you blaming insulin for why dogs that are overfed are fat.

this is a strangely moralistic reply and mostly wrong

why biochemically does insulin make you store fat?

>> No.15999380

So you think some universal disease that spreads to all animals (across whom many viruses don't even spread) who have wildly different diets magically springs up at the same time? Take your meds, and I mean that sincerely.

>> No.15999385

There is nothing wrong with my post. You're just a fat coping retard. Put the fork down, hit the gym.

>> No.15999387

You don't even understand why you are wrong.

Why does insulin drive fat storage?

>> No.15999389

>How do we scientifically combat obesity
We can't because academic research is no longer science its just a channel for big pharma, big cereal and globohomo.

>> No.15999394

You don't even understand why you are wrong.

Why do you lack the will to stop eating to excess?

>> No.15999407

You and you alone are responsible for what you put in your body. It's that simple. Anything else is trying to shift blame so that you don't have to accept the responsibility for CHOOSING your life of obesity.

>> No.15999434

Look at how many changes people did. It only needs to be one.
>Why do you lack the will to stop eating to excess?
People do, they don't get cured, they only starve. Really notice that they never get good loking, they go straight from fat to stsrved.

>> No.15999463

mainstream nutritional dogma literally promotes a diet such as the food pyramid harmful to health and you continue to parrot the narrative that it's peoples' own fault they're sick?

This is madness.

Also please explain the role of insulin, what drives it and how is it involved with fat deposition.

>> No.15999508

If you're stupid enough to trust ((science)) on what to literally fucking eat instead of your own abilities then you deserve everything that happens to you.

>> No.15999515

more biochem less whining

>> No.15999519

fat tax

>> No.15999520

If the cause isn't known, how does the cure work?

>> No.15999547

The cure? What cure? Ozempic tells your stomach that the gut is full. Nothing gets cured for real.

>> No.15999549

*sneed oil and sugar tax

>> No.15999553

it's mental health. these things snowball as men and women both become less quality.

>> No.15999561

>Hunger is far outside of living memory.

He wasn't implying hunger. You have no grasp of history if you think it was feasible for the average family to eat foods as calorically dense, and specifically tailor-made to be delectable, as much as Americans do today. He's not bullshitting, ask your grandfather how often they had steak, burgers, pizza, any number of rich foods or unnecessary food items. Very few were starving, but food was never as cheap, plentiful, and convenient as it is today. Or, at least, as it was until most recently. You are right that it's because of its "bad" quality, but that description only applies outside of specific cases to how easy it is for the average person to overeat.

>> No.15999566

100 days for 58lbs? How fat was this guy? He would have had to have been eating like 200 cals a day,

>> No.15999574

>never as calorie dense

they literally had animal fats that are about the most calorie dense foods we can possibly consume, however animal fat is heavily saturated and like protein drives a satiety signal reducing appetite while polyunsaturated oils and carbs do not

>> No.15999612

Probably just more fraudulent tiktok bs

>> No.15999629

NTA but they didn't have access to the volume and variety of hyperpalatable foods today. The majority of people used to be much more physically active too, both professionally and recreational. People today are sedentary in a way that our bodies aren't adapted for.

>> No.15999636

>the body adjusts energy demands with respect to activity to maintain homeostasis.
The body might try to save energy by making you feel tired later on if you have been active, but if you burn 2000kcal from running for 3-4 hours, the body can't adapt around that.
Let me ask you a question: what would happen if you ate no food at all?

>> No.15999640

When you're hungry you have two options: eat or not eat. Anorexics are notorious for refusing to cave in to that hunger impulse, and view it as a sense of control. Obese pigs are infamous for caving in to that impulse with no control via binge eating. All ozempic does is suppress that hunger impulse in fat people. They still have low impulse control, low self control and are helpless retards. Honestly they'd be better off with a government mandated bullet in the head since I guarantee you binge eating isn't the only thing they lose control over.

>> No.15999672

No, it fucking isn't. Food is absolute shit today, the fact that people willingly eat it is that there is something very wrong. I'm talking about exact same food item. The basic communist era coffee would today sell as the primest most expensive choice today.
No, what I'm telling you that there is no healthy weight, no right optimum. You go from fat straight to anorexic. It's like trying to get liquid CO2. Doesn't happen under normal circumstances.

>> No.15999703

if you exercise intensely, do you need more essential micronutrients than a sedentary person, or can you suffice with the same amount and just additional calories?

>> No.15999710
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>there is no healthy weight,
Lmfao. These fat fucks go from
>Healthy at every size (Linda Bacon)
>There is no healthy weight
My sides are in another stratosphere

>> No.15999721

I mean you won't be able to reach it. You start looking anorexic before you stop being fat.
In other words, there is a problem sonewhere, that isn't related to "self control".

>> No.15999731
File: 1.91 MB, 899x500, laughing-cartoon-lol-pointing-anime-girl-gu89jvp1m2jseuu7.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You start looking anorexic before you stop being fat.
What's your BMI lil bro

>> No.15999748

If a person ate no food, what would happen to them? Why?
Does food contain energy? If so, can that energy be quantified?

>> No.15999761

normal people
>teach kids about sugar
>make sure they eat normal food
>show them how to stay in shape

>let them eat sugar
>give them expensive medicine
>even more expensive surgery as well

>> No.15999763

Geneticallly modify humans so it's not a problem or doesn't happen.
>Make a subsystem that monitors your fat levels, once too high it simply dumps excess energy overboard by pissing out sugar or blocking uptake of new energy.
>Modify sensation of hunger and satiety to be tuned into high sugar content and other modern diets, so you feel full after eating a plate of pasta.
>Modify the body's bones, joints, heart, lungs etc to cope with the extra strain caused by weight of fat, being overweight is no longer would increase mortality due to relevant failure of those subsystems.

Trying to change the environment to suit the genetics is less reliable than changing the genetics to suit the environment. Eugenics is moral.

>> No.15999765

Why do you offer your opinion on shit you don't know anything about?

>> No.15999768

>teach kids about sugar
>make sure they eat normal food
>show them how to stay in shape
Relies on people having a degree of intelligence and other genetically influenced traits. This is not a reliable method. You also hint and removing freedom which is evil.

We need to accept the necessity of eugenics and genetic engineering.

>> No.15999799

Anon, this whole obesity shit only happened in the last 50 or so years, look at people from the 70s they were skinny and had abundant food

>> No.15999809

Ask your grandfather, because you have no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.15999811

You mean fasting? Well the body enters a ketogenic state as it burns fat for ketone bodies to fuel the body.
It's a lot easier if you're fat adapted instead of carb adapted much less cravings.
reportedly people feel more energetic fasting than people on carb heavy diet but on starvation diet.
I imagine it's something to do with the body tolerating the condition

>> No.15999818

No you god forsaken retard, look at actual recorded history look at what people looked like just half a century ago.

>> No.15999822

Talk to people who literally lived in that time.

>> No.15999827

I have already you faggot.
Answer the question, what happened to change obesity rates so much compared to just the 70s?

>> No.15999829

An abundance of calorie dense food. You'd know this if you talked to people alive at that time about this

>> No.15999842
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nta but you can easily google this stuff. stupid hill to die on

>> No.15999849
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>> No.15999894

now break that down compositionally, assessing types of fat and carbs

>> No.15999900


>> No.15999908

because it would reveal what's actually causing obesity

>> No.15999912

He's a schizo who thinks seed oils is causing obesity.

>> No.15999949

Quiet schizo.

>> No.15999970

Why is that?

>> No.15999973

Just let them be active, and feed them decent food. Minimal sugary crap. Of course kids like sweets and you do t have to be a total bastard, just sweets at weekends and make it real choc not daily high fructose stuff.
Out of curiosity I put a pedometer on one of my kids for a week. He averages 28,000 steps a day, just going to and from school and running around at school.
Of kids are being driven to school and stuck behind desks all day then sat doing nothing at the weekends while eating corn syrup they will be fat. They do t need surgery and drugs they need to be allowed to be children

>> No.15999975


>> No.15999983

Why would 12 year olds need meds and surgery to fix being fat? Why is the world so Jewish?

>> No.16000044

No, I don't mean fasting. What would happen if you stopped eating food forever?

>> No.16000056

Well you can apparently live for maybe 2 months if you're getting enough electrolytes and water. but then you'll eventually die, as far as I'm aware humans haven't developed a system to enable torper and hibernation over the winter months.

>> No.16000059

Seems there's a species of Lemur that can hibernate so theoretically it might not be impossible for humans.

>> No.16000062

It already reveals what's causing the rise in obesity - total energy intake has increased over the same period of time that labour and recreational physical activity has declined.
Until the last 70 years, the vast majority of occupations required a moderate or high degree of physical exertion.
We are eating more and moving less.
You can measure the excess food we eat nowadays as grams of fat and carbs, as calories, as joules, it doesn't matter which arbitrary unit you choose.
You can't reduce something as complex as the proper or improper functioning of human body to "sugar bad, fat good" or "PUFA bad, saturated fat good". There's too much nuance, too many confounding factors, too many exceptions for your rules to be of any use.

>> No.16000064

How come you eventually die if you don't eat any food?

>> No.16000065


Okay some fat scottish guy fasted for 392 days what the fuck?

>> No.16000082

This is nonsense most diets fail the only ones that seem to wortk are where people cut carbs and seed oils from their diet routinely return to a healthy weight range voluntarily,

You keep advocating that food availability is the cause of obesity which is a gross almost criminal distortion of what is causing our malaise.

Claiming that people get fat because they eat more than they burn off does not explain why they eat more in the first place.

Calories In Calories Out (sometimes known as CICO) is the model you are advocating for and has been the dogma in nutrition since the followng the 2nd world war.
It has failed to deliver every time, the rival hypothesis of hormonal control was long ignored because people wedded themselves to CICO.

>> No.16000120

Most diets fail because most people know nothing about nutrition or human biology and aren't willing or able to change their lifestyle.
We evolved in the poverty of nature where starvation was always around the corner, which is why we're so attuned to energy-dense food.
>It has failed to deliver every time
Except for the millions of people who have successfully lost or gained weight by tracking their energy intake. If you ignore all of those people then yes, sure, CICO has never worked.

If the amount of energy you eat doesn't matter, then how come you'll eventually starve to death if you stop eating?

>> No.16000124

>stop consuming food
>lose weight
Woah who would have thought

>> No.16000132

you know fat fucks have existed for thousands of years, right? It was restricted to the upper classes who could afford a life of indulgence and no labor. Henry the 8th was so fucking fat they had to make him fat fuck armor.

>> No.16000135

At this point I don't wish to continue.
You are wrong and don't seem motivated by truth finding.

>> No.16000143

concession accepted bellend

>> No.16000150

Why are you like this?

>> No.16000152

i have no social status and need to get any kind of win i can, even if it's fake, even if it's anonymously online

>> No.16000163

You are fucking dense haha.

>> No.16000168
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I accept your concession
>don't seem motivated by truth finding.
Projection. I will continue to eat whatever kind of slop I wamt and remain at an optimal weight and body composition because I use my body the way it was designed - to move, to run, to climb, to lift.
You will continue to deny yourself all sorts of delicious and convenient foods whilst you remain a misshapen lump of meat because you refuse to use your body.

>> No.16000169

Thousands of years is fuck all.

>> No.16000180

What is wrong with fatties? Seriously just stop eating so much and eat different foods. Try a salad you fat fuck.
I've been 140 lbs my whole teenage/adult life, briefly got up to 150 when I was working out frequently, dropped back down to 140 when I started slacking.
I don't always eat when I'm hungry, I guess I just have discipline tubby pieces of shit don't LOL.

>> No.16000193

The first diet book was written by an english undertaker William Banting in 1865: His "Letter on Corpulence" is linked below.

It's quite an eye opening read.
He lost a lot of weight while eating very healthy portion sizes.

>> No.16000198
File: 114 KB, 634x790, article-2295267-18C2AEBB000005DC-728_634x790-1208510756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The problem is ignorance and lack of shame. Fat people are not shamed in public as they should be. Because of this, they do not think about what or how they eat; they just eat and eat and eat to get those little pleasure hits from eating. They balloon up and no one tells them to fucking knock it off.
If we started shaming fatties again, we'd have less fatties. We should also consider coercive methods like physical violence for fat people.

>> No.16000211

He was eating tiny portions of meat alongside toast, fruit, biscuits and wine. Probably most importantly, he was measuring his food, weighing the quantity.

>> No.16000214

Isn't it fascinating how determined "people" seem to be to demonise and moralise here.
It's like some sort of warped religious shame movement.

People are victims of this ultra processed industrial food system that never before in our existence as a species have we been exposed to, it directly causes our problems and yet our so called health professionals tell us to eat more of it which leaves everyone sicker and sicker, needing countless drugs and surgeries to combat what would all be so easy to avoid if the food lobby hadn't spent the past century demonising everything that is actually healthy and promoting junk...

>> No.16000219

>He was eating tiny portions of meat
I didn't see particularly small quantities

For breakfast, I take four or five ounces of beef, mutton, kidneys, broiled fish, bacon, or cold meat of any kind except pork; a large cup of tea (without milk or sugar), a little biscuit, or one ounce of dry toast.

For dinner, five or six ounces of any fish except salmon, any meat except pork, any vegetable except potato, one ounce of dry toast, fruit out of a pudding, any kind of poultry or game, and two or three glasses of good claret, sherry, or Madeira—champagne, port and beer forbidden.

For tea, two or three ounces of fruit, a rusk or two, and a cup of tea without milk or sugar.

For supper, three or four ounces of meat or fish, similar to dinner, with a glass or two of claret.

For nightcap, if required, a tumbler of grog—(gin, whiskey, or brandy, without sugar)—or a glass or two of claret or sherry.

>> No.16000225

>People are victims of this ultra processed industrial food system that never before in our existence as a species have we been exposed blah blah blah
Whatever fatass. Stop eating so much. I mean it.
FUCKING STOP IT. Boil a cup of rice. Have a coffee. Make a salad. Stop being gross. I may on occasion cast my gaze upon you; do not insult it with corpulence.
If you are American you have no excuse, I'm exposed to and have all the opportunities to eat like a pig as you do, I just don't. It is a simple choice to make. I don't even eat that healthy; I just don't eat AS MUCH as every single other American.
Today I had 2 cups of coffee, a small bowl of trail mix, a can of Progresso soup, and I'll probably have some garlic bread or something for dinner. Maybe a turkey bacon sandwich.

>> No.16000227

^see, where does all this vitriol come from?

>> No.16000232

Six ounces is 35% of a pound, or less than 2/5ths. Americans will put away entire KFC buckets.
That is the problem of course. Out of control Americans.

>> No.16000235

Nearly half of all women are obese and I want them all to be thin so the pool of fuckable women increases greatly.
I actually don't care what men do, unfortunately I have to look at you, and the fat profile is not aesthetic.

>> No.16000240

Ok so for some reason the will power that people had decades ago when they weren't eating seed oil laden slop vanished after seed oil laden slop became mainstream and everyone became fat?

>> No.16000243

Jesus. I am not posting from the past. Look around you. There are people with imperfect diets that are not fat. They even consume *gasp* seed oils.
The problem is simple, you eat too much. I couldn't tell you why. I just know you do.

>> No.16000246

>Claiming that people get fat because they eat more than they burn off does not explain why they eat more in the first place.
Yes it does. People, like animals, are primed to eat whatever they can, often past the point of satiety. Absent an excess of food, you will eat to satiety or below satiety. Introduce a surplus of food, and you'll continue eating it like a gluttonous pig.

>> No.16000249

People have not changed their intrinsic natures anon, the food changed.
different people have better survival chances but I don't believe it is sensible to believe that suddenly everyone became as fat as they are because food became more available.
There is something specifically wrong with this Standard Diet that is harmful to our health.

>> No.16000253
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Who said anything about nature? Behavior changed. I blame cars actually. Every got a car, then everyone gets in the car line at the food place and they get food right in their car and they eat in their car and drive everywhere in their goddamn car. They'll do 6 laps around the parking lot so they don't have to walk more than 100 paces to get into the store. The particularly shameless will then use A MOTORIZED CHAIR to shop.
AHHHH I HATE IT. I FUCKING HATE FATTIES. This is the future. People stop using their legs and they become the subhuman children in Wall-E. Well I won't stand for it.

>> No.16000255

We know that both sugar and seed oils are in pretty much everything now.
We know that both sugar and seed oils have toxic end products.
We know that both sugar and seed oils disrupt appetite
We know that both sugar and seed oils can induce insulin resistance, diabetes, and insulin

But whatl I hear being repeated is "eat less and exercise more you fat fuck"

>> No.16000256

I eat seed oils. I'm not fat. I'm 38 years old.
The seed oils are not responsible. YOU are responsible. Your refusal to accept responsibility is why you remain fat.
I'd lock you in a room for a month and feed you crackers and water, but unfortunately, kidnapping is illegal. It's on you to stop being such a simp.

>> No.16000257

Why are these people getting so fat
>becuse they eat too much
Why are these people eating so much
>because they're hungry
Why are these people so hungry?
>*crickets chirping*

>> No.16000258

what's the toxic end product of dextrose?

>> No.16000259

do you know what "tu quoque" means?

>> No.16000260
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>> No.16000266

If one person in 10 cannot stop eating then it's likely an individual problem. If 8 out of 10 can't it's most likely a problem outside of an individuals control. Even if it's a lack of willpower to be over eating, it suggests that the cause of that lacking willpower is a function of the system.
Either some unknown has broken the brains of 80% of people who can no longer control their eating or... ingredients in foods have changed which ruined the majority of peoples satitation response.
There are plenty of fat people who do work manual labour.

>> No.16000267

If you are not fat, deny the charge.

>> No.16000272

I'm not fat though?
I'm not insulin resistant as far as I'm aware. I make my own food and try to consume what I consider a healthy diet according to what research I have read around the topic.
I cook with whole foods and steadfastly try to avoid heavily processed foods. Some of which I grow other of which I hunt.
I am not the average person I am an outlier.
Which is frankly why I'm well aware of how toxic the diet people buy and eat nowadays is.

Even so why must I go to such measures to not be poisoned by by the food that is readily available?

>> No.16000273

I flattered you think I'm part of the 20% ubermensch, but obviously it's not that. This is a simple problem of lack of responsibility and lack of a control mechanism. The control mechanism most effective is shame. It used to be considered bizarre to be incredibly obese.
As social animals, we use shame to control behavior. Being nude in public is shameful, so people cover up. At some point, being a fat fuck stopped being shameful. There's a cottage industry of fat acceptance. Most people just don't care.
I care.

>> No.16000276

>Introduce a surplus of food, and you'll continue eating it like a gluttonous pig.
It turns out that depends on what kind of food there is a surplus of. It is next to impossible to over eat on a diet purely of animal fat and protein and as you can see from society is it incredibly easy to over eat on a standard american diet.

>> No.16000282

There are plenty of people who don't want to be obese though?
Yet their diet is literally killing them.

It is not shame, it is a predatory food and medical system that is turning people fat and sick

>> No.16000287

I've pointed this out I think at least three times now, and each time he waves it off and calls me a fatty who needs to eat less.
This "person" has some sort of motivation to deny the simplest factual statements

>> No.16000289

"Wanting" is not magic. I want to fuck supermodels. Take a guess how many supermodels I've fucked.
I see fat people on the street; what I don't hear is insults, taunts, and the ritualistic debasement of fat people.

>> No.16000292

Why is the food we have now making people gorge themselves?

>> No.16000294

Yeah it's obviously the sugar. That and a lack of responsibility and a lack of shame when fat people see themselves ballooning up.
It seems to be more common in married couples. Not exclusively, but my brother was as thin as I was until he got married. Then he promptly blimped up into a minor fatass. The pressure to appear a certain way was gone. He paycheck isn't determined by his weight. And neither is his sexlife, with marriage.
There's no control mechanism. Except shame. I regularly shame him. Sometimes it works.

>> No.16000303

I am not fat. in fact, i am a winning triathlete; but i'm also not the other anon.

>> No.16000307

So you've at least conceded on the sugar.
maybe when the thread hits bump you might tentatively be contemplating the role of seed oils and specifically omega 6s like linoleic acid, which in minute quantities is essential but is toxic at high levels.

see this report of consumption trends >>15999975

>> No.16000313

No, because I eat sugar and seed oils. Ultimately it comes down to personal responsiblity. Do I follow up those chicken nugs with a soda and a quarter pounder, or do I make a kale salad, or better yet, have a water? Hmmmmm. HMMMMMM.
I'll also concede people are RETARDED which is why we need the shaming. It worked for the Catholic church for hundreds of years. They kept a bored, incredibly poor population from descending into chaos and anarchy at every opportunity, by threatening eternal shame (damnation) in the fires of Hell. We need a similar sort of zeal in anti-fatness campaigns.
I'm motived by love in all this. I love thin people and I want everyone to be thin. It's a moral and personal failing to be a fatty.

>> No.16000320

I don't have the patience for this, I going to bed.

Oh and kale smoothies are pretty bad for you. I laughed when they got memed as a super food years ago but they are legit not healthy.

>> No.16000321

>Yeah it's obviously the sugar.
>That and a lack of responsibility and a lack of shame
>There's no control mechanism. Except shame.

And removing sugar..

I don't think anyone here gives a fuck about your fat fuck brother.
I honestly don't know why you're on here. You are obviously out of your depth and aren't interested in learning anything.

>> No.16000326

Removing sugar isn't going to happen.
When the sugar is not removed from the foods, what then? What will you do?
>out of my depth
it's not rocket science.

>> No.16000328

intravenous drips containingg linoleic acid rich seed oils kept giving people diabetes.
They switched to oleic acid and the problem stopped
that was on one of Ivor Cummins podcasts with some doctor

>> No.16000333

>supercilious prick uses dextrose instead of glucose because he knows full well that there's a huge problem with fructose

>> No.16000341

Blaming seed oils for fatness is like blaming women for rape.

>> No.16000371

Victimhood complex trying to blame everything except your own lack of will power. Pathetic. You're the kind of dumb fuck who would blame advertisers for your addiction to nicotine or alcohol. You're not even human.

>> No.16000374

Comes from dealing with dense motherfuckers like you who can't take responsibility for their own actions. You know what I ate today? A whole pie of pizza and a protein bar. My BMI is 23.5. how is such a feat possible? Easy. I workout consistently and that pie of pizza I ate today isn't a common thing. Here's my typical diet:
>Early morning: half cup oats + one cup fruit
>Late morning: two scoops protein powder
>Lunch: 2/3 cups uncooked rice + ≈1 lb of meat
>Dinner: one cup pasta + 1/3 cup Parmesan cheese
Your turn. What's your typical diet, fatass? That's another source of vitriol. You fat fucks will NEVER admit what you eat in a day, because you know deep in your clogged heart of hearts the truth will be exposed.. That you're fat due to gluttony. So instead you lie, with such bizarre statements that you're eating like 600 kcals a day, working out 2 hours a day and blah blah blah. I'd tell you to kys but it seems you're already on track to do that via obesity. Just wish you found a faster method of suicide than to waste my tax dollars by straining the healthcare system.

>> No.16000376

>Why are these people so hungry?
Everyone gets hungry. Fat people just have no impulse control. Why don't they have impulse control? Low IQ. Why do they have low IQ? Who cares.

>> No.16000378

Its funny that they considered left to be fat.
Also, I want a mint now and dont have any, thanks.

>> No.16000389

Are you actually a shill? this is a wonk statement that no sane person who wasn't trying to earn paycheck would say

>> No.16000391

Nta but the reasoning is perfectly analogous.
>I am fat because I cannot control myself around seed oils and have to eat it
>I raped her because I cannot control myself around women and have to rape

>> No.16000392

You are retarded.
Like actually retarded
you can't admit there's something clearly wrong with the food

>> No.16000393

seed oils are in literally almost every damned food at this point, you have to actively seek out products that don't contain them
they are toxic, we know they are toxic, we seem to find more and more ways they are toxic but you say that this toxic is not to blame for peoples bad health

you are evil

>> No.16000395

Then don't eat the fuckin food.

>> No.16000397

>seed oils are in literally almost every damned food
You are irredeemably stupid and deserve your obese body you feel trapped in. You only think it's in nearly all foods because you only know how to eat processed garbage

>> No.16000505


Since we know GLP1 controls hunger, it seems likely that some people may have genetically lower GLP1 that causes them to be fat

>> No.16000685

fat->skinnyfat->anorexic A healthuly state is not reached. You can see it now more with Ozempic and such.
>teach people to avoid sugar
>tax sugar
>declare a success, as people now consume less sugar.

Do you see the problem with it? You didn't actually check if they are less obese than before. They aren't.

It is normal to feel full afyer a bowl of pasta, or even a cup of tea with a lit of sugar. Something is not working right in your body.

There were no food shortages, not in the US/Europe. People weren't thin because they were starving. They just didn't get fat.
That doesn't mean that people were starving, they didn't want to eat more, possibly also wasted less.
Maybe it wouldn't. Maybe the problem is somewhere else.
None of that works either. Rather on the contrary, it seems that people lose the desire to eat calory dense food, even find it repulsive, when they get accidentally cured. Typically it happens after they move.
FFS they didn't exist 50 years ago.

>> No.16000752

fun fact: in swedish, we say to "banta" as a general term for losing weight through diet change

>> No.16000754

>It is next to impossible to over eat on a diet purely of animal fat and protein
lol you haven't seen me eat chicken wings or ribs

>> No.16000779
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>feel full
Fat people don't know the difference between satiety and comatose. "Full" means both to them. It's an IQ problem. See for example
>There were no food shortages, not in the US/Europe. People weren't thin because they were starving. They just didn't get fat
>That doesn't mean that people were starving,
Nobody said there were food shortages. There wasn't an surplus of calorie dense hyper palatable food. Lack of a surplus doesn't imply a shortage dumbass.
>FFS they didn't exist 50 years ago.
See pic rel from the 1600. Obesity literally comes from latin obesitas, meaning fat or plump. You need to unironically kys.

>> No.16000823 [DELETED] 

>Fat people don't know the difference between satiety
No. They feel like they're starving completely.
>There wasn't an surplus of calorie dense hyper palatable food.
It isn't hyperpalatable. It's shit. It's barely edible.
>Lack of a surplus doesn't imply a shortage dumbass.
It didn't seem to people that they should need to eat more.
>Obesity literally comes from latin obesitas, meaning fat or plump.
Interestingly, it means BOTH syarved and fat.

>> No.16000825

>Fat people don't know the difference between satiety
No. They feel like they're starving constantly.
>There wasn't an surplus of calorie dense hyper palatable food.
It isn't hyperpalatable. It's shit. It's barely edible.
>Lack of a surplus doesn't imply a shortage dumbass.
It didn't seem to people that they should need to eat more.
>Obesity literally comes from latin obesitas, meaning fat or plump.
Interestingly, it means BOTH starved and fat.

>> No.16000847

>>Obesity literally comes from latin obesitas, meaning fat or plump.
>Interestingly, it means BOTH starved and fat.
Now you're just making shit up lmfao now that I know you're trolling I'm not going to earnestly address the rest of your troll post. Ironically kys in Minecraft blobulord

>> No.16000861
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>> No.16000878

>No. They feel like they're starving constantly.
because they have made themselves addicted to food and ruined their appetites, causing erroneous signalling

>> No.16000881


>> No.16000889

Why is it that people who shift to carnivore or similar low carb diets lose so much weight?

look at this channel "no carb life" and others like it. It's a collection of normal people sharing their accounts, how they've tried to diet in the past or count calories but no matter how diligent they were their weight just rebounded back but now these people report being healthy and eating as much as they want and still losing weight.


>> No.16000893

Yeah, he was quite influential.

>> No.16000951

How is it that people used to live 80+% on starchy staples, and suffered nothing?

>> No.16000957

ok, if you don't have an answer to that, what about sucrose? that's granulated sugar, widely available and common in every household.

>> No.16000960

you being grossly misinformed about the past is not a good basis for an argument

>> No.16000964

Thank you for admitting obesity existed over 2000 years ago and that it didn't magically arise only 50 years ago. I accept your concession

>> No.16000972 [DELETED] 

It seems you run 2 sentences together in a way that doesn't make sense.
Nobody denies ot didn't happen at all. Yes, maybe a few in a thousamd did get obese, or did need glasses, but it wasn't a widespread phenomenon like today.

>> No.16000973

It seems you ran 2 sentences together in a way that doesn't make sense.
Nobody claims that it didn't happen at all. Yes, maybe a few in a thousand did get obese, or did need glasses, but it wasn't a widespread phenomenon like today.

>> No.16000990

>Nobody claims that it didn't happen at all.
>FFS they didn't exist 50 years ago.

>> No.16001009

Are you going to pretend now that you didn't understand what is being discussed? You lost.

>> No.16001046

I accept your concession

>> No.16001247

It's 50% fructose

>> No.16001386

NTA but you claimed it didn't exist 50 years ago, a hilariously, self-evidently incorrect statement.
Now, if obesity existed in the past, albeit at lower rates, what was the cause? Refined sugar and seed oils hadn't been invented. Everyone ate natural foods because there were no industrially processed foods.
So what caused obesity 2000, 1000, 500 years ago?

>> No.16001636

Malnutrition causes weight loss

>> No.16001652

Malnutrition also causes obesity
mak your mind

>> No.16001657

*make up your damn mind

>> No.16001849

Different guy but grains caused obesity, malnutrition, tooth decay, etc. Refined sugar and seed oils have dramatically ramped up the problem but agriculture was disastrous for human health.

>> No.16001940

The Egyptians were known as artophagoi because they at a lot of wheat.
They also had rampant atherosclerosis

>> No.16001954

I think the problem is that there is no from the perspective of a child to not be fat. Like they're not getting bitches yet, they're not at risk for health complications, so why fucking bother to lose weight. At least that was my perspective at that age. Losing weight was easy, but I had no reason to give a fuck about doing so until I got to the point where I'd get diabetes in a few years if I didn't

>> No.16002050

you keep saying this nonsense and ignoring every other argument about how food is poisoning people.

why do you keep clinging to this idea that it's caused by shaming?

>> No.16002346

>People formed very reasonable diets just by eating what they craved. They make you assume that people somehow lack this ability, which necessarily must be the basic survival ability for any living thing.
I am obese and this is total bullshit just from my own lifetime.
I will regularly eat enough for 2 people (2.5k calories) in a single meal. Back when I was losing weight ( lost 70 lbs total, but I gained it back) I was eating ~700 kcals a meal and sometimes that's all I would eat that day.
Eating what you crave being healthy very much depends on what your body is acclimated to. During my weight loss days I literally couldn't stomach as much as I'll casually eat now.

>> No.16002386

Nothing will change until Americans decide it is an issue. Right now we're obsessed with immigration and inflation.

>> No.16002405

Obesity is a failure of the mind. All fat people are dumb. No smart person is fat.

Eat few calories. That is it. There is nothing else. Imagine how dumb you have to be to not understand that.

>> No.16002466

Everybody used to eat a lot of grain.
It was an argument for something being wrong, it didn't use to happen.

>> No.16002473

My diet includes grains, refined sugar and even a little bit of seed oil and I'm not obese or malnourished. I guarantee I am healthier and in better shape than you.

>> No.16002477

>we analyzed the stomach content of the Iceman, a 5,300-year-old European glacier mummy [2, 3]. He seems to have had a remarkably high proportion of fat in his diet, supplemented with fresh or dried wild meat, cereals, and traces of toxic bracken.
>Ötzi showed signs of having atherosclerosis and a similar condition where blood vessels are blocked by bone-like deposits in the vessel wall (known as calcification)

>> No.16002800

>Everybody used to eat a lot of grain.
yet the greeks called them eaters of wheat, so they must have eaten a huge amount of it

>> No.16002823

It used to be typical that grains formed the majority of the diet. It just isn't possible.

>> No.16002828


>50 years ago, in the first phase of marketing the polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), linoleic acid was “heart protective,” and the saturated fats raised cholesterol and caused heart disease.
>In the second phase, the other “essential fatty acid,” linolenic acid, was said to be even better than linoleic acid.
>In the third phase, the longer chain omega -3 (omega minus three, or n minus three) fatty acids, DHA and EPA, are said to be even better than linolenic acid.
>Along the way, the highly unsaturated arachidonic acid, which we and other animals make out of the linoleic acid in foods, was coming to be identified with the “harmful animal fats.” But we just didn't hear much about how the amount of arachidonic acid in the tissues depended on the amount of linoleic acid in the diet.
>U.S. marketing dominates the world economy, including of course the communication media, so we shouldn't expect to hear much about the role of PUFA in causing cancer, diabetes, obesity, aging, thrombosis, arthritis and immunodeficiency, or to hear about the benefits of the saturated fats.
>The saturated fats include the “tropical fats,” because they are synthesized in very warm organisms, and are very stable at those temperatures. Their stability offers some protection against the unstable PUFA.
>Several of the degenerative conditions produced by the “essential fatty acids” can be reversed by use of saturated fats, varying in length from the short chains of coconut oil to the very long chains of waxes.

>> No.16002832

In which specific cultures?

>> No.16002841

Practically all.

>> No.16002851

They apparently pretty much forbade the consumption of animal fat.

Egypt was odd. all the men seem to have pot bellies and man tits, while the grit in their flour and low nutrient density eroded even the teeth of the rich down

>> No.16002960

>No smart person is fat.
>even the fuckin dan scheneider, fat fuck that the only reason he wasnt cancelled and epstein'd is because has some gray matter in his head
if you are the same poster of this : >>16000313
i get, you are retarded. Of course shaming works, in fact, it worked so good to the catholic church that the fucking pope installed a "Pornocracy"

>> No.16002991

>I forgot to mention that I'm 22 lol
see you in 5 years, shartmerilard

>> No.16003008

Churchill doesn't even look by modern standards.

>> No.16003078

At what point in time?
Our ancestors started eating a diet high in meat at least 2.6 million year ago. Agriculture didn't exist before 12 to 20 thousand years ago. That's 2.58 million years without agriculture. Any wild grains eaten during that time would have been a minor part of the diet likely only during the autumn helping people to fatten up for winter months.

>> No.16003229

NTA but humans have more copies of the gene for amylases, the enzymes which break starch into glucose, than do chimpanzees etc, and we've had these extra copies for hundreds of thousands of years, which means either rudimentary agriculture is older than we think, or foraged carbohydrates were more important for survival than you may be ready to accept.

>> No.16003237

im currently doing this with chick-fil-a. down about 10 pounds since the first of this month.

>> No.16003248

Yep. It's that easy.

>> No.16003251

>Fat people are not shamed in public as they should be.
This. They've become so emboldened they even feel comfortable coming up with pseudo scientific horseshit to justify the way they look (and eat). It's a problem of excessive self worth (just like anorexia is a problem of excessively low self worth). Their self image has to be beaten down to where it ought to be, and their weight will follow.

>> No.16003260

Not quite the right species but what would your body conditiion score be anons?

>> No.16003264

segment starts around 24 minutes in

>> No.16004985

It's really hard to eat fat on its own

>> No.16005301

>It has failed to deliver every time

This whole thread is so fucking stupid. Debating whether calories in calories out is correct is like debating whether or not plants photosynthesize. It is so obvious, so well empirically validated, that only the truly ignorant think otherwise. Calories in calories out has never failed to deliver. Not even once. What you are probably referencing is that asking people to expend more energy than they take in rarely causes them to lose weight. This is simply because they do not adhere to recommendations.

>> No.16005331

The problem is that you do not understand the nuance.

>This is simply because they do not adhere to recommendations.
once again a judgemental argument designed to ignore the problems with the concept.

CICO is just the energy balance it doesn't tell why people consume more or expend less energy it only counts the joules.

>> No.16005332


>Either some unknown has broken the brains
You're framing this as if changes in a population's response to a similar stimulus is laughably implausible, which I strongly disagree with.

>it's most likely a problem outside of an individuals control
Let's not get into philosophy

Really, this is all just idle speculation. I'm not familiar with the research on topic, but if I had to guess, I would say it's mostly just poor quality observational stuff. Until you can show me a large sample size controlled human experiment, I won't have much confidence in anything you say.

>> No.16005344

I did not intend to be judgmental.

>CICO is just the energy balance it doesn't tell why people consume more or expend less energy it only counts the joules.
I agree. It looks like I misunderstood the point you were trying to make. Still, I think that trying to understand the problem by looking at things like hormones is not a good approach. If you want to solve a behavioral problem, psychology is a much better bet.

>> No.16005371

You are more balanced than a previous poster. They constantly blame people for being fat and seem to want to ignore whether something in their diet migt be contributing to their weight gain.
He's the guy calling everyone disagreeing with him fat and demanding to post their bmis.
He's either some sort of shill or a useful idiot.

> If you want to solve a behavioral problem, psychology is a much better bet.

But our nutrition directly affects our hormones which affects our pychology?
We can't disentangle the two. Elevated insulin suppresses metabolic rate and can make us hungrier.
Look at the average teenager, they are hormonally driven to consume food, the calories go in the mouth and they then put on an awful lot of weight.
But what caused them to gain weight? Clearly this is because they were in a calorific excess but what drove them to be in a calorific excess. so their behviour was to shovel food into their faces but what drove them to do this?

We can also take two separate individuals and when fed the same diet one may gain weight while the other doesn't or the opposite that one loses weight while the other stays the same.
This has also been observed in rat feeding trials.

>> No.16005545

You're so pathetic that you refuse to take agency over your own actions.

>> No.16005813

1000 calories is enough for a 4'10 girl or a granny you tard.

>> No.16005820

The best we can do is to make convenience food healthy. Obesity is pretty much caused by every aspect of American life; poor health education, reliance on cars, hyper-palatable cheap food and wide spread poverty.
If we look at Japan, there are cheap and convenient options for nutritious foods, you can find balanced meals at 7/11 with protein, vegetables and starch. The cities are more walkable, health is incentivized (you get financial penalties for being over weight) and nutrition education is just better.

>> No.16005889

>Thank you for admitting obesity existed over 2000 years ago
But it was (correctly) associated with malnutrition, not excess.

>> No.16005898

>How do we scientifically combat obesity, particularly childhood obesity?
Eat less food, exercise more.
>In the US, 40% of people are obese, and 80% are overweight.
Make them eat less food and/or make them exercise more.
>is this scientific solution to this to prescribe weight loss medication to children and to give them weight loss surgery as early as 13?
That's the solution if you want to funnel yet more money to the elite capitalist classes.

>> No.16005899

There is no such thing as "healthy food". All that matters for weight loss and weight gain is caloric intake and caloric expenditure.

>> No.16005900

Obesity isn't different from pellagra or scurvy (which also used to be blamed on moral flaws). It only appears after long time dependance on inadequate food. Just because we don't know the responsible chemical doesn't mean it isn't real, or that you can will it away.

>> No.16005901

>That's just CICO, it's oversimplistic and wrong
Laws of physics debunked by fat retard on 4Chan

>> No.16005903

Why shouldn't someone rape if they can get away with it?

>> No.16005904

>Obesity isn't different from pellagra or scurvy
Sort of? Scurvy and pellagra are caused by nutrient deficiencies. Obesity is caused by nutrient excess; too many calories.

>> No.16005916

This is the same propaganda big food used to defang the previous nation-wide anti-obesity campaigns

>> No.16005971

Why so you think so? Why do you believe everything that you're told?

>> No.16005991

Lmfao that's delusional. If it was caused by malnutrition instead of excess you'd expect Africans to be morbidly obese instead of Americans.

>> No.16005997

Look man, I'm not that anon but I've tracked my calories. I've dabbled in bodybuilding and gained 35 lbs by meticulous counting all my calories. As I increased calories in, my bodyweight went up. Then I went on cuts by meticulously counting all my calories. As my calories went down, my weight went down. This isn't rocket science dude. If meathead gymbros with double digit IQ can figure it out, yet fat slobs like you can't, what does that say about you

>> No.16005998

Why? Africans eat better food.

>> No.16006000

People who successfully lost weight by cutting calories only seem to live in the internet.

>> No.16006006

Or the gym. You should consider going to one some time you fat fuck

>> No.16006010

Only works when you pump yourself with medicine that makes die in your 40s.

>> No.16006021
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>> No.16006027

So you think that people who starve to death don't become emaciated and scrawny?

>> No.16006031

No, not necessarily. Puffing up is also common. Look at >>16006021 or scurvy, where in fact the well known, completely sane and correct solution was being supressed for centuries in favor of "rational" explanations, that only made more people die on the ship.

>> No.16006073

>No, not necessarily.
Schizo retard.

>> No.16006088
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The skeletal appearance is from the lack carbohydrates (or fat), or inadequate amounts of otherwise sufficient food. Inadequate food quality leads to different symptoms.

>> No.16006233

Lmao so are you a holocaust denier too? Those victims became extremely skinny

>> No.16006241

Your analogy is stupid because when faced with very clear counter examples you dismiss them as untrue. Count your calories dude. Use an app, can the barcodes of everything you eat (so stop eating out). Track everything including any butter or cooking oil. Weigh your veggies as well. Also track your weight. You'll find your TDEE, and then eat under that. You'll lose weight. I guarantee it with p = 0. He'll if you don't believe me, go on a fast for a week where you only drink water and eat one multivitamin. See what happens. This isn't rocket science yet you'll find any excuse in the book and await the "cure" for your disease by putting EXTRA stuff into your body when the solution is to put LESS stuff into your body

>> No.16006245

eat according to circadian rythm, cut out ultra processed food and walk 10k steps a day

>> No.16006258

Let american drown in their own retardation.
Their economy is based on over-eating/over-consumption.
It would be a net positive for the world having proof of what consumerism and materiaslism.

>> No.16006341

It doesn't work. Ozempic should make it 100% clear that it doesn't work, as it makes not eating easy. People start getting "side effects", symptoms of starvation.

>> No.16006356

You're playing word games when you say "it" doesn't work. Cico works, full stop. What doesn't work is the individuals will power. Let's use an analogy. Assume the cure to an infection is to use a topical antibiotic twice a day for seven days. You forget to do it for half the days, and the infection not only disappears but spreads. The failure of the treatment was user error, not the antibiotic.

>> No.16006387

Eliminate sugar/carbs from the diet.
He does enough exercise to become fit and healthy if he heats properly, but instead he eats only sugar with 0 nutrient content.
So you have none of the fitness gains, but all of the physical degradation.
Nice way to slowly destroy your body.
inb4, you're not a fucking engine

>> No.16006392
File: 11 KB, 640x378, FT_16.12.09_food_grains_fat-4257933410.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be hungry with too few nutrients
>modern foods offer unlimited sugar and basedbean oil with no vitamins, fats, proteins or minerals
>eat sugar
>generate insulin
>don't stimulate any other pathway
>body still wants nutrients
>gets hungry
>eat more
>overall rate of energy to micronutrients rises massively
>insulin is hyperstimulated from sugar/carb/sneed excess which leads to the creation of fat
>this requires nutrients which you do not get from food in necessary quantities due to the low rate of energy to micronutrients of said food
>get more hungry due to even more lacking nutrients
>try to get nutrients from even more food with low nutrient content except for sugar, carbs and sneed
pic related

>> No.16006400

I take absolute agency over myself you clueless moron.

>> No.16006406

>hyper-palatable cheap food
cheap ultraprocessed food that is actively toxic and obesogenic

there is huge evidence from third world countries that where the ultra processed crap becomes available they develop the same illnesses as americans

>> No.16006412

Creating loma Linda style walkable tight night homogeneous communities of vegetarians would do it.
Second would be to create genetic pressure against low impulse control birthrates.

>> No.16006416

>Cico works, full stop.
Only if you completely ignore all the times it doesn't work.

No one disputes that if you put on weight you've taken in more energy than you expended. The problem that you faggots refuse to address is the why they do so.

>> No.16006419

In large part this, also I'm trying to find the source for it but linoleic acid seems also to induce insulin resistance and weight gain.
supposedly it was used to induce diabetes in I think rats

>> No.16006456

i dont know about science and all that. but i believe that humans have free will. the gobernment shouldnt try to force people to live healthy. i believe there are two types of people in this world: those who decide and those who are decided upon. i refuse to be part of the second category.

>> No.16006460

It impairs mitochondrial function/damages them, so that makes sense.

>> No.16006487

Who gives a fuck about the why? It's just coping. You either do it or you don't. If you can't cut, that's a willpower issue. People with normal weights know how to not eat when hungry. Meanwhile a fatass like you gets the slightest inkling of hunger and feels like he's going to starve to death if he doesn't shovel 15 oreos into his mouth. Meanwhile a skinny person gets hungry and will eat a tiny 50 calorie snack to satiate that hunger. portion sizes tubby.

>> No.16006490

please for the love of god use your pea sized brain see >>16006406 >>16006392

>> No.16006501

>NoOOOoooOoooOooooOoooo it's da JOOOOOS forcing me to eat toxic food
Don't eat the processed food. It isn't hard lil bro

>> No.16006505

So finally you acknowledge that what people eat is the problem.

Now just just need to help people avoid these problem foods

>> No.16006515

>body produces infinite energy to keep it running in the face of external energy shortage
Yeah nope.

>> No.16006517

Also known as neets/lazies who dont go outside. If you have an online fat issue, you're likely suffering from some form of laziness. Thus, you need to reduce calorie beyond 1000 calorie if you want to lose weight effectively

>> No.16006540

>Pleaaaaseeee take the coca cola away otherwise I'll drink two liters of it at dinner
You're pathetic. The problem isn't the food, it's your self control. It's no different from a mudslide saying
>Please cover your woman or I will have uncontrollable urges to rape her and I will rape her
Take some self control

>> No.16006543

That doesn't sound right
I NEETed for years and barely moved, my weight stayed pretty much static.
Why? Because my body reduced its energy demand and hunger so i unconsciously ate less.

>> No.16006560

I accept the multiple concessions you have made to get to this point.

>> No.16006764 [DELETED] 

Let's use a different analogy. Assume the cure to an infection is to use a topical antibiotic twice a day for seven days. You do it fir three weeks, but the infection is only getting worse. Your doctors tells you that you're a liar, because it always works. Your doctor is also infected.

>> No.16006769

Let's use a different analogy. Assume the cure to an infection is to use a topical antibiotic twice a day for seven days. You do it for three weeks, but the infection is only getting worse. Your doctor tells you that you're a liar, because it always works. Your doctor is also infected.

>> No.16006848

It's due to
>people overeating on a combination of carbs and seed oils from hyperpalatable utraprocessed food that their body can't gauge the nutrition of properly and creates cravings
>extremely sedentary lifestyle (most overweight/obese people I know don't walk at all, we're talking litarally making like 1000 steps total in the entire day)
In the past, people used to walk around for hours and do light work, which burned off any excess energy. That's gone for like 80% of the population now.
As a proof of concept, I lost and kept off around 25kg in around half an year after getting fat in uni from alcohol and mountains of carbs by just cutting off most processed carbs and all snacking, upping protein, walking 1 hour per day, doing 30min of body weight exercises 3-4 times per week and fasting 1-2 days per week. Eating nutrient-dense foods like misc meats, dairy, eggs, some whole carbs and leafy greens keeps you naturally satiated- went from eating 3-4 times per day and snacking 5-10 times to naturally just eating 2 times per day in a 8h window (lunch and dinner).

>> No.16006853


As for hypothetical effective fixes
>blanket ban or tax to shit or at least limit the sale location (like alcohol) of all the hyperpalatable empty carb foods like they did with transfats
>ban seed oils for human consumption
>tax all the foods that combine large amounts of carbs and fats (the combination being the the most artificial thing we've created since that it barely exists in nature and is obesogenic due to the Randle cycle)
>eliminate sales taxes on all unprocessed or low-processed foods to make them even more competitive
>tax the fat fucks and up their insurance payments
>open up an entire subsidized social kitchens chain where the general public and fat fucks can receive prepacked daily portions (the prepackaged/premade/ready-to-eat nature of junk food and takeout seems to be a underappreciated allure, because dealing with raw food is a major hassle for most millenials and zoomers, along with lower class parents)

>> No.16006887

Interesting blog post

>> No.16006896

>obesogenic due to the Randle cycle)
I need more information on this, I've seen controversy over whether the evidence supporting on it is that certain but I don't yet know enough about it to say anything.

>> No.16006935
File: 133 KB, 592x473, Sci-Hub _ The Randle cycle revisited_ a new head for an old hat. American Journa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Both carnivore/keto/paleo memers and high carb vegans/vegetarians anemiacs stay lean due to mostly not mixing too much fats and carbs in meals, which is obesogenic (see Randle cycle and its revisions). Mixing the two into one package (like what most people do on a daily basis) is a modern thing.
These regimes are also hard to overeat on- the higher protein intake you get from the meat diets reduces your hunger naturally, while it's nigh impossible to overeat consistently on a vegan diet (you'd functionally have to be nibbling and snacking on something all day).

The principle is sound, but it was formulated in like the early 60s, when medical knowledge was pretty limited so some of the conclusions are probably incorrect.

>> No.16006945

I dunno mate, pastry is basically just flour and a fat like butter/lard.

I understand the arguments a little but I need to square it biochemically

>> No.16006961

That's because you're a liar.

>> No.16006964

Imagine having a doctor who's obese lmfao. I only have doctors who are skinny

>> No.16006986

>pastry is basically just flour and a fat like butter/lard
This is why eating lots of pastries turns you into a fat fuck and kills you.
No one really ever subsisted on pastries.
Normal people in the past (post agricultural revolution) used to mostly eat starch from wheat/potatoes/roots/etc and some relatively lean meat. The diet is practically high carb low fat by modern standards.
>I need to square it biochemically
Skim the linked paper.

>> No.16006995

This unironically

>> No.16006996

>Skim the linked paper.
I shall

I watched this but it left me more confused how if bothe sugar and fat produce citrate and acetyl CoA but then both are suppressing sugar and fat digestion?

I hope the paper is clearer

>> No.16007004


>> No.16007007

Wait, milk is about 50:50 fat and sugar? What's going on with neonates?

>> No.16007012

people are just not moving around enough, so they have to play all these games with the food they eat. 1-2 hours of cardio a day (for life) will fix it. some of you might need 3 to start.

>> No.16007067

The purpose of milk is to bulk the baby asap and to deliver everything needed to exist in one package. This is also why lifters use GOMAD to bulk- consuming such a substance in large relative quantities makes you gain fat like crazy.
Also milk is not that dense on those (having 2-3g fat and 4-5g carbs per 100ml) and fresh milk would realistically be a very small part of your diet at every point post early infancy. Probably >90% of dairy consumption is done after it's made into butter, cream, cheese erc, with the carbs being separated. The point is that large quantities of fats and carbs weren't mixed, like when you eat pufa deep fried shit with a side of fries, cake and a shake.

>> No.16007237


>> No.16007591 [DELETED] 

It doesn't make any fucking sense. The foid is bad, people suffer from deficiencies.

>> No.16007597

It doesn't make any fucking sense. The food is bad, people suffer from deficiencies.

>> No.16007620

Just don't eat shit like cheese that is highly caloric and you can sit on your ass and still loose weight.

>> No.16007797

cheese is rich in fat and protein so it's naturally satiating though?

>> No.16007903


Thus solving the problem of obesity, what's your point exactly?

>> No.16009170 [DELETED] 

I actually looked it up, not great sources, but if anything it shouws the opposite than what most people suggests: Carbs were cheap, literally pennies, at least as far back as Austrie-hungary (I didn't look further back) First republic, most dishes were still meat free, the Nazis heavily regulated meat (secret butcheries occured) only the communist regime came up with the idea that a full meal should equal meat. You are just wrong.

>> No.16009171 [DELETED] 

I actually looked it up, not great sources, but if anything it shouws the opposite than what most people suggests: Carbs were cheap, literally pennies, at least as far back as Austria-Hungary (I didn't look further back) First republic, most dishes were still meat free, the Nazis heavily regulated meat (secret butcheries occured) only the communist regime came up with the idea that a full meal should equal meat. You are just wrong.

>> No.16009172

I actually looked it up, not great sources, but if anything it shows the opposite than what most people suggest: Carbs were cheap, literally pennies, at least as far back as Austria-Hungary (I didn't look further back) First republic, most dishes were still meat free, the Nazis heavily regulated meat (secret butcheries occured) only the communist regime came up with the idea that a full meal should equal meat. You are just wrong.

>> No.16010224

Why does christmass holiday feast weight persist?

>> No.16011927

so is it the food or the lifestyle?

>> No.16011996

It's easy. The government passes a law that on a specific date, five years from now, all citizens and permanent residents must step on a cattle scale in public. If you are obese you are shot in the head. Problem solved. Shame that the government hasn't got the intestinal fortitude to do something that actually works.

>> No.16012334

It's because half of confess would get shot by their own policy. This applies to every country

>> No.16012335

You weren't told to look it up. You were told to ask someone who lived during that time period. Instead you by your own admission found bullshit sources. How fucking hard is it to ask the oldest relative you have? Jesus Christ.

>> No.16012369

>eat less and exercise more you fat fuck
Yes. Fuck you.

>> No.16012390

How old relatives do you think that people have, you fucking faggot?

>> No.16012547

imagine she jerks him off that would be hot

>> No.16012552

1) Normalize working out as a part of living and not an exceptionally motivated person’s activity.
2) Bully, penalize, and ostracize people who don’t do sports.
3) Prioritize high quality protein as part of the Western diet over any other food categories.
4) Stigmatized all carbs into the same category.
5) Take children away from fatties
6) Enjoy paradise

>> No.16012589

>Is this scientific solution to this to prescribe weight loss medication to children and to give them weight loss surgery as early as 13? Or should it be even younger?
how do i get paid to post this kind of stuff

>> No.16013487
File: 6 KB, 223x250, 1663564977551214s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hunger drives me insane.
well as more body mass you have as less energy you loose. i guess its social phobie related, i was good walking each day 2 hours with the ensurance to not encounter anyone.

>> No.16013489

social phobia, no money, no workout, are the main drivers.

>> No.16013491

its from case to case i gues with enought money in an rual area i woudnt be fatt.

>> No.16013498

wow you take kids away from people with no money after stealing my 36 live times of work gratulation you reached peak faggotry, justdont you ever dare to cross my path in da woods.

>> No.16013502
File: 222 KB, 720x720, 1662129578863456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

their is a body mass indext and i believe it gets reached natural f you dont have to defend your self agaisn faggotry.

>> No.16013503

wiht 0 afford by just being your self.

>> No.16013835

Nearly everyone should have at least one relative in their 80s.

>> No.16014186

Somehow, I’m not afraid
Are you afraid of me?