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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 68 KB, 1024x912, imagineactuallybelievingthisshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15994444 No.15994444[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Gravity pulls everything towards each other
>Why? Uhhhhhhhhhh it just does now pay your taxes goyim

>> No.15994466

Checked and based

>> No.15994489

>Le gravity does not exist
What is the force keeping us grounded OP

>> No.15994495

>>Gravity pulls everything towards each other

>> No.15994500

Neat thread. Now post your debunk of the prevailing theory. I'll be waiting.

>> No.15994511

Gravity as a force doesn't exist, we're being accelerated by the (globe) earth's surface

>> No.15994515

the more we stand on solid ground, the longer we stay on it. Think about it. When in air or water, there is no gravity. We can swim up, swim sideways, swim diagnol, etc. On the ground however, we stick to it for some reason. And what is space but a space for neither of the 3 states of matter, gas, liquid and solid. And for whatever reason, gravity doesnt exist up there? Grow the fuck up. If Gravity is real, why can Astronauts jump around like they have superpowers on the moon?
close, but not what I(OP) was going for. Gravity is made up in its entirety, though the reason why we dont fly off into space is because of the 3 states of matter that can exist.

>> No.15994558
File: 536 KB, 828x753, 1704311271737510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't understand what you're saying. There's gravity in water. You can sink to the bottom. There's also gravity in the air, you can jump in it and fall in it. Gravity also exists in space, what are you talking about?

>> No.15994565

soientists never recovered from this

>> No.15994574

are you fucking retarded? When did you ever drift towards the bottom in a pool of water? And when youre falling, youre not actually "falling" towards the surface. The universe is simply adjusting its position in relation to you. You dont crash into the earth, the earth crashes into you. Why else do you think doesnt this shit happen in space?

>> No.15994588

Gravitybros... we lost

>> No.15994593

>taxes out of NOWHERE
Quite Literally Obsessed

>> No.15994634
File: 267 KB, 1033x984, spacetimelu31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The gravity isn't pulling things, it's more that the mass of the planet is curving space, then things start falling towards eachother

>> No.15994642
File: 86 KB, 800x788, 1700581136461.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15994647


God set up the universe so that it has a finite end point.

>> No.15994653

I'm guessing this >>15994642 is you as well? Are you just a republitard trying to dunk on random /sci/ posters?

>> No.15994655
File: 207 KB, 1920x1041, ddd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kys commie
no it doesnt, God is infinite just like the universe

>> No.15994671


God is infinite. Universe isn't.

>> No.15994676
File: 53 KB, 403x448, cvbbmwwe4rzz-4079133610.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gravity pushing force instead of pulling. thats why space exists at all

>> No.15994682

>we're being accelerated by the (globe) earth's surface
The most retarded thing I've ever heard

>> No.15994701

>>Gravity pulls everything towards each other
what if we've had this gravity thing backwards??

Instead of gravity = pull
what if gravity = push?

What if gravity was all of empty space pushing matter towards itself? Wouldn't gravity behave exactly the same way? Is there anyway to tell which it is?

>> No.15994704

Our best theory of gravity (General Relativity) says that gravity isn't a force. It is just objects moving in straight lines in a curved spacetime. There is no pushing or pulling.

>> No.15994714

>gravity isn't a force
lol wut??

>objects moving in straight lines in a curved spacetime
Ok fine..... but then what curved spacetime?
Wouldn't something that has the power to curve spacetime be a force? And what force would that be if it's not gravity?

>> No.15994717

you can always ask why.
let's say gravity followed from some other rule, you could then just ask why those rules exist.

>> No.15994718

> lol wut??

> Ok fine..... but then what curved spacetime?
mass + energy.

> Wouldn't something that has the power to curve spacetime be a force?

>> No.15994736

Gravity is what happens as energy moves through time. We're all just drafting off large masses.

>> No.15994776

i like grabbity

>> No.15994780

Newtonian gravity is a force, but relativity gravity is the curving of space due to mass. One of them is true, but relativity is more accurate. Quantum gravity is all about quantizing gravity though, so I guess it must be some tangible thing for that to be possible

>> No.15994829

>muh two parties!!!

>> No.15994874


God's will.

>> No.15994881

>When did you ever drift towards the bottom in a pool of water?
Obese mutt detected

>> No.15995060

>When did you ever drift towards the bottom in a pool of water?
Put on a lead diving belt and ask me that again.