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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15990899 No.15990899 [Reply] [Original]

To put it succinctly, I'm very good at running with math, but I never learned how to walk properly.

What's the best advice you have on rectifying my technique?

>> No.15990957

Show us how you run with math.

>> No.15991028

It's a metaphor. I find the concepts come easily, but I trip myself up on performance.

I wanna know what the best way of polishing things are. Is it to just go back to arithmetic and really hone my chops until I no longer trip anything up, and work my way forward from there?

>> No.15991037

Also, any sort of advice to help with getting into a good flow state with working on math problems?

I've noticed with stuff I've actually gotten good at, like learning an instrument or learning to draw, it started when I could reliably enter a flow state with the activity and lose myself in the work as much as possible.

>> No.15991058

It's going to come down to practice. I used Khan Academy to train up my mental arithmetic. I started at the very beginning (literally just counting) and did everything in my head until I could get 100% every time on everything. When I did it they hadn't finished their multivariate calculus module so I only got up through single variable calculus, but by the end of it my foundations were solid so I just moved on to textbooks.

>> No.15991107



I also learned to hold my pen with a lot less tension recently, while studying drawing. It's greatly increased the amount of time I can spend working out problems on paper, so I'm looking forward to seeing how much I can benefit now that I can really go on a stretch.

>> No.15991111


>> No.15991125

Have problem, try to solve it. The flow state enters itself

>> No.15991137

It's not possible to understand advanced math concepts without understanding the prerequisites. If you think you "can run but not walk", I'm skeptical that you can actually run.

I would go back to topics you think you understand. Can you state and prove the major theorems without a reference? Pick up a graduate book on the same topic, can you do all the exercises?

>> No.15991139

OP is just a retard pretending to be too wild for math to justify having a terrible academic record.

>> No.15991163

>it's almost like the jews sabotaged my education by getting me expelled from college

>> No.15991262


No. I don't think I can. That's why I came here. To find a good routine to polish my chops so I can actually get this shit down.

>> No.15991263


If it were simple as this, everyone'd be in a flow state for everything at any time they want.

>> No.15991287

Unless OP is just talking about early undergrad math concepts and below, this sounds like complete bullshit.

>> No.15991312


No. I know my algebra, to take trig functions, and I understand what limits, derivatives, and integrals are. I just wanna get better.

It's like the difference between knowing how a piece of music is played, and knowing how to perform it properly. I wanna learn how to be a good performer.

>> No.15991406

Math is a language. Do you speak it motherfucker ?

>> No.15991423

What is a^(b/c)

>> No.15991450

Those are all basically high school level concepts no?

>> No.15991454

Trust the rules…. USE the rules

>> No.15991594


>> No.15991602

It's an exemplary case of Dunning Kruger

>> No.15991620
File: 22 KB, 460x434, e33.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just learn high school algebra, then first year algebra, then patch the holes as you find them while pursuing higher math

that's really all you can do if you don't have a natural talent, like me

>> No.15991627
File: 28 KB, 439x439, 1702533448462566.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

high school algebra
first year algebra, linear algebra, calculus I II III
predicate logic, set theory, group theory, graph theory
complex, real analysis
probability and statistics

obviously all of these should be rigorous and based on proofs, not on plugging in numbers and memorizing equations

then you can start looking at higher level math

>> No.15991836


Thanks. This is about what I was looking for.

>> No.15992353

Nigger that ain't running that's barely walking
He's right

>> No.15992398

Solve hundreds of problems. What secret do you suppose there could be?
Just like playing a piece only gets easy with hours of practice. I guess the best practice habits depend on the individual though.

>> No.15992554

>it's not that you're awesome
>it's that you're some fucking retard that can't even walk but you can kind of fall forward rapidly
>that's why everything you do is a million times better than what our best people can do
>it's because you're a worthless retard but there's some weird qualifiers on what I mean by that
>it's definitely that all the glory of God is yours alone though
>it's definitely not that
>you're just some fucking tard

>> No.15992812

Can any of you link some youtube videos to help me with this
Or any textbooks in particular?

>> No.15992953
File: 46 KB, 339x500, Error: Duplicate file exists.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also walter rudin's principles of analysis.
If you don't have any proof experience, start by completing these (non-graduate) books.

A professor who did an analysis course on TikTok. iirc he takes a number theory approach which may not vibe with you.

There are whole bunch of lecture videos on youtube, the syntax for an effective search is usually "[topic] lecture." Math Sorcerer has a nice collection of videos including several videos/shorts with his opinions on books. There's always 3b1b and people who copy his style and include #3b1b in their description.

>> No.15993101

>I'm very good at running with math
No, you're not, anon.

>> No.15993120

thats really messed
Your not allowed