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15988104 No.15988104[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Whats going to happen when this information starts to go public next month?

>> No.15988110

There will be a lot of shills and a bunch of screeching loons who can't come to terms that they fucked themselves over, and instead of openly discussing anything they will insult and shame others.

While that is going on the government will continue to postulate about the evils around it all while doing absolutely nothing about it and doing absolutely nothing to prevent it happening in the future.

The people who are aware of most tyranny on the surface level will gloat for about a week and use it for their own tactics and advantages before they move on to the next "happening" where in fact nothing ever happens.

The whole Covid shitshow wasn't the sad part about humanity, their lack of commitment to do absolutely anything despite so much death and corruption is the sadder part.

Bread and circus, always.

>> No.15988136

lawsuits that go nowhere
people clasping their hands saying how could we possibly have known
pharma jews making bank over treatments to alieve the symptoms they caused

>> No.15988137

Reports of 7.79m people getting mild headaches.

>> No.15988141

Might get a bump in demand for my unvaxxed sperm

>> No.15988157

"nobody ever said the vax had zero side effects" gaslighting

>> No.15988160

absolutely nothing

>> No.15988165

>Whats going to happen

>> No.15988178

That doesn't seem like many when 250m people were vaccinated

>> No.15988224

kinda does actually

>> No.15988238

Nothing, you retarded schizo.

>> No.15988247

>OH NOOOOO Where did all this kerosine come from?! I guess we can't show you those documents now that.... uhhhh... a muslim guy with a beard destroyed all the evidence of our cri- I mean all our data
like always

>> No.15988253

nothing, for a man's cope is eternal

>> No.15988300

Ok, but it's not many though. It's about 3% of people It's no different from the regular flu vaccine adverse reactions
I'm not vaccinated by the way. I don't want it. But unless it's 7.8million "serious" adverse reactions then it's not a big deal

>> No.15988383

people had their chance to hang Fauci, Gates, and Bourla, but instead did nothing

>> No.15988432

About 15 million people globally have died from mRNA vaccines in the last 4 years

>> No.15988523

how do we know that if we don't have the data ?

>> No.15989851
File: 32 KB, 477x301, vaxd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how do we know that if we don't have thHHHHHHNNNNNNGGGGGGGGGG

>> No.15989877

Why were they hidden? Why does the government want to hide the negative impact of a vaccine? We have laws that require drug companies and vaccines to report any adverse effect, we passed that decades ago. What happened during the covid that forced the government to shutdown all discussions about side effects?

>> No.15990299
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>> No.15990803

That's insanely fucking high, vaccines used to get pulled for numbers like 1/10000 serious adverse event rates.

>> No.15991653

right, but this "vaccine" is intended to cause harm and kill people
its a slow kill drug intended to cull the population of low iq people who were dumb enough to be tricked into getting vaccinated

>> No.15991655

nuclear war

>> No.15991780

>serious adverse event rates.
That's the difference. The image in OP just says adverse event. That includes "my arm is sore" and "I got a mild fever that was gone the next day"

>> No.15991781

Are you faking a heart attack to get out of the situation in which you're being called out for making up numbers? It's not working. Where does the 15M number come from?

>> No.15991782

That's retarded. How does that make them any money?

>> No.15991815

Problem is we don't know. CDC has deliberately censored that information. That's why the judge is forcing CDC to release that information.

>> No.15991816

The elites don't make money for money. The money is a driver for change. Their control mechanism

>> No.15991820

Depopulation efforts come from people that don't need money, they need a replacement for you that will do whatever they want without all this messy coercion

>> No.15991821

Schizophrenia is so fascinating.

>> No.15991846

The go make a thread about that instead of shitting up this one with your non sequitur name calling.

>> No.15991848

>non sequitur
Did someone reply this to you and now you use it every now and then? Look up the definition before embarrassing yourself. Also, it's not name calling, it's a simple observation.

>> No.15991853

No, I used the word because of what it means and how it directly applies to your fallacious comment.
Its namecalling because it isn't backed up by any actual facts of observations, just a nonsensical label you throw out because you are too lazy and stupid to formulate a legitimate counterargument.

>> No.15991855

>you are too lazy and stupid to formulate a legitimate counterargument.
A counterargument implies that you made an argument, but all you did was post dystopic fanfiction.

>> No.15991862

>If I apply my namecalling to the argument rather than the arguer, it doesn't count as namecalling.

>> No.15991864

>I can dismiss every bit of criticism by calling it namecalling

>> No.15991866

>criticism is when you toss out cliche overused buzzwords without explanation instead of presenting an actual well formed critique

>> No.15991872

So how many myocarditis shots did you get? Be honest.

>> No.15991879

lmao. Gonna be funny watching all you jab faggots walk back years of retarded mongoloid behavior. Can't believe you fucks sided with big pharma. Legitimately zero shame, beyond gullible clotblood morons.

>> No.15991889

There's no vaccine against myocarditis

>> No.15992040

How is it schizophrenia? You’re a “useless human” according to the WEF. It’s probably true. Why would they want millions of you? Better to get rid of them. I agree honestly

>> No.15992077

Its not, >>15991821 is just trying to prove that retardation is more fascinating.

>> No.15992439

covid means adverse events from vaxxine, chud, that just means it's working

>> No.15993257
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>>criticism is when you toss out cliche overused buzzwords without explanation instead of presenting an actual well formed critique

>> No.15994195

they won't release it either way, they'll just alter it before release same way nasa does with it's global warming data

>> No.15995536

higgledy piggledy

>> No.15995551
File: 15 KB, 306x306, 1706222672115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying they won't release only a censored and manipulated version
After 3 years of scamdemic you don't expect the CDC to be honest, do you?

>> No.15995625 [DELETED] 
File: 4 KB, 505x572, nobrain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are such an stupid moron.

>> No.15995632 [DELETED] 
File: 22 KB, 618x671, tts.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cut the rest of your penis and fuck off you moron.

>> No.15995636

my unvaxxed sperm will absolutely SKYROCKET