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15987074 No.15987074 [Reply] [Original]

Why has decades of "progress" in medical science lead to picrel scenario?

>> No.15987085

what progress? medical tech hasn't advanced at all in the last 30 years for ordinary non millionaire people.
longer waiting times these days is because of rapid population increase along with percentage of doctors going down.
zoomer generation will produce near zero doctors as well
we are fucked

>> No.15987088

This has nothing to do with medical science, it's more of a political and sociological question. Routine interventions like stitches etc. have been solved decades or centuries ago.

>> No.15987114

Canadian solution is the best. Old people should be euthanized because they are costly and do not contribute to society. I never heard a good rebuttal to this, only name calling, argumentum ad Hitler, and appeals to tone (like saying it's edgy). What's edgy is forcing productive young healthy.
citizens to subsidize them be it through taxes or their private contribution to their insurance plan meanwhile they lead a life of hell on earth. If grandma is 95 years old, she doesn't need a $70k hip surgery. I could use that money.

>> No.15987119

I wanted to become a doctor but they didn't let me in med school. Many such cases. t. zoomer

>> No.15987145

>If grandma is 95 years old, she doesn't need a $70k hip surgery. I could use that money.
She's not paying $70k, her interest rate subsized boomersurance medicaid pension is. It's a massive wealth transfer from socialized public economy to corporatized private economy. You would never see a dime of that $70k because it only exists as a systemic exploit.

>> No.15987149

Law of 45
>UK: wait 45 hours for simple treatments
>US: pay $45k for simple treatments
>Canada: if over 45, get euthanized

>> No.15987184
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Less financial and cultural incentive to pursue medicine plus importing millions of africans both increases the patient load and decreases average IQ, meaning shortages (and competency problems) in any skilled profession.
Efforts have focused exclusively on finding new medications to sell and developing new and lucrative captured markets (mental health, vaxxies, trannies)
"What if we governed a country on the principle of doing the most insane thing possible in any given situation?"

>> No.15987192

Don’t forget Ozempic and nurse practitioners. I.e., two-tier healthcare system brought to us by insurance companies and the pure sadism of the American education factory.

>> No.15987433

What does medical science have to do with insurance or social government programs?

>> No.15987442

Extreme credentialism, worsening population health and especially aging, absurd drug controls, and on top of it price controls has totally ruined healthcare.

Medical science is focused on cashing in on this shit and the medical labor force is just midwits trying to make enough cash to afford their own medical treatments and rent.

>> No.15987477

>absurd drug controls
What does that mean?

>> No.15987511

This is a political problem, the ''conservative' UK government imports as many foreigners as possible then gives them access to the NHS, no wonder its congested. The NHS would work fine if foreigners were charged to use it, the British government has no duty of care towards non British people so they shouldn't be allowed to compete with Brits for beds and appointments, last time I was in hospital there was an Afghan illegal immigrant in my ward receiving free healthcare.

>> No.15987548

the anglosphere is a bit weird indeed

>> No.15987580

The fabian Labour party and the "conservatives" are equally to blame for this mess, and the libs would likely be worse.

all of them are bought and paid for

>> No.15987591

Afghans (incl naturalized) are <0.12% of the British population and are probably much younger than the average brit. If you're being pragmatic they just don't cost much, especially compared to US health megacorps and other bad policies in health or otherwise.
>the British government has no duty of care towards non British people
The UK not only did nothing to prevent but assisted assisted in the US invasion and occupation of Afghanistan and like you said in the arrival of Afghans to the UK so this really isn't true.

>> No.15987592

There are situations where healthcare is pointless are is merely used as virtue signaling.
Sure a mother would see her tard child as a gift from God but a bit of realism wouldn't hurt.

>> No.15987616

>The UK not only did nothing to prevent but assisted assisted in the US invasion and occupation of Afghanistan and like you said in the arrival of Afghans to the UK so this really isn't true.

Irrelevant, they are not British so have no right to be here let alone claim government services that ought to exist for British people. Even if you ignore the huge numbers of undocumented foreigners why would you pretend the millions of officially recorded foreigners do not put additional strain on the NHS?

>> No.15987618

yep, me too

>> No.15987636

>they are not British so have no right to be here let alone claim government services that ought to exist for British people
Should polish people no be allowed to use roads either?
>if you ignore the huge numbers of undocumented foreigners
Which I'm not doing.
>why would you pretend the millions of officially recorded foreigners do not put additional strain on the NHS?
My understanding is that for the wide majority of them the costs are covered by treaties, which obviously isn't the case for Afghans and that's partly the UK's fault. I'm also not saying they have /no/ cost, just that's it's objectively minimal and at least benefits some in need unlike other policies.

>> No.15987651

The "foreigners" are the ones going into doctors/nursing. UK has a doctor shotrage.

>> No.15987690

>The UK not only did nothing to prevent but assisted assisted in the US invasion and occupation of Afghanistan and like you said in the arrival of Afghans to the UK so this really isn't true.
Not him but this sort of argument is so incredibly stupid. It's not like the UK is some roaming tribe that goes around invading and colonizing other countries. No one benefits AT ALL from wars of aggression and exploitation other than a handful of rich cosmopolitans and politicians; these people are widely hated by everyone else who just want a happy life wherever they live. It's like saying African villagers all deserve colonialism because a few African warlords and their families benefitted from the trade.

>> No.15987709

>It's like saying African villagers all deserve colonialism because a few African warlords and their families benefitted from the trade.
That is so obviously a false equivalency.

>> No.15987717

>But I can't explain why.
Of course you can't. Your reflexive feeling about it won't make sense if you have to spell it out.

>> No.15987720

A shortage that could easily have been filled by a proper educational policy for the natives

>> No.15987723

That's so obviously fallacious that no logical argument could change your mind, it just isn't worth my time.

>> No.15987733

Natives have gotten lax and refuse to improve. There's no drive to improve. The ones that are improving are the ones from foreign land. Foreigners are the ones that are driving the economy.

>> No.15987745

The real reason you're at a loss for words is that you already know that trying to express your kneejerk racism in terms of logic will probably have the opposite effect and change YOUR mind.

>> No.15987758

Because you're lying? That's not how british and canadian healthcare works.

>> No.15987773

yes it is

>> No.15987861

Meanwhile my shithole 3rd world country
Stitched in 30 minutes
Cost literally 0
It's just the doing of the medical cartel

>> No.15987942

This is a retarded argument are you actually jewish?

>> No.15987958

If thats who you wish to blame, so be it. But the problems of the society are driven by native policy makers. Natives are the ones who are allowing it. Natives see natives as threats and thus they have to import foreigners. The legal foreigners understand appreciate the natives and the country they just landed in. Yet the natives are unable to understand why their own country is great, why they have to hate it.

>> No.15987970

>Natives are the ones who are allowing it.
not in america, theres over 100 members of congress who hold israeli passports, people with foreign passports are foreigners

>> No.15987993

>Why has decades of "progress" in medical science lead to picrel scenario?
That meme exaggerates how bad it is. In the UK, if you needed stitches and went to the A+E, you'd get seen in a couple of hours (as they triage based on need). Google says the cost of uninsured is $165 to $415. Idk and idc about canada.

Read what I say next very carefully. I'm not going to read retarded replies.
The UK currently has the problem that the government wants the NHS to continually improve productivity/£. This is somewhat like a business.
However, there is a limit to just how productive the NHS can be. You can't magically cure cancer with 10% less resources each year. Doctors and nurses aren't magically going to have their cost of living drop 10% each year.
Consequently the current government model is going to fail.

In the US the problem is that healthcare is a very profitable business. People value their own lives much more than a business will value their life. So it's extremely easy to sell insurance at a mark up.
Furthermore, there are plenty of americans who get absolutely fucked by medical costs. Something like 5% of the US population accounts for 50% of the US healthcare expenditure. Hospitals realize they can recoup costs on non-payers, by overcharging insurance companies. And the profit seeking motive leads to the ever increasing charges sent to insurers.

I don't know how the US can fix their situation because no one really wants to cut out insurance middle-men or institute medicare/medicaid for all.

I don't think there is a solution for the UK other than bootstrapping economic growth, so that taxation can actually cover the NHS costs needed to operate well. Which I don't think will be done because education/training is getting worse, and housing/cost of living is out of hand. Plus more and more boomers are entering age for huge healthcare costs. And the UK is growing too slowly, so less immigrants will come her to keep us afloat. UK will end up as Japan 2

>> No.15988004

>You would never see a dime of that $70k because it only exists as a systemic exploit.
he would see his share in the form of reduced taxation (or expenditure on public services useful to him), anon

>> No.15988010

>The NHS would work fine if foreigners were charged to use it
hello retard-kun. You should look up whether visitors or migrants get free access to the NHS.
Turns out they don't

>> No.15988012

>people with foreign passports are foreigners
retard-kun. You can't serve in congress without being a citizen of the US. So all members of congress are american.
You can seethe that they are american and have israeli passports, but no one cares about your personal hatred of jews

>> No.15988029
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>I never heard a good rebuttal to this
It's called murder and that's all that matters.
If you don't like that fact, don't have children, and go blame your parents for having you.
Now get back to work or neck yourself, that's all there is.
Welcome to life.

>> No.15988910

>You can't magically cure cancer with 10% less resources each year.
Is that really true? Glasses, for example, cost far less in some other countries than here. I think it's the same in the UK.
>I don't know how the US can fix their situation because no one really wants to cut out insurance middle-men or institute medicare/medicaid for all.
If all the hospitals stayed private, I don't think medicare for all would fix much.
>Consequently the current government model is going to fail.
>I don't think there is a solution for the UK
>UK will end up as Japan 2
This assumes the NHS is actually in trouble, which globally I don't think is true. If you consider alcohol consumption, obesity and air pollution and look at child mortality rates or life expectancy, by my rough estimate it's doing just as well as other EU countries while costing substantially less and IIRC paying staff better.

>> No.15988923

>Work fifty years
>Get told to kill yourself when you're done
There's your rebuttal

>> No.15988929

>This assumes the NHS is actually in trouble, which globally I don't think is true.
It's true.
I studied what can simply be called medical research, and a lot of my classmates and friends are doctors right now.
Waiting lists are growing, waiting times in A+E are growing, rate of late and missed diagnoses are increasing, and so on, and so on, and so on

>> No.15989259
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real capitalism has never been tried

>> No.15989336

Bad budgeting ultimately. There's enough money to fix most problems, but the problems don't get fixed. Strange isn't it. The story of mankind is one of starvation in the kitchen while nearly infinite food is kept locked in the pantry.

>> No.15989341


>> No.15989356

Oligopilistic medical, pharmaceutical, and insurance systems, plus politics equals crap healthcare. Also junk food.

>> No.15989359

Due to driving down salaries through cheap immigrant labour. Nurse is a poverty tier job and junior doctors earn less than supermarket night staff.

>> No.15989369

Commies basically. We call them commies now, and it is more than fair, but they are hellbound lumpenproletariat, nearly all their ideas are a net negative. They will be physically removed. Boomers enabled them of course, they didn't come out of nowhere. Hospitals in the US don't even turn a profit anymore with all the bloat, it is all pharmaceutical lead now. Drug industry grows from people being chronically stressed out, from them being brainwashed for atheism in school. Doctor degrees are still artificially hard to get, and are useless. Thankfully even India now is having less than 2 babies a year, so we can focus on immortality. The mindless meatgrind is over.

>> No.15989398

shut the fuck up you fucking moron.

>> No.15989442


>> No.15989504

We literally need to go back to full fuck you capitalist healthcare. Get rid of all regulations. If you get conned by a quack and die, that's your fault for being retarded. Get rid of all medical entitlements. No obamacare plans, no medicare or medicaid. If you get crippled by medical bills, don't care fuck you. Nuke the entire department of health and human services and all legislation related to healthcare regulation.

I'm not a libertarian by the way. This is literally the only way to have an affordable, efficient and effective healthcare system.

>> No.15989655

And that's why the salaries have gone down so much. And people praise them for coming here and abandoning their own countries.

>> No.15989667

Alternatively Canada could just stop taking in millions of Indian parasites.

>> No.15989688

Artificial scarcity by boards of medicine. Don't get me wrong, not just anyone should be able to give you medical care, but the minimum skill gap between 70's graduates and current graduates is criminal. Then there's the whole 4-8 years of residency.

The fresh graduate has likely done more studying than the current 20 year experience doctor by a huge margin. This margin goes down when the older doctor has to go back and study one class or two, but still, new guys are getting stuffed with the new shit before they can start their residency.

Not to mention they're actively constantly pruning candidates with bullshit classes like O-chem. Now, on paper, O-chem and it's consequences are w/e, but you have to admit that it's stupid because most of what they teach isn't relevant in application because what they teach in O-chem is in a minority of chemicals. It's a waste of time, you get more out of biochem.

Why would the Board of Medicine do this? To keep doctor count down, so that prices stay up.
Everything in medicine is cheap. The bulk of the cost is the staff, and I can't wait until tech bros just wipe out that sector so I can actually look forward to living longer.

>> No.15989894

why go to medschool? just become a nurse and keep pushing for more scope of practice expansion.

>> No.15989940

there you go friend

>> No.15989960

>We literally need to go back to full fuck you capitalist healthcare.
That has never existed.

>> No.15989979

Won't work. One competent trial lawyer and a jury of your peers would nuke a whole hospital.

>> No.15990009

Beat the midwits into shape so they can write the correct scripts.

>> No.15990060

$67000 is the only working and reasonable option
no one will pay for your life, socialists

>> No.15990964

that must be a pre Obamacare meme
these days you're pretty much required to buy health insurance and your premiums got to pay for tranny surgery while doctors offer no decent care for normal people. everyone pays their health insurance bills and nobody uses any of the deadly "services" except for the trannies

>> No.15990981

>It's called murder and that's all that matters.
most elderly want to die. They would OD on propofol if it was available off the shelf

>> No.15990990

well, people should work much less, retire in their 50s and OD on propofol at 78

>> No.15991016

>that'll be 80 francs, unless you've reached your annual deductible, in that case it'll be 8 francs
I suppose that mandatory health insurance and regulated rates are a good solution to the problem of healthcare

>> No.15991042

The insurance racket really went off the rails following obamacare. The demographics definitely didn't help.

>> No.15991243

>Irrelevant, they are not British so have no right to be here
NTA but you aren't Afghan so you had no right to be in Afghanistan either. (Good job btw lol)
Can't eat your cake and have it too

>> No.15991261

Shouldn't have done all that empire stuff.

>> No.15992281

cuz ur white we know lol

>> No.15992285

See >>15987690

>> No.15992306 [DELETED] 
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What do you think?

>> No.15992307

afghan was just jews and their conspirators running their opium empire, just like happened with the chinese opium war
they blame it on the british but the jews got all the profit

>> No.15992360

You can't sue them, check the contract

>> No.15992366

That a contract exists doesn't mean it's enforceable.

>> No.15992369

Good job lawyer all the hospitals are closed and nobody wants to do it now

>> No.15992370

>would nuke a whole hospital
Oh, so you just didn't read the post you replied to. Good job moron.

>> No.15992392

Lots of words because you are to retarded to read "all"

>> No.15992408

That's not the point you think it is

>> No.15992584

Essentially, refusal to use genetic engineering to reduce or remove the incidence of partly or fully heritable issues such as obesity, heart disease and some cancers, among other things, instead counting on people accepting some lifestyle discomfort.

>> No.15992695
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The problem are parasites. Once you remove them with extreme brutal violence everything will be far better.

>> No.15992893

Trust me, as an unfortunate UK F2, you don't want one of the brown/black docs or nurses. I legitimately don't know how many got through med school here. I don't think there was any corruption but goddamn. There are lots of locum consultants i would bypass in favour of just asking a random F1 for their opinion. A major issue with the NHS is that we thought we could entirely replace native talent asking for over £25k per year with foreign workers.

>> No.15992897

It's suicide for the system. Only 20% go directly onto speciality training now because it's a shit option. You pay several grand per exam with an income that ranges up from £26k as an F1 (NI pay) and the work to be honest is complete shite. Nasty, vindictive work environment and insane hours. No-one sees dedicated hospital training as a viable life so we all piss off to NZ or locum. I legit know someone who stopped doing it to just work on her family farm.

If you're losing trained doctors to driving a tractor you have fucked up, not them.

I myself am literally only working long enough to build up some cash so i can take a year/ two off to focus on the USMLE then piss off to the US. I hope ultimately the NHS is at a loss financially by training me so i want to minimize my time serving it.

>> No.15993430
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Critical race theory explicitly states that people of other races should be expected to hate you and want you dead, so going to a doctor of another race is an extremely bad idea

>> No.15993509

That's a morally loaded word from religion as you're using it. Legally, murder is defined as the unlawful killing of an individual which state authorized euthanasia could never be.
As proposed, the state conducting euthanasia on the elderly is not murder because 1) it would not be unlawful since the state sanctioned it and 2) the state is not an individual.
Hence it is not a fact nor was it a sufficient counter argument in the first place.
As for procreation, the costs of subsidizing old people and end of life care is a burden incurred to younger generations. Healthcare expenditure for 65+ was 4 trillion dollars in 2022. That is such a large sum of money that could be used instead for $1000/month subsidiary per child and there would still be money to spare. You are the antinatalist.

Retirement age should be 50.
End of medical care 60.
Age limit should be 80.

Explain to me how life would not be better off for literally every single person if this was how it was organized.

>> No.15993520

Heh, old people should be euthanized, they're useless wastes of space hogging too much resources and wealth.
>An illness comes along which mostly kills old people inches from death.

>> No.15993541

Too many (((administrators))) not enough doctors.

>medical tech hasn't advanced at all in the last 30 years for ordinary non millionaire people.

>> No.15993788

The problem is the undergraduate shit they require. You can have a perfect MCAT, even a good GPA degree but if you didn't take their basic bitch science courses they won't let you in. They know they rake in money hand over fist with these and want to extract out as much as possible as they can from people.

>> No.15993789

>Heh, old people should be euthanized, they're useless wastes of space hogging too much resources and wealth.
This but unironically.

>> No.15993809

>Too many administrators
It's clear there aren't enough here if you know just how widespread insurance fraud is.

>> No.15993811

The endurance needed to conform to four structured years of basic bitch undergrad is far more predictive of career success than test scores are of intelligence.

>> No.15993905

Yeah it has, it was called the Wild West. The only issue with it is it had no real way of fighting back when the flood of dudes from out east came in and closed the range.

>> No.15994452

Biomedical is the most fraudulent field in the entirety of science and a disgusting blemish on the life sciences

>> No.15994459

>bureaucrats prevent fraud

>> No.15994463

Yes they do?

>> No.15994464

You're being too charitable, they're not merely a stain on science they're doing their best to crash entire nations with their grift

>> No.15994474

facilitate it, yes they do

>> No.15994479

That's not what prevent means..

>> No.15994484


>> No.15994687

Studying for the MCAT requires more discipline than 4 years of undergrad.

>> No.15995621

>The "foreigners" are the ones going into doctors/nursing.
You might want to look at the data on that. They are extremely underrepresented in NHS staff in comparison to the general population. Only Indians buck this trend.
Not to mention the cost to the rest of the economy. Only Chinese and Indian migrants are a net positive to the economy. Every other group cost us money, money which could have been invested into the NHS.
>UK has a doctor shortage.
Or, more accurately, the UK has a patient excess. Shipping in a higher proportion of patients to doctors (which again, is exactly what the data shows) can only make the situation worse.

>> No.15995623

The man said, “The woman you put here with me—she gave me some fruit from the tree, and I ate it.”

13 Then the Lord God said to the woman, “What is this you have done?”

The woman said, “The serpent deceived me, and I ate.” -Genesis Bible

>> No.15996051

>the UK has a patient excess
thats what happens when healthcare is free, people start abusing the system and wasting resources unnecessarily on non issues which don't merit attention

>> No.15996991

the more attention hungry and companionless a person is, the more likely they are to abuse the healthcare system to get attention and human contact
so """free""" healthcare caters to the worst people in society

>> No.15997637

Replication crisis most seriously affects sociology and medicine.

>> No.15997647

Sociology doesn't involve experiments dumbass.

>> No.15997648

Can’t speak for the other countries but in the USA, the student loan program has allowed every useless fuck in the country to become doctors. So now we have all these mostly useless physicians with “plug and play” quality of critical thinking skills and each with metric shittons of debt with usury levels of interest rates applied daily. Then add to that the presumption of medical insurance and the ever present threat of malpractice suits. This gives doctors the motivation to charge astronomical prices for mediocre service.

>> No.15997830

Just kill yourself instead

>> No.15998964
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>This gives doctors the motivation to charge astronomical prices for completely unnecessary service.

>> No.16000122

because "progress" is defined by people with israeli passports

>> No.16001165

shouldve made more kids, a lazy bums that produce 4 children are more usefull to society than childless hardworking couples, then there would be money for pentions
its another hard truth that society of career women are afraid to contemplate

>> No.16001186

Capitalism is a terminal economic system.

>> No.16001221

Only if you let it go too long without revolution and debt jubilee. When capitalism goes stale, yes, it's objectively shit.

>> No.16001313

The actual practice doctor says not to be unhealthy because then you have to be on prescribed medication which costs big money. They already knew what's happening in the future, there is no true help for you at the end.

>> No.16002286


>> No.16002293

You're on the right track but if you think that being unable to understand the basic chemical mechanisms of drug actions and the ways metabolic pathways in the body modify biomolecules, which organic chemistry is required for, isn't necessary to be a doctor, then you're retarded.

>> No.16002325

literal Reddit mindset. If you weren't good enough to get in you weren't good enough. Hard facts. Blaming others for your own issues or trying to squirm your way around by coping and to disrupt the system only because of your inadequacy is truly the most pathetic "liberal" mindset people here despised once. Now the so called conservatives have this exact kind of thinking.

>> No.16002484

>Old people should be euthanized because they are costly and do not contribute to society
If that alone justifies euthanasia, then why stop at just old people?

>> No.16002505

People won't work if their only perspective is being killed after they're done getting their life force sucked out of them, you massive retard.

>> No.16002563

Dangerously based. People hate this now but give it a few decades and there will be some kind of facist takeover exterminating boomers (which might be you and me by the time it happens lol)

>> No.16002587

>literal Reddit mindset. If you weren't good enough to get in you weren't good enough
nah they're right, it took my brother 3 years to get into med school. He did a bunch of bullshit to pad his CV to get in, but none of it was meaningful to being a doctor. They aren't looking for people who would be good doctors, they're looking for people who took every pointless CV padding opportunity in college

>> No.16002733

Mysteriously, there is always an exception for politicians.

>> No.16004136
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>> No.16005333

people who hold foreign passports are foreigners

>> No.16005377

>Why has decades of "progress" in medical science lead to picrel scenario?
it hasn't
why lie?

>> No.16006809

>which might be you and me by the time it happens
it won't happen to you if you kys right now

>> No.16006959

The longer you live the more health problems you have.

>> No.16007532

brother, as a current med student, i can promise you we consume more info than any doctor from past generations

boomer attendings had like 4 antibiotics to learn we got like 400

>> No.16007559

Too many:
>old people
>fat asses
>people who would have died at birth or as a child if not for modern medicine

>> No.16008506

Life expectancies are declining, but healthcare costs are still increasing

>> No.16009732

why do people who are still in school like children always seem to presume that means they're intelligent? if you had brains you'd have already joined the adult world, the fact that you have not yet become an adult shows that you're uneducated.

>> No.16010679

Its almost as if everyone would be better off if doctors were given less money or put out of business entirely

>> No.16010736
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You are a machine. A barely complicated bio machine. Everything that ails you is repairable through engineering. Everything. All the solutions have already been invented, prototyped, patented. So, then, why does your "civilization" fail to repair your diseased soul encapsulating machines? To keep every flesh shell in a perpetual state of health?

Primarily 1.): Extremely difficult economic factors, to industrialize and scale solutions from conceptualization to market(we cannot even feed every person; developing personalized gene therapy for each individual is impossible until quantum computers become common place(10-20+ years, so eventually but will happen way faster with actual world wide support, instead of the many parasitic industries syphoning away funding)).

Less so 2.): Persistent cult like dogmas that infect most proto religions and ideologies, insisting death is inevitable, should not be fought against, god would punish you for extending life without its permission, etc(this was mostly being defeated by feats such as landing on the moon, pushing mankind from childhood into an adolescence where it would be responsible for its own advancement via science, instead of relying upon the good will of god, but now we have retards that think the earth is flat).

Much less so 3.): Rich "people". The ones that behind closed doors see you all to be of no use more than minimum wage flesh automatons. The ones that see you as temporary and consumable objects, barely sentient beings that can be of further use, at end of life, recycled into fertilizer; cheaper versions of roboticized labor, without all the immense danger of A.I. rebellion. Too blind, or too afraid, to see the potential in you all becoming benevolent, immortal juggernauts in the coming space civilization, they interfere with the creation of utopia as suicidal children, but are only temporarily misguided and may be converted to good.

It is an honor to be of the last generations that will experience death.

>> No.16011878 [DELETED] 
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you are a tranny

>> No.16012591

Your picrel legit makes me very sad.

>> No.16012601

the scale of these topics is something you aren't able to properly contend with, i think you should go do something ambitious and stop reading books/listening to podcasts/reading twitter, you could pretty quickly get to a point where you have your own free thought about these things

>> No.16012610

nevermind, just disregard this

>> No.16012934

Just world hypothesis midwit.

>> No.16012948

My 80+ grandparents have taught me a lot, as well as maintained the large network of family I have. It would be a great loss to me if they weren’t kept alive.

>> No.16012954

A doctor is hardly an intellectual job. It’s not about skill or talent, more just getting lucky; though I doubt it’s as exploitative as these redditors would have you think

>> No.16013442

semitic influence

>> No.16014674
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>> No.16015200

>being a student is indeed being a student

like yeah, no shit dummy. But you can't just skip med school lmao, that's not how it works. no matter how smart you are, you still gotta do your time in school to get a license lmao

the point was rather that med school NOW is more intensive than it was THEN

>> No.16015206

>tfw I do my own stitches because I don't feel like driving to the hospital
One day globohomo is gonna get me

>> No.16016391
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>> No.16017019

Same reason that after decades of the same kind of "progress" NASA can't ever read LEO anymore when they used to put people on the moon 55 year ago

>> No.16017024

>No one benefits AT ALL from wars of aggression and exploitation other than a handful of rich cosmopolitans and politicians
Wrong. The winning ethnicity gets new land to colonize along with the resources located there+potential slaves.

>> No.16018367

they'll arrest you for practicing medicine without a loicense and then charge you income tax on the money you saved by not going to a quack diversity hire doctor

>> No.16018392

Seems like an english speaking countries problem.

>> No.16018778
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>> No.16019706

this, they have foreign loyalties and are therefore foreigners.

>> No.16020385

"tikkum olam" (pronounced tikkum oylam) is the jewish idea that it's their right to rule over the nations of "the goyims" so they don't see it as dual loyalty, their only loyalty is to israel, their american citizenship is just a tool they use to try and institute "tikkum olam"

>> No.16021345

Gosh its surprising they've been kicked out of so many countries

>> No.16022602

just goes to show how worthless and greedy doctors are

>> No.16023154

Ben Garrison is a national treasure

>> No.16023175

>medical tech hasn't advanced at all in the last 30 years for ordinary non millionaire people.
1917 - more people die from bacterial infection of the lungs than the latest virus and quarantine is wholly ineffective
2017 - do the same thing again

>> No.16023183

Just another miracle of capitalism. Nothing to do with medicine.

>> No.16024233


>> No.16024451

I know this thread is about pol, no need to link it.

>> No.16025668

Because doctors are greedy and lazy

>> No.16026806

They all go into medical school claiming "i just want to help people" but everyone knows they only become doctors because they want to be rich. The profession attract people of exclusively low moral character

>> No.16028399

its even worse now that most medical students are women or minorities

>> No.16028640

>nooooo you must spend 50 years of your life contributing to (((society)))
>what do you mean you want to enjoy the fruits of your own labor after you retire? Selfish leech, you deserve death!
The absolute state.

>> No.16029070

>I never heard a good rebuttal to this
if people don't have a stake in their society they will (rightfully) become resentful. Indolence and violence are the only result.

>> No.16029564 [DELETED] 

atheism AKA satanism

>> No.16029962

Indeed, that is the absolute state of an absolute state.

>> No.16030216

The amount they contributed seldom is enough to outweigh the millions in medical expenses they've consumed. They ought not be entitled to that.

I also disagree with retirement ages and working hours

{Work should be 30 hours a week maximum and beyond that overtime must kick in.}
{Retirement age should be age 50.}
{End of medical care age 60.}

This is false. The young healthy people are the ones getting completely shafted when it comes to subsidizing old folk and receiving no care for themselves and suffering with no insurance or $8000 deductibles. They wait for HOURS in the ER because grandma is feeling sick and they take priority over your whiplash. Your entire premise is false too. Society is completely broken as is and nobody is chimping out. The hypothetical described would actually have meant a better world and better life for all parties and the old people would support it without much contest and likely applaud it with those trillions of dollars instead having been used to make life better for them earlier not when they're decrepit with failing organs and rotting brains.

>> No.16030231

You're absolutely right about old people, but they also want young people with a (((mental health))) problem to kill themselves.

>> No.16031155 [DELETED] 
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>> No.16031911

>The demographics definitely didn't help.
Presumably you're trying to insinuate something antisemitic with that statement. Seems like the most reasonable interpretation

>> No.16032761

Yes, but theres nothing wrong with antisemitism. Jews hate everyone that isn't jewish so why shouldn't we hate them back?

>> No.16032802

>forced to learn english out of necessity
>pretend it makes you smart

>dont understand customary unit system
>pretend that makes americans retarded

>> No.16033547

butthurt eurofag

>> No.16033858

It's gaberment-enforced cartelization; "public" monopolies in Canada and UK, private cartels in the US.
This is how it used to be in the golden age: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fFoXyFmmGBQ

>> No.16033863

>i am a sack of shit person who wants things
>its all about me me me me me...
>except my claim it doesn't not apply to me
shit bait.
have another (You)

>> No.16033960

You will never have sex

>> No.16034496

Exactly this