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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 609 KB, 1354x2056, materialismisnotscience.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15986702 No.15986702 [Reply] [Original]

friendly reminder that materialism is a religion, not science. Also have you noticed how serene and more friendly the board is to intellectual conversation with the NPD schizo gone? One single cluster B can destroy an entire community with their toxic faggotry, just another friendly reminder to always be vigilant of these cancerous psychos in your midst in your recreation and professional spaces. Hopefully he an hero'd

>> No.15986713

Materialists can't even define what "material" means.

>> No.15986882

>materialism isn't science
then why are you posting about it on /sci/
this is a reddit tier thread

>> No.15986896

But he’s for the most part correct in that picture? Are you just upset the guy beat you in an internet argument?

>> No.15986902

first off assertion 1 and assertion 2 in OP are not related to pic rel in any way. Secondly wtf you on about dumb shit?

>> No.15986946

Yes but the reason you made the thread is because you’re furious some internet person raped you in a previous thread, so you made this one in a passive aggressive manner.

>> No.15987057

When reality is the only thing we know, then to say "you can't prove anything exists" is the claim that requires proof. You have to prove reality doesn't exist, not the other way around

>> No.15987107

Science is materialistic, so if materialism isn't science, nothing is