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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1598638 No.1598638 [Reply] [Original]

/sci/, I'm a writefag.
I'm writing a little SF story: humanity develops a new FTL communication system (I'm thinking about tachions but nothing defined yet) and they use it for the SETI program (the program thet "listen" for alien signals). They almost immediatly contact another civilization. The system has already been made pubblic and it's been used by private societies, so the discovery cannot be hidden.
We manage to create a stable, unexpensive communication system with the aliens, rather close to our internet. The story is centered around how humans react to an alien culture (REALLY alien), knowing that none of the two parts has any way to travel FTL.

>> No.1598645
File: 189 KB, 700x700, 1267219247111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How alien are the aliens?

>> No.1598649


I hope you're not writing this novel in English.

>> No.1598672
File: 475 KB, 1131x1600, 1270075889838.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty fucking alien.
A point of the plot is that they have different senses from ours, so they have trouble explainig how we would look to them and vice versa.
Another thing, they reproduce by "infecting" a member of their species who has reached a certain age and who has started to go feral/senile.The spawn retains some of the memories of the "mother", so the aliens believe their lives carry on and never actually felt the need to develop a religion and are pretty curious about the concept.

Pic unrelated, It's Nyarlatoteph.

>> No.1598682

What different senses?

>> No.1598688
File: 592 KB, 1141x1599, 1270077055361.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope you are not an english mothertongue.
If not, I weep for your country.

But yes, I'm not an english mothertongue.

>> No.1598694

OP, wake up to reality.


pubblic ?

ok I'll stop here, tl;dr.
Hopefully you are not using English :)

>> No.1598708

In particular no sight to speak of, or just black and white.
Point is, while exobiology stories are cool what I'm more interested in is the reaction of humanity.
Biblefags who yell "we were wron", "we were right", "they are the spawn of the devil" or "they are free from the original sin", fearmongers who say "they want to invade us" and scientists who try to explain That a) it's fucking impossible and b) it wouldn't be very cost effective even if it was.
Hippies who try to pass them as a pacific race from which we should only learn, ignoring the fact that while they rarely wage war they are actually individually pretty violent etc.

>> No.1598723
File: 602 KB, 1101x1600, 1270074223311.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they are spelled tachioni in my language, it's a technical term and I'm prety sure 90% english speakers don't even know what they are, let alone how to spell them.

spelling error

you tried to look smart mocking the writing of a non native speaker and it turned out you just didn't know the word he used.


>> No.1598731

If we are able to communicate in some way with these aliens we must share some of the same senses or have sufficiently advanced understanding of the disjointed senses to design a translator (ie subtitles so deaf can understand spoken dialog).

The idea of aliens with different senses deals with the black-and-white-marry philosophy problem; which is an interesting philosophy problem but not a practical problem.

All senses are based on the detection of energy: Light,etc. There are some forms of energy we cannot detect such as electromagnetic flux, but we are aware of it and can even draw up diagrams of it. There are only four fundumental forces in the universe which puts a limit on what is out there to sense. Any differences in sensing ability would not be an issue for science. For example sharks can detect electrostatic fields; which scientists figured out right quick.

>> No.1598736
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Are you from the south of the USA?
Just checking.

>> No.1598742

You should still think writing a sheet or two about exobiology-if only to make them seem more real. If an animal is not able to "live" it'll go extinct. Just write (not in your novel) up why and how the aliens developed to be the way they are.

Also, English is not my native language. I still failed to understand your last sentence, and it does not matter, really.

>> No.1598757
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>>The idea of aliens with different senses deals with the black-and-white-marry philosophy problem; which is an interesting philosophy problem but not a practical problem.

Exellent point, didnt think of it.

Tact and taste/smell incredibly developped, sonar senses.
A hearing that works through small vibrisse spread through their entire body and sonar senses. They perceive when light is present or not and from what direction it comes from, nothing more (kinda like proto eyes in bacteria).

The communicaion would initially be based on mathematical universal (Fibonacci's sequence etc.)
A common language is developped through time and on earth it becomes kind of a hobby to study it.

>> No.1598765

Yes, I know I mispelled.

>> No.1598775
File: 267 KB, 640x898, anomalocaris.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kinda like these fuckers but with legs, they can take a centaur like stance and the have neither armor nor eyes.

These things gave me nightmares when I was a kid.

>> No.1598776

I actually wrote a short story like this OP. Only humanity wasn't in it, toward the end a cosmic event cuts off FTL comms for a few decades, in that time the main civilization that was being followed devlopes FTL drives and finds its bro-civilization destroyed itself in a civilwar sparked by the 2 societies first contact

>> No.1598807
File: 793 KB, 904x1125, chaosmarinerr1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was the cosmical event the falling of an ancient civilization followed by the birth of a chaos god?

>> No.1598841

Lol that never even crossed my mind when writing it, but that was galactic and lasted millenia

>> No.1598886

Ii want to read this OP, speculative xenobiology peaks my intest

>> No.1599311

I'll try my best.

>> No.1601607
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Bumpity bump