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15985681 No.15985681 [Reply] [Original]

What are the best meds to treat Asperger's?
Picrel is probably the worst part of being a sperg, and I don't think they can live in society unless they take something to keep it from happening.
What is the best medication for this?
I can't find anything and it's driving me crazy.

>> No.15985687

>What is the best medication for this?
there isn't any, at best one can give them benzos so they chill

>> No.15985734

>there isn't any, at best one can give them benzos so they chill
any other form of treatment that might work?
What about ECT?
I'm willing to try anything

>> No.15986226

poop transplant
not even kidding

>> No.15986305

Weed, unironically and it's better than Benzos which are very bad for you and have horrible withdraw symptoms. I take many breaks from weed and never have issues quitting for as long as I want. I'm more "addicted" to Diet Coke than weed. I actually made some friends once I became a stoner and stoners like talking about autistic things when high.

Good luck anon, stay away from hash and just smoke flower. Grow your own, it's fun.



>> No.15986441

tell me more

>> No.15986465

does it need to be weed?
would CBD work?
How much daily?

>> No.15986469
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I'm a sperg and daily NAC pills (for brain) and L-glutamine powder dissolved in milk (for stomach) help a lot.

I've been considering switching to glutathione instead of NAC


>> No.15986495

did you ever had moments like OP pic rel?

>> No.15986498
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idk what kind of a sperg you are, i may be more on the schizo side of sperg but i find anything that raises choline helps me a lot, nicotine, alpha-gpc, vagus nerve maneuvers, donepezil. fast release nicotine reliably aborts almost any episode of sensory overstimulation/meltdown for me

>> No.15986508
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additional point: younger me used to have a somewhat odd problem of eating pyrantel dewormer chocolate when stressed, i recently found out it has cholinergic effects in humans

>> No.15986515


I've only had one public spergout as an adult. In a university group project they tried to make me do all the work so I refused to give them my part of the project and yelled at them for 30 minutes straight in the library.

>> No.15986531

Adding detail: normies have some absolutely insidious automatic behaviours. They believe that thing that solve ***their*** problems are always true and an imperative, and they cannot tell the difference between truth and consensus. So they kept trying to push unfair shit on me and insulting me and then I started insulting them back, etc.

>> No.15986539

>idk what kind of a sperg you are
it's my brother, not me.
He literally can't live in society, he gets extremely sad over every little thing, people are mean to him because they notice he's a sperg.
He cries and screams almost every day, he can't handle confusion, and everything is confusing and messy.
Honestly I don't know what else to do, he tried regular depression/anxiety meds, it didn't work, CBD didn't work, therapy didn't work, shrooms didn't work.
I'm thinking about ECT now, probably the last resource.
I can't imagine him leading a normal life.
Or even a troubled life.
I'm not sure how is he still alive yet.

>> No.15986562

Sorry to spam your thread but try NAC or glutathione pills.

>> No.15986569

What's up with this repetitive spam a la autismspeaks.org? did schizos ran out of ideas about pfizer vaccines?

>> No.15986570

if all those things which are primarily aimed at treating /depression/ are not working, you should stop trying to treat it like /depression/
you are taking a belief about his condition to the extreme instead of questioning the quality of the belief in the first place.
you may have messed him up more with those treatments if his problem is more like ADHD, which it is looking like atm. It would help to know if he caught covid and if that worsened his health at all.
you should give him L-DOPA and if that works okay try transitioning to a small dose of lisdexamphetamine, alpha-GPC cant hurt here and neither can guanfacine taken at night for sleep.
(the ideal solution here is probably a MAO-B inhibitor like rasagiline and HDAC inhibitor like valproic acid or sodium butyrate to enable neurogenesis)

the reasons for which is that your brother seems to have a language deficit and emotional control issues, dopamine is both pro-language and acts as a behavioral inhibitor. Seems most of the things youve tried so far do the opposite of this.

if he gets upset at things being confusing and messy, expect him to be extremely upset about his memory of his entire life being Right-Click>Delete'd by ECT, which by the way is just the last stand of the 19th century lobotomy doctors.

godspeed anon and I hope you find something that works for your brother

>> No.15986661

He's way smarter than me, and definitely not ADHD.
He's a STEM graduate but can't deal with people.
And people hate him because he's extremely weird, as every sperg out there.

>> No.15986680
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What does it mean if modafinil (from a registered pharmacy) gives me amphetamine like effects when it doesn't for normies?

>> No.15986731
File: 1.40 MB, 1x1, kratsman2016.pdf [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based on my limited understanding of the situation biased by my personal interests in dopamine's effect on social behavior I would chalk this to low baseline dopamine levels, meaning he doesnt move or speak in stereotyped ways that high-dopamine society is wired to expect, thus when he interacts, normies notice this novel and unexpected behavior causing the dopamine supply to be cut off as their brains need to disinhibit themselves in response to the novel social stimuli, causing them to withdrawl and become upset. social problems are a snowball effect from being isolated by normies with high baseline dopamine.
>tl;dr he could have low baseline dopamine without ADHD, causing social meshing issues and rejection sensitivity, with a snowball of spergout behavior as anxiety mounts over rejection

modafinil deficiency, everyone knows modafinil is an essential vitamin and the people with low amounts stand to experience most significant benefits. Also possibly an isomorphism of your DAT gene makes it bind particularly well with modafinil.

>> No.15986742
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forgot >pdf unrelated
heres an actually relevant dissertation on dopamine hypothesis
meant polymorphism

>> No.15986755

so what's the solution?

>> No.15986763

depending on accessibility
>Phase 1
• Broad spectrum multivitamin (make sure its got methylcobalamin and methylfolate)
• Prebiotics + broad spectrum probiotics
• Alpha-GPC
• Nicotine gum for outbursts
• Guanfacine/Clonidine at night
>Phase 2 (continue the above)
• Rasagiline
• Sodium Valproate/Butyrate
• N-Acetyl Cysteine
• S-Adenosyl Methionine
>Phase 3
• Low dose lisdexamphetamine

>also you know this is just my opinion right?

>> No.15986766
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>> No.15986778
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High-functioning autism is the next step in human evolution, not an illness to be treated

>> No.15987815

>What's up with this
You realise where you are, anon, right? Right?

>> No.15988058

>High-functioning autism is the next step in human evolution, not an illness to be treated
it's extremely tiresome living around them.
I'm considering suicide, can't stand him anymore.

>> No.15988067

Hang on in there, anon, not giving up on you two yet.
Does he have any interests?

>> No.15988100

Hopefully I'll be hanging up in there soon
>Does he have any interests?
Yeah, boring interests as most spergs.
That's how I know elon musk is indeed a sperg: only a complete retard would become a billionaire and then buy twitter instead of doing something fun.
Spergs like to suffer and to make others suffer.

>> No.15988217
File: 302 KB, 853x1280, 0D726336-24E7-4C3A-BF6A-D511D2E1A15F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you sound paranoid, are you stressed anon?
you asked a question by making this thread, you got answers.
this post was basically /thread >>15986763
now its beginning to sound like your personal kvetching thread, you actually sound like a nasty person in your last few posts.

>> No.15988223

>you actually sound like a nasty person in your last few posts
that's what having a sperg brother did to me
Anyway, I'm looking it up, hopefully there's a solution, I can't stand living like this anymore.

>> No.15988642

What is pic supposed to show? Aspergers don't make such grimaces.

>> No.15988657

it's a scene from sopme shitty tv show. apparently this is something autistic people do? lol


>> No.15988689

That's just bizarre. Possibly intentional propaganda. Autists (those that make surgeons) speak in a way that is too intricate for others to understand, if anything.

>> No.15988765

NAC is supposed to work with glycine somehow to help your body make glutathione. I take NAC and glycine in equal amounts, and it works very well.

>> No.15988773

>Picrel is probably the worst part of being a sperg, and I don't think they can live in society unless they take something to keep it from happening.
that sounds insane to me

>> No.15988827

>Yeah, boring interests as most spergs.
Let's work with what we have and wait with what we would have wanted. WHat specifically are his interests.
>That's how I know elon musk is indeed a sperg: only a complete retard would become a billionaire and then buy twitter instead of doing something fun.
He has a lot of children, so some fun must have been had.
>Spergs like to suffer and to make others suffer.
I know a few, most are high functioning but only one is having a bad time.

>> No.15989234

>He has a lot of children, so some fun must have been had.
Didn't he have some weird insistence on artificial insemination?

>> No.15989294

That sounds like crazy speak from crazy newspapers.

>> No.15989335

You've got two types of autists, those who are intelligent but can barely communicate properly with normalfags, and those who are akin to retards (as in, actual retarded people) and need constant help to get around.
Normalfags don't care about the difference, so you get nonsensical depictions likes these.

>> No.15989518

>Aspergers don't make such grimaces
>it's a scene from sopme shitty tv show. apparently this is something autistic people do? lol
>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8byiwOY5XM0 [
>That's just bizarre. Possibly intentional propaganda. Autists (those that make surgeons) speak in a way that is too intricate for others to understand, if anything.
ever hears of meltdowns?
that's a meltdown.

>> No.15989921

No, you tv-addicted motherfucker.
That is an artistic representation of an autistic meltdown.
The retards who have actual meltdowns are not fucking doctors, they prune fucking bushes with a group of other retards and collect garbage on the weekends.

>> No.15990031

My brother has meltdowns almost every single day and he earns 300k.
he's definitely not a genius but far from a dumb person.

>> No.15990148

The world doesn't deal in absolutes, anon. Of course there will be people who don't fit in either camp.
But when such people make up 0.001% of the whole, then who cares about them? They have no relevancy to the point I'm trying to make.

>> No.15990179

So my brother is doomed?
Is that it?

>> No.15990184

MDMA, maybe.

>> No.15990402

is your brother a physician?

>> No.15990418

If you're referring to turning your brother into a normal person, then yes, he is doomed.
But I'd say the issue is less him being a low-functioning autist, and more having a family who hates him.
>inb4 "i don't hate my brother!"
You wouldn't be looking for a way to change him just because it'd make your life easier otherwise.

>> No.15990503

I doubt, you need excellent communication skills and normie empathy to be a doctor.

>> No.15990546

get your brother to take the NAC pill, anon

>> No.15990559
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>picrel is probably the worst part of being a sperg
What, noticing how retarded normalfags are and letting it get to you for once? We all have our bad days.
It's funny normalfags get so asshurt about being called out on their mediocrity to a level their supposedly stoic masks cannot hide and go on to publicly, socially, ritualistically execute anyone who speaks out against it because bro you're such a sperg lmao just like stop caring le science says nothing matters anyways haha.
I guess a lobotomy would do the job.

>> No.15990586

He's a STEM graduate working for a financial firm.

>> No.15990602


>> No.15990611

is every comically grandiose sperg a lolicon aficionado

>> No.15990620

One problem for another.

>> No.15990643

>One problem for another
Things are so bad that I don't care

>> No.15990657
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>> No.15991259

The only way to do it is to train your mind like a bodybuilder goes from skinny to Arnold.

My siblings and I are 'berg. They are untreated or taking meds which makes them mostly normie (but after a few minutes of interaction, it's clear they're 'berg).
I worked on my mind and body and am unrecognizable as 'berg. People ask if I'm adopted.

>> No.15991266

>try NAC or glutathione pills.
These won't do anything. The type of autism described is a side effect of vaccines on certain people. Once the inflammation damages the brain, there's no undoing the damage, only training the mind to work around the damage.

Certain chems work on some people to silence parts of the brain responsible for outbursts and anti-social/normative behavior, but they're all temporary until the body builds up a resistance to the med/dosage.
Brain and social training are the only way, you have to teach the brain to behave in a way society expects people to behave.

>> No.15991880

That's fucking bullshit. You'd have to train yourself to not mid fucking people over.

>> No.15991883

The problem of autists is that they are not willing to be asocial, or tolerate the antisociality of others.

>> No.15992874

OP here, I might need to look into anger management treatments.
He's angry at the world, at the way people treat him, the injustice he was and is victim of, the lack of revenge...
I don't know what to do anymore.
Honestly I wish he wasn't born.
Why would a person like this exist?
Maybe if he was born extremely wealthy he would be able to live properly, but that's not the case.

>> No.15992962
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Accept your fate
Spergs are the freemans of this world
You simply need to find a way to make you interesting in this normie world.

>> No.15992988
File: 3.54 MB, 7304x3099, IMG_4935.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe part of it is that hes mobilizing your own possibly-subconscious feelings about the world, but youre falsely redirecting your anger towards the messenger for liquidating those feelings instead of using that anger to work out a solution.
Adler said participating in political movements was the best psychological therapy.
I suggest you move past this beef with your brother and find a cause youre passionate about that isnt directed at an individual.
Sure you can call him entitled, malignant and such, could you imagine yourself agreeing with his sentiment at all though?
After all, you cannot hate a person with different neurology for that, its like hating a different species for having different body structure.
Maybe its you, OP, who needs some medicine to help realign your emotional priorities from stunted kvetching directed at the level of the person to a more world-centric view. see pic related.

>> No.15992995

that being said Jordan Peterson says the victim-victimizer narrative is one of the worst narratives to adopt for psychological growth. seems youre getting embroidered into this narrative system and i can smell it on your clothes like bad perfume.
stay clean, anon!

>> No.15993100

>instead of using that anger to work out a solution
what's the solution?
I'm all ears.
I can't stand living like this anymore.

>> No.15993111

Ok since you seem to lack a cognitive framework for this kind of problem solving.

>what are you upset about
include details about the stimuli, and related systems and factors that this affects
>what can you do about it
from isolating yourself from the stimuli, or modifying the systems that are affected by the stimuli to be more resilient, if other factors are affected how can they be restored
>formulate a plan
decide what youre going to do, gather the materials needed, make time to do the plan

look for the light at the end of the tunnel

>> No.15993113

As an aspie, how the fuck have I been able to pull multiple women with relative ease? Even when I was broke so I can't say it was dosh.

Sometimes I feel like the gigga-sperg

>> No.15993119

women secretly love spergs, its only in public that they will pretend to hate them for social points for agreeing with chad

>> No.15993123

They have made it a pill form too. So just eat the poo poo is the literal cure

>> No.15993366


>> No.15993443

maybe you're just hot. a lot of chicks like the guy who's really hot but reserved and mysterious

>> No.15994098

>pull multiple women with relative ease
Are you not going to explain this conundrum??

>women secretly love spergs
In other news, pigs are now flying

>> No.15994900

>women secretly love spergs
Women love attractive men
If you're sperg or not is irrelevant

>> No.15994959

Do you have a passport?

>> No.15996207

I've heard that sulphorophane (broccoli) might help

>> No.15996212
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I have a schizo theory that Bill Gates (known autist) is intentionally making everyone autistic with vaccines and stuff as revenge on NTcattle

>> No.15996214

this you?

>> No.15996257

>vaxschizo babble

>> No.15996432
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This. If you are attractive you can pretty much do whatever you want except make them self reflect. Just don't do that.

>> No.15996686

>multiple women with relative ease
you don't have autism

>> No.15997020

>Picrel is probably the worst part of being a sperg

I don't know why any guy who is annoying or has weird interests or insists on his rights or is simply questioning authority figures suddenly turns into having autism.

I think, it's fascinating that freedom-loving Americans are so obsessed with justifying a rigid hierarchy that essentially boils down to: "Do as you're told and if you don't, you're MeNTAllY iLl".

>What are the best meds to treat Asperger's?
You're so deep into pharma propaganda that any problem you encounter, you must solve with drugs. The covid vaccine is bad but mind-numbing drugs from the same company are suddenly good.

>> No.15997023

For the record. Autism isn't real. Never proven that it's one condition + the way it's diagnosed is pseudoscientific bullshit. How can you not test positive for it as long as you say yes?

>> No.15997592

>For the record. Women aren't real. Never proven that they exist + all the evidence for them existing is pseudoscientific bullshit. How can you claim women are real when there's no evidence behind their existence?

>> No.15997651

Weak comeback. You equate a physical thing for which we have physical evidence with a metaphor. You're most likely a borderline narcissistic who gets for whatever reason attached to his make-believe diagnosis.

>> No.15997676

I am starting to like dr. shekelsteins who prescribe brain rotting jewpills to these retards. Stupid attention whores

>> No.15997684

autism isnt real, there is zero physical evidence of its existence
hence why its such a broad blanket term for everything from severe mental retardation to slight social awkwardness

>> No.15997697

I get the same vibe from these dumbshits claiming they are autistic and from trannies claiming that they are actually woman but trapped in a male body.
Back in my day, being autistic meant you are extremely mentally retarded (50-60 IQ) such that you can't function in the society properly.

>> No.15997700

>they cannot tell the difference between truth and consensus
This is the most succinct and accurate description I've ever seen of nts. Add in a splash of egoism, narcissism, psychopathic tendencies, and selfishness (in different ratios depending on the particular normie) and you really have perfectly described them.

I think they actually can understand the difference, but refuse to acknowledge it usually. Seemingly acknowledging the difference between the two causes them some sort of intense psychological pain and immense distress. Also would explain why they hate spergs, because interactions with a sperg are more likely to reveal the holes in their consensus based reasoning, which obviously is such a painful thing for them.

This is a made up scenario but i guarantee you've seen something similar play out several times in life: person A claims something as a fact and everyone else agrees. You have evidence that what that person said isn't true, but if you were to share that you will be met with intense hostility not just from person A, but also the entire ingroup.

That exact dynamic is possibly the biggest flaw in human functioning. It gets even worse with things like social status/reputation. What's most infuriating about it is that in the end it all comes down to a metagame about allocation of resources or breeding strategies. But for normal faggots that metagame is the end all be all of human experience. Anything besides that disgusts them as a rule. They have visceral hatred to intellectual curiosity and only want to yield the fruits of that as a form of labor, they see no point in questioning anything that doesn't directly tie in to the sex/resources game.

>> No.15997705 [DELETED] 

Now it means the opposite, it means you can't participate in society, because you are not retarded.

>> No.15997707

Now it means the opposite, it means you can't participate in society, because you are not retarded. Trannies are just schizophrenics, who sometimes claim autism, because of the lesser stigma.

>> No.15997779

There's no fucking time for mindfulness in an anger episode. The cascade is unpleasant stimulus->punch wall much the same as sneezing

>> No.15997796

>>what are you upset about
The person you are talking with is infuriatingly stupid, unaware of it, and is going to make decisions that will affect your life.

>> No.15998081

get laid

>> No.15998562

Yeah, no shit you idiot.
The retrospective comes after the episode so you can prevent it from happening again.
Take misophonia for example. Do you feel like punching someone whenever they eat in the same room as you? Perform the steps as outlined by that anon.
>what are you upset about
The eating noises made by a person eating next to you.
>what can you do about it
You can ask them to move to another room, you can move to another room yourself, you can put headphones on, you can insert earplugs in your ears, you can scream very loudly so the noise doesn't enter your ears, you can grab the food and yeet it out the window...
>formulate a plan
Pick one of the options above and do it.
If the person refuses to move, move yourself. Can't move? Put headphones on or earplugs in. Don't have any? Start screaming. Does the person tell you to shut up? Grab his food and yeet it out the window. Is he about to assault you? Punch him first.

Keep this plan in mind whenever you encounter the same situation again.
And I want you to listen to the following very carefully (because it took myself a long time to really learn): you can ALWAYS walk away form a situation.
Yes, you might experience negative side effects from doing so. Who cares? You'd rather put yourself through torture?

>> No.15998857

You know, maybe you shouldn't eat like a pig?

>> No.15999001

I'm guessing you meant to say "they".
And to that I say: who are you to dictate how another should eat their food?
It's not your business. If they want to smack or grind their teeth while eating, they should be allowed to.
Just like how you are allowed to ask them to move elsewhere or move yourself.

>> No.15999064

And this is the reason why we no longer have society.

>> No.15999068

Check the DSM-V
... oh wait

>> No.15999070

>implying we ever had a society

>> No.15999072

>"let's merge all of these distinct mental abnormalities into one giant diagnosis!"
What a bunch of assholes.

>> No.15999085 [DELETED] 

The point is, there is no reason why you should eat in some repulsive way. In fact the reason why we find it so repulsive might be that it indicates a neurogical problem, with more widesypread effects than just the eating.

>> No.15999087

The point is, there is no reason why you should eat in some repulsive way. In fact the reason why we find it so repulsive might be that it indicates a neurogical problem, with more widespread effects than just the eating.

>> No.15999092

Anon, I hate to break it to you, but normal people don't have as much conscious control over their body as we do.
They aren't smacking and chewing loudly on purpose, they just don't realize they can control themselves.
Hell, it took them a loooong time to just even acknowledge the existence of misophonia.
My personal head canon is that the part of our brain that is responsible for identifying situations where the release of adrenaline (giving you that panicky fight or flight feeling) is somehow connected to unrelated parts of the brain (the part of the brain responsible for recognizing sounds, for example.
Everyone's misophonia is different from each other. It's like ASMR; not everyone gets it from the same triggers.

>> No.15999093

Anon, you are a fucking retard.
People are well aware of what they're doing, they just don't give a shit, because they're not mentally disabled.

>> No.15999109

>People are well aware of what they're doing
They really aren't, anon. But I understand why you think this.
People within the autism spectrum often have difficulty seperating the experience of themselves and those of others. I would know, I used to be the same way. This does not mean that you're retarded.

Talk to other people and ask them how they experience aspects of their life. Their answers will surprise you.
I know from experience that the only way for people like us to accept changes to our worldview is by doing our own experiments, so I urge you to actually do this.

>> No.15999122

If you visit different places, you will realize that other cultures have adopted various customs. Slurping and other annoying mouth behaviors are culturally controlled. So is sneezing and whoredom.

>> No.15999123

Very nice example of an autist not understand social cues right there. Educational.

>> No.15999124

>how to treat being superior to normal drones
that's the neat part, you don't just learn to live with it enough to not get lynched by the hive and you'll be fine, hangout with people who are like you and avoid the drones like the plague they are, they are still on the level of burning witches only thing that change was that now days they aren't allowed to form an angry mob by the state and hunt down people that they don't like including and not limited to their neighbors

>> No.15999129

I love how autism seems to be the literal pseud disorder.
You've just reached critical levels of pseud.

>> No.15999130

Both can be true. You're deflecting. Why?
Don't answer me, ask that question to yourself.
No need to act so defensive.
Ignoring your own faults is something a coward does.
Instead you should acknowledge them and work around them.
Much more healthier.

>> No.15999133

Why do you feel the need to project?
Is that a behavior you think it makes you win arguments, which is why you are mimicking it now?

>> No.15999135

"Autism" nowadays is an extremely broad term.
You have literal retards who scream and cry when their pokemon cards aren't in the right order and you have intellectuals who are as good at math as they are bad at holding a casual conversation.

>> No.15999148

Anon, this is like the shouting into a room full of suspects that the perpetrator must be very ugly and seeing one guy go "how dare you!".
You are once again defending yourself by lashing out. A normal person (or at least someone who didn't feel emotionally attacked) would either ignore me or ask for clarification.

>> No.15999152

>"Autism" nowadays is an extremely broad term.
Wokeists are going to say that this is because it's a "spectrum". Truth is, associating people who don't fit in with brain damage cases is deliberate. It makes no sense from a biological, medical or even statistical point of view.

If you read up on autism, the diagnosis basically boils down to: "Does not think, act or behave like the others". -> This by definition applies to brain damage cases.
Not behaving like you're told to is a super valid brain disease which is why we don't find any biomarker except for valid brain damage cases. But you better bet you won't find that in any pharmaceutically funded psychiatry or psychology book.

Mind you that substances that are actually known to cause brain damage such as tylenol or a prenatal shot of the rubella vaccine suddenly can't be associated with brain damage in small children because if that stuff caused their "autism", why didn't it cause the other kid's "autism". Either way, it's bullshit and for some reason 10 % or so of the population have been diagnosed with it. Looks to me like an enormous money racket.

>> No.15999153

Most people who are bad at talking just are bad at talking and most people who are good at math are just good at math.
And of course most people who are good at math and bad at talking are just good at math and bad at talking and while there might be a correlation between these two, that correlation may well be explained much better by things that aren't "this person is retarded".

>> No.15999160

Still projecting.
Here, I will explain it, because you autists aren't usually the sharpest tools in the shed:
You were shittalking people who are not sharing your mental disorder, so I pointed out that what you are saying isn't true. You took this as some sort of personal attack and called me autistic. So I said "no, you are only projecting your own experiences onto me" and that really seemed to bother you.

>> No.15999162

Autism is a specific set of symptoms that can vary greatly in severity or number thereof.
You just don't want to be seen as subhuman, which is understandable.

>> No.15999163

There's just one thing you're missing: the autistic brain excels at pattern recognition.
Pattern recognition is extremely valuable when it comes to applying intelligence.
The reason why high-functioning autists are generally quite intelligent is precisely because of that.

>> No.15999170

That does not relate to any of the things in my post.

>> No.15999173

>You were shittalking people who are not sharing your mental disorder
Of course I would. Normalfags are extremely dumb.
>and called me autistic
Anon, this site is a safe haven for autists. Any person you speak to here will most likely have at least some form of autism.

>> No.15999174

Your post is idiotic nonsense. I pointed out how.

>> No.15999188

>Autism is a specific set of symptoms
Symptoms implies a cause which we don't know.
>that can vary greatly in severity or number thereof.
Which means, that in principle, everyone has autism.

>> No.15999534

>Of course I would. Normalfags are extremely dumb.
Coping hard, I see.

>Anon, this site is a safe haven for autists.
Most people here are not retards, unlike you.

>> No.15999543

>Symptoms implies a cause which we don't know.
Sure, but you can display a symptom without anyone knowing the cause. If you are sneezing, that's a symptom whether you know what the specific cause is or not.

>Which means, that in principle, everyone has autism.
Sure, but as with all mental ilnesses the line that is drawn is impediment.
If it doesn't cause trouble for you or the people around you it's probably fine.
That's a good line to draw.

>> No.15999544


>> No.15999554

wrong. autism is a disorder that can affect anyone and doesn't affect or determine intelligence. meltdowns are a symptom of autism. being a doctor doesn't preclude someone from having autism nor vice versa.

>> No.15999558

>No, you tv-addicted motherfucker.
you mad. having a meltdown?

>> No.15999560

>you need excellent communication skills and normie empathy to be a doctor.
lol, have you ever met a doctor?

>> No.15999562
File: 2.80 MB, 1556x2188, Edgar_Allan_Poe,_circa_1849,_restored,_squared_off.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15999567

>The problem of autists is that they are not willing to be asocial, or tolerate the antisociality of others.

>> No.15999572

Apply yourself: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9058071/
Here's your (you), you sad bastard.

>> No.15999580
File: 27 KB, 680x416, Worrying-flowchart - Copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not post one here. this does work, but it takes practice and exposure therapy can help. healthy detachment is a good thing.

also, pickerel

>> No.15999590

post1 is right but so is post2
post2 is just describing a sociopath

>> No.15999690

You are expected to lie cheat, and collude to destroy other people, and tolerate the same from others. The neurotypical idea of "cooperation" that you help some people to get someone fired. That's what they mean by the lack of willingness to cooperate. The problem is that people cooperate in ways that autistic people find disgusting, so they won't do it.

>> No.15999692

It's just how the game is played, it's nothing personal.
get good or get out

>> No.15999694

>Sure, but you can display a symptom without anyone knowing the cause.
It's a symptom of something. Autism on the other hand is a set of symptoms. Symptoms can't be symptoms of themselves.
>Sure, but as with all mental ilnesses the line that is drawn is impediment.
How do you differentiate between innate impediments and impediments that are (too a large degree) caused by discrimination.
You can biologize the social and simply infer from that some natural order that simply is but autism, along with ADHD, always struck me as "we don't like you so it sucks for you".
>That's a good line to draw.
Ye, that's not how it's diagnosed anymore. Used to be that you could leave the spectrum but now they want everyone to be somewhere on it.

>> No.15999702

Not really. The show is funded by large autism organizations who want to normalize the idea that being socially unskilled = autism. That's all I know about the show for that matter.

To make it look like the guy actually has a genuine disorder as opposed to the meme that they're trying to market, they make him go through meltdowns typical of 3-year-old toddlers.
>autism is a disorder that can affect anyone and doesn't affect or determine intelligence.
You're mostly repeating meaningless pharma phrases here. I'm fairly sure you were brainwashed into your autism by your therapist or your psychologist. At least, I know that is happening to "transsexual" children.
> https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9058071/
The paper endorses the ADOS as a screening tool which is known to be both an industrially funded tool and extremly prone to false positives. For example, any intellectually disabled kid is going to score positively for autism.

>> No.15999723

That isn't a game. It's a societal collapse.

>> No.15999725

Society sure is taking its dear time to collapse, then.

>> No.15999742

Not at all, it's well within what was observed. It took Rome 50 years of "crisis" + about two centuries of decay to collapse.

>> No.15999743

It's been thousands of years of backstabbing and destroying each other. Surely, at some point things will collapse, no?
What makes you believe that this is anything recent?

>> No.16000051

No. It s3ems to follow the same geberal pattern.

Peace and prosperity: A society that consists of mainly virtuous people, who willingly cooperate, and support it. There is peace, prosperity, and NO signs of a looming catastrophe.

Sudden, atypical war: A war breaks out out of completely nowhere. It's unexpected, and quickly escalates into enormous conflict, and it doesn't appear to be motivated by typical goals like conquest or plunder.
With no goal, the war ends in complete exhaustion. Multiple waves of war may occur, with periods of quasi peace, only to be reignited again.

Restoration: Civilization is restored in some kind of pluricentric nightmare. Victories might be declared, but further war is simply not feasible, and the conflict continues unabated through less overt means.

Disintegration: The new order collapses. The collapse is de facto total, but may not be admitted for as long as the civilization physically continues to exist. The authority and bligation become increasingly contradictory and unclear. The remaining official authority is just one of a myriad of factions claiming and enforcing their authority. All respect for aithority is lost, as it's simply not possible to be an ordinary citizen - whatever you do, you will be declared a criminal, and an abhorrent human being by some people.

A long dark age.

>> No.16000052


>> No.16000053

Fascinating theory.
Unfortunately, you are also wrong.
As expected of a pseud.

>> No.16000066

pharma companies are heavily testing drugs for autism now.

they converged autism and aspergers to make "treatment" (drugs) more streamlined, like with add/adhd.

>> No.16000109

>pharma companies are heavily testing drugs for autism now.
I doubt it. There are no drugs for autism and there never will be. The reason is simple.
Each DSM-5 mental illness label corresponds to some market. The autism market is controlled by behavioral health units which sell you overpriced therapies. The adhd market is controlled by pharmaceutical companies. If you want to drug your "autistic" kiddo, you will get him either diagnosed with ADHD or request off-label drugs such as anti-psychotics or tranquilizers.

Either way, just like with depression or adhd, autism is going to become ever more vague and meaningless. The diagnosis becomes a money racket for therapists and psychiatrists to funnel money to corporations and their investors via fraudulent treatment claims. This will go on until it reaches a point where the lower and middle-class are bankrupted over fraudulent disability claims. There's a reason adult ADHD suddenly become en vogue.

>> No.16000663

Post your own theory. Lead deficiency?

>> No.16000880

OP here.
It's over.
What a fucking demonic condition.
I'm about to tell him ro khs.
He's almost 30, he cries and screams every day like a complete retard, only thinks and talks about how things were unfair, that he deserves regenge.
This is no way to live.
This is nowhere near normal.
He's not only completely unlucky, he's also a demonic sperg and I wish he wasn't born.
He wants to suffer and to make his family suffer.
I know he won't kill himself because it would end his and our suffering.
What will he do?
I believe he will try to get arrested so he can increase his and our suffering.

>> No.16001026

Im trans btw

>> No.16001040

OP here.
I'm sorry.
My therapist told me that the only way for me to beat my pathological lying issues would be to go back to my lies and set them straight.
I have no brother with Asperger's.
In fact, I have no brother at all.
I hope you all can find it in yourselves to forgive me.
It would help a lot.
Mods, please lock and delete this thread.
Thank you.

>> No.16001047

You're not me.

>> No.16001049

Hello not me!