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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15982487 No.15982487 [Reply] [Original]

Demoralization edition.

ITT we collectively invest in rope.

Last thread: >>15952366

This thread exists to ask questions regarding careers associated to STEM.
>Discussion on academia based career progression
>Discussion on penetrating industry from academia
>Or anything in relation to STEM employment or development within STEM academia!

Resources for protecting yourself from academic marxists:
>https://www.thefire.org/ (US)
>https://www.jccf.ca/ (Canada)

Information resource:
>*The Chad author is seeking additional input to diversify the content into containing all STEM fields. Said author regularly views these /scg/ threads.

No anons have answered your question? Perhaps try posting it here:

An archive of all the previous editions of /scg/:

>> No.15982494

>BS in chemistry
>didn't go to phd because of a combination of lack of confidence and going to a bottom tier undergrad to save money
>work nearly a decade in a terrible work environment but fast paced broad scope of synthesis and working with one of the top names in chem
>land new job as low tier but still good company at a position that usually requires phd
>blow everyone away despite sleepwalking and barely working
>I'm just getting started

>> No.15982539

i unironically learned more working a job than school. Why dont jobs train us instead of having us go through 4 years of hazing

>> No.15982551
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Should I join the military as an officer or do a masters in ecology?

>> No.15982614

I learned nothing at school nor at work.
On paper I'm an "engineer" but in reality I'm just a jannie for some databases that I don't really understand. Other teams use a ticket system to send me requests for information. I look it up in the database and send it back. That's it. I could have done this as a middle school student.

>> No.15982620

Welcome to the industry

>> No.15982649

I study math
I really don't want to go to graduate school for 5 years
are there any alternatives? I also really need to start making money to help my family.

>> No.15982652

I technically have a somewhat impressive resume. Undergrad and PhD in physics, postdoc, all in global top 5 universities, some semi-bullshit internships but enough to check a box. Fairly unimpressive publication record that'll look nicer this time next year, some conferences, a patent, a doctoral fellowship award.

Long story short, I need to find a new job unexpectedly fast. Staying in academia would require another postdoc, not faculty material yet. I don't want another 3 year postdoc, I'm turning 30 this year. GF didn't want to move to the US so it's back to the fatherland for half the salary. Suddenly I find myself interviewing at an early-stage company back in my hometown.

I feel like I'm selling myself short and simultaneously I think my academically-geared CV doesn't actually have anything of real-world value. Since I'm a friendless spastic I don't really have any reference point as to where I should be aiming. Basically I sacrificed my 20s grinding academia only to end up somewhere I could have ended up by doing a masters and 5 years worth of substance abuse.

>> No.15982688


>> No.15982718

I'm sort of too autistic for that

>> No.15982819

I'm about to quit my job to start a research and consulting company. Anyone ever done something similar?

>> No.15982820

No what does it entail? How do you plan to line up and fulfill contracts?

>> No.15982821
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>> No.15982839
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Why do the jannies keep nuking acollierastro threads?

Also, what do you guys do for food to save on time? I easily spend 4-6hrs a week cooking - no way the best do this

>> No.15982842

Obviously, you need to drop the bitch

>> No.15982846

a) you need to stop obsessing over an eceleb

b) cook a bunch of chicken breast at once

>> No.15982878

prepare stuff, also multi-tasking

>> No.15983029

Appy for quant

>> No.15983048

Last chance for /sci/-tards to decide my future career for me.

I just got a PhD in optics, and my experience is in high power laser development

I have two offers and will decide this week

>American startup in california
>build high energy lasers for wakefield particle accelerators
>sun and sand in california
>also have to live in california

>German startup in Munich
>build high energy lasers for nuclear fusion
>Travel frequently to the US installing a big-ass laser at a new research facility
>get paid a lot less b/c German salaries are crap
>get dual citizenship in 3 years for the lulz b/c I'm "hochqualifiziert"

>> No.15983063

Rule of thumb:
If you are not admitted to a top tier school, a PhD is a waste of time that you will forever regret engaging in.

PhD is only worthwhile if you aspire to be a professor and teach uni students, or if you are able to get admitted to MIT, stanford and the likes so as to build a strong network of possible coworkers/cofounders and be recruited by high tier companies.

PhDs throw away 5_7 years of potential industry experience for a piece of paper that says "you should call me Dr.", that's about it.

It used to have value back when only truely intellectually motivated researchers were pursuing one and had meaningful papers published, nowadays it's nothing but a way for many to push back adulthood and climb the social ladder through school recognition.

>> No.15983068

Another white male falls victim to DEI racism.

>> No.15983074

>pick German startup
>get paid Europoor salary
>follow german mentality: be slow and be meticulous, one step at a time while US competitor breaks shit down, rebuilds it all over again and learns all while you haven't even started the project yet
>get shit weather for 50% of the year
>culture isn't any different as youth is heavily influenced by US anyway
>startup development gets throttled by Euregulator

>pick California Startup
>be among the highest paid individuals in the entire world
>break shit, rebuild, learn, repeat, by the end of the year you are far ahead of the competition
>get 300+ days of sun a year
>live in the center of western culture, never get bored as almost everything you love be it music, movies or games can be linked to California one way or another
>US government will back your company even if it's a total failure with no questions asked thanks to capitalism

>> No.15983146

Learn how to use stats, math and other things to describe the business world. Either in banking or just regular firms. This is how you will make money, but if you are not interested in economics and business... then it's going to be a hard grind.

>> No.15983152

Thanks for the blog update

>> No.15983236

Even if you want to work in laser ICF, I'd recommend taking the California one since you'd be close to GA and LLNL which would make it easy to work with their high power laser groups.
LWA work would also give you a chance to publish in more prestigious journals, especially if you're doing something like LWA driven XFELs which the Nature editiors seem interested in.

>> No.15983245

Also the dual citizenship thing might hurt your chances at earning a security clearance in the US, which you'd probably end up needing eventually if you want to work on ICF, even just for the national labs to grant you access to their simulation codes

>> No.15983248

just buy a gun before going to california and conceal carry.

>> No.15983289

i'm a chem undergrad and aren't qualified to comment but thought exactly the same upon seeing this. as an euro, all said in this post is 100 percent true. good post.

>> No.15983438

Mixed news, here.
On one hand, the chips industry will have to recruit a lot of people from many different /sci/ diciplines:
>Students of Many Stripes Can Aspire to Chip-Building Careers
>If U.S.-based semiconductor companies are to effectively leverage the investments flowing from the CHIPS Act, the industry needs to make a concerted effort to recruit people from a wide area of knowledge domains and disciplines that are in high demand from other industries, as well as specialized talent to build out facilities.

On the other hand, the US is opening the flood gates for immigration
>US plans to relax H-1B visa restrictions
>The US has realised that its Chips and Science Act investments will create a demand for skilled jobs which it has no hope of filling from domestic sources.
>To facilitate the recruitment of foreign workers, the US Economic Innovation Group (EIG) has proposed revisions to the H-1B Visa programme.

So there are many jobs coming up but it is not clear who sill get these.

>> No.15983441

Are there any jobs that Americans can actually do?
According to the government and big business, we apparently can't do anything. We're too entitled, fat, and lazy to do manual labor and we're too stupid and unqualified to do skilled labor. What can we actually do?

>> No.15983471

You will see similar development as in Europe the past two decades, with degree/qualification inflation and more outsourcing (in the Americans' case visas).
If you only have an undergrad then you're going to have a harder time being competitive on the job market.
However if you have higher qualifications then your chances should (relatively) improve with increasing demand.
In other words, now is a great time for burgers to do (non-meme) masters and PhDs. The best time was probably a year ago, but having a masters or PhD that's relevant for the fabs is a good move.

>> No.15983476

OP is absolutely heartbreaking. I make fun of the doomerism at times but I actually felt really bad reading that. Very tragic.

>> No.15983480

>the final and irreversible blow to the middle class begins
Its so fucking over bros

STEM was the only way out, now indians are finishing what they started

>> No.15983481

Vote for more immigration

>> No.15983483

Well.. americans ARE pretty bad at most high end jobs. Every metric rates native born americans as pretty mediocre on the global totem pole when compared to other developed countries. Needing to import skilled work is generally pretty reasonable.

As for unskilled labor, Americans obviously COULD do it but I've been to the US and met many people, I think the limiting factor is desire/social stigmas around it.

>> No.15983487

Yeah, I'm not really serious about the dual citizenship. I've previously worked with a clearance so I know there's really know added benefit to dual citizenship unless your birth citizenship is shit.

The German one will involve direct collaboration with GA from day one. Also I know guys at GA and have little interest in working for them.

LLNL made an offer, but they start everybody as a "postdoc" with a 1 year contract and a salary that is ~40-50% below what you can get in industry directly from a PhD. 5 years ago I might have been "passionate" enough to work for peanuts, but my PhD advisor cured me of that. If academia can't survive without underpaying and overworking scientists and engineers, then it can die.

>culture isn't any different as youth is heavily influenced by US anyway
"wala habibi"

>startup development gets throttled by Euregulator
You aren't wrong. Even the CEO of the startup has admitted in several interviews that their plan from the start was to drain the initial round of funding and move to the US unless EU/German bureaucracy magically improves in the next 5 years.

>> No.15983493

I like how you use caps to convey through text your faggy liberal intonation.

>> No.15983499

The US is the 3rd biggest country by population and has the 3rd highest number of universities in the world. If they can't produce skilled labor then something is alarmingly wrong.

>> No.15983505

>work nearly a decade
>I'm just getting started

>> No.15983511

What if my degree (chemistry) requires a PhD to get in?
I think I wasted my time getting the degree.

>> No.15983524

Their skilled labor force is white and demands unreasonably high wages compared to Indians.

>> No.15983526

The chips industry will probably hire the H1Bs, mainly from Taiwan, Japan, and South Korea. None of them will hire American. Not even the janitors, they will be illegal immigrants.

>> No.15983532

Hey /scg/. I have a bsc. And Masters in materials sciece and engineering, and am finishing my PhD in inorganic chemistry (lots of xray diffraction and SEM of magnetic materials). While I might have a chance to continue working where I do (research institute), I always wanted to go back to a more materials engineering, with a more back 2 basics, structural application background. It just so happens that a kind of a dream position of mine opened, to work as a suppmier for aerospace. However the main requirement for the job is finite element analysis (something have no background in). Everything else besides that matches my profile. Is there a way to learn FEA in a short term like 1 month? Or can I try to apply either way and tell them I will learn from the ground up?

>> No.15983534

>supplier for aerospace

>> No.15983552

What's /sci/'s opinion on getting a computer engineering degree?

I'm in high school and it's the career that I identify the most with (i like physics, math, technology etc), plus my grades are fine so I'll probably get into a good college

Are the job prospects good? What about the salaries?

**Not sure if it's relevant but I plan on moving to Europe in the future**

>> No.15983558

I 'graduated' high school online at 20, which only happened because the teachers pushed me out and signed off on the courses despite the fact that I was not doing the work. Fucked around at under the table jobs for 5 years , then took a 100% travel contract job for another 2 years. Now I work at a FAANG despite having zero higher level education, making more than anyone in my family ever has.

Formal education is great if you get something out of it, but realistically you're just wasting a good chunk of your life and putting yourself in debt. I learned more from 15 to 25 ignoring school and doing illegal shit than I ever would have at a university and I'm on track to be able to retire from the stock grants by the time I'm 42, though to be fair I plan to retire outside of the US where my savings are worth a lot more.

>> No.15983594

>galactic brain success story is too stupid to realize his story is a statistical anomaly and recommends it as a path for emulation to others
You might as well tell us to buy lotto tickets.

>> No.15983629

>"Be high IQ" is the best life advice you can give
>But nobody can respec their character
This world is kind of sad

>> No.15983674

You have a terrible character. None of your success is due to your character nor your iq, so the other anon is only partially wrong.

>> No.15983750

I am a current undergrad in a STEM field at a small school.
I don't have high hopes for my career fair at my school, but I have an idea for possibly getting into a much more notable school's career fair.

If I were caught inside the career fair, do you think employers would turn me into security once I reveal my identity via resume? Do you think I can actually face criminal charges if caught?

>> No.15983780

>should i end up dead or get a dead end degree?
flip a coin :)

>> No.15983788

how close are you with your girlfriend
how attractive are you?
if you replied: not so much to the first, and very to the second, you should drop her and move to the states.

>> No.15983791
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>Very tragic.
True, and avoiding that is a big part of this general. He probably didn't get any real help or advice. Many people I know as well as myself didn't get good advice either, and after crashing out of several imploding companies I consider myself lucky I finally ended up in a good job. Luck favours the well prepared, they say, but luck counts for more than I am comfortable with. A few of my colleagues could have gone on to a paid for PhD, had they gotten good advice.

So that is what this is about, and also the importance of staying comfy.

>> No.15983811

Do universities in the US take account grading philosophy and other location factors when filtering grad applications?
I did ETHZ and EPFL and both have high workload and terrible grades/effort ratios. Last time I checked, some guy with 5.7/6 was the highest GPA of all faculties and there is a special award for it every year. These schools also do not reveal ranking unless you are an outstanding student.
I wonder if all this shit will be taken into account when I'll apply for a PhD, because I know that in the US, good schools get applications from robot autists with 4.0 GPAs and who somehow had also time to publish in the meantime.

I have a lot of lab experience, both in academia (ETHZ labs) and industry (Intel + AMD). But no paper. Should I delay graduation to try and get a paper?

I want to move out of Europe and aim for a US school of relatively similar level, however they're all super filtering so I'm not sure if it's even worth the effort.

I have a CS undergrad and physics grad (I switched from CS to physics for my Masters). My focus is mostly hardware design, computer architecture, semiconductors etc, I want to work on the gap between physics and computing (think about how phase transition somehow relates to computational complexity in statistical physics, I do this kind of stuff).

>> No.15984029

>I wonder if all this shit will be taken into account when I'll apply for a PhD,
GPA is one of the last things they look for as long as it's not terrible. I got accepted into my PhD program without them ever even checking if I actually graduated let alone my grades.

>Should I delay graduation to try and get a paper?
Absolutely not. If you have the material try putting out a preprint on arxiv or something. But generally speaking having a prior publication isn't a minimum requirement but rather a "nice-to-have".

Research lab experience + industry experience + good schools should make you a competitive applicant as long as the program you apply to isn't too broad.

>> No.15984178

Are you white or pajeet?

>> No.15984180

I think nobody really cares desu. Just do what you have to do my fellow hustler.

>> No.15984184

I'm looking to do a PhD in (most likely nuclear) physics in the fall. What are additional skills I should cultivate to get past HR filters? Where/how can I find internships?

>> No.15984188

Seek out nuclear power companies and see if you can collaborate with them in your research.

>> No.15984252

It's more like companies do not want to pay native-born Americans high wages so they hire foreign instead. Since the workforce is foreign, it makes it seem like Americans are not capable of skilled labor, making more companies hire foreign.
>H1B abuse is illegal!!1
Yes, but no one cares.

>> No.15984385

Power companies have basically nothing to do with physics research.

>> No.15984415

Welp, let me tell you about modern mysticism.
States fund and carpet bomb education on us because that is practically a state-subsidy for businesses to not have to train you.
What they say is that it is in hopes that the right people, in the right place, will some how, at some point in their lives, make some kind of innovation or discovery.
Another aspect is to teach respecting hierarchy, and subconsciously bending over backwards for the nanny state.

>> No.15984439

If you cannot apply the theory and what you have been taught in school, you are fucking useless and you know it. Just seek them out and see what you can do together you dolt.

>> No.15984446

I worked at a power company. They don't handle physics problems. They handle engineering problems. They are not interested in solving physics problems.

>> No.15984447

Yeah turns out your IQ was more important than a lifetime of education and experience

>> No.15984452

>join the military as an officer
Hopefully just south of a masters myself, but flunked during secondary
How hard will it be to argue my qualifications?

>> No.15984456

Ok, why didn't you say theoretical nuclear physics which will propel you straight into the holy grail of unemployenium. Enjoy being an academic for life.

>> No.15984480

>all that work
>have to live surrounded by californians (read: mexicans)
Yeah germany's the way to go.

>> No.15984484

You're an engineer, aren't you?

>> No.15984492

Nope. Try again.

>> No.15984504
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drunk buddy of mine says the economy will jump back up in 2024 and employers will be flocking to us to work for 100-200k starter salary.
this year will be our year bros

>> No.15984529

>States fund and carpet bomb education on us because that is practically a state-subsidy for businesses to not have to train you.
This really isn't true though.
The overlap between what you learn in school and what your job duties will be in the workplace is basically zero.
The most relevant thing I learned in my entire academic career was probably a module in 6th grade about Microsoft Office.

>> No.15984535

Are you a nuclear physicist?

>> No.15984541

Dear engineers

How difficult is your job compared to college?

>> No.15984570

Army warrant officer is what youre looking for

>> No.15984574

I have an education that makes money. Not an education that impresses midwits on reddit.

>> No.15984586

Thanks for admitting to being a blowhard.

>> No.15984593

Prestige does not pay your bills. Being able to solve real life problems gets it done.

>> No.15984594


>> No.15984605

What's the PhD qualifier like at your department and school?
>8 days for an 8 page research proposal on one of three topics given to you day 1
>90 minute presentation + Q&A block with 3 faculty on day 9
It was AWFUL

>> No.15984617

That's nice.

>> No.15984629

>H1B visa expansions
>hundreds of thousands of unskilled labor flooding from the southern borders
>Women flooding all aspects of white-collar work (and some blue-collar ones too)
>Boomers refusing to retire
>Quality of academia continues to worsen
It's over. It's only a matter of time. RIP America.

>> No.15984637

>H1B visa expansion

>> No.15984651

Sourced from a previous post. The government is planning to relax H1B visa restrictions of let in 10,000 more "chipmaker visas" (The chips are designed in America, but produced in Taiwan, but whatever). The justification for this is to prevent a job labor shortage of 67,000 people. American universities produce ~500,000 STEM grads in total, but only ~10% of those grads find STEM jobs. So it's clear that it's not about labor shortage, but having employees with less bargaining power/leverage when it comes to employee salaries and benefits.
Or maybe those Indian and Chinese universities really do have something magical going on that transforms their students in 140+ IQ tech wizards, who knows.

>> No.15984657

>American universities produce ~500,000 STEM grads in total, but only ~10% of those grads find STEM jobs.

>> No.15984660

I was using 2020-2021 data. It's probably more now as people want to take a break from the harsh labor market.

>> No.15984665

I'd really love to know what these "chipmaker jobs" entail.
I know the normies are supposed to just see "chipmaker" and be dazzled but I need more detail about what exactly are the duties of these positions.

>> No.15984687

There aren't even that many "chipmaker jobs" to begin with and the ones that are filled have high employee turnover because TSMC brought over their Asian-style work model to the US. So despite a $52 billion subsidy from the Biden Admin, major tech companies still refuse to hire American or treat them like shit and insist on hiring foreign labor or else we lost the semiconductor race (America is already winning, btw) and lose to China (their fab facilities are sourced from the West). Why hiring American and having proper work conditions wasn't a stipulation when receiving what is essentially free government money is beyond me. It's not like the fab facilities made in Arizona will be able to compete with the ones in Taiwan or the Netherlands anyways since it's only 4 nanometers.

>> No.15984699

You can tell a a field is starting to oversaturate when you need a Masters or PhD to start being competitive. But I guess that just all of STEM now.

>> No.15984729

But what do they need so many for? Are these engineers or factory floor workers? The manufacturing process is heavily automated.
I love how Taiwanese act like Americans are simply too stupid to understand chipmaking when the semiconductor was literally invented here.

>> No.15984778

I have a high IQ (>140, actually verified by multiple professional tests).

I'm working as a high school math teacher and I'm kind of bored. Math degree.

What field should I get into so that I don't squander my high IQ? Or does my IQ even count for anything?

>> No.15984790

Where do I go to discuss technical topics with others? I am in a university. Online and in person it seems nobody is interested.

>> No.15984792

>reddit spacing

>> No.15984806

Professional student societies. Especially when they get expert talks as events.

>> No.15984812

Not going to dump the GF, been together for a decade. My career only ever made me miserable, she makes me happy. I don't mind the US myself but being here alone isn't great.

It's true that the way to exchange target school physics PhD for $$$ is to go quant. I occasionally get approached by recruiters and I know I could get an interview by just asking. I know with equal certainty that I would not pass that interview right now, since my PhD was basically chemistry parading as physics and I haven't seen an equation for 5 years. With significant preparation it might be possible, but I don't currently have the time to get that done.

A lab PhD has not many transferable skills and most of the relevant jobs require me to move very far. It was very fortuitous that my old hometown had something halfway relevant.

>> No.15984837

Do you really believe learning life skills for 10 years instead of finishing school and seeking out work that looks like it has good opportunity to something greater is a "galaxy brain" move? Tons of people go into trades instead of education, I just chose my own "learning" path.

For anyone pre-college here, I absolutely do recommend taking some time to work and learn things that interest you. Even if you end up going into university after, you'll have more wisdom and hopefully not do some bullshit where you drop out of half your classes for one reason or another.

Life experience will always > formal education across the board.

Oh and buy lotto tickets, just to spite this guy if you win.

>> No.15984842

I just started my mechanical engineering degree. What industries are immigrants b& by law from working in? Also being from a blue collar background seeing rich stemfags complaining about immigrants stealing their jobs gives me such schadenfreude. Weve been dealing with this shit since the 80s, hows it feel faggots?

>> No.15984868

Why do people come on here and aggressively act like redditors? Are you really that desperate for attention? Laying it on a bit thick no?

>> No.15984869

Why would it give you schadenfreude when you're going to be in the same boat?
I can see why your family was working class.

>> No.15984873

cult of passion is running as Anonymous after being BTFO'd last night, now would be the time he woke up and started posting
way he writes is pretty blatent

>> No.15984881
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> new fag

>> No.15984884
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>phone screencap
>doesnt know how how markdown works
it's markdown spacing, what REDDIT uses. neou reddit has their fancy typer to press twice but you cant be falling for posts made last year as justification.

>> No.15984888

Because at least now were all in it so things will change now that richfags are affected

>> No.15984891

> Nice red herring
It doesn’t matter if it’s markdown. The user doesn’t see the backend code structure of the text input.

>> No.15984892

Imagine being this desperate to sound, correct (While so, obviously wrong)

>> No.15984895
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this. fucker. is. lying. to. you.
new reddit came out in 2018; until that point, they used s simple box with markdown
this is a fact, a screencap from 2023 making up shit does not change this

>> No.15984910

Cope more

>> No.15984927

I heard you can get paid interships in college. Sounds too good to be true..?

>> No.15984930

People get paid summer internships all the time. I was paid to work in the lab as an undergrad

>> No.15984932

I went back to uni to get a phd after working for some years. I don't know if kids today are more retarded or if they've always been like this
>TA for a lab
>lab document is extrememly comprehensive
>get constant questions of "i did everything out of order and skipped parts I didn't feel like, how am I supposed to get the results at the end now, it doesnt work?"

>> No.15984936

Yeah, you can if you either got {{{good connections}}} or if you're willing to work for less than what the average Burger King line worker earns.

>> No.15984937

please help

>> No.15984939

We Americans can do jobs which require citizenship and security clearances ;^)

>> No.15984944

I'm paid 2k a month as an adjunct
there's also co-ops and positions as a TA which involve the uni that >>15984932 has firsthand experience in
grad grant (fellowships and the like) > scholarship > adjunct researcher > paid internship > co-op (typically integrated with your education, so your payrate changes as time invested) > anything unpaid > TAship/Grader

>> No.15984948

I get paid 2.7k a month as a TA plus free tuition, not sure why you would put it last

>> No.15984954

get ready for finals, TAships suck balls compared to hourly work. I do less hours for the same rate (due to lab funding), bit it's so much easier. plus I get better healthcare.
will never be a TA again, I graded their reports LIGHTLY and two motherfuckers had the gall to try to get a regrade from my supervisor, who luckily knows how to read and tore them a new asshole in his assessment.

fucking post-covid undergrads are absolute retards. working with seniors trying to get into medschool in the current climate is too much.

>> No.15984957

Im a TA for my advisors class because he only trusts me. I do maybe 5-7 hours a week max of TA stuff. Healthcare is the same for all grad students no matter what, so it's irrelevant. Depending on the stage you are at of grad school, being on a funded project is nice if it aligns with your thesis, but at the moment where I'm class complete and just writing my thesis I am perfectly happy to be a TA rather than work on some DARPA project that has no overlap with my thesis

>> No.15984965

ok, yea if you're stuck maintaining another prof's projects I could see how that would be a pain. not in that situation. I receive employee healthcare and some travel benefits instead of the gradstudent deductible system they have for TAships, RAships, and graders tho.

>> No.15984971

I don't know how it is for biology or med school or whatever, but I'm in electrical engineering. I had some seed funding for a year and worked on another project that had some level of overlap. All those projects ended though and the funding my advisor has now is related in topic (hardware security) but is completely different than anything in my thesis. The class has overlaps with what I do, though, and is a grad course, so being a TA is alright because it just reinforces what I know. If I was a TA for some random professor I didn't know in some bullshit undergrad class, yeah, that would suck

>> No.15985095

>What field should I get into so that I don't squander my high IQ?
Statistics frequently posted in IQ threads suggest you should go for Physics.

>> No.15985203
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>REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEeeee nice spacing of text in your responses REEEEEEEE

>> No.15985284


>> No.15985285

Reddit spacing was mentioned one (1) singular time itt.
Kys non-stem faggots

>> No.15985289

>I think my academically-geared CV doesn't actually have anything of real-world value
I have been where you are (except from th eGF part) and your skills do have real.world value.

>A lab PhD has not many transferable skills
What? I did an experimental PhD, spent a lot of time in the lab. You get to learn a lot of practical skills from soldering, instrumentation, finding and fixing problems. It all boils down to how you present your skill base.

>> No.15985315

unless you have 150 iq and can design ASIC or are a genius at FPGA, most jobs pay like shit

>> No.15985348

From what I keep hearing blue-collar jobs are the ones making bank; constantly hearing shit like "I make $200k as a welder/electrician/plumber/PLC programmer after 3/4/5 years." Were you parents convicts or something? I heard the only poor people in trades are the former criminals carrying the 2x4s. There's no way you guys are not rich, richer than most STEMfags.

>> No.15985351

The only richfags in STEM are the engineers and the ones in pharma. Meanwhile the trades are:
>I'm a millionaire despite graduating from trade school only one year ago and I'm not even unionized (yet)

>> No.15985352

Unless you have certifications for those, it doesn't matter.

>> No.15985354

Its their only source of pride, and just like Japan, they fail to realize the only reason they're doing well economically is thanks to the US. Let them have it.

>> No.15985441

The state doesn't know where you're going. It teaches you everything. That's the problem.
It is subsidizing all businesses in all fields that way.

>> No.15985546

My school doesn't really have these. There are some that exist with active presidents but they haven't met in years. So I can't really start a chapter of something at my school. Online too if I try to make a post or general about a technical topic nobody will reply and the threa dies.

>> No.15985611

Feeling pretty good about my NEET choices now. How's the grind life going /sci/ bros?

>> No.15985742

Is there any reason to try hard in calculus classes for a CS degree or can I just do the bare minimum? Will any of the knowledge gained from it help me in actually being a good programmer or is it just a formality they make you take for the degree?

>> No.15985922

Dude one time I went to a normie computer lab on campus instead of my usual engineering basement bunker one to print out a last minute lap report.
I walk over to the printer and see there's a big pile of papers next to the printers. I look through them and it's 3 or 4 guys' freshman comp writing assignments that they must have made too many copies of, and just left them there.
Now, I didn't go to some hyper elite school like Harvard, but this was a respectable nationally known R1 state school with all the accreditations and honors you could want, yet these fuckers wrote at like a 5th grade level. I am not exaggerating at all. There are lots of people nowadays who just have no business being at university yet they are there for whatever reason.

>> No.15985929

Don't know how it is in CS but in EE the calculus sequence was considered free easy classes so you were supposed to get easy As in there to pad your GPA for when it inevitably took a hit.

>> No.15985940

My dad has been an electrician for 30 years in hospitals (were the quality of work and reliability actually matters) and he only makes like $60k a year.

>> No.15986049

Really? I was thinking about working in software mostly (i didn't choose computer science because i like physics and i want to have an engineering degree), so basically being a coder

Idk what ASIC is but is it too hard to learn?

>> No.15986059

I know it's anecdotal but my uncles used to be technicians and they started making a whole lot more afeter graduating in engineering. Of course a lot has changed in the job market since then, but still

It's possible to make good money in trade but it's also not so easy. Don't trust everything you see on tiktok

>> No.15986078

many such cases. think of how much time and money is wasted on our current "education system" (it's just a make work program for useless women). imagine how much better off you would be if you could have been saving for a house instead of being forced to discuss "Native Son" with some bitter old lady. but hey at least youre more "well rounded" now lol totally worth it

>> No.15986102

Yeah I've been toying around in my head with this concept of "negative work" - where one person's "productivity" actually detracts from another person's productivity.
It's like we have entire industries that do nothing but throttle other industries. Yet GDP makes no distinction between this, it just considers all work as positive and productive, even though clearly some work comes at the cost of other work.

>> No.15986103

the only time it comes up is big O notation in estimating complexity and run time. basically just need to know if your function is comparable to polynomial, log, or exponential e.g a nested loop with n levels scales like x^n. you are much better off learning basic combinatorics, graph theory, and modular arithmetic.

>> No.15986189
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>ITT: unemployed undergrads, failed phds and NEETs
Are none of you retards actual academics?
There are plenty of other boards for your inane doomposting.

>> No.15986288

How fucked am I if I don't complete the security clearance form in time? Company gave me 6 days to do it. The stupid website has been down for 2 days. I have no friends and have to reach out to people that probably don't remember me. It's Friday so they probably won't even check my messages until Monday.

>> No.15986301

Nigga he jumped

>> No.15986307

>w-wait you guys don't have credentials
The current state of academia.

>> No.15986319

>It's Friday so they probably won't even check my messages until Monday.
Pick up the telephone. You have nothing to lose.

>> No.15986321

This thread exists purely for those reasons though

>> No.15986335

See >>15983791

>> No.15986359

Not a single person ITT is talking about getting papers published, going to conferences, etc. It's not about the qualifications, nobody here is doing any science.

Big difference between giving/asking for advice and whining about the job market.

>> No.15986363
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Hubris is an ugly sin. He should have accepted the fact that he was a try hard retard without luck.

>> No.15986366

Bumping this post. I want to find people to talk with about technical topics.

>> No.15986383
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LMAO, that is just parasites with extra steps. The solution is quite simple: rivers of leftist and neocons blood, and all the billionaires who pushed for woke shit impaled and burned alive.

>> No.15986384

Why do science when you can get paid? Money >>>> Science

>> No.15986386

hmm, I found a discord surrounding my interests in biotech and the like, one for cell culturing, and another for comp bio. I know LinkedIn has facebook-style communities (but literally all the posts are self-promotion)
you can find public listings of servers but I never used that sort of shit, I was invited from an adjacent server after introducing with my interests and what I wanted to look for.

>> No.15986388

That is prostitution with extra steps.

>> No.15986389
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how many times do I have to apply to get an interview like jfc

>> No.15986393

Almost as if the image drives the narrative or something. Also, is your whining to be interpreted as a paper that's you're going to publish in the next conference you're going to attend on why 4chan doesn't verify the posters qualifications? Why wouldn't you do what you preach instead of crying? Big ego, huh?

>> No.15986394

Then there are several more suitable boards for you to post on. Try /biz/ or /g/

>> No.15986395

its designing chips at silicon level

>> No.15986396

Harder than ever thanks to the woke crap and the pieces of shit that voted for biden.

>> No.15986399

this to be fucking honest

>> No.15986410

>Almost as if the image drives the narrative or something
A valid complaint towards OP.

>why 4chan doesn't verify the posters qualifications
Again, it's not about the credentials. It's the fact that the majority of the discussion here is off-topic and would fit better in at /twg/.

The general is already only tenuously on topic for the board, and if the discussions aren't at least oriented around /sci/ careers then we'd be better off having the jannies delete them.

>> No.15986411

That seems interesting. I will look on discord but I don't like it. I really prefer a more forum style of communication.

>> No.15986415

yea, one of the communities in fact USED to be a forum, but the website in their pinned comment is now just a landing page for the admin's lab

>> No.15986430

I like math and money.

>> No.15986488

Do you have to actually know the shit you're majoring in to get into paid interships? Can you lie your way into them like with job interviews?

>> No.15986703

I’m a consultant (civil engineer) for one of the largest commercial builders in the country. I spend 95% of my time at their beck and call. One of their biggest competitors offered me a job.

How bad would it look if i took the job? Do you think it is a confidentiality issue. I make 70k now and would be making 85k.

>> No.15986727

This entire site is doomposting. It's literally the only reason to come here

>> No.15986729

Are you retarded?
You're not a slave. They can't stop you from taking another job.

>> No.15986757

No one on this shitty board talks about science. It's undergrads and politics all the way. There's plenty of people here who have PhDs and postdocs and whatever, myself included. I have on occasion tried to make science content and 4chan is simply not a good platform for that. It's high effort niche interest and so gets deleted and is then gone.

This thread is a gangbang of whining but it is one of the more on-topic threads on the board. You know what the biggest obstacle between me and doing science is? Getting a job doing science and not wanting to fucking neck myself. I imagine many others are in a similar position. Therefore the science career thread is relevant. The OP image, depressing as it is, should give you some idea of just how important and often frustrating the job-getting part is.

On a tangentially related note, one of the biggest issues I have had in academia as an autismal loner is that I don't have a group of people telling me who's who and what's what. That is, I lack inside knowledge of which names/groups are doing good work right now, what conferences are particularly worth going to, what journals have a turbo shit review process and whatever. If one were very worried about the lack of science content on /sci/, I could see some value and interest in some kind of a general for discussion of such goings-on. Not gonna make one though, but maybe you can be the change you want to see.

>> No.15986765

So petition the gook for a real science board or go consult the league of extraordinary gentleman over at reddit. No one fucking cares you retarded faggot.

>> No.15986768

Yeah but I do very good work and want a sparkling reference

>> No.15986773

What difference does it make they already gave you the offer
Do you idiots ever think before you run your big fat mouths?

>> No.15986893
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>> No.15986991

take the job.

>> No.15987165

>It's high effort niche interest
Especially true considering how niche different branches of research are. even within the same subfield.

>There's plenty of people here who have PhDs and postdocs and whatever
Yet most of them don't seem to post in these threads kek.

>You know what the biggest obstacle between me and doing science is? Getting a job doing science and not wanting to fucking neck myself.
See, this is at least on-topic whining, so I don't mind this at all.
It's also a very common problem among academics who don't find a tenure track position. Apparently there are a ton of tenured positions in northern europe that are quite easily attainable, with the caveat that the salary is lackluster and you have to live in the middle of nowhere at basically a no-name research university. I have one colleague who went that route, ended up in Sweden, and two others who have that as their plan B.

>> No.15987202

>middle of nowhere
i dont understand cityslickers who have to live among the hustle and bustle. can people just not enjoy their life if they're not constantly surrounded by hundreds of thousands of strangers and living in a shitty apartment?

>> No.15987233

It's less about the town and more about the research opportunities. Smaller town, fewer people, fewer students, smaller school, less funding, harder to do the research you want to do.

>> No.15987290

>Apparently there are a ton of tenured positions in northern europe that are quite easily attainable
Where specifically?

>> No.15987304

Finland and Sweden anecdotally, also the Netherlands, Norway and Denmark to some extent. Usually through promotion internally after an associate position.

>> No.15987325

How much of maths should I well versed with if I want to start research in computational graphics and vision from undergrad itself ? I heard that it requires a lot of probability and stats like (stochastic calculus ?)

We have recently been introduced to multivariable calc.
T. 1st year majoring in Electronics and computer engineering

>> No.15987330
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move to a top 10 city and you'll be sure to start at 90k or 100k

>> No.15987339

Linear algebra is the most used one, followed by calc, prob, and stats (in that order).
If you're just going to work with computer graphics (like in video games) then you can get away with just linalg, but machine vision stuff quickly gets into deep learning and other things, and then the other three become a lot more important.

>> No.15987379

Any particular books which contain those math topics in concise way and CS books which can help on how to begin research ?

I also took an introduction to real analysis so yeah I do know few things of calc 2 and calc3.....

>> No.15987441

is cosmetic chemistry a good carrier choice? what about risk assessment in pharma?

>> No.15987458

The only reason it is this high is because tech jobs make a lot, skewing the average.

>> No.15987470
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since you want to discuss papers and publishing.

My first paper is going to get published soon in a journal with these metrics. Considering it's research carried out in just 2 weeks and was only a field course project for which you only needed to write some paper for grading, it's not bad. I'm first author since I wanted to publish to make me more hirable, it took longer than expected of course. The field's experts who lead us said publishing here was aiming high, it's so sad my field is so irrelevant and this is a good IF for them. Anything around 3 is a standard GOOD big publication, over that there's only Nature and good luck with that lol.

>> No.15987473
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to be honest all jobs pay like that in those cities.
law jobs in those cities also pay like that.
just live there and you'll make it

>> No.15987582

Is there any mechanical engineering job where you actually:
> design in CAD
> fabricate yourself and build
> test and redesign

and you are responsible for the whole project?

Or is it more like:
> write a bunch of boring design documents on Word all day
> edit some CAD files behind a computer all day
> make BOM documents on Excel all day

I've seen MIT guys get jobs like the former, but are most of them actually the latter?
In other words, how do I become a real life Mythbusters guy?

>> No.15987606

Not working, get a job, 0%.

>> No.15987612

It's not a particularly impressive journal. That doesn't really matter though in this context. Outside of active researchers in your field nobody will have heard of journals outside the very top ones. Predatory journals will be radioactive on your CV so avoid those obviously. Since you talk about coursework and hiring I guess you're an undergrad in which case just having a publication is more of a check-box kind of thing. In fact, on a personal level, I'm likely to believe you significantly contributed research to a first-author publication in a meh journal, whereas if someone has a high-impact paper as an undergrad I would assume it was mostly the work of others.

How is under 3k/month a top 10 high paying city? Why is everyone so poor holy shit, none of those salaries will pay off a mortgage in any of those cities during a working lifetime.

>> No.15987658

At the junior level, it's going to be a lot of the latter.

>> No.15987697

>Is there any mechanical engineering job where you actually:
>> design in CAD
>> fabricate yourself and build
>> test and redesign
Uhh maybe if you work at a tiny company with like 3 employees.
Any respectable company that has something decent going will have this thing called division of labor. Do you want to clean the bathroom and take out the trash too?

>> No.15987747

>Predatory journals will be radioactive on your CV so avoid those obviously
MDPI looking kinda fresh tho ngl. They have some high IF journals that keep growing. Read some people debating whether it is actually predatory or not, to me it looked like they simply try to speed up the whole publication process and "hire" many reviewers to do so. Not having to wait 3 months for tards who barely speak English to make questionable comments (like for the aforementioned journal) would be nice.
>Since you talk about coursework and hiring I guess you're an undergrad
It was during my MSc at the time, started a PhD very recently. Still put "paper in the process of getting published" in my CV, better than nothing
>In fact, on a personal level, I'm likely to believe you significantly contributed research to a first-author publication in a meh journal, whereas if someone has a high-impact paper as an undergrad I would assume it was mostly the work of others
preach, that is simply always the truth. I have seen people manage to have their names on Nature as undergrads, simply by being in the right place at the right time. Instead, as a first author I had to deal with writing and rewriting everything after comments and a number of reviews and much more. Not to mention that I was the only one pushing for getting a paper out of our small research, working in my free time on it.

>> No.15987759

This is your fate. This is what you chose. There is no turning back.

>> No.15988035

No it's not a confidentiality issue. If it bothers you that much, show your manager the offer and ask for a raise.

>> No.15988071

Have you checked your employment contract for any anti-competition clauses? Even if they are not legally enforcable, they can still be a lot of hassle.

>> No.15988074
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Do brain-heavy careers have interesting people? From what I've seen online, smart people in adulthood fragment in a few ways: The truly smart guys hyperfocus on very technical & specific problems, while a much larger group of dudes is skilled in one area and mistakenly believes skill at 1 thing transfers to other disciplines like biology/economics/politics (especially engineers do this) so they give broad, sweeping takes which are actually just nonsense. Many people are generalists and try to keep up with advances everywhere, which could pay off in decades but in the short-term they're like Jeopardy! contests and can talk about a wide number of things on a shallow level. Usually they talk about whatever shit Tesla or OpenAI is doing rather than anything actually interesting. Anyway just curious if this matches your experience, or what it's like out there etc.

>> No.15988335

>mistakenly believes skill at 1 thing transfers to other disciplines like biology/economics/politics (especially engineers do this)
But this is true. Someone who can intuitively understand concepts in engineering and apply information can learn something like biology or economics just as easily as people in those fields did.
>anything actually interesting.
What do you think is interesting?

>> No.15988377

coding or data science

>> No.15988381

I think he's more saying that engineers tend to delude themselves that they can "fix" problems in fields without training
Take a shot every time a software engineer offers his take on something other than software engineering. It's one thing to realize that there's a problem, talk to smart people about it, and build a solution (that's just business), but you'll just as easily get glorified idea guys or circle-squarers.

>> No.15988398

t. academic
Private company R&D engineers do this all the time. Their entire jobset is a all-in-one because you don't minutely divide out a project that may only have a dozen or two people on it.
That being said, this jobs are rare. I was in a fortune 200 company which had maybe a dozen engineers that did this, though to be fair, we only had two major projects.

>> No.15988415


>> No.15988418

Not only that but they oversimplify everything
Biology and economics are so hard because the moment anyone tries to generalize something they find examples that contradict it. There aren't many comfy laws in these subjects that describe & simplify everything, just tendencies that are more or less likely to occur

>> No.15988450

Well, I had the interview. It went well. I would be interested in hearing what anons think.

>Small (20 people) young company working on III-V semiconductors, they have their own technology to incorporate into existing materials/production lines for improved performance
>Recently got $millions in a funding round and EU funding so they're currently expanding
>Active R&D, developing the current tech, applying it to new materials/devices, improving characterization, some quite out-there projects in the mix
>They have flexible work hours and generally seemed chill and down-to-earth, lots of ex-academics

They didn't have relevant open positions advertised, I reached out to them and sent my CV. Interview with CTO, seemed impressed with my work even though it's somewhat different from what they do (my research is organic semiconductors and not at the device level). Told they're interested in me and to send them my salary expectation, which would be followed by CEO interview etc.

My main issues:
>Couldn't really get a proper picture of exactly what my role would be (as I didn't apply for an advertised opening). Developing characterization and general research came up but not very specifically
>Told me they pay "competitive" salary but I'm pretty sure that's still like 60k max because of the country and the size of the business. Could try negotiating stock options.
>Limited mobility in an operation this size, and of course nobody has ever heard of them since it's so early on. Basically unless they grow a lot I won't be moving upwards.

Then again, I already have the brand names from degree/postdoc universities and this would be industrial semiconductor experience so I'm sure I could bounce elsewhere after a few years if it doesn't look like it'll take off.

>> No.15988470

The flip side to the low salary is that I could probably straight up buy a flat in the city centre. In terms of work-life balance and so on it's probably as good as it'll get as well. I genuinely have wanted actual industry experience for a while and now seems like as good a time as ever.

But to be honest I'm a little sad about leaving academia not entirely on my own terms, I think it's probably a one-way door. And even though I recognize this is stupid/vain/whatever it does feel like this is the easy way out. I'm sure part of the reason they were eager to hire me is that they don't get many applicants like me, which tells me I could probably aim higher.

>> No.15988472

How do you keep motivation or discipline yourself to keep studying for hours on end? After one hour, I have a hard time continuing.

>> No.15988498
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Why does STEM Master's program reject so many people, like people who didn't major in STEM as an undergrad? Don't they know that they may be missing out on the next Edward Witten?

>> No.15988506

The vast majority of people in technical jobs are entirely on-rails.
What you experience when you talk to them is not expertise but rather self-image.

>> No.15988652

Metrics will vary a lot depending on the field, as you already know. For a first-time publication it's perfectly fine, great even since you just started grad school. You need to have the minimum number of publications to graduate as soon as possible just to mitigate any risks with supervisors, funding, etc.

Yeah I'd avoid MDPI right now unless you really need to graduate soon and haven't reached the publication requirements for your program. From my understanding, not all of their journals are predatory, but seeing MDPI on blacklists from places like Finland and Norway, it's better to avoid them.
Also in my experience (within my field) a lot of papers that get published in MDPI journals are of lower quality, there is no doubt that their review process is less rigorous (regardless of whether they are truly predatory or not). Frequent errors in annotation, nomenclature, questionable citations... worst one I have seen was a reference to a non-existent theorem without any citation, which somehow passed peer review.
So TLDR; even if they're not predatory, MDPI journals don't have a great reputation.

>> No.15988661

In my experience, the ones that hyperfocus on an interdisciplinary area of study are very fun to work with and to talk to in general. Naturally a lot of the discussion will center around the work/research, but then again that's natural as colleagues who like their jobs.
Now the reason why I mention interdisciplinary specifically is because that might be the reason why they're more fun to talk to.
Comparing myself with my colleagues for example, my background is primarily in computation, while another colleague had his background in econometrics. Even though I knew his subfield fairly well, and he was likewise perfectly capable of coding etc., we are both highly aware of the limitations of our skills/knowledge relative to each other, and are able to appreciate the perspective the other brings.
I feel like that perhaps widens our perspective and makes us less dogmatic about our respective fields.

People buy into the dogma of their field, that their tools, problems, and solutions are the only ones and can be used for everything. Funnily enough, a lot of different engineering fields independently come up with the same ideas but with different names and slight variations, like how aeronautical engineers came up with systems engineering concepts that are suspiciously similar to some software engineering concepts.

>> No.15988669

>I'm a little sad about leaving academia not entirely on my own terms
There is this one trick you could pull, which is ask the company to make the role an industrial postdoc position. Effectively, this would mean that 1) you have a different title (which seems fine since they talk about general research), 2) you would have to publish some papers related to the work you do there, and potentially 3) you would have to do some sort of collaboration with a university research group (although coming from academia you should be able to organize this yourself).
The pros with this approach is that you don't completely lock yourself out of academia. The cons are that you would probably have to do more work organizing and publishing the research. There's also the fine balance between publishing research and making the company more renown and revealing trade secrets. Depending on the branch of physics you studied, you might be able to separate your research from the business enough that you won't make the company less competitive by publishing.

top kek

>> No.15988705

I did this for some reason and used the gi bill to pay for grad school.
>To be a soldier is to suffer
It's not gonna make a difference that you're an O vs an E. We all get hit with the same shitball.
>Surviving your term is a real question
I saw people die for retarded reasons. Towards the end I really worried about it.
>It will scratch whatever itch you have and be worth it anyways
>The benefits are unparalleled
EZ VA gibs for life if you go to the doctor for every little thing while you're in.
>the force is stupid and will make you stupid
I had to retrain my brain to think again.
>It's actually good experience
You do such a wide variety of stuff and have huge responsibilities that make for pretty fat resume bullets.
Overall I probably could have just borrowed and done grad school to get out of the hole I was in, but realistically I was too immature and too much of a pussy to succeed before the military.

>> No.15988837

Patent attorney reporting in.
>Do brain-heavy careers have interesting people?
I think my line of work counts as brain-heavy. A lot of us have a research background and a PhD, and then we have to learn a lot about the legal side, and language (foreign and native) is also very important. A lot of my colleagues are intersting with a wide range in interests, including arts and history, especially literature and ancient history for some mysterious reason.
>From what I've seen online, smart people in adulthood fragment in a few ways: The truly smart guys hyperfocus on very technical & specific problems, while a much larger group of dudes is skilled in one area and mistakenly believes skill at 1 thing transfers to other disciplines like biology/economics/politics (especially engineers do this) so they give broad, sweeping takes which are actually just nonsense.
We get to meet a lot of deeply specialised inventors, so you quickly learn to be humble when it comes to fields that are outsude your own. Some parts such as the scientific method, can be applied in most areas. From time to time we are asked to join in the research activity on a hands on level, which always is interesting. With an open mind you get to learn a lot of new things.
>Many people are generalists and try to keep up with advances everywhere, which could pay off in decades but in the short-term they're like Jeopardy! contests and can talk about a wide number of things on a shallow level. Usually they talk about whatever shit Tesla or OpenAI is doing rather than anything actually interesting. Anyway just curious if this matches your experience, or what it's like out there etc.
My experience is that with more education and more research experience, people make fewer assumptions, to the point that it can annoy generalists.

>> No.15988872

I am an engineering student. It seems half of graduates becomes bitter virgins and the other half find long-term partners. This is just from me looking at my professors and people in the field. How do I become one of the lucky few?

>> No.15989084

MDPI has some sketchy journals, so I'd be cautious about publishing with them.
Just this week some of their guest editors were exposed for taking bribes to accept articles

>> No.15989113

More changed in the 19th century than the 20th, back when you stem fags were probably on the farm

>> No.15989121

>non-stem nigger posting about stem majors in a stem thread on a stem board
rent free

>> No.15989182


My recent MDPI take is that I found an article which I'm pretty sure is outright measurement errors on common dyes and biomolecules explained as arising from symmetry breaking by the weak interactions. It certainly should not have passed peer review, or even the editor's desk to be honest. I don't really read any of their journals but this came up when I was doing some literature searching and doesn't give a very good impresson.

Article in question: https://www.mdpi.com/2073-8994/11/3/363

Then again I've seen more reputable journals publish as dual emission what is certainly just degradation products so who knows anymore.

>> No.15989242
File: 129 KB, 850x567, Poster-for-college-of-humanities-at-the-university-of-Utah-2015-Science-can-tell-you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will always be our subordinates.

>> No.15989412

nice reddit poster.

>> No.15989435

decent bait

>> No.15989677

>I have a CS undergrad and physics grad (I switched from CS to physics for my Masters).
You're cracked - congratulations on that, I have some colleagues who studied at ETH, and getting a Master's from there seems quite intense.

>both have high workload and terrible grades/effort ratios.
This spooks me a little. I was pondering ETH for an MSc in CS; this has made me reconsider.
I enjoy hard work, but I'm not (that much of) a masochist; would rather take my time and enjoy the (academic) scenery.

>in the US, good schools get applications from robot autists with 4.0 GPAs and who somehow had also time to publish in the meantime.
>I have a lot of lab experience, both in academia (ETHZ labs) and industry (Intel + AMD).
I believe with this will make your application interesting to AT LEAST some schools, even with
>no paper

Can someone with more experience confirm (or not) what I just said?
An MSc without any publications is really not the end of the world.

>> No.15989811

I'm >>15989677

I apologise, >>15984029. You had already replied to >>15983811, but I failed to realize it.

>> No.15990075

Interview for Facilities Management Internship tomorrow. Any tips or info? I've never done Facilities Management but seems pretty straightforward.

>> No.15990236
File: 357 KB, 579x312, Screenshot 2024-01-16 153710.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>easily spend 4-6 hours a week cooking
That's 20 minutes per meal if you eat 3 times a day, which is below average for your typical normie cooking skills.

You can get that down to 2-3 hours a week if you prep food whenever your slow day is. Just prep raw ingredients that you know how to use across multiple dishes like seasoned chicken breast, par-cooked rice and veggies. Shit, you can even par-cook pasta (5-6 minutes) and then chill rapidly under a cold water rinse... portion in to sandwhich bags and put them in the freezer. When you want pasta just add a little water to the bag and zap it in the microwave for couple of minutes. Do it in a covered bowl if you're a healthfag. I prep my food once a week like this and I can make, say... chicken alfredo on friday with about 5 minutes of finishing work with all of the ingredients that I prepped on sunday (zapping noodles and sauce, while I slice and pan sear my already cooked chicken breast).

t. sous chef back in school for EE because fuck kitchen work.

>> No.15990251

>already cooked chicken breast
cooking pleb here but i'm trying to learn. how do you cook chicken breasts without drying them out? i've tried using numerous thermometers, recalibrating them, everything, but they always say the meat is under temp so i cook it longer, it never gets to temp but i pull it anyway and it's always dry. i hate it.

>> No.15990677

Based sous chef EE student.
>Do it in a covered bowl if you're a healthfag.
What is that supposed to mean? Microwaving uncovered is unhealthy?

>> No.15990700

go fuck yourself

>> No.15990923

Sounds like you are going to become a janitor fren.

>> No.15990939

If you are more into economics, accounting and such, there is now a careers general over at /biz/

>> No.15990949
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>> No.15990962


>> No.15991018

Brine it

>> No.15991074

do you think SWEs should go there instead considering half of them want to work in quant finance or webdev anyways

>> No.15991080

I just want to move to the US man, I see PhD as my only possible entry point.
Im a ETH grad but without stellar grades, although good research experience. Im thinking of engaging in a PhD to move there, I dont think I'll ever get hired from abroad anytime soon.

The lack of opportunities around me and the boring lifestyle is getting to my head, everything moves so slowly, everything is regulated, weather is fucking shit half of the year, boomers everywhere, I am so incredibly jealous of Floridians, Texans, Californians and New Yorker, they live in great states with either amazing culture and lifestyle, or amazing weather, nature a and job opportunities.

I had one (1) internship in California and I was living the dream, I miss those days. All my colleagues were indians who all got in through a MSc degree that they rushed so they could have extra chance in the h1b lottery. But I already got my Masters here.

When reading this thread, I feel sometimes Americans dont realize just how good they have it.

>> No.15991181

Maybe? I did it as an experiment to see if it would gain traction. Maybe I need to do it once a day to see if something happens?

>> No.15991185

I got my PhD position without any published paper at that time (but A LOT of research experience). It's in no way a requirement (in Europe), nobody even mentions them in the application ad. What many require on the other hand is recommendation letters/referee contacts, from 1 up to 3 (hard requirement).
That said, having a publication sire will make you stand out and is a great bonus. A minority of students end up with publications by then end of their MSc here, simply because not everyone does research internships, not everyone cares and getting a paper published requires several months at the fastest, a year or two at the slowest, and people do internship at the end or during their second and final year.
shut the fuck up you are in arguably the best place to work and live, stop crying greener on the other side. Complete retard if you move from Switzerland to some shithole in California.
t. I'm here too

>> No.15991190

Yeah I don't get this either. Why would you move from Switzerland to Cali? Least worth job trade I have heard about. At least straight out of uni. If you have experience and a very golden handshake kind of job lined up, it's another story.

>> No.15991198
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Like he said brine it.

I also like to cook mine covered in a casserole dish with some butter, olive oil, garlic and seasonings. Aim for 155-160 (slightly pink) internal temp, so that when you finish it on a pan it isn't overdone. Let it rest in it's juices and then remove the breasts and freeze them wrapped in airtight clingwrap. Also good for 3 days in the fridge.

>but aren't you supposed to cook chicken to 165?

You do before you eat it... You can hold partially cooked chicken the same way you do raw chicken... in the fridge/freezer. Freezer burn is your enemy because as the ice crystals form they are drawing moisture out of the food and feeding the crystalization on the surface, make sure your meat is wrapped air tight. If you've ever been to a large banquet dinner this is how we did it. How else are we plating 300+ people? Do you think we're cooking everything from scratch 30 minutes prior? All the hot food you eat at a banquet was made that morning and either hot/cold held depending on the food. Kitchen tricks make you think it's fresh, because it still kind of is.

Some people don't like the idea of microwaving things in plastic because of the microplastics and BPA leeching. Plastic sandwhich bags are typically polyethylene though and isn't manufactured with BPA, so it's completely safe... aside from the few nanograms of nanoplastics that MIGHT be present in your food. Can't tell you how many cooks I got in an argument with this with. "Ok fine do it the hard way nigger"... as I throw plastic bags of precooked pasta in the microwave to make your $22 plate of shrimp scampi. We don't have time to cook pasta from raw for every order so we typically do a big batch of 'just under al-dente' and then portion/refrigerate them like so. Most of the cooking is done with the protein and sauce while Chef Mic handles the rest.

picrel but precook the pasta first. Whatever it says for al-dente, shoot for a couple minutes under.

>> No.15991253
File: 119 KB, 1298x949, 1693744348900767.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who the fuck would take a unpaid internship in a master's program

>> No.15991318

Weather, the ocean

>> No.15991361

kek no idea. i at least got minimum wage when i did, and i thought that was outrageous
i hate this so much, but you know people will do it because they're desperate

>> No.15991381

What a powerful display of "outrage."

>> No.15991385

What would have been entry level jobs in the past are now unpaid internships

>> No.15991393

It's because of hoeflation. Hoes taking our jerbs.

>> No.15991766


Schools don't work to subsidize training. Not even incompetently. They're ~70% signaling, and ~25% a test on your ability yo withstand boredom. The only reason things got this bad is becsuse it's literally illegal to test empoyee intelligence in the US.

We really should desecrate the graves of the asshole judges who voted yay on Griggs v. Duke.

>> No.15992073

Yo fellas, I know these questions have probably been asked before but:
a) Is control systems engineering a meme? Can I actually get a decent-paying job programming Pee LCs and 'bots?
b) Can I get into an electrical engineering MS program if I get a BS in something other than EE?

>> No.15992087

reminds me of QA/QC biotech meme
it's cheap enough to get a vocational degree (in my case a AS+certs, but they transferred as a BS with like, 1+1/2 semesters of uni), and I'm applying the skills I learned, but goddamn does a MS degree pay more
the common core of AS/BS degrees are pretty transferable so I'd say take your meme BS and then use those skills as experience for a co-op or skill certification; I got a few certs in vocational. Knowing the specifics for a career path makes it a lot easier to stand out in an application for paid internships.

>> No.15992309

>>US plans to relax H-1B visa restrictions
People want the same thing in Europe too:
>In praise of mass immigration
>Could it be that high levels of immigration are actually a large part of the London success story? Take the migrants out of London and the city would stop functioning. The other day, I had my hair cut by a Syrian barber, then travelled to a doctor’s appointment in an Uber driven by a Nigerian. At the hospital I had a scan — carried out by two Spaniards — before going in to see my Delhi-trained specialist.

Interesting lines of arguments there, and I am not surprised to find that comments have been disabled in the newspaper. The author is, according to Wikipedia, considered a leading intellectual. And EU politicians like to be intellectual.

>> No.15992316

Switzerland is extremely cold. You can read "cold" figuratively and literally.
There is not much to do, it's a small country full of immigrants and old people.
Everything closes at 8-7pm every single day, so nothing to do during the night. Weekends are boring, if you have appointments on Saturday, say goodbye to your Sunday because again, everything is closed and cities are like ghost towns.

Not seeing the light of the day for half a year and having super early evenings really gets to your morale eventually.

It's a great country to live in if you have kids / a family to take care of, it's safe in every sense of the term, politics actually makes fucking sense and people are smart, but sometimes too smart for their own good, Swiss people are nice but not super fun to be around.
I don't know man, I lived there and I didn't like it.

In California, you can earn just as much if not much, much more depending on your job + the cost of living is about the same if not less, you get to live in the sunniest and most beautiful place in the US, with many, many things to do every single day, amazing people despite what Americans think.

>> No.15992318

I meant to say, everything closes at 6-7pm*

>> No.15992326

>The Chad author is seeking additional input to diversify the content into containing all STEM fields. Said author regularly views these /scg/ threads.
Why is he a chad? I don't know man, that page is like written by larpers.
I actually went through the physics academia system. That page read like bullshit.

>> No.15992429

Wow sounds boring, imagine how exciting it would be if you had bass boosted boss niggers shaking their asses and dropping turds everywhere.

>> No.15992739

Morons, there are tons of them produced by US universities.

>> No.15992802

Imagine hearing the crushing of syringes underneath your feet because you were in a hurry. Even if most shoes are shit, they at least protect against that shit most of the time. But I guess swissbro needs some cultural enrichment to spice up his life.

>> No.15992806

We autistics need to create our own social and business networks. This is why I have setup a server for that purpose.

Requirements to join:
1.) ASD diagnosis
2.) 115+ IQ
3.) Fewer than 5 friends irl or online
4.) Y chromosome haver
5.) Special interest is scientific or at least intellectual rather than something insignificant like anime or video games
6.) Must use proper English
7.) Must be actively involved
8.) No spouse or dependents


>> No.15992814

Not bad, actually a good initiative. But alas I am not a sperg.

>> No.15992848


>> No.15992853

>device UUID
>email address
>IP address
>all VOIP data
>all messages sent on the platform, including images, and direct messages
>Logs of most-all other programs that are open on your computer using a process logger
>"Discord does receive government requests for user data."

>> No.15992858

EE here
How do I get a six figure fully remote job in "fintech" as a "quant" like everyone and their mom is doing nowadays. So far I've only worked for $60k a year on call in manufacturing.

>> No.15992907

How much math do you know?

>> No.15993016
File: 58 KB, 844x265, Screenshot_2024-01-23-20-44-22-61_40deb401b9ffe8e1df2f1cc5ba480b12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have a degree from a target school in a mathematical subject, this will get you an interview. Grind leetcode and cracking the coding interview and whatever bits of mathematics are particularly relevant, this will let you pass the interview.

At least that's the picture I get from the clueless recruiters occasionally trying to get me to do this. I haven't actually done it because I'm a chemist in disguise.

>captcha NG2MI
outlook not good

>> No.15993044

>fewer than 5 friends irl or online
no one has less than that. everyone on 4channel are friends :)

>> No.15993092

Need to contact my first job to verify my experience for my Professional Geologist loicense. How do I not fuck this up? I only worked there one year and admittedly I was right out of college and didn’t understand the business, so my work could have been better.

My current managers are my references. This is just to verify work experience.

>> No.15993103

Being in the top 20% of income earners sounds rich to me. If you dont think youre rich try living on $35k like half the us population. Fact is that you either can become a doctor, lawyer, accountant or some type of engineer or you will eat shit. Its only gonna get worse before it gets better. Im only becoming an engineer because its the least awful choice. I love metalworking but theres no money in it in the 21st century.
Everyone on 4chan makes six figures. The truth is that it sucks and manufacturing is better 100% of the time and walmart is better most of the time. This is why illegals and meth addicted neo nazi skinheads fresh out of jail are the only ones doing it and theres a "trade shortage". Its not worth doing, the smart ones either get their engineering degree and quit or they find easier jobs that pay the same and quit. Im currently doing both, the fact that i started uni at 24 makes me want to blow my brains out because ill be 40 by the time i make decent money and ill be too old to enjoy it and all my coworkers will be 25 but better late than never i suppose.

>> No.15993184
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I need to do a literature review for a topic in chemistry
wat the fuk should I do

>> No.15993185

Why would I talk about what papers I'm publishing and where? So some retard autist on 4chan can try to dox me for some inane reason?

I'll talk about my papers with my real life colleagues, thanks

>> No.15993200

Does anyone have a problem in mind for Software Engineering project? I ran out of ideas for the proposal.

>> No.15993201


>> No.15993222

try to train an AI to beat twisted metal 2

>> No.15993300

>Why is he a chad?
Not sure, someone said I was and it has remained in the OP text since that. Someone saluted my autism for getting this general going, but since the early days I have not started new threads. Instead I maintain the FAQ.
>I don't know man, that page is like written by larpers.
Most is written by me plus a lot of quotes from others.
>I actually went through the physics academia system.
So did I.
>That page read like bullshit.
How come? To me it is unfiltered and far more honest than the high gloss polished half truths we can read elsewhere.

>> No.15993590

>like everyone and their mom is doing nowadays
You missed your first chance by doing EE and getting an unrelated job.
Get a PhD in financial mathematics from a target school like Booth.

>> No.15993646

If I call you a virgin will that negate someone calling you a chad.

>> No.15993669
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This made me want to move to Switzerland. Seems like a less depressing and way less poor version of binland

>> No.15993695

Should I get a minor in math? So that I can change careers and go into finance.

>> No.15993737
File: 1.82 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_3210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going to Bethesda MD to interview for postdoc at NIH. Anyone have any experiences with the area? Are there any surrounding towns or neighborhoods I could afford an apartment by myself and not get robbed by diverse urban youths? I like my comfy red state with low taxes and crime

>> No.15993754

I want to do Data Science but was too stupid/mentally ill to cut it in college past the sophomore level. All I really want is to be a pro in digital marketing using the latest tools and analytics to post ads on the internet or whatever digital marketing involves. I want to gain skills from a professionals as an assistant. To basically learn trade secrets through osmosis. Is there a career path from secretary work into digital marketing beyond basic SEO and Facebook ads? I’m physically disabled if that helps.

>> No.15993763

Yeah, stay away from Morrowind unless you're looking for a fight

>> No.15993771

>I saw people die for retarded reasons. Towards the end I really worried about it.

>> No.15993777

How do I get past the automated screenings to apply for internships? I know I have all the qualifications but I never get to the point where I can show them my skills. I even have several projects that are publicly available online they can look at. I don't get any emails back telling me why they rejected me so I assume it's just the automated system rejecting me based on keywords in my resume.

>> No.15993780

>All I really want is to be a pro in digital marketing using the latest tools and analytics
Doesn't sound like Data Science. SEO is your best bet.

Volume. If the HR roastie has 100 applicants and needs to screen 20, then as soon as she gets 20 applicants that are good enough then she won't bother looking at the rest, even if she's only halfway through the stack.
Make sure you have the right keywords in your resume that match the job description (keywords != things like "team player", but the qualifications, like "python", "spectroscopy", etc.).

>> No.15993804

How do I get a comfy fully wfh job where I barely do any work and have a huge 6 fig salary?
I know it sounds like a joke but I’m asking seriously as in that’s actually what I want

>> No.15993817

I have those keywords but I actually know those things. I think everybody just puts those even if they don't know it

>> No.15993845

>I study math
good, mathematicians are highly sought after and can earn a lot of money.
>I really don't want to go to graduate school for 5 years
>are there any alternatives? I also really need to start making money to help my family.
your logic seems backwards, normally parents support their children going to college so they can get a good job and build a good career. it sounds like you are not suited for college, you should probably drop out and get a job to support your family now. if you get a job as a factory worker you can make 50k a year or more

>> No.15993852

So did he fucking jump or fall, which is it?

>> No.15993895

I've lived all across america and I can tell you with absolute confidence that California, ESPECIALLY southern california has some of the worst humans in the nation.

If you genuinely felt welcomed and happy interacting with them, I am quite confused. Either your expectations were particularly low or the Swiss must be the most unfun, vile cunts in Europe and you're just comparing Californians to that standard.

>> No.15993932

>tfw all of these apply to me except sperg diagnosis

>> No.15993962

>waste years getting a degree in something that is the male equivalent of lesbian dance theory
Shouldn't have killed himself

>> No.15993991

>postdoc told me you can't do a postdoc in the lab nor at the same uni where you did your PhD to avoid "academic inbreeding" and it's the law here
oh nonono this can't be true I don't want to move again I like it here

>> No.15993999

Missing them is how you get filtered by the ATS. You just have to increase the volume of applications.

>> No.15994015

What have we determined about lying on resumes? It's not really fair to expect fresh grads to have all the bullshit HR adds to these filters. If I know set theory really well, downloaded MySQL and played around a bit, can I add SQL to my resume? I know there are intricacies and challenges to these things that you only learn on the job, but my feeling is if I can learn the basic ins and outs of a technology or concept in the couple weeks I have before beginning the job, I'm going to put it on my resume (ie lie about professional experience)

>> No.15994069

There are two types of technical requirements:
1. Knowledge
2. Experience

For some jobs, knowing how to use SQL is enough. For other jobs, they want you to have experience using SQL in a professional setting.

When you put SQL in your resume, and get invited for an interview for a job where that is relevant, they will ask you about your experience with SQL.

For an entry-level position it might be enough to have used SQL in a class you took in college (although they still might ask for your github in that case). Although some companies have grown pickier since more and more graduates are having internship experience.

Now lying about having used it in a class might be fine if it's not that important for the job. But it's better to actually do a project yourself where you use it. That way you can upload it to your github and use it as a portfolio if they request it, or just be able to give a specific example of your experience and proficiency.

The hiring manager generally doesn't care exactly where you gained your experience, as long as you can sell it as equivalent to professional experience in a company.

The classic move is to include choice class projects in the "experience" section together with the work experience.

>> No.15994077

So I just published my first first author paper recently. Now I am receiving tons of emails from sketchy journals (possibly fake?) asking urgently for submissions for upcoming issues. Is this normal? Does this happen to everyone?

>> No.15994082

Yup exact same thing happened to me.
They charge to publish your papers, hoping to make a quick buck off of academics who need to hit a publication quota.

>> No.15994102

>You can tell a a field is starting to oversaturate when you need a Masters or PhD to start being competitive.
That is mainly to make it easy for HR to whittle down the pile of applicants.

>> No.15994125

Wtf what kind of rule is that

I don’t want to do it but there are people in my department doing exactly that

>> No.15994151

This general is full of fart huggers who take their delusions of grandeur deathly serious

>> No.15994186

>there are people in my department doing exactly that
Their careers will stagnate quickly, group dynamics mean that the PI will always consider them "their students" and not as grown up postdocs.
The only exception I heard of, involved the postdoc practically blackmailing the PI, since the latter had been found lying on top of his desk with his secretary in between. The PI had to move and the postdoc followed.

>> No.15994212

It's not that you "can't", it will just kill your career.

>> No.15994242

Get an internship at some finance place (bonus points it you know some CS)
Later become an economist.

>> No.15994277

I have a bachelors+masters in structural engineering and make £28k a year, can't even move out of my parents house on that. Have to work long as fuck hours designing houses. Do not do engineering

>> No.15994311

Was nervous to contact my previous employer today to ask for a reference. Turned out they were glad to hear from me and were interested in what I was up to. Went. Lot better than I thought. Felt good.

>> No.15994334

There's cultural differences on how taboo it is, but in general it is a good idea to not do a postdoc in your PhD institution. The purpose of a postdoc is to ferry you over to a tenure track position. For that, you will need to formulate an original research proposal and demonstrate that you have the capacity to run an independent research group. A common question that any committee will ask is how much of your research agenda is actually your contribution, and how much is just you doing what your PI told you to. Obviously, your supervisor's research group already exists, so you have to bring something new to the table that you can take ownership over. That becomes hard to argue if all your research has been under a single group.

It's also usually the path of least resistance, so people might interpret it as you not being particularly driven or bold. Lastly, your opportunities to build your own networks and get experience of how other people do things are more limited. Academia is all about connections, and sticking to just your supervisor's collaborator network is harmful.

One edge case that I've seen a fair amount is if you ran tight on time allocated for a PhD (in some places there's a strict limit) and then do a brief postdoc just to wrap up some publications. It's usually in the interest of everyone that this happens, but these are normally brief.

I know people who did postdocs at their PhD institution and who went on to get tenure track jobs. In their case though the group in question was basically the top one in the field and the university was a global top university.

The issue there is not that you did engineering, the issue is that you live in the UK.

>> No.15994342

my gf is not gonna like this...

>> No.15994382

Why are you even here?

>> No.15994447
File: 114 KB, 1131x622, 1686039281554210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CS sophomore and don't want to end up a CRUD monkey, what are some career paths that deal with conputational math/physics and what is the job market for them like?

>> No.15994450

Applied math, get some domain knowledge in something. Be it chemistry, physics or whatever. Apply the math on problems in those areas. Congrats, you are now a very strong academic since you can programme pretty well compared to your peers.

>> No.15994461

Yes, this happens to everyone. I get then almost everyday along with invitations to be editors of scam journals or invitations to conferences that don't even exist

>> No.15994509

Can you give some examples of jobs or career paths for mathematicians?

>> No.15994534

any job you want, 300k starting is what i've heard from industry professionals.

>> No.15994592

what about people with only a bachelors degree in math? I also have a degree in biology, although all of the quantitative careers where those two intersect require at least a master's. I can also program quite well, and have a portfolio of little projects.

>> No.15994623

Did you get the two degrees at the same time? What made you choose biology? I am getting a computer engineering degree and I was hoping I could segue into research by studying bioengineering and then eventually...now that I think about it I'm so jealous I didn't go for a dual degree in math and biology.

>> No.15994648

In my uni im stuck in a major/minor system with the options being:
Math/CS, Statistics/CS, and CS/Statistics with the latter being the highest in gpa requirements.
so if i did not get high enough gpa for it do i just pick Math/CS? or pick Stat/CS and try to raise gpa and switch to CS major?
really dunno what should i go for, especially since most companies here care about CS degrees but im not sure if they will really employ major/minor grads.
What do you think?

>> No.15994651

sorry i meant to reply to you

>> No.15994754 [DELETED] 

Does doing Physics or EE preferred for optics and what is the job market like for optical engineering? (job location salary), would I have to move to rochester or flordia to get a job?

>> No.15994756

What is the job market like for optical engineering? Would I have to relocate to Rochester or Flordia to get a job?

>> No.15994757

My company.

>day 1 i am on my back drilling shit into something someone brewed up
>month 1 i am just building some other shit for some fucking reason and helping with the cad
>now i have to create a load simulator for a satellite machine

Cool as hell but very tiring and complicated. Great experience though.

>> No.15994792

I actually got my biology degree and was working on a masters in it, but midway through decided to take up math (I had just received a rather large inheritance so I was able to quit my job and focus entirely on it). I actually have enough credits in statistics to have a minor in it, and only two courses away from satisfying a minor in CS. This hasn't particularly helped me in the job hunt though. I currently work for a CRO doing a pretty menial data job. I suppose many start out in a lower rung roll early in their career, just wish I knew what direction to take from here. I've tried applying to all sorts of jobs: every flavor of programming ; computational biologist; bioinformatics; biostatistics. I very rarely hear anything back.

>> No.15994899

to make your math skills marketable without going through grad school you need CS skills.
There are plenty of data-driven positions that are held by absolutely incompetent persons with zero math knowledge but just enough programming skills to get by.

I think maths bsc + some CS experience makes sense when going into finance/quant.

>> No.15994901

If you want to major in CS then Math/CS is the better option, provided that you can take math electives that transfer well or overlap with CS.
If the choice is graduating with Math/CS or Stats/CS then the latter is more employable.

Mathematics is pretty broad, but applied mathematicians might work with route optimization algorithms at some place like uber, or inventory control models at amazon. Statistics in particular opens up data science and machine learning jobs. Financial mathematics gets you a job in investment firms, typically things like portfolio management. In science a mathematician might work with scientific computing, modeling and simulating systems in physics, chemistry, biology, etc.

>computational biologist; bioinformatics; biostatistics
Yeah these are going to require at least a masters degree. Strong preference for PhDs in the field, but a masters + good coding skills can still be competitive.
t. scientific computing chud

>> No.15994966

Definitely sounds like a UK issue. My grad student stipend is higher than that, even post-tax.

>> No.15994971

Is it weird to message my department at university about getting access to semester 2 content when we havent even started semester 2?

>> No.15995050

Not really go for it

>> No.15995163

desu i have always loved CS and really wished i could do CS in uni, but sadly couldn't admit to one that has only a CS program

>> No.15995305
File: 405 KB, 622x607, 1704642608746877.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I cope with the fact that I went for the epic meme mechanical engineering degree so I'll have to either be a wageslave paperpusher or a codemonkey in completely unrelated fields?

>> No.15995344

What country are you in that has no need for mech. eng? You can also go for an MBA.

>> No.15995384

The easternmost EU meme country that runs on, what's essentially, a glorified service economy.

>> No.15995460

Considered moving to Germany? There is little manufacturing left in Europe, much of what remains is in Germany.

>> No.15995466

That's exactly what I started thinking about recently.

>> No.15995474

I know two 3rd world MEs that work in Italy and Sweden respectively, both in the automotive industry.

>> No.15995708

>optical engineering
>can't see where the jobs are

>> No.15995775


>> No.15995929
File: 872 KB, 1482x1097, GE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ruined thanks to biden and the nato cartel, and now the government is sabotaging food production to starve the population.

>> No.15995970
File: 1.74 MB, 500x375, shinji.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Interested in doing something related to EE/Physics and CS. Been looking into a lot of cool fields like signal processing, systems engineering, computational mechanics, semiconducters etc that all seem like things I would want to pursue a career in. Thing is i'm just a retarded freshman in undergrad and have absolutely no clue on any of these fields or how to even learn about them outside taking lower-level courses like calc 3, linear algebra and basic physics. How do I get exposure to these fields and what is the job market for them like?

>> No.15996016

Solid state physics and especially semiconductor physics have good job prospects.