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15982190 No.15982190 [Reply] [Original]

Based science lovers of the world UNITE


Going to university for any sort of STEM study is genuinely suicide fuel. How have femoids destroyed the institution of university in such a small amount of time and so thoroughly ? Coining the term "based science" is a necessity to dissociate oneself from the absolute retardation and midwittery, and thats being generous, that plagues all traditional institutions today.

>> No.15982201

based science man is indeed based. it was fooking hilarious when the bursar wenches called security on him for asking race and iq or some shit

>> No.15982203

I read his book "Islam: An Evolutionary Perspective". I recommend it.

>> No.15982394
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>> No.15982404

if harmless means world wild mind controll machines yes

>> No.15982439

doesn't this guy simp for trannies

>> No.15982481

I know Ed's a bit of a clown but he does post information about various meetups in his network if you fund him. He also hasn't been completely deplatformed and cancelled

>> No.15982483

also be sure to follow Aporia magazine and Emilie Kirkegaard on substack. Both good HBD focused reads

>> No.15983082

I miss the other guy

but the vid of him talking about what can't you say at oxford really speaks of the current mallaise

>> No.15983395

The no self-awareness dysgenic midwit personified

>> No.15983425

Cope more faggot

>> No.15983430

nta but he is a brainlet

>> No.15983434 [DELETED] 

I agree that he himself isn't very smart but that's not his purpose and he acknowledges it himself. He just has very good scientific and political instinct.

>> No.15983437

I agree that he isn't very smart but that's not his purpose and he acknowledges it himself. He just has very good scientific and political instincts.

>> No.15983446

yeah he's not like a dimwit or smth. I'm just not into politics and all that cock sucking. he lost me at the jordan peterson shit

>> No.15983461

Dutton has a track record of churning out books like nobody's business though. I think he goes through a lot of data in a day despite having a often shallow grasp of it

>> No.15983463

That's why I like him. Despite not being a very good scientist I assume, he truly has a great scientific instinct as a traditional brit and thinks like a gentleman.

>> No.15983510

>How have femoids destroyed the institution of university in such a small amount of time and so thoroughly ?
Because men are pathetic simps by default. They chase little squirts of dopamine from exposure to females (or female shapes and drawings lmao) their entire lives; it's little wonder they've annihilated everything in pursuit of female approval since their entire lives were centered around that to begin with.

>> No.15983643

It's fascinating to go back to the writings of the 18th, 19th and early 20th century, it's like another world.

>> No.15983660

Oh, maybe I will read this next.

I finished Spiteful Mutants the other day and this is probably the most biting and apt phrase he's going to coin and the core idea is quite interesting.

>> No.15983664

Dutton didn't coin spiteful mutant theory though?

>> No.15983680

Okay. Who did?

>> No.15983699

I think it was from a woodley paper/book, I'll try and remember the name of course I might be wrong it was several years ago

>> No.15983710

Anyhow, I did specifically said "phrase" because while the idea is basic enough for someone to float it before, calling lefties spiteful mutants is fun and it would seem that we have Dutton to thank both for coining the phrase and at least popularizing the idea

>> No.15983712

It's a good theoretical basis to launch TLD

>> No.15983804

is it actually worth reading if you're familiar with the content he discusses on his show?

>> No.15983807

hmm >>15983804 for >>15983660

>> No.15983884

I haven't really watched his channel but I think he covers spiteful mutants there as well.
Methinks these highlights that I saved while reading are good enough, (and maybe some of his citations if arguments with idiots online is your thing) though the book is relatively short and fairly entertaining.
1. Woke morals have emerged as a mutation—and thus evolution—of religion in the Western world. In other words,
*“I am Woke—and you must be Woke, too! The world must be Woke!”*
Cries of *“Just leave me alone!”* will be about as effective as requesting a diplomatic parlay with an advancing zombie mob
>2.Wokeness can be considered the new child mortality. If you can overcome the dysphoria, nihilism, and individualism that it induces and breed anyway, then your genes will survive.
3. The result, as we will explore below, will eventually be the return to something like the society that existed before the Industrial Revolution—at the very least to a society that is traditionally religious and that promotes, as part of this religiosity, adaptive traits such as pro-natalism.
>4.We tend to be extremely hostile to “defectors” (those that have used our group for their own benefit and then abandoned it),“free-riders” (who take the benefits of group membership without making the attendant sacrifices), and generally uncooperative members of our own group. In many ways, these types are more dangerous than outsiders, because they threaten the internal cohesion of the group, and thus people react to them very strongly.
5. Another manifestation of developmental instability is left-handedness, as it implies a highly asymmetrical brain. Left-handedness levels are increasing across time, consistent with increasing mutational load.

>> No.15983887

>6.This negative association between intelligence and fertility always seems to occur when civilizations reach a certain level of luxury and development, something which reduces harsh Darwinian pressures. It was observed in Athens; it was observed in Rome;
7.“Intelligence” is an adaptation to an environment that is harsh and stable.
>8. People tend to trust those who are genetically similar to themselves, resulting in people becoming increasingly isolated, friendless, and unhappy. This is worsened by the ethnic conflict that has been shown to almost inevitably occur in multiracial societies.
9.Research by Congolese physician Denis Mukwege argues that the rape of the enemy group’s females is a way of asserting dominance, not just over the
females, but, by extension, over their fathers, brothers, male cousins and, in many ways, all males on the opposing side.
It destroys their morale and undermines their confidence, because the conquerors assert dominance and control.
Constantly over-representing ethnic foreigners in the media is a means of sapping male morale, as is using Black actors in British historical dramas, which is effectively rewriting history. It is more than a reflection of an obsession with “equality” and not hurting the feelings of ethnic minorities. It is a trampling on the sacred—for example the sanctity of truth or the group’s history—and of authority, in the sense of order and thus of truth
>10. Many other strands of Woke thought—questioning the nature of gender, promoting transsexuality, and so on—all contribute to evolutionary mismatch, dysphoria, and a constant state of disgust and nihilism that makes people act maladaptively and thus not breed. In this sense, the Woke can be regarded as a kind of “death cult"

>> No.15983891

11. The assumption that people are no longer religious seems to obscure more than it reveals. There are behaviors that are typically associated with religiousness—intolerance of disagreement, fervent belief, or casting dissenters as “evil”—which are alive and well and, if anything, seem to be increasing in frequency rather than decreasing.
>12.SJWs have reintroduced the concept of heresy into public discourse. Language can be designed as having “violent impact” even if the speaker is discussing quotidian, cultural, political, or scientific matters and not actually calling for violence by any reasonable definition. In other words, language can “anger the gods,” with horrific consequences for us all.
13.Religious taboos help control behavior; they often promote health, and they ultimately tend to be for the evolutionary benefit of the group, regardless of whether we believe in their divine origins or not. Religion, too, is naturally selected, and it could not persist if it were, on the whole, detrimental to a species’ survival
>14.We can observer this precise process in Ancient Greece, Rome, and Baghdad, each of which experienced pronounced “seasons”: growth and fulfillment in the “Spring” and “Summer,” followed by harvesting of resources, stagnation, and collapse in the “Autumn” and “Winter.” The rise and fall of intelligence is critical in this cycle. In “Winter,” once-great societies, separated by distance and time, display the same symptoms: atheism, feminism, materialism, migration, sexual libertinism, and so on.
15. The transsexual movement indirectly promotes the genetically healthy and helps to cull the unhealthy. Effectively, it is eugenic.
>16.Being adapted to patriarchy, females are adapted, to a greater extent than males, to a situation in which choices are made for them, usually by their parents and particularly by their fathers…They will also suffer from the dysphoria caused by not living in the patriarchy to which they are evolved.

>> No.15983895

17. Thus, “feminism,” for females, is a new crucible of evolution. It recreates Darwinian pressures and removes genetically unhealthy females. In a quite ironic way, it is a return to nature.
>18. Feminism is a crucible of evolution for males, too. It creates an intense evolutionary mismatch. From a young age, men are told that masculinity is evil; they are encouraged to be female-like (and thus unattractive to females)
19. The population is increasingly in an “evolutionary mismatch.” We are evolved to be with genetically normal humans, who are mentally healthy, and shun those who are not. We are evolved to a situation of hierarchy, often with hereditary and religiously sanctioned leadership. We are evolved to live in a religious society, as well as a patriarchal society, with clear sex roles. We are evolved to live in a homogenous society.
>20. All evidence indicates that the West is collapsing just as Classical civilization, and the Bronze Age, collapsed before it. And this will mean that the Woke will die off, just as the decadent types in Rome did not pass on their genes. Automation, Artificial Intelligence, or “robots” won’t rescue us from this, as, eventually, we’ll be too stupid to maintain these technologies

That's it.

>> No.15984248

>if arguments with idiots online is your thing
is there any other?

>> No.15986268

What's a good old book on 1800 intelligence research?
I want some Galton or Spearman era

>> No.15986588

reported for hatred and racism