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15980286 No.15980286 [Reply] [Original]

/Fuck Death/ in perpetuum



O-oh death, o-oh death
can't you spare me over till another year?

>> No.15980292 [DELETED] 

How do we stop christians from preventing human longevity or even immortality just because it goes against their religion?

>> No.15980320
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>they can contain currently illegal substances
The demand is in the majority of the human population. Billions. There isn't a hope in the world for that camp.

Previous thread

>> No.15980371

Wait 50 years for their religion to disappear.

>> No.15980385


>What about the damage to the extracellular matrix?
> “In short, they really start behaving like young fibroblasts, restructuring the environment around them. In my opinion, this is a domino effect. You target one cell type, and it starts not just looking young but behaving young, rebuilding the whole tissue.”

>> No.15980457

They're becoming the minority so soon their opinions won't matter and we can just ignore them

>> No.15980467

I think "fuck death" is the wrong mindset with longevity. You shouldn't be afraid of death. If it happens to you it's highly likely you won't even know anyway. Instead of "fuck death" it should be "embrace life". You want to live for millions of years because you enjoy life and you want everyone to have that option

>> No.15980500

The mental impact of the inevitability of death on the human psyche is greater than anything you will be able to fill in with extra life. There is an embodied detriment there that hasn't even begun to be acknowledged let alone healed. It's wrong to view death as something that should be normalized. It's not fear it's an acknowledgement of what death is. Bullshit.

>> No.15980508

dunno who the dude in the video is but I'm bit shocked see him compiling most of what I've gathered from talking to zealots here on /sci/.
by their logic refusing medicine to live when you are about to die religious folk mind end up in their hell on the account of technical suicide.

>> No.15980511

>domino effect
The real point is that once your body has better epigenetic code established, id say namely in your adult stem cells, new cells will have that better code and will surely portray a better expression of it.

>> No.15980520

Based hitchens. It's also not the Christians to worry about.

>> No.15980527

yeah I want to mention that I don't have an issue with reasonable religious people. my issue is not with religion itself, it's with the people using it for shit purposes.

>> No.15980548

Worry more about it being censored on mainstream platforms for the next five years until big pharma and the people that already own everything can profit off of it.

>> No.15980552
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It wont be "settled science" until its convenient. Given how big the claim is that could definitely happen. And people are subconsciously scared of how big of a change this is too.

>> No.15980561

you can have it public and some people will start raising hell over it, maybe quite literally kek, and delay it. or have scientists figure it out fully then talk about it. dunno, the latter seems smarter way to do it.

>> No.15980593
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I'm prepared for the deluge of professionals in this field to tear the whole thing apart, especially it's novice presentation, and be put on all social media and TV telling people don't you even dare try it and look at this idiot.
It is what it is. Accept it as it comes. I got the time and the truth will out. Do you all think I could just sit here alone and not say anything? I'm more stricken by the absolute silent voice of criticism from anyone informed. If there is something obvious or educated I have missed nobody has brought it up. I just wish I had data at this point so we had something more real to talk about than all the theory. It's silly it takes a month to get a test back.

>> No.15980605

While the topic is still on everyone's mind, what do you think the actual cost of these treatments will likely be given we are still about 10 years from understanding enough about them to have them FDA approved but maybe 20 to 30 from having them actually employed in a clinical setting?

Given they are already starting on human trials for curing blindness and working on Robust Mouse Rejuvenation does it seem at all likely that they would have treatments at a level of affordability for someone of average wealth to employ them? I am personally concerned that we may end up simply watching as the wealthy gain access to rejuvenation and the rest of us are left to rot with the majority as the great reset happens.

>> No.15980607

Read the rentry. This is already available over the counter and cheap af.

>> No.15980608

once the richfags get it they'd want to make money off it so should hit plebs eventually.

>> No.15980610
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have we cured aging in humans yet?

>> No.15980614

Last time I ran the numbers it was like 10-15 dollars a day of the protocol right now. If this doesn't work and you are stuck with only RepSox/CHIR990021 it would be just as cheap tho desu. Less than 10 years from FDA approval, more like 5. Sinclair pretty much has it already he just has to get the go ahead as supplementary research is still being done that makes everyone more comfortable. Doesn't matter though if you can already do it with stuff that's cheap and affordable and well tested. I wanna see what this protocol does to actual cancer cells.

>> No.15980615

No we just figured out how to extend the lives of mice by another 20 percent using technology we already understand

But in all seriousness it seems that the tech is about 30 years out thanks to the fact that we need to send more money to Ukraine and Israel. The tech is getting there but we are only testing in mice because everyone is too pussy to use the elderly as willing test subjects.

>> No.15980616

We are gonna know in about two consecutive sets of two week periods.

>> No.15980618
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>only testing in mice because everyone is too pussy

>> No.15980639
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And then the silence as yet another goofball finally reads the fucking rentry.

>> No.15980650

>The mental impact of the inevitability of death on the human psyche is greater than anything you will be able to fill in with extra life
Personally I never think about it and don't really care about it. Something like cancer scares me but it's not the death that's scary it's the surgery and chemo, particularly the surgery. I'd like to live for a billion years though if I could just because life is interesting

>> No.15980653

Aubrey DeGray says it will probably be free. Sick and dying people cost the gov a lot of money

>> No.15980654

If you could get word out to boomers somehow I'm sure we could have a lot more data and anecdotal evidence. There's definitely enough boomers ballsy and smart enough out there to try this.

>> No.15980656

I think mice might be up to 50% now and rats up to 90%

>> No.15980657

too be fair a lot of this is caused by drug abuse and obesity, which I don't think this is able to completely mitigate.

>> No.15980658

... there's a lot of other good links here too

>> No.15980665
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I don't want to present it in a yt vid without some compelling evidence like a methylation test that I can point to. I have a rough draft of the video's script ready if I get the kind of results I'm hoping for. I have a few ideas for visual aids/slides (nothing fancy) and some time still to iron it all out.

>> No.15980708

OP, are you not afraid of developing cancer?

>> No.15980715
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Not even in the slightest. I've been using the primary activator for years, as have many. It just needed the right assistance. It scares me that if I had gone to school for this I would have likely figured it out for everybody in 2020-2021. Because the academic literature that would have enlightened me to this was already out by then and that's about the time I started taking Apigenin. Sorry I'm late?

>> No.15980758

It won't disappear unless capitalism dispears. Religion is the opium of the people. Humanism is religion too and already objects out of slave morality. Actual atheists are the minority. When you see graphs of LGBTQ acceptance, and it shows atheists at 97%. What this means is only 3% are atheists subscribing to scientific materialism and the rest are actually atheists in name only subscribing to idealism. Lenin described these sort of retards as graduated flunkees of clericalism.

>> No.15980856

I'm interested in this, but I also know very little about biology and hence I can bearly interpret the studies in question. How should one approach learning biology vs learning, say, mathematics?

>> No.15981026

the .org domain is okay to post btw also archive

>> No.15981033

Contempt for death is not genuine. There's no point feeling contempt for what you can't possibly know as a living person.

>> No.15981050

what do you mean, are dead people fake?

>> No.15981558

Christians are not opposed to this. I myself am a devout fundamentalist Christian substance dualist and fully support the curing of age-related illnesses because humans have intrinsic moral value.

>How can we stop democratic political theorists from preventing human longevity or even immortality just because it goes against their religion?
That's a harder question though

>> No.15981600

Christians are opposed to this. Whether you are or not is irrelevant.

>> No.15981689
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Anybody have any recent video of Sinclair? I watched his vid from ARDD2023 in December and it's clear he knows but didn't know what to think of it yet and didn't want it talked about on his platform. But the protocol is much more developed now. Are we all just waiting on data before a major scientist is going to say anything? "Apigenin can't activate yamanaka factors like that, you have made a silly mistake. Don't do this"
Would be simple.
I think if there was something obviously wrong with the dudes theory someone would have said it by now. I've seen his videos, Sinclair really thought he would be the first person to push the reset button on humans so you can only imagine his state. The deafening silence sounds more like nobody knows what to say and they can't even even. Just hoping it goes away because it destroys their paradigms.
Someone give him a copy of who moved my cheese.

>> No.15981693

I think their still mulling over whether this can be diffused and contained. Dudes test results could even be tampered with. They say they care about humanity all day but only to the degree we can be controlled and lorded over. Dudes chances for a happy ending for this are slim to none he should have kept it to himself.

>> No.15981706

We get it, you spew fat loads into that deathussy.

>> No.15981742

I meant the subjective experience of death. What you're describing is other people's deaths, while your own remains a mystery. There is no need to be upset about the latter.

>> No.15981751
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tranny thread

>> No.15981762

not related, idiot

>> No.15981778
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If I was in the shoes of someone who was hearing what I'm telling them and read what's been presented I would have taken it already. I am the only guy who could have done this it seems and I'm happy to be here doing it. Lol, there are moments where I forget about it even and just enjoy a body that works right. Nobody I talk to in real life gets this fucking upset about the idea of not dying. I don't believe anyone genuinely wants to die the rest is just bellyaching.

>> No.15981793
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>rest is just bellyaching
This. Whining about a de-aging protocol is just fucking childish. If it's here it's here. Get over it.

>> No.15982384

You have conditioned yourself to see another man drop dead, his body decompose, and then think it's good to want that too. There is no evidence your experience is going to be different than anothers. The results are demonstrably the same with one person dropping dead and another.

>> No.15982797

I want to do it and I have read the rentry but you say nothing about dosage, how often you take them, you don't list the ones you take, it's all a little chaotic desu

>> No.15982808

death can't be experienced, only the pain before it.
the issue with death is not experiencing death, it's not experiencing reality. that's the real loss.

>> No.15982853

That's because this guy is basing everything off of his feelings instead of a scientific method which could be reproduced.
I mean seriously, he claims he can "feel" his cells repairing themselves.

>> No.15983138

that's retarded

>> No.15983143

Welcome to the thread.
At least it's useful for learning what does and doesn't harm your body short-term.

>> No.15983165
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The dosages are in there. It's is up to 600mg of liposomal Apigenin, a full gram and a half of tributyrin, half a gram of curcumin, a gram of long release calcium, and the B12. You can do that gradually, or phase in the dose. It's presented in a way that's meant to make you think of the solution rather than take it spitten out for you.

>You can tell when cells are damaged but not repaired.

>> No.15983169

Also a gram of a complex of NAD/NMN/NR but it's synergetic and not 100% needed. But would recommend.

>> No.15983186
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>He should have kept his theory to himself because evidence isn't immediately available.
The seethe over it is beautiful. OP just wants people to try it and prove him wrong but we're all too fucking pussy and nobody can defeat the autism head on. This concept with Apigenin has never had any experiments at all let alone something done in humans and people are complaining someone is telling them about it and putting their own life on the line to prove their theory (as have the countless that have taken this path before) how should anyone behave if they don't have access to a lab environment where they can prove it that elaborately This isn't the thread for you.

>> No.15983196

>>You can tell when cells are damaged but not repaired.
Yes, quite literally. And often only long after the damage has been done.

>> No.15983208
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How long do you think I got doc? Given how much of this I've done, over a month of the protocol (and I even did something as scary as incurring encoding errors early on) you would think evidence of damage would be long present by now yes? When they did this wrong in mice they knew long before now. You don't know what you are talking about with what to expect with the upregulation of these genes. My foolishness should be rewarded with cancer in every cell in my body at once yeah? As a hypothetical dead man walking I'd love to know how long you think I'd have.

>> No.15983216

It all started less than 3 months ago. It is early, but people should know this is happening. I have been selective on where I've shared this for a reason. Some people are simply not going to be happy until I drop dead, and they will wait years for it.

>> No.15983234
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The fact you can Amazon all of the ingredients only adds to the strangeness. Apigenin has been evaluated for it's programming potential, and is only known to be safe. It does have some bad interactions with other cancer medication, but suggesting there is a tumerogenic outcome with butyrate? Apigenin and the butyrate will trigger the reprogramming without adding anything else, the fact Apigenin conditions the gut to produce more butyrate anyway should tell you they probably don't cause harm together. The ingredients are as harmless as it gets. Curcumin, Calcium, B12? The solution is so obvious its got black swan written all over it. All these billions spent when the solution was right here. I am dumbfounded nobody has tried this before. The mice they induced OSK with were reversing years of transcriptic age over the course of several days. The impact to cell function is more or less immediate. You would know pretty quickly something is changing, good or bad.

>> No.15983238

>You could have gotten people to investigate this with a kindly worded letter.
Everyone else is already so sure they know the truth.

>> No.15983239

The only reason why you're responding like this instead of arguing in earnest is because you have no counter-argument.
You're only making yourself look foolish by replying with such emotion, you know?

>> No.15983255
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All I have is my theory and experience, and any data at all proving this one way or another is pending. If you haven't understood my counterargument to damage to cells I can only suggest you reread. The documented timeline of changes is pretty quick with these things. If I was worried about looking foolish I wouldn't try and tell anyone about it. This is a discovery made by someone not in this field, I don't have the training to explain things in a way that could satisfy everyone. I should have been recording blood slides early on too. There is absolutely no way I would be able to present this to everyone without looking foolish. I wasn't even read up on how long scientists have been looking at a HDACi until the protocol was mostly fleshed out. What's funny is that a fool is exactly what humanity deserved.

>> No.15983265

Your theory and experience mean jack shit if they aren't reproducible, you fucking donkey.
Stop taking every single criticism thrown at you so personally and maybe you'd actually be able to respond to what I'm saying instead of what you think I'm saying.

>> No.15983271

>Don't take it personally I'm calling you a donkey that didn't hand this to me on a silver platter.
Anon, just leave it. They really are not gonna be happy unless you end up dead.

>> No.15983275

Everyone is too scared and dumbfounded to try and reproduce it themselves. It sounds like we will get results for the cancer test before the methylation. Be sure you take it again in 6mo anon.

>> No.15983279

We literally had a person in the last thread volunteering their body.

>> No.15983291
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Take chances, make mistakes, and GET MESSY!!!

I hope they do.

>> No.15983294

I would like to hear the best theory for how Apigenin or any of this might be dangerous. Anon has presented allot and the counter argument isn't anywhere near as elaborate. Just sounds like cognitive dissonance on repeat. I'm reading in Sinclair's paper they think that SMs doing this is allot safer than doing it with a gene therapy. You don't need a magic bus, a permit, or research chemicals to try this it's just a phytonutrient.

>> No.15983300


>> No.15983323

For those still not reading and investigating the rentry, this is what the authorities think about how Apigenin works regarding cancer and any "damage" to my cells that it could be causing. The fear preventing people from trying it has no basis in reality. You can't point to anything here that causes cancer, the authoritative answer is only the opposite.

>> No.15983328

Anon, how does one test if certain actions result in certain results?
By repeatedly repeating the same actions and taking note of the results.
The more often you get the same results, the more certain you can be.
(Fun fact: this principle means that nothing is ever certain. Every bit of knowledge should be considered non-permanent. Science should by definition never be settled.)

Anyone who claims certain actions result into extraordinary results should be approached with caution and hesitance. What methods did they use? What control group? Are the results reproducible?

The question here isn't "how do we know it doesn't work?", it is "how do we know it works?". And the evidence behind that is as of yet non-existent.

Now here comes the part where people make a massive error of judgement: the conclusion of the above statement isn't that it doesn't work; it's that it hasn't been proven to work.

I'll gladly agree with the tripfag if he'd note down what he is consuming, what he expects the results to be, and how others could repeat his steps in order to minimize risk of external factors influencing his experiment.
But instead he is dismissing risks of placebo effect taking place, claiming he is "feeling his cells repairing themselves" and barely documenting his methodology.

On a side note I will challenge your assumption that nutrients are enough to repair internal cell damage. Because if this were true, people would have realized this through sheer happenstance and/or experimentation.
The search for biological immortality did not start in the 21st century after all.

>> No.15983352
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We have already established the Eureka moment here wasn't made in a lab. The rest of this is just drivel because you don't want people to consider a theory at all while the first smidge of exploratory data to answer it is on its way. Entire lifetimes have been spent exploring theories that don't have any direct evidence and proving this won't be the hardest thing in the world. Your shitting in the pool in protest there is no chlorine in it yet when we haven't even officially opened.

>> No.15983359

>dietary Happenstance
Read more. There is no way you would get these levels of Apigenin in any diet. No fruit or vegetable produces it in anything close to a "high" dose.

>> No.15983364
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He is also thinking that if Apigenin does this surely other nutrients would too. But naturally occuring substances that induce Yamanaka Factor reprogramming seem to only be Apigenin, Luteolin, Forskolin, and one more who's name escapes me. Like forskolin it only activates Oct4.

>> No.15983374

Maybe read what I have to say before assuming the strawman in your head is the same person as I.
If you have questions or if something is unclear, all you need to do is ask.
Fair enough.
I'm curious to see the effects of such high doses of nutrients.
I wonder if high doses are enough or if they'll have to be locally applied.

>> No.15983387

We are also taking the nutrient after it's been wrapped in a liposome so it doesn't get eaten up by stomach acid and can get to the gut. From there it get to everywhere from the bloodstream. The mechanism of action for the Gene activation with apigenin is via the immune system and NFATc1. Lots of people can consciously notice activity in their immune system. Apigenin can make pluripotent stem cells retain their pluripotency without any help at all. It's been looked at for it's reprogramming ability for years but nobody seems to have tried this experiment specifically until now.

>> No.15983404


>> No.15983413

A nonjew talking about how Apigenin and NAD are working around the immuno regulator cd38 that is also mentioned in the rentry.

>> No.15983415

Haven't read the whole thread, haven't kept up with information.
Give me a short run down and what I should take, not reading the rentry.
I will not blindly take it, but I will do my own research and then take it if I deem it's good enough

>> No.15983421

It's an old argument. Is the burden on the ear or the tongue to ensure information has been communicated?

>> No.15983428

I can tell you because I'm not worried about a rentry giving me coodies. But to give you dosages you would have to hear theory you don't want to hear like in the rentry so:
There would be multiple articles anon put together explaining the basic theory of how a reprogramming cocktail would have to operate and concerns that need to be addressed which is why some of that stuff is included but it already sounds like you already know more than everyone else so it shouldn't matter.

>> No.15983432

Nobody tell him about how to resolve the encoding errors. That's all theory and shit.

>> No.15983455

It was actually a guy on YouTube that regularly interviews researchers that told me about that concern when I told him what I was doing. I've only gotten help from people actually informed on this stuff when I've talked about it. We need someone determined to disprove it, and I welcome it.
We know where the guy stands and he is engaged. I have trouble keeping up with the threads myself. I hope someone really does try it and tell us what it's like for them. Even better if they are smarter than I have been with my data collection and takes a methylation test before starting.

>> No.15983500

Give me dosages too, else it's useless

>> No.15983527
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"Start off with the 500mg curcumin/600mg slow release Calcium/550mg CoreBIOME Tributryn about an hour beforehand.
Be sure you have plenty of B12 and take a good multivitamin you feel comfortable with for your bodytype/physical characteristics etc.

Then in packaged dosages, not needing this more than twice in a day to get a reproducible effect for me.
300mg of liposomal Apigenin, a half gram of the NAD/NMN/NR complex, and then another half a gram of the CoreBIOME Tributryn.

Take a second pill of calcium with the second shot.
After the second shot I'm well enough for a nap. Often repeat it again when I wake up. Take breaks when you feel you have had enough."

I hope you investigate this thoroughly and end up trying it anon. You will have a fantastic time.


>> No.15983535

And remember that's a liposomal dose of apigenin. If you take apigenin regularly you would need something like 3x as much.

>> No.15983550
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And much faster than they said they would be.


>> No.15983553
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And I will take it again in 6 months.

>> No.15983560

elevated risk means you've done a DNA test lookingat DNA factors that are related to cancer, you aren't changing your DNA, you are trying to reprogram your cells with the same DNA.
You do still not know if you have cancer, if you are on your way to increase cancer risk etc.
That test was meaningless.
You not even knowing this just throws this whole thread into the trash

>> No.15983562
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Screencap bugged a little, here's that text more clearly. Happy to find a way I can have the PDF looked at by someone who wants to auth it like over a stream or something. One case where a Reddit mod might actually serve some purpose.

>> No.15983565

nvm, saw second image

>> No.15983568

Did I know that this wouldn't be enough for everyone? Of course. Would that stop me from doing anything to try and provide data to whatever degree I had the ability? No. Some people are worried about it causing cancer, and I'm here ready to supply blood to settle whatever examination people can possibly bring up. Which they did, which is why the test was done. Hardly the time to complain now.

>> No.15983570

I mean there's a fucking minute long delay between posts and I cant even have that without it causing people to immediately be up in arms. I choose 4chan in part because I knew I would be lambasted at every opportunity but cant you agree this is a bit much? Nobody is trying to fuck with you here man.

>> No.15983576

Keep going man, outlive the haters

>> No.15983588

Inflammation marker is high, maybe it should have more curcumin? I am only going off my personal experience and theory, there surely will be improvements made with more data. They could pop out some Ai magic molecule that does it 10x better next year for all we know.

>> No.15983605

It would still be untested in humans and not have a robust record of its safety like Apigenin.

>> No.15983607

What's your diet like? Could be impacting inflammation a lot

>> No.15983646

They are that quick about it but that only proves their inability to find anything substantially wrong with the theory.

>> No.15983683
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Because of the conditioning apigenin has made to my gut over the years, the levels of butyrate that would have been in my system after taking tributyrin might be much higher and that could be very important in this. The answer tho is just adding more Tributyrin. I still need it even with that gut conditioning if I want to induce reprogramming.

Most definitely. You want a cap of my recent instacart orders?

It still doesn't prove definitively there won't be cancer, but the likelihood just went waaaaaaaaay down. You would think especially with how hard I've pushed it. There have been some very severe moments while taking this where there is no doubt my body is changing. It really should be detectable by now. There will be another PSA included with my next blood test in a few weeks.

>> No.15983689

yes, i would like to see your recent orders

>> No.15983700
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Stop giving that man your blasted theories he already says he is too smart to bother with them.

>> No.15983706

I'll get that for you after I'm off work. Prepare to be unimpressed and disappointed.

>> No.15983731
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They told you it would be weeks but they got you results to you the day the test sample arrived?
I bet somebody made the call but they can't speed up the Methylation test for some reason... That or they already processed it and are sitting on it while the alphabet people make what moves they can.

>> No.15983824

Good call. Randos and feddies are less likely to kill you over this if you just keep repeating your name. I'd be doing the same, it's going to be shockingly easy for most people to dehumanize you.

>> No.15983882

I did a review of supplements I took this last year. I just mark whether I felt better or worse in a spread sheet. I have a chronic pain.

-Sulforaphane. This had the least negative marks for herbal supplement. (I feel bad most days so it was still negative)
I have taken Pterostilbene and had twice as many bad days. Curcumin & Ginger was least tolerated and I went off it. Using it for exercise or recovery, like studies suggest might’ve caused damage.

Probably safe:
AKG - mostly tolerated pretty well.
PQQ - good antioxidant
Taurine - very safe

I was taking glycine at night but it also seems not to help. Fish oil may not help me much. Maybe something about the oils and blood pressure. It seems necessary in the diet though. I drink 1 coffee every day.

I’m going to switch glycine to melatonin at night. Cycle AKG, PQQ, and Sulforaphane, like Turnbuckle’s mitochondria protocol. I don’t know if I need butyrin, because I eat fiber.

I think a week is good enough to test a protocol. You should feel something positive or feel neutral IMO.

I’m kinda testing more supplements than this on myself Brian Johnson style. I just need more data on them. You should use your gut and use spreadsheet and journal. I don’t have enough time or money for bloodwork.

>> No.15983939

I have some PQQ coming sometime today. Hoping I can use it to speed up any hair regrowth I'd be encoded for. Someone had brought it up being used with NMN. Taking recommendations.

>> No.15983963

tretinoin (cream/gel) is supposed to help with hair growth. I'm on it right now for better skin, but will report in this thread if I see increased growth of facial hair and regular hair.

>> No.15983985

Congrats, anon.

>> No.15984059

It will probably help. Hair regeneration is a difficult area. I have seen people have success with rogaine. I heard of people using Rosemary hair oil.

>> No.15984155

There is deuterium depletion. I am surprised that people aren't looking more into it. It rejuvenates the mitochondria to youthful levels and is quite potent against cancer.

>> No.15984240

I've used sulfurophane before. No complaints. I do know it inhibits pathways used by Yamanaka Factors.

>> No.15984249

They even said don't bother taking the test for a year but I'll still do it in 6mo. Anybody want a code for a free cancer screening with the same company? You would have to do it by the end of the month and you would still have to pay for the blood draw.

>> No.15984316

I would still have some Tributyrin handy. I don't know how much we can take assurity in static butyrate levels due to diet. My thoughts have been that we have histones for a reason, they protect our DNA, and the body might not latently allow unfurling of DNA to happen all the time and HDAC inhibition levels might be relative to recent influxes of above normal butyrate levels. But I could be very wrong in that. Just my current thoughts. If we could trigger reprogramming with naturally high butyrate levels and a high dosage of apigenin it seems stranger this hasn't been discovered yet.

>> No.15984465

Some reading. Mitochondria can talk to each other.
PQQ didn't show up. Halfway in but boosting mitochondria might not be what we think it is.

>> No.15984488
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Scratch that, I still want to try it under the hope of better comms across cells.

>> No.15984612
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Bezos might have wanted to chime in.

>> No.15984634

I asked AI about Sulforaphane and dna breaks.

>Sulforaphane, a compound found in cruciferous vegetables, has been found to induce DNA double strand breaks (DSBs) in human cells, which are predominantly repaired by the homologous recombination pathway. This can lead to apoptotic elimination of cancer cells, as cancer cells are more sensitive to DSBs due to their impaired DNA repair mechanisms.
>In contrast, other similar compounds may induce DNA single strand breaks (SSBs), which are typically induced by reactive oxygen species. The difference in the type of DNA damage induced is significant because DSBs require complex repair mechanisms involving various proteins, and the inability to repair DSBs can lead to cell death or apoptosis
>Therefore, the induction of DSBs by sulforaphane may contribute to its potential cytotoxic and antitumor activities, particularly in cancer cells with impaired DNA repair mechanisms.

So sulforaphane may be better for cancer. But it might be more likely to induce cancer, because AI says it’s harder to repair DSB. Apigenin and Resveratrol is also involved in DSB (in some cell types). It says quercetin, rosmarinic acid, luteolin were found to have SSBs.

I don’t know what this means for reprogramming. But it’s interesting.

Interesting that Aspirin promotes repair of double strand breaks!

>> No.15984676

I was misremembering, these were cancerous stem cells. Unless we are 100% sure it's synergetic I wouldn't recommend adding too many other things to the protocol for now.

>> No.15984780
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Another high profile callout at the beginning. Remember Anon "We have to protect our geniuses."
The protocol is still for everybody who wants it. That's freedom.

>> No.15984784


>> No.15985100

Good enough for me. Renue 2x apigenin and 1x NAD/NMN/NR. Should be fine with one calcium pill since last I did the math I 100% my DV with dairy. B12 is handled. Did you ever find a good source for CoreBIOME Tributyn or is $1 a pill the best deal you can get for that?

>> No.15985103


>> No.15985105

anyone going with them also make sure to use their coupon code. 10% current but if you waitfag seems they do offer 25% ones occasionally

>> No.15985107

>he likes rockets

>> No.15985150

ah looks like they have the patent for their implementation of it. oh well for whatever reason there were two different 10% saving deals on amazon for it so it's not too outrageous. Okay total was
for 2x apigenin (90 pills ea) and 1x NAD complex (90 pills ea) with free shipping
for 3x CoreBiome Tributyrin (30 pills ea)
for 1x Curcumin Phytosome (60 pills ea) and 1x Citracal Calcium slow release (80 pills ea)
not too bad at all if the papers are in anyway close to accurate. 45 total doses of the treatment should be pretty good to try.
ah my B12 source is Naturelo multivitamin for anyone interested as in my research they hit a good ratio of bioavailability and cost. last time I got a good deal on it it was $56.48 for 240 pills (one pill daily). Think above that the best bioavailable ones were around $2 a pill then you entered into the customized pill market where you send back test kits and they target based off of that + diet plan you give them.

I had really bad back pain on one side (self diagnosed it as probably nerve pain). treated it with supplements and fasting.
maybe some of what I did might help

>> No.15985471

That's a decade busting order right there. I used multiple sources for CoreBIOME but also liked this one source for Tributyrin with gel caps that gave my stomach this baby bile likeness to it for a bit.

It sounds like my cancer test results have resonated well with some people and we are finally going to be getting some additional accounts. One guy in Europe is going to be trying it with VPA he thinks he might be able to get a hold of. If there are any other biomarkers anyone wants me to test for please let me know.


>> No.15986436
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Wasn't Sinclair's whole bit that upregulation of myc-c would cause cancer? Harvardfags BTFO AGAIN!!!

>> No.15986445

Sadly existing beings don't want to face non existence.
I'm hard agnostic, I hope for the existence of god, but we don't have any hard evidence, it's just people saying they talked with god.
If I knew paradise was a certainty, I would not only not fear death, I would cherish the passing of a human being.

>> No.15986448
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Atheism is declining worldwide.
Christianity is growing worldwide.

>> No.15986449
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>Christians are opposed to this.
They aren't, though.
Atheists are habitual liars, though, so it's not surprising that you choose to lie.

>> No.15986452
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>Atheist is wrong and delusional
Lick clockwork. See >>15986448.
Atheism is declining worldwide.
Christianity is growing worldwide.

>> No.15986456

Not quite. He was concerned that sustained Myc-c regulation would result in cancer because that's what happens. He said himself it's about the driving mechanism. Im beginning to believe the evidence shows that gene upregulation alone can't be made within the context SMs can and that's the difference. The cheaper method is quantitatively better. It's a superior technology to have the immune system modulate the process. Apigenin is observed to upregulate these genes in a time and dose specific manner and it always seems to be within some context. The macro level effects are what you need to be looking at.

>> No.15986457
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>Based hitchens.
Hello reddít.
Christopher Hitchens, the Trotskyist and Iraq War shill, was a dimwit and wrong about everything, just like his army of reddit followers.

>> No.15986459

Second link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uwMnaB5AOwU

>> No.15986461
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>It won't disappear unless capitalism dispears. Religion is the opium of the people. Humanism is religion too and already objects out of slave morality. Actual atheists are the minority. When you see graphs of LGBTQ acceptance, and it shows atheists at 97%. What this means is only 3% are atheists subscribing to scientific materialism and the rest are actually atheists in name only subscribing to idealism. Lenin described these sort of retards as graduated flunkees of clericalism.
Communists are the most delusional people of all, bunkercel.

Communism punishes success and rewards laziness.
It causes mass famines that starve your own people.

Men are not equal.
Not in ability, strength, industriousness, grit, discipline, intelligence, courage, virtue, creativity, or any other personal trait.
Communism is built on a lie.
You'd be more hard-pressed to find ways in which people are equal than ways in which they aren't.
To expect or desire equal outcomes is fundamentally irrational.
Communism is totalitarian lunacy.

Living under Communism is like living in the Matrix. To maintain the hoax, Communists must stop you from escaping the simulation. They must prevent you from discovering that there are better alternatives than the shitty system they impose on their citizens. That's why Communist states had to imprison their own citizens, forcibly preventing them from communicating with the outside world and moving abroad.

Communism is literally a prison society.

>> No.15986463
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>How do we stop christians from preventing human longevity or even immortality just because it goes against their religion?
Take a shower and go outside, redditor. You smell like garbage.

>> No.15986466
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>> No.15986470

I don't think anyone is serious about being against de-aging when it comes down to it. Whatever they spew out is just a reflection of their own problems with how they perceive humanity and what we are doing here. The world and life belong to the living. These views are paper thin and they know in their heart they are standing against life. Nobody who's mature and serious wants everyone to slowly decay and die that's just stupid to even consider.

>> No.15986471

it's ok to kill commies

>> No.15986472
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>Religion is the opium of the people.
>says the opium addict

>> No.15986484

Religious =/= Christian, you massive fucking retard.
Almost all countries where Islam is the dominant religion are growing, while the opposite is true for countries where Christianity is the dominant religion.
You dumb fucks are slowly disappearing while your church is only far too willing to encourage it.

>> No.15986500
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But saying everyone should die is so edgy.

>> No.15986506
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>atheist donkey can't read a simple chart
Here, I'll spell it out for you, atheist retard:
>The number of Christians is projected to rise by 34%

>> No.15986509
File: 199 KB, 1377x837, suicide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

atheists spend their lives shilling for contraception, population reduction, abortion, post-birth "abortion", euthanasia, etc.
atheists love death and hate life

>> No.15986523
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All demographic projections will need to be redone if everyone's de-aging themselves you dimwits.

>> No.15986535

So I was talking about skin cream, lysosomes, urea, Cinnaminic acid and dark spots earlier.

I can make a senolytic skin cream by mixing powders and store bought cream:

Pterostilbene is skin absorbent. There is water, natural oil, and urea in my store bought cream. How much to mix in? Commercial preps use 1-2% of resveratrol. if I’m making it senolytic, and I don’t have a scale…well I don’t go over 50-100mg per application (1 cap) or make it too chunky. If I’m treating a patch of benign spots or a cherry angioma, why not nuke it? If I want a regenerative formula for every day, then I’d need a scale and lower amount.

I could use quercetin and Pterostilebene. Pterostilbene to induce senescence and quercetin to clear cells.

The question is whether it really absorbs and how often I need to repeat. I can’t see it be more dangerous than laser or cryotherapy.

>> No.15986543

Let's see how many bitch when their bodies are working right.

Thoughts on Fisetin vs quercetin?

>> No.15986547

>150 posts
>23 IPs

>> No.15986560
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And a third of it's me. I have a guy who wants to know exactly how shitty I eat and I don't have the guts to say the number pizza rolls I average a day. It's /sci/ because where else should a poor balding autist talk about his treatise on coaxing immune cells into resetting epigenetic code via Yamanaka Factor Gene activation and everything affiliated? This is what basket weaving stuff looks like in 2024 get used to it. I do it for the people.

>> No.15986598

Ok so I mixed the cream (2 dabs cream, 1 half cap Pterostilbene) and applied it to some different spots. It was chunky paste. But it mostly disappeared on the skin. It might have felt warm. Idk. Tomorrow I’ll check it and add quercetin if nothing happened. Then I’ll probably use it for a week or give up. The goal is to make a quicker treatment than what’s at the store.

>> No.15986612

I think fisetin works on vascular cells. There are people that say it doesn’t work to extend life (at least in mice). With quercetin they always pair it with something else to make it work better in studies. They do need to be taken with fat and probably high doses. My current use would be to clear bad cells.

>> No.15986751

Fucking hell dude, learn to cook and get rid of all that supermarket garbage. It's fun, I promise.
Begin with some Eastern-European recipes, like Shakshuka, Latkes, Musaka, Pierogies, wtd.
Also learn how to bake so you realize just how much sugar goes into store-bought cookies.
Sugar-free apple pie remains the best snack in the world.

>> No.15986947

>pizza rolls
sounds dire. I would suggest switching to a low carb OMAD diet (with occasional fasting). But I'm a weirdo who can eat the same thing every day though I do have ice cream or pastries every other week. Anyway might as well post my daily in hopes it can help you.

low sugar greek yogurt (two good is the one I mostly get)
string cheese (galbani part skim is the best in my area)
chicken thighs (bone in skin on)
canned herring (my source of fish oil too since the pills get heavily oxidized)
spices (I tend towards low oxalate so white pepper, garlic/onion powder, pickling salt, italian herbs)

if daily cooking taking too long is why you eat like shit I can recommend getting a steam oven (Anova). Goes on sale occasionally and will usually cook chicken thighs from half frozen to 195 in about 30 minutes (400f 15m 60% steam then take out apply olive oil and pepper/herbs then put it on the top rack at 350 with just the top burner on no steam and then temp probe till 195). basically spice then freeze the chicken thighs in individual bags, have one defrosting always in the fridge, then cook/prepare everything else while it bakes. steam cooking is more thermally efficient so goes faster also in general the oven can do a lot of neat stuff (like steady temperature instead of heating up and down, integrated temp probe, even the app isn't that bad). also amazing way to do reverse sear steak (140f steam 100% then temp probe till 124f) anyway my shilling is done but eat better please

>> No.15987402
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Here's my question I know we would all be dying to know from the first immortal man. Boobs or ass?

>> No.15988278

>I was about to get my life on track and start doing all the things I wanted to do at the end of 2019
>covid hits
>everything shuts down
>can't travel
>can't socialize and be with the people that are important to me
>4 years pass and now everything is "normal" again
>lost 4 years of my life thanks to covid restrictions
>having an existential crisis because I'm 4 years older and haven't achieved any of my goals
>full of regret, depression and anger
>want to get the years back somehow
I feel like I've been a prisoner who was wrongfully accused.
and that's why I'm in this thread. we need rejuvenation for a multitude reasons and my personal reason for wanting it is getting back those stolen years. any more years are just a bonus and I'd love it.
basically I'm here to hope and cope there's a solution.

>> No.15988301

Oh hey, cool to meet another version of myself.
I'm past midway through my twenties now and have achieved absolutely nothing in life.
I should probably just move abroad at this point, but every possible alternative is just as bad if not worse.

>> No.15988520
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I actually haven't looked at anything Sinclair has posted in a bit. He has a much cheaper methylation test and has his latest on an informational theory of aging.
Very interesting stuff, still reading. I'm sure I come off as more of a self aware lab rat.
If Apigenin can modulate Myc-c with this it is going to be interesting to see how it works with cancer but whether it may also regrow limbs... if this method can do it or not we will find out sooner vs later. I keep hoping that we can get encodings down as far as we want with this. Which if possible leads me to think even more the rest is possible. Might still need localized gene upregulation, time will tell.

I have plenty of liberal sentiments too, but some of these policies are just trash. It would be my privilege to be the face of this if it comes down to it but I don't have to be. Like with any discovery I am atop a mountain of people you won't ever hear about.

She has to have epigenetic code as young as mine, ofc. You look at some women who are like 40 and they still look smoking hot but you tune up those encodings man they will beat out these younger immature women who haven't got their shit together every single fucking time. Youth and dating and age won't be the same stupid shit it is now where by the time you have the sense to know anything the "best years" are already gone and your body's breaking down. Some people are going to need a fucking century to grow the fuck up and they can be afforded that.

>> No.15988524

> 296 million
Count again, this time do not exclude alcohol and cigarettes. The hypocrysy of those guys.. if they ever saw me real drunk, they would legalize everything so I don't have to ever drink alcohol again.

>> No.15988556

It's a crime that only women in their 20s look like they do. If their bodies are younger they will also be hornier all the time.

>> No.15988581
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Someone specific to blame for all the change or crucify if it turns us purple.

>> No.15989003
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>Even better if they are smarter than I have been with my data collection and take a methylation test before starting.

>> No.15989028

Sorry but I won't do the methylation tests since they seem to be like $400 per. Also bit of a svhizo so dending out my dna bothers me. Revue pills get here on Wednesday. Think I'll do a 48 hour fast after I take the first treatment and see how that feels

>> No.15990078

Do you know anything about SIRT6 activators (upregulate) and if it could help DNA with this protocol? Some include fucoidan (brown seaweed), anthocyanins (berries, pomegranate, etc).

>> No.15990103
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>> No.15990134
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Women are only ever the stimuli they present into our brains anon.

>> No.15990268
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Some people may find themselves tired of wearing the same mask they thought they would be carrying out till the end. Be brave and be true to yourself however that lands. We are going to be growing in ways we have never thought possible and there will be pain with that growth to accompany it. I think these steps are best to be made in kindness toward others in the ways that we can manage. We are gonna be here with each other for quite awhile now and we will get to see the impacts of our choices play out to a degree we would not have expected to actually be here for.

>> No.15990411

You know that's not what he means you silly pedant

>> No.15991317

so is the play 1 dose or 2 doses a day?

>> No.15991330

>>23 IPs
>23 chromosome pairs

>> No.15991335


>> No.15991463
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Go for 2, if not 3 if you can. I've topped out I think at 4 in a night or something. The guy is right to say my dosage isn't scientifically reproduceable. I was more concerned with proving the safety after a certain point.

For those of you without my dossier, that Natalie Part/portman reference is going to make more sense after I'm doxxed. I had to look it up, but it being Rachel McAdams who did that joke makes me really feel even more seen right now. I hope this is really what it looks like. That or someone needs to shoot me, I've completely lost it.

We got to around 40 last thread. It's mostly me but there is kind of a reason for that still.
That no woman's beauty will be lost from this earth.

>> No.15991834

>Ethics Dept.: We can't test this combination of compounds in late elderly subjects because of mortality risks.
>Subject: *Dies of old age*
I guess we'll never know.

>> No.15992237
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>Checks bank account
This is the current best pathway being investigated to regrow teeth. First human trials this summer but only with specific ailments for now. They think this will be the one though.

Team working on generating more eggs

If you think about it in the grande scheme of things Apigenin was only recently made as bioavailable as it is. The history will show the discovery and implementation to be very prompt.


>> No.15992244

>he gets doxxed cuz Hollywood has started taking it and TMZ hunts his ass down to tell us what shoes he's wearing and what car he drive because this is now their new shiny thing.
Not the WSJ, but TMZ will break the news on the first de-aged man. Only in America.


>> No.15992249

If they don't change the laws they will run out of idiots to elect and they only have so many famous ones.

>> No.15992381


>Co-administration of apigenin and resveratrol led to a 2.39 fold increase in plasma apigenin levels compared to administration of apigenin alone, suggesting that co-administration of resveratrol could increase bioavailability of apigenin

>> No.15992473

huh cool found 1350mg dose I can get same day that has a coupon too. also my revue pills are coming today (a day early) so looks like I'll try that with them

>> No.15992528
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Now that is very interesting. I wonder how it would also work with it being liposomal delivery in the mix. I think the boundary you want to be careful with is when Apigenin puts you to sleep. If you feel like taking a nap after your first dose (give it a bit over an hour to really kick in) then take the second.


Were 14-28 days away from methylation test results. I appreciate everyone tuning in as we continue to figure out what we got going on here. If this doesn't activate yamanaka factors and reprogram your cells, it sure as hell makes you think you have. My eyelids are still relishing in all the blood flow.

>> No.15993033

>Were 14-28 days away from methylation test results.
K, keep me posted

>> No.15993252

I’m having a severe existential crisis about my mortality. I come to these threads in hopes they speak comfort to me and quell my anxiety. They haven’t and I think this is doing more harm than good. I wish you all the best of luck.

>> No.15993380

Okay took the first dose. Followed the rentry instructions but added the resveratrol (2x pills for a total 1350mg dose and some added quercetin with it) with the apigenin. Going to just stick to one dose at a time and do a fast the next day so going through my supply will take 90 days. As said before apologies but I'm not going to do any testing. Will keep a journal I'll upload to rentry I guess noting anything different.

>> No.15993410
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NMN has been associated with severe cellular degeneration due to activation of SARM1 by a deranged NMN/NAD+ ratio

We must acquire NaMN as an potential alternative (Nicotinic Acid Mononucleotide) or otherwise ABANDON NMN FOR ANTI AGING

>> No.15993427

paper I think he is referring to (also the first one that pops up in google so lol)
some prior discussion for what it's not really relevant especially for liposomal delivery.

>> No.15993456

>some prior discussion for what it's not really relevant especially for liposomal delivery.
excuse me? did someone deactivate your grammar module?

>> No.15993461

lol are you btw the guy who was always going on about the risk of oxidation while never providing a single study talking about it? it's very ironic you act like this when I can tell that you're also heavily vaxxed. good luck

>> No.15993481

One shot a day might not be enough to really get breakthrough changes but you would be doing it longer. If the resveratrol is really increasing blood plasma levels on top of the lipo delivery it might still be fine. You should be noticing things a day or two into doing this. If you don't mind me asking anon may I get your chronological age?

>> No.15993486

Soon to be 34. Hmm. About how long between the 1st shot and the 2nd shot did you usually wait?

>> No.15993488

The concerns are identified as more contextual than that. Don't use NAD when recovering from brain trauma or injury

>> No.15993491

An hour or two.

>> No.15993493

Been 2 for me. Will try given the concerns about breakthrough changes. Think I'll add my usual serrapeptase and nattokinase as well.

>> No.15993504

Will try to keep this updated. Like I said earlier going to do a 48 hour fast after so 45 days total for 22 days of 2 shots 22 days of fasting then a day of 1 shot to finish off my supply. Feeling pretty alert after each shot so far

>> No.15993511

>Everybody thinking this nigga got cancer in every cell in his body
>Dunno, not feeling it day one with half ur dosage.
This is what we mean by reproducibility. Even if there is gold here we only have an approx for where it's buried. You were taking Apigenin for years and it could have conditioned you in a way we won't be able to replicate that easily.

>> No.15993515

>>Dunno, not feeling it day one with half ur dosage.
Nothing in my post makes that statement. I'm actually feeling notably alert as I posted later. Obviously long-term effects won't be shown hours later after taking a dose but again nothing in my post stated an opinion contrary to that.

>> No.15993830

5 hours after the 2nd dose. No headaches or pain. Feeling more content/pleasant than normal. A bit thirstier.

>> No.15993838



>> No.15993947

and btw a personal attack is not evidence!

>> No.15994174

If the updated protocol does not work, you can always go back to just apigenin, tributyrin, and the vitamins.

>> No.15994248

Im taking NMN, butyrate, make curry 3 x times a week, apigenin. Will I be ok? What else do I need? Propose some option that is relatively cheap

>> No.15994384
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Im thinking more about dosage and don't forget the curcumin (not a vitamin).

Genuine question, do you normally have any headaches or pain?

Also, how many people do we have in this thread that are doing it or plan to be doing it soon/made orders?

I think that is accurate to say. I'm concerned it primed my immune system in a way that simply won't be quick for others to replicate but there really isn't any other way to know other than talking to people and having them try it.

This song made me cry a few times now. I'd trade all of it away in a heartbeat if I could get what I had actually wanted. But life has this way of finding a way to do that no matter who you are or what happens I think. Even in the acquisition of what you think you so desperately want. Just when you think you got these things we are so happy to attach to do they then get their proper examination. It's a beautiful dance we take with the grand illusion but it's also kinda funny if you think about it, I choose to believe that everyone is learning the lessons it they need to be. Not that there aren't plenty of honest happy lessons to be learned out there too. Some argue you always get to pick.

>> No.15994389

Fine but that's the last of it okay OP?

>> No.15994402

Lots of men are plenty successful and still get cheated on/divorced. People change, and they sure as hell will do more of that when they are living for hundreds of years. Attachment is a form of resistance, which is another way of saying pain.

>> No.15994404

And that's the real joy of it. I like it how Apigenic sounds sort of like Apologetic. It's like a grace. We don't have to be punished so brutally for needing to take the long way around.

>> No.15994423

Ahhh, c'est la vie. Humans are indeed strange creatures.

>> No.15994525
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>> No.15994783

>Genuine question, do you normally have any headaches or pain?
No. Occasional aches but that's about it.

>> No.15994800

>affiliate links in the description
Yeaahh no thanks anon

>> No.15995071
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>sperg low-key realizing humanity unabashedly hates itself, and spergs who have little inhibition on pattern recognition only fuck things up further for everyone but these fucks just can't stop sperging because they are categorically mentally defective.
Be prepared to be doted around for a hot second like a half person who sure can pull something interesting out of his hat (or why else would we care who you are anyway?) but other than that shouldn't be allowed around normal people. Like I'm sure your regular life already is. Like we keep saying, there is no good to be had for you in this. They don't even want you to exist, have you not been paying attention? You are being laughed at because you are a fool to be so open and genuine it's a wonder you haven't been killed yet for a psychopaths entertainment.
>Muh, I'll get a dose of humanity too someday. Just watch.
You aren't paying attention anon. What your life has already been is exactly what humanity thinks you deserve. If you were ever a part of what they have going on you wouldn't have this disconnect. You would have someone else to talk to. We killed the man who first noticed we were not the center of the universe because our feelings matter more than the truth every single time and nobody can remove that from our record because its a pattern of behavior that defines who we are. We are proudly ignorant hairless apes, and you just gave these things the ability to ignore reality to levels that shouldn't be possible. People aren't going to grow up over this they are going to double down on their own personal choice of hellish rot because that's what's comfortable and nothing a fucking autist says or feels is going to change that.

>> No.15995080
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Spoken like someone attached to having control.

>> No.15995088

Shit take. Get some Vitamin D.

>> No.15995096

>liposomal Apigenin
is there a difference if its liposomal or not?

I just have a butyric acid, is that enough?

what kind of quality, will OTC spice suffice?

>> No.15995105
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Behold, your champion for human life.

>> No.15995116
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Wrapping the nutrient in a liposome (fat) allows it to make its way through your stomach acid to be properly absorbed by the gut. You get a multiple on bioavailability that way. The latest mouse and human models show we need allot more of the HDAC inhibition than we do primary activators for the YF genes, I would recommend switching to Tributyrin because it has better absorption rates but they used sodium butyrate in the lab just fine just look at their dosage in comparison. It's in the rentry along with more details about the protocol. The immune system will target regions of your body most necessary but wherever that is you want your DNA to be accessible. I have been using phytosome curcumin and been having a good time with it but it comes down to how effectively we are inhibiting GSK3.

Bawk bawk bukawk.

>> No.15995165
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>> No.15995167

Yogurt or cottage cheese can work I believe.

>> No.15995205

>Questioning the utility of your own being.
LMAO even. Men are judged and marketed wholesale on their utility and nothing else. Our utility defines every last part of our meaning, as does OP's if this really works. Nobody really cares what he thinks or says so long as he's providing what they want. They will even fein him some attention to make themselves feel better about the weirdo. If you aren't inherently expendable you aren't really seen as a man even if you think about it. What the fuck is this guy even talking about? Even looks are a social utility that you will be debased over. That guy lives in a fantasy world where he can't even acknowledge why he is in the situation he is in. The only reason he is as comfortable after losing his license is because of his utility. Good luck selling 600 years of wage slavery for a society that teaches young women to hate men and that the best thing ever is to personally take them down. He can always point the finger at men but when women refuse to show up for their half of social responsibility he's dead and blind. I'd rather just decay and die and so will you after a hundred more years of female neglect/self-empowerment.
>Clean your room, things couldn't possibly be worse than when I was your age.
Same as every other boomer, they will spend eternity refusing to acknowledge they collectively laid an entire generation (their children) as a sacrifice to their hedonism. And now you want us to do that forever without end? Fuck you.


>> No.15995218

Better question is how many women will be able to continue to look at themselves in the mirror after the average number of bodies they have piled up hits four or five digits. They are trapped in the hell they have made for everybody just as you. Who do you think feels worse when they subconsciously know they are choosing to do this?


They know exactly what they are doing and they would rather die too.

>> No.15995241
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JP was able to buy a home in his 20s, that alone outranks the accomplishments the majority of future men have any right to hope for. He can cry all he wants and fire up those mirrored neurons for an hour but that's that. I want to know how OP has the gall to present mankind with the responsibility to willfully kill itself or face the reality of what it is doing and expect to be allowed to breathe air. Humanity repeatedly kills people over less imposing self-reflection. We don't like it.

>> No.15995436
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Yawn. Hot air.

>> No.15995467

>You get a multiple on bioavailability that way
rn Im mixing apigenin with olive oil, lets see if I can order the liposomal one. Do you know any good brands in europe? I have a hard time finding it on the internet, lots of these powders come from china

>> No.15995495

>Don't use NAD when recovering from brain trauma
What? the molecule under scrutiny here is NMN, its shown a uniquely neurodegenerative effect over other molecules with B3 equivalence.

>> No.15995566
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My sister lives in France, she has been able to get it from renue.

That I am not familiar with anon, I'll have to take a look!

Those of us without the same problems still wouldn't be comely to gloat. Focus on your own stuff and what you can do with what you have.

Lots of lame ideas here that get you nowhere. But that's the best part. You spend however long it is you need on them and you wake up a slightly newer man the next day and you still get more time to figure out something that works.

If I could pick a head shrinker to help me deal with the reality of this, it could only be Jordan Peterson.

>> No.15995581

>My sister lives in France, she has been able to get it from renue.
fml, Im just a slav mane. Im using hansen supplements, if anybody here can confirm that its of decent quality (or not), Id appreciate it

>> No.15995626

>Nobody is trying to fuck with you here man.
there are literally regular posts on /b/ that try to get people to accidentally make chlorine gas

>> No.15995760

Check renues list, they ship DHL to eastern Europe too.

>> No.15995795
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>How I expect to be allowed to breath air
By asking nicely.

>> No.15995910

then read the research?

>> No.15996005

updated my notes rentry (https://rentry.org/ApigeninUsageNotes))
>Besides the increased alertness I also noticed a general mood enhancement felling more content/pleasant than normal. Might be the NAD complex increasing seratonin or something. Anyway probably not something that should be taken daily or long term. Fasting day didn't notice anything different. Woke up a bit earlier so did my meal and both shots earlier than normal.
also while I'm not quite sure I'll be able to tell the different I did make sure to at least get a baseline to see if the eyelid thickening thing is real or not. just closed my eyes while looking the direction of my bathroom light (it's bright) so maybe I'll notice a difference in a month or so.

>> No.15996453

Antioxidants give me a big mood boost usually.

>> No.15996509

hi dude (underrail). euro here, bit limited in my liposomal apigenin choices. i discovered a couple of options worth mentioning and wanted your thoughts. found a liposomal complex with 600mg api / 200mg fisetine / 100mg Quercetine or a straight 200mg liposomal apigenin with sunflower-chitosan (wasnt overly keen on taking chitosan btw). my bodyweight is aprx 65kg as reference, so was going to take your dosages minus 30percent. am i stuck with the chitosan, or would the complex suffice with the higher dose and extras.. hope that makes sense

>> No.15996518

have had some previous exp with anti ageing stuffs. after many health issues i took periodically a combo of astragalus-angelica-gotu kola tinctures which were known to stimulate telomerase. i read some of maria blascos studies into them and checked what herbs could do this. 40yrs old and can still pass for late 20s (which considering everything, surgeries/lifestyle choices is lmao)

>> No.15996642

How does antimitotic compounds affects injury and trauma? Should I stop taking them immidiately after injury?

>> No.15996758

What is a good anti-cancer/anti-senescence stack?

Senescent cells can escape autophagy and proliferate. They excrete sasp and growth factors. It causes the nearby tissue to be inflamed and grow.

Would we use a similar protocol?

>> No.15996937

I don't think about Rome nearly as often as I think about this specific scene.

Activation of yamanaka factors by SM's have been shown to make senescent cells less senescent but I am not against you trying to clear some out first if that is what you want to do.

Too add to that. I don't know how this may work in combo with other flavoids or senolytics. But If you really cant get something else I would be surprised.

I'm very interested in how it goes. Allot of people get tired at the dosage you are taking it. Liposomal gives it something like a 3x compared to a regular dosage and I always felt there was a specific breakthrough for me at a little less than your taking. You could probably handle atleast one more shot. All of that didn't happen over a few days, ofc.

>> No.15996994

Can we get your weight and height?

>> No.15997002

It's surprising that there does not seem to be any instance of this experiment being tried before. It's at least a cellular research general with proof of any reprogramming pending.

>> No.15997007


High or low SIRT6 looks can fuel melanomas. Not having high blood sugar all the time is one of the preventions I’m guessing.

Asked AI about BAX proteins which fascilitate apoptosis and how to increase them…
Spermidine, Melatonin, BTSA1.2 + Navitoclax.

Looked around for other stuff that could stop melanoma: Zeaxanthin inhibited uveal melanoma. Maybe: Glutamine, Resveratrol.

Some of the takeaway is that sirt6/NAD should be regulated, or maybe we want to use this stuff at the right time.

I’m the skin guy. I was just thinking of interventions doing the opposite of what we want.

>> No.15997160

Did we achieve cell rejuvenation yet?

>> No.15997286
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Apigenin is a master modulator for SIRT functions, see picrel. If you are concerned about the NAD/NMN/NR you can also not include it. I am including it because of my experience with it in combo with Apigenin.
Apigenin around skin cancer

Lab results showing my recent methylation levels will be here between the 6th and the 20th of Feb and should hopefully settle this. I am as detached as I can be from the outcome, I just want the data. Clinical human experimentation with OSK is scheduled for 2025 so this is coming one way or another. Cell rejuvenation was already occurred multiple times over in rats and monkeys, just not in humans outside of lab models. No reason to think that the tech that already exists wont do the job.
My cancer test came back clear, ofc. I will take the gallieri test in 6 months. Personal replication efforts from other people here are just starting.

>> No.15997308

Sinclair deserved one more student.

>> No.15997321

Even if I had my A game, it's unlikely I would have made it through Harvard admissions. But if I had known where the literature was at several years ago I would have done the experiment already. I wouldn't have seen the ratio of HDACi to primary activators though.

>> No.15997440

This concern I get, that if we are inhibiting growth during this process it may lead to negative effects. Especially if you are undergoing it while your body is already healing from trauma. I think one point to bring up again is that this is being modulated by immune system functions, and I don't believe is occurring in the entire body at once when we do it this way. Local biomarkers in tissue are used to identify points where there are bad encodings and those are targeted in order of their deviation from what should be nominal. Some of Sinclair's work/observations I believe would support this too. We are taking it a week on and a week off, my sister is thinking about doing it day on day off but from my experience you want a sustained effect. The fact my cells haven't kicked the bucket with all the prodding I hope can speak to something on it too.

>> No.15997475
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Apigenin upregulates these Yamanaka factors in a time and dose dependent fashion. And it can take up to 7 days for the genes to be expressed. This is why you don't want to alternate or go half assed. Sustained periods where the cells can get properly worked on, followed by equal time to adjust.
One of the first links in the rentry.

>> No.15997476
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better pic

>> No.15997481
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>5 days
But I'd still say there is a ramp up before that in the body. I'd also recommend having the HDACi already working in your system before adding the apigenin. There was a bit in the rentry about that too. If someone could find any info on how fast/long Tributyrin would be active that would be awesome.

Picrel like stuff is definitely on my mind, but I think there are some key differences though. Hard to pick one to start with. I would go with Apigenin's established presence in the community of divers. The depths themselves aren't even the question so much as what else we are doing down there.

>> No.15997487
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It's so interesting that you will see myc-c upregulation only in a setting where it is needed. It will then down regulate myc-c to induce apoptosis if it's a cancer cell. It's doing so many different things here all pointing to one outcome.

>> No.15997518

I'm completely noob in all of these things. Half of what you write is alienspeak to me. However, I want to ask. Why did you choose Curcumin to reduce inflammation? I have psoriasis and I tried tons of supplements to reduce inflammation and Curcumin wasn't effective at all. Boswellia extract on the other hand had significant impact. Can we use other anti-inflammatory supplements like vitamin C, NAC etc. etc?

>> No.15997534

It's specifically gsk3 inhibition we are going for. It came up as a good inhibitor of the beta pathway to try and it's worked well. I love NAC, it made great conditions for my lungs to go through this process. I would seriously recommend it if you have a history of inhaling things other than proper air. If you have other ways to work gsk3 go for it. It's the one we have the most options for for sure. I wasn't even adding it in the beginning, it's really more of a comfort thing and I'm sure makes it more overall effective.

>> No.15997535

Hmm noticed my 2nd day (3rd and 4th shot) the mood aspects were noticeably reduce. going to skip the fast today and take the 5th and 6th shot to see if it makes a difference.
yeah maybe the fasting was a bad idea and should be saved for after I'm done taking apigenin

5 11 190 prior to this put on some weight over winter planning to do a long period of 48 or 72 hour fasts

>> No.15997538

Yeah you're gaining hordes of Chinese and Africans and losing white people. Congratulations. You should try their churches sometime LOL. Chinese churches are full of wacky cult shit and Confucianist hivemind brainwashing and African "churches" are basically voodoo+jesus.

>> No.15997550

My constitution mans got curls n sheet. Without context this scene could have been straight outta Star Trek.

>> No.15997607

>African "churches" are basically voodoo+jesus.
Sounds pretty based, ngli

>> No.15997617
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Increasing bax

>> No.15997645
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