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File: 180 KB, 750x1334, IOB weforum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15980052 No.15980052 [Reply] [Original]

The internet is proof that we are able to build an artificial consciousness. All data and all memories are shared in the cloud. Any machine connected to this cloud is able to fetch whatever data whenever it wants from it.
Through this cloud we can also remotely communicate. We are only restricted by the speed we type our messages in, but the machines send this info to the receiver almost instantaneously.
Internet of Things is the collective unconscious of the machines. The machines are able to interact with each other without the need for an external command prompt (i.e. a human telling the machine to notice another machine or transmit data to it). Botnet might sound like a familiar concept.
The transhumanists are building this same collective unconscious for humans - the Internet of Bodies. The usual suspects are to blame.

>> No.15980053
File: 2.42 MB, 1112x7896, Internet Of Bodies-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Covid" was the catalyst for the IoB. It was all planned from the get-go and the vaccine was always the reason for this event. The vaccine is known to contain nanographeneoxide (NGO), which is able to interact with electromagnetic fields (EMF). Just type those two words into Scholar and you'll find quite a lot of papers about it. Remember when the 5G and microchip "conspiracies" first surfaced? It was the earlier days of the pandemic, before April 2020 iirc. This is all planned by them. They want to ridicule the whole concept with over blown lies (i.e. there is an physical chip in the vaxx, 5G causes covid etc.) in order to discredit the whole premise. But there is also a pinch of truth in every lie.
The NGO is the chip which can be manipulated with correct 5G frequencies. Reddits favorite - Elon Musk - is building the 5G satellite network, which will cover the entirety of the world, no blind spots. The bi-yearly boosters are to ensure that you don't get overblown effects by too much NGO injected in a short span. It needs to settle to different organs, but most importantly the brain.

>> No.15980104
File: 84 KB, 720x885, transhumanist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tranny thread

>> No.15980479

i dont get it. whats the application of this? sounds like troon bullshit, which is all transhumanism.

>> No.15980490
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>Internet of Bodies

>> No.15980694
File: 199 KB, 652x851, digital sentience vs flat earth algekalipso.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't understand the difference between intelligence and consciousness
The internet won't be able to experience qualia until people figure out how to solve the binding problem.


>> No.15980806

what motivates someone to spam these threads everywhere? scientifically speaking

>> No.15980831 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15981181 [DELETED] 
File: 165 KB, 688x2048, MindControl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no that sucks

>> No.15981329
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>> No.15982631

Binding inputs to outputs is a very basic wireless communications standard that was figured out in the first generations of bluetooth.

>> No.15983287
File: 165 KB, 688x2048, MindControl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no that sucks

>> No.15985051
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>> No.15985059

stop shilling this bullshit, it's too retarded to catch on lmao.

>> No.15986097
File: 211 KB, 1017x1473, internetofbodies1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What Is The Internet Of Bodies? And How Is It Changing Our World? By Bernard Marr at forbes.com:
When the Internet of Things (IoT) connects with your body, the result is the Internet of Bodies (IoB). The Internet of Bodies (IoB) is an extension of the IoT and basically connects the human body to a network through devices that are ingested, implanted, or connected to the body in some way. Once connected, data can be exchanged, and the body and device can be remotely monitored and controlled.

There are three generations of Internet of Bodies that include:
Body external: These are wearable devices such as Apple Watches or Fitbits that can monitor our health.
Body internal: These include pacemakers, cochlear implants, and digital pills that go inside our bodies to monitor or control various aspects of our health.
Body embedded: The third generation of the Internet of Bodies is embedded technology where technology and the human body are melded together and have a real-time connection to a remote machine.

A “smart pill” is another IoB device. These pills have edible electronic sensors and computer chips in them. Once swallowed, these digital pills can collect data from our organs and then send it to a remote device connected to the internet. The first digital chemotherapy pill is now in use that combines chemotherapy drugs with a sensor that captures, records, and shares information with healthcare providers (with the patient’s consent) regarding the drug dosage and time, plus other data on rest and activity, heart rate and more.

>> No.15986780

If you remove all the humans the internet is just 1s and 0s being ping ponged back and forth. How is that a consciousness?

>> No.15986789

gross, I already prefer to keep my technological devices at an arms length and keep my home generally free from excessive technological noise. I do not understand people who want their home to be full of internet connected switches, appliances, lightbulbs etc, apple watches are just another step of absurdity to me.

ridiculous and exhausting, these people...

>> No.15986796

theres going to be a huge divide in humanity where the people biologically attuned to nature/natural systems will be forced onto technological platforms and then will invariably experience deficits and inability to function in that environment and will be considered "retarded" and probably subject to "treatments" which further degrade the person into some near comatose state, whilst the people who uptake technology like its a vitamin will thrive and come to hold a state of power over the others.

makes me think about whether there are people in our society right now who appear retarded yet have some latent abilities that would manifest if you let them return to a non-civilizational environment