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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15978863 No.15978863 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.15978868

>Summary: We tested the fixity of political preferences of 136 healthy males during the 2011 U.S. presidential election season by administering synthetic testosterone or placebo to participants who had identified the strength of their political affiliation. Before the testosterone treatment, we found that weakly affiliated Democrats had 19% higher basal testosterone than those who identified strongly with the party (p=0.015). When weakly affiliated Democrats received additional testosterone, the strength of their party fell by 12% (p=.01) and they reported 45% warmer feelings towards Republican candidates for president (p < 0.001). Our results demonstrate that testosterone induces a “red shift" among weakly-affiliated Democrats. This effect was associated with improved mood. No effects were found of testosterone administration for strongly affiliated Democrats or strong or weak Republicans. Our findings provide evidence that neuroactive hormones affect political preferences.

>> No.15978877

low T, brain damage, whole nine. Leftists have everything possible wrong with them.

>> No.15978883


>> No.15979106

if you really deep it all leftists have large amounts of uni fees they blame society for.

>> No.15979283

Yes, I have been saying this for years.

>> No.15979326

Having high testosterone is overrated. It's just as bad as having low testosterone. Either end of the spectrum warps men's minds and they become annoying to be around and generally unlikeable.

>> No.15979333
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Global warming is real, retard. Cars are also stupid.

>> No.15979392

Leftism is the Great Filter.
Leftists are basically zombies.
Just look at US, utterly destroyed by leftism.
It's like cancer, the body gets eaten inside out

>> No.15979529
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this, they are spiteful mutants, it isnt just one thing, they are genetic garbage that would have died at or near after birth with any kind of selection pressure. Unfortunately us gigabrains and gigabrauns made this world too safe and they survived when they shouldnt have

>> No.15979551

That's not true. /pol/ is renouned for its femboy nazis

>> No.15979557
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>> No.15979574

nah, they are micro-amigdala'd fucks, they are neurodivergent in the same way that schizophrenics are, aka the debilitating way

>> No.15979678

>muh spiteful mutants
hello dr retard

>> No.15979690

>no arguments
hi shit for brains

>> No.15979693
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>betray the working class by moving jobs overseas
>lower taxes on the wealthy
>reduce or eliminate regulations which protect the public
>destroy unions through lies and manipulation

It's Democrats fault!

>> No.15979717

That and they have to stop porn and social media usage

>> No.15979740

leftism is basically an evolutionary strategy employed by dysgenic, highly neurotic weaklings and miscreants as a way to wrest power and social standing from the strong by trying to hijack normal humans' natural sense of pity and empathy with exploitative appeals to "it's called being a good person"

>> No.15979757

1. Democrats aren't leftists
2. The effect was only observed among weakly affiliated Democrats
Conclusion: these are closet rightoids who are more willing to be honest about their politics after getting some T in them due to the confidence boost. Probably /pol/cels. You can observe the same effect on an anonymous board where the anonymity provides the confidence instead.

>> No.15979759

And rightism is the evolutionary strategy of simply blatantly not being a good person known as "fuck you, got mine"

>> No.15979765

actual leftist ""men"" (>>15979529)
are even more deficient in testosterone (inb4 "akshually low t is a good thing, chud")

>> No.15979772

you clearly need a T boost

>> No.15979774

I dunno, I think even the women there have more T than you. What do you think T correlates with? Photogenicity?
So I can be even more confident in the convictions that I proudly espouse? Seems redundant. Communists do not deign to hide.

>> No.15979776
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you are a dysgenic freak and everyone laughs at you

>> No.15979780

Think I struck a nerve. I bet you're exactly the sort of "weakly affiliated Democrats" who would claim to vote for Biden because they think it might get them laid

>> No.15979783

i think this might be the same low iq commie from a thread the other day who thought idpol was an invention of neoliberal capitalists. if so, he's not worth getting into an argument with

especially since he doesn't understand that multiple different anons can post different things to the same thread

>> No.15979809
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no it's a strategy of conserving what the best of us made whereas the left would tear it down out of spite and total lack of self sufficiency.

T correlates with holistic, global thinking/perception/intuition which properly masculinized men excel at and literally the entire rest of the population fails to grasp, so they resort to harping on details and nuance while completely missing the big picture.

>> No.15980043

>especially since he doesn't understand that multiple different anons can post different things to the same thread
You don't seem to understand that "you" is both singular and plural in the English language lol
And you also don't seem to get that multiple different Anons can disagree with you on something so who are you to talk really

>> No.15980044

The Jobs went away because the state chased them away through excessive regulations, taxes and unionist terror.
Muh Jobs aren't even the focus now, look at what leftism did to the society, absolutely murdered it.
It's a death spiral honestly, first destroy the economy and then the society, ultimately just DIE off, that's exactly what is happening.

>> No.15980068

If only we could pay people pennies per hour, then we'd have lots of jobs!
Oh what's that people can't even get by on minimum wage today and work multiple jobs and businesses still employ illegal immigrants whilst voting for people who make it harder for illegal immigrants to have job security or be entitled to fair compensation to keep the job market competitive?
But yes it's all feminism's fault that people aren't starting families when they can barely afford a single room because large corporations buy up all the houses and everything is only ever becoming more expensive entirely due to right-wing economic policy and the only thing that isn't going up is the wages starting exactly from when Reagan became president and coinciding with a decline in union membership to our current historic low
But never mind all that it's probably all the fault of gender neutral bathrooms somehow

>> No.15980114

Black men have higher T than white men. So if you think that high T is the key to a successful civilisation, well, you know whom to turn to.

>> No.15981537

/sci/ is not /pol2/ take your shit and go

>> No.15981551

>But yes it's all feminism's fault
Literally yes and all the stats prove this conclusively. "Affordability" is *negatively* correlated to fertility. It's female misbehavior, individually, collectively, politically, and intellectually all the way down.

You're right that social issues don't matter though since women won't exist following artificial wombs so this whole tranny panic is absurd.

>> No.15981567

1/√(136) < 10% error

>> No.15981571

None of those reference ranges make sense. Sloppy shop.

>> No.15981572

>Black men have higher T than white men.
No they don't, in fact they have higher estrogen. Why are you making shit up?

>> No.15981724

Humans are low-T faggots compared to gorillas and chimps.

Why are conservatives and republicans admitting they themselves are more like primitive animals, to 'own the libs'?

>> No.15981741

xenoestrogen exposure and highly sedentary activity is no joke

>> No.15981745

Why are blacks disproportionately Olympic gold medalists then

>> No.15981748

They have lower cash repeats which means higher sensitivity to T in addition to being lower iq and more primitive

Balance my retarded cuck friend. Proper masculinization in addition to being from the civilized races is where it’s at. But however you need to rationalize being a woman who wants to receive and get fucked - that’s on you little fella.

>> No.15981754

Cag repeats*. Piece of shit autocorrect.

High t is independent from being low iq genius. You can have both, one or the other or neither. In the case of blacks it’s both excessive and on top of being from the undeveloped lower race.

>> No.15981786

leftist politics is just a way for loser degenerates to acquire power without the need for any form of self-improvement.

>> No.15981826

they aren't, blacks are over 25% of the world's population and they only get medals in some track & field events.
whites are less than 9% of the of the world's population and get medals in every category of olympic competition and completely dominate many of them.

>> No.15981838

idk anon, from the posts I see in here it definitely is, its just as dumb and not scientific at all, its literally headline posting but now with scientific papers and some random statistics that don't control for anything whatsoever

>> No.15981862

it's about collectivism vs individualism

of course weaker people want to rely on the group, while stronger people want to rely on themselves

>> No.15981869

>You are good at holistic, global thinking
Sounds like something you get told by a horoscope
That's a feminine trait. You're a coping little sõy bitch KEK

>> No.15982732
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>/sci/ is not /pol2/ take your shit and go

>> No.15982900

How do we define what a leftist is?

>> No.15982910

by love
>loves racism
>loves war
>orgasms to authority

>> No.15983014

I'm a nazbol, and my T is just fine. Not sure whether that counts as "left" in the US, your political coordinates are all fucked up.

>> No.15983181

love is love bigot

>> No.15983206

that's a bingo

>> No.15983817

why are americans such mentally ill schizos?

>> No.15983873

>why is more than one person not share the same mind?
It obviously makes much more sense wherever you live; stay there.

>> No.15984424

>t. spiteful mutant

>> No.15984435

>Not sure whether that counts as "left"
it counts as "jewish", everywhere.

>> No.15984436

>Democrats aren't leftists
Yes they are, commie rat.

>> No.15984782

he means leftists on a global scale and not american

>> No.15984848
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>Why are blacks disproportionately Olympic gold medalists
I'm gonna go out on a limb and guess you yourself are black for saying something so stupid. Generally only black people say something really stupid and untrue like your original post, then say something equally stupid and untrue as a retort when you get called out for the first stupid and untrue statement. (the falsehood of both statements being easily discovered in a matter of seconds)

>> No.15985775

Powerful retort, you convinced me

>> No.15985787

>betray the working class by moving jobs overseas
Bill Clinton is a republican? Learn something new everyday I guess

>> No.15985800

I was actually alive when B ill Clinton was President and signed NAFTA into law btw and this is what the entire country complained about, losing jobs to foreign nations American companies couldnt compete with. This isnt some esoteric secret, you are just ignorant. It was as much in the news and discussed at the time as the immigration invasion is today. It was a hot button topic everyone was talking about.

Did NAFTA cause U.S. job loss?
Moreover, data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reveal that nearly 4.5 million U.S. manufacturing jobs have been lost overall since NAFTA took effect.Feb 12, 2018


>> No.15985807
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>Moving jobs overseas started with NAFTA

>> No.15985822
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>> No.15985833

You people just have banned talking points from whatever halfwit you follow on twitch and jewtube with canned talking points. You dont really understand anything you ever talk about outside of to generic and mostly false talking points. Im not saying Republicans are perfect or the "good guys" or arent guilty of fucking over the country in countless ways, that is what you did however because you are a partisan hack that thinks there are actually two parties in this country and they both dont work for big finance (the jews)

>> No.15985837


keep following the pied piper little buddy, he will get to the utopia some day

>> No.15985875

the truth is jobs moving overseas started decades before. acting like NAFTA was some watershed moment is just you desperately wanting to pin this on the democrats. btw more republicans in both the house and senate voted for it

>> No.15985886

>no you
projection from the mentally ill is real out here folks

>> No.15985901

neither or those two anons. nafta was uniparty neolib trash, written by bush i admin, signed by killary's husband. it was absolutely a watershed for fucking over jobs and unions, no idea why you'd try to downplay it

>> No.15985935


>> No.15986274

Enlighten us as to when it started since you seem to want to present yourself as an expert. What damaged the American worker more than NAFTA?

>> No.15986340

Democrats are leftists on a global scale, commie.
They're the vanguard of Marcuseanism.
The reason everything looks "right" to you is because you're a far-left lunatic.

>> No.15986650

America is the most socially left country in the world

>> No.15986677

Aaaaand there it is. Knew the cope was inbound.

>> No.15986688

Most of what you just described is done my modern dems. Try again.

>> No.15986736
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>> No.15986786

It's Thailand. They have lower T levels

>> No.15986799
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>induces a red shift in democrats
the fuck? that would require accelerating them to near lightspeed away from the observer. can testosterone really do this?????

>> No.15986819

That zoomer troon fuckwit had never even heard of NAFTA until this thread

>> No.15987436

Not science
Not mathematics

>> No.15987445

>t. low T leftist faggot

>> No.15987471

technically even the smallest change in velocity would accomplish a minor redshift though, very little energy would be needed.

Just launching them off our planet very quickly would give us the desired redshift.

>> No.15988757


>> No.15989366

Yes dumbass. He literally pandered to good ol' boys in the South, who are RIGHT-WING. Are you fucking 12 or some shit? He moved the party so far to the right during the 90s.

>> No.15989431

Wow, everyone look how fucking stupid this SEETHING moron is.

>> No.15989448

of course, because in your ape like retarded conservative mind everything is a pyramid, and any attempt at making life better is da joos or something.

>> No.15989460

Not him but what part of WJC being isomorphic GHWB is wrong?

>> No.15989461

all it is, is an appeal to nature. when you say "spiteful mutants" you're arguing from purely a darwinist point, as if that's a good thing. your entire rhetoric is based on hatred.

>> No.15989462


>> No.15989576
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>not him but

>> No.15989953

>i suck horse cock

>> No.15990076

It is science. Testosterone is related to biology, and therefore this is a scientific conversation

>> No.15990090

>TRUST THE SCIENCE CHUD... wait no not like that!!!

>> No.15991054
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>> No.15992574
