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15972305 No.15972305 [Reply] [Original]

What are some personal DIY /sci/ projects you would build if you inherited or were gifted 10 acre of land and some money (say 10k) to waste?
Some ideas:
- solar energy stuff (PV, heating, cooking, concentrating solar, ...)
- hydro/aquaponics

Pic unrelated.

>> No.15972309

does that even buy you seeds to cover the lot in grass?

>> No.15972312

Assume no plant will grow there, not even grass.

>> No.15972469

You need millions to do any decent projects

>> No.15972474 [DELETED] 


>> No.15972519

Solar heating stuff isn't too expensive, is it? You don't have to use the whole land for that.

>> No.15972536

I think it might be worth it to selectively breed very smart pigs just to see if we could extract higher quality cerebrolysin from them

>> No.15973877


>> No.15975568

cheap electronics can be had for $5

>> No.15975588

not enough, you can't even afford the tax with that much

>> No.15975590

you don't need 10 acres for 5 dollar electronics
you clearly have no idea how big 5 acres is
you couldn't even afford to put cattle on it with 10k

>> No.15975716

You don't need to use the whole 10 acres though?
I'm the OP. I'm just asking, what would you do if you had that in hand?

>> No.15975924

I'd buy a few cows maybe some goats and try some regenerative meat-focused agriculture.
Get some trees, bushes and grasses planted, turn it into a grazing grassland, ideally it would already have some decent vegetation - if it's desert it is useless.
I think if you achieve a good price you could get like 4 or 5 beef cattle easily and you could feed them even if the land isn't perfectly productive, since you have 10 acres it would be enough.
Since a cow can feed on person for one year and they take about 3-4 years to grow, you'd pretty much have unlimited grain fed beef, produced privately and organically, with margin of error and excess production.
Alternatively goats would also work fine, in which case I believe you can get a mule to fuck up predators, if that is an issue in your area.
If all of this is is close to a largers farmers land and you don't want to be bothered, you might be able to make a deal for grazing usage in exchange for food.
But yeah, if the land is unproductive it's basically useless.
I'd try to restore it if it was degraded, but it's obviously not always possible.

>> No.15975928

>if it's desert it is useless
>But yeah, if the land is unproductive it's basically useless.
why? solar could be a great thing if the land is near medium voltage electrical lines

>> No.15975962

If its out in the middle of nowhere, buy some solar + battery for a small shed house

>> No.15977809

Dig a giant fucking hole in the ground, and turn it into a electric vector controlled observatory with a custom 24-36" polished mirror. Go out there every other weekend with a cup of tea or hot cocoa and look at the heavens.

>> No.15977978

Solar sucks as it's too expensive on the scale of 10k.
That's money wasted or in the best case, money stolen through green tax benefits.
Either way, it's retarded.
Trees and grass are better in every way.

>> No.15978006

grow ephedra sinica and mix the extract with iodine and phosphorous

>> No.15978032

What are going to heat?

>> No.15978036

10 acres is roughly a field of roughly 200m x 200m. It is not a huge field by farm standards.

>> No.15978647

Op get a tractor with a mowing deck.
Good chain saw.
Live on 5 acres and it's a blast to cook up projects, but maintance requires good tools to do quickly.
Shed and woodstove would be next.

Have a strap or chain to unstuck cars and fell trees?

>> No.15978649

If you inherited 10 acres of land you'd need more than $10,000 to pay the taxes owed on the inheritance

>> No.15978650

If you have all that a ATV with trailer can save a lot of hual time and be used recationally. Try /diy/ for more realistic tips

>> No.15978719

I'd sell heat to neighbors

See >>15972312
Guess raised beds are a solution for that though, as someone suggested elsewhere

I didn't inherit shit. I'm thinking of buying such land... It's relatively cheap. Problem being, the land itself is shit, and it's sloped (some 12 degrees on average at most, from calculations made with online tools). Good thing it faces north (I'm in south america), so solar is an option (though I'm wondering if it gets overshadowed. I have no idea how to calculate that)