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15970806 No.15970806 [Reply] [Original]

Vegan diet shown to cause low IQ in long term study on schoolchildren


>> No.15970838

>that fatty and energy hungry organ suffers on a diet of low calorie difficult to digest food
>who would have thought

>> No.15970845

not vegans

>> No.15970910

The irony is the cognition required to recognize it requires a proper diet to begin with

>> No.15970973

thats the paradox of low IQ coming into play.
dumb people are dumb, so they do dumb things and have dumb thoughts. its irrational to expect a dumb person to have smart thoughts.
if diet affects intelligence then dumb people are more likely to have a diet which causes low intelligence. either its the low intelligence diet that makes them dumb or their dumbness that attracts them to the low iq diet, or both.

>> No.15971009

You’re talking about nimwits. True retards prioritize meat and fat, but also Mountain Dew and other slop because that’s what tastes best and gives good fee fees to their body. These vegans are the subhuman 100iq class. I would rather have the company of a 70iq knuckle dragger than a subby

>> No.15971021

Potatoes were designed by Cain himself to be the perfect food for hard working people. That is why you need to eat a lot of them and the extra calories are a blessing.
BTW: fuck that furry faggot abel.

>> No.15971334

I'm pretty sure humans evolved to be as smart as they are because they ate meat
>Increasing brain size is often directly associated with a meatier diet and resultant higher caloric intake. Human entomophagy and therefore an increase in protein consumption through insects has also been proposed as a possible cause. However, it is also possible that the energy-expensive guts decreased in size in H. erectus, because the large ape gut is used to synthesize fat by fermenting plant matter which was replaced by dietary animal fat, allowing more energy to be diverted to brain growth. This would have increased brain size indirectly while maintaining the same caloric requirements of ancestor species

>> No.15971389

Not at all. Things are not reducible to intelligence like that. Most people are influenced by the social, nowadays mainly social media, it does not correlate to intelligence but personality type, education, career, etc. You are too. It is also quite random what a person will fall for or be invested in. Many of them swing from extremes habitually. I've seen many 'carnivores' who were formerly raw vegans.

In the case of veganism, it is based on a moral belief/framing. It is not actually concerned with the reality of nutrition, despite being a diet.

1. Vegans believe eating animal products is evil.
2. The idea that animal products are necessary means humans naturally eat animal products, i.e. humans are innately evil.
3. Vegans are human and therefore innately evil, this cannot be true because the vegan identity is essentially: I don't eat animals, I am good; you eat animals, you are evil. Therefore animal products are not only unnecessary but actively unhealthy.

How do vegans get into this moral belief?
Essentially, their disconnect from nature.
Having pets is generally animal abuse, or at least prioritising your fleeting amusement/pleasure over giving something a good life.
Vegans have no connection to nature and no understanding of animals. Which is why they don't recognise it as bad for the animals. They have animals in the form of pets which they fully humanise and baby, failing to actually understand them. And failing to recognise the contradiction of their moral grandstanding about animals while keeping pets, their only flimsy connection to animals and nature.

They apply this pseudo-baby pet outlook to all animals, wild and livestock. Through this path they buy into veganism as they cannot reconcile eating animals with this outlook, and come to belief it is evil and unnecessary..

>> No.15971398

Btw the issue is not keeping pets for your amusement but failing to recognise the pets are there for your amusement and nothing more. They are repurposed as a toy, but animals are not actually toys. Most people realise this even if they wouldn't admit it openly for obvious reasons. Otherwise you'd see a lot of people deciding not to get pets on these grounds.

People with connection to nature or farming, also realise the full reality of eating animal products and accept as they prioritise themselves, the same as they do with keeping pets. However, many people who eat animal products are almost as disconnected as vegans. Indeed, vegans formerly ate animal products without grasping what they were doing, the shock of their ignorance, habits they took for granted, meeting their pseudo-baby pets makes them jump into veganism.

You can tell when people don't fully understand that they are actually eating an animal when they are grossed out by the whole carcass or certain parts they're not used to.

>> No.15971401

Anyway, regardless of an individual's specifics, it is uncommon for a vegan to become one on nutritional or health grounds. Sometimes people do when they doctor or something shills junk science fad diets. Rather all this stuff is just rationalising their need to satisfy this problem they've created for themselves and advocating the same moral trap.

Also, another curious thing about vegans is that almost all of them actually do eat some animal products yet still identify as vegans and claim they have been vegan for oh so many years. The reason they lie is because all the other vegans, who also eat animal products, will attack them and say they're evil. But the point of being a vegan is to not be evil, so they don't say it.

The issue with this is they are giving the impression that veganism is sustainable and healthy. They are advocating an ideology that tells people to destroy their health and implant a destructive moral. They do this while eating animal products, for their own ego and sense of moral superiority. Because that's what it's about.

>> No.15971405

Most people when they try veganism they quickly stop when they have health problems or realise they are starving. But when someone believes this moral trap too strongly, they stick with it too long and their brains literally atrophy to the point that they cannot think or reason clearly, or have emotional stability and good mental health. So it's very hard to get through to them. Thankfully most eventually break and realise their diet is going to kill them, but there are some who just die.

>> No.15971450

there are also studies showing increased seafood intake in pregnant women can increase IQ

>> No.15971498

>Increasing brain size is often directly associated with a meatier diet and resultant higher caloric intake.
What the fuck does that mean?
>guts decreased in size
That came from comparing the body length including legs in people vs the torso in other animals.

>> No.15971505

>dumb things are dumb

>> No.15971544

>A. dumb things are dumb because I'm the law, the police and the judge all-in-one
>B. dumb things are dumb because there's a subject-independent standard with more predictive power than hindsight bias

>> No.15971636

>but there are some who just die.

Do carnifaggots not die?

>> No.15973082

stop being homophobic

>> No.15974196
File: 161 KB, 1125x964, vegans are low iq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15975395

>Show me the studies!
they are in OP
theres a lot like that, they all say the same thing

>> No.15976522

Vegans are also autistic

>> No.15976566

adding meat to an inadequate diet is obviously going to have better results than adding oil (that milk performed so poorly is a little bit surprising, and valuable knowledge to have)
the question that needs answering with western veganism is not whether meat improves a diet known to be inadequate, it's whether it's possible to design a vegan diet that meets all nutritional requirements. i suspect it's not possible to do that short of lab-grown meat, but this study doesn't show that. nobody even tried to make the non-animal soup nutritionally equivalent to the meat or milk, because that wasn't what this study was about.

>> No.15977024

It is pointless since several types of plants do have the nutrients we need. If I remember seaweed is one. The issue us these diets require large amount of work to actually achieve. What I don't understand is why we can't split the difference and be scavengers.
>build fence
>bring in pigs
>protect pigs
>let pigs have pig heaven
>1 pig dies of old age
>eat corpse
>one pigs gets ouchie
>pump it full of drugs
>dies tripping balls
>one pig gets sick
>mercy kill
There. The animals don't suffer and I still get meat.

>> No.15977028 [DELETED] 

and by "autistic" you mean "emotionally fragile, image conscious, controlling narcissists"

>> No.15977297

Yep, thats pretty much what "autistic" means these days. The doctors wouldn't get repeat business from people with narcissistic personality disorder if they told them what they were, the narcissists would feel insulted and ghost the doctors, so the doctors came up with a polite acceptable name for narcissistic personality disorder in order to get repeat business from the narcissists.

>> No.15977393

On the contrary, "narcissist" is mainly an internet term that came before they got called "normies".
Like a lot of other people you confuse the two, and don't realize (or refuse to accept) that they've become the norm.

>> No.15977591

>In the case of veganism, it is based on a moral belief/framing
Why don't they just eat animals that are well kept for? This is what I've never got from these people.
Plants are alive. They know this.
All animals will die. You can farm them, keep them happy, then eat them.
Their morality is absolutely retarded.
They will harm their OWN CHILDREN to feel good about themselves when the solution is to just buy the food from a legit farm or have your own farm.

No, instead they eat the most destructive bullshit possible and make their kids retards.

>> No.15977594

>failing to recognise the pets are there for your amusement and nothing more
City fag detected.

>> No.15977972

Diets are determined primarily by availability/affordability and by taste/satiation, which is determined dynamically by your organism on a biochemical basis, as encoded by your genes or epigenes.
In other words: Your assumption that stupid people eat a poor diet because they are stupid is not entirely correct, as instinct primarily determines your dietary choices.
Stupid people don't have as much money due to being poor performers, which means that they are limited in the quality and quantity of their food intake and this varies in different cultures and countries.
The only case where stupid people will have a worse diet because they pick worse foods happens when they are exposed to hyperpalatable and other unnatural processed foods.
Both would make sense in nature, not today.
Essentially their instincts are being used against them - more intelligent people are sabotaging stupid people for their own benefit.
However, intelligent higher earners might also make poor dietary choices, as they are just as removed from the natural world as low earning stupid people and hence end up becoming vegan, vegetarian or trying expensive meme foods and supplements, only to end up with arsenic poisoning. They may also be susceptible to processed foods, only being less dependent on them.
In the end I'd expect money to be a bigger factor for dietary choies, but the situation is clearly more nuanced and the data lacking.

>> No.15979058

>Stupid people don't have as much money due to being poor performers
the fallacy of the meritocratic ideal which exists nowhere in IRL, but lives eternally in the minds of people who've swallowed too much propaganda

>> No.15980272
File: 521 KB, 544x680, OU5Iu6V4VET6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the media says people get rich because they're smart so they can earn a lot of money
>the media also says Donald Trump is the dumbest person on the planet
how do people manage to believe both of these things at the same time?

>> No.15980295

wages and IQ are highly correlated

>> No.15980867

masochists willingly accept cognitive dissonance because they are mentally ill

>> No.15982229

so you're saying that guy in the picrel right above your post who makes more in year than you'll ever earn in a decade has a higher iq than you do? what about whores who make several hundred k a year posting pics of their anus to onlyfans?

>> No.15982385

exceptions do not disprove the rule

>> No.15983918

how come theres tens of thousands of these "exceptions" if they're so rare?

>> No.15983980

anon the average onlyfans whore makes like $20/month. it's like every other online content scheme: only a percentage of a percentage are making hundreds of thousands. i'm sorry your incel rage makes you blind to this fact

>> No.15985142

You're grandiose delusions of superior intellect make you blind to the fact that theres millions of people out there who make far more money than you ever will and yet you also manage to both consider that you're intelligent and that intelligence and income correlates. If intelligence and income correlates how come you're not rich if you're so smart?

>> No.15985170

Vegans are notoriously upper midwit, they just have christian pathological empathy that imprinted onto animals instead of they neighbour

>> No.15986820

No they aren't, the science proves that they are low IQ. They might've been in the over 100 IQ range before starting their suicidal diet, but eventually the diet will bring their IQ down to well below 90

>> No.15986914

>Everyone talking out of their asses
>It is known that...
>Yeah but vegans are uncommon to...
>Studies show...

>> No.15986997

It's iodine you fucking idiot. Not meat.

>> No.15987000

A vegan diet obviously lacks essential nutrients, this is not based on some correlational studies, it's biochemistry.
The real question is how much meat you should eat.

>> No.15987003

>Why don't they just eat animals that are well kept for?
You still have to kill the animal, which some people are not comfortable with. There is also the problem that it's really hard to produce enough meat in humane conditions, most meat comes from factory farms.
Grass fed, free range beef is already expensive and if everyone tried to switch from factory farmed meat to free range meat, it would become even more expensive, the supply is very far from meeting the demand and I'm not sure if that can ever change.

>> No.15987006

This, among other developmental factors, is a likely component of sub-100 IQs across the African continent, as the study points out their diets were de facto vegan already, due to poverty.

>> No.15987043

The only thing it lacks is B12 and unless you're exclusively eating wild game you are getting it from pills just like vegans do. Only difference is that the animals you eat swallowed the pills instead of you.

>> No.15987044

There are people in their 20s who decline and decline till they are haggard and their organs fail.

>> No.15987046

Bullshit. Africans eat meat en masse.
t. been there a few times
Look at a meat consumption graph showing the development in the last century. The amount of meat we currently consume is insane. It's a bit of an issue if scaling up production, yes, but moreso an issue of scaling down demand.

>> No.15987073

There are millions of people who make more money in a year than you will in your lifetime simply by sitting on assets, which in all cases came from generational wealth in part or in full.

What you advocate in essence is being a good wageslave, to the profit of others.

You put faith in a largely irrelevant, ill-studied metric for no reason. Outside of literal drooling retards, you have no example of when and where this is relevant when it comes to income.

>> No.15987078

Wrong. It lacks many more nutrients than that, and for the things it does have it lacks them in a bioavailable form so it is not feasible for those either (you simply can't eat enough). Also, no one has any idea if supplements actually work either, or what impact they have. They are not a replacement for a healthy diet. There is no reason to take anything if your diet is good. And that supplementation in animal feed is not equivalent. And you assume you know what we eat and how the industry works, but you don't.

>> No.15987080

>bioavailable form
bioavailable and/or absorbable form

>> No.15987081

Africans are very poor so their diets are high grain.

>> No.15987092

>The amount of meat we currently consume is insane.
What should people be eating though? It seems to me that we ate a lot of meat as hunter gatherers and several problems occurred after the agricultural revolution. Things like grain, onions etc. are the easiest to produce but I don't think they are the healthiest choices.

>> No.15987099
File: 121 KB, 1x1, whaley2003.pdf [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why not upload the paper?

>> No.15987102

>obviously lacks essential nutrients

Essential to what?

>> No.15987125

>Wrong. It lacks many more nutrients than that
Name 'em.

>> No.15987138

Not sure what you mean when you say "Africans"
>On the African continent, meat consumption is highest in Gabon (59.2 kilograms per capita) and South Africa (60.0 kilograms per capita). Ethiopia and Nigeria have the lowest per capita meat consumption, at 5.4 kilo- grams per capita and 7.1 kilograms per capita, respectively.
The low numbers are on par with German meat consumption in the early 1800s, the Germany that produced all those scientists and mathematicians in that millennium.
Literally anything else more, meat less. Come on, you're not eating 100% meat exclusively.

>> No.15987162

>Come on, you're not eating 100% meat exclusively.
Most of my calories come from animal products. I eat some vegetables but they don't contribute much anyway. I don't think grains, or a high carb diet in general are the healthiest choices.

>> No.15987178

>I don't think grains, or a high carb diet in general are the healthiest choices.
Most people agree, but complex carbs aren't that bad.
Look at the mediterranean diet and reduce meat while increasing legumes. Easy.

>> No.15987212

Africa is a huge continent. I have friends who have gone and even some who have lived there for years and seen dire poverty.

>> No.15987221

Nobody argued Africans weren't poor, Anon.

>> No.15988090
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>> No.15989783
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>Nobody argued Africans weren't lazy, Anon.
if they wanted to be wealthy then they wouldn't spend their lives avoiding labor

>> No.15990919
File: 95 KB, 693x412, 1705688116391.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also pedophile

>> No.15990963

>Look at the mediterranean diet and reduce meat while increasing legumes. Easy.
that's the american meme mediteranean diet not the real onne

>> No.15991494

This fucking explains /v/, /a/, /tv/, and /co/.

>> No.15992598

>muh precious sacred africans
>muh dire poverty
stop lying, you don't even care about the poor people in your own country

>> No.15992847

>malnutrition fucks genetics
no shit

>> No.15993348

imagine how much dumber things will be when the kids who were fed vegan diets during their developmental years become old enough to take on adult responsibilities

>> No.15994778

The herping and derping will reach levels never previously measured

>> No.15995912 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15995931

Milk preforming poorly could have been the test population has higher rates of lactose intolerance? It was not a diverse population.

>> No.15996882
