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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15970244 No.15970244 [Reply] [Original]

saying you have suicidal thoughts all of a sudden in order to not be discharged edition
man fuck those people
making psych bust my balls for bullshit cons

>> No.15970260

Psychiatry is a scam, psychiatrists couldn't give a shit about you, they just drug you because they don't want the risk that you might go and do something illegal, which they'll get blamed for.

That is the purpose of psychiatrists. In a public health system, they are hired by the public to drug troubled people due to the small chance that those troubled people may do something illegal.

This defies how "normal" people are treated, where everybody is innocent until proven guilty.

>> No.15970434
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So I'm bit of an iodine addict as all the food I love and eat are high on it.
Turns out I have a condition where iodine intake is really fucking bad.

Is there a database somewhere listing all the content of common foodstuffs like fish, vegetables, fruits? Not just iodine, but vitamins and shit.

Google is fucking useless and all I get are AI generated, often contradictory top 7 articles. Pubmed is not much use either as what I want is too broad for it.

>> No.15970593

>anamnesis for surgery
>patient tells me he has severe arrhytmias
>ask since when
>tells me its been about a year, has them once a week
>ask him if he went to the ER or a heart doctor for them
>tells me he doesnt need to and that he can control them
turns out the guy was undiagnosed borderline and the arrhytmias were panic attacks

>> No.15970691
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Hi medbros! I'm starting my internship and a friend of mine suggested selling me one picrel (Samsung Galaxy Tab S7 Plus) that he had been using. He says it's quite new and in almost mint condition. He wants to sell it to me for 700 bucks. What do you bros think? Has any of you used one of these for taking notes and stuff like that?
My biggest fear is that it's going to be too cumbersome to carry around as it's quite big. Also, I don't know much about tablets but I believe android tables are behind iPads in terms of usability and such right?

>> No.15970846

>allocated 12 hour shifts for birthing suites during our O&G placement
>includes days and nights
>fat female goes to coordinator and says she has special permission because she has "mental health issues" and can't do night shifts because of sleep
>she will graduate this year
how the fuck do these people survive as residents?

>> No.15970865

Use an iPad or laptop like a normal human being. Don't use Samshit.

>> No.15970871

I know a surgical registrar that uses something similar
but 700 bucks is a bit steep for something that you'll essentially take notes on and maybe access patient files
one of my exes gifted me a samsung s7 lite, which is much cheaper. it's bretty good

>> No.15970908

There should be government sites like nutrition.gov or some shit that try to estimate vitamin content

>> No.15971402

>friend of mine
is he jewish while youre not? it certainly sounds like it. you can buy the best model on amazon for $508 on sale RIGHT NOW or 680 when it's not.
either way, dont get it. get an ipad, an equivalent in windows (like windows surface/etc), or a regular laptop.

>> No.15971414

A good guide for secondhand price is cheapest market price - 25% That's the bare minimum to start considering buying used goods.


>> No.15971618

i have a weird asshole or something. if i look at my asshole in the mirror, it looks swollen maybe? or as if i have hemorrhoids. but i don't have any symptoms of hemorrhoids other than my asshole looking a bit weird. no itchiness, no tenderness, no blood, etc.
i doubt i have asshole warts or anything, just as clarification, considering nothing has ever gone in my asshole.
my asshole has been the same for, i dunno probably as long as i've had an asshole. and i did go to the doctor once about some ass pain and the doctor examined my asshole and didn't say anything about hemorrhoids.
do i just have a strange asshole?

>> No.15971670

Cope. Psychiatry is the only field of medicine that's not scamming humanity. All other fields collectively have costed society tens if not hundreds of trillions of dollars the past century for 100% dysgenic ends. The recipients of these funds are the LEAST fit members of humanity. The chronically obese. The unhealthy. The cancerous. They don't deserve anything and keeping them propped up is only holding our species back. Psychiatry on the other hand is eugenic. It neutralizes the emotional, unstable and neurotic types while it enhances healthy people.

>> No.15971778

nah. thatd be optometry :)

>> No.15971809

Anyone doing a FM residency? Is it fun? What do you think of rural tracks? Any good?

>> No.15972023

Hey /med/anons. I need some recommendations to learn how to draw anatomy, I take there's obviously a difference between scientific anatomy and artistic anatomy. The latter seems to be all that pops out when I google it. Videos preferred.

>> No.15972036

>psychiatrists couldn't give a shit about yo
Why should them? Just heal the patient, all the rest is the new age bullshit that's holding us back.
>they just drug you because they don't want the risk that you might go and do something illegal, which they'll get blamed for.
No they don't. There's a million excuses they can say in front of the judge just to get you back into the madhouse. They drug you because they don't want you to hurt yourself or others. Sometimes they fail because there is still a long way to go with that field of medicine, it's not like the rest that had a headstart of 500 years.
>they are hired by the public to drug troubled people due to the small chance that those troubled people may do something illegal.
You already wrote that, retard.
>This defies how "normal" people are treated, where everybody is innocent until proven guilty.
I can prove that a schizo murderer is mentally ill.

Psychiatry is just flawed because it's the most liberal and inexact part of medicine, but the same flaw that plagues psychiatry is present in all of medicine, just in a minor scale. But psychiatry is getting there.

>> No.15972105

I have a patient who cannot smell anything, and we're looking for a way to restore smell to them. They seemed to call it some sort of horrofic word and it stanked up the whole place.

I can see a cure but I am unsure how long this procedure will take.

>> No.15972561

She should have gone the physician assistant track. I know for a fact I could never survive a neurosurgery residency, but if I become a physician assistant I can work in neurosurgery (OR + clinic) while having 40 hour work weeks and a $100k+ salary right after graduation (2.5 years of school).

Going to med school at this point is absolutely retarded unless you're a masochist.

>> No.15972636

>not scamming humanity

modern day psychiatry is 6 month waits for a 10 minute med-check appointment, cash pay only

>> No.15972861
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threadly reminder that /med/ is an anaesthesiology general

>> No.15972907

Bitch, we're a radiology and pathology general.

>> No.15972938

do antidepressants and weed destroy your brain? i've been clean from both for months and it feels harder to pay attention and visualize things in my head. all i do is go to work and go home and i don't think about anything abstract or reflective

not a med student or anything just dumping this question here

>> No.15973343

How is being a PA? I am looking into it. I'm 38 and too old for med school.

>> No.15973439

dont forget to consider nursing. some states allow them to work without the supervision of a doctor while PAs must work under a doctor in all states (from what i understand). while there are some overlapping specialties each can do, there are also some that can only be done by one or the other. overall, nursing seems to have a better push toward scope of practice expansion compared to PAs.

>> No.15973460

Well, I've been a nurse for the past 15 years in neuro-ICU and med-surg. Worked in a clinic and hated it. I want something a little more challenging. I have my associates RN and BScN and while there are some things we can do without an MD order we are still quite restricted, and I am getting bored with the job. I don't want to go into NP because you get stuck in the specialty you study in. There are also more PA opportunities in my state.

>> No.15973476

Dx: you were always a retard

>> No.15973656

>Psychiatry on the other hand is eugenic. It neutralizes the emotional, unstable and neurotic types while it enhances healthy people.
You have no moral right to treat human beings that way. You are disgusting and I hope you are locked up and drugged against your will so you get a taste of your own medicine.

No, psychiatry is uniquely terrible. Firstly because it's the only specialty I'm aware of that acts upon people against their will (apart from emergency medicine if you count that as a specialty, but that is obviously saving people's lives in an immediate way).

Secondly, psychiatry doesn't "heal the patient" in any way whatsoever. The solution to emotional distress (which is what "mentally ill" people suffer from) is not drugs. It never was drugs, and it never will be drugs. The real solution is to understand the emotional causes of distress and learn how to cope with them.

People who are distressed ("mentally ill") have real causes of their distress which are ignored and dismissed by psychiatry. I've met a couple of people who were labelled "mentally ill", but they had physical disabilities (they were in wheelchairs). And when you listen to their stories you think "I can understand why you're unhappy, maybe you don't have a mysterious brain problem like the doctors claim". You realise that anybody else in their position would also be unhappy.

I've also met a guy who had severe financial problems. Again, there was a real reason for his distress, not some mysterious brain problem. And I've met a couple of people who had dead relatives, which caused them grief and upset.

If these people had provable brain problems then they'd be treated by neurology. They don't have brain problems. They're just distressed by significant life events that would distress any person. Drugging people in this situation is completely and utterly wrong.

>> No.15974227

how to find a gf as a rural fm resident? Basically everyone within a 10 mile radius is a patient at our practice. Am i just doomed in dating patients?

>> No.15974452

>Psychiatry is just flawed because it's the most liberal and inexact part of medicine, but the same flaw that plagues psychiatry is present in all of medicine, just in a minor scale. But psychiatry is getting there.
Psychiatry is FUNDAMENTALLY different from all other specialties. A psychiatric 'diagnosis' is based on a collection of subjective symptoms. If you have the symptoms you get the diagnosis, if you have the diagnosis then you must also have the symptoms. The psychiatric diagnoses are circular and have no biologic basis.

An example:
Pneumonia is more than a cough, a fever and dyspnea. When people say pneumonia they mean an infection in the lung, you can dissect the dead person, find the bacterial agent. DIAGNOSIS in medicine refers to a physical problem. In psychiatry that word 'diagnosis' is misused and has led to the expansion of psychiatry from 10 conditions to 300 conditions over the last 100 years.
>Psychiatry is getting there
Getting where? Becoming even shittier? That's what it feels like.

>> No.15974753

>Px: retard
>Dx: still a retard
Checks out

>> No.15974943

>have attendings all say dating patients is bad ethically and professionally
>later on they admit they dated multiple patients and/or that's how they found their wife
god damn faggots. they got theirs and are trying to pull the ladder up behind them.

>> No.15974985

I'm not there yet, but considering going that path in the next few years. From what I hear it depends a lot on your specialty and supervising physician, but since you're not locked into a specialty the world is your oyster. At 38 I think you may end up making more as a PA in the long run than as an MD.

>> No.15975046


What Specialty attracts the most assholes? I find it tends to be Anesthesiologists. Most MDs I've come across who are assholes in some variant tend to be Anesthesiologist coincidentally.

>> No.15975048

whatever specialty you want to go into.

>> No.15975061

My father had the same problem and I might aswell
It’s a condition with some shit growing inside your nose and then to your brain
If left untreated it’ll make you retared or worse
Starts by not having a sense of smell

>> No.15975076
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I know its a meme but how do you really get over med student syndrome? I feel like particularly sensitive to it.

Every week I think I have a new disease, usually autoimmune. last week it was ankylosing spondylitis. the week before I was obsessing over the fact I may have undiagnosed syphillis that never presented with primary symptoms. My dad was nauseous yesterday and because he smokes I keep getting scared he has cancer

This is miserable I dont want to always be thinking of bad stuff

>> No.15975122

You couldn't last a day in a proper tertiary ED

>> No.15975127


>Anesthesiologist detected.

>> No.15975142

Gastroenterologists have fed-up personalities

>> No.15975182
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>> No.15975186

So what's /med/ up to on Shartin' Luther Stink day this Monday?

>> No.15975319

Neurosurgeons. At least in my experience.

>> No.15975414

As a student: midwives, GPs and psychiatrists
GP was a spiteful bastard
midwife was power tripping
psychiatrist was anti-social and passive aggressive and then cried about her failing marriage to me and the reg for an hour

>> No.15975435

studying for optometry boards.

>> No.15975539

Bros, my friend asks:
>What's the highest status specialty that a brainlet can become good at?
What should I tell him /med/?

>> No.15975573

I'm starting to feel like modern journals are a joke

>> No.15975574
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Forgot pic

>> No.15975578

Psychiatry is abuse. Drugging people against their will is abuse.

>> No.15975579


>> No.15975583

you can be a brainlet and get into any specialty. just depends how hard you work/colored/female you are.

>> No.15975591
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>why oh why didn't I take commerce

>> No.15975594

would it be better anesthesiology or psychiatry for money and quality of life? Also research

>> No.15975618

Other specs always say that ortho bros are stupid, I guess there must be some truth to it. Funnily enough orthos are well regarded among society. Go figure
Of course you can get in any spec if you work hsrd enough buy my quest...
I mean "friend's question" was a spec that a brainlet can become competent. I doubt that yould be the case for internal medicine or neuro surg

>> No.15975632 [DELETED] 

Are they talking about me there?

>> No.15975717

Need advice from any British docs. Where should I do my foundation training? I'm currently in London but I don't want to stay because the best financial decision would probably be to live at my parent's, which I really don't want to do. So, what area of the UK would be nicest to live in and do training. Looking for a place where renting on my own would be reasonably affordable.

>> No.15975720

You're doing it wrong. You were meant to wife up one your fellow whore med students.

>> No.15975728

I've been trying to rizz up one of my medical school friends. We were on placement together for 4 months and I kind of fell for her. We went on a date before Christmas but that was the last time we saw each other, or spoke in any capacity actually. She never messages me and her responses are always curt and flat.

Problem is we don't have placement together anymore, so the only time I could feasibly see her is if I ask her out. But I have no clue if she's interested or not. Is she not maintaining contact because she's not interested, busy or severely autistic?

Also, it's our final year of med school, so is this even worth pursuing? We're likely to end up in different areas of the country anyway. But you know what they say, never give up on love.

>> No.15975805

If she isn't actively interested or willing to spend time with you, anon, don't bother. It's a road to nowhere. Women are easy to read when it comes to attraction, and it sounds like she's not interested in you.

>> No.15975808

the irony is that you sound like the only person that should be held in a psych ward against their will

>> No.15975817

you realise that even though you know alot you really know nothing and everything is out of your control anyway so you just do the best you can (this is all we can do no point stressing yourself worrying about it)

>> No.15975818

I got over it in pre-med after my first parasitology course. Protozoa and helminths are gross enough to make you jaded to any other disease.

>> No.15975821

if you went on a date you probably have a chance honestly look up this black guy called "alpha male strategies" on youtube no this is not andrew tate this is a guy who understands women very well and could have being a comedian as well

>> No.15975829

Writing a review article. Anyone have any tips to make it the most kick ass article ever?

>> No.15975832

Hmm maybe. But why did she enthusiastically accept my first date request? I guess i'm confused because she seems happy to see me and spend time with me. Issue is that she's on placement quite far away at the moment, so even if I wanted to, I can't ask her out for at least another 2 weeks. I'm worried that by the time she's back, a month will have passed and we haven't spoken to each other at all, will it be weird to ask her out again? Has she forgotten about me or is she thinking about me like I am her. FUUUUCK.

>> No.15975834

The /med/ approved dating coach?

>> No.15975835

what are the medical implications of opening pandora's box?

>> No.15975858

Why don't you just text her that you'd like to see her again when she's in town? Stop being such a fucking wuss dude.

>> No.15975861

I refuse to take dating advice from a lesser lifeform

>> No.15975890

I guess her lack of communication is making me second guess myself. Radio-silence from her + no mention of meeting up again during the date. But yeah, I think I'll eventually cave and message her first, just don't want to come off too strong.

>> No.15976013

Please. Someone impart your wisdom upon me.

>> No.15976098

>She never messages me and her responses are always curt and flat
women make it very obvious that they are interested in you
your problem is that you are too caught up with this girl and haven't moved on so you're trying to see things where they aren't any signs
you could easily avoid this by considering multiple girls at the same time, which gives you detachment
with this girl specifically, you either: message her and suggest a date (very early in conversation, don't waste your time) or you take the signs and move on

>> No.15976109

eh fuck it man, just ask her to go out together again and be done with it.
If she says no, find someone else; or not, after several failed relationships I find that being alone is best

>> No.15976124
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Does NoFap help with AGP or gender dysphoria? Should I do a week or a month?

>> No.15976160

i prescribe you with one installation of grindr so you can get fucked in the ass and shut the fuck up

>> No.15976414
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Posting without context

>> No.15976868
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Asymptomatic disease that is apparent on tests is valid, but symptomatic (with actual physicsl signs) yet not explained by simple imaging isn't? How come clinician can say shitting blood, going blind or having cataplexy is merely somatic/hysteria/muh mental illness?

>> No.15976912

The fuck? Who's ever said that hematochezia is caused by a neurological disorder?

>> No.15976932

Well apparently some lazy ass did

>> No.15977078

>shitting blood
ate too many beets
>going blind
psychogenic vision loss (really called hysterical amblyopia but changed because cant be mean to females)
faking to get attention and/or being a woman.

>> No.15977093

Where the fuck do they take the notion that a gram of carbohydrate yields 4kcal/gram? The math doesn't add up even when pointing out highschool biology about the 36 to 38 atp formed per molecule of glucose.

>> No.15977152

It's rounded down and up iirc
Apparent blood (sticky, foul and confirmed by stool test yet without clear source). Lazy resident

>> No.15977306

what are the best textbooks to study general medicine? 5h year of medschool, im trying to find one that is enjoyable to read, not a chore

>> No.15977770

I know it's "rounded down" but how have they come up with the data in the first place? What study stated this? I know from basic calorimetry it should give 3.8kcal/g but people are not furnaces and respiration is certainly not combustion. From what the biology books ever teach about 38 ATP, the number should be 289kcal/mole of glucose, which are 1.6kcal/gram.

As far as I look for an answer I have not come up with the study that measured this, everyone just states they yield 4kcal out of thin air.

>> No.15977903

Where do you find these hot nurses I was promised? All the clinics and one hospital I’ve worked at have nothing but ghetto black and fat Hispanic women as nurses and medical assistants. All the female techs are butch lesbians.

This field truly has the ugliest women

>> No.15977948

How do you guys handle shitty patients? The ungrateful manchild kind

>> No.15978037

>Where do you find these hot nurses I was promised?
In countries other than America

>> No.15978046 [DELETED] 

Will being a doctor help me get black women? I'm Asian and I've never seen an Asian man with a Black Woman. I love it when black women call me "honey", "sugar", or "sweetie".

>> No.15978049 [DELETED] 
File: 786 KB, 878x1618, 1674193534252384.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will being a doctor help me get black women? I'm Asian and I've never seen an Asian man with a Black Woman. I love it when black women call me 'honey', 'sugar', or 'sweetie'.

>> No.15978051
File: 786 KB, 878x1618, 1676804853224650.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will being a doctor help me get black women? I'm Asian and I've never seen an Asian man with a Black woman. I hope being a doctor isn't too 'nerdy'. I love it when black women call me 'honey', 'sugar', or 'sweetie'.

>> No.15978100

Emory hospitals here have ultra babes in higher quantities than usual.

>> No.15978216

Is there a real disease with name longer than pseudopseudohypoparathyroidism?

>> No.15978244

Optometrist bro, if you re reading this, good luck with your exams!

>> No.15978500

thanks :). still got 2months left before the test, but i've upped my studying from 1hour to 5hours (nearly) everyday. when it's closer to one month away, it'll probably be closer to 8-9h.
still spooky thinking about a 9hour test and how much material is on it.

>> No.15978590


>> No.15979459

stop caring. it always works for me.

>> No.15979843

Keep it up!

>> No.15980112

Are you the only optometry guy here or are there others? I just want to confirm that you're my arch-nemesis in these threads and that I'm not targeting multiple people. Good luck with the test, thoughever - I think that it was you who posted the pass rate stuff last thread.

>> No.15980274

why does reddit insist that primary care is the "best" job in medicine, the average job is truly 300k+, and that family med doctors are the smartest specialty? its a weird ass circlejerk

>> No.15980323

Why are my feet & hands so cold, like ice blocks, for the first 6 hours or so of the day, but some afternoon/ evening they gradually get warmer to where not long before bed I'm super warm. Been like this for years...

>> No.15980376

Anyone know what the fix is for long covid yet?
This brain fog and anhedonia is killing me.

>> No.15980625


yeah, it was me. i've never seen anyone else post about optometry, so i assume i'm the only one.

>> No.15980814

denial and resentment for FMs
virtue signalling/updoot farming for randos

>> No.15980820

nothing better than the rush/panic of trying to get presentable data in time for abstract submission for conference at the end of the week

>> No.15980907
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Not sure this is the right place to ask but I don’t come here very often.
>be me
>work in a data centre as a hardware technician
>company decides to switch to oil cooling
>have been consistently working on oil cooled servers since last year October
>after spending 2-3 hours around the oil almost every working day I have developed hay fever like symptoms
>nose always blocked, throat sore, eyes irritated, regular headaches, bad taste in my mouth all day
>am I allergic to the oil?
I wear gloves and a dust mask whilst working with the oil, the first week of wearing the mask I was fine but now I’m back to being very phlegmy and having a bad taste in my mouth constantly. The oil is supposedly mostly mineral oil and some proprietary stuff from a company called Submer. Is it possible I’m allergic to mineral oil?

>> No.15980916

Maybe youre allergic to masks

>> No.15980923

It was like this before I started wearing a mask whilst working on the oil cooled servers.

>> No.15981350

Stop eating salt.

>> No.15981357

Your company has a doctor, ask him and get compensation

>> No.15981366

Could be something to do with muscle mass... skinny people don't create much heat I think

>> No.15982131

Most research in anesthesia is done by big pharma. Also, research is dogshit gay.

>> No.15982160

It's not just salt.
All my favorite meats, fruits and nuts are full with it to the point I'm not sure if I even have a "taste" or my body is just physiologically addicted to iodine.
On he surface I have a normal healthy diet, but underneath there is in an unexplainable craving selecting out specific foods unbeknownst to me.

>> No.15982328

Medical micro research is based and disease-pilled

>> No.15982419

Neither. Go into ophthalmology.

>> No.15982518

Lately when I'm chilling in the evening I get a shiver which causes my body to shake and it moves up my spine all the way to my head. Why?

>> No.15982553

>not my problem

>> No.15982628

Ensure it's a p100 mask, n95's suck at oil/solvents. Probably best to check the WHMIS data on whatever jug that fluid comes in.

T. Family doctor that works near an oil refinery

>> No.15982644
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>tfw I'm about to start my clinical pathology residency and I just felt urgency and dysuria again after getting rid of a kidney stone like a year ago
I hope it's a false alarm, and it's just that I fapped with my bladder full or something, because with the moving to my new town I have no money to spare for the urologist.

>> No.15982668

Surgery, anesthesiology, orthopaedic-trauma, pediatrics, OB-GYN. Pretty much all the main ones except internal medicine, assholes are exceptional there.

>> No.15982691

probably not an issue. you won't be doing real work anyway

>> No.15982695

kek, that would be cool, unironically

>> No.15983002

Don't want to bother you lads but I'm a retard and I thought some of you could give me a little bit of advice.
Had a blood test done and everything is fine except my uric acid levels. It should be below 420 micromol/liter but for me it's 480. Any ideas what can cause this? Some articles I read say that it's me consuming too much vit C (probably true), not drinking enough water (probably true too) or consuming too much whey. As for whey, all articles I saw gave a different amount of recommended daily intake, so idk how much whey intake should be.
Could you lads help babby out?

>> No.15983252


>> No.15984230


>> No.15984261

Not real impressed with what I'm seeing in inpatient psychiatry. Somehow even the first year residents have already forgotten most of their general medical knowledge. No attempt to examine patients physically since they're already assumed to be "medically cleared", or are being seen on a consult basis. The interesting cases are the ones that have an actual organic process going on. Half of the stuff is really a social problem (homeless guy malingering for housing, guy who is just a criminal etc.) People anchor on a diagnosis even when the interview and collateral don't quite rise to the level of meeting criteria.

>> No.15984327

Continued: some are better than others, but in general it seems like everyone is only checking boxes rather than genuinely trying to understand the patient's emotional life. Nobody is actually doing psychotherapy (CBT, psychodynamic or otherwise). Consults on medical patients are usually just giving delirious people haldol so they'll chill out. I'm not convinced suicide risk assessment is any better than a coin flip at predicting outcomes. i hope neurology is more interesting than this

>> No.15984697
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>woke up 1.30 at night
>something feels wrong, vision is askew
>wtf is happening, am i having a heart attack?
>sit up, begin to feel heartbeat
>then all seems normal again
>no cold sweat or hurt in arm, those are signs for heart attack, right?
>go to toilet, have a drink, go back to bed
>feel myself drift away, but then i focus on it and stay awake
>don't wan to fall asleep and experience that again
>lie in bed like that, almost falling asleep and waking up again
>after 2 fucking hours i get tired of it and get up at 3.30
any idea what that could have been?
would i have been sure if it was a heart attack?

i'm too paranoid to go back to sleep now

>> No.15984921

millennial med students are going into psychiatry for the wrong reasons
all you have to do is find dozens of reddit posts involving the words "lifestyle specialty", "is psych the new derm?" or "outpatient cash based practice".
they could not care less about the patients, even though most psych applicants are mentally ill as well

>> No.15984923

Sounds like you're not getting enough exercise

>> No.15985125

>Highschool grades low
>Retarded all my life (diagnosed too)
>Get into nursing
>Meet a few GP's at uni, get to know them personally
>I tell them I've wanted to be a doctor forvever, but considered myself too stupid to study medicine
>They all encourage me to consider medicine
What do? Is a transistion from RN to MD possible and how not retarded do I have to be to get there? Aus-fail-ia fag here btw

>> No.15985143

hoohoo hooooo

you're literally going to be useless

>> No.15985215

>what is google
stick to nursing

>> No.15985227

You think I didn't google anything before asking on a Mongolian basket weaving forum? It's do-able, but I wanted to ask people without having to make a Reddit account or something similar. I'm not even in my first year of nursing. Just wanted to learn as much as possible.

>> No.15985309
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too low blood pressure?

>> No.15985326

Not a single argument. Morality is subjective and people indeed have the right to opine how they see fit even if you declare they do not.
Psychiatry does not negate social causes of mental illnesses and it's well established that poor conditions where steneous effort is made to no reward results in a depressive state as an adaptation.
Psychopharmacology and other modalities like ECT are nothing more than a tools to make these people more functional. It's not right or wrong. It effectuating an outcome which is beneficial for society and the individual. As for it being against the patients will, almost all doctors appointments are voluntary and treatment requires informed consent. Try your moral outrage next time on reddit, they love that kind of shit there.

>> No.15986406
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>I agree that psychiatry is subjective, neither right nor wrong
Glad you agree, that's step 1.
>but "Psychopharmacology and other modalities like ECT are nothing more than a tools to make these people more functional. "
welcome to step 2 of the antipsychiatry pipeline
here's the thing, those drugs and especially ECT don't make people well or better or more functional in the long run. Of course that would be the case when the treatment is entirely non-specific. There's very little difference between medicating yourself with alcohol and having your doctor do it with meds.
The drug doesn't make you feel 'normal' or 'better' it just makes you feel differently. Sometimes that's a good thing in reducing anxiety etc, sometimes it can lead to suicide (sertraline for example has FDA black box warning of increased risk of suicide).
The drugs have been studied short term and there are likely harms in the long term.
>informed consent
Neither the doctors nor the patients understand that psychiatric drugs work through psychotropic effects, drug effects. They don't treat underlining pathology. It's like using alcohol to function better in social situations - overdo it and you end up an alcoholic. People are aware of the dangers of alcohol, even kids know this. But the dangers of ritalin - neither patients nor doctors understand the long term consequences.
tl;dr informed consent is not possible without information
> Try your moral outrage next time on reddit, they love that kind of shit there.
reddit loves psychiatry. Psychiatry is THE reddit specialty. Try to speak some sense about ADHD or the 100 personality disorders that the psychiatrist have come up with and you get called a pill shaming chud, a scientologist or some other kind of religious nut.

I'm not saying psychiatry should be dismantled but they overdo the drugging and don't understand what they are doing, can't differentiate between 'diagnoses', drug effects, drug side effects, withdrawals and plain faking

>> No.15986737

any transition is possible. do you have a bachelor's in nursing? do you have the other pre-requisites to get into MD school? they wont let you skip a few years because you're an RN if that's what you're asking.
you can be pretty retarded and be an MD. some specialties require more intelligence than others.

>> No.15986827
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i hate the color orange

>> No.15986852

Why the fuck do my nipples hurt when they touch water? Hell even without water they still hurt.
What do frens

>> No.15986878

thanks. i just need to get a good gpa and then do my pre-reqs. google did help, and i wanted to know if nursing experience helped at all with residency, or etc.

>> No.15987198

>study several hours a day
>think back on what i studied the past few days
>cant remember anything
it's over.

>> No.15987249

>be me
>have hemorrhoids for years
>nearly every day wipe until blood
>hurts to stand with one foot on a chair
>just suck it up
>get black out drunk last week
>wake up constipated
>ass itches
>scratch scratch scratch on toilet
>feel burst
>see blood on finger
>wipe until blood gone
>oh shit oh fuck i will die of sepsis
>days go by
>don't feel hemorrhoids
>no blood wiping
>scratch due to habit
>feel something like an anal scab peel off
>no blood
>today one week later
>still no hemorrhoids
>no pain standing foot on chair
>no blood wiping
what the hell happened?

>> No.15987258

the hemorrhoid finished its business and peacefully left your anus, a la migrating nomadic tribespeople

>> No.15987522

You should just become a nurse practitioner.

>> No.15987538

You don't hate psychiatry, you hate the biomedical model and unfairly "expose" psychiatry.

>> No.15987661
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Guys I'm learning to put an IV so I can give contrast to patients for the CT scan you doctors order. Please give me tips if you guys are pro at it.
This is what I know:
>Clean the arm
>Palpate vein, determine best place and angle to insert IV
>Insert IV at about an 30 degrees angle
>Once you draw blood, lower the IV to the same angle as the vein
>Advance the IV 2-5mm further then stop again
>Then advance the catheter and retract the needle
Is my above approach good? Am I missing something important?

>> No.15987708

i've considered that route, but i feel like i'll regret it later in life. i really want to practice medicine, not advanced nursing. either way, i'd be grateful but i want to pick medicine.

>> No.15987897

pediatrics has the most passive aggressive people though
never had it in the first place. med students are retarded, why would we be able to diagnose ourselves
psych, very very narrow amount of info. the challenge is how shitty your patients are
it's pretty easy to be a terrible FM doctor, refer all your patients but still make okay money
you need to be top of your class or top board scores to get into ortho, plus research pubs. that said, ortho attendings probably braindump all their medicine
NPs and PAs get to play doctor and patients love them more than MDs/DOs

>> No.15987954
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Which of you anons was responsible for this? 'Fess up!

>> No.15987999

traction of vein during insertion with your other hand. some of them are a bit slippery the buggers

>> No.15988022

i'll take it. years of nearly daily inflammation all gone in what appears to be a miracle. thank you jesus

>> No.15988026


Imagine working in a profession with a 100.00% failure rate.

>> No.15988028

hi, whats a good way to do a proper urinalysis test at home? specifically wanna know if i have kidney probs, looking for protein etc.i got pee sticks with a bunch of indicators.

does anyone know what the tests at a lab actually do? my doc wouldnt order a lab test for me, so im trying to do it on my own. i see there are just basic urine collection tests where you pee in a container at the lab and give it to them, then there are 24 hour ones too where you collect pee over a day and keep it in the fridge

whats a good way for me to do it? i was thinking i would just test my pee a couple of times a day, but i read that the first pee of the morning is not a good one to test (they throw it out for the 24h collection). should i just try to collect my pee for 24h and then use a test strip on it? is that more or less accurate than just testing 2-3 times throughout the day. please enlighten me on pee tests

>> No.15988065

Thank you!

>> No.15988091

>and patients love them more than MDs/DOs
Is it because they feel more "listened to" or some shit?

>> No.15988113

are there high paying careers in the medical field for engineers? i want to change careers. i studied robotics, worked in medical imaging and research briefly as a student, then fucked off to software which i hate and i think my days are numbered. im really old (36), and i cant go back to school for a long time, is there anything i can do in medicine?

>> No.15988149

I would assume so. Robotic surgeries, implants, surgical tools for new procedures, someone has to design all that shit. ECMO is supposed to be pretty hot right now.

I know a cardiology program that 3d prints scale models of certain patients' heart and great vessels out of resin based on CT/MRI before big surgeries. A few guys make it in-house and coordinate with the radiologists and cardiology team. The surgeons apparently love it, but the printer was giga fucking expensive. I don't know how much they actually make though, but they seemed to like their job.

>> No.15988200

This. Psychiatry is just drug galore, they dont cure shit, they just pump you with all the narcoleptics and depressants legally allowed yo keep you in a semicomatose state and call it a day, as long as you arent being an inconvenient little shit they are fine with your “progress”

>> No.15988205

Definetely surgery

>> No.15988262

Neurosurgery, the only specialty where I've seen multiple attendings consistently be absolute assholes both to their own residents and random staff. OB was polite by comparison.

>> No.15988499

eat more fiber you fucking dink

>> No.15988593
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>> No.15988604

Your periodic reminder that psychiatry is abuse

Are you choosing a specialty? Then choose anything else, because other specialties truly help people, unlike psychiatry, which harms people.

>> No.15988610

You are wrong. Psychiatry is abuse.
>Psychopharmacology and other modalities like ECT are nothing more than a tools to make these people more functional.
It's not up to you whether a human being is functional or not, it's up to them.
>As for it being against the patients will, almost all doctors appointments are voluntary and treatment requires informed consent.
I have met patients who were detained and drugged against their will. It happens every single day. They don't even have enough space in these "hospitals" for all the patients they want to lock up. And even an outpatient, who isn't detained and takes the drugs by their own agreement - it's still immoral. Because psychiatric drugs are measurably harmful.

>gonadotoxic (toxic to the gonads)
>cause dependence (they're difficult to come off due to strong withdrawal effects)
>cause your emotional worries to be repressed rather than resolved
>cause you to feel artificial emotions rather than your true emotions
>shrink brain volume
>cause uncomfortable extrapyramidal effects
>might persuade someone to use procyclidine to counteract extrapyramidal effects, but procyclidine raises your risk of dementia
>some extrapyramidal effects can be permanent (tardive dyskinesia)
I could go on. As you can see, nobody should take these harmful drugs. People should be offered PSYCHOLOGICAL assistance. Because "psychiatric" problems are actually PSYCHOLOGICAL problems.

>> No.15988846

Dr Hadzic knows best. Actually any anesthesiologist.

>> No.15988859

Gonna try to match Psychiatry just to piss this faggot, who has no medical experience, off.

>> No.15989056

I have no interest in psychiatry residency anymore, but I think this is an area where the antipsychiatry movement makes a miscalculation. Iatrogenic harm is very real in other medical specialties and happens all the time. Many drugs used to treat organic processes are toxic. Minimizing this damages your credibility, because it’s very clear that paternalism and abuse happen outside of psychiatry as well. I suppose you could argue that the harm to benefit ratio is lower in neurology or something, but you’ve still got people going psychotic from levodopa-carbidopa for example or becoming manic after DBS. Also, the psychiatrists have accidentally been correct a few times. There are genuinely people out there with persistent psychotic illness who can’t live in the community without dopamine blockade to blunt the symptoms and make them accessible to psychotherapy. You could argue this is a function of how our society is organized and that in developing countries outside of western culture psychotic people more often attribute positive affective valence to their auditory verbal hallucinations. However this doesn’t really do anything for the guy in Chicago who’s living under a bridge because he believes stray dogs are Cuban spies.

>> No.15989328

1. Take your time chosing a vein. This is the most important step. Doesn't matter if you see a vein or not, you only have to feel it, feel its direction. When first puncture fails mental game and patient's patience makes everything harder + you have to find proximal veins.

2. For 'running veins' go in quickly with the needle (ofc always fixate the skin with the nondominant hand like every time).

3. Heat helps, underfilled patients need patience with the cuff to let their veins fill.

>> No.15989703
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What is this type of diagnostic imaging called?

>> No.15989732

are you talking about the contrast dye?

>> No.15989733
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>Psychiatrists are doctors just like you guys, you are the same. Psychiatrists are just like neurologists, but a different flavor.
No. Not at all.
Why is psychosis blamed on dopamine? That's a hypothesis that's never been proven. Neuroleptics all work so differently, some don't even target dopamine specifically.

Levodopa for Parkinson's - well that's an actual treatment, because you can prove it objectively that the patient lacks dopamine and the introduction of levodopa *instantly* reduces rigidity and so on and so forth. You can do a spect scan to detect parkinsonism and degradation of the substantia nigra, spinal taps for markers etc. A bunch of things and tests that are routinely done in clinical practice.

Meanwhile 0 (zero) patients with psychosis or any psychiatric 'diagnosis' get any tests done. Not a signle psychiatric patient gets their dopamine or serotonin levels measured ever.

>There are genuinely people out there with persistent psychotic illness who can’t live in the community without dopamine blockade to blunt the symptoms and make them accessible to psychotherapy. You could argue this is a function of how our society is organized and that in developing countries outside of western culture psychotic people more often attribute positive affective valence to their auditory verbal hallucinations. However this doesn’t really do anything for the guy in Chicago who’s living under a bridge because he believes stray dogs are Cuban spies.
Stop pretending you are treating them in any specific way. These people just get sedated with neurleptics to calm them - tranqulized. There are mad people that "can't live in the community". If these people do something illegal they get sent to jail. But if they don't, they get sent to psychiatry to deal with their inconvenient presence by drugging them to calm them down a little.

I would be cool with psychiatry if it admitted what it actually is.

>> No.15989782

what a tiny pp lol

>> No.15989793

Nevermind I'll just ask for a CT scan (or endoscopy), I need to rule out whether I have cricopharyngeal bar, Zenker's diverticulum or Schatzki's ring, I'm unable to eat apples (due to apple skin), watermelon seeds, nuts, certain legumes (peanuts) and popcorn because they always get stuck in my throat no matter how much I very carefully, thoroughly chew it and sip water ever so often, I'm forced to eat a lot of white bread drenched in canola oil to get it all out of my throat (it is NOT "phantom pain" like the condesending people on Quora or Reddit claim because this always relieves it entirely).

>> No.15989890

A swallow study using Barium

>> No.15989927
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Medfags, philosophy bro here, I need your help and take back everything I've ever said about you ...

I was shaving my dick and accidentally shaved against the grain, and kinda cut myself on accident. As a philopsher I get a lot of bitches and needed to keep my dick looking fresh, you see.

Now, a few days later, there's a sebaceous cyst growing on the shaft where the cut was. Is this something that goes away on its own, or do I need to get a hot female surgeon to cut it out?

>> No.15989942

>tfw had an hours long convos with a fellow MS1 at a party
>giggling at my bad jokes, pushing hair behind her ear and everything
>even said she'd be happy to hang out together sometime just me and her
>had one moment when our faces were 6 inches from each other and we kind of just stared at each other
>next morning went to her boyfriend's house

I literally can't get her out of my head all weekend. I didn't make the move because I knew about her boyfriend and I didn't want to spoil things. Dating is so much harder than in college.

>> No.15990006

I'm not treating anyone, and I'm not a psychiatrist or a psychiatry resident. The only antipsychotic I'm aware of without any meaningful D2 affinity is pimavanserin. Yes, I know that clozapine has a higher dissociation constant than haloperidol at D2. I agree that the lack of biomarkers in psychiatry is problematic. One can argue that the treatment is specific because receptor occupancy in the striatum has been shown to predict clinical response. This doesn't mean it's even a proximate or remote cause of psychosis, but it does seem to work for some people some of the time. If it were simply a matter of tranquilizing the psychotic person you could just give them booze or something.

>psychiatrists are just like neurologists but a different flavor

No, my point is that antipsychiatry as a movement loses credibility when it minimizes iatrogenic harm that occurs in general medicine.

>> No.15990135

>I need your help and take back everything I've ever said about you ...
What did you ever say about us, fag?

>> No.15990172
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What's important is that's all behind us.

>> No.15990195

>As a philopsher I get a lot of bitches and needed to keep my dick looking fresh
Nigga you're fucking your Starbucks Ramona flowers lookin ass coworkers let's be real

>> No.15990252

Not with this wack ass dick I'm not.

medfags, save me. I'll tell you what happens after you die if you do.

>> No.15990260
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>If it were simply a matter of tranquilizing the psychotic person you could just give them booze or something.
>or something
What something - Benzos? You can treat psychosis with benzos.

About alcohol, don't fool yourself. Psychiatric drugs and alcohol aren't at all different. You can treat social anxiety with alcohol. You can treat it with SSRI's.

The 'treatment' is done via drug effects. Psychiatric drugs are variations of uppers and downers.

Neuroleptics are downers. They slow people down, including slowing their thoughts (including the psychotic ones), but also movements. They induce a mild form of parkinsonism. In the old days apparently before psychiatrists lost their mind, 'antipsychotics' were called major tranquilizers. I think "major tranqulizers" as a term is better considering how the people that take these drugs appear clinically. But I stick to the term 'neuroleptic'. It also describes what the drug does clinically fairly well. Olanzapine, clozapine, haldol, quetiapine, aripiprazole and all the other drugs, they pretty much have the same effects and side effects clinically.

Ever since I've started thinking of psychiatric drugs in terms of drug effects I feel a much better understanding of what the drugs actually do. Simple way of thinking but it just werks.

>No, my point is that antipsychiatry as a movement loses credibility when it minimizes iatrogenic harm that occurs in general medicine.
Antipsychiatry is for psychiatry. It's not its business to address general medicine, the mafia, the police, the government, religion or amazon.

I am not for antipsychiatry. And I am not against drugs and noone should stop their drugs abruptly. precisely because these are psychotropic drugs and can lead to severe withdrawals where people can be injured or die if stopped abruptly.

>> No.15991661

What's your best way to study? Flash cards, reading notes, reading the various textbooks, etc?
None of this shit is sticking.

>> No.15991681

I had a date planned with a nurse yesterday but she ghosted me. It sucks but such is life right?
How do you get good letters of recommendation? most of my professors ive only had for a class or 2 and feel ambivalent about them, so im sure they feel that way about me. H

>> No.15991958

if you want letters from profs, do research for them

>> No.15991961

3 years ago on my first day at med school, another one of you fags said you were bored by the induction virtue signaling. I never found you in that time. Hope you're doing okay in our last year.

>> No.15992337

only field of medicine to require policing

gee i wonder

>> No.15992359

The one singular person bitching about psychiatry is a psychiatric patient. I guarantee it.

>> No.15992371


>> No.15992406

If you want autonomy consider paramedicine.

>> No.15992965

>I know a cardiology program that 3d prints scale models of certain patients' heart and great vessels out of resin
Can you link the program? Is this something a hospital is doing with an in-house research wing or contracting out to a company?

>> No.15993124 [DELETED] 


>> No.15993151

ive had hell with psych system. since i dropped out of college during spring semester, i have been medicated on and off - first medication brought me back over time - went back to college, stopped taking them 3/4 in, had a moment at the end of the semester where i was told to not talk about spiritual shit anymore in that conversation
my social anxiety just ravaged me - i had almost the best experience you could ever have there, but i became nonverbal and was in anxiety heat and looked like i was almost crying - that happened another time on easter at a wealthy country club and everyone was obviously phased that i was so weak, i went to the bathroom and double checked myself and i was so bad. i was 80-90% looking like i was about to cry. i had that happen another time in a january term class and the teacher ended the day early and i affected this hot female who i met earlier, she was put off visually and more sad than angry. hate all this shit. but i did get close!!! LOL
this is the first time i had a good feeling in relation to these times.

>> No.15993156

when i started antipsychotic meds, i was on risperdal for maybe 1-2 years and i was getting extreme on-edge akathisia, which is like an inner dull pain that doesnt stop unless if you go to sleep. my faggot doctor kept me on that shit denying that it was caused by meds. full on self denial.
ironically, after trying on and off 8-10 meds some of which elicited this, and after i made a personal decision to never have that feeling again,
i'm on 3 antidepressants right now and i have more momentum than my human nature. its very powerful. it gives more daily energy than an energy drink. and more adept energy. there is no ceiling

>> No.15993425

why do schizos think they are entitled to be listened to?

>> No.15993449
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>> No.15993459

>37 studies affected
Did nobody cite his work or do anything from his research? Nobody cares about your non-influential researcher, just fine him the millions he stole

>> No.15993500

most doctors dont even know what that is, and most of those that do are psychiatrists that deny it's real

>> No.15993503

he's at Harvard not some little chinese university, that's the punchline

>> No.15993561

Yeah, I don't equate Harvard with scientific rigor or achievement

>> No.15993847

do I need to keep eating garlic till the end of a flu, in order to avoid getting garlic resistant bacteria?

>> No.15994268

You need to shove garlic up your ass to avoid first-pass metabolism so that you reach high enough plasma concentrations. Garlic uses concentration-dependent killing

>> No.15994530

I love med school for gate keeping retards from having valid opinions on medicine.

>> No.15994551

I've always wondered about the research side of medicine. As most medical people don't care that much about research and there are so many things to study I've always thought it would be very easy for me to rack up discoveries and original research.

>> No.15995055
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It's all for them residency/fellowship apps

>> No.15995294

>nursoid has to lift a finger
>bitches all day
why do they even come to work?

>> No.15995319
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You're a naive fool. Do you even know how many cures to diseases aren't used because they're not profitable or the revolving door regulators banned them? Hospitals didn't get larger than banks by curing and preventing disease.

Some interest will have some chemical to sell and they'll want to put it into some pill to market to the masses, so they'll fund some researchers to create some product and some good marketing papers for them. If they get good results, they publish, if not, they try again until they do or just doctor the results. They do it all the time and are rarely criminally charged for fraud, so they just keep doing it. It's just "good business" at the expense of your health and the health and lives of your loved ones. The same people who own the companies pushing these certain chemicals also own the publishers who write the medical books, what a strange coincidence.

But hey, if you can make an anti-intellectual quip online and call anyone who criticizes a criminal medical monopoly a "retard", then why bother thinking? The pharma-sponsored media will tell you what you should be thinking anyway.

>> No.15995358

Cracking my neck evryday made it sore, and sometimes sharp pain

>> No.15995473

>if pharma wasn't so evil we'd have cured cancer by now and whatever my weird medical problem that my doctor doesn't understand is

>> No.15995524

You think about homosexuality a lot?

I think a massive difference is the fact that other areas of medicine give patients a choice. Here is a drug that could work, here are the known side effects, etc. Psychiatry can lock you up and drug you against your will.

I actually can see the rationale for locking up people who are potentially dangerous. Sure. Put them in a padded room if you want. But drugging people against their will, I'm more opposed to that. Because these drugs can give you some crazy thoughts, as well as some shitty side effects. Like movement disorders from antipsychotics, where the patient is restless, and feels compelled to walk around all the time. So the doc prescribes procyclidine to counteract the restlessness, but that drug raises your risk of dementia.

I think it's immoral subjecting people to this against their will. If you want to lock people up to protect others, fine. But drugging people who don't wish to be drugged, when these are very powerful drugs with real and debilitating side effects, I don't like that idea.

>the guy in Chicago who’s living under a bridge because he believes stray dogs are Cuban spies
What I would hope is that we would respect his wishes, as long as he isn't doing anything illegal. You could offer him assistance, like help in finding a safe place to live. If he's a threat to others then maybe you could lock him in a padded room or something, as long as he's fed properly etc. But drugging people with powerful and debilitating drugs, against their will... would you like it if that was done to you? And if you say "I don't need them", that doesn't answer the question. It's easy to ignore the patient's experience of being injected with these drugs if you think it will never happen to you. If it was a possibility that it might happen to you, maybe you wouldn't think it's such a good practice?

>> No.15995537

psychiatry is the only specialty where "both" the patients and doctors are evil

>> No.15995538

>How do you get good letters of recommendation?

from preceptors in 3rd year (if you're an american).
flash cards and get old practice or exam questions

>> No.15995576

Why should I pay taxes just to have someone locked up if there's no rehabilitation effort? Prisons do that, why should psychiatric hospitals?

>> No.15995753

i think one of the front desk gals at the clinic im at was hitting on me.

>> No.15995782

I did the exact opposite of how you’re supposed to wean antidepressants. I just kept forgetting to take my pills during finals, and since I wanted to wean off them anyway I just stopped completely and monitored for signs of withdrawal. Worst I got was headaches. Don’t do this.

>> No.15995913
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Introductory biochemistry is hard enough without proper thermodynamics.

>> No.15995969
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>> No.15996001

I'm in my last year of med school and I have not thought about Gibbs free energy since first year undergrad (6 years)

>> No.15996169

I don't think drugs rehabilitate psych patients. I know of a psych patient who was locked up and drugged for around a year, and he was still miserable, didn't wash, hardly interacted with others. If the drugs are so great, why didn't the "treatment" work? I think what that guy wanted was autonomy over his own life.

Psychiatrists will say "but psych patients could be a risk to themselves or others, so we have to drug them to reduce that risk". I think most psych patients don't want to harm others, and they want to know of a practical solution to their problems. I think suicide prevention hotlines can help with this. You can call a free number and they'll listen to your worries, and they might suggest practical things you can do to resolve your worries. Maybe they'll suggest charities you can get in touch with. Or they'll help you see that the worries you have aren't necessary worries - you don't need to be worrying about such things.

Drugging someone against their will is not great. If you think it's amazing then I invite you to go and get drugged with an antipsychotic. You'll probably say "but I don't need it", but I just see that as a convenient excuse. Your reluctance to get drugged is an admission that these drugs are shit and nobody wants to be subjected to them.

>> No.15996343

Hi /med/, I was feeling nauseous and threw up a couple of times and my mom told me I should eat some dairy (i.e. yoghurt, cottage cheese) to feel better
Will it help? I doubt dairy would help an upset stomach

>> No.15996351

You’re being beyond retarded. Of you’re in a medical field just drop university and then die. If not then just drop dead.

>> No.15996364

Is an MD any good for research? If the choice is between a PhD and MD-PhD that is.

>> No.15996368
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>> No.15996375

I'm not going to drop dead so you'll just have to impotently cry instead.

I guess you're too stupid to make an actual counterargument? What a shame.

>> No.15996424

I was more talking along the lines of conducting research as a dilettante NEET and publishing them in journals. I would earn enough money in the form of donations from gracious parents and doctors.

>> No.15996445

Why dignify your schizo rambling with an answer other than kys? Bleed out.

>> No.15996448

Your post is full of "I think" statements without any factual basis to back it up that leave plenty of space for variables. I get that your intentions are noble, but that's just not the way the clinical world works. If someone poses an ounce of danger to themselves or to others, they will be hauled off and subjected to rehabilitative efforts, whether that be drugs, behavioral therapy, both, etc.

>> No.15996451

P.s. The simple fact of the matter is that psychiatry is still a crude science compared to other medical fields. No scientist has a definite measure of the biological causation of mental disorders, although they are doing their damnedest to find out. 50 years ago a lobotomy was a perfectly normal procedure, whilst now it's stigmatized. Progression is always painful in medicine.

>> No.15996508

I accept you are too stupid to counter my argument and I suppose you will keep impotently crying about my continued existence.

>If someone poses an ounce of danger to themselves or to others, they will be hauled off and subjected to rehabilitative efforts, whether that be drugs, behavioral therapy, both, etc.
That's what it's about, of course. It's about people wanting themselves protected from others they think are "dangerous". Sure, SOME patients can be dangerous, but I think a lot are not, having met psych patients myself.

So in that way perhaps psychiatry is the only field of medicine that isn't primarily concerned with treating a patient. It's primarily concerned with protecting society from the patient. The wellbeing of the patient is a secondary concern.

>> No.15996532

Yeah, I can agree with you on that. Forensic psychiatry is a field, after all.

>> No.15996539

P.s. I think fixating on definites like 'primary' and 'secondary' motives is a bit too black and white. There are plenty of physicians out there who focus their practice on therapy for afflicted patients in a regular clinical setting, not hospital restraints.

>> No.15996558

Most likely you've done pharmacology. They could have used G instead of equilibrium constant K.

>> No.15996670

I took a pharm course in my masters and it was wholly on MoAs and the organic structures. Pretty useful class.

>> No.15996704

Is there a difference between agonists and "antagonist" (is this accurate?) 'stimulants' like amphetamines vs NDRIs? Am I wrong to assume a "reuptake inhibitor" would cause more permanent damage than an agonist? And how is methylphenidate an NDRI that works the same day, but bupropion doesnt seem to?

I have no personal expirience with any of these drugs and dont know anything about chemistry just fyi

>> No.15996967

unironically no legit pharmacology done in my MD

>> No.15997021
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I'll get pain that comes and goes if I put pressure on it. No ingrown nail but it's curved in a way that goes quite deep into the skin. If I pull on the side of my tow I can see black particles collecting where the nail rubs on skin. I clean this shit once a month with tweezers and alcohol digging up what looks like dead skin and other dirt and it seems to make the pain go away for a while. Today I decided to grab a piece of skin from that area and look at it under my soldering microscope, see pic related. Is that yellow gunk bacteria? Shit reeks of cheese. Color on the pic is a bit off, it's not such a deep yellow and looked more desaturated on the microscope.

So how long do I got to live?

>inb4 5 minutes

>> No.15997051

For me, it's lecturio medical and anki.

>> No.15997250

Die in a fire

>> No.15997255

Take an Invega shot nigger

>> No.15997269
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Is psychiatry harming more people than it helps?
Serious question.
I understand someone needs to deal with psychopaths that have the potential for violence, But what's with all the
>lonely old ladies
>borderline whores
>lazy kids that can't handle school
>and in general anyone that's slightly "off" in some way
getting medicated years on end and often lifelong
50 million people in america are on psychiatric meds, ONE IN SIX people in the US is on psychiatric drugs.

>> No.15997274

I'm glad that you keep impotently crying about my continued existence.

>Is psychiatry harming more people than it helps?
Yes. Psych drugs have terrible effects on health, debilitating side effects like sexual dysfunction and movement disorders, and horrible withdrawals when you try to come off them.
>I understand someone needs to deal with psychopaths that have the potential for violence
Why not just say to them "here's a suicide prevention / mental health hotline that you can call for free (yes they exist) if you want to resolve your problems - but if you turn to crime or violence instead, you WILL be punished". And then if the distressed person still commits crime, despite being offered help for free, then they can face punishment.

>> No.15997281

omfg can schizos please stop talking about psychiatry for 1 fucking day

>> No.15997292

It's just one guy who thinks violent psychos can be treated through a...suicide hotline?

>> No.15997299


I've met a lot of psych patients and I only remember one who may have been violent, I think he possibly hit another patient but I didn't see it so I'm not sure.

Scores of patients I have come across didn't show violence or aggression to other people at all. Many of them were sociable, and even the ones who weren't would mostly keep to themselves, and some of them would occasionally get angry about being drugged, being locked up, etc., but they wouldn't show violence towards people.

So I think your impression of psych patients is not reflective of reality.

>> No.15997333

Remember to report the anon who can't shut the fuck up about psychiatry for spamming.

>> No.15997339

>Why not just say to them "here's a suicide prevention / mental health hotline that you can call for free (yes they exist) if you want to resolve your problems - but if you turn to crime or violence instead, you WILL be punished". And then if the distressed person still commits crime, despite being offered help for free, then they can face punishment.
How often did you have either a mental-relevant episode, or a more long-term insidious mental thing?
Because I have had such.
You can drop the supposed "solution" into their lap all you want. You can "recommend" (holy fuck don't make me laugh) all the hotlines in the world.
During the mental episode (and I mean, I was demoralized due to an other thing -- I am not talking something like schizophrenia here), you don't perceive that "enlightenment" you received as help.
Mostly because it isn't actually effective help. But that isn't the insidious thing, but the fact that you don't even genuinely process it as "possible help/solution".
You effectively ignore it.

Hey guy,

have you for even one second
Just one teeny second

considered those patients aren't right now in the state that put them into the psych ward in the first place? If they could be violent dangers, why would that imply they are always a violent danger?
But, wait there's more: have you considered they are right now drugged with the meds you so disparage?

You legit sound like you have an IQ of 90. Articulate, but 90. You have zero logical reasoning ability. You should have addressed these caveats in your own post.

>> No.15997453

go to a doctor, you dumb nigger.

>> No.15997513

OD on fentanyl

>> No.15997570

Obviously. I don’t think it’s in question I mean the way he types is typical psychosis speak

>> No.15997571

You people are insane pieces of shit

>> No.15997734

You came to a general with clinicians in it and expected everyone to just agree with you instead of seeing you for what you are?

>> No.15997849

I don't think that discussing a medical topic is spamming. Usually when posts get deleted for spamming it's because they're copy/pasting the exact same posts over and over.

>the fact that you don't even genuinely process it as "possible help/solution"
I think a lot of psych patients (perhaps all) are looking for solutions to bad life situations, or bad events they experienced. So I do think suicide prevention and mental health hotlines should be encouraged. Many people use these services and find them helpful.

>have you... considered those patients aren't right now in the state that put them into the psych ward in the first place?
>have you considered they are right now drugged with the meds you so disparage?
I've seen patients who, as soon as they arrive at hospital (before having any drugs) don't seem dangerous. A lot of them are just very distressed. I saw a guy who was taken to hospital and he was very paranoid, a bit delusional, might not have showered in a while, but he didn't seem like he posed a risk of violence.

Anyway, I said in a previous post that even if someone has a risk of being violent, why not just put them in a padded room and let them burn off their energy. Then they'll sleep and their brain will work much better after some rest.

I just think psych drugs are shit. They have harmful health effects (antipsychotics shrink the brain, they cause movement disorders which are sometimes permanent, they affect metabolism including weight gain and blood sugar levels, they can cause hormonal effects like causing breast tissue growth even in males). It's absolutely fine if society wants to protect itself from violent people, absolutely. I support that. But I don't think drugging people with harmful drugs is a good thing.

>You legit sound like you have an IQ of 90
Ad hominem isn't an argument. I may as well claim you have an IQ of 90 if you want to bring the discussion to that level. But it ruins the discussion.

>> No.15997853

Ad hominem isn't an argument. You are clearly annoyed by the arguments that have been made, but you haven't given non-fallacious reasons to reject them.

The OP does not say this thread is for clinicians only though, it says it's a medicine thread. So it's not surprising that various people are posting about medicine, whether they're clinicians or not.

>> No.15997858


>> No.15997911

>Don't seem
Stopped reading after that. Thanks for playing.

>> No.15997914

>Everyone who disagrees with me is psychotic.

>> No.15997917

Many people are fat because of emotional stress or their socioeconomic status. That doesn't mean we should stop prescribing insulin.
>But it ruins the discussion.
It's a useless discussion that people with jobs would rather not participate in. Misanalyzed anecdotes and promotion of Freudian psychoanalysis belongs in a forum for your fellow geriatric med-dodgers. It would remain totally fruitless, but at least you wouldn't be derailing any potentially useful conversations.

>> No.15997939

I accept your concession.

New experiment: we lock you up and drug you with antipsychotics. And then we test whether you still support locking up humans and drugging them with antipsychotics.

>> No.15997953
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Go through this

Search "forced" or "child" or "injection"

This shit is disgusting

>> No.15997964

You lost after basing your whole argument on speculation and you're still on damage control?

>> No.15998055

They just didnt want their argument to be seen as dismissive and rude as yours

>> No.15998059

They? It's you.

>> No.15998073
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Actually no lol. I could link all my posts in this thread if you want

Just a bitter bystander. My sitewide filters are like psychiatrist, meds, adhd, because this whole psychiatry charade freaks me the fuck out and clearly is why zoomers/everyone here is autistic and fucked.

I came here after going through the catalog of every board. Im usually on adv or r9k. Theres a lot of threads there of people realizing how much child psychiatry/forced drugs fucked up the coarse of their life.


>> No.15998082

>adv or r9k
No wonder psychiatry freaks you out, because you know physicians will diagnose you.

>> No.15998102

You are an absolute jackass and probably underaged.

>> No.15998126

The truth hurts, eh?

>> No.15998128

It's not speculation at all, I know for a fact that many psych patients are not dangerous to others when they're locked up. Some are locked up because they're deemed to be dangerous to themselves, but in many cases this might be because they're not showering or not eating. If somebody doesn't want to eat for a while, or doesn't want to shower for a while, that's their right. It doesn't break any laws. They'll probably start showering or eating again when it's their decision to do so, instead of somebody else's.

I think this is the key issue of psychiatry. People get distressed because they want control over their own lives. You can't be psychologically healthy unless you feel you have control over your own life. If you feel like others are pushing you around, you'll become angry and bitter, because you want them to leave you alone and respect your wishes. So psychiatry just makes things worse by pushing around its patients even more than they were being pushed around outside of hospital.

I think psych drugs are a lot more powerful than people think. They cause strong side effects and also they cause strong withdrawal effects when a person tries to come off them. I found out about the following website which seems to have become popular, offering peer support for people trying to come off antidepressants, because some people take months or years to successfully come off:


On that site they recommend that a patient taper their antidepressant by taking a 10% smaller dose every month, to come off while reducing withdrawal effects. So even after 6 months of tapering, your dose would be just over half of what it originally was. Surely nobody WANTS to spend that long coming off a drug, but those people feel they have to, because the withdrawal effects of these shitty drugs render them unable to do their jobs properly, unable to live their lives.

Ad hominem is not an argument.

>> No.15998142
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SSRIs, SNRIs, NDRIs all take longer to get off of than regular drugs because they are antagonists as opposed to agonists. They actually change the structure of parts of your brain, so when you go cold turkey you will get gnarly withdrawals like brain zaps.

>> No.15998147

Post sources for your claims about psych patients or kys

>> No.15998181

Well, that's why we shouldn't give people these drugs. We should fund mental health charities instead, which offer support groups and phone lines that people can contact for free.

I have met mental patients in my own experience. And no I won't kill myself, but you'll keep impotently crying about my existence.

>> No.15998183

Also, are you a clinician? If so then I wouldn't describe this as a great bedside manner. And such behaviour, if it is from a clinician, might explain why I've seen many patients who don't want to trust doctors at all.

>> No.15998299

Thank you for not posting any sources. I knew you wouldn't.

>> No.15998370

What I said was "I know for a fact that many psych patients are not dangerous to others when they're locked up", and the reason I know that is because I've met psych patients when they're being admitted. As I said, sometimes they might be deemed a danger to themselves due to neglect. But if someone is choosing to treat themselves differently for a while, and isn't breaking any laws, maybe they should have the right to do that.

Why are you so mad? Are you a psychiatrist or mental health nurse or something? Or a med student who is mad because I'm giving a different view of a medical specialty, based on my own real experience with actual patients?

>> No.15998397

>one in six americans are on psych meds
>that's clearly because one in six americans are dangerous and need to be medicated. science ftw
this is how brainwashed the average /med/fag is
it's insane

>> No.15998851

please god give me a selective 5ht2c blocker

>> No.15999004

>Ad hominem isn't an argument. I may as well claim you have an IQ of 90 if you want to bring the discussion to that level. But it ruins the discussion.
We are not having a debate, you fucking nerd. We are having an exchange. Do you not see how ad hominems spice these up, and make them interesting to read, including potentially for the recipient of the ad hominem? Besides, they don't *just* serve as side-entertainment. They might actually positively interact with your life if they serve as oblique recommendations. I mean, if you are a stupid fucking retard but you are never once in your life told you are stupid retard, what would be the way to find out you are a stupid retard? If we went like you want and treat every exchange like some semi-formal debate, the retard would never be insulted and he would lose out on acquiring an important clue about his life in a timely manner.
The same is true in other domains, like being alterably ugly, autistic, etc.

>> No.15999048
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I've gone through covid recently and my taste is just gone. How long will it last, Dr. Chud?

>> No.15999132

I saw this video recently where some land whale teachers got extremely offended in the exact manner you are talking about.
Weak men create hard times.

>> No.15999136

Medgods, I have every symptom of hyperthyroidism, but my primary won't refer me to an endocrinologist because the blood tests came back fine.
The fuck do I do?

>> No.15999220
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>> No.15999232

god imagine talking to him about doctor mike and how fierce he his, how he has such claws. how dangerou she is and wants to tear people up (for no reason). imagine talking to him about that to get more fap bait about doctor mike whos so cute and would dry hump me like a doggy >.<

>> No.15999248

sorry to him if hes here... uwu

>> No.15999341

>ctrl f psy
>1 of 157 matches

>> No.15999489

Critical psychiatry was always meant for /med/, a perfect match. The idea suits the medium too well.

it's just inevitable that the medical thread on 4chan would be skeptical of psychiatry. Without censorship, that's what you get.

>> No.15999500

bix nood

>> No.15999653
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how do i stop procrastinating and get on with my studying?

>> No.15999673

Still no sources. Typical uneducated skeptic.

>> No.15999726

is 21 a good age to start learning medicine? also what am I getting into?
I'll try to apply to my local uni see if I get a spot next month

>> No.15999737

Drop out

Why do you want to go into medicine? It's a shit customer service job.

>> No.15999749

mother was a nurse and she got me interested in the field
plus 7-8 years of study compared to 5 for being a nurse isn't that big of a deal for me

>> No.15999826

This is why we should allow people to live without psych meds, as long as they aren't breaking the law.

None of this is an argument. You failed to give a counterargument to what I said. You're obviously too stupid to make a counterargument. I accept your concession.

All of science, including medicine, needs to be able to be challenged. That's how we arrive at more accurate truth. By challenging existing conclusions with new information.

Not an argument. Have you met psych patients? I have met quite a few, and many of them did not pose a danger to others when they were admitted. As I said, sometimes people are detained because they're deemed a danger to themselves. But if someone isn't showering for a while, or not eating for a while, they should have the right to do that. If they're not bothering or harming others, they should have the right to do whatever they like, within the bounds of the law.

I think when people behave in that way, it's because some experience has really got to them. Maybe they were abused or bullied. And locking people up in that situation, and drugging them, is pretty awful I think. Would you like it if you were locked up and forcibly drugged when you were at a low point in life?

>> No.15999837

Still no sources.

>> No.15999871

Still not an argument. I accept your concession.

>> No.15999874

Nope. I just am done discussing this topic. I merely @ted you once. For you, I guess, this is a way more important topic and thread that has consumed a significant part of your attention.
>You're obviously too stupid to make a counterargument.
Your intent is transparent, and you suck at this. Besides, what I wrote is not some mere ploy to get the other side to respond and invert the technique used against me (which is of course not possible because, as said, this was my first post), but I actually meant it that you sound like someone with 90 IQ, unlike you.

>> No.15999883

Still no sources or argument. I accept your concession.

>> No.15999905

I accept your concession, since you are too stupid to counter my argument.

No argument. I accept your concession.

>> No.15999948

not him, but what source are you requesting exactly
you really think it's OK that one in six people in america is on psychiatric drugs
that's psychiatrosis

>> No.15999959


>> No.15999963

>Samsung Galaxy Tab S7 Plus
i got the s7 and its really handy

>> No.15999974

No source or argument, I accept your concession.

>> No.16000042

>since you are too stupid to counter my argument.
You are too stupid to prevent me from having the last word.

>> No.16000057

Anon, he has no argument. Everything he says is based on alleged encounters with psych patients and generalizations from them supported by zero sources or documentation. I think it's safe to say he's a retarded pot stirrer.

>> No.16000074
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Absofuckinglutely thanks Australia!

Exactly what I needed

>> No.16000174

And the parents are too stupid to see anything wrong and that kid will forever be destroyed by drugs and psychiatrists and that's if they don't end up molesting or raping her.

>> No.16000295


>> No.16000336
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These are average every day people getting fucked over by this horrifying system

>> No.16000477

take your xanomeline

>> No.16000667

>Mommy was a nurse
Kill yourself. Give a good fucking reason to work the job. Are you even aware what the JOB is like? Not the field, the job.

It's fucking trash. Wake up early in the morning, Rush checking up on 30 patients and writing their indications before 7am. Spend all day in call center-tier cramped room spooning out guess who answers from stupid people, one after another, every 5 minutes, and then get calls from the nurse at the floor telling some kid is vomiting and you tell her that's fine and she threatens to report you for not checking him up, so you lift up your ass and go to the floor where the 30 patients are expecting an update as soon as they see you. You spend an hour up there and you go back to the ER where 6 patients have stacked up. Go home driving as much you did trying to get there and sleep less than 6 hours.

Fuck that bullshit. Fuck all of it, and hope you get fucked for letting yourself fall down the slope.

>> No.16000670

>Be psycho schizo that gets literal psychosis
>Reject treatment so he can enter the schizo state again
Lol. Lmao even.

>> No.16000790

shouldve picked ophthalmology.

>> No.16000833

Help a dude out my future doctors...
33 and think I've developed a dairy allergy, but also wondering if I have Crohn's (my aunt has it on my dad's side).
For the last few months my skin has progressively deteriorated, would describe as plaque psoriasis on hands, inside elbow, back of legs and eyelids.
Last couple of weeks its peak bad, and for the last few days I've had bouts of shortness of breath and feeling like I need to cough after a deep one.
Today, I drank a coffee with milk and instantly felt like I was having an asthma attack or something (not sure if I have asthma).
What happening to me?

>> No.16001030

Do you wheeze?

>> No.16001060

Sounds like a possible autoimmune disorder of leukocyte cytokine production.

>> No.16001074

"In addition, psoriasis is found frequently associated with some major autoimmune disorders including systemic lupus erythematosus, autoimmune thyroid disease, celiac disease, inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), especially Crohn's disease, multiple sclerosis, Sjögren's syndrome, vitiligo, and alopecia areata."

>> No.16001077


>> No.16002130

Not normally, but yes when I felt like I was having mild anaphylaxis.
Today I don't have any shortness of breath, first day of not making a coffee with milk/having any dairy.
I won't know for sure for another 21 days apparently, how long it takes for the milk protein to exit? If my skin starts to improve over the next few days I'll be pretty convinced it's a random new dairy allergy.

>> No.16002133

A long time ago I tried had a doctor test me for all sorts of auto immune stuff because we couldn't figure out what was happening with my skin.
Bit of a tangent, but it turned out I had serious topical steroid addiction and they really didn't understand the dangers back then. Topical steroid withdrawal seems to be a lot more talked about these days though which is good, but that shit was hell.

>> No.16002137
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>Yeah, I decided on forensic psychiatry

>> No.16002289

Not cut out for it, why even persue it?
You knew you didn't had what it took during the first few years of study, so why didn't you give up?

>> No.16002427

psychiatry is a reddit specialty along with anesthesia and radiology

>> No.16002499

Then always have in hand an albuterol inhaler, you will need to use at least for a couple of months some corticosteroid inhaler like beclometasone, and watch whatever causes the allergy. For the psoriasis use betamethasone cream every night for a month.

Biology is interesting, that's why. And I prefer tampering with people than animals. Nobody told me it was a fucking customer service job on par with cashier.