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File: 74 KB, 615x680, billions must live.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15968608 No.15968608 [Reply] [Original]

i wanna live forever. how close are we to genetically engineering a cure to aging?

can i make a virus in a home lab that would make me live forever?

>> No.15968615
File: 38 KB, 592x447, hanged man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this live saving device + the thermobottle, will prolong his suffering and explode his lungs.

>> No.15968621

what the hell is a thermobottle? that's a pikachu.

>> No.15968640
File: 120 KB, 615x928, Chud's Law.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fear of death is for babies
even if you could live for millions of years, after just a couple hundred years *you* would either run out of space, become demented or neuroplastically delete itself
you're a stick handling bare ape with a delusional socialization complex
rip off the mask, stop being a narcissistic faggot and get a wife

>> No.15968643

dude what the fuck are you talking about? that shit says more about you than me. i like living and i'm gonna live forever. FOAD

>> No.15968673

You will die, your flesh will rot and you will seize to exist.

>> No.15968677

cease. the word is cease you fucking ESL subnormal.

>> No.15968682

you can keep a core structure forever and have various shit come and go. or a gorrillion of other possible scenarios
>I can't work it out myself so I need to die
you do you anon

>> No.15968688

Honestly not unlikely you'll see it if you're not already like 50+ years old. You might die before it's available to you but yeah it's not something utterly beyond us, as far as we know.

That said if you DO get it, the odds you die peacefully in your sleep go very far down and the odds your death is more violent/agonizing go up. After all, of you're biologically immortal or even just age very slowly, the thing that DOES wipe you out will be a physical change to your body, usually in the form of a terrible disease or physical object taking you to poundtown.

>> No.15968691

>billions must live
there is value in that, you just don't see it
not with fungible bodies. or highly advanced ones or both

>> No.15968697

Suck my dick, I'm not a muttmerican, I'm German and I speak 5 languages.

>> No.15968698

well yeah that's a given. i think first we need basic anti-aging, then we can work on true indestructible and regenerative immortality.
i thought about this. we've already grown organs. why don't we just grow entire human bodies without brains to replace everything?
we will have to do something about brain degeneration, but for injuries,
especially for soldiers in need of medical attention,
you could just cut their head off and put it in an ice box so you can frankenstein them to a new body later.
i guess the real hurdle with that is reconnecting the nerves, but hasn't there been at least 1 successful head transplant?

>> No.15968709

that's a pretty gay thing to ask other men to do anon. feel free to fertilize my lawn i guess

>> No.15968718

>why don't we just grow entire human bodies without brains to replace everything?
yeah I thought about it but it's messy and weird. if you scan the brain you can theoretically grow a new body from dude's DNA, wait it out 20 years or something and *somehow* get dude's brain in there. got no clue if possible but keeping the body in veg state so no consciousness or anything but full body function (in brain) you'd only need to "implant" back the original brain structure. somehow. either with artificial brain plugged into missing one's socket or some weird shit like that. or have nanobots assemble back the neuronal structure to scan time, presto new you with fresh body. although a bit under-exercised.

>> No.15968733

you need to keep the original brain. otherwise it's just a clone with extra steps.
you could probably engineer the bodies to grow faster, at least to the point where the skull could fit the brain.

>> No.15968736

>otherwise it's just a clone with extra steps.
oh boy

>> No.15968747

Nature is already perfect.
The entire point of life is to be eternally surviving.
When you have children, 50% of their DNA comes from you and the other 50% come from a genetically related mate.
Children are a mutated recombinant copy of your own DNA.
They naturally carry forth your legacy and continue the cycle of life.
Live forever faggots will slowly degenerate and rot until nothing of them is left.
Always do natures will or die.

>> No.15968759

that's the retarded results you get from your shit philosophy

>> No.15968786

>do everything for me
also no, you're more likely to kill yourself and every else before you are to make yourself immortal.
So instead try living with your limited life.

>> No.15968793

what will you do when other nations do it? how fast will you eat shit in that scenario?

>> No.15968850

No, you're fucked. Curing aging means curing all diseases that have increased incidence with age: cancer, arthritis, Parkinsons, dementia, atheroschlerosis, etc.

We don't have the IQ for that anymore.

>> No.15968878

>nature is PERFECT!!!!
>he angrily typed on a computer

>> No.15968891

Everything you said is wrong and "your" "descendants" will be running my synthetic genomes.

Sorry death cultist, nobody is interested in joining you.

>> No.15969028

I would buy from them because I spent my time developing my career instead of being a faggot.
Unless I'm old as shit and it doesn't reverse aging, in which case fuck it I'd rather be dead than old.

>> No.15969085

Why not kill yourself if you actually believe this?

>> No.15969091

Say what you will about /lit/faggotry, just the smallest dose of philosophy in a students academic career would stop fucking inane takes like this from being spouted in ethics discussions.

>> No.15969115

I don't think any amount of philosophy could sway me from wanting to live forever
I don't want to die

>> No.15969135

When the solution happens, it won't be for who is already alive, but the almost to be born

>> No.15969162

>The global anti-ageing market is predicted to skyrocket from around $191.5bn currently to a whopping $421.4bn by 2030, according to a report by P&S Intelligence. With hundreds of millions of dollars being raised by wealthy investors to fund the reprogramming field alone, the coming years could prove promising for age reversal research.

If billionares are mad crazy for thing, gunning down to not die, I'd say it's just a matter of time.

Whoever achieves the first result will not only be filthy, filthy rich, but a human legend.

>Altos Labs’ research is centred on biological reprogramming, a technique discovered in 2006 by scientist Shinya Yamanaka, who will chair the company’s scientific advisory board. Yamanaka’s work revealed that after adding just four proteins, now known as Yamanaka factors, cells can be made pluripotent – that is, able to become any cell in the body.

This jap seems to be at the lead.

>> No.15969167

I disagree, the donors of the labs working on anti-aging, or on any immortality concept to be honest, are all rich dudes currently living mid life to late life.
Scientists will try to appease them in hopes of bagging a big check if they succeed.

>> No.15969229

You have to be mentally defective to not want to stay alive. It's not some billionaire specific obsession.

>> No.15969319

Is not about fear of death. It's about enjoying being alive. You sound like a narcissist more than anyone else, that you don't care what other people want and think they should all be like you. Well I don't want to be a narcissistic sad sack sitting around waiting to die with my wife or whatever, that sounds gay as fuck

>> No.15969322

You sound like the worst kind of Christian

>> No.15969324

if you didnt see it in the cooler thread.

>> No.15969607

it wont be public unless something biblical happens

>> No.15970085

if you live forever you chances of getting stuck somewhere for a 1000 years approaches 100%
why would you want to live forever if everything bad could happen to you approaches 100%?
more living=more suffering

>> No.15970114

>can i make a virus in a home lab that would make me live forever?
I bet you can't even make a virus that kills you

>> No.15970295

dying is THE bad thing that could happen to me.

>> No.15970302

Go back.

>> No.15970307

no , there are things worse than dying ,imagine getting tapped forever in a black hole or getting stuck in the void of space for billions of years
the chances of those happening to you
approache 100% if you live forever
mathematically immortality is worse than death

>> No.15970313

you don't get trapped in a black hole you dipshit lmao

>> No.15970332

i meant to say traped

>> No.15970338

traped isn't a word

>> No.15970372

>this is how you kill yourself with math
it's like you'd fucking hate other having the possibility of enjoying eternity.

>> No.15970565

yes sorry , i was trying to fix my other grammer mistake "tapped " because i forgot the r and now wrote it as traped by mistake , i wanted to reply to my post but replyed to you by accident

>> No.15970639

i didn't even notice that you wrote tapped instead of trapped. but anyways a black hole turns you into electrons. i'd rather be trapped in a black hole than turned into electrons anyways, black holes don't last forever. they always fizzle out or explode.
besides, if i had the capability to resist fundamental laws of physics that cause a black hole to destroy everything, the gravity of a black hole wouldn't trap me to begin with. so it's a non-starter

>> No.15970642

can someone explain this "billions must die" thing being forced everywhere recently? is it some sort of reddit twitter meme?

>> No.15970647

since forever certain groups of people wanted to wipe out everyone else so they can enjoy everything.
this sentiment is usually amplified whenever there's general tension/instability.
>if shit goes down might as well take the opportunity and wipe everyone else
chimp behavior

>> No.15970651

why's it it being spammed everywhere. what's the joke

>> No.15970653


>> No.15970680
File: 10 KB, 242x88, TND.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>TND y2
it's making fun of /pol/ users who want to violently kill all brown people.
the joke is they're all basement dwelling virgins who have never done anything violent in their lives,
hence the ugly skinny glasses wearing guy pressing the magic genocide button.

TND, which means "total nigger death" is associated with this little button pressing character, who is referred to as a "CHUD".
that is an acronym from the movie of the same name, which means "cannibalistic humanoid underground dwellers".
communists for whatever reason watched this shitty B movie and decided to call right wing people CHUDs. there is no real correlation between the two, but the name stuck.
then /pol/ users made it their own word, like how black people made nigga their own word.

the cartoon CHUD was actually made by communists who unsuccessfully raided pol,
but pol users started making edits of the CHUD character as being a big buff guy strangling trannies and counter-raided with those images.

>> No.15970702

Nature is just random dice rolls until something works, if you haven't figured this out yet you really should gtfo of /sci/

>> No.15970732

You're a fucking brainlet, those diseases are caused by "age" because of cellular degradation, they don't need to be cured if we cure aging. Aging is your cells getting more and more damaged so your body gets less and less efficient at fulfilling its tasks

>> No.15970754

>i wanna live forever.

How can someone have this desire is beyond me. Death eventually is such a relief. Everytime im stressed, feel down, or is sick of the world I remind myself that all of this is just temporary and ultimately laughably pointless. Life with no end would be impossible to enjoy. My biggest fear is eternal life or being born again over and over with no rest, and since time cannot be comprehended in an unconscious non-being, any eventual space between two points of existence would pass instantly meaning that we never cease to exist.

The universe must be obliterated for this reason

>> No.15970764

pretty weird logic anon. why not wait a bit and if shit is really bad you can kys then?
I find the opposite to be true for me. with just a few years everything must happen a particular way or it goes to shit and if for whatever random reason what you built goes to shit that's it. this makes me anxious and unable to plan because it doesn't really matter, just a few more years and I'm out, that's it. what even is the point?
having a long span ahead I can chill the fuck out and start doing shit I am interested in. even if it goes to shit I can pick it up again. and again. not pressured by the doom clock.

>> No.15970771

You need to make sure you dont become stagnant and keep expanding in your life. Where stagnation takes place, death must happen in order for rebirth. If you find a way to keep expanding (in the sense of overcoming challenges in whatever you've chosen to do and dont giving up ie avoiding stagnation), you always will have energy to live.

>> No.15970803

yes you are correct black holes do die out by hawking radiation , i assumed that its god-like immortality , if you still bound to your physical body and follow physical laws ,its impossible to be truely immortal
but still ,if you are immortal you may just be floating in the void after all stars die and all atoms decay into iron-58 ,it will be a fate of eternal boredom ,you will bascially be in the void just jerking off and doing mental math forever, that seems worse than death

>> No.15970840

death is always an option. i'd like living to also be an option. also that ending depends entirely on your preferred model of the universe.
increasingly it is believed that the big bang wasn't what happened because galaxies older than the universe have been photographed recently.
i'm not smart enough to explain the new theory, you can look it up yourself.

>> No.15970847

You are fucked. And even if there was one, the price would be so steep that only the mega rich could afford it.

>> No.15970887

Yes, biological immortality is not actual immortality in the divine sense.

But even a simulation theorist, theist, substance dualist, etc. would appreciate biological immortality even if they don't intend in sticking around until heat death

>> No.15971070

It's kinda nuts how money really can make just about anything happen if you pour enough of it into what you want done. Things like this make it just a matter of time, just how much time is the question.

>> No.15971522

If just medical data ware anonymized and publicly available it would be great.

You know, first you must find difference between old and young body. Identify what causes this change. Identify what can repair what's broken. Identify what slows down or reverse process of that change.

I think in our lifetime, we may have people really beyond life's expectancy, and also have people who die a lot of sooner, even in masses so that avg. estimate life span will go down, but we'll have like 140 year old people.

>> No.15971885

Life expectancy keeps growing and growing. It’ll be 90 for men, in the year 2090.

We’ll very likely develop technology that will cure or prevent most disease and illnesses within the next 200 years, and then technology that can halt aging and stop all disease within 1000 years.

The one issue is that brains turn to goop around 120 years old, through unavoidable natural processes that has nothing to do with physical fitness or health in life.

Don’t worry too much about it. People in the future will be jealous all the same of us who lived fighting the shadow of death every day. Their technology will come with a cost and obnoxiously upheave their society, like all technology does.

If you’re a young man, live to 28, and you’re good to go. Most young people die, or worse, from 16-26 and 27.

Also, dying isn’t real anyway, because a Person is much more than the body that houses them. Except for memories, which only display past experiemces and arouse expectations. But you dont have to define yourself by the memories fate gave you; nothing will stop you from defining yourself by memories you simply made up.

>> No.15971912

Yes. Thousands of scientists in academia and industry have spent billions of dollars on this endeavor, but you can make a virus that will do it in your home lab.

>> No.15971915

Lmao, I call that the cockaroach conundrum.

Also, in the Cthulu Mythos, there were once these artic aliens that looked like barrel shaped plants, who figured out immortality and near indestuctibility. Yet still they regularly died to murder.

>> No.15971930

I don't know what would i do with the extra time? I'd probably stay in my room some more. I also don't want to die though. This sux.

>> No.15971944

I hope you feel comfy there.

>> No.15971963

pretty soon we will live in a post-scarcity society, we will be able to solve all diseases, everyone will be beautiful, healthy and young forever, that's the kind of world we want to live in forever

>> No.15971967

Right now we are at the point where you can get over the age of 100 with the right combination of lifestyle and therapies but 120 still appears to be the hard cap. Head over to the rapamycin forum for more info.

>> No.15972078

The thing that scares me the most is the thought of living forever but not having the people I care about around me anymore. Eventually I would likely forget them, which is scary.

>> No.15972086

if we shared more and had more in common you wouldn't be as picky.

>> No.15972535
File: 52 KB, 1024x407, 1637646620700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15973998

If you're under 30, There's a serious chance you might get to see things we had only thought as fiction just a couple decades ago. If you're over then it's a dice roll, Over 50 and the chances drop pretty low. Get yourself into shape and pray our aging billionaires toss enough money at it until something sticks as usual.

>> No.15974353

here we go

>> No.15974383

>also injects randomness because it seems randomness plays an important role in human brain

>> No.15974414

Delusional cuck, i bet you are vaccinated.

>> No.15974423

we may need a neuromorphic or neuro general, which aggregates all brain/machine-brain related discussions

>> No.15974463

>we should all commit sudoku
solid logic anon

>> No.15974515

What are you talking about faggot? I dont speak autism sorry. He just sounds like the avarage 18year old le heckin science enjoyer muhh i will live forever let me create a virus in the lab real quick type shiyyytt. And thats the reason i assume he is a fag and got the cancer gene therapy. Most cringe thread i have ever read, all of you are beyond retarded and autistic aff lmaoo. I hope this life extension shit never becomes reality which i also doubt it ever will and all you niggers have to die like all people before you.

>> No.15974521

A virus alters DNA in cells I think. That's probably what meant.

>> No.15974631

This is what will happen: you will live long enough that an incredibly improbable accident will occur, where your entire body is irreversibly pulverized, like a scrambled egg. This will happen by, say, a stray falling boulder crushing you. This could literally happen to anyone at any moment. This is why immortality is not attainable by any means. This is something often said by physicists: In this universe, you can’t unscramble an egg.

>> No.15974667

you sound kinda sad tho. who hurt you anon?

>> No.15974670

>This is why immortality is not attainable by any means.
depends on what you actually are. but don't let me stop you coming up with reasons for offing yourself.

>> No.15975222

I want my mom to live a longer healthier life
she deserves it

>> No.15975731

based trips of truth.

>> No.15975885

If Diane Feinstein and Ruth Ginsberg aint living forever then neither are you. Rest assured when it does get figured out it won't be available for the goyim.

>> No.15975896

Very close or we already can.

>> No.15975897

>fear of death is for babies
Faggots out here pretending the most intrinsic instict of all living beings is some illusion you can control

>> No.15976101

do you have a single original opinion?

>> No.15976609

I understand

>> No.15977191
File: 396 KB, 750x658, IMG_0602.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15977219

i have seen about a dozen different methods that claim they can rejuvenate mice and not a single successful human example has appeared

>> No.15978947
File: 71 KB, 480x403, 0101010aaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bro do you genuinely want to create the Eternal Boomer?

>> No.15978962

Based delusional hopeanon

>> No.15978988

if aging is cured you then need to cure cancer and then make the human body far better at regeneration due to the build up of irreparable damage not even related to aging.

>> No.15979619

The cancer is from dna damage from inflammation or just time in replicative stress. Stop the inflammation and boost regenerative capacity.

>> No.15979623

I was into this when younger (comp sci) and studied it deeply i.e. I have a MD now.

what you learn is that the body fails in a million ways - accumulation of divergent mutations, arteries failing, brain failing. There are other ways to fail than cancer and heart disease, dementia being a big one we'd expect to see at 100-200 years old.

unless we can unify the genome and epigenome of trillions of cells, and restructure years of changes - not possible quite frankly. that's a really hard thing to do. current methods may add some years and maybe decades, but clinical immortality isn't so much feasible. the mutational divergence of our cells, which is studied, begins from the very start, from the zygote stage.

the best bet is what eli musk is doing - brain download. ideally some hybrid brain/computer system that gradually shifts from 90% brain / 10% computer to 90% computer / 10% brain over years, eventually 100% computer. That's really the only hope in our lifetimes

>> No.15979642

the solution is pretty basic tho sure tech needs to get there but theoretically scan your brain (perfectly at needed resolution) then disable your active 3D material body and put what you scanned on resilient synthetic brain hardware and presto, immortality + a bunch of other extra functions. neuromorphic hardware is infant stages atm, scanning may come faster.

>> No.15979651

The afterlife is eternal, this life is temporary, i would accept this fact if I were you.

>> No.15979655

if you have a choice to take medicine so you don't die, and you don't, that's technically suicide and might land you in hell.

>> No.15979661

God decides how much you live, isn't it? and suicide is "illegal" move, you get to hell for it.
if life extension becomes available, that seems like it was allowed by God, or else it wouldn't have happened. you refusing it might mean going against God's wishes, means you prefer suicide. it's not as easy to decide what to do anon, even as a Christian.

>> No.15979675

A roman slave boy committed suicide by bashing his head against a wall until he bled to death, repeatedly saying out loud, "I will not be a slave". I doubt he went to hell, before Christianity there was no hell afterlife realm you stupid fuck. Your thought process is limited by the current new age cult, the Roman's and Grecia believed in hellenism which believes in reincarnation. You probably have a high anxiety brain if you worry about living forever. Go to your doctor, fake some adhd symtoms and ask to be put on 10mg of Strattera or 0.1mg of instant release clonidine, your brain will thank you.

>> No.15979677

no what is most likely happening is that humans are wildly more different than you can imagine, also our understanding of what is and what could be.
I'm curious why you feel so offended by me getting to live while you'll die like a sad faggot. whatever could make you take time off and meltdown about it on the internet? and whatever the fuck makes you think you'd have any fucking say in what others choose to do, you dipshit brainlet?

>> No.15979763

Go to the doctor, seek help, a healthy person doesn't worry about this, just focus on what you can do within the timeframe and attempt it.

>> No.15979779

>a healthy person doesn't worry about this
you are literally insane anon. your average joe isn't thinking about it because he doesn't know it's doable, or within reach, so he doesn't really care, he'll take whatever he can get.
you will not make suicide cool, there is no way to spin it. you'll always come off as a suicide cult weirdo

>> No.15979841

If you want a cure for aging, you can donate to a charity research institution that tries to develop just that. Such as https://www.levf.org/

>> No.15979895

I'm pretty sure billionaires shove as much as they can into it.

>> No.15979912

They don't. Billionaires only invest in things they can profit from in the short term.

>> No.15979918
File: 61 KB, 713x611, 1637698524162.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They don't.

>> No.15979922

i already have anxiety due to many different factors. imagine living forever with a debilitating anxiety. fuck that.

>> No.15979926

The few billionaires that even acknowledge the field scuffs at it. Elon Musk has outright stated that he is against it.

The one person who has donated the most, that I am aware of, is Vitalik Buterin, and he is a small fry.

>> No.15979930

>Elon Musk has outright stated that he is against it.
bruh do you even understand the social uproar this topic will stir up? of-course he's not going to open that can of worms, at least no use in doing it now. get real dude

>> No.15979933

So, you are agreeing with me?

>> No.15979934

>imagine living forever with a debilitating anxiety. fuck that.
so when would you say is a good time to like..die?

>> No.15979941

well clearly no. because he's dabbling with chips in fucking brains lmao, it's like right there wtf
you have no idea what happens in the background anon. they're not going to fucking boast about it, doesn't make any fucking sense. this is not like a business or shit, this is like you finding out you have terminal cancer and you have what, 30 years left, 40 at best? that's how much you have left to find a cure for it. that's how they see it. they don't strike me like people who don't plan ahead. the musks and bezos of the world. they're not yolo-ing life, with no plan, "we see when we get there".
it's super strange to expect people to just die and not be interested in finding a cure to the problem that blocks them from living past a certain point, be it cancer or old age.

>> No.15979953

and if there's one billionaire I'd choose, from all of them, to develop the tech to enable it, I'd take Musk. who else is more likely to share that shit with plebs? there may be few others sure, but he kinda seems to know what he's doing.

>> No.15979993

Everyone in this thread will die. Your existence and conciousness will cease. Your memories will be lost like tears in the rain.

>> No.15980007

The soul is eternal doe.

>> No.15980023

Any of the jewish billionaires would be your best bet. The Adelsons, Pritzgers, Finklesteins, Bloombergs, or Rothschilds. They care a great deal about the masses, especially non-jews. They're known for their generosity and contribution to mankind.

>> No.15980306

Happy death then, I'm staying right here

>> No.15980530

>feel sad
>immediately want to die
You're an over emotional faggot

>> No.15981460

brain download isn't immortality, it's cloning. you are the brain.

>> No.15981468

>live forever
>suddenly no consequences because you have eternity to do everything
yet your anxiety goes up?

>> No.15981478

yeah you think things

>> No.15981524

Just die bro. People have been doing it for ages.

>> No.15981526

Isn’t this just copying? Unless we learn about the soul and figure out how to move it there’s no way to know if we’re actually immortal or wasting time making copies mimicking human beings or real conscious clones.

>> No.15981536

He’s against it because it’s against his bottom line lol. Stupid South African man. I hope a gang of hoodlums beat him bloody while he takes a mundane walk and steals whatever cash he leaves in his wallet. I hate him.

>> No.15981721
File: 5 KB, 194x259, download (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really really really like this image.

>> No.15981970
File: 363 KB, 711x692, guncontrolfrfr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you’re a young man, live to 28, and you’re good to go. Most young people die, or worse, from 16-26 and 27.
Can you elaborate on this please? I'm curious.

>> No.15983378

I have a couple of schizo beliefs on immortality I’d like to babble about, these are all just my schizo thoughts so my source is I made it the fuck up.

I think it’s possible. I think there are objective laws of the universe that exist, but if we could figure out how they work, we could maybe bend them to our favor. I don’t think “God”* necessarily limited us in what we can do the way religious proponents often claim, such that we’re effectively in a sandbox, free to do whatever we are able. Of course this can go the other way, like trannies and other horrors, but like I said, a sandbox.

It’s kind of like a lottery ticket in a sense. The 100 billion that lived and died before did not escape death. If it’s possible, being the lucky few that do (or the man/group that figures out the cure) is exceedingly unlikely. But people do get lucky, so that .0000001% chance isn’t something I’ll ignore, since you can’t win the lottery if you don’t play. Through sheer dumb luck, there’s a small possibility we could stumble ass backwards onto the cure tomorrow.

I’m not counting on it in my lifetime per se and will likely have to make peace with the end, but I think I can have some fun before I go. Maybe psychedelics can offer some closure before my eventual demise.

*as painful as it is to think, I don’t consider God in the loving, benevolent sense many religions do, I think it more as a construct of which we are a part, and I do think there’s something after death, but not necessarily an afterlife in which we retain ourselves in our current form

>> No.15983384

present models are too primitive to properly explain what is happening, but they each describe a small part. the whole is extremely weird in the purest sense of the word. yes we are immortal in nature and yes tech will enable it and quite soon in the grand scheme of things.

>> No.15983507

Please have "le butifel children of le nature" and let me know if they turn out to be female, I'd like to rape them. Thanks.

>> No.15983547

I haven't even seen a single method that claimed to rejuvenate mice... actually reproducibly rejuvenate mice.

>> No.15986038

you will live forever but your memory will be reset ever so often

>> No.15986075

yeah that's interesting in how it would be solved, if the whole thing worked. maybe sort of external storage for very old stuff or something like that? you always keep the last 100 years and move to external storage everything older.

>> No.15986077

i meant reincarnation

>> No.15986118

say that happens, why lose all memories instead of like keep them? that's creating a power imbalance between people with resources who can keep important information and ways of raising up their children which will always give them an edge. dying is literally worse for pleb families than for rich families.

>> No.15986129

fuck off with this bullshit off this board already

>> No.15986132

they had no other choice though, they were born too early
why would i die if i don't have to

>> No.15986137

you could make backups of your mind that will be used if you die to revive you

>> No.15986141

you could work on terraforming planets or something

>> No.15986143

>wanting to live forever

>> No.15986152

It is extremely unlikely you will live to see any sort of biologically immortal human. Senescence is tied to a number of processes that combined degrade your quality of life until you finally expire due to circumstances caused by it. It’s like asking whether there will ever be a therapy to eliminate heart problems in your lifetime. WHICH heart problems is the response to that? Aging is just too general an ailment, it’s debatable whether we’ll ever see a genuine “cure” for it

>> No.15986155

kids in 100 years or something will look back at people dying today like they look at old rotary phones, like shitty curiosity from the past.
>ew, people died back then, cringe

>> No.15986159


>> No.15986162

you want to live without crap, not forever.
there is nothing to do with forever. a hundred years feels like way too much.

>> No.15986166

It's true that senescence is complex, but it's not true that the cures need be. If I have damage, even unavoidable damage, to e.g. my car neither me nor my mechanic need know how the damage occurred, how to reverse it, or even how to prevent it. Our solution could be as simple as a replacement part.

I'm fairly pessimistic that biological immortality will be achievable in the next century but the goal is much simpler than "complete understanding and treatment of all aspects of gerontology and age-related diseases"

>> No.15986167

Here's that virus bro
>Those who believe in me, even though they die, will live, and everyone who lives and believes in me will never die.

>> No.15986170

>I want to be a narcissistic sad sack sitting around forever4r4

>> No.15986171

yeah but like why are you trying to convince me? or are you trying to get me to convince you to stay?

>> No.15986176

>even though they die, will live, and everyone who lives will never die.
kinda weird ngl. quantum immortality confirmed

>> No.15986179

>preparing for a phd in regenerative medicine and slowing down aging
I can answer this for ya anon. We're still a bit far off but maybe we'll see it if you were born in early 2000s. Tech like IPSc and SCNT which is one of the prime sources for sourcing stem cells for yourself is still relatively new and subject to a lot of regulation. Hell, most countries in the world don't have the infrastructure or the talent to do it except for Yurop, muttmerica, choina and Japan. And those are the countries that are investing a lot into it because of their aging population.
Like other anons said, it's mostly in the hands of the super rich to afford these treatments now and in the future when they roll out the first therapies for actually dealing with this shit on a molecular level, especially upregulation or downregluation of the right genes, telomere extension and various other stuff that will have to be merged in order for it to work in tandem with your cellular machinery. The problem is that the success rates are low when culturing tissues and there's a very fine line between cellular proliferation and cancer. At least the rich will serve as the best guinea pigs for these experiments when the first clinical trials do roll out.

>> No.15986183

Money is in essence an exchange of labor and labor is in essence and exchange of human will, so it could be argued to some extent that money being thrown is really just converted human will

>> No.15986193

at first

>> No.15986222

so you can stop bringing me here

>> No.15986473

Correct. You’re more likely to see an advanced artificial copy of a human’s intelligence before biological immortality is perfected. Which is immortality, after a fashion

>> No.15986813

how am I bringing you here anon?

>> No.15988117

he's a reincarnation fag

>> No.15988555

yeah but that happens automatically tho. I think he's crazy or something

>> No.15989271

well someone has to birth him. so that's our fault for not dying or something like that

>> No.15989281

after find out about Mario's story I'm pretty sure there's bound to be anons who think entities talk to them through internet posts and videos so there's that as well

>> No.15989347

like supah mario?

>> No.15989616
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I beleve it will happen sooner than later contrary to what deathist cucks here believe
There are so many medication available today that work despite the fact that we don't fully understand how nor why. We don't need to fully understand every atom of our body work in order to get it to work the way we want.
Just like the average midwit doesn't need to understand the detail of his Tesla to drive it somewhere.

Secondly, people seem to under estimate the technological advancement that are about to come with AI. We're literally at the edge of singularity.