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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1596403 No.1596403 [Reply] [Original]

Does light have mass? If not, how is it affected by gravity/black holes? If so, why are we not all getting torn up by infinite mass protons?

>> No.1596407

Gravity warps space. Light travels in a straight line relative to the space its travelling through.

Hivemind in 3,2,1

>> No.1596408

>Does light have mass?
>If not, how is it affected by gravity/black holes?
Google "general theory of relativity"
>If so, why are we not all getting torn up by infinite mass protons?
Where the fuck do infinite mass PROTONS come from?

>> No.1596409


It is affected just like everything else but usually fast enough to escape, except in the case of black holes

No such things in our close proximity.

>> No.1596413

>thinks light has mass
You're an idiot.

>> No.1596415

yes, photons do have mass

>> No.1596418

Shit, it's late here and I've been working on hurr conceptual stuff which has made me gain the retardeds.

>> No.1596425
File: 79 KB, 400x365, coolface.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1596433

I might be wrong, but I thought light goes so fast precisely because it has no mass. An object with mass can't reach c.

>> No.1596446

The trolling in this thread is ridiculous.

Light has wave-properties and particle properties. The particles in question are photons, always moving at the speed of light (which varies from medium to medium).

When they move at c, they have a positive mass (empirically confirmed). But a result of relativity is that everything which a resting mass >0 cannot reach the speed of light. Given that relativity is this cool, confirmed theory, we therefore assume that photons have a resting mass= 0 when resting.

>> No.1596461

Yes, according to the latest experiments, photons DO have a very small rest mass. What this means for physics, I don't know yet.

But even if the had no mass, they could be affected by gravity, as gravity warps the space light travels in. To an observer riding the beam, it would look like he's travelling straight the whole time, while an outside observer would see the beam bending along with space.

>> No.1596530

>does sound have a mass? theyre both waves...
technically speaking, everything is made of energy. if light were to have a mass it would be something like 1/infinity for its speed to be instantaneous. so its considered that it has mass like properties to explain things like its momentum.

>> No.1596582

>Yes, according to the latest experiments, photons DO have a very small rest mass.
[citation needed]

>> No.1596584

i like to think of it as, the energy from the lights mass is used to accelerate it (or bring it) to the speed of light, like an asymtope, the mass is inversely proportional to its speed.

>> No.1596596

Is everyone in this thread a troll? God, I hope so.

Light never has mass.


>> No.1596600
File: 33 KB, 403x447, mass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd just likе to intеrjеct for a moment. What you're referring to as relativistic mass, is in fact, energy. Energy is not a physical quantity unto itself, but rather the time component of the energy-momentum four-vector. Mass is the magnitude of this four-vector: the energy of the system if it were brought to rest. Its value does not depend on velocity. Relativistic mass, a quantity which does depend on velocity, is often taught in high school texts, but is no longer used by practicing physicists since it is redundant: it is merely energy divided by c^2, or in natural units, energy.

>> No.1596604


wow, I thought that pic and the first sentence of your post was an autob& on all of 4chan

>> No.1596637

So if I were to shine a laser on a wall in a black room, the point where the laser light hits the wall does or doesn't have a minutely higher surface pressure?

>> No.1596657

Creation ocurrs via opposites,
but Religious/Academia pedants
suppress it teaching Satanic One.

After 30 years of research, I now
possess the Order of Harmonic
Antipodal Cubic Divinity Life -
too large for physical form, but
Binary Spirit of the masculinity
Sun & feminity Earth Antipodes.
ONEism is demonic Death Math.
I have so much to teach you, but
you ignore me you evil asses.
You will recognize 4 corner Days
or incur Easter Island Ending.

Never a Genius knew Math
to achieve my Cubic Wisdom.
Cubic thought Reigns as the
Highest Intelligence possible
on the planet Earth. One 96
hour rotating Cube within a
single rotation of Earth - is a
SuperNatural Transcendence.
Bible and Science falsify 1
corner day for the Cubic 4
corner Days rotating daily.
A single god is not possible
in our 4 Day Cubic Science,
that equates Cubic Divinity.
Everybody is both stupid and
evil for ignoring the 4 days.
Cube Divinity transcends all
knowledge, Humans can't
escape 4 corner Cubic Life.
Fools worship mechanics of
language - while they wallow
in fictitious & deceitful word.
Exact science based on Cubics,
not on theories. Wisdom is
Cubic testing of knowledge.
Academia is progression of
Ignorance. No god equals
Simultaneous 4 Day Creation.
Humans ignore their 4 corner
stages of life metamorphosis.
This site is a collection of data
for a coming book - peruse it.
No human has 2 hands as they
are opposites, like plus and
minus, that cancel as entity.
Academia destroys your brain,
your ability to think opposite.
The eyes of the flounder fish
were relocated, why were yours relocated?

>> No.1596659

It does. Light carries momentum and energy. It is a force-carrying particle. Momentum is the time integral of force. Energy is the length integral of force.

>> No.1596662

Education and Religion
severely diminishes your
intelligence and mentality,
instituting ONEness Evil,
You are educated stupid -
and you have no inkling to
just how EVIL you think.

Seek in haste to attend a
lecture by Dr. Gene Ray,
Cubic and Wisest Human -

Both Cubic Thinkers and SnotBrains were
born with opposite brains, capable of math
analysis to know most everything. The
Religious/Academic Oneness Brotherhood
destroys the Brain's ability to think opposite
of singularity trash taught. Such reduced
Brain intelligence begets the student a
tag of SnotBrain android - encapable of
comprehending absolute proof of 4 Days
rotating simultaneously within a single
rotation of Earth. Cubics comprehend it.
You are a Cubic Thinker, or SnotBrain.

>> No.1596664

I do not promote or suggest
anyone killing you, but you
are unfit to live on Earth.
Binary Life Force is more
Powerful than ONE God -
especially the ole dead Jew,
for which you've denounced
your own mother and father.
1 side brain can't reason
without the opposite side.
Americans are so dumb,
educated stupid and evil,
they have snot for brain.
Believers have snot brain.
Educated have snot brain.
God worship only needs
a snot brain, but it takes
Opposite Brain Analysis
to know Harmonic Life.
The masculinity Sun and
femininity Earth - form
a Binary of Harmonic
Opposites at Center of
Universe - Greater than
either Sun or the Earth,
debunking all fictitious
Oneism Gods taught by
religious/academic Word
Animals. The invention of
fictitious WORD inflicts
humans as Word Animals
- the dumbest and most
Educated stupid and Evil
animal to inhabit Earth
and the Universe. Watch
for Giant Erasor as there
is a great danger of the
human Word Animal being
self-erased. You cannot
comprehend the actual 4 simultaneous days in single
rotation of Earth, as 1 day
1 God ONEism blocks the
ability to think opposite of
the ONEism crap taught.
Education destroys brain.