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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15957086 No.15957086 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.15957089

I think he paid child prostitutes to have sex with him

>> No.15957092

forgot to add, and that's based

>> No.15957094
File: 461 KB, 1080x1600, Leprechaun Returns Final Poster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i solved physiques and could their for build and tissue regenerator but i prefer to smash living stuff in an morter to an bulb to heal my self.

>> No.15957095

people are gonna feel really stupid after this all comes out as being fake news

>> No.15957102

nah, this is the circenses

>> No.15957105

fucky genetics(or whatever the hell caused his physical decay)

>> No.15957106

bro midgets? this is clearly trolling kek

>> No.15957113

no shit and the logistics of getting a wheelchair man on a plane through customs lmao like no body actually said anything as well after all this time :facepalm:

>> No.15957115

so what are they going to rename "hawking radiation" to if he actually does get cancelled?

>> No.15957116
File: 25 KB, 713x611, 1646896159786.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine cancelling hawking radiation, btfo black fucking holes, because of a midget troll top kek

>> No.15957117
File: 31 KB, 627x467, whoa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would kek so hard man
what if nobody came to his time travel party because he was cancelled?!

>> No.15957120
File: 755 KB, 1102x1012, 1637548363305.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what if nobody came to his time travel party because he was cancelled?!

>> No.15957194

If it turns out he was somehow smashing cunny with nothing but his mind, I'll be disgusted but impressed.

Lough Gehrig's Disease

>> No.15957212

Midgets is code for children. Goddamn you are naive.

>> No.15957218

The whole "midgets solving equations" is just a meme, it doesn't show up in the actual document.

>> No.15958844

not much, he was a dumb spergy gaywad who wasted his career on soience fictional stupidity like black holes and died without having any significant accomplishments, he may as well have never lived

>> No.15958850

He's more famous for his illness than for his work. His work was good, and he was an author on at least one highly regarded textbook, but his exceptional fame was due to his illness.

>> No.15958964

He said we needed the ISS all the nations of the earth have to have a maypole to skip around. Contrast that with Laurence Krauss who doesn't even want manned space missions, but all probes "to do actual science". Keep this in mind on with all the threads about
>academics tend to be lefties
>why are "smart people" political retarded
>why is no one more and more rational?

Krauss defended his pedo accused colleague.

Freeman Dyson doesn't want his name on those spheres

The greatest abstractions require the greatest intellect. Einstein said he was 6 or something when he first thought about riding a beam of light.

But yes, it's all wank. The only thing that matters is taking the stupids net behavior. But maybe they knew that wasn't possible....

Yeah. Kip Thorn wins bets with wheelchair man....who is Kip Thorn, right? But the poeticness of a great mind in a failing body, can't be denied.

>> No.15958981

This is why "science communicators" were a mistake. I honestly can't name a single one who didn't have a fall from grace.

>> No.15958989

Who asked for this?

All he had to do was explain concepts he is not someone who's social life you have to care about, is crazy how they think an ad hominem is a replacement for more research on hawkins energy

>> No.15959003

The problem with the science communicators was they become the "face of science" to retards, which means their actions have an impact on the perception of their fields. This is why these people being heralded was a mistake. That and they didn't really seem to actually educate anyone on real physics matters, it was mostly extremely dumbed down bare bones concepts. I don't think they ever really helped anyone get into science, just glorified entertainers.

>> No.15959006


>> No.15959008

Einstein wasn't a great intellect, he got famous because he was a plagiarist and the jewish media never called him out for it

>> No.15959009

He can barely move and is in a wheelchair you can pretty much move him around like furniture

"His actions" tell you he piss in a bag

>> No.15959029

You could see a little smirk on his face when he pissed. He knew he was pissing.

>> No.15959062

We need the steve jobs of science to dupe normies into funding super colliders.

Yes. But it's kind of the only thing that matters. If you need this amount of average dummies to reach science community critical mass, the greatest saint is anyone who can bend their worthless lives to something that matters even a little.

I do love that fields medal jew was having none of it. A true island of a man.

He did get memed, yes. But if jew hater walt disney memed him, how do you reconcile that?

>> No.15959089

Science was unironically at its best when the public didn't care much about it.

>> No.15959097

So right now? Huehuehuehue.

>> No.15959315

Overrated hack.

>> No.15959837

His theories will soon be obsolete and fully debunked (if not already) He knew NOTHING but became le poor disabled science man to push his stupid theory on black holed.

>> No.15960187
File: 187 KB, 1024x1024, hawk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He was very special

>> No.15960189

>better then reddymayne
I'd actually watch this.

>> No.15960194

I tried to understand what kind of particles but on wiki I see something about matter an antimatter which is kinda retarded because matter + antimatter = some obligatory energy not zero energy.
also is there like a reason for why "antimatter" particles would predominantly fall into the blackhole while matter particles magically escape it?

>> No.15960211

The denser the more matter I guess

>> No.15960412

>why "antimatter" particles would predominantly fall into the blackhole
There is no preference, hawking radiation operates on either of the particles of a matter anti-matter pair falling in.

>> No.15960414

but how does matter+antimatter = 0 energies?

>> No.15960557

time travel is saved!

>> No.15960559

>>I do love that fields medal jew was having none of it. A true island of a man.
What do you mean?

>> No.15960651

Why? When all Hawking said "the time police would stop you from killing hitler".

He wouldn't to the ceremony or refused any press about it.

>> No.15960661
File: 35 KB, 1024x576, loki-ep-2-1-1024x576-3699889904.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"the time police would stop you from killing hitler".

>> No.15960727

Yeah I won't watch that. I think the best depection was LoK, then weirdly Back to the Future.

>> No.15960757

Probably died in the 80s from his motor neurone disease as was typical, likely around the time of his divorce and replaced by actors because he was too convenient a tool for pushing agendas

>> No.15960758


>> No.15960760

how often do other sufferers survive for over 30 years?

>> No.15960824

it doesn't, its whythe black hole loses energy when 1 particle in a virtual pair falls past the event horizon

>> No.15960830

if the two particles dont cancel out with 0 energy how did they appear in the first place? isn't that the explanation for them existing? they pop up out of nothing but when they recombine they net 0 energy? which isn't the case with matter/antimatter, it always results in pure energy from the mass of both combined. e=mc^2?

>> No.15960838

>>15960830 me
else wouldn't an antimatter bomb do literally nothing? it would at most disappear and equivalent amount of matter netting 0 energy where it detonates? that doesn't make sense

>> No.15960906

sorta feels like he was projecting his disability-related pain and depression with all that "black hole" stuff desu


>> No.15960971

Anti-matter doesn't have negative energy, and the pair of "virtual" particles are formed out of the vacuum energy

>> No.15960976


>> No.15960981

>A collision between any particle and its anti-particle partner leads to their mutual annihilation, giving rise to various proportions of intense photons (gamma rays), neutrinos, and sometimes less-massive particle–antiparticle pairs. The majority of the total energy of annihilation emerges in the form of ionizing radiation. If surrounding matter is present, the energy content of this radiation will be absorbed and converted into other forms of energy, such as heat or light. The amount of energy released is usually proportional to the total mass of the collided matter and antimatter, in accordance with the notable mass–energy equivalence equation, E=mc2.[2]
the whole point of the particle pair arising from seemingly nothing is that when they combine back after a very short while their interaction energy = 0 which was the state in that spot.
I still don't get it and makes no sense to me but I might be missing something

>> No.15961200

Yes, but iirc it should be zero 0 net energy, save for the case where one of the particles enters the black hole.

>> No.15961234

I thought he was gay though.

>> No.15961291

kek I'm just imaging his crusty ass robotic voice saying that while he slumps in his wheelchair looking down at naked Warwick Davis barely being able to reach high enough on the chalkboard to write a full integral equation.

>> No.15961294


>> No.15963236

He studied nothing but pseudoscience and now I guess he's a pedo too

>> No.15963260 [DELETED] 

>Lough Gehrig's Disease
that condition is just as mentally debilitating as it is physically. it destroy's the victims' brains

>> No.15965096 [DELETED] 

Right, he was just a vegetable sitting in that chair, someone else was doing the talking for him

>> No.15965232

Well he did have a rather slow variant of the disease, his prognosis back in the 60s was only a couple years.

>> No.15965261

He is a horrible materialist and a devout antisemite. Kinda balances out to a decent person.

>> No.15965265


>> No.15965274
File: 39 KB, 197x300, IMG_0307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I read this book IN FULL, unlike you poseurs. And I can honestly say the man truly saw the world for what it is. And few, if any other people can see what he saw.

>> No.15965281

what did he see?

>> No.15965316

he was blind

>> No.15965379

gods gaping asshole

>> No.15965543

Fucking kek.
This is my first time on /sci/ because I expected it to be just another /pol/ cesspool. Like pottery.

>> No.15966054

being an intellectual fraud suggests being a fraud in other aspects of life as well

>> No.15967471 [DELETED] 

>I hate 4chan
>every board on 4chan makes me angry and upset
good, go away

>> No.15967591
File: 71 KB, 888x692, 02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tourist sciencelet here, can I get a clear cut explanation of why you guys are so dismissive of black holes?

>> No.15968018

he was at the island but the midgets gossip is a psyop

>> No.15968037

His 'Black hole explosions' paper is undoubtedly one of the most historically-significant theoretical physics papers released in the last 80 years. It proves a contradiction between GR and QFT occurs within the vicinity of an event horizon, which is why physicists like to study that black holes may have thermal properties . Other than that, I'm not too familiar with his work, but I know he was at the forefront of research in this new field of physics he created for many years. My main personal gripe is not directed at Hawking per-se, but at the physics community's reaction to the paper; starting in the 1970s, everyone just immediately assumed these thermal properties Hawking derived on paper must be indicative of the true nature of reality, rather than taking a step back and evaluating whether or not one or both of these theories are merely effective. That being said, since we cannot query the existence of Hawking radiation in a laboratory, annoyingly, both views hold equal physical merit.

>> No.15968043

I'm not because I'm not a brainlet who doesn't know what tensors are

>> No.15969342

the idea of black holes was developed over 100 years ago based on the ideas that neutrons are fundamental particles, it was later discovered about 60 years ago that neutrons are not fundamental particles which disproved the black hole concept, however by the time that took place black holes had become a popular science fiction trope so sci-fi addicted of brainlets refuse to give up on the black hole concept even thought it has been completely debunked. the sci-fi addicted of brainlets rely on their ignorance of physics to power their belief in black holes.

>> No.15969347

So what explains all the documented evidence of black holes? Le grand conspiracy of whatever boogieman is grinding your gears today?

>> No.15970624

>documented evidence of black holes
there isn't any

>> No.15970629


>> No.15970640

you sound upset

>> No.15971357
File: 107 KB, 1000x978, Sun Motion Around Barycenter 006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how come the sun orbits around the center of the solar system? is it because there is a secret invisible black hole in the center of the solar system? how come you believe that the black hole in m87 was photographed, but you also believe that the black hole at the center of our galaxy is invisible? too dumb and lacking in self awareness to recognize your own inconsistency?

>> No.15972114 [DELETED] 

retarded stormcuck talking points.
Why do you repeat same argument over and over, even when it's falsehood? is it becasue you nazi troons are spiritual kikes?

>> No.15973270

The quark degeneracy problem has never been solved because there is no solution, which is in turn analytical proof that black holes cannot exist.

>> No.15973280
File: 53 KB, 800x612, post-308195-0-14505900-1588611363_thumb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

see how when we'd look at our own galaxy's center we're looking through a bunch of bullshit which massively ruins what we're able to see? and do you understand how if we were the very top center of the photo, we'd have a completely different view of what is going on in the middle of the galaxy? can you process this information?

>> No.15975100

if it were possible for black holes to exist then there would be an easy analytical solution for quark degeneracy like there is for neutron degeneracy

>> No.15975223

Crippled pedo

>> No.15976687

he had to go through with the ritual of having himself compromised on camera in order to maintain his public status, if he hadn't gone to epstein island then ghislaine's media dogs would have eviscerated him

>> No.15977317

The pedo island trips are as much a humiliation ritual as they are a reward. A lot of the people who went probably did it to curry favor with the Maxwell gang rather than because they wanted to rape and murder children.

>> No.15978495

Probably just a muppet

>> No.15978568

A retard.
Hawking radiation is not real.
Throwing antimatter into a blackhole does not decrease the energy inside it.

>> No.15978571

>Maxwell gang
That's a funny way to spell "Mossad".

>> No.15979170

One is a subset of the other. Its amazing that the rest of the Maxwell siblings get no scrutiny whatsoever. They are all just as dirty as their sister is

>> No.15980236

the m87 black hole was supposedly imaged at the same long wavelengths the galactic center was supposedly imaged at, yet the galactic center shows no meme hole in it's image, why not?

>> No.15980854
File: 14 KB, 633x758, soyence truster.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nooooo!!! black holes are real!!!! they have to be!!! bill nye says so!!!

>> No.15982151

good point

>> No.15982874

Its hilarious that soience cucks keep on claiming they have evidence of something they also claim it fundamentally invisible. if light can't escape from a meme hole how are they getting this evidence they claim they have?

>> No.15984547

>if light can't escape from a meme hole how are they getting this evidence they claim they have?

The self identified black hole "experts" can never answer this question.

>> No.15984557

I liked his divine intervention hypothesis on reverse causality.

Nobody else would have had the balls to swallow shit like that to salvage their beliefs. Props to him.

>> No.15986351

He was a low IQ cripple faggot, god punished him with disease because he deserved it

>> No.15987045

Nobody can answer this question because there is no answer other than admitting that either the M87 pic or the galactic center pics are fake.

>> No.15988023

>either the M87 pic or the galactic center pics are fake.
why not both?

>> No.15989717

That the most likely case of course, but there is no possible case that they are both real

>> No.15989721

we wuz hawkangz

>> No.15989984

I think his chair is evil AI that has enslaved him

>> No.15990423

I think He's dead Jim

>> No.15990425

Oh thank God

>> No.15990456
File: 91 KB, 640x400, splained.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some Stars have been seen to orbit each other in Binary Orbits, why can't all the stars in a galaxy be orbiting each other in a similar way, just over a greater distance.
Any star in the Galaxy would orbit a point that is closer to the center then its position in the galaxy cluster. Things might get iffy at the center.
>No Magic Black Hole needed.

>> No.15990466

sorry forgot to link you

>> No.15990538

I hate this faggot for popularizing the Big Bang theory. No opinion otherwise.
Also, child rapists deserve to be quartered alive btw.

>> No.15991182

It's amusing how your likes always come so quickly to declare how much you really hate pedos but show nothing but apathy to any other suffering children experience such as physical abuse which is much more common than rape. How you have no empathy for children working in asian sweatshops, the poor children starving in poverty, or the ones enslaved.

>> No.15991402


>> No.15991421

It's not really amusing, humans have extremely malformed sex and violence instincts. He probably cannot suppress his inappropriate emotions when presented with anything tangentially related.

>> No.15992419

>It's not really amusing
Actually it is, their extremely violent outbursts whenever they hear anything related to pedophilia is unmatched in weirdness. You can't name a single other group of people as bizarre and self-righteous as them.

>> No.15993265
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>> No.15994820 [DELETED] 

>nooooo stop saying mean things about pedophiles!!!
>t. pedophile

>> No.15996039

thats because black holes don't exist

>> No.15996221
File: 160 KB, 545x530, 1696947578124.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

walking talking steven hawking

>> No.15996228

I like to argue with everyone, I try and make idiot racists more tolerant, I try to make fart huffing marxists more racist, christfags more gay, etc. but man, pushing on those pedophobic guys is fun. I doubt I'm making any change in their opinion because they're probably closet pedos already.

>> No.15997459
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>> No.15998589

probably the last white scientist who will ever become a major media celebrity

>> No.16000076
File: 55 KB, 749x747, CUsPvHaNQ7bA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They'll still find gay or female ones to use as "influencers" to promote atheism