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File: 513 KB, 630x685, 32a51fe8731e07fe9b3453dd7b6948dbd14dd2c420edf37b3faf62ac0779e02b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15955775 No.15955775 [Reply] [Original]

Overpopulation hysterics completely disproved

>> No.15955784

>we're all going to die, but don't worry we won't die soon
The Human population should never rise above 1 million. Mass sterilization of Europe and Asia is the only cure.

>> No.15955793

How's the weather in Tel Aviv?

>> No.15955837

Psychic here. The world population is going to plummet before the end of the century, and it's not because people stopped having kids. The "century of peace" from 1945-2045 will be known as an anomaly for the rest of human history. Mankind's greatest invention, Total War, could not stay buried forever. After 2045 expect non-stop total war, in the vein of George Orwell's 1984 or Starship Troopers. The few billion remaining people at the end of the century are subject to wartime conditions harsher than the world wars. Everything is rationed, even clean air. Prisons only exist for prisoners of war, all suspected criminals are instantly executed because "any crime is treason", and the justice system was seen be diverting resources from the war effort. After the advances of AI technology people aren't even sure if their government is even run by humans anymore, but instead incomprehensibly intelligent computers hellbent on optimizing society for total war. It's possible that endless total war exists simply because these computers were not programmed with peace in mind, and so they keep fighting wars just as a result of their programming.
State-mandated, eugenicist breeding programs try to get their citizens to have as many healthy children as possible to get more manpower for war, yet dwindling resources severely limit just how many children people can actually have. Advances in medical technology have men fighting on the battlefields into their late 80s, becoming a mishmash of cybernetics and mismatched flesh "donated" to them by their fallen comrades. People with O- blood are known as "blood-cattle" and spend most of their existence comatose and on life support while they have their blood siphoned to be used for treating combat casualties that still require biological blood. AI generated propaganda results in total dehumanization for both sides. Soldiers willingly accept they are pawns that exist to die in battle. Non-stop war spreads everywhere humans colonize.

>> No.15955840

I'm epileptic so I'm exempt. If they drag me off, I'll make sure to go down in fits the moment I'm handled a rifle, and noscope every CO present.
Sucks to suck :)

>> No.15955842

It's plummeting because we're already overpopulated - we have ran out of resources.
Just because you could physically fit more people on the surface of Earth doesn't mean their lives would be sustainable (especially at the western standard of living).

>> No.15955843

Overpopulation being a meme is the only thing Elon Musk got right politically.

>> No.15955966 [DELETED] 

you should kys if you're concerned about overpopulation

>> No.15955968

Noooooo you don't understand, we need 4 million useless people to spread our doomsday cult, you need to kill yourself not me!

>> No.15956868

What would the racial composition of the six billion population be in 2100?

>> No.15956871

>Oh no goyim/cattle the world is over populated don't have kids
>oh no my goyim/cattle there aren't enough people to fill the jobs, but instead of raising labour prices you should import millions of ranjeets and mgubus
>Oh no goyim/cattle the world is over populated don't have kids

>> No.15956901

When they say overpopulation they mean I ain't paying for all these freeloaders with my PROPERTY AND ASSETS. It's a class issue. Theoretically we can manage resources and sustain much more people in an environment that isn't a race to the bottom. We won't, but we could.

>> No.15956905
File: 1.35 MB, 1200x3898, Global-Population-Estimates-2100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Predominantly Indian, Nigerian and Chinese.

USA rounds out at fourth but by 2100 it will probably just be Brazil 2.0 where "Whites" are just Hispanics in disguise.

>> No.15956980
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>based on new information that you have provided me I have changed my course of action
>therefore you have been disproved

smartest poster on /sci/

>> No.15957085

Sounds like someone's been playing with their 40k figurines for too long :)

>> No.15957151

Considering even India is subreplacement now I hope you like black girls

>> No.15957213

Overpopulation will happen. But it's not real clear exactly when it will happen. Because technological advancements and policy changes are both unpredictable. And efficiency can very at so many places: it wouldn't matter that we're producing enough food to feed 25 Billion people, if 70% of that gets thrown away/wasted.

However regardless, It will happen. Earth has only so much surface area. And it recieces only so much sunlight to grow food. And has only so much Carbon/Oxygen/Phosphorus etc.

>> No.15957251 [DELETED] 

>Overpopulation will happen
no it won't

>> No.15957258

We already know from places like Zimbabwe what happens when the competent population is removed. At least in that case, they can beg for an outside entity to feed them. What happens when the world is Zimbabwe?

>> No.15957264

>Enough phosphorus for 3 trillion (with a t) in the crust without leaving the planet
>Enough solar surface area for 80 times current population... without fusion

MEANWHILE we can't even maintain positive birthrates in any population above 80 IQ and you want to talk about overpopulation before we even get off the planet?

>> No.15957319

At last i will be happy for not being alive when everyone has less than 80 IQ.
Having a limited live is blessful.

>> No.15957552

brain upgrades anon! 9001 IQ cybernegroes is the future desu?!?

>> No.15957563

Imagine denying evolution and God and the joy of having a family so you can afford more pop figures.

>> No.15957700

Anything beyond 3 bn is too much, it was enough for all of world history and got us to the moon.

>> No.15958041

>>Enough phosphorus for 3 trillion (with a t) in the crust without leaving the planet
Three trillion what? For every pound of biomass that is human, there's twice as much in the animals we eat. Then order(s) of magnitude more for all the plants those animals eat. And there's all the plants we eat. Then there's the biomass in food waste.
Maybe it's 58,000 years into the future,
when you finally mined the whole crust. You now grind up people, their waste, their table scraps all into Onions Green. And you have a strict "0-children until told othwise" policy. "3-trillion" is still a finite number, and people wouldn't want to live like that.
>>Enough solar surface area for 80 times current population... without fusion
I'm sure in your fantasy world, you figured out a way to eat Helium (byproduct of fusion). Because only 29% of Earth's surface area is land. Of that, we're already using 38% for agriculture. And not all of Earth's land area can be used for agriculture, we're already using around half of what we can.

>> No.15958056

This seems a very conservative study, I would say.
I have done the calculations myself, I see min 40% (max 60%) decline in population by the end of this century.
World population will be at max 5B by the end of this century.
There are states right now, that won't exist in next 30-40 years, similarly a lot of nations will go extinct.

>> No.15958059

It doesn't matter, there is no min, max or perfect value.

>> No.15958069

Below replacement TFR means extinction, if it is above 1.5 it is very slow, but if is below 1.5, it is quite rapid.

>> No.15958073

Okay, so let's have 47295967363637586835363758563526282929 people. Is that too many?

>> No.15958076

>Advances in medical technology have men fighting on the battlefields into their late 80s, becoming a mishmash of cybernetics and mismatched flesh "donated" to them by their fallen comrades. People with O- blood are known as "blood-cattle" and spend most of their existence comatose and on life support while they have their blood siphoned to be used for treating combat casualties that still require biological blood.
This makes no sense. If we had medical technology capable of integrating practical combat-oriented cybernetic enhancements, we would also have the technology to grow blood in a lab.

>> No.15958077

Destroy their blood lab win war

>> No.15958080

Given the current South Korean statistics, the population of South Korea will go extinct in 4 generations, about 100 years.
Similarly Chinese population, given the current statistics will go extinct in about 5 generations, 130 years.

>> No.15958082

I already said it doesn't matter.
There can 0 people or 9T people
There is no min, max or any perfect value.

>> No.15958102

Places with below 1.5 TFR will see such a rapid depopulation that, in the process their state and economy will likely collapse.
> inb4 muh AI etc
Doesn't matter, there won't be people to buy stuff, to maintain infrastructure or to increase the money circulation, most money will go towards taking care of the poor, investments in innovation will tank.
The e/ACC sci-fi chudboys don't understand how world works.
It doesn't matter if the process to manufacture shit gets automated 100% if there aren't enough people to buy it in the first place, the gradual decline in sales will actually deter companies from upgrading their business processes.

>> No.15958110

Destroy their blood-cattle farm, win war.

>> No.15958112

There is simply no replacement for an above 90 avg IQ population.
It doesn't matter if you open the flood gates for the world's 60-80 avg IQs
Your state, society etc gets destroyed regardless.
Infact the resulting conditions will make stuff worse even for the migrants themselves, for example they will become criminal, their TFR will tank etc

>> No.15958145

The economy will reduce to this:
>poor people buy AI-created goods
>workers (AI) makes more goods and get paid nothing
>business owners (also AIs) recieve all the money
>business owners (the same AIs) give their money to the government
>the government (run by AI) gives that money back to the poor people in the form of UBI

>> No.15958237

There won't be any "economy" left.
You guys just don't understand that, without people, none of the shit matters.
Why would there be muh automated xyz if there won't be people to buy stuff anyway.
As the sales decline, businesses won't have money to put into technological upgradation.
As for muh UBI (and other 65IQ geriatric commie ideas) it simply won't work, that's not how money works.

>> No.15958259

The IA dudes need to work faster to create a future like this at minimal.
But you are just being positivistic is almost improbable of getting singularity with the current human inteligence but idk, when people get more dumber there will be tecnological retrogression at unimaginable speed.

It would not be stupid to say that we are the last generation.

>> No.15958264

bro you can use AIs to buy if you really need to. make them randomize it and send all shit randomly to people. cmon...that's silly. as in whatever issues appears can be fixed with AI, as in replace some human behavior if it's useful
but that's retarded, that's not how it's going to play out, with AIs buying shit instead of people, lmao

>> No.15958358
File: 158 KB, 1345x1357, projection-of-the-world-population-by-continent-1850-2100-v0-gtco4vqhoqfb1[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The birth rate might be decreasing everywhere else, but Africa is still going strong. If trends continue the majority of humans could be be African in as little as 100 years. This is evolution at work

>> No.15958366

It's very little about maximizing personal consumption and mostly about the gatekeepers to the path that lead to having a family have gone insane with power they're unable to use in a judicious manner. People respond to incentives and right now all of the incentives are aligned against relationships and family formation.

>> No.15958374
File: 72 KB, 640x480, single variable extrapolation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15958376

>If trends continue
Doubt it desu, since the world has already passed peak food production

>> No.15958403

Birth rate is nice, but if you don't have survival till adulthood it kinda sucks.

>> No.15958409

People give their money to AIs in exchange for goods the AI produced. Which is everything, because it's all automated. Then the AI gives people all their money back in the form UBI. So they can spend it again. If they don't spend, then they don't receive more money. Repeat.
What kills the economy is people taking money out of the system without putting it back.

If the machines can fix themselves, if the machines can build themselves, if the machines can think for themselves, if the machines can gather their own energy/resources, then machines have no use for humanity or our monopoly money. We'd just be parasites.

>> No.15958416

oh yeah? well i'm a reader of dreams and my dreams told me that the population is going to suddenly start increasing again around 2050 due to big societal shifts.

>> No.15958435

The gatekeepers sell people the idea that you need to focus on your career until you're in your 30s so you can afford things. That is absolutely an appeal to personal consumption, and the downstream effect of that is a warping of the economy (e.g. wages being driven down by women joining the workforce, overproduction of mildly educated people, etc).

>> No.15958447

Whoever made those maps forgot to shade Mexico. Those stacked plots are difficult to read if you want anything other than the total. 6/10

I swear to god, 90% of the time demographers assume trends will continue, which is stupid and basically makes their job useless. I can plot a line perfectly fine without a demographics education.

>If the machines can fix themselves, if the machines can build themselves, if the machines can think for themselves, if the machines can gather their own energy/resources, then machines have no use for humanity or our monopoly money. We'd just be parasites.
I don't think you know how difficult reaching that would be. We aren't even close to supercomputers being able to make a true AI, let alone making automous, self-sustaining, self-replicating robots. To make that happen, you'll either need to make concessions that will make the endeavor pointless (humans are already extremely good autonomous, self-replicating thinking machines), or lead to it not being the omnipotent beings you imagine. A supercomputer with a bunch of drones, plus the factories and power required would be insane. The singularity requires faith in AI to just smart its way into solving all of the hard problems of making robots.

>> No.15958454
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If you are not a jew I am going to cut your nose and glue there some dead jew nose, you piece of shit.

>> No.15958461
File: 151 KB, 512x600, cyberpepe.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>smart its way into solving all of the hard problems of making robots.
EZ AF, just enslave humans. The future is billions of niggers getting cracked by robots.

>> No.15958462

Replace Africa with Nigeria, because they'll be the last to actually modernize. We already see in Rwanda that with access to healthcare increases and child mortality drops, women are electing to have less children. If the continent can stay peaceful enough to build up proper economies they will quickly, within a decade, experience the same population declines as Asia and the rest of the developed world.

>> No.15958487

To be fair to demographers, some have been sounding the alarm on human depopulation and even the coming dark age as early as the 90s. They were just shouted down as antifeminist.

>> No.15958538

The more you shill, the more people will realize that corporations depend on population growth for profits.
The whole reason for mass immigration.

>> No.15958655

Is the world not already overpopulated? It's why birthrates are declining. Overpopulation causes all these cultural issues that lead to people having fewer children. It's just balancing out exactly as you would expect.

>> No.15958682

What hapens when you dump millions more people into that self regulating system?

>> No.15958689

Likely nuclear war

>> No.15958694

Haha perfect

>> No.15958717

Not in third world shitholes like India

>> No.15958739

This is a stupid fallacy that someone mentions every time this thread pops up. Low resource high density slums don't have a birth rate problem, it's rich countries with no Malthusian pressure. This is a cultural shift away from reproducing in educated countries.

>> No.15958775

The cultural shift is an effect of overpopulation. I don't know what that Malthus cuck is about but it sounds like he only considers food resources and stuff which is stupid and doesn't apply. It's the social resources that are depleted. Relationships with people and society, families, and meaning in existence are what is damaged.

>> No.15958786

>Relationships with people and society, families, and meaning in existence are what is damaged.
that sounds like the failure of people who should have come up with something but apparently fucking failed. that shit is not on plebs.

>> No.15958793

before the 19th century pretty much every society on earth was malthisian.
birth rates increased up to the level that could be marginally sustained leading to abject misery and food scarcity.
some great shift happened in eurpoe that broke this link to some deggree.
3rd worlders when provided with food converted it into higher birth rates indicating that there was some cultural factor

read gregory clark's farewell to alms it covers it fairly well

>> No.15958818
File: 251 KB, 744x478, kinshasa_demo[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So this city of 17 million people where there are 4.2 births per woman is not overpopulated according to your definition

>> No.15958823

Then it hasn't reached the marginal subsistance level mand can scarily still continue until it reaches that point.

>> No.15958828

>So this city of 17 million people

>> No.15958837
File: 123 KB, 1024x768, ForoglioTicino-1024x768-1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay great. So just to be clear, according to your definitions this canton in Switzerland which has a higher GDP per capita than almost any country in the world is overpopulated and approaching the marginal subsitance level.

>> No.15958842

read clark

>> No.15959125 [DELETED] 

>educated countries.
why do eurofags and amerisharts give themselves credit for being "educated" just because they inherited a great civilization for their ancestors and have failed to build upon it and are instead letting it all go to pieces?
inheriting stuff doesn't mean you're smart, it means your grandparents were smart.
wasting your inheritance means you're stupid.
eurofags and amerisharts are zogwashed to the point that they're committing cultural and genetic suicide, they aren't intelligent, they aren't educated, they're dumber than africans

>> No.15959347

77% of that 'agricultural' land is grazing land

>> No.15959430
File: 88 KB, 664x960, Yso0C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not really a problem of overpopulation, it's a problem of overconsumption. Too many hig-demand consumers around = depletion of natural resources beyond their replenishing rate.

>> No.15959432 [DELETED] 

>Make more kids for my church to brainwash, goy!

>> No.15959796 [DELETED] 

when are people going to finally realize that everyone who circulates "end of the world" rumors is either very mentally ill or has a hidden agenda reason for circulating the false rumors?

>> No.15959830

you really think countries like Nigeria or Congo could actually support that many people?.
they physically don't have the industrial capacity. Nigeria itself doesn't even hold control over all of its territories.

>> No.15959836

it will come for many. nobody can explain WHY plebs won't be culled once their work is fully replaced by AI

>> No.15959839

And this of course becomes wore the more people there are since everyone wants more

>> No.15959843

AIs don't consume shit if not needed from them. apart from initial hardware cost and power.

>> No.15959850 [DELETED] 

>everyone who is wealthier than me is evil!!!
>everyone who is less wealthy than me is lazy and stupid!!!

>> No.15959853

that's the issue with shit philosophy

>> No.15961007

>i'm perfect, everyone who is different than me is evil
seems kinda racist, i thought the enlightened left was supposed to be tolerant of peoples' differences

>> No.15961121

>thinking person is against a world of zeroes
Holy shit, I just converted! Shalom.

>> No.15961451 [DELETED] 

Right, but most people are low IQ, so most people should be expected to be morons who believe in stupid, poorly thought out ideas

>> No.15961468
File: 54 KB, 850x625, Estimation-of-the-total-global-biomass-related-to-humans-wild-terrestrial-mammals-and.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The birth rates are plummeting _because_ we are overpopulated

>> No.15961475

African TFR is actually declining at the fastest rate of all. They will have the worst demographic crisis, because they will still be poor whil having a huge number of old people abandoned by young people illegally migrating to White countries.

>> No.15961631


>population decreases to 6 billion
Hooray we're saved! No more resource wars! Truely a utopia of peace and scientific abundance awaits us!

>oops 95% of the remaining 6 billion are sub-85 IQ third world refugees who demand you keep them alive
Oh. Nevermind we're still doomed!

Overpopulation corrections that don't account for the quality of remaining population are pipe dreams that will march us into dystopia. Just with less people overall.

>> No.15962057

This is everyone's inner democrat/jew talking, but wouldn't 85s be easier to manage?

>> No.15962132

Yep, just Europe and Asia, a whole continent of AIDS infected cannibals that believe in magic and live perpetual famine and strife due to the limits on their inborn capacities when faced with a post stick-age modern world is totally not in need of genocide in your maniacal worldview, makes perfect sense. Shalom.

>> No.15962138

Not unless we can somehow do something about topsoil depletion, we will inevitably turn into a desert like Babylon or Lebanon.

>> No.15962249

Dude, the soil scientists have been quietly restating the same shit about soil depletion and soil degradation for over a hundred years now. But no one listens to them. No one cares. Its not a sexy subject. Not fashionable. No cool buzz words. Its literally dirty, lol. For most people food is something that comes wrapped in plastic from a supermarket. That is as far as their thinking goes.

Also: three step captcha now? Fuck this. No wonder the quality of posting on 4chan is getting worse. I am out.

>> No.15962403
File: 76 KB, 620x432, amish-growth-rate-620x432.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Amish once again winning
>Everybody mocks you for being backwards luddites
>End up inheriting the earth

>> No.15962407

>but dude, muh soientists!!!!
somehow or other plants managed to grow for a billion years before soil soience became a full time profession

>> No.15962412

>What kills the economy is people taking money out of the system without putting it back.
Are you retarded that's not how money works like anon said. You can't make UBI work unless you turn it into some sort of mobile data plan with no data roll over. Money as you're proposing to implement it would be an entirely different concept.

>> No.15962470

Yeah with 1.4 billion subsaharan monkeys

>> No.15962473

Arr you stupid?
Europe and USA feed those chimps

>> No.15962510

Now write a book

>> No.15962515

>to get more manpower for war,
filtered and fake. AI robots will quickly replace us (for work at least) way before getting there. stop watching sci-fi movies

>> No.15962597

Heard an argument these people are the biggest parasites on earth. I do know I watched whatever ones are in central Ohio, watch his horse and buggy, take a shit in the dollar general parking lot, and drive through it like he didn't see it.

>> No.15962851

>wouldn't stupid people be easier to manage?
Africa and India are well known for the cleanliness, orderliness, and ability to follow rules and laws, right?

>> No.15962852

One offs I'm willing to forgive. The guy could have had a bad stomach, a bad day, whatever.

>> No.15962960
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Over population was always a meme. Only psychopaths who want to mass murder people and people who can't think for themselves bought into it.

If it's over populated where you live, move. It's that simple. But it's typically the people who love "the hustle and bustle of the big city" that parrot that propaganda.

Also this

To believe in evolution, you have to deny science and history and reality. Evolution has been debunked thousands of times over, but the communists won't let it be removed from the schools, it makes the perfect slave chattel who think man is the supreme authority and think sodomy is normal and think man is just an animal.

>> No.15962999

Debunked, if that's true than how come bacteria adapt to everything we throw at them so fast?

>> No.15963892

Oh no, it's plummeting to the number it was 20 years ago, those were unimaginably horrible times.

>> No.15963940

But with more force and confinement, the are less capable of fighting back. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for a mass dieout, and me having 100 kids, but I'm trying to be realistic here. Thought we are saying midwits are the terrible twos who rile up the stupids and make all the trouble.

>> No.15964021

immigrants are people too with their own need for equilibrium

>> No.15964025

in the future everyone will be black, even mulattos will get outbred by blacks

>> No.15964129

>picrel: cohorts of little girl brain

>> No.15964272

Malthusianism is not "populations will start to naturally decline after a certain point," it's more like "THE EARTH WILL FUCKING DIE IF WE DON'T BECOME EUGENICISTS AND ANTINATALISTS AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH"

>> No.15964348

This being conservatard issue, which means just rejecting anything any thinking person says, doesn't mean they aren't right, if the actually fully cared for human life, and not just disingenuous moral posturing, like planned parenthood killing black babies.

Earth could have 100 billion people if anyone was a true conservative and lived like monks in pigeon holes. But very obviously we aren't gonna do that. Peoples greatest pride is being locusts and living like assholes at the expense of everything.

>> No.15964697

>>oops 95% of the remaining 6 billion are sub-85 IQ third world refugees who demand you keep them alive
>Oh. Nevermind we're still doomed!
Good thing AI almost already has superhuman intelligence. So it can do all the thinking, ruling, and decision making for them.

>> No.15964936

>because_ we are overpopulated
What factor exactly is limiting our population growth? There's a negative correlation between calorie intake and birth rate. The countries with the highest birthrates are, broadly speaking, the countries with the worst standards of living and the least capable of sustaining their population level, and vice-versa. The actual ceiling for human population on Earth with current technology is solidly in the tens of billions; it's mainly social factors (or economic factors unrelated to scarcity) which is causing our birth rates to decline. It is utterly retarded to think human population levels are behaving like animal populations, as if we don't have birth control, abortion, education, and job promotions.

>> No.15965032

you can start depopulation this planet by killing yourself right now!

>> No.15965225

Low IQ post. It's not about food production rates. Some poor countries in MENA have higher ovesity rates than the US. Africa has dirt low living costs. They get massive wealth transfers of foreign. Living costs especially housing are extremely low in most of the third world (where it is higher TFR is even lower than in first world countries). All studies have shown that TFR in the West is primarily low due to high living costs and financial insecurity. Especially high housing costs and low wages, both of which are non-linearly exacerbated by record levels of migration.

You cannot "just build more housing" because then you would need to build over arable farmland (this is what Egypt did, building slums over arable land and now they are extremely dependent on food imports from Europe). Alternatively you can get rid of the last tiny reserves of the 3% wildlife we have left and destroy the already fragile ecosystem for good. Even if you don't care, this will have a massive negative impact on many key agricultural areas further impacting food production.

I understand that you want to stuff everyone in pods so billionaires can make more money while destroying every square inch of greenery. What you fail to understand is that we are already nearing that point and there is not much more wild spaces left to destroy for your monoculture goyslop.

>> No.15965307
File: 59 KB, 596x600, 9673%20-%20SoyBooru[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>we're all going to die, but don't worry we won't die soon
>The Human population should never rise above 1 million. Mass sterilization of Europe and Asia is the only cure.

>> No.15965325

>Europe and Asia
You mean everywhere but Europe and the US, obviously. Nobody could possibly want it any other way, not even the people on the wrong side of it. Any other outcome isn't a world anyone wants to live in, simple as.

>> No.15965360

I will not use time and effort to support my statement, but you are retarded.

4-5 billion is alright as long as we don't pollute the ocean with plastics and garbage. 20% of the world pop. Is chinese, another 20% is from India.
Let that faucet make an entré.

Also global warming/co2 is a scam

>> No.15965369
File: 243 KB, 1024x749, cable-x-force-7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Advances in medical technology have men fighting on the battlefields into their late 80s, becoming a mishmash of cybernetics and mismatched flesh "donated" to them by their fallen comrades.

>> No.15965378

Europe and the US are the biggest contributors to human extinction risks. They must be depopulated first and foremost.

>> No.15965392

post nose

>> No.15965811

The evolutionary funnel is particularly tight this century. It's just slightly more subtle than being mowed down by literal bullets. Instead we are being mowed down by vaccines and psyops

>> No.15966019

why do you think alex jones named his show info wars?

>> No.15966020


>> No.15966065

True, true, but that's not why he's wrong, anon. He's wrong because he doesn't think we'll have replaced infantrymen with remote controlled anti-personnel drones by the year 2100. In a hundred years' time, urban battlefields will be dominated by Maxis Drone looking doohickeys and boots on the ground will be obsolete outside of policing.

>> No.15966256

Why wouldn't you still want a near death elderly persons brain in there just in case? Cause the drone will watch CBS television and vote too much?

>> No.15967492 [DELETED] 
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>as long as we don't pollute the ocean with plastics and garbage
we already don't pollute the ocean with plastics and garbage

>> No.15967550

Overpopulation is real, and it's happening in countries that have many undesirables (horrible living standards, can't sustain themselves, etc...)

>> No.15967577

They took a huge effort to remove a term out of bacteriology:

And even though you can see it, you can reproduce it, nobody will give it more attention.

Take live blood.
Put under dark field microscope.
Observe blood.
Add mild acid or base to blod.
Observe pleio morphism.

>> No.15968909

Just kill the old people. If the young are too gay and mentally ill to reproduce well then we had a good run.

>> No.15969705

theres no overpopulation problem tho
furthermore old men can still breed if the young ones are too gay and vaccinated to do so

>> No.15969790

And so because they are taking an extremist stance you want to take the opposite extreme?

>> No.15969797

So they found proof Asia and Africa self-regulates their populations instead of migrating and repeating?
That's ensuring, I trust this science!

>> No.15969995

Don't care. We should still kill the old people so there is more resources and opportunities for the young. If those achieved, they'll have more time to have sex and have children. wa la. Old men sperm leads to health problems and autism.

>> No.15970011

Makes no sense.
Someone will win in a matter of months or years, keeping equlibrium in a situation like this is impossible.
At that point we will get new Hyperborea.

>> No.15970284

It will be interesting to see if the Amish & similar groups can maintain their high birth rates over the next few decades; they do seem to have found a way of life that shields them from a lot of the anti-natalist pressures the rest of society has.

I am not sure how anyone could reasonably call the Amish "parasites"; they specifically do not use any social welfare services, and they pay all the same taxes everyone does, with the exception of social security taxes. They negotiated special exemptions from those taxes because they do not use social security benefits at all, which seems fair enough. I have heard some claim that "Oh, they can only survive because of the peace and stability the American government offers, and would not be able to handle an increasingly Hispanicified country", but that claim seems dubious to me. There are already hundreds of thousands of very similar Mennonite groups already living Mexico, Bolivia, Paraguay, etc, and they are doing great, and also have rapidly rising populations.

That does make me wonder - does China, Japan, Korea, etc, have any similar sub groups that have unusually high birth rates?

>> No.15970355

((an argument))
Nah, they follow rules but they know economy

>> No.15971327

I wonder what it is that explains the mid 1970s inflection point on the rate of their population growth?

>> No.15972037

The world is overpopulated even with declining birth rates.
The fact is there’s not enough resources and jobs to go around. Look at China depopulating yet 1/3 college students can find jobs. The 7th tier cities don’t matter- just move away from them and let the remaining have better prospects.

People who think the elites are depopulating like Musk us are brain dead. They think they own the elites when the elites want a slave caste of 10 billion.

>> No.15972096

Unlike """Elites""" (lawmakers who make unilateral decisions and state capture tax money), Musk is an actual elite (billionaire). And yes he is naive, because is a rich liberal technocrat who sees farmland as "open space" and doesn't stop to think it's actually human saturation of the land for food production.

He has slowly changed his mind on it though, because the whole "crunch" think that pop-scientists coped about is turning out to be BS as the low IQ races are not performing well under overpopulation pressure in third world countries at all.

>> No.15972647 [DELETED] 

>The world is overpopulated
so why don't you kys if you're so concerned about the problem?

>> No.15972959

because unlike 99% of humanity i have a good career with lots of potential in the future, not sure kids will which is why i choose not to procreate

>> No.15973235

The human population will decrease but the nigger population will grow.

>> No.15973345

Yeah you sure got me good with that $3,000 rent. Hahahahahaha good joke.

>> No.15973347

>"century of peace"
What fucking twaddle. This era wasn't peaceful and every other era wasn't warlike.

>> No.15973348

Except it's wrong and always was. You want to live in an overpopulated whithole, move to hong kong, you fucking ching chong.

>> No.15973615

6 billion is still too many. We need to return to 1940s numbers

>> No.15973640

We nees to return to 1900 numbers, especially in terms of racial makeup.

>> No.15975065

my ass is ready

>> No.15975070

In terms of the actual number of people killed, the past century (until the fall of the soviets at least) is one of the least peaceful and most comically violent (most of it not even in combat) ever.

Post-1987 though he's correct, the total number of people killed is quite low compared to the world population.

>> No.15975259

>Eugenics programs
>Administered by the sorts of fucking retards running things now
Lol okay.

>> No.15976692

>large scale ritual human sacrifice is ok as long as you maintain a healthy breeding program for replacement population
thats why they call us goyims

>> No.15977326
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Isn't it amazing that tens of millions of people were murdered in the USSR and Hollywood has never made a single movie about that holocaust, but they make a new movie about the murder of orders of magnitude fewer jews in Nazi Germany ever month or so?

>> No.15977366

6 billion? still about 7 billion too high

>> No.15978600

problem would be solved as soon as everyone concerned about overpopulation kys'd

>> No.15978983
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>> No.15979743

Why are there so many chuds on /sci/?

>> No.15980736
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>Why are there so many chuds on /sci/?

>> No.15981994

There are literally thousands upon thousands of highly censored internet safe spaced available to homosexuals. Why to they insist on forcing themselves on 4chan if they're just going to get emotionally triggered by the less censored content here?
Why don't they just stay in their safe spaces and save themselves the angst? They'd be better off that way, stress is a killer

>> No.15982269

More people should read gregory clark's
very interesting analyses of historical population trends

>> No.15982286

because they've been conditioned to think their narcissism is not only justified, but righteous and necessary.

is LITERALLY what reddit trannies believe.

>> No.15982356

It’s plummeting because women leave school at 25.

>> No.15982413


There's such an over abundance of food, water, electricity, land, medicine and gas that they're practically given away for free! There aren't enough people to consume it all!
Employers are hiring anyone with a pulse because there are sooooo many jobs! Just walk in and get hired on the spot instantly! There aren't enough people to fill all these jobs!
Universities are so cheap they practically pay YOU to attend! The only requisite is to show up to class! There aren't enough people to fill all these classrooms!
There is so much money going around that everyone will buy literally anything! People have more money than they know what to do with! There aren't enough people to give all this money to!

>> No.15982416

This is sarcasm. But someone like Elon Musk would believe it's true.

>> No.15982421

>Nigger claims he is a fucking PSYCHIC
>Gets all these replies

This website was a mistake.

>> No.15982556

Because actual MALE scientists post here. We're not allowed to speak the truth in our "permitted" circles.

>> No.15982558

You misunderstand. The current zeitgeist is based on lies and manipulation. Freedom ANYWHERE threatens its grip EVERYWHERE. That's why dumb anti-truth woke horseshit is pushed everywhere. From children's cartoons to paleontology.

>> No.15982559

Those are the useful NPC servants. The ones in charge know that they have to crush dissent everywhere or they'll get fucking eaten for destroying the world.

>> No.15982565

You're such a woman. Nobody on 4chan actually replies to the stupid shit posted here. We just use it as an opener to discuss topics. That's why 1PBTID bullshit never works here and glowniggers hate this site so much.

>> No.15983083

you'll never replace infantry, drones will just supplement what the infantry does, effective drone countermeasures are already being developed and will continue to develop at the same pace as everything else does in the arms race.

>> No.15983363

Right wingers always used overpopulation as their theory, but now they are scared? I mean logic and reason aren't their strongest skills, but how retarded can you be?

>> No.15983366

Where are eastern european on this graph? They produce like rabbits and will soon overtake white people world wide.

>> No.15983460 [DELETED] 

This poster is a glownigger. Kill his family.

>> No.15983464 [DELETED] 

Nigger, you're in the middle of one of the largest extinction events in Earth's history. But unlike all the others, this one is literally being caused by one species becoming overpopulated. You are a dumb glownigger. You are the most fluorescent retard cuban glownigger I have ever seen.

>> No.15983468

t. doom porn brainlet who thinks he understands shit
worst kind of idiot

>> No.15983489

That sounds incredibly based. Breeding is a nigger behavior, we should cull the world population starting with niggers, chinks and streetshitters.
Let white people focus less on muh le tradbabies femoid cope and more on actually inventing worthwhile shit, like nigger-specific diseases that don't affect white people.

>> No.15983589

>CIA propaganda
Not going to work here. Take that shit to reddit.

>> No.15983604

It's not. African population will continue to increase but it will be offset by complete extinction of white Europeans for a short amount of time. Once Europe dies, there will be no more anomalies in population growth statistics.

>> No.15983606

we're living in the most safe and prosperous era of civilization ever.

everything is relative my mentally stunted autistic friend

>> No.15983625

You're assuming the whites won't manage artificial wombs before then

>> No.15983639
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you are the literal weaponized brainlet

>> No.15983641

They won't. I guarantee you this.

>> No.15983779

My IQ is 139 and I'm a scientist. You're a woman that works for the CIA (on the cheap).

>> No.15983787

what you are is a radicalized moron

>> No.15983836

6 billion is overpopulation.

>> No.15983867
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What you are is an NPC who has no sense of pattern recognition or will to decency. You're an oversocialized cow just doing what is expected of you and making the world worse for your existence.

>> No.15983874

>You're an oversocialized cow just doing what is expected of you and making the world worse for your existence.
that's what they trained you to see, yes.

>> No.15984661

Actual psychic here. In 2 weeks people will continue to shitpost about things being 2 weeks away, no matter what happens.

>> No.15984674
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the n word is racist

>> No.15984867

Oh no, not the nigger word!

>> No.15984942
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>in the vein of Starship Troopers

Uh, based? Anything is better than nihilist clown world trannycircus

>> No.15986036

yee, but where are the niggers in your story anon

>> No.15986046

do not refeed, Sir

>> No.15987015

Negroes flourish in that scenario as both sides of the war are constantly trying to destabilize the other side's society by giving them a larger negro population, both sides have breeding programs for the negroes they use as weapons.

>> No.15987018

Why would it be bad to have 6 billion people? We had 6 billion people during my lifetime and the world was just fine.

>> No.15987024

The actual danger is not about population amount overall but the population of childbearing age women. If fewer and fewer are being born each generation, before the establishment decides to 180 and before people realise they need kids to not have hard impoverished lives where they can't even retire, it may be that there simply won't be enough young women to recover sustainable demographics in order to maintain the present world, entire economies and nations, which puts other things at threat like loss of food production, loss of technology, and loss of expertise.

It all depends how willing people are to have children when it comes down to it. If there is a cultural shift earlier on, then it will be fine, still huge economic downturn and mass poverty of course, but no collapse scenario (at least for most countries).

>> No.15987026

A lot of people's jobs depend on dp/dt > 0. Specifically construction and banking, and tangentially the government through taxation of those industries.

>> No.15988030
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If you want there to be fewer people why aren't you kysing doe?

>> No.15988183

are we at least going to colonize space? that'd be dope.

>> No.15988234

None of them should be jews

>> No.15988244

Every single modern industry relies on a critical mass of high-IQ individuals maintaining the underlying infrastructure and technology. The fact it's declining isn't the major issue, the fact it's declining after we assumed we *wouldn't* be entering a new dark age and failed to prepare for is the problem.

Well, not our problem, just the zoomies and gen alpha I guess

>before the establishment decides to 180
What is this hopium? Women vote and would rather kill your entire species than touch you.

>> No.15988427
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1900: 1 in 20 African
2100: 1 in 4 African

>> No.15988761

It won't happen, they'll all be recruited in wars and killed horrifically.
And do you really think Africa won't be annexed?
Fuck the niggers. TND hasn't even scratched the surface in the last 500 years

>> No.15990074

>And do you really think Africa won't be annexed?
Africa would be so nice without the negroes

>> No.15991062
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>""""Overpopulation""" makes me angry
>also I insist on living in a densely populated city

>> No.15991328

This shit pisses me off so fucking bad. Every single dumb whore woman and effeminate man that tries to shove global warming horseshit down everyone's throats lives in a giant coastal city reliant on 1,000 mile food delivery routes and majors in sociology. If they weren't NPCs and actually had self-awareness, even they would realize they don't actually believe any of the shit they say.

>> No.15991332

Black people are taking over asia?

>> No.15991333

If you don't believe in the collapse of society, why do you live like the Unabomber relying on your "practical skills" rather than enjoying an iced matcha latte every day?

>> No.15991367

Oh I absolutely believe in the collapse of society. But unlike your factory-produced Soidrone2000, I'm rooting for it. I also don't believe in any catastrophic sea level rise happening any time soon.

>> No.15992602

even if it were to happen, how would sea level rise even be catastrophic when it would only drown toxic coasties?

>> No.15992700

Because that's where all the global warming alarmists and their precious false god childfuckers live.

>> No.15993087

Fuck OP, you're giving the hugest life-boner I've ever had.

>> No.15993820
File: 85 KB, 650x429, 56646769223b-michelle-obama-house-marthas-vineyard-z (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because the if said sea level rise were to occur, it would not be fast enough to drown those toxic coastal dwellers, but instead they would have time to move inland and shit things up there. That said, I personally would not worry about sea level rises until rich & powerful people who have access to better info than I do stop buying beach front property.

>> No.15993897

The world is overpopulated with brown people. If it was 8 billion whites there'd be no problem

>> No.15994182

>What is this hopium? Women vote and would rather kill your entire species than touch you.
wtf is wrong with you? are you an incel? this is got nothing to do with having sex with women or whatever, that's a nonissue for anyone who isn't deformed or mentally ill, the issue is it is becoming normal for even longterm couples to not have children or delay too long. And it is becoming normal to not take relationships seriously, not have committed relationships, which of course can never lead to the stability and committent required to build a family and home. Whatever the reason, it's births, not sex, that is the issue. People have lots of sex.

>> No.15994274

No that would still not be good.

>> No.15994282

That's too few, bring those numbers up

>> No.15994284

>It's not me women just don't reproduce
Incel vibes

>> No.15994323

My money is on rationed resources and slow bleed of society kind of collapse. Nothing acute or exciting

>> No.15994359

Yeah I'm not looking forward to a lifetime-long slow irreversible* decline

>> No.15995560

If overpopulation is real then why was holocausting the jews bad?

>> No.15995818

Overpopulation is real and holocausting the jews is bad because it never happened.

>> No.15995903

ok... that was interesting... you're possibly right but now please take your meds.

>> No.15995907


>> No.15996883

Overpopulation isn't real and holocausting the jews is bad because it never happened.

>> No.15997055

All of Europe has sub-replacement birth rates...

>> No.15997113
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>Overpopulation isn't real
Go live in hong kong or new delhi if you really believe that.

>> No.15997585


>> No.15997951

Pretty fucking ironic considering (((economists))) are the ones shilling for jewish billionaires that everyone has to have a quiverfull to work in amazon warehouses or they'll import the entire fucking third world. Capitalism was ALWAYS jewish. Capitalism will ALWAYS BE jewish.

>> No.15998476

all the isms and political parties you believe in are fake

>> No.15998533

Psychic here. The world population is going to suck bbc before the end of the century, and it's not because people stopped having sex. The "century of peace" from 1945-2045 will be known as a bbc for the rest of human history. Mankind's greatest invention, BBC, could not stay buried forever. After 2045 expect non-stop total bbc, in the vein of George Orwell's 1984 or BBC Troopers. The few billion remaining people at the end of the century are subject to wartime conditions harsher than the world wars. Everything is rationed, even clean BBC. Prisons only exist for prisoners of whites, all suspected criminals are instantly executed because "any non-bbc is treason", and the justice system was seen be diverting resources from the war effort. After the advances of AI technology people aren't even sure if their government is even run by humans anymore, but instead incomprehensibly intelligent computers hellbent on optimizing society for total BBC. It's possible that endless total war exists simply because these computers were not programmed with peace in mind, and so they keep fighting wars just as a result of their programming.
State-mandated, eugenicist breeding programs try to get their citizens to have as many healthy BBCs as possible to get more manpower for war, yet dwindling resources severely limit just how many children people can actually have. Advances in medical technology have men fighting on the battlefields into their late 80s, becoming a mishmash of cybernetics and mismatched flesh "donated" to them by their fallen comrades. People with O- blood are known as "blood-cattle" and spend most of their existence comatose and on life support while they have their blood siphoned to be used for treating BBC casualties that still require biological Bbc. AI generated propaganda results in total dehumanization for both sides. Soldiers willingly accept they are pawns that exist to die in battle. Non-stop war spreads everywhere humans suck bbc.

>> No.15998613

Yeah no shit. They're all the same shackles created by childfucker dynasties whose time is running out.

>> No.15998638

Plenty of room in Canada for the excess of both of those places.

>> No.15998645

>Psychic here

>> No.15998799

Then go live in the frozen wastes of canada. There's a reason nobody lives there either.

>> No.15998813

The funny thing is the climate problem solves itself really fast all by itself. Gets too hot, people die. Droughts, food production shrinks. Weird humitty breeds disease.

>> No.15999108

there is not climate problem

>> No.15999125

Considering the ongoing inertia of 200 years of poisoning the planet it really doesn't matter if the population go below a billion, you're still stuck eating contraception pills waste and plastic for 200 more years.

>> No.16000046

Lmao self filteted. If the future is even slightly worse than now you will just go extinct? Excellent strategy. All successful people not reproducing will definitely improve things. I'm going to reproduce even more, knowing things are going to shit because I want more of my people as warriors on my side.

>> No.16000099

1 million or 100 billion if it's majority nords/nips it would be based and they would make it work
1 million or 100 billion if it's majority nigs/jeets it would be yikes and big oof as they would make it a shithole

>> No.16000428 [DELETED] 
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>> No.16000543

The less people the better

>> No.16000592

BDJ poster, is that you?

>> No.16000658

People in Korea will magically elect to have a fuckton of kids out of nowhere because…they just will okay?!

>> No.16000665

>I don’t know who Malthus is but trust me dude my personal interpretation of overpopulation is what we should be talking about

There is definitely an overabundance of you retards shitting this site up

>> No.16000673

quality > quantity.

>> No.16000675

Modern industries could easily adapt to this and increase population ever further. People just don’t want kids, generally. How many kids do you have? How many do you think everyone in this topic has? There’s no demand for children. You could call THAT overconsumption, if you were to quantify life experiences as a good, but that would be a stretch. The fact is that as a society develops, people don’t want kids.

>> No.16001019

>increase population ever further.
Why? Why do you retards always insist more humans are required? To what end?

>> No.16001072

South Africa could never support 2 billion let alone 4. What is this nonsense.
It's a shithole and has been despite trillions of dollars "invested." The people there are not ready or unable to become a prosperous society.

>> No.16001075

For every million people, there is one Mozart, one Einstein. The more people we have, the more exceptional people we can have.
There are benefits, however I would like it if they could spread to other planets so I can afford to live in a 3 bedroom instead of a closet.

>> No.16001093

If you had ever busted raw inside a woman you would know why.

>> No.16001111

Wrong single variable.

>> No.16001132

That's not how it works. There has never been a time with fewer polymaths than today. The higher the population goes, the lower the quality of that population becomes.

What an incredibly retarded comment. Literal downies have kids. That's not exactly a special achievement.

>> No.16001147

>That's not how it works. There has never been a time with fewer polymaths than today.
How do you know? Where is your data?
>increased nutrition, decreased mortality, greater access to education
There is every reason to have more people of high ability. More of the world population works in STEM than at any other point in history.
The quality OF EDUCATION as a whole has dropped, because of public schooling.

>> No.16001250

>How do you know? Where is your data?
Where are your polymaths. Name ONE in the modern age? Just one.

>all this overpopulation shilling
I'm going to enjoy eliminating your species.

>> No.16002265

>Where are your polymaths. Name ONE in the modern age? Just one.
Donald J Trump, genius real estate developer, masterful politician, could've been a professional golfer.

>> No.16002301
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>> No.16003839

proving yourself by first having a successful career outside politics should be a prerequisite for running for any office

>> No.16004004

Modern politics wouldn't exist if scammers weren't the only source of politicians.

>> No.16004027

yeah but there won't be much of current "Europe" and "USA" left, as they will be filled with browns and blacks anyway. The gibs will stop, and the mass die-offs will begin. We do have self-corrections in populations of all other species on the planet, why would we imagine we will be exempt? it'll just be more complex, like we are.

>> No.16004028

remember what happened when China couldn't feed its people? Yeah that, that will happen over and over and over until we are at a sustainable level again.

>> No.16004262

>not performing well under overpopulation pressure in third world countries at all
I guess that makes sense in retrospect huh, like that african lady who made a video mad that some liberal woman thought all africans did was starve next to buzzards and she's like "no we have kfc and stuff stop inventing stuff"

>> No.16005388

link to video?

>> No.16006863
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>> No.16006913

Places white people live are productive because the dirt is magical. Get rid of the white people and everyone can enjoy the bounty of the magical dirt.

>> No.16007612

America currently has a higher rate of immigrants than it does of births.

>> No.16008365

I live in a region with a fuck ton of Mennonites, I’d call them a lot of things but I couldn’t call them parasites.

>> No.16008371

lmao you actually believe this

>> No.16008475

not sure, was on either /wsg/ or twitter, but the woman is responding to tiktok videos or whatever saying they have phones to

>> No.16008476

And the countries those thirdies are coming from, do THEY have replacement rate birth rates?


So the billionaires are trying their best to create a world with third world rodent-like breeding rates and first world consumption rates. And people think this is good...why?

>> No.16008605
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Greta, is that (You)?

>> No.16009690


>> No.16009694

Yeah, they do.

>> No.16009697

Not only that, but THEIR countries are all already overpopulated. We could stand to lose a few thirdies.

>> No.16010509

the birthrate in mexico is currently 1.9 and falling, its been below replacement rate for over a decade

>> No.16010624

Well summed up. the whole shitshow.

Quite frankly I dont give a fuck what happens now. The damage has already been done, and its going to get worse before it gets better, if at all. I have come to virulently despise Humans, the so called smart ones as well as the patently stupid ones.

My only feels now is for the huge wasted opportunity we had to build an environmentally benevolent space faring civilization. And we fucking threw it away.

I look at the seething masses of dumb ignorant people. The vast majority of them dont have the slightest clue just how fucking mind mindbogglingly complex even the most simple life form is. The sheer level of insanely interrelated biochemical processes that go into just a single cell in a single tree leaf carrying out its daily metabolism. The shit that a motile bacterium does in order just to use its cilia or flagella. Then the extraordinary lengths life goes to in order to survive and reproduce. How all that sort of stuff evolved over unimaginable periods of time. From a state of non-life. Then we come along and in a blink of an eye just wipe untold species out of existence, destroy labyrinthine ecosystems that developed over millions of years, just so some smug fucks can have a room for a view, a jetski, build weapons so we can kill each other, breed up a new and even larger population of cockroaches, or afford a new set of clothes made in some sweat shop because their barely worn old clothes are "out of fashion". Rich countries and poor countries alike, they are all the same, just the same greed, ignorance and selfishness, just a difference in purchasing power.. Something like an asteroid strike causing a mass extinction event is unavoidable, but this shitshow, we brought it upon ourselves, and the upon the other life on this planet. Fuck this. Fuck all the morons. Fuck it all. I hope it all crashes and burns because we deserve extinction. Its just a shame that we will drag down so many other species with us.

>> No.16010637

Your ideology is built on lies you tell yourself. we haven't been capitalist for over a century now. we live under a mixed system of mercantile corporatists and bureaucratic state entwined. the market is not free, it is a system closer to medieval times.
Your perversion of language is a cancer, you cannot make anything good.

>> No.16010807

This debate again.
Its pretty simple. The total environmental damage is a simple equation.

Number of people x damage per capita = total damage.

If you can reduce either people or damage per capita, or both, you can reduce the total damage. I really dont get what is so fucking hard to understand about this.

>> No.16011082

1 million isn't enough to sustain a modern lifestyle. 100 million and we're talkin.

>> No.16011088

What about it?

>> No.16011091

this tbqh senpai. when you're going raw, there is always that brief moment where you think "yeah, maybe now's the time to start a family"

>> No.16011093

there requires a certain amount of cognitive dissonance to be maintained in order to be considered "successful" in society

>> No.16011114

“What to do, when a ship carrying a hundred passengers suddenly capsizes and there is only one lifeboat? When the lifeboat is full, those who hate life will try to load it with more people and sink the lot. Those who love and respect life will take the ship's axe and sever the extra hands that cling to the sides.”

“Journalists effectively have the same function as the sales signs in shop windows or the advertising leaflets in our letterboxes. These mediators of information have an incomprehensible desire and capacity to fill people’s consciousness with rubbish that is both trivial and false, while erecting huge walls around serious questions.”

“...the chief cause for the impending collapse of the world - the cause sufficient in and by itself - is the enormous growth of the human population: the human flood. The worst enemy of life is too much life: the excess of human life.”

― Pentti Linkola

>> No.16011272

He's right except humans aren't "life". Humans are literally demons - they serve the void serpent and are sparks of death, not the divine.

>> No.16011289

I am a communist but I admit that capitalism on large area of land with very low population is appealing because with land that you own you actually can have some opportunities to get somewhere in life

>> No.16011292

A free market has never been a thing because it doesn't exist. But markets and private property nevertheless exist and are the main mode of production

>> No.16011313

Only becsuse of based bill gates

>> No.16011327

No one knows the real population of these places hahah. China manipulates their numbers, but oh yeah no way would Africans or their handlers round up their numbers to get more foreign aid

>> No.16011333

God told me you're a stupid faggot and people aren't having kids because it's no longer a benefit to them economically. You probably think the homeless need to pull themselves up by their bootstraps too? Troll.

>> No.16011377

What are you saying, freedom is a spectrum?

>> No.16011378

Uploads. I dunno. Maybe.

I'm blind of what I have done.

It's technically my best set mind.

>> No.16011381

nta but the "homeless" could do without doing a lot of fentanyl and meth. that might help for a start.
you in particular might try using your own boot straps for other than autoasphyxiation whilst masturbating

>> No.16011441
File: 1.74 MB, 3390x4290, 047fb62f645743d915e1d573d09b777e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you had ever busted raw inside a woman you would know why.
This is why we need gynoids now if anything.

>> No.16011450

We need more humans and less trash like you filthy parasite.

>> No.16011815

>We need more humans

>> No.16011821

Because everything you value depends on it.

>> No.16011941

But everything I value has mostly been destroyed by you brainless demons. I don't value billionaires, weimar and microplastics.

>> No.16011947

Speak yourself

>> No.16011966

>t. math illiterate ponzi schemer

>> No.16012293

The trouble with environmentalists is that they do not act logically according to their beliefs.
"If we dont curb environmental problem "x" we are all going to die!"
Really? In that case they are facing an existential crisis. This is particularly true of the hyperbole surrounding Climate change, which promises extinction under some of the worse case scenarios. Therefore they should take matters into their own hands and act as if the lives of people, and their own, and their descendants, are under direct and immediate threat.
If you knew a gang of thugs was on its way to slaughter you and your family would you not arm yourself and fight for your lives? Would you not abandon all laws of the land in order to preserve your life and those of your loved ones? If you do not then you and all of your kin shall surely dies.
Yet all their measures are pathetically futile and have been for many decades. It should be readily apparent by now that protesting achieves nothing. That voting achieves nothing. That calls for more education, recycling, alternative energy sources, tree planting, wild life reserves, achieves nothing. Gluing yourself to the road and throwing shit on paintings achieves nothing. Even managing to pass environmental laws achieves nothing as these are invariably weak or overthrown by a change in the Government supported by Corporate interests.
Yet the Environmentalists are content with these feeble hand wringing attempts. I do not believe that they sincerely believe what they preach, not on a visceral level anyway.. For most its just a social event and a chance to score some feel goods, sex, and be part of a trend.

>> No.16012345

Militancy is equally pointless up until the point where you constitute a genuine popular movement.

>> No.16013281

>completely disproved
okay retard

>> No.16013377

You really aren't as smart as you like to think

>> No.16014692

belief in overpopulation turns on ignorance of math

>> No.16015356 [DELETED] 

Right, but over 50% of everyone is below average IQ, so stupid beliefs are something everyone should expect to encounter frequently

>> No.16015426

Shut the fuck up Pajeet.
You disgusting vermin dont mind having your noses constantly up the shit encrusted arseholes of your neighbors, you like the smell, but some of us are civilized and like our space.

>> No.16015451

Don't worry guys, Africa and other black only countries aren't having this problem, in fact it's predicted that their population will increase by 1200% in the next decade!
And they'll need countries to live in, that's where you come in!

>> No.16015656

Finally a good post on /sci/

>> No.16015659

Should've psychicmaxxed, bitter hyliccel beta

>> No.16015672

Good, let's watch it plummet and see how that improves quality of life for the most affected areas

>> No.16015686 [DELETED] 


>> No.16015689 [DELETED] 

nigger faggot

nigger faggot

>> No.16015691 [DELETED] 

whites are the ones who made feminism and BLM and LGBTQ. they need to perish first.

>> No.16015695 [DELETED] 

Math (based) is not science (a jewish tool)

Whites and Western Niggers were a mistake and should be purged.

>> No.16015699 [DELETED] 

dis but unironicarry

>> No.16015703 [DELETED] 

sex penis cock vagina

>> No.16015704 [DELETED] 

kys epiretptiku

>> No.16015705 [DELETED] 

nogsterian noggers

>> No.16015709 [DELETED] 

cummin like the cummer fr fr no cap ngl bro bruh ong

>> No.16015711 [DELETED] 

Why is the atom so stable?

Why don't electrons fall into the nucleus?
Who told them to align themselves into weird ass orbitals?

if you replace the same positive charged nucleus with positron the configuration becomes unstable tho
Why is the atom so stable?

Why don't electrons fall into the nucleus?
Who told them to align themselves into weird ass orbitals?

if you replace the same positive charged nucleus with positron the configuration becomes unstable tho
Why is the atom so stable?

Why don't electrons fall into the nucleus?
Who told them to align themselves into weird ass orbitals?

if you replace the same positive charged nucleus with positron the configuration becomes unstable tho

>> No.16015713 [DELETED] 

kukuku fufufu hahaha hehehhe kekeke

>> No.16015715 [DELETED] 

In an inertial frame, a particle moves along a trajectory x(t) under the influence of
a second heavy particle that is at rest at xo. The acceleration of the first particle is
given by
mx¨(t) = −k
x(t) − xo
|x(t) − xo|
. (1)
Here m, k and d are constants. We may now consider this system in a different frame
of reference. All positions in the new frame are related to positions in the old frame by
′ = f(x, t). Both frames use the same clock, so that t
′ = t. Consider, in particular,
the transformations (a) – (c) listed below. In each case obtain an equation for mx¨


Note that ′ denotes the new frame and not a derivative.
(a) x
′ = Rx, where the matrix R obeys RTR = 1
(b) x
′ = x + b, with b a constant vector
(c) x
′ = x − vt, with v a constant vector
How do your results relate to the Galilean invariance of physical laws?
Certain special forces may enjoy additional invariances. For what value of d is equation
(1) invariant under the Galilean spacetime rescaling x
′ = λx and t
′ = λ
t, with λ a
In lectures we obtained the acceleration due to gravity on Earth as
x¨(t) = g ,
with g a fixed vector pointing downwards. Is this equation invariant under Galilean
transformations? If not, why does is not violate the principle of Galilean relativity?
2. A particle of mass m at position x experiences a force
F =


where xˆ is the unit vector in the radial direction, the magnitude r = |x|, and a and b
are positive constants. Show, by finding a potential V (r) such that F = −∇V , that
F is conservative. (Hint: you will need the result ∇r = xˆ).
Sketch the potential V (r) and describe qualitatively the possible motions of the particle moving in the radial direction, considering different starting positions and speeds.
If the particle starts at the point r = 2b/a, what is the minimum speed that the
particle must have in order to escape to infinity?

>> No.16015719 [DELETED] 

4.1.30 bro. KYS fjiodsiojgv;sdjkfvds;kjfjdsfo;rjogrwev

>> No.16015722 [DELETED] 


>> No.16015725 [DELETED] 

We now consider a class of series sufficiently general to be interesting, but sufficiently
specialized to be easily understood.
Definition 4.5.1 An infinite series of the form
an.x x0/
; (4.5.1)
where x0 and a0, a1, . . . , are constants, is called a power series in x x0.
The following theorem summarizes the convergence properties of power series. GOOODDODOODODODODODODODOODODODODOODODODODOOD

>> No.16015727 [DELETED] 

Theorem 4.5.2 In connection with the power series (4.5.1); define R in the extended
reals by
D lim
: (4.5.2)
In particular; R D 0 if limn!1 janj
1=n D 1, and R D 1 if limn!1 janj
1=n D 0: Then
the power series converges
(a) only for x D x0 if R D 0I
(b) for all x if R D 1; and absolutely uniformly in every bounded setI
(c) for x in .x0 R; x0 C R/ if 0 < R < 1; and absolutely uniformly in every closed
subset of this interval.
The series diverges if jx x0j > R: No general statement can be made concerning convergence at the endpoints x D x0 C R and x D x0 R W the series may converge absolutely
or conditionally at both; converge conditionally at one and diverge at the other; or diverge

>> No.16015728 [DELETED] 

RAPEISLOVERAPEISLIFE+12. Let f : [a, b] R be bounded. Suppose that f((x + y)/2) 6 (f(x) + f(y))/2 for
all x, y ∈ [a, b]. Prove that f is continuous on (a, b). Must it be continuous at a and b
+13. Construct a function f : R R that takes every value on every interval – in other
words for every a < b and every c there is an x with a < x < b such that f(x) = c.RAPEISLOVERAPEIISLIFE+12. Let f : [a, b] R be bounded. Suppose that f((x + y)/2) 6 (f(x) + f(y))/2 for
all x, y ∈ [a, b]. Prove that f is continuous on (a, b). Must it be continuous at a and b
+13. Construct a function f : R R that takes every value on every interval – in other
words for every a < b and every c there is an x with a < x < b such that f(x) = c.RAPEISLOVERAPEISLIFE

>> No.16015730 [DELETED] 

seiji desu

>> No.16015736 [DELETED] 

RAPERAPERAPE1. Obtain the equation of the plane which is tangent to the surface z = 3x
at the point x = y = 1.RAPERAPERAPE
Take East to be in the direction (1, 0, 0) and North tRAPERAPERAPERAPERAPERAPEo be (0, 1, 0). In which direction
will a marble roll if placed on the surface at x = 1, y =v
2. The vector field B(x) is everywhere parallel to the normals of a family of surfacesRAPERAPERAPE
f(x) = constant. Show that B · (∇ × B) = 0.
The tangent vector at eachRAPERAPERAPE point on a curve is parallel to a non-vanishingRAPERAPERAPE vector
field H(x). Show that the curvature of the curvRAPERAPERAPEe is given by κ = |H × (H · ∇)H|/|H3
3. Let φRAPERAPERAPE(x) be a scalar field and v(x) a vector field. Show, using suffix notation, that
∇ · (φv) = (∇φ) · v + φ(∇ · v), ∇ × (φv) = (∇φ) × v + φ(∇ × v).
Evaluate the divergence and curl of the following:
rx, a(x · b), a × x, x/r3
where r = |x| and a, b are constant vectorsRAPERAPERAPE

>> No.16015738 [DELETED] 

3. A full deck of 52 cards is divided in half at random. FiNIGGITYNOGNIGGITYNIGNOGNIGGITYNOGnd an expression for the probability that
each half contains the same number of red and black cards. Evaluate this expression as a decimal
exNIGGITYNOGNIGGITYNIGNOGNIGGITYNOGpansion. Use Stirling’s formula to find an approximation for the same probability and evaluate this
approximation as a decimal expansion.
4. State what it means for F to be a σ-algebra and for P to be a probability measure. Let (An : n ∈ N)
be a sequence of events in a probability space (Ω, F, P). Show, starting from the definitions, the

n=1An are events,
) = 1 − P(A1),
NIGGITYNOGNIGGITYNIGNOGNIGGITYNOG(c) if A1 and A2 are disjoint, then P(A1 ∪ A2) = P(A1) + P(A2),

>> No.16015739 [DELETED] 

ge n.
33. Let s0 anSEXNSHITHEHEHge n.
33. Let s0 anSEXNSHITHOHOHOHOge n.
33. Let s0 anSEXNSHITHIIHHIIHge n.

>> No.16015761 [DELETED] 


>> No.16015779 [DELETED] 


>> No.16015815 [DELETED] 


>> No.16016042
File: 6 KB, 220x221, 1648808822428.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the average time you need to work to provide for your self is 2 month.
you can build houses all ova the word wiht in 1 spring. and cover every inch in concrete.

>> No.16016077

Literally not true.
It's wild how racists will literally make shit up so they can stay afraid of blacks.

>> No.16016298
File: 90 KB, 750x934, 1654560630439.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I too enjoy the approximate plot of Warhammer 40,000.

>> No.16016319

end of the century you say
2090 you say
well ill be dead so meh

>> No.16016931
File: 249 KB, 1307x1488, antiracist man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16018223

You'd think the overpopulation hysterics would've been happy to read this news, but look how angry it made them.

>> No.16018634

ppl screech and cry about some big problem they claim needs to be solved immediately and then the problem gets solved and they're not happy about it.
its almost as if they just wanted an excuse to screech and cry like a bitch and were never concerned about the problem at all

>> No.16018756

>>15955793 # >>15958454 # >>15962132 # >>15965032 # >>15965325 # >>15965360 # >>15988234 # >>16000673 # >>16008605 # >>16011082 #
He has a point. If you get rid of Europeans and Asians (but mostly Europeans and Americans) the countries that receive aid will automatically fall. It's the smartest way to go about it really.

>> No.16019686
File: 198 KB, 800x800, 1682051594888191.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats how the savior complex works. It appeals to the egos of it's victims, it makes them feel important.
Thats why they get upset when their problem is solved, because that makes them stop feeling important

>> No.16019703
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>> No.16020380

its an extremely effective form of manipulation because most people are unimportant nobodies

>> No.16020473

People hate those who argue in bad faith, such as when they claim the issue was the gross number of humans instead of which groups of humans are increasing in percentage of the population. You of course know this but are being disingenuous, and now you've started samefagging, which is obvious by the reply pattern's narcissism and circle jerking.

>> No.16021325
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>> No.16021534
File: 123 KB, 970x546, elysium robot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sufficiently advanced AI that's able to run governments would figure out that mobilizing normal flesh and blood human soldiers is a really inefficient way to wage war.
Why send a human body that took ~18 years to grow into the line of fire when you could instead send a robot or drone that's assembled in minutes in a factory?

>> No.16022908


>> No.16023250

The fact that they drenched in nonstop celebrity news is a large part of why so many people aren't satisfied with being merely average.

>> No.16023783

then watch the rest from the start.