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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15955657 No.15955657 [Reply] [Original]

What's the point of teaching kids anything other than Math and English? A kid who gets 4 hours of Math lessons every day and reads the classical canon is going to be way more adept than a kid who gets 3 hours of Math lessons per week + the random assortment of classes they have kids take

>> No.15955801

adept at what?

>> No.15955812

propaganda and brainwashing

>> No.15955880

>What's the point of teaching kids anything other than Math and English?
To make more exploitable wage slaves.

>> No.15956056

because not everyone has a mathematical brain.
i like math, but will i ever be really good at it?
no, because my brain is not wired that way.

>> No.15956081

I'm a public school teacher myself. So you feel children shouldn't learn art and music? And you feel they shouldn't learn history. What sort of life do you think people should live without art and music and what sort of life do you think they should live without knowing their own people and heritage?

>> No.15956090

i've been saying this for years. children shouldn't sit in class at all if not for fully reasonable causes. especially in primary schools.

>> No.15956098

Retarded as fuck, history (written by the victor), art and music are easily self learned if the subject wants to. Math on the other hand is as essential for men as doing exercise.

>> No.15956211

As they're taught in compulsory education (in my country, but I'm sure it's exactly the same everywhere else) none of these teach anything useful about history, art or music.
History is regurgitating pointless factoids about largely irrelevant events, and that's in the best case when it isn't /just/ state propaganda. The most obvious anecdote supporting that is the fact that virtually nobody outside of the privileged few knows anything about even their own country's recent history.
Music doesn't teach anything about music. It's just listening to songs and singing them. If the prof is nice you get told useless pop culture anecdotes instead of being humiliated.
This changes in high school when the useless classes get removed and the child starts being treated with the tiniest bit of humanity.
You can add english and another compulsory foreign language to that list. After taking more than a thousand hours in both from each child's life almost no high school graduate can communicate in either even on a rudimentary level.

>> No.15956215

How would math or your old books help them? What deludes you into thinking forcing kids to read ancient greek books will help them? It's only English that does anything. You just hate other interesting subjects as you're bad at them.

>> No.15956227

I obviously take note of your sadness. What do you want, someone to talk you up the stairs. What's done is done. You didn't like that as I saw you do to me and the result never came. It will be considered. The best you can do is walk straightly away.

>> No.15957328

>t. pedo

>> No.15957386

Do that to your kids and tell us how it goes.

>> No.15957391


>> No.15957392
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>> No.15957399

Because the ones with an IQ high enough to matter will have mastered it all before they're legal adults?

Because chemistry and physics are really fucking useful?

>> No.15957403
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Fuck off out of here and don't come back.

>> No.15957412

> chemistry and physics
That is for teens, kids are force feed regurgitated crap that most of the time are just outrageous lies.

>> No.15957533 [DELETED] 

>fighting a war with non-lethal weapons

>> No.15957570

Idk man it seems like the average person forgets everything the moment they leave school.
95% of Americans don't know the author of the national anthem which they hear every day at the football game.
They read everyday and every job require at least some math so those things are kept sharp.
I'm just salty over being stuck in high school for 4 years when I could have learned the same shit in 1 year of college. It was so fucking boring and useless.
Also interests are developed outside of that prison.

>> No.15957832

Math is fairly useless for a large majority of jobs. According to this article 86% of jobs only require basic arithmetic
It would be good to teach older kids about actual life stuff. Like how to save money and how to pay your taxes and how to start a small business and how to repair a leaky tap and how to change a tyre on a car and how to talk to girls and things that people actually do in life. School could be orders magnitude more beneficial if the people creating the curriculums weren't the most retarded people on the planet like they have been for almost all of history

>> No.15957850 [DELETED] 

so TSMT much this

>> No.15957904
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The issue isn't the class "topics" or "fields" but the way they're taught which fucking sucks, absolute waste of time
When I was in HS I asked our literature teacher not to spoil the endings of the books to us as we actually wanted to read some of them and she told me off. Had to wear fucking earplugs and massage my ears (for the noise it makes) just so I could avoid hearing a book's whole story summarized by her. :----DD

>> No.15958990


>> No.15959225


>> No.15960850

teaching useful skills can't be done because
1. the people with masters degrees who teach don't have useful skills, they have university degrees
2. all available time need to be spent teaching holocaust history and promoting homosexuality

>> No.15961497

>1. the people with masters degrees who teach don't have useful skills, they have university degrees
correct, if you want to learn useful skills you're not going to learn them from people who went to college. they don't teach useful skills at college

>> No.15961516

What's the point of this board anymore? It's by far the most retarded place on this website

>> No.15962118

The generals are decent. Every now and then there are interesting questions.

>> No.15963064

t.brainwashed cattle

>> No.15963223

>I hate /sci/
so leave, nobody wanted you here to begin with, you were never invited and you don't contribute anything desirable to the board

>> No.15963243

the point of this board is to deal as much damage to the west as possible

>> No.15964783

I literally learned nothing in art or history, in Germany they don't even went through the actual aspects of WW2, just "WE GASSED THE JEWS! WHITE PEOPLE BAD!".
I'm 30, so this was pre woke era.

>> No.15964801

I will never understand what it is that drives people to come back day after day to a board that always sends them away angry and upset and in a bad mood. Why do they choose to torture themselves like that?

>> No.15964803

Was that who was in the Suburu?

>> No.15964807

Yeah, thats the "one day for no reason at all Germany decided to elect Hitler" meme

>> No.15965993

And the history of the Wiemar period isn't taught because if it was then people would understand why Hitler was elected just as well as they understand why God wiped out Sodom & Gomorrah

>> No.15967420

They would also then understand the correct course of action in our modern degenerate world

>> No.15967427

Arts and crafts in public school is nothing but organized recess. There is no 'art' in the sense of something being taught, kids are just allowed to do whatever.
>What's that Jimmy? You want to learn to draw? Sorry, I have 30 other kids to supervise and that's just in this class. Remember, your art project is due on Friday, no I don't care what you bring in.
As for music, nobody fucking learns music in public school unless you already bought an instrument - in which case you are taking private lessons. Music class is nothing but a way for one teacher - the music director - to rule over their own personal orchastra and damn everyone else.
>What's that Jimmy? You want to learn to play the violin? Sorry, we're practicing Bach today. Why don't you sit in the corner.

In public school all you learn is basic reading and math, and everything else is a waste of time.