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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15954336 No.15954336 [Reply] [Original]

Do people like him really exist or is it just a movie thing?

>> No.15954340

Smug assholes are a dime a dozen.

>> No.15954343
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>> No.15954344

Are you by any chance Italian, OP

>> No.15954346

You mean prodigies who randomly solve math problems and work as a janitor? I say these people don't exist. Prodigies who are smarter than average and could solve said math problems? Yes these exist, and so[me of them live in shitty third world countries where they are doomed to be a wagie slavie assembling iphones for a few nuts and a banana

>> No.15954352

yeah but without teh math

>> No.15954354

high IQ + bad environment + no good role models
probably crime bosses?

>> No.15954442


>> No.15954485
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this movie is a power fantasy written by main actor for himself. Matt Daemon often plays Le smart guy roles and movies romanticize the made up "reality" of some professions. There is no magic in STEM, music or art contrary of what popular media shows you. Real science is better than what is in the movies, but generations raised on movie lies still believe in the fake romanticized reality and slowly kill the academic spirit. The mythology of academic heroes, geniuses and fantastic stories that are told about them are largely fake or blown out of proportion by the lack of context. Not that they werent great, far from it, but their greateness is represented poorly and misunderstood

>> No.15954500
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Yes they do exist and I know this to be true because I myself am a good will hunting who works as a janitor at a university where I look for mathematics problems to solve on blackboards in communal areas around the university and I rent a studio apartment where i read textbooks all night and manspread in my chair as wide as it is physically possible to spread

>> No.15954539


>> No.15954548

>The mythology of academic heroes, geniuses and fantastic stories that are told about them are largely fake or blown out of proportion by the lack of context. Not that they werent great, far from it, but their greateness is represented poorly and misunderstood
they seem to always be a sort of outside perspective. what a midwit imagines a very high IQ perspective is

>> No.15954581 [DELETED] 

>There is no magic in STEM, music or art contrary of what popular media shows you. Real science is better than what is in the movies,
Au contraire mon ami, real science is magical

>> No.15954834
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> what a midwit imagines a very high IQ perspective is
there is no magic in a sense that each day in a lab or in front of a blackboard is just another day of trying new stuff to solve a particular problem. It's not an exciting tale of special people performing miracles that "break physics" or "break math". If you are raised with this ideas then you're bound to feel inadequate or empty when reality turns out to be different, when the real everyday experience turns out to be just reading what you haven't yet read, solving what you haven't yet solved, and if you can't tackle the problem successfully, searching for knowledge and techniques that will allow you to advance.

>> No.15954979

you mean like that lad that found the aperiodic monotile? Yes, it happened THIS YEAR.

>> No.15955062

pretty much only ramanujan, which is what this movie used as inspiration

>> No.15955099

guys that are raped into emotional seclusion?
20 dollars a carton

>> No.15955108

>aperiodic monotile
imagine studying something so fucking stupid and uninteresting

>> No.15955384

im just like him

>> No.15955392

>I'm older than Will
Holy shit when did it get so fucking over?

>> No.15955393
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>> No.15955426

He didn't even "study" it. He just liked putting shapes together and btfo all the mathematicians with their fancy computer models.

>> No.15955433 [DELETED] 

I'm too addicted to cheap dopamine from my phone and the television to read anymore. Je me sens très triste.

>> No.15955437
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>> No.15955579

Wow it's almost like you've solved the world's problems by putting them into perspective. You're such a a God damned liar. If they exist, those persons would live in a country. Poverty doesn't exist and neither does Jesus.

>> No.15955594

I just thought you probably watched the movie on TV the day before this post

>> No.15955596
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Real science is better than magic? Do tell, anon.

>> No.15955695

The guy in the story is literally based on Walter Pitts, who was a real person. Only difference is he went to Chicago first and only later ended up at MIT after already establishing himself. He was born in Detroit to an impoverished, violent, alcoholic family of factory workers and grew up there during the great depression. Wrote a letter to Bertrand Russell when he was 12 (Russell told him to come to Cambridge), eventually he ran away at 15 and cut all contact with them

>> No.15955701

t. NEETBUX atheist

>> No.15955703

hmmm, a post randomly brings up denal of jesus. i wonder (((who))) could have typed this?

>> No.15956584

Doing a realistic movie about a genius would involve some autist sitting down for hours working everyday for years until he achieves a breakthrough, it would be extremely boring. Its jarring you cannot even comprehend movies are trying to put up a show first and foremost, truly midwit posts.

>> No.15956606
File: 242 KB, 442x442, 1703626471170729.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does everything have to be a show? How come there are no movies about scientists that aren't overly dramatic? Would it hurt to make one movie with a scientist hero that real scientists can identify with rather than "my boy wicked smart!" heroes for redditards to basedpog over?

>> No.15956621


>> No.15956626

but it's not fucking real you moron. that shit doesn't naturally exist, it's fantasy. why should movie misrepresent my experience just so idiots like you can "enjoy" them?

>> No.15956679

>does everything have to be a show?
In this context yes, because its both "entertainment" and a business venture. It has to capitalize to a big segment of a mass audience of redditards (like you) for profit. This also answers all your other questions, it truly shows that you are incapable of any critical thinking whatsoever to think 2 steps ahead. Besides someone who is truly smart understands these concepts right away and just keeps going on with their lives ignoring the goyslop. Obsessing about the media portrayal of le epin genius image and making it personal is top midwit behavior, please try to be better.
>Movies aren't real? SAY IT AIN'T SO!

>> No.15956685

>>Movies aren't real?
sets unrealistic expectations and it affects me, as a general example. you eating that shit up from netflix affects my interactions in real life because idiots like you saw movies like that and have idiotic expectations and get confused many times because they expect SHIT FROM FUCKING MOVIES you fucking imbecile

>> No.15956692

Will's speed reading in this movie ruined my immersion immediately.

>> No.15956696

It will take time this method. But it will work sooner or later.

>> No.15956703

One page a second with full comprehension? I don't think so.

>> No.15956705

I don't watch these things but its clear you have at some point apparently. Understanding plenty of people have delusional expectations, as well as identifying who you are interacting with and navigating these interactions properly is part and parcel of being actually intelligent, do not cast your pearls before swine. It's clear you are not intelligent at all, just autistic and uncapable of dealing with change or understanding who you might be dealing with in different situations.

>> No.15956706


>> No.15956770


>> No.15956818
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>One page a second with full comprehension? I don't think so.
It's possible.
>"I've seen this before. Oh they combined those two things, that's interesting. Let's see what they do with it."

>> No.15956866

Prove that it's possible

>> No.15956870

Nailed it.
GWH is reddit faggot passive aggressive "I'm actually smart" fantasy. Midwits LOVE this movie.

Case in point:


>faggot redditor soijak friend so desperate to sleep with roasties he just starts lieing
>uhhh yeah I come here a lot actually
>I took a history class with you
>yeah bro I don't know which one or the details or shit but trust me I went to your school and took some class with you
>Chad sets up
>record stops
>Hold up, What class did you say that was?
>Which course? Just history
>soijak can't answer and gets exposed as a fraud
>reddit writer writes in that Chad is being an evil asshole and roastie tells him to go away (kek)
>Chad goes for jugular to show this guy doesn't know Jack shit and is lieing through his teeth to get laid
>lemme tellchu somethin
>soijak aflak touches the guy because he doesn't have an argument and probably wanted to resort to violence while Chad was having a drink as this was his only chance to hit him
>hero of the film, pseud and midwit extraordinaire, Matt Damon enters stage left and inserts himself between the two
>proceeds to verbally vomit irrelevant factoids on Chad
>chad basically says “Yes."
>Chad BTFOs him in a few words, stating the point of enduring this is for a degree which had market value
>Mad Damon puts on smugjak face.... Well..... *smirks*.... At least I'm original ;)
>everyone claps
>Damon didn't really win the argument so he resorts to threatening violence and says he will take him outside but writers have Chad sit down
>white knighting for his friend simpling successful
>the writers and actors actually think Chad was the one BTFOd in this scene

>> No.15956877

I'm working a guy who has photographic memory and is very knowledgeable in his field. He never furthered his field with innovations as he was more interested in learning and reverse engineering. He would read a manual of something or whatever in a hour and exactly remember the instructions etc. forever. His ability is fading by now as he's 62, but ten or so years ago he was still doing it with no problems. Kinda sad that the company basically uses him as a glorified google search bar now.

>> No.15956917

You know, if you're going to shit on Christianity like a feminine, small souled Jew, you could at least just deny the divinity of Christ. It'll make you look less dumb than saying He never existed, given the very reliable contemporaneous sources which prove Christ's existence.

>But all human efforts, all the lavish gifts of the emperor, and the propitiations of the gods, did not banish the sinister belief that the conflagration was the result of an order. Consequently, to get rid of the report, Nero fastened the guilt and inflicted the most exquisite tortures on a class hated for their abominations, called Christians by the populace. Christus, from whom the name had its origin, suffered the extreme penalty during the reign of Tiberius at the hands of one of our procurators, Pontius Pilatus, and a most mischievous superstition, thus checked for the moment, again broke out not only in Judæa, the first source of the evil, but even in Rome, where all things hideous and shameful from every part of the world find their centre and become popular



>> No.15957171
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I've done the equivalent. That's proof enough for me. Good luck.

>> No.15957201

>is muh hollywood goyslop moooooovies real!?!?!

>> No.15957210

Relax, that was a meme in the 90s and he probably just heard it in middle school. If you scare off all the atheists this board is gonna be boring as fuck.

>> No.15958272

Oh, you can't prove shit because it didn't happen. 10-4.

>> No.15959936

This guy is the definition of max int, 0 wis

>> No.15959941


>> No.15960373
File: 85 KB, 511x459, 5LYzTBVoS196gvYvw3zjwEpTGFsd5Z0Z2HAY4Rop-7c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And it wasnt that long ago /sci/ produced a breakthrough in permutations.
Genius of all kinds is empowered in the modern information age. But we have no mechanism for rewarding that kind of work. Also... This is your reminder you have to be a genius to apreciate Suzumiya Haruhi.

>> No.15960375

>a mongolian basket wiki.

>> No.15960384

In the movie they solve a bunch of AP calc problems and the lowwit thinks this is impressive. I would say this is accurate. The burnt out Prof. lowwit who thinks he's smarter than his award winning nemesis and spends his days solving trivial exercises with that the local jani can do is also accurate.

Just like in real life they end up achieving nothing of worth in that film.

>> No.15960386

There is no country on Earth that doesn't have a Western university model which allows such prodigies to rise. Stop coping wagie.

>> No.15960389

>they seem to always be a sort of outside perspective. what a midwit imagines a very high IQ perspective is
They always have actors do quick witted quips and other egotistical shit which couldn't be further from the truth. Every actual genius researcher I met is extremely humble and careful with their thoughts.

>> No.15960398

Science is more interesting than magic. The disappointment is that unlike magic it does not give you individual power. Magic is about the power fantasy itself less than the system. Science is only abouy the system, there is no power. Most B-rate undergrads drop out when they realize this.

>> No.15960399
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>Science is only abouy the system, there is no power.

>> No.15960400
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Academic movies can be done well when it doesn't try to appeal to redditors.

>> No.15960404

Yes, but you cannot cast a nuke out of your hand like you can cast a fireball. Not a single one of the Manhattan researchers actually had the power to actually drop the bomb. Only Truman did.

It's like that even for small, inexpensive projects. You do you part, but you never control the entirety of it even if you're the director with all the funding.

>> No.15960411

No, people who say shit like that don't read. That pace is actually too slow for inspectional reading and too fast for analytical reading. It's the perfect pace they could've showed that demonstrates they don't understand how speed reading techniques work.

The only way irl something close to that happens would be someone already familiar with a topic skimming very rapidly through a textbook/paper and can tell what's going on by only looking at the figures/models.

>> No.15960419

>He's never synthesized drugs and chemical weapons in his bedroom
Don't presume to speak for the real scientists kiddo.

>> No.15960423

Perfect summary, also the super weak Damon retord
>Yeah I will be a wagie my whole, but AT LEAST I WILL BE ORIGINAL

Beyond pathetic. This movie appeals perfectly to the type of basement dweller that thinks girls in college bars like talking about work.

>> No.15960424

Nice fantasy, but that's only true for engineers with a shitton money. Scientists have neither the money nor the knowledge to build working reactors.

>> No.15960428

>Scientists have neither the money nor the knowledge to build working reactors.
I mean technically speaking

>> No.15960429
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Yes they do.
Movies have been made on their lives.

>> No.15960430

The guy who solved that is probably a real professional mathematician or computer scientist. Some people posting here are very succesful in their careers.

>> No.15960435

Quite literally the perfect example of a disappointing experiment which provides you no power, but is very interesting if you understand the system itself.

>> No.15960446

without proper authorizations you won't be able to do much. specifically because science can offer so much power you can use it against the established power structure. or be retarded and hurt you and innocent people.

>> No.15960883

What you say is true for everything but computer science. That's the one field where individuals do actually have real power to do anything they want, to the extent that many people have singlehandedly built entire fortunes by writing a piece of software in their bedroom.

>> No.15961019

I meant magic as something unexplainable, fantastical, beyond understanding, exciting. Science is not, and shouldn't be, like that. The excitement in the process of inquiry, solving problems, making long syllogistic inferences, hypothesis after hypothesis, rigorous experimental practice, order in your thinking and in your work. Popsci is a cheap show for those who couldn't care less, but the view of whole science is based upon popsci cliches. Immature excitement is magic, and there's no place for magic in science.
> revolutionary study uncovers secrets of the universe
It's all nonsense, but it permeates through academia, even professors waste their time on such discussions. Science is a set of principles that given enough time allow you to solve most problems. I think a properly structured scientific mind obtained through careful study gives immense individual power, but not in an exciting way. Science is mundane, it's a sack of hammers, and currently we're writing odes about it. This is not the way, it obfuscates the true aim of science and real joy to be found in it with the goyslop.
Scientists without philosophy are meter readers, and philosophers without science are stoners, and that's how the current demographic of academics is and has been for couple decades.

>> No.15961062

not with that attitude.

>> No.15961332

Are you talking about a really smart and handsome young man? yes those exist of course, I am not one of those

>> No.15961352

that paper has been around for years and it has zero citations
it wasn't a breakthrough or even mildly significant, it was just some schemer finding a way to make yet useless academic publication without doing too much work

>> No.15961361


>> No.15961396


Science and Atheism are utterly retarded and super easy to debunk like a trumpian-russian fake news: you have atheists who claim that immaterial math formulas they themselves invented run the material universe every millisecond across billions of light years, since 13 billions years ago LOL. how is this not retarded.
Oh and by the way, when they are asked to say where do those immaterial formulas live and where they come from and how they act on matter, they can't fucking answer, can they?
If the universe is uncaused then why does it have physical laws that it must follow? Clearly those laws are actually imposed on the universe.
Ask an atheist how a photon, stemming from the annihilation of an electrons and a positron , knows that it has to follow Maxwell's rules, as soon as the photon comes into existence whereas what they call ''physical laws'' are not found inside their tiny particles (inside particles there are just other particles lmao who scripted this crap).... Just ask him. And I can tell you what you will observe, because it's true cause and effect: the atheist will be in his most vulnerable state, drymouthed, sweating profusely, hands trembling, in a state of intense anguish, because he knows he has no comeback. Zero. Jack shit. At this point in time, the atheist is consumed by a fear that is darker than the terror of death, which will never leave him until he dies.
You know how atheists say a bunch of deformed illiterate inbreds rolling in shit, beating their children and women anthropomorphized Nature when they said gods were an amalgamation of the base fears of early humans. Well since the day a few atheist bugmen created computers, they are saying the universe is like their high-school calculators too, but bigger lol. That's their big brain idea and that's how dumb atheists are lol.

>> No.15961456

Stop implying that Science is linked to Atheism. It's not. Modern Science in its current form was invented by deeply religious men who wanted to study nature in order to better understand the mind of God.

All of this low internet arguing you guys do is due to the fact that you are jumping into the middle of a great conversation without knowing its history. It's rude and you need to stop.

>> No.15961644

photographic memories or human calculators and genius iq are not the same, there are plenty of geniuses with terrible memories

>> No.15961651

>humans are from monke so monke knows best for humans
not sure how much they wanted to know the mind of god and how much they tried to control it

>> No.15961703

This isn't /his/, retard. Fuck off.

>> No.15961966

I've found consistently reading increases your ability to read faster, it isn't insanely fast, but I'm not smart.

>> No.15962002

Do people really experience hallucinated scenarios like in this movie? I was shown this inside the psychiatric section of the hospital by some staff that had themselves convinced I was seeing hallucinations when I had given a synopsis on a book regarding schizophrenia, they used this summary and my suspicion of being blackballed out of easier and better paying service jobs by my high school peers whom I've become estranged with given my pariah status, they then pegged me as a paranoid schizophrenic who manifests things that aren't their whole-clothe as showcased in this film.

>> No.15962392

the movie is very badly-written and is basically what a stupid person thinks a smart person sounds like

>> No.15963474

I got the impression that the main character in the movie has photographic memory which is why he just skims the books in that scene.

>> No.15963848

can you give some examples of these people?

Because a lot of them have seed money from mommy and daddy.
They weren't in an exceptionally small minority in terms of talent, just above average, but with resources that were of an exceptionally small minority.

Hence why we have so many Jewish "geniuses". I'm not saying they aren't smart, but certainly their inherited wealth is making them stand apart more than their sheer intellect is.

>> No.15964445

yeah he’s me. I’m him