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File: 377 KB, 1080x1238, 1704298454583.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15954242 No.15954242 [Reply] [Original]

>Possible Meissner effect near room temperature in copper-substituted lead apatite
Uhh LK-99 bros?

>> No.15954251
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Ah shit here we go again

>> No.15954291

>Some background: there were two Chinese teams publicly pursuing LK-99-derived room temperature superconductor, which I arbitrarily named "north China team" and "south China team". North China team was headed by Hongyang Wang (who lives in Beijing) and south China team was headed by Yao Yao (who lives in Guangzhou). They used different synthesis and different analysis, i.e. north China team used hydrothermal synthesis and used SQUID measurement, while south China team used solid state synthesis and used EPR measurement.
>This is a joint paper of both teams. They reproduced results of each other (this is unclear in the paper, but stated in their behind-the-scene posts) and measured a clear sign of superconductivity. It is "near room temperature", because they are sure about 250 K (hence "near"), but not sure about 300 K. As for "possible", the behind-the-scene post makes it clear it is false modesty.
>If you are interested, you definitely want to read behind-the-scene posts. Read them here: https://www.zhihu.com/question/637763289 (they are in Chinese). Hongyang Wang is 真可爱呆 and Yao Yao is 洗芝溪.

>> No.15954293

We are so back

>> No.15954294
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>> No.15954305

Sois bout to take another L

>> No.15954330

>Chinese paper
Yeah, nah.

>> No.15954337


>> No.15954359
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thought it was a joke at first when I saw this thread, but its been mentioned elsewhere


"Room temperature" in this case means 250K, -10 F or -23 C

>> No.15954364

I hope it's a lie. If the CCP gets their filthy hands on this technology the free world is fucked.

>> No.15954367
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>> No.15954369

does it start at -23C or does it stop at -23C? that's the real question. too lazy to read sorry anons

>> No.15954371

If this ends up being real, how long until we find an actual "room temperature" superconductor?

>> No.15954372

stop obviously, aren't all of these always from absolute zero up to the critical temperature, I don't think superconductivity disappears under the critical temperature in any of them

>> No.15954382

hmm, I don't know but somehow I seem to remember there being a temp range for superconductivity of the LK99 stuff. maybe I remembered wrong or something

>> No.15954383

Nobody is hiding the recipe if it's actually real. Especially they just told everyone, hey include sulfur.

>> No.15954384


>> No.15954385

>free world
>everything is expensive as fuck
>criticizing capitalism, christianity, oil or bigotry, gets you ostracized and perhaps even killed

>> No.15954387

That's obviously true but if they get the first mover advantage it would be devastating

>> No.15954389
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>it has already been replicated with two separate labs in China confirming the results

>> No.15954404
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>> No.15954408

let's gooooooooooooooooooo bay bee!

>> No.15954410
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>> No.15954411

westroon science bros, what is our response? can we do better than -23C?

>> No.15954412
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>> No.15954416

Chadna is the FUTURE of technology! Virgin Westoids fell to the Jooz!

>> No.15954422

So much back and forth are going to go through this time?

>> No.15954427

>Saaar, Saaaar please, Saaar, do NOT REDEEM the science Saaaar, -22C guaranteed, Saar
I't open suicide season for the golems

>> No.15954437


>> No.15954438

>Our experiment suggests at room temperature the Meissner effect is POSSIBLY present in this material

>> No.15954451

how useful would it be at -23C (max) tho? it still requires cooling, even if simpler, what's the overall benefit of it? can someone speculate? as compared the the highest temp one we had (at room pressure).

>> No.15954453

People don't realize how huge this is. I'm surprised to see so little discussion on social media.

>> No.15954460

yeah but how huge is it? at -23C? I mean sure it's higher but what's the ultimate benefit as compared to what's used today?

>> No.15954474

the fact it would require much simpler cooling is massive assuming it has the other good qualities like high magnetic tolerance and current density
those numbers will then affect which applications make sense

>> No.15954476

yeah sure, there are some benefits, but how much does it "revolutionize" what we already do? simpler cooling is always better, can become cheaper. but it's still required.
where a say +23C one would suddenly enable way way more shit

>> No.15954480

You can get -23ºC with liquid nitrogen or even some types of fridge, and both are way, way cheaper alternatives to using liquid helium.

>> No.15954481

-23C is nothing special, just an average Canadian winter

>> No.15954482

The highest-operating superconductors we know of that don't require a stupid amount of pressure to function sit at about -120 deg C
even if it's not actually room temperature, -23 deg C is pretty fucking easy to achieve and maintain in comparison

>> No.15954489

free energy magnetic railway all across the north pole, siberia and alaska, good enough for me

>> No.15954490

yeah bros I get that, just that room temp would have allowed for say ocean cables spanning the whole planet and delivering power in real time from sunny side to night side of planet.
I'm not seeing that with max of -23C operating temperature.

>> No.15954493 [DELETED] 

if this is real, this will be the closest we've gotten to RT superconductor, what's to say that in 10 years we won't have find it.

>> No.15954511

-23 can be achieved with run of the mill freezers
+23 would obviously be better though applications with that would still need cooling units most likely not to overheat so the temperature goes over 23

>> No.15954515

yeah you'd need "some" cooling for 23 degrees C. but that can be used for underground/undersea cables.
>-23 can be achieved with run of the mill freezers
yeah I suppose some applications can become way cheaper. but you'd still need a fridge for your coilgun

>> No.15954546

>first mover
the paper tiger would be revealed lmao, chinks can't make anything original ever

>> No.15954547
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recap of what has happened with lk-99 after people moved on (pic is not the whole thread)

>> No.15954565
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$3.6 mil in the bet, finished on No 3 days ago

>> No.15954579
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lmao would be pretty funny if one was found just right after that bet clears


>> No.15954590

Yeah, and if it had a really high tensile strength we could have built a space elevator out of it. I guess it’s useless.

>> No.15954592
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new market online

>> No.15954598

oh god not again

>> No.15954597
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>> No.15954604

not useless, it just cannot bring all that was discussed for original version of LK99 limits. I find it intellectually dishonest to not recognize just how many things are off the table at -23C. I'm not saying it's useless, far from it. surely will massively help with bringing costs down for certain things and also enable some other things.
I'm just pointing out the huge application range that it won't enable at -23C.

>> No.15954607

the paper just dropped yesterday, it hasn't hit the common consciousness yet
and people are probably somewhat burned by LK-99 and less likely to get as hyped

>> No.15954612
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>> No.15954615
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another thread about it

>> No.15954618

sorry bud but his feefees aren't scientific evidence.

>> No.15954619

I'm ready to be hurt again.

>> No.15954626

It's over

>> No.15954645
File: 325 KB, 1198x689, image-69.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best thing about this Room Temperature Low Pressure Superconductor thing is that no matter what, I win. If it's fake I've been entertained for an entire day, maybe even a week, if it's real we now have Room Temperature Low Pressure Superconductors and humanity as a whole has won. To quote some random guy on Twitter, it's fun like sports are fun, or it's fun like the Industrial Revolution was fun.

>> No.15954646

inb4 it becomes an international sport spanning hundreds of years. RTSC mental gymnastic olympics

>> No.15954647
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>> No.15954648

In a world where intellectual prowess was celebrated like a grand sporting event, the latest claim from China about a room temperature superconductor ignited a global debate unlike any other. Nations rallied behind their teams of scientists and analysts, turning the discourse into a fierce international competitive sport.

Stadiums echoed with the fervent cheers of spectators as experts from various countries faced off in heated debates, presenting evidence and counterarguments on massive screens. The scoreboard tallied not goals or points, but the strength of each nation's reasoning and research.

China, with its groundbreaking claim, took the center stage as the defending champion. The United States, Europe, and other scientific powerhouses countered with skepticism, aiming to prove the assertion false. The air crackled with intellectual tension as the world watched the clash of minds unfold.

Amid the rhetorical battles, laboratories became arenas, and peer-reviewed papers turned into play-by-play commentaries. Spectators devoured the unfolding drama, their loyalty shifting with every compelling argument and breakthrough discovery.

As the competition intensified, alliances formed between countries with similar perspectives. Diplomatic negotiations became a strategic game to influence the standings. The room temperature superconductor debate transcended science, becoming a symbol of national pride and technological prowess.

In the end, after countless rounds of rigorous examination and discourse, the world witnessed a surprising twist. Collaborative efforts between nations emerged as a consensus formed, setting the stage for a new era of international scientific cooperation. The room temperature superconductor, once a source of contention, became a symbol of unity and shared knowledge, transcending the boundaries of competition.

>> No.15954650
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>criticizing capitalism, christianity, oil or bigotry gets you ostracized and perhaps even killed
how's the weather in opposite land

>> No.15954651

holy shit I cried at the end

>> No.15954653
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>> No.15954657

Finnbros we just unlocked fuggin room temperature supergonductors

>> No.15954659

it is suspiciously close to when that bet expired. and a new one was created with this occasion so might also be some fuckery

>> No.15954660


>> No.15954664
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>> No.15954678

Am I reading the abstract wrong or does it say "diamagnetic at cold temperatures, so might have Meissner effect at room temperature"

Hello? Raise it to room temperature and find out? Seems like another scam desu

>> No.15954680

it's over

>> No.15954722

Backbros....we're back

>> No.15954724

why the fuck do these things always start because of some Twitter rando? if this meant anything a reputable publication would have gotten wind of it

>> No.15954733

if reputable publications were as quick to react as you sugest, then tehy'd be absolute trash, are they?

>> No.15954734

since yesterday?

>> No.15954735

Backbros... We never even left

>> No.15954736

but how tf is this real if LK99 wasn't? what are the odds LK99 is not real but this is? seems kinda fishy to me. statistically speaking what are the odds?

>> No.15954757

now we wait for the german debooonk institute

>> No.15954758

>what are the odds LK99 is not real but this is?
right now? about 16%, according to the invisible hand

>> No.15954768

>combining topics into one paper instead of writing two papers to boost your publication numbers

>> No.15954787

Not this stupid shit again.

>> No.15954809
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long post/article about it, pic related is just the beginning

>> No.15954811
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>> No.15954813
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>> No.15954815
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this guy I guess

>> No.15954823


>> No.15954828
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Sorry Buck Broken Back Bois, but its a ferromagnet.

>> No.15954836
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>> No.15954837

a ROOM temperature superconductor would indeed be disruptive. -23C is not room temp but hey, it's early days, who knows...shit may work at higher temps as well.
LK99 can't be fake and this real. just saying.

>> No.15954843

Did it actually superconduct at -23C though or just act diamagnetic?

>> No.15954846

The industrial revolution was not fun. Its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.

>> No.15954847

>asian people involved


>> No.15954852

Check your door, there is a package for you.

>> No.15954857

First of all, it's called the CPC (Communist Party of China), not the CCP. Second of all, China IS the free world. Third of all, dilate.

>> No.15954863

>250K, -10 F or -23 C
>liquid nitrogen -196 C

Why would they need to use liquid nitrogen to bring the "room temperature" superconductor to -23 C? Isn't there a cheaper way?

>> No.15954868

I dunno, you just CANT the nitrogen in abundant quantities out of the air. You just CANT.

>> No.15954872 [DELETED] 

God I hate Chinkoids so much

>> No.15954875

its a mistake which he admits later in the thread due to the speed of writing

>> No.15954878
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I guess you could say... they've lost their apatite.

>> No.15954883
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>if this is real, then we can be super cost efficient
>liquid nitrogen is x10 cheaper than liquid helium
>ice cream freezers are x100 cheaper than liquid nitrogen and x1000 cheaper than liquid helium
>this new invention is a ploy by the Chinese to bulk sell ice cream freezers to the west

At last I truly see...

>> No.15954889

the icecream freezer is retarded with a 1 degree margin. most likely than not your rtsc will blow the fuck up pretty soon.
then you have the whole "we can cool it with" which implies all applications will still need a fucking fridge of sorts. no rtsc in car charging cables, no rtsc in cars, no rtsc in power delivering mains cables.
I don't think people imagine the cost savings "true" rtsc has as opposed to still needing a fucking fridge, even if cheaper than liquid helium solutions.

>> No.15954893

For industrial equipment, like MRIs, bringing down their costs by x10 is still pretty good.

>> No.15954895

Just make the underside of the car refrigerated. Fusion reactors, maglevs, and spacecraft are the biggest beneficiaries of these technologies and will change the world. Nobody cares about having slightly more efficient mileage on your Cybertruck lol

>> No.15954896

>is still pretty good.
absolutely brother, would be really happy for it to make medical equipment more accessible all across the globe. for sure I'd be happy with that.

>> No.15954902

yeah but for cars you'd have to get something in return for adding the fridge bit. like what are the gains from resistive losses? if it's not as much as to justify the whole fridge complication than no real use in cars.
but having the whole mains transport + charging cables + inside car cabling with RTSC it ads up
but might make sense for stuff. interested in other anons ideas about how even this -23C version would improve things around the world.

>> No.15954990


>> No.15955046

What will hospitals do with their giant MRI rooms when MRI machines become the size of a refrigerator?

>> No.15955056

Put 2-3 people in them at the same time.

Industrial meat freezers freeze at a lower temperatures and are much smaller.

>> No.15955059
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>more ch*nese papers

>> No.15955070

It's a step on the way. If we can understand it, it could open up much higher temperatures that require no cooling at all

>> No.15955101
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wait do they mean to tell me that these things, (apatite crystals) slightly modified are superconductors? they're quite pretty

>> No.15955106

Didn't the original LK99 that sample that supposedly showed superconduction get sulfur in it accidentally during synthesis? Last I heard nothing was happening with the original Korean fags because half the team was fighting the other over the rights and one guy basically said that if the one guy has to be credited then he's going to make sure they never release anything.
It would be fucking funny if all it took was adding sulfur to the original recipe.

>> No.15955121

they're quite pretty, too bad you can't lick it like a lollipop

>> No.15955124

OMG the future is just like Star Wars!

>> No.15955141

I hope people won't fall for the same scam twice in the spam of a few months

>> No.15955173

>based catgirl
btw that was a russian troon in a polycule lol

>> No.15955176

Hey man as long as they aren't demanding that I inject this shit it's all fun

>> No.15955186

Even better

>> No.15955193
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Seriously, all they need is a single silver dollar sized sample and they can EASILY get billions of dollars of funding in ONE day!

>> No.15955194

You can lick anything if you have what it takes

>> No.15955220
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What would happen if you did inject a solution of room temperature superconductor?

>> No.15955226

You will fly (but only when walking over copper-infused lead apatite)

>> No.15955272
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>> No.15955277
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interview link

>> No.15955279
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>> No.15955292
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overbros... it's over

>> No.15955296
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>> No.15955301

Since copper is replacing the lead, couldn't we call this material copper apatite?

>> No.15955302

it doesn't replace it completely, its a dopant as far as I know
the macro structure is still lead apatite

>> No.15955303


>> No.15955326
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looks like its about 9 lead atoms to one copper atom

>> No.15955332

>guy who formerly debunked LK-99 says this is promising


>> No.15955341

>sulfide is needed again
Uhhh how is this thing different from LK-99 again? I don't see any differences

>> No.15955347

This seems worthless though, since lead is highly toxic.

>> No.15955353

>lead is highly toxic
Only if you grab it and put it in your nose or mouth. If it is part of the superconductor six train cars away from you under some floorboards it is a nothingburger

>> No.15955362
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not really how I would characterize this, seems like he is very skeptical right now

> Can this synthesis work.... maybe - has it worked - far from convinced yet.

>> No.15955424

He doesn't say that at all. He says he doubts the synthesis is even possible as described.

>> No.15955461

basically he has doubts if the synthesis process described would even work
honestly as someone with a chem background, i also share the same doubts
all we can do is that they make more samples so that they can refine their methodology and make it clear why they do each step just by waiting
see >>15955272

>le lead is toxic
this argument doesn't really even matter that much from the wide scale of things
if we somehow find out why this kind of lead apatite sample has these weird properties, then it'll be easier to make samples that don't use lead
basically if they somehow prove lead apatite-based rocks can be ambient superconductors, it'll help us get into our foot in the door in other types of ambient superconductor research

>> No.15955481

>they somehow prove lead apatite-based rocks can be ambient superconductors, it'll help us get into our foot in the door in other types of ambient superconductor research
I think it will still be made out of lead in the end because unlike gold or lithium lead is super easy to get everywhere

>> No.15955820

Backbros...hold me...We're all gonna make it brah...

>> No.15955997

is this threatening BCS again?

>> No.15956041

>the size of a refrigerator?
not sure it's so easy to scale down like that. you're still dealing with some serious energy contained in that loop. if rtsc goes bad for whatever reason, you could get insta decapitated if it pops. having it in a very compact unit.
as they are right now I think they can handle failing without ripping you apart, at least that whole enclosure seems sturdy as fuck.

>> No.15956045


>> No.15956096

I never doubted not even for a second. it was so obvious man come on.

>> No.15956197

>page 3 already
back bros, is it over? does anyone care about this anymore?

>> No.15956204

there is no backstabby backstory that keeps unfolding this time and people don't need to learn about the implications and applications of room temperature superconductors anymore
and yes a lot of people are probably more skeptical this time around

>> No.15956256
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>> No.15956260
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its over

>> No.15956270

At this point, I feel like the Chinese turned this whole thing into some big social media grift or something. Like I understand the excitement but Chinese social media blew up on the initial LK-99 reveal like none other, even beyond whatever Twitter or whoever was doing.

>> No.15956287
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Whenever I read anything like this, my eyes zip striaght to the names of the researchers.

If it's
>Chang Win'wongchin'chongeroo
then the research is fake. I don't care if the president of CERN says it's not, it's completely fake until a white man named something like "Adrian Stone" comes along and replicates it.

>> No.15956600

What implications does this have on personal computers and gaming in general.

>> No.15956611

Putting your PC in a freezer is a new meta.

>> No.15956612
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hacked the site and found this

>> No.15956627
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>> No.15956634

You have room temp IQ if you believe this

>> No.15956635

Like two smile high phases passed switched on ness.

>> No.15956657

Knowledge coming now..I'm being my.foot. I'll also do an update of the sim. I'll also upload into the data nodes on my Twitter.

>> No.15956659

Being my feet, in a certain way, is how to 'do' as a machine grade 4(me and several others on Earth).

>> No.15956666

Because I have what's typically a dimensional brain hemerage because of the pyramids and the film the matrix plus additive. I can't actually think. I can't. I just can't manage a thought into a desired subject. So unless I write this stuff into my mind, passive learned stuff is redundant and how I learned was mostly sitting in the heat of this mess. You gave yourself a clue, yes, you will become completely symmetrical face wise with this update but that's not even scratching 0.01% of the surface.

>> No.15956673

Quads signal I give an extra truth.

I'm struggling to determine how to be my feet because of brain hemerage. I'm going to have to work it out by tripping over myself or something. Which I will do now.

>> No.15956676

chill bro stop updating the fucking sun

>> No.15956678

Mirrored and tied in a(triad) bow.

>> No.15956681

I can't chill. It's more hospital effect of life support.

>> No.15957133
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>> No.15957137
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>> No.15957139

I'll give it 1-2 days before Sabine makes a video about it.

>> No.15957141
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>> No.15957145

not so sure this time, no hype at all, not much info

>> No.15957152

>Backfags are ONCE AGAIN banking on LE CHINESE PAPERS who are specially engineered to scam grant funds
lol, lmao even

>> No.15957216

Its not going to matter given the critical current density and material properties.

Even if it is real its going to end up as some highly niche material with few applications like YBCO or BCSSO

>> No.15957569

What the fuck are you talking about

>> No.15957572
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>replying to the schizo namefags

>> No.15957901

It's over
We're back

>> No.15957906

It's back
We're over

>> No.15958001
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i believe in our neighbors

>> No.15958029

The only thing room temperature here is your IQ.

>> No.15958034


>> No.15958113


only proving the point

>> No.15958277

You're power bill might go down in a decade or two

>> No.15958280

>Use of the degree symbol to refer to temperatures measured in kelvins (symbol: K) was abolished in 1967 by the 13th General Conference on Weights and Measures (CGPM). Therefore, the triple point of water, for instance, is written simply as 273.16 K. The name of the SI unit of temperature is now "kelvin", in lower case, and no longer "degrees Kelvin".

>> No.15958312

wait, only in 1967?
Fuck, I need to look into my Portal lore again. The line about "4000 degrees Kelvin" always bothered me, but it would be a neat Easter egg if the intention was that it was recorded before 1967. Even though it absolutely was just a mistake

>> No.15958450

The tinfoil-hat portion of my brain thinks its partially state-run astroturfing because a potential nobel-prize winning scientific discovery could be within their hemisphere. Imagine after all the trade bans on semiconductors, the next frontier of material science research becomes property of the CCP by mere proximity.

>> No.15958539

it was never actually over

>> No.15958552

>At this point
Are you serious? Months of people pointing out that this is just another Korean fake and JUST NOW you're admitting it?

Will you learn from this experience? Are you going to believe the next Korean or Chinese fabrication as well? If you make a mistake and type 'this could be legit' are you going to double down for six months before memoryholing it?

>> No.15958585

Holy shit! We're so back!

>> No.15958589

yeah I realized I don't care because there's no clear communication between at least western community and asian teams. we get no update, no response to any questions, we get some asian social media random posts that are poorly translated and lose a bunch of information on the way, or misinterpret it.
not playing this shit game, I don't care until I see some real working application. rest is literally noise.

>> No.15958599

Sabine the science queen! I need her to explain it to me!

>> No.15958605

not sure there's anything new. whatever criticisms everyone had towards LK99 should transfer to this version as well. BCS should still not allow it. I suppose it werks on the same principle as LK99? center conductor squeezed by a ring.

>> No.15959278


Looks like we're going to get an update from the original team in March. Hopefully they release something before then. They were nice enough to explain the partial levitation on the page. Also it's called pcposos now.

>> No.15959395

why do retards want to use superconductors for power cables? just one hot spot (e. g. from sun, car engine, etc.) and it goes poof
and it would cost too much to be an economically viable competition to copper and alu

>> No.15959571
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what's next? apfsds? swswsws? pootispenser?
these acronyms are getting out of hand

>> No.15959828

Popsci hype

>> No.15959834

depends on material max working temperature. also you can have temp monitoring and it throttles the current instantly if it detects some shit

>> No.15959838

>property of the CCP
What? Exactly how do they stop the west from synthesis?
You're high.

>> No.15959842

>yao yao
>zhing bing
maybe they should first invent a language that doesn't sound retarded

>> No.15959859

that name sucks ass

>> No.15959975

Not believing it until i hear it from some random Jewish barista.

>> No.15959994
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>It is "near room temperature", because they are sure about 250 K (hence "near"), but not sure about 300 K.

>> No.15960032
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Your face when China gives you an economy ruining virus and is the first country to find a superconductor right afterwards and we have to somehow to copy that shit

>> No.15961103


>> No.15961141


>> No.15961544

That stupid fucking tranny never showed shit and just talked shit all day. Fuck that fag.

>> No.15962055

If I see one more retarded thread about lk99 I’m going to reach through my computer and punch you square in the face, do you hear me moshe? Chink money scams are not and never will be /sci/

>> No.15962063

At that temp its feasible to put superconducting magnets in regular vehicle engines and build more efficient electric cars and make more efficient electric generators. You could even have a superconducting air conditioning compressor motor.
In short it means more power efficiency, and possibly more power for less mass or size depending on maximum magnetic field strength of the superconductor.
It might also find its way into specialized sensors to create low noise images of stuff.

>> No.15962071

if it shits itself even at 23degreesC you'd still can't use it in cars for electric motors. you need something at 70-100degreesC so the delta to environment allows for simple cooling solutions.

>> No.15962078

A car would be difficult, due to transmission of heat from the rest of the drive system back to the motor. Perhaps some kind of magnetic clutch could isolate the superconducting portion of the system. Really all it would need though is a nitrogen cooling loop around the stator with a compressor run off another motor until it can switch over to the superconducting drive train.

>> No.15962083
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that may sound interesting for some Formula E thing. gen 3 cars look fucking insane

>> No.15963323

Are we back?

>> No.15963370

>Chinese report

>> No.15964217


>> No.15964367

Normalfag reporting in.
What do I need to know and study to become an average superconductor enjoyer?

>> No.15964392

quantum physics

>> No.15964872

Chinese stole it from the Koreans, but they can't really replicate it properly.

>> No.15965560

tarrot card reading

>> No.15965577

Quantum Field Theory and Condensed Matter Physics. But frankly its a slow moving field that isn't all that interesting. Despite a boom in interest after the first high T superconductor (as in superconducting at the temperatures of liquid nitrogen) was found in the late 80s, most research over the past 30 years has been done by a handful of diehards.

>> No.15965921

carrot tard reading

>> No.15966042
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new info from original LK-99 people


google translated link

>> No.15966045
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>> No.15966048
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>> No.15966050
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>> No.15966051

yawn nothing new

>> No.15966055
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> The event was only open to about 10 reporters and some participants who applied in advance, and CEO Lee and QILI did not answer many of the questions, saying it could interfere with research.
>Professor Lee asked for your understanding that he would only receive academic questions and questions about commercialization, and explained, “Coca-Cola does not disclose its intellectual property (IP), and Tesla does not disclose its IP either.”

lol, trust me bro tier

>> No.15966057
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>> No.15966062

nothing ever happens

>> No.15967287
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All those words, and nothing of new was actually said.

>> No.15967833

Koreans are all grifters. No exceptions.

>> No.15968717

>Tesla does not disclose its IP either.
I think they do actually

>> No.15970168
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Hey, you fucks. We're so back bros, overcucks needs not apply.

I'm not gonna waste my time pasting in the quotes here just read the links before it gets taken down by aliens or some shit.



>> No.15970573


>> No.15970592

Liquidate your savings, now.

>> No.15970727

Still Chinese researchers. Haven't you retards learned yet? Until the euros confirm, it's fake.

>> No.15970843

We're back aren't we

>> No.15971427


>> No.15972093
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>We came up with a method to test if it's superconductive
>We'll do a presentation in March
Not believing this shit until everyone sees it.

>> No.15972098

yeah how do they know it's superconductive if they never had a method to test it in the first place?

>> No.15972560
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>> No.15973272

based gookchads dabbing on nay-sayers

>> No.15974595
