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File: 62 KB, 699x921, what-am-i-going-crazy-v0-z4v0w29ec1ac1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15953758 No.15953758 [Reply] [Original]

Statistically, are there any pirebloods left? Everyone I know either got the vaccine, or got covid, many got both.

>> No.15953844

Sitting next to a vaxxie already invalidates your pureblood status. You are inhaling shedded spike proteins and RNA.

>> No.15953942

97.5% of people in my country are jabboids. That’s the official number. In the bigger city centres, it’s more like 99%.

I know of one (1) other person apart from me out of the few hundred people I know in real life who didn’t cave.

>> No.15953952
File: 140 KB, 1000x1000, SALK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jonas Salk writes in this book in 1973 that you can insert heritable genetics into people via vaccine or virus.

>> No.15953988

no one has even proved the stupid viruses even exist

>> No.15954380

I can prove that you're not taking your meds though.

>> No.15954473

I can prove you have a vagina.

>> No.15954492

majority of people got placebo and or "expired" / damaged batches. you had to store the material in like minus 50 otherwise the nano liptids would just melt into harmless mush.

So yeah, most people are still pureblood. Could you imagine the shit storm what would follow if all people got the real undamaged doses? It would make france revolution look like peaceful demonstration in comparsion.

Most people who got the real dose are already dead or have severe long lasting medical issues (now labelled "long covid lmao") so it is very easy to tell who isnt pure blood.

>> No.15954496

>Years pass and vaxxies don't die off like what anti-vaxxers say was going to happen
>"Most people didn't get a real dose, that's why no one died"
Lmao cope harder

>> No.15954507

this is my first time on 4chan and i think this is the only replies section on any social media site i have seen where the antivaxxers outnumber the normal ones, this place is scary man

>> No.15954512

Do incels seriously think they're suddenly going to become desirable because of their unvaxxed blood? Also it's 2024. No one cares.

>> No.15954513

Well, this is one of the few places where there are literally zero consequences for lying

>> No.15954529

One of the only places where pfizers data on the vaccine preliminary study was available that showed it was more deadly than covid. That's should scare you.

>> No.15954541

a neovagina

>> No.15954593
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>> No.15954600
File: 131 KB, 448x603, doit.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get two covid boosters in each arm right now and fuck off.

>> No.15954606
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LMAO, cattle gets slaughtered after milking them dry.

>> No.15954727
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how do you find out is a woman is pureblood before wasting your time on her?

>> No.15954744

Try to eat her shit. If you get sick she wasn't pureblood.

>> No.15954854

Nope, I was going to specify lol. Guess I should have. That is genuine 100% homegrown foid. They've been invading the site for the past month or so along with a bunch of random European countries and india. I'm guessing the election tourism has begun and the shill funds are being disbursed.

>> No.15954856

Let me translate this foid's idiocy:

"4chan is not a hyper-modded nanny state, which is the only environment in which women like myself can exist and spread state propaganda because any free speech deletes CIA HQ with fire."

>> No.15954861

You do realize the opinion on this site is trending towards getting rid of women entirely and replacing them with artificial wombs and sexbots, right?

>> No.15955068

You do realise that "the opinion on this site" is literally, and I mean that word in its original meaning, the opinion of a handful unwashed pedophile NEETs who watch too much anime?

>> No.15955081

I don't see how that relates to my post but good for them if a human-shaped fleshlight makes them happy

>> No.15955090

The opinion on this site is that global warming isn't real and that the covid vaccine is both ineffective and extremely lethal at the same time. Two more weeks and we'll start dropping like flies. If you were anything but a newfag, you'd notice that "the opinion on this site" is a good indicator for mental illness and nothing else.

>> No.15955102

imagine how scared you will be when you realize most things on this shithole are true

>> No.15955118

So which is it? 4chan is free from propaganda, but also you've noticed an influx of shills (i.e. people who correct you on something)? You probably don't even realise the contradiction, huh

>> No.15955164

And yet, amazingly, you are wrong on both counts. 4chan has zero barriers for entry, and as I pointed out, zero consequences for lying. Of course it's absolutely riddled with propaganda from every intelligence agency under the sun. They'd be stupid not to push their shit here.
At the same time, that doesn't mean everyone who disagrees with you is a propagandist or a "foid". On the contrary, they're probably the ones agreeing with you. You've already demonstrated you're terrible at distinguishing between them and are riddled with biases. The perfect mark. Why would they come here to argue with you like a regular person, when they can just pretend to be on your side and make you parrot the wildest shit?

>> No.15955214

>zero consequences for lying
the bigger part is that there are zero consequences for exposing a truth someone doesn't want you to know.
So instead of hiring someone you come and beat me up for explaining how say a certain executive made billions by promoting their vaccines I can instead share what I know with others interested in the topic

>> No.15955225

>the bigger part is that there are zero consequences for exposing a truth someone doesn't want you to know.
And where did you acquire this "truth" to begin with? In the company of notorious liars, CIA spooks, unmedicated schizophrenics, and outspoken nazis, perhaps? I'd personally be a little wary of that. You're not making the mistake of thinking that anything people don't want you to say must necessarily be a truth, are you?

I also haven't really heard of any of the people who are loudly proclaiming anti-vax shit on cable TV getting beaten up by Big Pharma's hired thugs so methinks you're being just a tad dramatic there.

>> No.15955264
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>> No.15955266
File: 929 KB, 200x133, Guy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: Women seethe.

>> No.15955370

Holy shit can I spike my spunk with designer genes?? Finna bust das ubermenschen all up in every bit of clunge in sight