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15951826 No.15951826 [Reply] [Original]

>"The speed of light is a constant because... IT JUST IS, OKAY?"

>> No.15951829

>The speed of light is a constant
It's not
light travels with different speeds in various mediums.

>> No.15951832

Op is clearly referring to the speed of light in a vacuum

>> No.15951833

if we can change the speed of light or slow it down, we could become a black hole in the universe and nobody will invade this solar system

>> No.15951840

that only makes it an even more ridiculous and absurd and non-disprovable claim. vacuum does not exist anywhere in this universe. non-disprovable claims are not science.

>> No.15951855

>The critical density for the Universe is approximately 10 -26 kg/m 3 (or 10 hydrogen atoms per cubic metre)
it kinda is a vacuum between those 10 atoms in a cubic meter.

>> No.15951872
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>the speed of light is a constant because ... it can be derived from Maxwell's equations as c = (mu_0 epsilon_0)^-1/2

>> No.15951999

There is no such thing as a vacuum.

>> No.15952002
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It's only a "vacuum" when you have nothing else to compare it to.

>> No.15952006
File: 1.32 MB, 3843x3127, 1704149306125820.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>don't do
>that, do

>> No.15952023

cool science fiction bro, add white dwarfs to that, and string theory and make a movie

>> No.15952062

>scale invariance
>made of light
same reasoning for why 2 is 2

>> No.15952065

yeah but that's like the closest to "nothing". got anything even closer to nothing?

>> No.15952116

>one constant is defined by two other constants

>> No.15953235

Akshually....light does travel at the same speed regardless of the medium. What happens in say water where light travels over a given distance slower than that same distance in a vacuum is that the light in water is being absorbed and emitted as it comes into contact with particles in the water. The absorbing/emitting takes time to occur which is the apparent loss in speed, but each emission is still at the speed of light.

>> No.15953309


>> No.15953323

Absolute state of (You)

>> No.15953338

>In exotic materials like Bose–Einstein condensates near absolute zero, the effective speed of light may be only a few metres per second. However, this represents absorption and re-radiation delay between atoms, as do all slower-than-c speeds in material substances

>> No.15953387
File: 24 KB, 775x1127, wikifaggot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

using wikipedia is confessing that you have no idea what you're talking about

>> No.15953410

>Is it possible to slow light down?
>The short answer is No. Einstein's theory of special relativity is based on the idea that the speed of light is always constant. However, we CAN make it take longer for light to travel a set distance
>When light enters a material, photons are absorbed by the atoms in that material, increasing the energy of the atom. The atom will then lose energy after some tiny fraction of time, emitting a photon in the process. This photon, which is identical to the first, travels at the speed of light until it is absorbed by another atom and the process repeats
maybe you're joking. I don't know. I don't know much of anything. But I know that in this case re: light-speed, you're mistooken

>> No.15953424

Not taking into account the underlying energy field permeating the entire universe

>> No.15953450

>take longer for light to travel a set distance
hmmm, i wonder what this means...

>> No.15953466

It means the light's average speed over some distance including when it's absorbed and not its instantaneous speed which is the speed it actually travels at when it's moving independently

>> No.15953470
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>> No.15953487

So you think light travels through the water with a speed that is a fraction of c, but if you calculate the instantaneous speed of the same light that travels through water, you'd get c?

>> No.15953492

>if you calculate the instantaneous speed
if you calculate the instantaneous speed at any point in time*

>> No.15953539

The speed through the water over some distance includes absorptions and emissions of the photons as they interact with the particles during the journey. It's basically constantly stopping and starting again. But if you measure the speed of the light when it's not absorbed and is actually progressing through the medium it would be c.

Like if you caught a bus from A to B, then stopped, then started again and went to C, you wouldn't include the time the bus was stopped if someone asked you how many m/s does the bus travel. If they ask the total time from A to C in m/s then that would be the bus's average speed for the entire journey but not necessarily the speed that a bus travels at when moving

>> No.15953544

Einstein wasn't the first one to say this, anyhow. OP is a troon pseud.

>> No.15953574
File: 696 KB, 1280x1036, walther russel light propagation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This thread again

It's an induction, not a speed

>> No.15953658


Referring to c as the "speed of light" telegraphs that you are a midwit.
It's just a metaphore, but not a very good one.
Feel free to look down your nose at anyone who mixes up the concepts.

>> No.15953663

>"The Special Theory of Relativity
>By A. Einstein, 1905
>1. The speed of light (c) is a constant;
>2. There are no universal or preferred frames of reference.

>> No.15953679
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Just think about trains until you "get it", dumb dumb. It's not THAT hard

>> No.15953681

>if I contradict wikipedia I must be correct!