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File: 196 KB, 1080x1116, Link between education and cognitive ability.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15948890 No.15948890 [Reply] [Original]

It's official: "Educated" doesn't automatically = "smart" anymore.

Link to study: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-023-44605-6

>> No.15948893

>degreelet cope

>> No.15948898

I mean, yeah, have you talked to some recently graduated person? Dumb as rocks, i'll tell you.

>> No.15948927

The measure of educational attainment is "years of schooling at age 30" rather than specific qualifications (bachelor's etc). There are some obvious problems with this. idk about Norway, but at least in my country various changes in recent decades would break that connection.

Example 1: More technical/vocational colleges (or just newer universities with easier courses and laxer entry requirements), allowing someone with average intelligence to stay in education for the same number of years or more as someone studying harder degrees.
Example 2: More part-time/online options allowing people who had the potential but didn't go to uni to have the opportunity to catch up later (and also making it harder to say what counts as a year of schooling).
Example 3: If someone fails and repeats a year, does that count as another year of schooling for the purposes of this model?

I'd like to see correlation with different measures. I'd bet the link between intelligence and STEM bachelor's/master's attainment is far stronger, for example.

>> No.15949011

>"Educated" doesn't automatically = "smart" anymore

>> No.15949030

A lot of students, especially the left leaning ones, tend to stay and stay in schooling, often without completing their degrees. You can see this in some of the left leaning politicians too. They have "studies in" various topics but that term masks that tey have not graduated.

And that explains why they "measure" by years of schooling rather than degrees achieved.


>> No.15950013
File: 148 KB, 1488x1488, school makes you dumb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

being in school for a long time before you're able to graduate to the adult world and support yourself means you're stupid. intelligent people don't need to stay in school like a child until they're 30 years old. smart people can figure out how to support themselves when they're still a teenager

>> No.15950018

It never meant that. Much like immigration, education had a huge self-selection component for all of history. Modernly, wholesale mass-distributed plug-and-chug standardized faggotry significantly impacts everything. Like immigration, shitbirds running the asylum. Autists beware, schools are zoos: ignore teachers -study books, originals, earliest available.

>> No.15950022

It's always funny when people are surprised some tech guru or video game dev or musician started when they were 14 or so. While the vast majority of the population is forced to sit in endless lectures about some ultimately irrelevant conceptual topic, the people who end up innovating are working on their personal projects.

>> No.15950151

>things can change
damn... almost like only unintelligent people thought otherwise

>> No.15950154

Obviously. Education selects for the intelligent when there is no pressure to be educated. When education is de facto mandated by being tied to careers and other aspects of social success, it means less inclined people attend and bring the average down.

>> No.15950159

Education = marxist propaganda

Thats the link they should be exploring lmao

>> No.15950172

If you are below 145 IQ 15sd you are not intelligent. If you are above 145 IQ 15sd it is not guaranteed you are wise.

>> No.15950187

IQ determines how educated you can get, education has no effect on IQ whatsoever, at least education pass the point your brain's neuroplasticity is no longer a factor like say teenhood and above.

>> No.15950216
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>book learning queer status: BTFO
now I'm just a humble country boy but my papa done tell me that these book learning FAGS never knew how to rub two brain cells together without first hearing how to do it from an authority figure.

I can already hear the response

well, if you want a REAL education sonny boy, read old books and learn to work with your hands. that'll learn ya somethin that'll last ya a lifetime.

>> No.15950224
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>> No.15951134

>While the vast majority of the population is forced to sit in endless lectures about
the holocaust. I had more classes about the holocaust in high school than I did about American history, total waste of time, I'd have been better off dropping out

>> No.15951969 [DELETED] 

education and cognitive ability are link, but not how everyone seems to presume they are. dumb people need to stay as schoolchildren longer than smart people do before they're able to graduate to adult life.

>> No.15952097

It required Norwegians to prove this

>> No.15952101

I can see gifted Magnus now, sperging out because some organization says he doesn't have enough pieces of papers to attend

This hurts the Magnus

>> No.15952218
File: 1.43 MB, 2048x1175, IMG_1097.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was always the case.

Even a dumbass can repeat rocket science if their memory is good enough.

There are brilliant mathematicians in China that still worship Mao.

>> No.15952373

When education becomes a mockery of itself and gets reduced to "memorizing" random crap, how can one expect any sort of cognitive ability?
Education should focus more on how to use the knowledge you acquire. The brain literally evolved to discard useless information.

True intellect is the ability to exploit knowledge, not just becoming a human calculator or a walking trivia wiki.
Recognizing problems and finding solutions is what reinforces cognitive abilities.

>> No.15952386

official education is more about obedience than Intelligence

that's why women generally do better in college, but worse when working.

>> No.15953238

This. Seen so many numbnuts graduate fancy degrees so much it's not even fun anymore.

>> No.15953283

It depends what you are educated in, STEM is the gold standard

>> No.15953298

It's because the study includes humanities degrees dumbfuck

>> No.15953367

So did anyone of you actually read the paper, or at least the treatment?

It's pretty simple. Over the last 50 years more jobs required an education instead of training people in house which led to more people being forced to get advanced degrees. Also because there's a diversity of degrees there isn't a focus on only the high intelligence degrees such as physics or chemistry which causes overall cognitive ability to decline in graduates. Not because people are dumber, but because more people are getting more diverse degrees for a job market that increasingly demands them.

I wish you idiots actually read what you post instead of posting something and spouting off garbage.

>> No.15953386

Obviously not, OP. Back in college I failed around 10 courses but my teachers didnt want to bother with the bureaucracy and gave me minimum aprobatory grade instead. This happened to my classmates too multiple times.

>> No.15953639

Did we really need a study to “find” something so self-evident?
Studying whether engineering graduates are smarter or dumber compared to 50 years ago wold actually have been enlightening

>> No.15953703

Whatever reason they had for why they did the study that was the conclusion. Why so many people fell for this idea that people are dumber now than in the past is simply because they failed to actually read the paper and jumped to conclusions they wanted to reach.

Really shows how stupid /sci/ is though.

>> No.15953723
File: 50 KB, 576x747, quackademia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15953937

What state or country are you from? I'm in the southern US and we touched on the holocaust a few times during history but for us it the civil war that was mostly harped on. Gotta always hear about muh slavery at least a couple times a year, but I'd say the history teachers I had weren't that bad.

>> No.15954874

>muh meme degrees

>> No.15954995

What this probably means:
>Due to the rising costs of living and prohibitive tuition costs, many intelligent people choose to forego higher education
What people are going to interpret it as:
>Them edumacated folks are being dumbed down by woke universities

>> No.15955009
File: 356 KB, 610x800, 1634422962704.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's because of the constant dumbing down of the education system.

>> No.15955011

no fucking shit, moron

>> No.15955061

Does the seething help you cope or do you cope and seethe independently?

>> No.15955251

Hey, they still have better jobs and nicer lives than I do.
>B-b-but at least I've read Nietzsche

>> No.15955267

this all happened because of the technology boom forced education standards to be lowered
prove me wrong

>> No.15955815

the government doesn't want educated citizens, they consider that threatening, they want morons that are easily mislead and are too dumb to resist the goals of the government which hates them.

>> No.15957309

you have no evidence, you'd have evidence if you weren't wrong

>> No.15957338

The disgenic effect of education dropping the fertility are thousand of time higher than inteligence and fertility relation.

So yes, people inclined to education will fall faster than the inteligent ones, thank god.

>> No.15957357 [DELETED] 

When they say "education," they probably mean "highest degree attained," and the result is probably stated as "highest degree attained is not as linked to education as it used to be."

>> No.15957363

Never did

Low IQ persons are less happy than high IQ persons. That's on top of being less of a person.

>> No.15957486

reddit has arrived

>> No.15958942

>Never did
this, thats why the wright brothers invented the airplane without even having a high school degree while the fags from harvard who were trying to pull off the same trick for far longer that the wrights were at it failed miserably

>> No.15959427

I think that education is primarily responsible for dumbing down of society. It allows retards to compensate by the wealth of explicit knowledge that it hands down to them.

>> No.15960900

>That's on top of being less of a person.
nice cope, you assign yourself imaginary status as intelligent only as a means of justifying your laziness and unproductive selfish lifestyle