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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15948845 No.15948845[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

how come the vaccine didn't protect her? wasn't that why she got vaccinated to begin with?

>> No.15948851

words don't mean anything anymore. it's all in the subtext. "you get the idea" anon. pretend you didn't have breakfast

>> No.15948876

>she died
that means it's working

>> No.15948925

I was unvaccinated and got covid from a friend who just had his 3rd jab. Maybe I should contact cnn I’m sure they’ll run my story on the front page too

>> No.15949000

I'm glad she's dead.

>> No.15949003

postmodernist/communist post truth world

>> No.15949126

Has anyone checked if the story is true or just made up whole cloth by media?

>> No.15949129 [DELETED] 

>how come the vaccine didn't protect her?
Because antivaxxers didn't get vaxxed. A vaccine only works when everyone gets it.

>> No.15949133

>A vaccine only works when everyone gets it.
how tho? say everyone BUT some dude get the vaxx. what is the mechanism through which the vaccine doesn't work if that single dude refuses to take it?

>> No.15949193

The CNN story https://www.cnn.com/2021/09/15/us/illinois-family-vaccine-obit/index.html

>> No.15949197
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Maybe if her husband wore his mask tighter, the vaccine would have worked. At the very least, he should be charged with involuntary manslaughter.

>> No.15949203
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> A vaccine only works when everyone gets it
The wonders of modern medicine.

>> No.15949205

I guess that's why they only marketed the monkeypox vaccine to msm and troons. Or the flu vaccines to elderly, very young, and immune compromised.

>> No.15949218

Why did monkey pox only infect gay men, children, and dogs? Scientifically speaking.

>> No.15949273

Her immune system must have been shit then. She deserved her fate.

>> No.15949359

Because it is not 100% effective, dipshit. Some people are just way more susceptible to it that even greatly increased odds in their favour don't help.

>> No.15949390

Herd immunity.

>> No.15949975

Every person is simply a warm wet place for any pathogen to do practice runs. There are too many people. This is only the begining.

>> No.15950811


>> No.15950841
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The vaccine only protects corporation profits and the immunity is against lawsuits from people damaged by that poison.
Don't post ever again anything that comes from cnn, there is nothing there but disinformation.

>> No.15950843

no refunds

>> No.15950848

What depressess me is that I and others have been explaining this for almost 4 years now.
It's hard to get a sense of feedback whether our efforts paid off or not

>> No.15950852 [DELETED] 


>> No.15950854
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Smooth as butter.

>> No.15951263

Happy new year.

>> No.15951334

mods autosaged this thread?

>> No.15951342

No, seems not, I think someone is churning the catalog to remove certain threads, page 10 is full of threads replied to 5 hours ago which iss weirdly short

>> No.15951955
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>> No.15951961

Doesn't matter, don't stop.

>> No.15952365

A vaccine simply gives your immune system the tools to deal with something it doesn't know how to deal with.
The immune system still has to do the work, and to make it worse, viruses with such high infectivity will mutate very fast reducing the benefits of the vaccine.

Fortunately COVID19 mutated to a milder form and is now no longer the problem it was at the very beginning.
As you may notice, hospitals no longer are about to collapse, and much fewer people are keeling over.

In this specifical the vaccine true value was simply a mean to slow down the brunt at the beginning.
It was already clear that it wasn't possible to stop COVID19, it being highly contagious and not lethal enough.

Had it been more lethal, it would've spread less, mutated less, and the vaccine might have had a much higher value.
Had it been less contagious, there wouldn't have been the need for a vaccine in the first place.

>> No.15952370

such a wonderful vaccine that doesn't stop you from getting it and doesn't stop you from spreading it

what's the point?

>> No.15952380

>the vaccine only works for people with retarded immune systems

>> No.15952387

Unless you're immunodepressed, there's no point today for a COVID vaccine, we've all already got in contact with the virus multiple times and our immune systems are well acquainted with the current variants.

Flu shots for old dying people.have always been a thing long before COVID.

lmao, fuck am I watching?

>> No.15952396
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>> No.15952486

>Herd immunity.

LOL, it's 2024. Vaccine messiah Bill Gates and Pfizer officials admitted long ago now that the mRNA shots don't cause immunity, they just suppose to make symptoms less overall, and that protection only lasts so long before another booster is needed.

>> No.15953621

>they just suppose to make symptoms less overall
how are they supposed to be able to demonstrate that without access to an alternate universe where the vaxxxie was unvax'd?

>> No.15953631

Obviously vaccines are less effective in people who have an autoimmune disease. For a non immunocompromised person the people around you don't need to be vaccinated.

>> No.15953704

>gay men, children, and dogs
Really activates the peanut.

>> No.15953722

>Flu shots for old dying people.have always been a thing long before COVID.
they have never been effective, if they were then old people would have stopped dying of flu related illnesses when flu vaccines first started to become commonplace around the start of this century, but there has been no decrease in flu related deaths whatsoever since flu vaccines became common.

>> No.15953726
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no refunds vaxxies

>> No.15953793

Study where they compare 1,000s of vaccinated covid hospital patients to 1,000s of unvaccinated ones:


So they went from the marketing campaign of "if you get the effective shot you can't get sick man" to "well you can still end up in the hospital and die, but the vaccinated patients tend to do better, ignoring side effects anyways." Early data said patients with lower vitamin d levels did worse also, but people were demonized for going on shows like Joe Rogan and pointing that out, and the importance of things like healthy body weights and immune systems became "conspiracy theory."

>> No.15953805

You might be right, but it could also be that very few old people bother get a shot, or they are too close death's door for any of that to matter.

Generic flu vaccines are mostly a joke for the same problem with COVID, they just mutate too damn fast.
By the time a vaccine is made, there will be another variant running around.

>> No.15953807


NPC detected

>> No.15953830

Unlike a NPC, and some so called "experts" on TV, I correctly predicted the evolution of the COVID drama.

The whole point of the rushed vaccine was relieving the pressure on hospitals. No other reason.
It was never a cure. It was never meant to prevent. It was only meant to slow down the problem.

NPC retards who started screeching prematurely are at fault for having enabled the other retards to push unnecessary numbers of boosters and worse, having children forced to take shots, which I don't agree.

I warned from day one that screechers should have held their bullets for when it mattered.
But no, they had to monkey like fucking retards, lost validity to their complaints early on for absolutely nothing, because something had to be done to slow down the initial brunt.

Given enough time, it was more than expected the virus would mutated to a weaker strain. All they had to do was suck it up, use masks to minimize the spread as much as possible.
Yes, even if the shitty surgical mask mostly protect others rather than yourself. Other more effective kinds of masks were simply not viable to distribute on a large scale.

I blame "experts" for spreading utterly retarded claims and confusing people.
It's not acceptable that one random anon from 4chan, who doesn't even work in the field, was better informed by a whole magnitude.

>> No.15953833
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I notice objectivity

>> No.15953835

schizo kino

>> No.15953862


>> No.15953880

>It mutated to a milder one
We were quite lucky for that because vaccinating at the infection peak means selecting for deadlier ones.

>> No.15953968

That question is antisemitic

>> No.15953972

>The whole point of the rushed vaccine was relieving the pressure on hospitals.

Wouldn't have happened if big money wasn't being made. Moderna CEO went from a millionaire to worth $4 billion.


>> No.15954163

seriously this board has fallen the hardest in the last 10y

>> No.15954608

Glad such weak faggots die out.

>> No.15955642

The question answers itself anon

>> No.15955658

>I hate /sci/
so go somewhere else, you won't be missed, you don't contribute anything decent to this board. the fact that you hate the content on a board that you contribute to proves that you suck at posting.

>> No.15956948


>> No.15957083

>strength is who can get pozzed the most
It's so funny when you types pretend you are men.

>let me be uncheckedly wrong

>> No.15957260

>you types
I'm not an amerimutt, so no, I'm not that "type". I'm just glad mutts keep dying.

>> No.15957480

t. not a vaccine

>> No.15957571

Didn't assume, didn't care where your from. Ain't seen that asbestos out mine where the russian "men" won't wear PPE cause the are so "strong"? There are idiots everywhere.