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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15947713 No.15947713[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>visit /sci/
>its just /pol/ 2.0

>> No.15947715

it isn't, go back to /pol/

>> No.15947717

>visit /pol/
>it's just /sci/ 2.0

>> No.15947719

it's worse /pol/ has rules and people get banned for breaking them /sci/ jannies don't do shit

>> No.15947720

It will become /pol/ 2.0 if you let it
Try posting actual discussion

>> No.15947725

nope jannies won't even enforce the "no trolling" rule. Not OP but I will start posting relevant science threads when jannies start doing their fucking jobs.

>> No.15947739

We all know you're never gonna post "relevant science threads". Not because of the jannies but because you are intellectually unqualified and psychologically unwilling. Making retarded meta whining shitposts seems to be much more enjoyable to you.

>> No.15947744
File: 73 KB, 220x123, lol.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We get it your dick is small but I can't find where I'm supposed to care

>> No.15947759

You seem to care a lot about my dick.

>> No.15947766

Well yeah it's so rare to see dick energy so small it's an "innie" so y'know scientific curiosity. Usually people dumb as you have enough sense of self to be embarrassed and shut the up fuck about it but here you are screaming it for everyone to witness.

What can I say? Fascinating to watch.

>> No.15947771

Reality has a well known extremist far right bias

>> No.15947772

>meta thread, perfect opportunity to discuss the matters pertinent to the current state of the board so that a solution can be applied
>degenerates into discussiks0r4on about anon's dick.

>> No.15947773

every board has this exact exchange, with a different amusement park theme on each one

>> No.15947775

I wish my dick was smaller. Not because it's too big. It's actually average size. But I wish I could enjoy small penis humiliation. It's a fetish completely unaccessible to me because the prerequisite of having a small penis just doesn't apply to me.

>> No.15947777

truth hurts don't it

>> No.15947779

Funnily enough exactly proves my point about why "just post more science" is a retarded answer to the lack of rule enforcement by live demonstration. You're welcome.

>> No.15947785

I swear when I opened the thread for the first time 5 minutes ago it was a post by Barkun and not by bodhi. What the fuck is this? Hyperaccelerated Mandela effect?

>> No.15947792
File: 64 KB, 323x393, Neuralizer1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah it was bodhi I had the tab open the whole time. Unless I've been memory wiped too?

>> No.15947798

This happens quite often recently. I'm reading a text, see some word, then later return to the paragraph and the word suddenly disappeared or has been swapped for another word. It's as if I'm observing the world in superposition and then suddenly the wave function collapses.

>> No.15947800

It really isn't. There is a lot of /pol/ spam, that's true, but this board has a distinct identity and still retains some of its original population that was here before the invasion. You do need to filter a lot of threads.

>> No.15947803

>Usually people dumb as you have enough sense of self to be embarrassed and shut the up fuck about it but here you are screaming it for everyone to witness
Kek, the irony

>> No.15947805

bruh we're reduced to filtering everything but /sqt and /mg/ with the exception of a random autism thread over some unsolved problem that magically gets a couple genuinely interested people to comment. Other than that it's 99.9% /xpol/

>> No.15947812

why isn't it /math/ and instead it's called /sci/ I wonder

>> No.15947814

>come from /pol/ to /sci/
>it's more racist

>> No.15947820

Yeah and when people try to make bio or other threads they're invaded and shitposted to death by retards and trolls because jannies don't do their jobs.

>> No.15947823


Ive been thinking lately making a new website. To post you'll need to solve an integral or some math problem. Maybe only once every 7 days or something. But it needs to be general enough that its accesible to anyone with basic education but also not so easy that its easy to google or plug into a calculator. Thoughts on this? The other approach i consider is some sort of g-loaded battery required before posting. But it needs anonymity and also not to be too much of a hassle.

Essentially, what I desire is some method to filter brainlet out, without being so much effort that it would be annoying to engage with for the qualified posters. Any feedback is appreciated.

>> No.15947825

There's always >>>/r/reddit

>> No.15947826

Is fun allowed on your website? If you only want serious math talk just stay on stackexchange.

>> No.15947829

LMAO such a website already exists and im part of it but won't say what it is
BRAINLETS keep losing lol

>> No.15947832

Problem isn't that. Problem is narcissists. You can have quite a worthwhile and eclectic accessible admixture of a social hub that includes plenty of self-aware idiots, and a lot of people like teaching what they're interested in. The problem is not some IQ threshold the problem is narcissistic personality disorder and their terminally online negative behaviors amplifying the worst in everything.

If you don't believe me go look at just about any "high IQ society" or how dead mathchan and every other attempt at the same thing is. Meanwhile you can see how narcissists perpetuate the worst of the internet on twitter, trolls on here, or represent with profoundly stupid anti-science beliefs like flat earth, anti-vaccination, etc. You cut those people out, the people who get off on being manipulative whether "trolling" or otherwise, and you'll have a fantastic community.

Of course the reason why that isn't so easy is what I guess you can call the "flying monkey" problem. People like having narcissists around when the narcissist is bolstering what they want to believe and precisely because they're pathologically well practiced in trying to fuck with people. That is also a social dynamic you can witness where everyone will agree the person is fucked in the head and miserable to be around, and that exact same community of people will cheer on whenever a target they don't like is the one chosen.

So yeah good luck dealing with that problem. Very few people are self aware enough to realize having an "attack dog" championing your ideas in bad faith is a super fucking bad idea.

>> No.15947865

Are you the same faggot who posted these threads back in 2021?

>> No.15947869

>science makes me uncomfortable therefore it's /pol/
go back

>> No.15947876

Fun would be allowed

>> No.15947885

Seriously, what got your panties in a twist this time? The thread about the new covid strain? Vatnik spam on /k/?

>> No.15947956

Same with /his/ and /an/ and other “innocent” boards lmao this website is silly

>> No.15947959

Almost like reality has a right wing bias

>> No.15947964
File: 18 KB, 474x474, 246573.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15947967

/pol/ and /sci/ have one thing in common: they value facts and logic.

>> No.15947968

I have a math BS getting an MS and am probably behind some of this boogeyman /pol/ posting. It's not going away with these filters

>> No.15947996

These threads wouldn't happen if the mods stopped sucking Putin's cock to do their unpaid job now and then.

Thesedays, 99% of 4chan is just bots anyway though.

>> No.15947999

Yeah no shit retard this is a right-wing website. If you want Marxism-infused "science" you can go literally everywhere else.

>> No.15948001

Sounds like mathchan. Well, it relies on notation so it also filters out people who aren't interested in math. Which is fair, considering the site name.

>> No.15948007

4chan is a psyop website kept running by feds and jews, to radicalize retards and spread disinfo.