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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 6 KB, 225x225, dylandance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15946991 No.15946991 [Reply] [Original]

Pic rel is a physicist that started coding at the age of 12 that built his own VPN and AI service:
Meanwhile I have accomplished nothing. Is it all due to genes? Look at his credentials. He obviously mogs you in every single way:

>> No.15946998
File: 103 KB, 640x827, Leonhard_Euler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic rel is the greatest mathematician of all time

>> No.15947000
File: 333 KB, 350x482, image121025072855.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15947007
File: 413 KB, 1200x1680, 1 mdpetItjWfBaeCNFHW0U3Q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic rel won a gold medal in math Olympiad at the age of 16
got his PhD in math at the age of 24
solved the Poincaré conjecture at the age of 37

>> No.15947010

This guy is way above average, bordering on chadness

>> No.15947028

math on its own is a pointless and useless abstraction, nobody intelligent becomes a mathematician

>> No.15947050

He's ugly as shit

This guy invented nothing and rehashed existing and established money grabbing schemes after the hard work of innovating from nothing and creating an efficient pedagogy had already been done by those with multiple SD's of g over what he has. No one gives a shit and he will never make the history books.

>> No.15947154

yea i looked into his stuff, hes a dropout. he only happened to be a coder and looked good at the same time. he knew what he was doing, and he knows how to sell himself. Le "I got a 93/100 on my thesis"

>> No.15947156
File: 512 KB, 1873x934, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For someone who prides themselves on coding they sure have shitty formats and dont even care to make it visually appealing

>> No.15947732

>react videos galore
Yeah he’s frustratingly good looking but he clearly has an ego

>> No.15947866

Euros have a high IQ and are the best looking race.

>> No.15947892

extremely handsome man

>> No.15948021

That's the Hallmark if a good coder dumbass.
>Visually Appealing
Logic like that is what makes the web so slow and unusable. Bunch of dummies who passed some coding boodcamp in three months earning $250k a year on some startup webdev company.

>> No.15948039

Not surprising that a sign of physical fitness often translates into mental fitness too

>> No.15948341

Attractive women get better options and choose more intelligent males, those that choose less intelligent males get less intelligent better looking offspring, this is the common chad who does common work. Ofcourse, the attractive women that choose intelligent men get more resources due to this intelligent male's resources. Intelligent male knows how to use resources better and becomes more attractive due to resource management and good health.

This perpetuates constantly until brilliant men become better looking and so on.

>> No.15948369

>Is there a scientific reason why Chads are smarter
I can clearly tell you're dumb just by the way you're phrasing the question. Garbage thread.

>> No.15948411

Clearly a grifter, a smart one I will give you that, but still a grifter.

>> No.15948414

>Please note the QAL VPN website and platform (Platform) and the information contained on the Platform (including any artificial intelligence generated recommendations, information or data insights made available to you) (Insights) are provided for general information purposes only, and on an "as is" basis. The Insights are intended only to provide general information on the data uploaded by you, and we make no representation that any information produced by the Platform is accurate or up-to-date. If you choose to make use of the Insights, you do so at your own risk. To the extent permitted by law, we do not assume any responsibility or liability, and you waive and release us from all responsibility or liability, arising from or connected with your use or reliance on the Insights provided by the Platform. It is your sole responsibility to determine the accuracy, suitability, reliability and usefulness of the Platform and the Insights provided by the Platform. We recommend you seek domain expertise from a qualified professional (for example an engineering professional in the relevant field) to verify the accuracy, suitability, reliability and usefulness of the Insights produced by the Platform.

>> No.15948775

true. People cope believing that pretty people are at least dumb. But what else can you do. Know the truth that someone whois good lucking also smarter then you. That's too much to bear.

>> No.15949673
File: 19 KB, 220x293, hideous kike.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>People cope believing that pretty people are at least dumb.
They're taught that lesson in the jewish media they consume. Jews are all hideous and they take out their jealous of people who aren't ugly by using their media monopoly slanderously

>> No.15949691

I bet he has a cute little penis

>> No.15949885

But Matthew Wieners opus Mad Men was mostly about prejudice against good looking people, and wasp worship....

>> No.15950461

so great he was killed in a stupid duel over a woman

>> No.15950498

The greatest simp of all time

>> No.15950641

if the body is assembled correctly then that usually means the brain is doing its job ergo mens agitat molem

>> No.15950644

woah this guy is literally me except i am going to a better uni

>> No.15950651

I bet he is vain and egotistical as fuck

>> No.15950652
File: 106 KB, 1024x1018, 1703929642666741m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brain is biological. A well functioning body is strong and attractive. Being intelligent is a function of biology.

Of course, wasting your life in academia thinking of abstraction is not that attractive compared to getting laid and making money to most people.

>> No.15950662

He had like twenty fucking children, some of which went on to become mathematicians themselves. His descendants are still around today.
I’ve met a lot of gorgeous dumbasses anons. It’s kind of a stereotype.

Look at the Jews; they’re all hideous and yet they scored like twenty percent of all Nobel laureates despite numbering around ten million. They also have more cases of mental illness or just mental weirdness. The brainiest people on the planet, pound-for-pound, are a bunch of goblins.

>> No.15950668

nepotism and rigging statistics in your favor isnt intelligence, just clever tricks. Tigers have claws and teeth, birds of prey eyesight and talons. Humans have deceit and trickey. A human that preys on other humans would rely on tricks, but that doesnt make them smart, just predatory.

>> No.15950682
File: 413 KB, 918x543, IMG_0281.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rigging statistics
Dumbass. Do you also think white people (including white Jews) weren’t responsible for the overwhelming majority of scientific achievements?

>> No.15950696


>nepotism and rigging statistics in your favor isnt intelligence, just clever tricks.

Antisemite cope, lol. How is this any different from "white people keeping black man down due to racism"?

>> No.15950701

I’ve found it’s only to a point that looks can correlate, and it’s not true that it always applies. 145 and higher I see a sharp refutation of your statement. 160 and it’s a boneheaded quip.

>> No.15950744

how about the systemic neglect of inner city mayors and state governors of the housing developments created for that demographic? what about the correlation of water quality in low income neighborhoods and crime? what about the only food products available in those areas being filled with various chemicals known to destroy the gut biome as well as cause endocrine and nervous system dysfunction? what about the centuries long eugenics program to create strong but mentally docile slaves? tyrone may have his own genetic dispositions, but the powers that be exploited him and then pointed their finger at the other demographic they exploited. malcolm x figured this out, which is why he was killed. Keeping people ignorant of truth is not a sign of intelligence, just a clever trick. Grooming progeny into certain fields such as law or medicine so that those institutions are insidiously ensnared by the ingroup agenda is not intelligence, its just clever tricks. Do you need some form of intelligence to make it in those fields? Sure. But what if you corrupt those fields over time to favor not only other members of your group but cater to psychopathic, sociopathic and narcisstic personalities as grand lapdogs to do your bidding? You get the current state of affairs. You can recoil now.

>> No.15950760

>makes the web so slow and unusable
It loads a giant image on every single page to be loaded.
Also, if you look at the origin of the image, it says it's from images.squarespace-cdn.com. He's made the site using an online drag and drop site builder. He doesn't give a shit about efficiency.
Using something like squarespace is possibly the worst thing you can do for efficiency. Even the 3 month bootcamp dummies would have made it more efficient.

>> No.15950849

You are noting him cause he is usual. Stephen Hawking looking like a shell less turtle or a particularly weak lizard, is the norm. I am this dude. I looked like the school bully and was in "gifted and talented" classes all through school. The other 29 kids out of the 400 in that class looked like bags of recessive genes. Being ugly endorses their intellect in a runaway effect, generationally. Their parents were ugly too. There were like 4 or 5 upper middle class looking kids, maybe 3 girls, two males, who ran "cross country", so even then at the pussy end of sport. And these weren't particularly attractive kids either. Just that yuppie over confidence with good hair and weak bone structure. Meanwhile every year they were begging me to play football.

>> No.15950882


>> No.15950935

That "clever tricks" are intelligence?

>> No.15951131

deception or lies are not intelligence is I think what he was getting at

>> No.15951151

>He had like twenty fucking children
According to wikipedia, he had 13 children, and only 5 survived childhood.

>> No.15951239

this board is fucked

>> No.15951912

>reeeeeee I hate /sci/
so go somewhere else

>> No.15951959

A statistical outlier. They exist and it is frustrating to be relatively inadequate


>> No.15952089
File: 2.01 MB, 2554x1270, Screenshot 2024-01-02 at 12.34.28.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Look at his credentials
>dropped out of his bachelor's honours year
(or did he? list item 1 says he completed an honours year in 2017, item 2 says he dropped out of one in 2020? do students study multiple honours years in Australia?)
>got admitted to a PhD anyway
>dropped out of PhD
>instead makes some "AI powered" websites where you can put different paint on your car or something
>probably just making some openai API calls
>shitty design, overlapping text, immediate prompt to enable notifications
I'm not impressed.

>> No.15952772

And I was getting at "of course they are"....

>> No.15952802

He supports transgenders.

>> No.15953461

Thats based

>> No.15953464

You have to, if you want to become a successful businessman

>> No.15953477

You don't need to be the best to gave a decent life at any given time, it is impressive to not be an under average already. This guy in particular looks good but has quite a few flaws. So fuck off.

>> No.15953486

Die, you piece of shit

>> No.15953551
File: 124 KB, 1067x535, photo_2023-01-30_22-12-58.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15954299 [DELETED] 


>> No.15954432

Cornell is ivy league and Dolph dropped out before even completing one semester at MIT. Bill also worked in stem for 9 years(Boeing!) before getting in to entertainment, meanwhile Dolph worked 0 years in stem, choosing to be Grace Jone's concubine before getting in to entertainment where his most famous role ever has him speaking 9 lines. I'm only mad because I can't stand Dolph Lundgren simps, I don't much care for Bill.

>> No.15954851

I like how there's not one study posted here and instead anons are just posting a few individual smart people who were also attractive and pretending that proves anything. The average IQ of this board is unironically no higher than 115.

>> No.15954988

>its true
oh no

>> No.15955510

He got molested by his professors that's why he "dropped" out