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15946825 No.15946825[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.15946828

He said its too white because the conditions for humandoids or even a human to exists in that galaxy far far away is extremely unlikely. For that matter, he's saying the conditions for the particular humanoids to be white is even more extremely unlikely. He's just making fun of the idea that aliens out there are not exactly white Americans, even if the stars maybe

>> No.15946830

I'm only really good at medical microbiology and pharmacology, anon. I have never been outspoken like that unless it's about the vileness of Jews.

>> No.15946832


>> No.15946834

>unless it's about the vileness of Jews.
An ongoing problem indeed.

>> No.15946836

TIL Carl Sagan was a Jew.

>> No.15946845

Was he?

>> No.15946872

yeah but picking out logical problems in a sci fi movie is shooting fish in a barrel. why hone in on this?

>> No.15946875

they asked him first.

>> No.15946879

Most people didn't think of these stuff back then.

If you had someone explain to you all the "obvious" problems, then we wouldn't have any of those problems in this world. The point is, people don't think about these when watching the movie. They believe aliens to be humans, white americans. Its not just people back then 50 years go, but people still do these today. Out of mental laziness.

If people pay attention to these common logical issues, then scifi movies wouldnt be enjoyable. The suspension of disbelief is the key driver in enjoying dumb scifi movies, not because we do it manually, but because we're naturally like that, and the movies are there to take advantage of our brain to lead you through the emotional ups/downs to make your brain confused.

>> No.15946894

The problem isnt Sagan, smart people or scientists, here, the problem is obviously the clipmonkeys who take a short clip and quote and use it to clickbait and misrespresent people.

>> No.15947283

>i am sooo smart an insightful
>everyone else is soooo dumb
actually you're an insufferable twat, just as OP suggests.

>> No.15947342

Sagan was a pseudoscientist and a media figure. He had no real scientific accomplishments of note.

>> No.15947353

Show me a nigger on the moon, until then, your fantasy slave fiction is a historically inaccurate portrayal. Besides, a hundred generations in the space mines will pale any color.

>> No.15947553

That's absolutely retarded. If his gripe were with aliens looking like humans, he would have said so. Saying "too white" carries a different meaning entirely.

>> No.15948214

no it doesn't you're just a chud

>> No.15948222
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>> No.15948267

The humans in Star Wars are literally humans. They're called humans and are in every way functionally humans. Because it's a fantasy story. Sagan was just ummm ackshuallying. He was just as bad as Smoke DeGrass Tyson.

The dude repeated and popularized stupid myths like that of Hypatia and muh Library of Alexander, which /r/atheism has been jerking off to ever since. I don't give him the benefit of the doubt.

>> No.15948270

>myths like... muh Library of Alexander

>> No.15948275

There was never one singular Library of Alexandria. The libraries in Alexandria were not destroyed in a single event. They almost certainly did not contain unique, special knowledge that would have saved the world from the so-called dark ages or anything silly like that.

>> No.15948277

he wasn't a "nerd" or a "smart person", he was a kike propagandist made and kept relevant by pop culture for the purpose of spreading cultural marxism. he was the boomers' equivalent of Bill Nye / NDT.
the problem is not "nerds" or "smart people".

>> No.15948281

How else do you think he was lauded by the 'media' and given a TV presence.
Just the usual nepotism.

>> No.15948285

I'm very outspoken and blunt about things I'm an expert on.

>> No.15948762

You're a flaming narcissist and consider yourself an expert as a result of your extremely narcissistic personality rather than because of any demonstrated ability

>> No.15948796

>Contributed nothing technical to the Voyager missions
This checks out

>> No.15949686

nerds have repulsive personalities and nobody wants to be around them

>> No.15949729
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Imagine picking on Carl...
All fields

>> No.15949805
File: 2.72 MB, 1435x963, Screenshot 2024-01-01 at 00-36-59 image.jpg (Image WEBP 1656 × 1060 pixels).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he's saying the conditions for the particular humanoids to be white is even more extremely unlikely.
If any human gets to colonize the galaxy, it is most likely to be white people. Who else ?

>> No.15949866
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>proceeds to take over society and reclassify itself as human before conquering the stars

Nothing personal fleshman

>> No.15949881

Carl was a Satanist. His murders didn't total to zero.

>> No.15949906

Can't believe no one else brought of the stoner and talking dolphin shit yet....

Or likable smart people.....no one here has ever been accused?

>> No.15950759

Imagine not figuring out by now that your heroes were picked for you by people who hate you

>> No.15950787

But why do they hate you?

>> No.15951014

because we're Amalek and meant to be in servitude to them

>> No.15951266

Is that internalized torah?

>> No.15951268
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>> No.15951295

Yes but "white" in the parlance of the day meant "black". Like how bad used to mean good. Unless someone was saying bad but meant bad then it meant bad but otherwise it meant good or possibly actually bad but you could also assume in some cases good if you didn't think the thing being called bad was bad but was actually not bad.

>> No.15951300

Wasn't Sagan jewish?

>> No.15951378

What did this guy even accomplish? Blah blah apple pie from scratch, invent the universe. He was a hack.
Werner von Braun and Oppenheimer laughing in a fictional hellscape.

>> No.15951380
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Holy shit.

>> No.15951382

Look. At. That. Dot.

avg color, blue

>> No.15951393
File: 140 KB, 413x960, Feminist_And_Muslims.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Liberal progressive feminist early that it was only the conservative Christian straight males that they could openly attack and NOT suffer any consequences.
The very group that built and maintains the economy/society that they enjoy is the ONE group they know will not attack them because they CHOOSE not to.
This is why the hate and fear NAZI so much, because they actually struck back.

>> No.15951396

yeah I'm sure it wouldn't have occurred to anyone else there to take a picture of the fucking earth from the voyager 1.
$1000 says someone else originally suggested it and they attributed it to Carl.

>> No.15951399

seen it so often that I can only agree with your observation
much how academia is just students being the slave of the phd, the phd being the slave prof and in the paper your are mentioned last.

>> No.15951408

Sagan was okay but he lead the path for the next generation of insufferable TV (pseudo)scientists
>neils degrasse tyson
>michio kaku

>> No.15951472

>michio kaku
>theoretical physicist
>string theory

>> No.15951490

What does "qrd" mean?

>> No.15951491

It's not dunning krueger, but there is a similar phenomenon where people very smart (or just very celebrated in a certain field) believe themselves to be smart in any kind of field. And they're so used to being held up in rarefied airs that the idea of being humble eludes them. Astrophysics? I'd want to listen to Sagan. Anything else? Probably not.

>> No.15951499

quick run down

>> No.15951518

>Astrophysics? I'd want to listen to Sagan.
why, he was a failure in his own field. he wouldn't have ended up as a TV pitchman if he was a successful astrophysicist, he would have been too busy doing astrophysics to have a career in television if he wasn't a failure in his own field of choice.

>> No.15951623

no u

>> No.15951633

extremely jewish name

>> No.15951768

Because they remind you that you're a dumb faggot and don't know shit.

>> No.15951774
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>Because they remind you that you're a dumb faggot and don't know shit.

>> No.15951784

I think he mean there too much white in the movie like the storm troop

>> No.15951836

>Early life
>He later discussed his family being Reform Jews
It's creepy you don't even have to double check anymore, you just know

>> No.15952804

If you message is correct, it shouldn't matter your delivery, true. But if you are so self satisfiedly smug or just grating, you should be smart enough to know how you come off.

You know that stereotype would never use that language...which is why going nuclear is unsulation against being toothless....middle logic says....

>> No.15952809

being right makes a person unpopular

>> No.15953640

they're like that as a result of delusional grandiosity instigated by narcissistic personality disorders.
if they were genuinely intelligent then they would be able to figure out how to get their point across without being repulsive. as it is, their odiousness negates their attempts at communication, which in turn demonstrates that they're dumb

>> No.15953644

characteristic of people in the 110-130 range. smart enough to be a know-it-all but not smart enough to figure out how to filter themselves so everyone doesn't hate them. there are also geniuses who are just too autistic or schizo to ever possibly bridge the gap with normies though.

>> No.15953698

don't forget the Giordano Bruno myth

>> No.15954401

I've seen this exact comment like three times now

>> No.15954545

Dumb Sagan, self-hating juu. Doesn't he realize Star Wars itself is loaded with jewish symbolism(and therefore not white)?

>> No.15954969

>Smoke DeGrass Tyson

>> No.15955706
File: 216 KB, 1280x720, israel iq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jews are low IQ, thats why they can't do science.
sagan was a failure as a scientist, he ended up as a tv shill because his attempt at being a scientist didn't pan out

>> No.15956275

If you are a little bit above the fray, let's say 110, you are in the rabble, constantly brusking up against people you are better than, it goes to your head. You are smarter than most people you meet. But when you enter smarty world, you are a peon. Worse yet, they can think of themselves as the soldius between average dummies, and totally disconnected ivory tower circle jerk unrealistic eggheads (above 130), which they are. So and a narcissistic personality disorder and yes: Steve Jobs.

What's that?

>low IQ
Since when? They can have 110 on average. They they are so statistically insignificant as a racial group, it's like they don't exist. If they envison themselves as "the brain" of the races, or a master race, they are only embarrassing themselves by the end result being how shitty everything humans touch. And supposedly only pull them into parity with asians at 110, and if you draw a circle of nationalism of only the Chinese so they can have some oneness (even with 58 ethnic groups), at 1.4 billion, and China is a abject disaster, jews are just some pathetic mouse that thinks they are in driving. BUT, like a mouse, however smart, as a pilot of anything, we are doomed.

This. The bottom, bottom end of that being business bros. The old "smart enough to be dangerous".

In summation. Everyone is an asshole, and collectivism is the definition of weakness, so the room on to race, more and more.....

>> No.15957254
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>> No.15957670

when you need to explain what his plain words mean, odds are you are lying.

>> No.15957684

>They can have 110 on average
they can't, they have low iq just like any other middle eastern race

>> No.15958055

Carl Sagan was a kike. Kikes despise white European Caucasians with ever fiber of their being.

>> No.15958065

Jesus fuck you are retarded. You are like a prepubescent boy who just became sentient. Fucking dimwit