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15943319 No.15943319 [Reply] [Original]

i am a full professor in particle physics physics. in this thread i invite you to ask me any questions you might have about (particle) physics. i am eagerly waiting to discuss with you all the fascinating topics you will select.

Sent from my iPhone

>> No.15943343

Why hasn't there been any progress on understanding the reasons for wave-particle duality?

>> No.15943347

What's your favorite particle?

>> No.15943348


this is an excellent question. there is no such thing as wave-particle duality. these are man made concepts and both light and matter have no obligation to submit to manmade concepts. light behaves like light and matter behaves like matter. hope i helped.


>> No.15943353

What do you do exactly to make the world a better place for you and for me and entire human race?

>> No.15943354

my research focuses on the majoron, the only particle i have developed feelings for.


>> No.15943359

Explain the spontaneous symmetry breaking mechanism involving the Majoron field. How is it different from the Higgs mechanism?

>> No.15943363

for me: i cook for myself, i work out, i wake up early and i live in peace and harmony with the nature around me

for you: there is a high chance you read one of my books on account of its popularity and usefulness otherwise, nothing because i do not know you

for the entire human race: oppose israel (illegitimate state)


>> No.15943385

That doesn't help at all. And now I know you're a faggot/troll.
Why do particles act like a wave or a particle under different circumstances?
Shouldn't they act the same regardless?

>> No.15943388
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I've always wondered why people who must absolutely understand the exponential function don't speak up more about the absolutely suicidal economic/population growth ponzi corporate scumbags use to get their pay checks.
Is it out of fear or are they simply psychotic like your average million dollar bonus ceo?

>> No.15943397

I will explain you in terms that a faggot retard like you can understand:
There is no such thing as girth-length duality, a penis is just a penis.

>> No.15943401

hi. this is a fascinating question. lets unwrap it bit by bit. i have also attached 2 references that you might find interesting.
to begin with, the spontaneous symmetry breaking mechanism is associated with the violation of lepton number conservation. in this scenario, an additional scalar field, the majoron, is introduced to the standard model of particle physics (wilczek et al., 1978, see below). the majoron field is thus linked with the spontaneous breaking of lepton number symmetry, leading to the generation of mass for neutrinos (chikashige et al., 1981, again, see below). so as a summarization, unlike the higgs mechanism, responsible for imparting mass to particles through interactions with the higgs field, the majoron mechanism operates in the domain of neutrino masses and lepton number violation. neutrinos acquire mass through interactions with this majoron field.
in the majoron mechanism, the vacuum state is not invariant under lepton number transformations, leading to the emergence of the field. this non-conservation of lepton number is simply a fundamental aspect of the theory and plays a crucial role in the mass generation for neutrinos.
the chikashige reference (the 2nd one below) further elaborates on the theoretical underpinnings, discussing the dynamics and conditions under which lepton number symmetry is spontaneously violated. briefly put, the symmetry breaking occurs as a natural consequence of the theoretical framework, where the vacuum state transitions to a state with lower symmetry, leading to the manifestation of the majoron field and affecting neutrino masses.

1. Wilczek, F. (1978). Problem of Strong P and T Invariance in the Presence of Instantons. Physical Review Letters, 40(5), 279–282.
2. Chikashige, Y., Mohapatra, R. N., & Peccei, R. D. (1981). Are There Real Goldstone Bosons Associated with Broken Lepton Number? Physics Letters B, 98(3), 265–268.


>> No.15943403
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since everyone knows that all university stem professors fuck dogs, tell us when the last time you fucked a dog was. give us a detailed description of the process

>> No.15943405

Spoken like a faggot with a small dick, who has never had sex with a tight pussy.

>> No.15943411


>> No.15943418

hi. i thought the answer to this remark you're making would be trivial, but it's nevertheless excellent that you're bringing it up. there are no stupid questions.

the result of young's double slit experiment/the arago-poisson-fresnel spot and that of the photoelectric effect experiment shall not be interpreted as incongruous. they are experiments that reveal the different characteristics of this highly complex entity - in this case, light. the light/wave dichotomy is entirely human made. the experiments do not contradict themselves, they work differently and thus reveal different sides of the same coin. any mature discussion that aims to characterize light and matter accepts the non-intuitive nature of the two that is revealed through experiment. your intuition is built by classical mechanics and it's expected for it to break down outside the capabilities of cm.


>> No.15943423

Your lack of response to this says quite a lot. Anyway, it is good that at least you're not willing to flat out lie.

>> No.15943427

hi. first i would like you to keep it civil. secondly, zoophilia in academia is not unheard of, at least not for me. if you took a look at the state of affairs nowadays, pedophilia has become more and more accepted (think of maps outside of cartography) and zoophilia is the next step. i know of a lecturer from Saudi Arabia who is fond of goats. it's just the way it is, love is love and there appear to be no boundaries. it's not quite my competence, so keep it related to our main topic

please keep it civil


>> No.15943431

there is nothing for me to say. you already know enough about it. some (most) people don't. it's just the way it is, certain subjects are not worth covering

>> No.15943434

>certain subjects are not worth covering
You think humanity walking blind into calamity is not worth covering?
You do realize that the blame rests primarily with those prominent voices don't use their position to warn people, not the people themselves. You can't blame psychopaths for being psychopaths and you can't blame stupid people for being stupid, but you can absolutely blame those who are fully aware and choose to say nothing.

>> No.15943435

How are you enjoying the desert?

>> No.15943437

This is one possibility.
But it's also entirely possible that an experiment can be designed that explains why light behaves differently under that same circumstances.
We just don't have the technological ability to do this yet.

>> No.15943438

consider this as the divinity calling on you to speak up. i shall move on to other topics, this is once again outside my competence.


>> No.15943449

"AI" chatbot software

>> No.15943452


do you think negative energy exists? is it good candidate for dark matter? does anti-matter really go backward in time?

>> No.15943454

you're absolutely on the money. i think you are alluding to the delayed-choice quantum eraser. surely the advent of technology will reveal more about light and matter. my point was that the results of the two major experiments previously mentioned should not be thought of as contradictory

>> No.15943464

>this is once again outside my competence
this is outside of virtually no one's competence, most especially not yours. that is a bold faced lie.
so then you have answered as to whether the reason for your silence is out of fear or psychopathy.


>> No.15943476

i don't like it all that much, when I take my dog out "for a walk" theres very little cover to hide behind so I can fuck my dog without getting caught. my preference is for thickly wooded regions


>> No.15943477

hello. excellent questions.
negative energy arises on many occasions in both physics and chemistry, be it the negative enthalpy of an exothermic chemical process, the insufficient energy of a bound quantum state, or the contact made by the two plates in the casimir effect experiment (to name a few). however, i must say that concepts such as negative mass and implicitly negative rest energy are anathema to any discussion of physics grounded in common sense

with regard to matter going backward in time, that is but an interpretation attributed to the great feynman. i am sure you have heard of it already - antiparticles, within the mathematical formalism of qft, move backward in time. this has tremendous mathematical value, but does not imply time travel. it's just the result of pop sci polluting another concept that physicists already have the intuition and preparation to tackle properly, while the layman does not. it's just an interpretation. interestingly, both your questions have to do with interpretations


>> No.15943480

anyone, even your average lobotomy victim, can conclude i did not write that post by counting the number of posters carefully. i implore you, keep it civil


>> No.15943488

folx, going for a walk. heartfelt thanks to those who tuned in and kept it civil. to the toxic ones, i apologize on behalf of those who did an improper job educating you. i will organize a questions session at a later time.


>> No.15943489

whats not to hate about cowardly nerds

>> No.15943490
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yep, just replace the capital letters at the end of sentences and avoid the questions GPT can't answer

>> No.15943493

have a good time fucking your dog, dr. dogfucker

>> No.15943495

*at the beginning of sentences

>> No.15943497

so that was the point of the desert question? interesting... i could say i've never lived in the desert, but you'll protest saying my response is too late. just so you don't interject i cannot entertain hypotheticals - something that has obsessed quite a few people here - ill say that the desert of empathy, education, love and culture that is plaguing us nowadays brings me great displeasure

kind regards

>> No.15943596

No one has measured a photon.

>> No.15943739

>so that was the point of the desert question?
No, but it did confirm you're a LARPer.

>> No.15944007 [DELETED] 

also a dogfucker
all scientists are

>> No.15944917
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soiyence faggot got OWNED
just goes to show you that random 4chan posters are way smarter than professional soiyenturds

>> No.15945631

Its funny because its true

>> No.15945882
File: 365 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20231226-092748.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What happens to the wavelength of the probe beam for pic related?
Okay, but what about time reversal work in phase conjugation by Zel'dovich?

>> No.15945885

what would happen if you stuck your dick inside the particle accelerator?

>> No.15945932

Is it possible to decompose deuterium into twice as much hydrogen possible? Would it be endo or exo energy reaction?

>> No.15946024

Would you join a discord where we could ask you more often?

>> No.15946882


>> No.15948018
File: 2.52 MB, 384x896, 6257BF02-2AC4-4900-AE50-A5F3808282A7.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is The Big Bang Theory based on real life events? Do any of you dorks date a girl as hot as Kaley Cuoco?

>> No.15948331

Why can't we make gold? What makes it so special?

>> No.15948332

You can make gold via nuclear manipulation though?

>> No.15948475

Are eggs quantum particles? I know they’re made of a large number of actual particles but small numbers of particles can behave as one particle like in BEC, so for every egg there is a vanishingly small probability for all the wave functions in an egg to behave as one particle, so wouldn’t every egg be in some sense be a quantum particle? I ask because I live alone and I had an egg in a container in the fridge and it disappeared. I think it tunneled out of the fridge somehow.